IGTI 1990 Experimental Study of the Effect of Dense Spray on Drop Size Measurement by Light Scattering Technology J.S. Chin; W.M. Li; Y. Zhang 90-GT-001
IGTI 1990 The Use of 3D Viscous Flow Calculations in the Design and Analysis of Industrial Centrifugal Compressors M.V. Casey; P. Dalbert; P. Roth 90-GT-002
IGTI 1990 Energy Considerations in Twin-Fluid Atomization A.H. Lefebvre 90-GT-003
IGTI 1990 The Influence of Air/Fuel Ratio and Swirl Number on the Combustion Characteristics of a Model Combustor A.F. Bicen; D.G.N. Tse; J.H. Whitelaw 90-GT-004
IGTI 1990 Vibration Analysis of Cracked Turbine and Compressor Blades W. Ostachowicz; M. Krawczuk 90-GT-005
IGTI 1990 Experimental Study on Internal Mixing Sonic Flow Air Assist Atomizer for Heavy Oils J.S. Chin; L.X. Wang 90-GT-006
IGTI 1990 Experimental Evaluation of Sorbents for Sulfur Control in a Coal-Fueled Gas Turbine Slagging Combustor L.H. Cowell; C.S. Wen; R.T. LeCren 90-GT-007
IGTI 1990 Effect of Acceleration on the Heat Transfer Coefficient on a Film Cooled Surface H.D. Ammari; N. Hay; D. Lampard 90-GT-008
IGTI 1990 Influence of High Mainstream Turbulence on Leading Edge Film Cooling Heat Transfer A.B. Mehendale; J.C. Han 90-GT-009
IGTI 1990 The Influence of Curvature on Film Cooling Performance S.G. Schwarz; R.J. Goldstein; E.R.G. Eckert 90-GT-010
IGTI 1990 Advances in the Numerical Analysis of Linearized Unsteady Cascade Flows J.M. Verdon; W.J. Usab, Jr. 90-GT-011
IGTI 1990 Three-Dimensional Rotational Flow in Transonic Turbomachines: Part I-Solution Obtained By Using a Number of S1 Stream Filaments of Revolution and a Central S2 C.H. Wu; Z. Wang; H. Chen 90-GT-012
IGTI 1990 Three-Dimensional Rotational Flow in Transonic Turbomachines: Part II - Full 3D Flow in CAS Rotor Obtained by Using a Number of S1 and S2 STream Filaments C.H. Wu; X. Zhao; L. Qin 90-GT-013
IGTI 1990 Analysis of Unsteady Compressible Viscous Layers G.D. Powers; J.M. Verdon; K.A. Kousen 90-GT-014
IGTI 1990 Inviscid-Viscous Interaction Analysis of Compressor Cascade Performance M. Barnett; D.E. Hobbs; D.E. Edwards 90-GT-015
IGTI 1990 Rotating Cavity with Axial Throughflow of Cooling Air: Heat Transfer P.R. Farthing; C.A. Long; J.M. Owen; J.R. Pincombe 90-GT-016
IGTI 1990 Rotating Cavity with Axial Throughflow of Cooling Air: Flow Structure P.R. Farthing; C.A. Long; J.M. Owen; J.R. Pincombe 90-GT-017
IGTI 1990 Towards Improved Throughflow Capability: Use of 3D Viscous Flow Solvers in a Multistage Environment W.N. Dawes 90-GT-018
IGTI 1990 The Calculation of Three Dimensional Viscous Flow Through Multistage Turbines J.D. Denton 90-GT-019
IGTI 1990 Secondary Flow Measurements in a Turbine Cascade with High Inlet Turbulence D.G. Gregory-Smith; J.G.E. Clark 90-GT-020
IGTI 1990 Thee-Dimensional Wake Decay Inside of a Compressor Cascade and Its Influence on the Downstream Unsteady Flow Field. Part I: Wake Decay Characteristics in the F C. Poensgen; H.E. Gallus 90-GT-021
IGTI 1990 Three Dimensional Wake Decay Inside of a Compressor Cascade and Its Influence on the Downstream Unsteady Flow Field. Part II: Unsteady Flow Field Downstream of C. Poensgen; H.E. Gallus 90-GT-022
IGTI 1990 Service Temperature Estimation of Turbine Blades Based on Microstructural Observations J.M. Aurrecoechea; W.D. Brentnall; J.R. Gast 90-GT-023
IGTI 1990 Parametric and Numerical Study of Fully Developed Flow and Heat Transfer in Rotating Rectangular Ducts H. Iacovides; B.E. Launder 90-GT-024
IGTI 1990 Local Heat Transfer in Turbine Disk-Cavities. Part I: Rotor and Stator Cooling with Hub Injection of Coolant R.S. Bunker; D.E. Metzger; S. Wittig 90-GT-025
IGTI 1990 Local Heat Transfer in Turbine Disk-Cavities. Part II: Rotor Cooling with Radial Location Injection of Coolant R.S. Bunker; D.E. Metzger; S. Wittig 90-GT-026
IGTI 1990 Experimental Measurement of the Vortex Development Downstream of a Lobed Forced Mixer W.A. Eckerle; H. Sheibani; J. Awad 90-GT-027
IGTI 1990 Mixing of an Acoustically Excited Air Jet with a Confined Hot Crossflow P.J. Vermeulen; P. Grabinski; V. Ramesh 90-GT-028
IGTI 1990 Full Annular Rig Development of the FT8 Gas Turbine Combustor T.G. Fox; B.C. Schlein 90-GT-029
IGTI 1990 Status of Topping Combustor Development for Second Generation Fluidized Bed Combined Cycles R.V. Garland; P.W. Pillsbury 90-GT-030
IGTI 1990 Influence of a Shroud on Swirler Flow Fields H. Eroglu; N.A. Chigier 90-GT-031
IGTI 1990 The Effect of Swirl on the Velocity and Turbulence Fields of a Liquid Spray A. Brena De La Rosa; G. Wang; W.D. Bachalo 90-GT-032
IGTI 1990 A Computational Fluid Dynamics and Chemistry Model for Jet Fuel Thermal Stability J.L. Krazinski; S.P. Vanka; J.A. Pearce; W.M. Roquemore 90-GT-033
IGTI 1990 Chemical Composition of Exhaust from Aircraft Turbine Engines C.W. Spicer; M.W. Holdren; D.L. Smith; D.P. Hughes; M.D. Smith 90-GT-034
IGTI 1990 A Computational Procedure for Difuser-Combustor Flow Interaction Analysis K.C. Karki; V.L. Oechsle; H.C. Mongia 90-GT-035
IGTI 1990 Study of Internal Flows in a Mixed-Flow Pump Impeller at Various Tip Clearances Using 3-D Viscous Flow Computations A. Goto 90-GT-036
IGTI 1990 Mechanics on the Tip Clearance Loss of Impeller Blades Y. Senoo 90-GT-037
IGTI 1990 Mixing in Axial Flow Compressors: Part I-Test Facilities and Measurements in a Four-Stage Compressor Y.S. Li; N.A. Cumpsty 90-GT-038
IGTI 1990 Mixing Axial Flow Compressors: Part II Measurements in a Single Stage Compressor and a Duct Y.S. Li; N.A. Cumpsty 90-GT-039
IGTI 1990 Limit Cycle Vibration Analysis of a Long Rotating Cylinder Partially Filled with Liquid J. Colding-Jorgensen 90-GT-040
IGTI 1990 Heat Transfer and Aerodynamics of a High Rim Speed Turbine Nozzle Guide Vane Tested in the RAE Isentropic Light Piston Cascade (ILPC) S.P. Harasgama; E.T. Wedlake 90-GT-041
IGTI 1990 Navier-Stokes Analysis of Turbine Blade Heat Transfer R.J. Boyle 90-GT-042
IGTI 1990 Film Cooling Effectiveness Downstream of Single Row of Holes with Variable Density Ratio A.K. Sinha; D.G. Bogard; M.E. Crawford 90-GT-043
IGTI 1990 Gas Turbine Film Cooling: Flowfield Due to a Second Row of Holes A.K. Sinha; D.G. Bogard; M.E. Crawford 90-GT-044
IGTI 1990 Effects of Vortices with Different Circulations on Heat Transfer and Injectant Downstream of a Single Film-Cooling Hole in a Turbulent Boundary Layer P.M. Ligrani; C.S. Subramanian; D.W. Craig; P. Kaisuwan 90-GT-045
IGTI 1990 Effect of Incidence on Wall Heating Rates and Aerodynamics on a Film Cooled Transonic Turbine Blade C. Camci; T. Arts 90-GT-046
IGTI 1990 Fabrication and Development of Axial Silicon Nitride Gas Turbine Rotors G. Bandyopadhyay; K.W. French; D.J. Sordelet; K.D. Moergenthaler 90-GT-047
IGTI 1990 Design of Ceramic Gas Turbine Components G. Stuermer; M. Fundus; A. Schulz; S. Wittig 90-GT-048
IGTI 1990 Experimental Study of the Swirling Flow in the Volute of a Centrifugal Pump T. Elholm; E. Ayder; R. Van Den Braembussche 90-GT-049
IGTI 1990 Two Dimensional Potential Flow Analysis of a Laboratory Centrifugal Pump S.M. Miner; R.D. Flack; P.E. Allaire 90-GT-050
IGTI 1990 Turbulent Combustion Properties Behind a Confined Conical Stabilizer J.C. Pan; W.J. Schmoll; D.R. Ballal 90-GT-051
IGTI 1990 A Method for the Design of Optimum Annular Diffusers of Canted Configurations R.C. Adkins; M.H. Wardle 90-GT-052
IGTI 1990 Heat Transfer Measurements and Calculations in Transitionally Rough Flow M.H. Hosni; H.W. Coleman; R.P. Taylor 90-GT-053
IGTI 1990 Acoustic Design of Lightweight Gas Turbine Enclosures R.D. Rawlinson 90-GT-054
IGTI 1990 The Influence of Blade Lean on Turbine Losses S. Harrison 90-GT-055
IGTI 1990 Three-Dimensional Flow in an Axial Turbine. Part 1 - Aerodyanamic Mechanisms H.D. Joslyn; R.P. Dring 90-GT-056
IGTI 1990 Three-Dimensional Flow in an Axial Turbine. Part 2- Profile Attenuation H.D. Joslyn; R.P. Dring 90-GT-057
IGTI 1990 Recent Test Results in the Direct Coal-Fired 80 MW Combustion Turbine Program R.L. Bannister; P.W. Pillsbury; R.C. Diehl; P.J. Loftus 90-GT-058
IGTI 1990 Coal-Fueled Two-Stage Slagging Combustion Island and Cleanup System for Gas Turbine Application L.H. Cowell; A.M. Hasen; R.T. LeCren; M.D. Stephenson 90-GT-059
IGTI 1990 Announcing the LM1600 Marine Gas Turbine Module R. Latterman; C. Beiner 90-GT-060
IGTI 1990 Full Coverage Discrete Hole Film Cooling: The Influence of the Number of Holes and Pressure Loss G.E. Andrews; A.A. Asere; M.L. Gupta; M.C. Mkpadi; A. Tirmahi 90-GT-061
IGTI 1990 Numerical Investigation of the Three-Dimensional Field in the Near Hole Region of a Film Cooled Turbine Vane X. Coudray 90-GT-062
IGTI 1990 Thermogasdynamic Effects of the Engine Turbines with the Contra-Rotating Turbines Y.V. Sotsenko 90-GT-063
IGTI 1990 An Analysis of the Viscous Flow Through a Compact Radial Turbine by the Average Passage Approach J.D. Heidmann; T.A. Beach 90-GT-064
IGTI 1990 Performance Prediction of Subsonic Separated Cascades N. Yazigi; M.H. Charlier; G.A. Gerolymos; J. Chauvin 90-GT-065
IGTI 1990 Design Methodology For Splittered Axial Compressors Rotors K.L. Tzuoo; S.S. Hingorani; A.K. Sehra 90-GT-066
IGTI 1990 Application of an Inverse Design Procedure to Axial Compressor Blading M. Zedan; A.K. Sehra 90-GT-067
IGTI 1990 Three-Dimensional Prescribed Velocity Blade Row Design V. Molnar; F. Ridzon; V. Adame 90-GT-068
IGTI 1990 Gas Turbine Power Plant Possibilities with a Nuclear Heat Source-Closed And Open Cycle Variants C.F. McDonald 90-GT-069
IGTI 1990 Solar Dynamic CBC Power for Space Station Freedom W.B. Harper, Jr., R.V. Boyle; C.T. Kudija 90-GT-070
IGTI 1990 Combustion Performance of a Water-Injected MS7001E Gas Turbine Operating at a NOx Emission Level of 25 ppmvd D.O. Fitts; R.A. Symonds; E.R. Western 90-GT-071
IGTI 1990 Development of a New 25 MW High Efficiency Heavy-Duty Gas Turbine H-25 H. Urushidani; T. Sasada; M. Wada; K. Kawaike 90-GT-072
IGTI 1990 Aerodynamic Analysis of a Two Stage Transonic Compressor K.D. Broichhausen; P. Harster 90-GT-073
IGTI 1990 The Turbine Regime of a Rear Axial Compressor Stage V. Cyrus 90-GT-074
IGTI 1990 LDV Measurements of Turbulent Stresses in Radial Turbine Guide Vanes H. Eroglu; W. Tabakoff 90-GT-075
IGTI 1990 Viscous Flow Computations in Turbomachine Cascades P.A. Chevrin; C. Vuillez 90-GT-076
IGTI 1990 Viscous Flow Field Calculations in High-Loaded Centrifugal Compressor Diffusers I. Teipel; A. Wiedermann 90-GT-077
IGTI 1990 Gas Turbine Rotar Blade Film Cooling with and without Simulated NGV Shock Waves and Wakes M.J. Rigby; A.B. Johnson; M.L.G. Oldfield 90-GT-078
IGTI 1990 Development of Materials and Coating Processes for High Temperature Heavy Duty Gas Turbines S. Nakamura; Y. Fukui; M. Siga; Y. Kojima; S. Yamaguchi 90-GT-079
IGTI 1990 The LCF Behavior of Several Solid Solution Strengthened Alloys Used in Gas Turbine Engines S.K. Srivastava; D.L. Klarstrom 90-GT-080
IGTI 1990 Parametric Experiments on Coaxial Airblast Jet Atomization Z. Farago; N.A. Chigier 90-GT-081
IGTI 1990 Experimental Studies of Reactive and Non-Reactive Flows in Dump Combustors A.S. Nejad; S.A. Ahmed; L.A. Roe; R.S. Gabruk 90-GT-082
IGTI 1990 An Ultra-Low NOx Combustion SYstem for a 3.5 MW Industrial Gas Turbine C. Wilkes; H.C. Mongia, C.B. Santanam 90-GT-083
IGTI 1990 Further Development of an Improved Pulse, Pressure Gain, Gas Turbine Combustor J.A.C. Kentfield; L.C.V. Fernandes 90-GT-084
IGTI 1990 Experimental Evaluation of a Low Emissions, Variable Geometry, Small Gas Turbine Combustor K.O. Smith; M.H. Samii; H.K. Mak 90-GT-085
IGTI 1990 A Study of Isothermal Flow Past a Confined Bluff Body M.K.Y. Lai; M.V. D'Souza; I.G. Campbell; G.J. Smallwood; D.R. Snelling 90-GT-086
IGTI 1990 Ultra-Low NOx Rich-Lean Combustion N.K. Rizk; H.C. Mongia 90-GT-087
IGTI 1990 An Anlysis of Pressure Swirl and Pure Airblast Atomization C-P. Mao; S.G. Chuech; A.J. Przekwas 90-GT-088
IGTI 1990 Evaluation of a Catalytic Combustor in a Gas Turbine-Generator Unit S. Kajita; Y. Tanaka; J. Kitajima 90-GT-089
IGTI 1990 Flow Behavior in a Dump Diffuser with Distorted Flow at the Inlet S. Honami; T. Morioka 90-GT-090
IGTI 1990 Measuring Rotor and Blade Dynamics Using an Optical Blade Tip Sensor H.R. Simmons; K.E. Brewer; D.L. Michalsky; A.J. Smalley 90-GT-091
IGTI 1990 The Effect of a Turbulent Wake on the Stagnation Point Part I: Skin Friction Results D.E. Wilson; A.J. Hanford 90-GT-092
IGTI 1990 Model Adjustment of Small Rotors for High Speed Gas Turbines A. Delbez; D. Gay; B. Christian 90-GT-093
IGTI 1990 Concave-Wall Laminar Heat Transfer and Goertler Vortex Structure: Effects of Pre-Curvature Boundary Layer and Favourable Pressure Gradients R.I. Crane; H. Umur 90-GT-094
IGTI 1990 Prediction and Measurement of Film Cooling Effectiveness for a First-Stage Turbine Vane Shroud D. Granser; T. Schulenberg 90-GT-095
IGTI 1990 Development and Testing of an Axial Silicon Nitride Gas Turbine Rotor K.D. Moergenthaler; H. Hempel; L. Jungbauer; M. Stute; H. Wiest; K. Wunderlich 90-GT-096
IGTI 1990 Testing of Ceramic Components in the Daimler-Benz Research Gas Turbine PWT 110 M. Stute; H. Burger; M. Griguscheit; E. Holder; K.D. Moergenthaler; F. Neubrand; M. Radloff 90-GT-097
IGTI 1990 Reliability Analysis of Ceramics Using the Ceram Computer Program J. Lamon 90-GT-098
IGTI 1990 A Study on the Blade Shape Influence on Flow Distribution and Performance in Centrifugal Compressor Rotors R. Tuccillo; A. Senatore 90-GT-099
IGTI 1990 Recent Progress in Research Pertaining to Estimates of Gas-Side Heat Transfer in an Aircraft Gas Turbine R.W. Graham 90-GT-100
IGTI 1990 Low-Toxic Method of Fuel Firing in Gas Turbine Micro-Flame Combustors A.V. Sudarev 90-GT-101
IGTI 1990 Radial Swirlers with Peripheral Fuel Injection for Ultra-Low NOx Emissions H.S. Al Kabie; G.E. Andrews 90-GT-102
IGTI 1990 The Mechanism of Fouling and the Cleaning Technique in Application to Flow Parts of the Power Generation Plant Compressors A.D. Mezheritsky; A.V. Sudarev 90-GT-103
IGTI 1990 Cogeneration Plant Machinery Design for Maintenance and Reliability C.E. Zirkelback 90-GT-104
IGTI 1990 Calculating NH3 Slip for SCR Equipped Cogeneration Units C.M. Anderson; J.A. Billings 90-GT-105
IGTI 1990 Cogeneration Operating Experience Using Sixteen Industrial Grade Combustion Turbines R.M. Edgell; J.C. Henneforth 90-GT-106
IGTI 1990 Field Evaluation of On-Line Compressor Cleaning in Heavy Duty Industrial Gas Turbines G.L. Haub; W.E. Hauhe, Jr. 90-GT-107
IGTI 1990 Basic Analysis of Counter-Rotating Turbines R. Cai; G. Fang; W. Wu 90-GT-108
IGTI 1990 Forcing Function Effects on Rotor Periodic Aerodynamic Response S.R. Manwaring; S. Fleeter 90-GT-109
IGTI 1990 Experimental and Computed Performance Characteristics of High Speed Silicon Nitride Hybrid Ball Bearings G.W. Hosang 90-GT-110
IGTI 1990 Assessment of Hot Gas Cleanup Technologies in Coal-Fired Gas Turbines E.L. Parsons, Jr.; H.A. Webb; C.M. Zeh 90-GT-111
IGTI 1990 Combined Cycle Enhancement H. Jericha; F. Hoeller 90-GT-112
IGTI 1990 Design of Robust Controllers for Gas Turbine Engines D.E. Moellenhoff; S.V. Rao; C.A. Skarvan 90-GT-113
IGTI 1990 Effect of Particle Size Distribution on Particle Dynamics and Blade Erosion in Axial Flow Turbines W. Tabakoff; A. Hamed; M. Metwally 90-GT-114
IGTI 1990 Determination of Cycle Configuration of Gas Turbines and Aircraft Engines by Optimization Procedure Y. Tsujikawa; M. Nagaoka 90-GT-115
IGTI 1990 Introduction to the Basic Technology of Stealth Aircraft. Part 1: Basic Considerations and Aircraft Self-emitted Signals-(Passive Considerations) D. Howe 90-GT-116
IGTI 1990 Introduction to the Basic Technology of Stealth Aircraft Part 2: Illumination by the Enemy-Active Considerations D. Howe 90-GT-117
IGTI 1990 SNECMA M88 Engine Development Status J.C. Corde 90-GT-118
IGTI 1990 EJ200 - The Engine for the New European Fighter Aircraft R.J. Lane; J. Behenna 90-GT-119
IGTI 1990 Laminar Boundary Layer Interaction with an Unsteady Passing Wake D.E. Paxson; R.E. Mayle 90-GT-120
IGTI 1990 The Effect of Incident Wake Conditions on the Mean Heat Transfer of an Airfoil K. Dullenkopf; A. Schulz; S. Wittig 90-GT-121
IGTI 1990 Dynamic Control of Centrifugal Compressor Surge Using Tailored Structures D.L. Gysling; J. Dugundji; E.M. Greitzer; A.H. Epstein 90-GT-122
IGTI 1990 Active Stabilization of Centrifugal Compressor Surge J.E. Pinsley; G.R. Guenette; A.H. Epstein; E.M. Greitzer 90-GT-123
IGTI 1990 Investigation of the Flow at the Exit of an Unshrouded Centrifugal Impeller and Comparison with the "Classical" Jet-Wake Theory K.-H. Rohne; M. Banzhaf 90-GT-124
IGTI 1990 Integrity Assessments of Components in the Creep Range R.K. Penny; M.A. Weber 90-GT-125
IGTI 1990 Analytical & Experimental Simulation of Fan Blade Behaviour & Damage Under Bird Impact H.C. Teichman; R.N. Tadros 90-GT-126
IGTI 1990 Tip Leakage Flow in Axial Compressors J.A. Storer; N.A. Cumpsty 90-GT-127
IGTI 1990 Centrifugal Compressor Impeller Aerodynamics (an Experimental Investigation) H.D. Joslyn; J.J. Brasz; R.P. Dring 90-GT-128
IGTI 1990 Wake Measurements and Loss Evaluation in a Controlled Diffusion Compressor Cascade R.P. Shreeve; Y. Elazar; J.W. Dreon; A. Baydar 90-GT-129
IGTI 1990 Similarity Behavior in Transitional Boundary Layers Over a Range of Adverse Pressure Gradients and Turbulence Levels J.P. Gostelow; G.J. Walker 90-GT-130
IGTI 1990 Rim Seal Experiments and Analysis for Turbine Applications W.A. Daniels; B.V. Johnson; D.J. Graber; R.J. Martin 90-GT-131
IGTI 1990 The Effects of Wake Mixing on Compressor Aerodynamics R.P. Dring; D.A. Spear 90-GT-132
IGTI 1990 Unsteady Radial Transport in a Transonic Compressor Stage P.A. Kotidis; A.H. Epstein 90-GT-133
IGTI 1990 Pressure Losses in Combining Subsonic Flows Through Branched Ducts N.I. Abou-Haidar; S.L. Dixon 90-GT-134
IGTI 1990 Computation of Heat Transfer in Rotating Cavities Using a Two-Equation Model of Turbulence A.P. Morse; C.L. Ong 90-GT-135
IGTI 1990 A Numerical Study of the Influence of Disc Geometry on the Flow and Heat Transfer in a Rotating Cavity B.L. Lapworth; J.W. Chew 90-GT-136
IGTI 1990 More on the Turbulent-Strip Theory for Wake-Induced Transition R.E. Mayle; K. Dullenkopf 90-GT-137
IGTI 1990 Heat Transfer Measurements in Rectangular Channels with Orthogonal-Mode Rotation W.D. Morris; G. Ghavami-Nasr 90-GT-138
IGTI 1990 Cogenerative, Direct Exhaust Integration of Gas Turbines in Ethylene Production D.H. Cooke; W.D. Parizot 90-GT-139
IGTI 1990 Design and Testing of a Controlled Diffusion Airfoil Cascade for Industrial Axial Flow Compressor Application W. Steinert; B. Eisenburg; H. Starken 90-GT-140
IGTI 1990 Cooling-Air Injection into Secondary Flow and Loss Fields Within a Linear Turbine Cascade A. Yamamoto; Y. Kondo; R. Murao 90-GT-141
IGTI 1990 The Role of Primary Jets in the Dome Region Aerodynamics of a Model Can Combustor C.D. Richards; G.S. Samuelsen 90-GT-142
IGTI 1990 Design and Development of a Research Combustor for Lean Blowout Studies G.J. Sturgess; D.G. Sloan; A.L. Lesmerises; S.P. Heneghan; D.R. Ballal 90-GT-143
IGTI 1990 Jet Shear Layer Turbulent Diffusion Flames for Ultra-Low NOx Emissions A.F. Al-Shaikhly; G.E. Andrews; C.O. Aniagolu 90-GT-144
IGTI 1990 Industrial RB211-15 Years of History and Development P.E. Soinne; R.J. Stephens 90-GT-145
IGTI 1990 Impeller Flow Field Measurement and Analysis J.R. Fagan; S. Fleeter 90-GT-146
IGTI 1990 The Influence of Inlet Swirl Distortions on the Performance of a Jet Propulsion Two-Stage Axial Compressor W. Pazur; L. Fottner 90-GT-147
IGTI 1990 Turbine Preliminary Design Using Artificial Intelligence and Numerical Optimization Techniques S.S. Tong; B.A. Gregory 90-GT-148
IGTI 1990 On The Leading Edge: Combining Maturity and Advanced Technology on the F404 Turbofan Engine S.F. Powel, IV 90-GT-149
IGTI 1990 Assessment of Unsteady Flows in Turbines O.P. Sharma; G.F. Pickett; R.H. Ni 90-GT-150
IGTI 1990 Compressor Drum Aerodynamic Experiments nd Analysis with Coolant Injected at Selected Locations B.V. Johnson; W.A. Daniels; E.J. Kawecki; R.J. Martin 90-GT-151
IGTI 1990 The Development of Axial Turbine Leakage Loss for Two Profiled Tip Geometries Using Linear Cascade Data J.P. Bindon; G. Morphis 90-GT-152
IGTI 1990 Similarity Analysis of Compressor Tip Clearance Flow Structure G.T. Chen; E.M. Greitzer; C.S. Tan; F.E. Marble 90-GT-153
IGTI 1990 Prediction of Tip-Leakage Losses in Axial Turbines M.I. Yaras; S.A. Sjolander 90-GT-154
IGTI 1990 Experimental and Numerical Investigation of Three-Dimensional Viscous Flows and Vortex Motion Inside an Annular Compressor Blade Row H.E. Gallus; H.D. Schulz; C. Hah 90-GT-155
IGTI 1990 Rotating Waves As A Stall Inception Indication in Axial Compressors V.H. Garnier; A.H. Epstein; E.M. Greitzer 90-GT-156
IGTI 1990 Detection of a Rotating Stall Precursor in Isolated Axial Flow Compressor Rotors M. Inoue; M. Kuroumaru; T. Iwamoto; Y. Ando 90-GT-157
IGTI 1990 Passive Control of Unstable Characteristics of a High Specific Speed Diagonal-Flow Fan by an Annular Wing K. Kaneko; M. Inoue; T. Setoguchi 90-GT-159
IGTI 1990 Essential Ingredients for the Computation of Steady and Unsteady Blade Boundary Layers H.M. Jang; J.A. Ekaterinaris; M.F. Platzer; T. Cebeci 90-GT-160
IGTI 1990 Secondary Flow and Loss Distribution in a Radial Compressor with Untwisted Backswept Vanes G. Sipos 90-GT-161
IGTI 1990 Second Generation Low-Emission Combustors for ABB Gas Turbines: Burner Development and Tests at Atmospheric Pressure Th. Sattelmayer; M.P. Felchlin; J. Haumann; J. Hellat; D. Styner 90-GT-162
IGTI 1990 Repowering of Thermal Power Plants by Means of a Closed Cycle MHD Topper O. Bellofatto; C.A. Borghi 90-GT-163
IGTI 1990 Flexibility amd Adaptability of Closed Brayton Cycles Associated with Low Power Level Space Nuclear Heat Sources Z.P. Tilliette; F.O. Carre; E. Proust 90-GT-164
IGTI 1990 Rolling Wear of Silicon Nitride Bearing Materials J.W. Lucek 90-GT-165
IGTI 1990 Performance of Silicon Nitride (Si3N4) Components in Aerospace Bearing Applications F.J. Ebert 90-GT-166
IGTI 1990 The F109-GA-100 Engine Designed Specifically for Trainer Use H.F.W. Maertins; T.W. Bruce 90-GT-167
IGTI 1990 The Particle-Wall, Normal-Inmpact Collision Coefficient in the Presence of a Liquid Film D.P. Georgiou; G. Paleos 90-GT-168
IGTI 1990 Coal Mineral Matter Transformation During Combustion and Its Implications for Gas Turbine Blade Erosion S. Rajan; J.K. Raghavan 90-GT-169
IGTI 1990 A GCC Power Plant with Methanol Storage for Intermediate-Load Duty J.A. Paffenbarger 90-GT-170
IGTI 1990 Second-Law Analysis of Fluidized-Bed Steam Generators G. Bidini; C. Grimaldi; G. Manfrida 90-GT-171
IGTI 1990 Stealth Aircraft-History Technology and Outlook Part 2: Future Programs and Prospects B. Sweetman 90-GT-172
IGTI 1990 A Simple and Reliable Combustion System B.Becker; F. Bonsen; G. Simon 90-GT-173
IGTI 1990 Combustor Exit Temperature Distortion Effects on Heat Transfer and Aerodynamics Within a Rotating Turbine Blade Passage S.P. Harasgama 90-GT-174
IGTI 1990 Unsteady Heat Transfer Measurements on a Rotating Gas Turbine Blade M.A. Hilditch; R.W. Ainsworth 90-GT-175
IGTI 1990 Technical and Other Considerations for the Selection of Inlet Air Filtration Systems for High-Efficiency Industrial Combustion Turbines C.H. Goulding; M.G. Rasmussen; F.M. Fritz, Jr. 90-GT-176
IGTI 1990 A New Air Filtration System Concept for Space Limited Applications and Retrofits L. Cuvelier; M.D. Belcher 90-GT-177
IGTI 1990 Large "Single Blade" Diverters and Beyond R.N. Heller; A.F. Squirrell; T.H. Hearnden; R.G. Allshouse 90-GT-178
IGTI 1990 Direct Heat Cogeneration Applications for Kaolin Producers J.P. Hill 90-GT-179
IGTI 1990 Improvements in Incinerators by Means of Gas Turbine Based Cogen Systems I.T. Wiekmeijer 90-GT-180
IGTI 1990 Energy Conservation with Catalytic Cracking in the Refinery Y.S.H. Najjar 90-GT-181
IGTI 1990 Operating Experience in Refinery Application of the 13MW Heavy Duty MF-111 Gas Turbine Engine J. Masada; I. Fukue 90-GT-182
IGTI 1990 Lubrication Oil Reservior Mist Elimination R.D. Belden 90-GT-183
IGTI 1990 A Comparison of Forming Technologies for Ceramic Gas-Turbine Engine Compenents R.R. Hengst; D.N. Heichel; J.E. Holowczak; A.P. Taglialavore; B.J. McEntire 90-GT-184
IGTI 1990 Fabrication of ATTAP Ceramic Turbine Components R.W. Ohnsorg; J.E. Funk; H.A. Lawler 90-GT-185
IGTI 1990 Developments in Injection Molding Silicon Nitride Turbine Components J. Neil; G. Bandyopadhyay; D.J. Sordelet; F.M. Mahoney 90-GT-186
IGTI 1990 A Contribution to Designing a Radial Flow Gas Turbine Stage F.S. Bhinder 90-GT-187
IGTI 1990 Transient Performance and Behaviour of Gas Turbine Engines G. Torella 90-GT-188
IGTI 1990 Flight Development of the RTM 322 Engine P. Sewell; P.E. Scears 90-GT-189
IGTI 1990 An Analytical Approach to Reliability Failure Forecasting and Product Quality J.L. Byers 90-GT-190
IGTI 1990 Probabilistic Analysis of Mistuned Bladed Disks: A Combined Closed Form-Perturbation Approach M.P. Mignolet; K.R. Christensen 90-GT-191
IGTI 1990 VATEMP: The Variable Area Turbine Engine Matching Program J.E.A. Roy-Aikins; J.R. Palmer 90-GT-192
IGTI 1990 Advanced Sequential Linearization for Real Time Simulation of a Marine Gas Turbine D.L. Smith; S.D. Metz 90-GT-193
IGTI 1990 Control System Design-Gas Turbine Machinery: The Use of a Corporate Model for Control System Design S. Girolami 90-GT-194
IGTI 1990 New Generation of the Small Turboshaft and Turboprop Engines in the U.S.S.R. B.A. Ponomariov 90-GT-195
IGTI 1990 A Small Gas Turbine for Drone Aircraft-Design Philosophy J.R. Barbosa; A.S. Takeda; J.F.C. Monteiro; M.T. Mendonca; K.W. Ramsden 90-GT-196
IGTI 1990 Gas Turbine with Intermediate Heat Exchanger for Flight Application J. Shapiro; A. Levy 90-GT-197
IGTI 1990 A Fully Compressible Three Dimensional Inverse Design Method Applicable to Radial and Mixed Flow Turbomachines M. Zangeneh; W.R. Hawthrone 90-GT-198
IGTI 1990 The Application of Active Magnetic Bearings to a Power Turbine G.E. Brailean; W.M. Grasdal; V. Kulle; C.P. Oleksuk; R.A. Peterson 90-GT-199
IGTI 1990 Development of Corrosion Resistant Coatings for Marine Gas Turbine Applications B.A. Nagaraj; D.J. Wortman; A.F. Maricocchi; J.S. Patton; R.L. Clarke 90-GT-200
IGTI 1990 Laser Surface Melting of Thermally Sprayed Coatings and Effects on the Erosion Behaviours of Coatings J.S. Sun 90-GT-201
IGTI 1990 Innovations in Refurbishing Gas Turbine Components C.F. Walker; J.S. Cosart 90-GT-202
IGTI 1990 Design and Performance Features of the Marine LM1600 Gas Turbine J.M. Thames; H.B. Stueber; C.T. Vincent 90-GT-203
IGTI 1990 Garrett's Turboshaft Engines and Technologies for 1990's T.D. Pyle; D.R. Aldrich 90-GT-204
IGTI 1990 Analytical Statistics of Forced Response of a Mistuned Bladed Disk Assembly in Subsonic Flow S. Chen; A. Sinha 90-GT-205
IGTI 1990 High Temperature Corrosion Resistance of Mechanically Alloyed Products in Gas Turbine Environments G.D. Smith; J.J. Fischer 90-GT-206
IGTI 1990 An Experimental Investigation of Loss Reduction with Riblets on Cascade Blade Surfaces and Isolated Airfoils F.Chen; Y.P. Tang; M.Z. Chen 90-GT-207
IGTI 1990 Effects of Surface Roughness, Freestream Turbulence, and Incident Angle on the Performance of a 2-D Compressor Cascade W.C. Elrod; P.I. King; E.M. Poniatowski 90-GT-208
IGTI 1990 The Interaction Between the Axial Compressor and the Downstream Distorting Component G.C. Tang 90-GT-209
IGTI 1990 An Investigation of the Dynamic Characteristic of Axial Flow Compressors G.C. Tang; B. Hu; H.M. Zhang 90-GT-210
IGTI 1990 Basic Features of Speed Induced Transient Behaviour of Axial Flow Compressors G.C. Tang 90-GT-211
IGTI 1990 Flowfield Calculation in Compressor Operating with Distorted Inlet Flow H. Joubert 90-GT-212
IGTI 1990 Centrifugal Compressor Impeller Aerodynamics (A Numerical Investigation) D.J. Dorney; R.L. Davis 90-GT-213
IGTI 1990 Measured and Predicted Effects of Inlet Distortion on Axial Compressors J.P. Longley 90-GT-214
IGTI 1990 Inlet Flow Distortion Effects on Rotating Stall J. Fortin; W.C. Moffatt 90-GT-215
IGTI 1990 Experimental Investigation of the Stalled Flow in a Centrifugal Pump-Turbine with Vaned Diffuser M. Ubaldi; P. Zunino 90-GT-216
IGTI 1990 Flow Visualization in a Simulated Brush Seal M.J. Braun; R.C. Hendricks; V. Canacci 90-GT-217
IGTI 1990 Wake Mixing Improvements in a Linear Compressor Cascade with Crenulated Trailing Edges J.L. Veesart; P.I. King; W.C. Elrod; A.J. Wennerstom 90-GT-218
IGTI 1990 Heat Transfer from a Rotating Disc G.H. Dibelius; M. Heinen 90-GT-219
IGTI 1990 Industrial Design Optimization of Small and Large Size Axial Turbines A. Massardo; A. Satta 90-GT-220
IGTI 1990 The Effect of Low Reynolds Number on Straight Compressor Cascades J. Citavy; J. Jilek 90-GT-221
IGTI 1990 A Boundary Layer Transition Correlation For Concave Surfaces F. Hachem; M.W. Johnson 90-GT-222
IGTI 1990 Aerothermal Boundary Layer Computation Including Strong Viscous-Inviscid Flow Interaction P. Kulisa; F. Leboeuf; P. Klinger; J. Bernard 90-GT-223
IGTI 1990 An Engine Demonstration of Active Surge Control J.E. Ffowcs Williams; W.R. Graham 90-GT-224
IGTI 1990 Analysis of Experimental Time-Dependent Blade Surface Pressures from an Oscillating Turbine Cascade with the Influence Coefficient Tehcnique T.H. Fransson 90-GT-225
IGTI 1990 Numerical Prediction of Film Cooling Effectiveness and the Associated Aerodynamic Losses with a Three-Dimensional Calculation Procedure G.H. Dibelius; R. Pitt; B. Wen 90-GT-226
IGTI 1990 Prediction of the Aerodynamic and Thermal Environment in Turbines L.W. Griffin; K.A. Belford 90-GT-227
IGTI 1990 Vortex Control Over End Wall Flow in Compressor Cascades Y.P. Tang; M.Z. Chen 90-GT-228
IGTI 1990 Energy Exchange and Secondary Losses Prediction in High Speed Axial and Radial Compressors J.K. Kaldellis; P.D. Ktenidis; D.E. Kodossakis 90-GT-229
IGTI 1990 An Interactive System to Integrate the Design, Analysis, and Manufacture of Centrifugal Compressor Impellers J.E. Crouse; J.M. Sorokes 90-GT-230
IGTI 1990 The Effect of Backswept Blading on the Flow in a Centrifugal Compressor Impeller T.Z. Farge; M.W. Johnson 90-GT-231
IGTI 1990 Unsteady Velocity-and Turbulence Measurements with a Fast Response Pressure Probe G. Ruck; H. Stetter 90-GT-232
IGTI 1990 Flow Investigation in a Small High Speed Impeller Passage Using Laser Anemometry N.A. Ahmed; R.L. Elder 90-GT-233
IGTI 1990 A Prediction of 3-D Viscous Flow and Performance of the NASA Low-Speed Centrifugal Compressor J. Moore; J.G. Moore 90-GT-234
IGTI 1990 Three Dimensional Design of a High-Speed Radial Inflow Turbine by a Novel Design Method M. Zangeneh 90-GT-235
IGTI 1990 Boundary Layer and Navier-Stokes Analysis of a NASA Controlled-Diffusion Compressor Blade Y.K. Ho; G.J. Walker; P. Stow 90-GT-236
IGTI 1990 Semi-Inverse Design of Compressor Cascades Including Supersonic Inflow A. Kirschner; H. Stoff 90-GT-237
IGTI 1990 Developments Leading to an Axial Flow compressor for a 25MW Class High Efficiency Gas Turbine Y. Kashiwabara; Y. Katoh; H. Ishii; T. Hattori; T. Sasada; Y. Matsuura 90-GT-238
IGTI 1990 On the Design of Magnetic Suspension Systems A. Sinha 90-GT-239
IGTI 1990 Development of a Compact, Lightweight Magnetic Bearing C.R. Meeks; V. Spencer 90-GT-240
IGTI 1990 CT7-6: The Most Recent T700 Growth Derivative Engine P.L. Kastrinelis; W.E. Lightfoot 90-GT-241
IGTI 1990 T407/GLC38: A Modern Technology Powerplant M.J. Zoccoli; D.D. Klassen 90-GT-242
IGTI 1990 Derivative T406 Based Turbofans for Advanced Trainers R.E. Riffel; T.F. McKain 90-GT-243
IGTI 1990 Gas Turbine Engine Test Cell Modeling D. Salinas; E.E. Cooper 90-GT-244
IGTI 1990 T406 Engine Development Program J.R. Arvin; M.E. Bowman 90-GT-245
IGTI 1990 Effects of Chordwise Displacement and Nonrigid Section Deformation on Unsteady Aerodynamic Response of Subsonic and Supersonic Oscillating Cascades M. Namba; K. Toshimitsu 90-GT-246
IGTI 1990 Design of Shroud Interface-Angle to Minimize the Forced Vibrations of Blades J.H. Wang; H.L. Yau 90-GT-247
IGTI 1990 Development of Silicon Nitride Engine Components for Advanced Gas Turbine Applications J.P. Pollinger; B.J. Busovne, Jr. 90-GT-248
IGTI 1990 Relationship Between Feedstock Characteristics and Erosivity of FBC Bed Materials A.V. Levy; B.Q. Wang; G.Q. Geng 90-GT-249
IGTI 1990 Options in Gas Turbine Power Augmentation Using Inlet Air Chilling I.S. Ondryas; D.A. Wilson; M. Kawamoto; G.L. Haub 90-GT-250
IGTI 1990 Potential Applications of Structural Ceramic Composites in Gas Turbines W.P. Parks, Jr. R.R. Ramey; D.C. Rawlins; J.R. Price; M. Van Roode 90-GT-251
IGTI 1990 Optimizing Aircraft Performance with Adaptive Integrated Flight Propulsion Control R.H. Smith; J.P. Chisholm; J.F. Stewart 90-GT-252
IGTI 1990 Influence of Periodically Unsteady Wake Flow on the Flow Separation in Blade Channels G.H. Dibelius; E. Ahlers 90-GT-253
IGTI 1990 Heat Transfer Characteristics of Turbulent Flow in a Square Channel with Angled Discrete Ribs S.C. Lau; R.D. McMillan; J.C. Han 90-GT-254
IGTI 1990 An Experimental Investigation of Nozzle-Exit Boundary Layers of Highly Heated Free Jets J. Lepicovsky 90-GT-255
IGTI 1990 Experimental Performance of a Heat Flux Microsensor J.M. Hager; S. Simmons; D. Smith; S. Onishi; L.W. Langley; T.E. Diller 90-GT-256
IGTI 1990 Development of an Efficient Oil Film Damper for Improving the Control of Rotor Vibration S. Zhang; L. Yan 90-GT-257
IGTI 1990 Laser Velocimeter Measurements in a Centrifugal Pump with a Synchronously Orbiting Impeller R.J. Beaudoin; S.M. Miner; R.D. Flack 90-GT-258
IGTI 1990 Temporally and Spatially Resolved Flow in a Two-Stage Axial Compressor Part I - Experiment R.C. Stauter; R.P. Dring; F.O. Carta 90-GT-259
IGTI 1990 A Zonal Approach for Navier-Stokes Computations of Compressible Cascade Flow Fields Using a TVD Finite Volume Method M. Furukawa; M. Yamasaki; M. Inoue 90-GT-260
IGTI 1990 Prediction of Cascade Performance Using an Incompressible Navier-Stokes Technique G.V. Hobson; B. Lakshminarayana 90-GT-261
IGTI 1990 Inviscid and Viscous Solutions for Airfoil/Cascade Flows Using a Locally Implicit Algorithm on Adaptive Meshes C.J. Hwang; J.L. Liu 90-GT-262
IGTI 1990 Detailed Boundary Layer Measurements on a Transonic Turbine Cascade D.J. Mee; N.C. Baines; M.L.G. Oldfield 90-GT-263
IGTI 1990 An Examination of the Contributions to Loss on a Transonic Turbine Blade in Cascade D.J. Mee; N.C. Baines; M.L.G. Oldfield; T.E. Dickens 90-GT-264
IGTI 1990 An Experimental Study of the Effects of Liquid Properties on the Breakup of a Two-Dimensional Liquid Sheet B.E. Stapper; W.A. Sowa; G.S. Samuelsen 90-GT-265
IGTI 1990 Evaluating Thermographic Phosphors in an Operating Turbine Engine B.W. Noel; H.M. Borella; W. Lewis; W.D. Turley; D.L. Beshears; G.J. Capps; M.R. Cates; J.D. Muhs; K.W. Tobin 90-GT-266
IGTI 1990 Advanced Technology Programs for Small Turboshaft Engines: Past, Present, Future E.T. Johnson; H. Lindsay 90-GT-267
IGTI 1990 Status of the Industrial Applications of the Active Magnetic Bearings Technology M. Dussaux 90-GT-268
IGTI 1990 Transient Stress Response of a Turbine Blade under Non-Linear Damping Effects J.S. Rao; N.S. Vyas 90-GT-269
IGTI 1990 Generalized High Speed Simulation of Gas Turbine Engines N. Sugiyama 90-GT-270
IGTI 1990 Considerations for the Use of Variable Geometry in Gas Turbines J.E.A. Roy-Aikins 90-GT-271
IGTI 1990 Enhanced On-Line Machinery Condition Monitoring through Automated Start-up/Shutdown Vibration Data Acquisition R.G. Harker; G.W. Handelin 90-GT-272
IGTI 1990 Aero/Aeroderivative Engines: Internal Transducers Offer Potential For Enhanced Condition Monitoring and Vibration Diagnostics M.J. Werner 90-GT-273
IGTI 1990 Transient control of an Expander Driven Generator in an FCCU Application J. Sorokes; H.A. Kidd 90-GT-274
IGTI 1990 Control System Retrofit Completes 10 Years of Gas-Turbine Reliability Enhancements A.A. Kohlmiller; W.B. Piercy 90-GT-275
IGTI 1990 Correlated Fuel Property Effects on an F402-RR-406A (Pegasus) Engine Combustor H.C. Low; C.J. Scott; A. Veninger 90-GT-276
IGTI 1990 Air Blast Atomization as a Function of Pressure Loss for Large Air Flow Rates U.S. Abdul Hussain; G.E. Andrews 90-GT-277
IGTI 1990 Economic Considerations of Aircraft Turbines Manufacturing J.J. Alonso 90-GT-278
IGTI 1990 Unburned Hydrocarbon, Volatile Organic Compound, and Aldehyde Emissions from General Electric Heavy-Duty Gas Turbines R.E. Pavri; R.A. Symonds 90-GT-279
IGTI 1990 Effects of Gas Turbine Combustor Geometry Variation on Pollutant Emission Using a Multi-Annular, Telescopic, Swirl Combustor V. Motevalli 90-GT-280
IGTI 1990 Procedures for Shape Optimization of Gas Turbine Disks T.C. Cheu 90-GT-281
IGTI 1990 Marine Support Concepts for Aero Derivative Turbine Engines C.E. Curry; P.W. Keppel 90-GT-282
IGTI 1990 Design Considerations in the Development of a 38MW Gas Turbine Cogeneration Facility A.D. Hall; W.E. Hauhe, Jr. 90-GT-283
IGTI 1990 Modification of a General Electric 7001B Turbine for Increased Reliability by Using 7001E Parts D.K. Prugger; W.J. McDermott 90-GT-284
IGTI 1990 Full Coverage Impingement Heat Transfer at High Temperatures R.A.A. Abdul Husain; G.E. Andrews 90-GT-285
IGTI 1990 Free Convection Phenomena in a Ribbed Wall N.S. Maravegias; D.P. Georgiou; D.D. Papiliou 90-GT-286
IGTI 1990 FT8A, A New High Performance 25 MW Mechanical Drive Aero Derivative Gas Turbine A. Prario; H. Voss 90-GT-287
IGTI 1990 Offshore Experience of the LM2500 Gas Turbine R.B. Spector; L.S. Cimino 90-GT-288
IGTI 1990 RB211 Development and Experience with TransCanada Pipelines P.J. Handy; L.A. Cooke; D.J. Pethrick 90-GT-289
IGTI 1990 Operating Experiences of the First LM1600 Installation A.L. Braun; S.R. Price 90-GT-290
IGTI 1990 User Experience in Upgrading Early Models of Aero Derived Gas Turbine Pipeline Compressor Units to Current Standards L.J. Williams; D.J. Pethrick 90-GT-291
IGTI 1990 Natural Gas Compressor Station Noise Abatement Systems G.P. Pappas 90-GT-292
IGTI 1990 Material Issues for PFBC Expander Turbines J. Stringer 90-GT-293
IGTI 1990 Reconstruction of Individual Aerodynamic Performance Stage Characteristics from Multistage Compressor L. Sapiro 90-GT-294
IGTI 1990 The Rolls-Royce Turbomeca Adour - The Optimum Trainer Engine M. Ferguson 90-GT-295
IGTI 1990 Testing at the U.S. Navy's Gas Turbine Systems Engineering Complex J.H. Preisel 90-GT-296
IGTI 1990 Why an Engine Air Particle Separator (EAPS)? J.T. Potts, Jr. 90-GT-297
IGTI 1990 Laser Two-Focus Anemometry Investigation of the Flowfield within a Supersonic Axial I. Trebinjac; A. Vouillarmet 90-GT-298
IGTI 1990 Temporally and Spatially Resolved Flow in a Two-Stage Axial Compressor. Part II: Computational Assessment K.L. Gundy-Burlet; M.M. Rai; R.C. Stauter; R.P. Dring 90-GT-299
IGTI 1990 A Technique for Measuring Convective Heat Transfer at Rough Surfaces Z. Wang; P.T. Ireland; T.V. Jones 90-GT-300
IGTI 1990 Measurement and Calculation of End Wall Heat Transfer & Aerodynamics on a Nozzle Guide Vane in Annular Cascade N.W. Harvey; T.V. Jones 90-GT-301
IGTI 1990 3D Flow Analysis in a Linear Cascade Using a Navier-Stokes Finite Element Code J.F. Combes; J.P. Chabard; B. Metivet 90-GT-302
IGTI 1990 A Comparison of Zero and One Equation Turbulence Modelling for Turbomachinery Calculations W.N. Dawes 90-GT-303
IGTI 1990 Dawes and Denton Codes Applied to a Transonic Compressor Rotor T.W. Von Backstroem 90-GT-304
IGTI 1990 ATTAP/AGT 101-Year 2 Progress in Ceramic Technology Development J.R. Kidwell; L.J. Lindberg; R.E. Morey 90-GT-305
IGTI 1990 Ceramic Small Gas Turbine Technology Demonstrator T. Bornemisza 90-GT-306
IGTI 1990 Closed Brayton Cycle Engine Application to Emerging Unmanned Underwater Vehicle Missions A.D. Harper; J.S. Jansen 90-GT-307
IGTI 1990 Second-Generation Low-Emission Combustors for ABB Gas Turbines: Test Under Full-Engine Conditions M. Aigner; A. Mayer; P. Schiessel; W. Strittmatter 90-GT-308
IGTI 1990 'Recycling' of Gas Turbines from Obsolete Aircraft J.M. Morquillas; P. Pilidis 90-GT-309
IGTI 1990 Nozzle Guide Vane Shock Wave Propagation and Bifurcation in a Transonic Turbine Rotor A.B. Johnson; M.L.G. Oldfield; M.J. Rigby; M.B. Giles 90-GT-310
IGTI 1990 Numerical Prediction of Turbine Profile Loss L. Xu; J.D. Denton 90-GT-311
IGTI 1990 Overtip Pressure Measurements in a Cold-Flow Turbine Rig R.C. Kingcombe; I.M. Smith; R.V. Steeden 90-GT-312
IGTI 1990 Experimental Analysis Data on the Transonic Flow Past a Plane Turbine Cascade M. Stastny; P. Safarik 90-GT-313
IGTI 1990 Off-Design Performance of a Linear Cascade of Turbine Blades B. Tremblay; S.A. Sjolander; S.H. Moustapha 90-GT-314
IGTI 1990 The Assumed Mode Method in Structural Dynamics of Bladed-Disk-Shaft Systems N. Khader; S. Masoud 90-GT-315
IGTI 1990 Fatigue Strength Enhancement Using Shape Memory Alloy Bushings E.R. Buchanan; R.B. Celin 90-GT-316
IGTI 1990 An Evaluation of Waspaloy Expander Blade Tip Weld Repairs D.W. Cameron 90-GT-317
IGTI 1990 Chemical Stripping of Honeycomb Airseals. Overview & Update Z. Galel; F. Brindisi; D. Nordstrom 90-GT-318
IGTI 1990 Platinum Modified Aluminides-Present Status J.S. Smith; D.H. Boone 90-GT-319
IGTI 1990 Evaluation of a 50,000 HP Marine Gas Turbine for Use in Future U.S. Navy Surface Ships C.B. Franks; J.R. White; J.C. Ness 90-GT-320
IGTI 1990 Gas Turbine Powered Blue Riband Winner R. Allen; T.B. Lauriat 90-GT-321
IGTI 1990 Accelerated Mission Tests and Reliability Improvement of F3-30 Engine H. Yanagihara; A. Tateno 90-GT-322
IGTI 1990 RAMSCRAM - A Flexible Ramjet/Scramjet Engine Simulation Program L.A. Burkhardt; L.C. Franciscus 90-GT-323
IGTI 1990 Non Invasive Measurement of Strain and Temperature by Neutron Diffraction T.M. Holden; J.H. Root; D.C. Tennant; D.E. Kroeze; D. Leggett 90-GT-324
IGTI 1990 The Influences of Fintube Characteristics on the and Operation of Waste Heat Recovery Boilers (W.H.R.B.) Behind Turbines P.A. Desmet 90-GT-325
IGTI 1990 Active Control Application to a Model Gas Turbine Combustor J. Brouwer; B.A. Ault; J.E. Bobrow; G.S. Samuelsen 90-GT-326
IGTI 1990 High Turning Limit and Jet Like Profiles in Secondary Flow Field of Axial Turbines J.K. Kaldellis; P.D. Ktenidis 90-GT-327
IGTI 1990 Steady-State Analysis of a Nonlinear Rotor-Housing System Y.B. Kim; S.T. Noah 90-GT-328
IGTI 1990 An Investigation of Convective Heat Transfer in a Rotating Circular Coolant Channel J.O. Medwell; W.D. Morris; J.Y. Xia; C. Taylor 90-GT-329
IGTI 1990 Influence of High Rotational Speeds on the Heat Transfer and Discharge Coefficients in Labyrinth Seals W. Waschka; S. Wittig; S. Kim 90-GT-330
IGTI 1990 Heat Transfer in Rotating Serpentine Passages with Smooth Walls J.H. Wagner; B.V. Johnson; F.C. Kopper 90-GT-331
IGTI 1990 An Experimental Investigation of Heat Transfer in an Orthogonally Rotating Channel Roughened with 45 Degree Criss-Cross Ribs on Two Opposite Walls M.E. Taslim; L.A. Bondi; D.M. Kercher 90-GT-332
IGTI 1990 Turbine Tip and Shroud Heat Transfer D.E. Metzger; M.G. Dunn; C. Hah 90-GT-333
IGTI 1990 Film Cooling in the Presence of Mainstream Pressure Gradients A.J.H. Teekaram; C.J.P. Forth; T.V. Jones 90-GT-334
IGTI 1990 A Comparative Evaluation of Advanced Combined Cycle Alternatives O. Bolland 90-GT-335
IGTI 1990 An Algorithm and Criteria for Compressor Characteristics. Real Time Modeling and Approximation A.M. El-Gammal 90-GT-336
IGTI 1990 A New Method of Predicting the Performance of Gas Turbine Engines Y. Wang 90-GT-337
IGTI 1990 Airframe/Propulsion Integration at Transonic Speeds W.P. Henderson 90-GT-338
IGTI 1990 Fault Detection and Diagnosis in Gas Turbines G. Merrington; O-K. Kwon; G. Goodwin; B. Carlsson 90-GT-339
IGTI 1990 A Controlled System for a High-Quality Generating Set Equipped with a Two-Shaft Gas Turbine H. Kumakura; T. Matsumura; E. Tsuruta; A. Watanabe 90-GT-340
IGTI 1990 Fast Response Wall Pressure Measurement as a Means of Gas Turbine Blade Fault Identification K. Mathioudakis; A. Papathanasiou; E. Loukis; K. Papiliou 90-GT-341
IGTI 1990 Simulation of Aircraft Gas Turbine Engines I.H. Ismail; F.S. Bhinder 90-GT-342
IGTI 1990 Computational Fluid Dynamic Applications for Jet Propulsion System Integration R.H. Tindell 90-GT-343
IGTI 1990 Dynamic Simulation of Compressor Station Operation Including Centrifugal Compressor and Gas Turbine K.K. Botros; P.J. Campbell; D.B. Mah 90-GT-344
IGTI 1990 Combined Cycle Plants with Frame 9F Gas Turbines P. Lugand; C. Parietti 90-GT-345
IGTI 1990 The Use of Semi-Conductor Sensors for Blade Surface Pressure Measurement in a Model Turbine Stage R.W. Ainsworth; A.J. Dietz; T.A. Nunn 90-GT-346
IGTI 1990 Corrosion and Degradation of Ceramic Particulate Filters in Direct Coal-Fired Turbine Applications J.W. Sawyer; R.J. Vass; N.R. Brown; J.J. Brown, Jr. 90-GT-347
IGTI 1990 A Proposed Method for Assessing the Susceptibility of Axial Compressors to Fouling F. Seddigh; H.I.H. Saravanamuttoo 90-GT-348
IGTI 1990 Control Systems for Turbo Expanders in Pressure Reduction Service T.H. Barmby; A. Cleveland 90-GT-349
IGTI 1990 MS3002 Advanced Tech Upgrade Application and Operating Experience C.M. Grondahl; M.E. Guiler 90-GT-350
IGTI 1990 A Computer Method for Thermal Power Cycle Calculation E. Perz 90-GT-351
IGTI 1990 Mixing in Axial-Flow Compressors: Conclusions Drawn from 3-D Navier-Stokes Analyses and Experiements J.H. Leylek; D.C. Wisler 90-GT-352
IGTI 1990 The Aerodynamic and Mechanical Performance of a High Pressure Turbine Stage in a Transient Wind Tunnel A.G. Sheard; R.W. Ainsworth 90-GT-353
IGTI 1990 High Speed Compressor Surge with Application to Active Control A.M. Cargill; C. Freeman 90-GT-354
IGTI 1990 Endwall Losses and Flow Unsteadiness in a Turbine Blade Cascade L. Adjlout; S.L. Dixon 90-GT-355
IGTI 1990 An Experimental Study of Local Wall Shear Stress, Surface Static Pressure and Flow Visualization Upstream, Alongside and Downstream of a Blade Endwall Corner A.K. Abdulla; R.K. Bhargava; R. Raj 90-GT-356
IGTI 1990 Engine Performance Monitoring and Troubleshooting Techniques for the CF-18 Aircraft R.W. Cue; D.E. Muir 90-GT-357
IGTI 1990 Aero-Thermal Performance of a Two Dimensional Highly Loaded Transonic Turbine Nozzle Guide Vane T. Arts; M. Lambert De Rouvroit 90-GT-358
IGTI 1990 Three-Dimensional Flowfields Inside a Transonic Compressor with Swept Blades C. Hah; A.J. Wennerstrom 90-GT-359
IGTI 1990 Development of ODS Superalloy Technology in Japan for Turbine Blade Applications K. Mino 90-GT-360
IGTI 1990 An Approach to Describing the Simultaneous Erosion and High Temperature Oxidation of Alloys I.G. Wright; V.K. Sethi; V. Nagarajan 90-GT-361
IGTI 1990 Shop Test of the 501F - A 150 MW Combustion Turbine D.T. Entenmann; W.E. North; I. Fukue; A. Muyama 90-GT-362
IGTI 1990 Fully Loaded Factory Test of the CW251B12 Gas Turbine Engine I.S. Diakunchak 90-GT-363
IGTI 1990 Integrated Propulsion System Requirements for Control of STOVL Aircraft G.W. Gallops; C.F. Weiss; R.A. Carlton 90-GT-364
IGTI 1990 Assessing Diagnostic Techniques for Problem Identification in Advanced Industrial Gas Turbines A. Lifson; A.J. Smalley; G.H. Quentin; J. Zanyk 90-GT-365
IGTI 1990 Coal-Derived Gas Utilization in Combined Gas-Steam Cycle Power Plants R. Tuccillo; G. Fontana; E. Jannelli 90-GT-366
IGTI 1990 Combined Cycles Permit the Most Environmentally Benign Conversion of Fossil Fuels to Electricity G. Haupt; J.S. Joyce; K. Kuenstle 90-GT-367
IGTI 1990 Gas Turbine Performance Improvement. Direct Mixing Evaporative Cooling System. American Atlas Cogeneration Facility, Rifle, Colorado J.P. Nolan; V.J. Twombly 90-GT-368
IGTI 1990 Modified Exhaust Heated Gas Turbine Cycle with Increased Thermal Efficiency and Its Prospect for Industrial Application J.A. Golinski 90-GT-369
IGTI 1990 Off-Design Performances of Fully-Fired Combined Cycle Cogeneration G. Fang; R. Cai; R. Lin 90-GT-370
IGTI 1990 Construction of a 700MW Combined Cycle Plant for Yanai Power Station No. 1 S. Shirakura; K. Hoshino; N. Ando 90-GT-371
IGTI 1990 Water Treatment and Moisture Separation in Steam-Injected Gas Turbines D.A. Kolp; S.R. Gagnon; M.J. Rosenbluth 90-GT-372
IGTI 1990 Comparison of Inviscid Computations with Theory and Experiment in Vibrating Transonic compressor Cascades G.A. Gerolymos; E. Blin; H. Quiniou 90-GT-373
IGTI 1990 The Role for Expert Systems in Commercial Gas Turbine Engine Monitoring D.L. Doel 90-GT-374
IGTI 1990 Experience with External Fires in Gas Turbine Installations and Implications for Fire Protection R.E. Dundas 90-GT-375
IGTI 1990 Gas Turbine Component Fault Identification by Means of Adaptive Performance Modeling A. Stamatis; K. Mathioudakis; M. Smith; K. Papailiou 90-GT-376
IGTI 1990 Factors that Affect Rolling Contact Fatigue Life of Ceramics and Rolling Contact Fatigue Life of Ceramic Balls and Rollers Y. Nishihara; H. Nakashima; N. Tsushima; S. Ito 90-GT-377
IGTI 1990 MS9001F - A New Advanced Technology 50 Hz Gas Turbine D.E. Brandt; M. Colas 90-GT-378
IGTI 1990 Future of Combined-Cycle Plants in Belgium P. Mathieu 90-GT-379
IGTI 1990 Experimental Evaluation of a Low NOx LBG Combustor Using Bypass Air T. Nakata; M. Sato; T. Ninomiya; T. Abe; S. Mandai; N. Sato 90-GT-380
IGTI 1990 Coal Gaseous Fueled, Low Fuel NOx Gas Turbine Combustor M. Sato; T. Ninomiya; T. Nakata; T. Yoshine; M. Yamada; S. Hisa 90-GT-381
IGTI 1990 Influence of Cascade Parameters on the Deposition of Small Particles D.P. Kladas; D.P. Georgiou 90-GT-382
IGTI 1990 Determination of Fracture Origin in Ceramic Radial Rotor by Taking Photographs at Failure from Two or Three Directions N. Kamiya; M. Asai; A. Bessho; S. Wada 90-GT-383
IGTI 1990 Development of Ceramic Engine Parts for Heat Insulated Engine H. Kawamura 90-GT-384
IGTI 1990 TFE 1042-A New Low Bypass Ratio Engine A.R. Findelstein 90-GT-385
IGTI 1990 Problems and Use of the Scaling Factors in the Numerical Simulation of Jet Engines G. Torella 90-GT-386
IGTI 1990 Analysis of Viscous Flowfield Over Tactical Aircraft Forebody and Inlets W. Tseng; D. Findlay 90-GT-387
IGTI 1990 Optical Fan Blade Profile Measurement in Rotating Turbomachinery T. Davinson; J. Mutton; R. Parker; A. Parnell; J. Roberts 90-GT-388
IGTI 1990 Non-Intrusive Sensing Techniques for Advanced Turbine Engine Structures W.A. Stange 90-GT-389
IGTI 1990 Development of Advanced Diagnostics for Turbine Disks J.R. Dunphy; W.H. Atkinson 90-GT-390
IGTI 1990 Adaptation of a Small Commercial Fan Jet Trainer for Military Applications D.I. Boyd 90-GT-391
IGTI 1990 NOx Exhaust Emissions for Gas-Fired Turbine Engines P.C. Malte; S. Bernstein; F. Bahlmann; J. Doelman 90-GT-392
IGTI 1990 The Effect of Ambient Pressure on the Spray Characteristics of a Twin-Fluid Atomizer S.A. Drennan; W.A. Sowa; G.S. Samuelsen 90-GT-393
IGTI 1990 Flow Distribution in a Model Recuperator of an Intercolled-Recuperative Marine Gas Turbine R.A. Uhlig; R.L. Kiang; J.L. Buyer 90-GT-394
IGTI 1992 Shock Formation In Overexpanded Tip Leakage Flow J. Moore, Virginia Polytechnic Inst. & State University, Blacksburg, VA, USA; K.M. Elward, General Electric Company, Schenectady, NY, USA 92-GT-001
IGTI 1992 Status Of The Automotive Ceramic Gas Turbine Development Program T. Itoh, Japan Automobile Research Inst., Inc., Ibaraki, JAPAN; H. Kimura, Petroleum Energy Center, Tokyo, JAPAN 92-GT-002
IGTI 1992 Current Status of 300 KW Industrial Ceramic Gas Turbine R&D In Japan K. Honjo, R. Hashimoto, Agency of Industrial Science and Technology, MITI, Tokyo, JAPAN; H. Ogiyama, New Energy and Industrial Technology Development Organization, Tokyo, JAPAN 92-GT-003
IGTI 1992 Recent Advances In Simulating Unsteady Flow Phenomena Brought About By Passage Of Shock Waves In A Linear Turbine Cascade J.C. Collie, H.L. Moses, J.A. Schetz, Virginia Polytechnic Inst. & State University, Blacksburg, VA, USA; B.A. Gregory, General Electric Aircraft Engines, Cincinnati, OH, USA 92-GT-004
IGTI 1992 A Statistical Approach To The Experimental Evaluation Of Transonic Turbine Airfoils In A Linear Cascade M.L. Shelton, B.A. Gregory, General Electric Aircraft Engines, Cincinnati, OH, USA; R.L. Doughty, T. Kiss, H.L. Moses, Virginia Polytechnic Inst. & State University, Blacksburg, VA, USA 92-GT-005
IGTI 1992 Coupled Multi-Disciplinary Simulation Of Composite Engine Structures In Propulsion Environment C.C. Chamis, NASA Lewis Research Center, Cleveland, OH, USA; S.N. Singhal, Sverdrup Technology, Inc., Cleveland, OH, USA 92-GT-006
IGTI 1992 A Study On Stability And Response Analysis Of A Nonlinear Rotor System With Mass Unbalance And Side Load T.N. Shiau, National Cheng Kung University, Tainan, Taiwan, R.O.C.; 92-GT-007
IGTI 1992 Investigation Of The Vibration Of A Blade With Friction Damper By HBM J.H. Wang, W.K. Chen, National Tsing Hua University, Hsinchu, Taiwan, R.O.C.; 92-GT-008
IGTI 1992 LQR-Based Least-Squares Output Feedback Control Of Rotor Vibrations Using The Complex Mode And Balanced Realization Methods G.W. Fan, H.D. Nelson, P.E. Crouch, Arizona State University, Tempe, AZ, USA; M.P. Mignolet, Texas Christian University, Fort Worth, TX, USA 92-GT-009
IGTI 1992 A Numerical Investigation Into The Nozzle Flow Of High By-Pass Turbofans H. Zimmerman, K. Katheder, A. Jula, MTU Motoren- und Turbinen-Union München GmbH, Munich, GERMANY; 92-GT-010
IGTI 1992 Conceptual Design Of A Centrifugal Compressor Including Consideration Of The Effect Of Inlet Prewhirl A. Whitfield, University of Bath, Bath, UK; 92-GT-011
IGTI 1992 Numerical Analyses Of A Rocket Engine Turbine And Comparison With Air Test Data K. Tran, D.C. Chan, Rockwell International Corp., Canoga Park, CA, USA; S.T. Hudson, S.W. Gaddis, NASA-Marshall Space Flight Center, Huntsville, AL, USA 92-GT-012
IGTI 1992 Analysis Of High Speed Multistage Compressor Throughflow Using Spanwise Mixing J. Dunham, Defence Research Agency, Hampshire, UK; 92-GT-013
IGTI 1992 Lifting Surface Theory for Steady Aerodynamic Analysis of Ducted Counter Rotation Propfan H.K. Kodama, Ishikawajima-Harima Heavy Ind., Tokyo, JAPAN; M. Namba, Kyushu University, Fukuoka, JAPAN 92-GT-014
IGTI 1992 Design Features Of The GTD 8000 And GTD 15000 Marine Gas Turbine Engines V.I. Romanov, NPO Mashproject, Nicolayev, USSR; 92-GT-015
IGTI 1992 Evaluation Of Compressor Inlet Flow Conditioners A.H. Haidari, VORTAB, Inc., Whitehall, PA, USA; T. Hordendorf, J.C. Bartos, CONMEC, Inc., Bethlehem, PA, USA 92-GT-016
IGTI 1992 The Influence Of Adjustable Inlet Guide Vanes On the Performance Of Multi-Stage Industrial Centrifugal Compressors K. Ludtke, Babcock-Borsig AG, Berlin, GERMANY; 92-GT-017
IGTI 1992 Stage Efficiency Effects Of Vaneless Diffuser Wall Contours J.B. Wulf, Union Carbide Industrial Gases, Tonawanda, NY, USA; 92-GT-018
IGTI 1992 Experimental Results On A Rotatable Low Solidity Vaned Diffuser J.M. Sorokes, J.P. Welch, Dresser-Rand Turbo Products Division, Olean, NY, USA; 92-GT-019
IGTI 1992 Pressure Distributions In A Single And Two Versions Of A Double Volute Of A Centrifugal Pump W. de Ojeda, R.D. Flack, University of Virginia, Charlottesville, VA, USA; S.M. Miner, U.S. Naval Academy, Annapolis, MD, USA 92-GT-020
IGTI 1992 Solar Centaur Taurus T-6502 - The First Installation A.L. Braun, NOVA Corporation of Alberta, Calgary, AB, CANADA; 92-GT-021
IGTI 1992 Simplified Mathematical Representations Of Single Shaft Gas Turbines In Mechanical Drive Service W.I. Rowen, General Electric Company, Schenectady, NY, USA; 92-GT-022
IGTI 1992 Turbine Rebuild Effects On Gas Turbine Performance J.D. MacLeod, National Research Council, Ottawa, ON, CANADA; B. Orbanski, Standard Aero Ltd., Winnipeg, MB, CANADA 92-GT-023
IGTI 1992 Transient Phenomena In Compressor Stations During Surge K. Botros, Nova Husky Research Corporation, Calgary, AB, CANADA; 92-GT-024
IGTI 1992 Axial Inlet Conversion To A Centrifugal Compressor With Magnetic Bearings T. Novecosky, NOVA Corporation of Alberts, Edmonton, AB, CANADA; 92-GT-025
IGTI 1992 Foothills Decompression/Recompression Facilities - Unique Power Recovery Application In Gas Pipelines S. Kitt, Foothills Pipelines Ltd., Calgary, AB, CANADA; B.D. Rose, Amoco Canada Petroleum Company Ltd., Calgary, AB, CANADA 92-GT-026
IGTI 1992 Development Of A Regenerator For An Automotive Gas Turbine Engine J. Sayama, T. Morishita, Toyota Motor Corporation, Shizuoka, JAPAN; 92-GT-027
IGTI 1992 Compressor Fault Identification From Overall Performance Data Based On Adaptive Stage Stacking K. Mathioudakis, A. Stamatis, National Technical University of Athens, Athens, GREECE; 92-GT-028
IGTI 1992 Optimizing Automated Gas Turbine Fault Detection Using Statistical Pattern Recognition E. Loukis, K. Mathioudakis, K. Papailiou, National Technical University of Athens, Athens, GREECE; 92-GT-029
IGTI 1992 Experimental And Theoretical Analysis Of The Flow In A Centrifugal Compressor Volute E. Ayder, R. Van den Braembussche, von Karman Institute For Fluid Dynamics, Rhode Saint Genese, BELGIUM; J.J. Brasz, Carrier Corporation, Syracuse, NY, USA 92-GT-030
IGTI 1992 Aerodynamic Performance Of A Transonic Low Aspect Ratio Turbine Nozzle S.H. Moustapha, Pratt & Whitney Canada, Inc., Montreal, PQ, CANADA; W.E. Carscallen, National Research Council, Ottawa, ON, CANADA; J.D. McGeachy, Queen's University, Kingston, ON, CANADA 92-GT-031
IGTI 1992 Investigation Of Compressor Rotor Wake Structure At Peak Pressure Rise Coefficient And Effects Of Loading J. Prato, B. Lakshminarayana, The Pennsylvania State University, University Park, PA, USA; 92-GT-032
IGTI 1992 Pressure Fluctuation On Casing Wall Of Isolated Axial Compressor Rotors At Low Flow Rate M. Inoue, M. Kuroumaru, Y. Ando, Kyushu University, Fukuoka, JAPAN; 92-GT-033
IGTI 1992 Blade Loading And Shock Wave In A Transonic Circular Cascade Diffuser H. Hayami, N. Kawaguchi, Kyushu University, Kasuga, JAPAN; M. Sawae, Nippon Mining Co., LTD., Chita, JAPAN; T. Nakamura, Toshiba Corporation, Yokohama, JAPAN 92-GT-034
IGTI 1992 Active Control Of Complex Physical Systems: An Overview R.J. Hansen, Office of Naval Research, Arlington, VA, USA; E.W. Hendricks, Naval Ocean Systems Center, San Diego, CA, USA 92-GT-035
IGTI 1992 Recess Vane Passive Stall Control M. Ziabasharhagh, A.B. McKenzie, R.L. Elder, Cranfield Inst. of Technology, Bedford, UK; 92-GT-036
IGTI 1992 Evaluation Of Leasing Versus Purchasing Water Treatment Equipment For Cogeneration Projects S.R. Gagnon, Process Equipment Unlimited, Londonderry, NH, USA; H.A. Guidotti, Energy Services, Inc., Farmington, CT, USA 92-GT-037
IGTI 1992 Influence Of A Thermal Barrier Coating On The Performance Of A Turboprop Engine J.D. MacLeod, National Research Council of Canada, Ottawa, ON, CANADA; J.C.G. Laflamme, Department of National Defence, Ottawa, ON, CANADA 92-GT-038
IGTI 1992 Optimized High Efficiency Filter For High-Efficiency Industrial Combustion Turbines Henry H.S. Yu, C.H. Goulding, Farr Company, El Sequndo, CA, USA; 92-GT-039
IGTI 1992 100 MW Combined Cycle Achieves 7000 BTU/KWH Heat Rate At JFK International Airport D.A. Kolp, S.Y. Kim, Energy Services, Inc., Farmington, CT, USA; R.Roberts, R. Roberts Consulting, Inc., The Woodlands, TX, USA 92-GT-040
IGTI 1992 A Combustor Diffuser Of Annular Configuration Suitable For Industrial Gas Turbines R.C. Adkins, Cranfield Institute of Technology, Cranfield, UK; A.C. Benim, P.C. Escher, J. Hellat, W.M. Koenig, ABB Turbo Systems Ltd., Baden, SWITZERLAND 92-GT-041
IGTI 1992 Safety Aspects And Environmental Considerations For A 10 MW Cogeneration Heavy Duty Gas Turbine Burning Coke Oven Gas With 60% Hydrogen Content J.J. Wolf, M.A. Perkavec, European Gas Turbines GMBH, Essen, GERMANY; 92-GT-042
IGTI 1992 A Model And State-Space Controllers For An Intercooled, Regenerated (ICR) Gas Turbine Engine J.W. Watts, T.E. Dwan, U.S. Naval Academy, Annapolis, MD, USA; R.W. Garman, David Taylor Research Center, Annapolis, MD, USA 92-GT-043
IGTI 1992 Hot Corrosion Resistance Of Thermal Barrier Coatings B.A. Nagaraj, A.F. Maricocchi, D.J. Wortman, General Electric Aircraft Engines, Cincinnati, OH, USA; J.S. Patton, R.L. Clarke, David Taylor Research Center, Annapolis, MD, USA 92-GT-044
IGTI 1992 Civil Aircraft Challenges In Engine/Airframe Integration G.L. Hamilton, H.R. Welge, McDonnell Douglas Corporation, Long Beach, CA, USA; 92-GT-045
IGTI 1992 Development Of A Gas Turbine Generator - On Board Electric Power Source For MAGLEV Trains T. Washizu, S. Matsuda, Toshiba Corporation, Yokohama, JAPAN; T. Morishita, Toyota Motor Corporation, Susono, JAPAN; N. Terauchi, Railway Technical Research Institute, Tokyo, JAPAN 92-GT-046
IGTI 1992 A System Dynamics Approach To Modeling Gas Turbine Combustor Wear B. Bagepalli, S. Dinc, I. Imam, GE Corp. Research & Development, Schenectady, NY, USA; J. Barnes, C. Slocum, GE Gas Turbine & Combined Cycle Engineering, Schenectady, NY, USA 92-GT-047
IGTI 1992 Viscous Flows In Centrifugal Compressor Diffusers At Transonic Mach Numbers I. Teipel, A. Wiedermann, W. Evers, University of Hannover, Hannover, GERMANY; 92-GT-048
IGTI 1992 An Investigation On The Artificial Viscosity In The Transonic Stream Function Formulation J.Z. Xu, J.Y. Du, H. Shen, M.C. Ge, Chinese Academy of Sciences, Beijing, CHINA; 92-GT-049
IGTI 1992 Electromechanical Measurement Of Turbomachinery Blade Tip-To-Casing Running Clearance A.G. Sheard, Rotodata Ltd., Derby, ENGLAND; S.R. Turner, Rolls-Royce plc, Bristol, ENGLAND 92-GT-050
IGTI 1992 Self-Excited Vibration Of Plugs In Regulating Valves V. Vlcek, I. Dobias, Czechoslovak Academy of Science, Prague, CZECHOSLOVAKIA; 92-GT-051
IGTI 1992 Integration Of Condition Monitoring Technologies For the Health Monitoring Of Gas Turbines C.B. Meher-Homji, Boyce Engineering International Inc., Houston, TX, USA; J.P. Cullen, Phillips Petroleum Company, Tananger, NORWAY 92-GT-052
IGTI 1992 Development Of A Knowledge Based Advisory System Based On Vibration Of A Peaking Gas Turbine R.M. Baldwin, A.J. Smalley, R.E. Harris, Southwest Research Institute, San Antonio, TX, USA; G.H. Quentin, Electric Power Research Institute, Palo Alto, CA, USA 92-GT-053
IGTI 1992 One-Dimensional Methods For Accurate Prediction Of Off-Design Performance Behavior Of Axial Turbines T. Schobeiri, Texas A&M University, College Station, TX, USA; 92-GT-054
IGTI 1992 An Investigation Of Post Stall Transients And Recoverability Of Axial Compression Systems: Part I - A Simplified Method J. Hu, G.C. Tang, H.M. Zhang, Nanjing Aeronautical Institute, Nanjing, CHINA; 92-GT-055
IGTI 1992 An Investigation Of Post Stall Transients And Recoverability Of Axial Compression Systems: Part II - Numerical Simulations J. Hu, G.C. Tang, H.M. Zhang, Nanjing Aeronautical Institute, Nanjing, CHINA; 92-GT-056
IGTI 1992 Stability Of Fully Developed Rotating Stall F.E. McCaughan, H.X. Xue, Case Western Reserve University, Cleveland, OH, USA; 92-GT-057
IGTI 1992 A Wide-Range Axial-Flow Compressor Stage Performance Model G.S. Bloch, Wright Patterson Air Force Base, WPAFB, OH, USA; W.F. O'Brien, Virginia Polytechnic Institute and State University, Blacksburg, VA, USA 92-GT-058
IGTI 1992 Modified Surge In An Axial Flow Compressor L. Pust, National Research Inst. for Machine Design, Prague, Bechovice, CZECH.; 92-GT-059
IGTI 1992 Turbulence Evaluation Within The Secondary Flow Region Of A Turbine Cascade D.G. Gregory-Smith, Th. Biesinger, University of Durham, Durham, UK; 92-GT-060
IGTI 1992 Three Dimensional Transonic Flow Measurements In An Axial Turbine With Conical Walls F. Kost, DLR, Gottingen, GERMANY; 92-GT-061
IGTI 1992 Secondary Flows In A Transonic Cascade: Validation Of A 3-D Navier-Stokes Code F. Bassi, Politecnico di Milano, Milano, ITALY; M. Savini, CNPM-CNR, Peschiera Borromeo, ITALY 92-GT-062
IGTI 1992 Assessment Of A 3-D Euler Code For Subsonic Turbine Vane Flows And Study Of The Non-Radial Blade Stacking J. Vialonga, B. Petot, SNECMA, Moissy-Cramayel, FRANCE; T. Chiappa, Ecole Des Mines De Nancy, Maisons-Alfort, FRANCE 92-GT-063
IGTI 1992 An Investigation Of Spanwise Mixing In Multistage Axial Flow Compressors S.-M. Li, Tsing Hua University, Beijing, CHINA; M.-Z. Chen, Beijing University of Aero. & Astro., Beijing, CHINA 92-GT-064
IGTI 1992 Three-Dimensional Inviscid Flow Computations In A Spatial Turbopump Inducer Using A Distributed Loss Model E.M. El Ghazzani, G. Bois, Metraflu, Ecully, FRANCE; P. Geai, Societe Europeenne de Propulsion, Vernon, FRANCE; F. Leboeuf, Ecole Centrale de Lyon, Ecully, FRANCE 92-GT-065
IGTI 1992 The Vortex Behaviour Of The Rotating-Stall Cell Of A Centrifugal Compressor With Vaned Diffuser Y.N. Chen, Sulzer Brothers Ltd., Winterthur, SWITZERLAND; U. Seidel, U. Haupt, M. Rautenberg, University of Hannover, Hannover, GERMANY 92-GT-066
IGTI 1992 Flow Pattern And Heat Transfer In A Closed Rotating Annulus D. Bohn, G.H. Dibelius, E. Deuker, R. Emunds, RWTH, Aachen, GERMANY; 92-GT-067
IGTI 1992 Simulation Of The Secondary Air System Of Aero Engines K.J. Kutz, T.M. Speer, MTU München GmbH, München, GERMANY; 92-GT-068
IGTI 1992 Shroud Heat Transfer Measurements From A Rotating Cavity With An Axial Throughflow Of Air C.A. Long, P.G. Tucker, University of Sussex, Sussex, UK; 92-GT-069
IGTI 1992 Calculation Of Turbulent Flow For An Enclosed Rotating Cone N.E. May, ARA Limited, Bedford, UK; J.W. Chew, Rolls-Royce Ltd, Derby, UK; P.W. James, Polytechnic South West, Plymouth, UK 92-GT-070
IGTI 1992 Compressible Flow Pressure Losses In Wye-Junctions N.I. Abou-Haidar, University of Leicester, Leicester, UK; S.L. Dixon, The University of Liverpool, Liverpool, UK 92-GT-071
IGTI 1992 Aeroloads And Secondary Flows In A Transonic Mixed Flow Turbine Stage K.R. Kirtley, T.A. Beach, Sverdrup Technology, Inc., Cleveland, OH, USA; C. Rogo, Teledyne CAE, Toledo, OH, USA 92-GT-072
IGTI 1992 Design And Rotor Performance Of A 5:1 Mixed-Flow Supersonic Compressor R. Monig, Rheinmetall GmbH, Dusseldorf, GERMANY; W. Elmendorf, H.E. Gallus, RWTH Aachen, Aachen, GERMANY 92-GT-073
IGTI 1992 Aerodynamic Design Of Turbomachinery Blading In Three-Dimensional Flow: An Application To Radial Inflow Turbines Y.L. Yang, C.S. Tan, W.R. Hawthorne, Massachusetts Institute of Technology, Cambridge, MA, USA; 92-GT-074
IGTI 1992 Hot Streaks And Phantom Cooling In A Turbine Rotor Passage: Part 1 - Separate Effects R.J. Roback, R.P. Dring, United Technologies Research Center, E. Hartford, CT, USA; 92-GT-075
IGTI 1992 Hot Streaks And Phantom Cooling In A Turbine Rotor Passage: Part 2 - Combined Effects And Analytical Modelling R.J. Roback, R.P. Dring, United Technologies Research Center, E. Hartford, CT, USA; 92-GT-076
IGTI 1992 Extending The Fatigue Life Of Aircraft Engine Components By Hole Cold Expansion Technology A.C. Rufin, Fatigue Technology, Inc., Seattle, WA, USA; 92-GT-077
IGTI 1992 Fatigue Life Estimation Procedure For A Turbine Blade Under Transient Loads N.S. Vyas, Indian Institute of Technology, Kanpur, INDIA; J.S. Rao, Indian Institute of Technology, New Delhi, INDIA 92-GT-078
IGTI 1992 Circulator Design/Technology Evolution For Gas-Cooled Nuclear Reactors C.F. McDonald, General Atomics, San Diego, CA, USA; D.D. Kapich, Consultant, San Diego, CA, USA; I.R. Marshall, J. Donaldson, James Howden Company, Ltd., Renfrew, Scotland, UK 92-GT-079
IGTI 1992 An Infrared Pyrometry System For Monitoring Gas Turbine Blades: Development Of A Computer Model And Experimental Results M. De Lucia, C. Lanfranchi, Universita delgi Studi di Firenze, Firenze, ITALY; 92-GT-080
IGTI 1992 Effects Of Back-Pressure In A Lean Blowout Research Combustor G.J. Sturgess, Pratt & Whitney, E. Hartford, CT, USA; S.P. Heneghan, M.D. Vangsness, D.R. Ballal, University of Dayton, Dayton, OH, USA; A.L. Lesmerises, D. Shouse, Wright Laboratories, WPAFB, OH, USA 92-GT-081
IGTI 1992 Fault Signatures Obtained From Fault Implant Tests On An F404 Engine R.W. Eustace, B.A. Woodyatt, G.L. Merrington, T.A. Runacres, DSTO Aeronautical Research Laboratory, Melbourne, AUSTRALIA; 92-GT-082
IGTI 1992 The Effect Of Compressor Rotor Tip Crops On Turboshaft Engine Performance P.C. Frith, DSTO Aeronautical Research Laboratory, Melbourne, AUSTRALIA; 92-GT-083
IGTI 1992 Surface-Curvature-Distribution Effects On Turbine-Cascade Performance T. Korakianitis, P. Papagiannidis, Washington University, St. Louis, MO, USA; 92-GT-084
IGTI 1992 A Study Of Stall In A Low Hub/Tip Ratio Fan M. Soundranayagam, National Engineering Laboratory, Glasgow, SCOTLAND; R.L. Elder, Cranfield Institute Of Technology, Bedford, ENGLAND 92-GT-085
IGTI 1992 Investigation Of The Part-Load Performance Of Two 1.12 MW Regenerative Marine Gas Turbines T. Korakianitis, K. Beier, Washington University, St. Louis, MO, USA; 92-GT-086
IGTI 1992 Development Of Gas Turbine Steam-Injection Water Recovery (SIWR) System H.B. Nguyen, A. den Otter, NOVA Corporation of Alberta, Edmonton, AB, CANADA; 92-GT-087
IGTI 1992 Active Stabilization Of Compressor Instability And Surge In A Working Engine J.E. Frowcs Williams, Cambridge University, Cambridge, UK; M.F.L. Harper, D.J. Allwright, Topexpress Limited, Cambridge, UK 92-GT-088
IGTI 1992 A Survey Of Platform Machinery In The North Sea L.E. Bakken, J.M. Overli, Statoil, Trondheim, NORWAY; 92-GT-089
IGTI 1992 Experimental Analysis Of Transonic Flow Through The Variable Nozzle Of A Radial Inflow Turbine H.E. Gallus, U. Lingner, RWTH Aachen, Aachen, GERMANY; I. Ispas, Atlas Copco, Koln, GERMANY 92-GT-090
IGTI 1992 Influence Of Blade Aerodynamic Loading On Efficiency Of Radial-Inflow Turbines T. Takamura, F. Nishiguchi, Nissan Motor Co., LTD, Yokosuka, JAPAN; 92-GT-091
IGTI 1992 The Effects Of Blade Loading In Radial And Mixed Flow Turbines H. Chen, M. Abidat, N.C. Baines, Imperial College, London, U.K.; M.R. Firth, Holset Engineering Company, LTD, Huddersfield, U.K. 92-GT-092
IGTI 1992 The Design And Evaluation Of A High Pressure Ratio Radial Turbine K.R. Pullen, N.C. Baines, Imperial College, London, U.K.; S.H. Hill, Rolls Royce plc, Herts, U.K. 92-GT-093
IGTI 1992 Aerodynamic Design Of Pivotable Nozzle Vanes For Radial-Inflow Turbines M. Scholch, Universitat der Bundeswehr, Hamburg, GERMANY; 92-GT-094
IGTI 1992 Markov Fatigue In Single Crystal Airfoils C. Annis, D.P. DeLuca, Pratt & Whitney, West Palm Beach, FL, USA; 92-GT-095
IGTI 1992 Performance Evaluation Of Space Solar Brayton Cycle Power Systems Z.-G. Diao, Chinese Academy of Sciences, Beijing, CHINA; 92-GT-096
IGTI 1992 Combined Closed Cycle (C 3) Systems For Underwater Power Generation A. Massardo, Universita di Genova, Genova, ITALY; G.M. Arnulfi, Universita di Udine, ITALY 92-GT-097
IGTI 1992 Combined-Closed Gas Cycles For Terrestrial, Marine And Space Nuclear Power Systems Z.P. Tilliette, DMT/SERMA, Saclay, FRANCE; 92-GT-098
IGTI 1992 Conceptual Study On Radiator Area Reduction Of Brayton Cycle Solar Dynamic Power Y. Tsujikawa, University of Osaka Prefecture, Sakai, JAPAN; 92-GT-099
IGTI 1992 Condition Monitoring And Diagnostic Aspects Of Gas Turbine Transient Response C.B. Meher-Homji, R. Bhargava, Boyce Engineering International Inc., Houston, TX, USA; 92-GT-100
IGTI 1992 Comparisons Of Recuperator Flow Distributions Of An Intercooled-Recuperative Marine Gas Turbine R.L. Kiang, J.L. Buyer, David Taylor Research Center, Annapolis, MD, USA; R.A. Uhlig, Applied Research Laboratory, State College, PA, USA 92-GT-101
IGTI 1992 The LM6000 Gas Turbine As A Mechanical Drive Power Source R.L. Casper, R.B. Spector, General Electric Company, Cincinnati, OH, USA; 92-GT-102
IGTI 1992 A Method to Improve Operation of the Gullfaks 'A' Gas Compression System L.E. Bakken, Statoil, Trondheim, NORWAY; T.M. Bradley, Special Analysis & Simulation Tech. Ltd., Brentford, UK 92-GT-103
IGTI 1992 Applications Using Dry Gas Seals To Control Axial Shaft Loads In Centrifugal Compressors C.C. Bear, S.W. Gibson, NOVA Corporation, Calgary, CANADA; 92-GT-104
IGTI 1992 Carbon Monoxide Emissons From Gas Turbines As Influenced By Ambient Temperature And Turbine Load W.S.Y. Hung, Solar Turbines Incorporated, San Diego, CA, USA; 92-GT-105
IGTI 1992 Studies Of Jet Fuel Thermal Stability In A Flowing System S.P. Heneghan, C.R. Martel, T.F. Williams, D.R. Ballal, University of Dayton, Dayton, OH, USA; 92-GT-106
IGTI 1992 Liquid Sheet Disintegration And Atomization Process On A Simplified Airblast Atomizer G. Lavergne, P. Trichet, P. Hebrard, Y. Biscos, CERT / ONERA / DERMES, Toulouse, FRANCE; 92-GT-107
IGTI 1992 Modification Of Combustor Stoichiometry Distribution For Reduced NOx Emission From Aircraft Engines G.J. Sturgess, R. McKinney, S. Morford, Pratt & Whitney, E. Hartford, CT, USA; 92-GT-108
IGTI 1992 Low NOx Combustor For Automotive Ceramic Gas Turbine (II) -- Reliability Assurance H. Kumakura, M. Sasaki, D. Suzuki, Nissan Motor Co., Ltd., Kanagawa, JAPAN; 92-GT-109
IGTI 1992 Emissions Reduction By Varying The Swirler Airflow Split In Advanced Gas Turbine Combustors G.J. Micklow, S. Roychoudhury, University of Florida, Gainsville, FL, USA; H.L. Nguyen, NASA Lewis Research Center, Cleveland, OH, USA; M.C. Cline, Los Alamos Natonal Laboratory, Los Alamos, NM, USA 92-GT-110
IGTI 1992 Multi-Jet Annulus/Core-Flow Mixing - Experiments And Calculations J.J. McGuirk, Loughborough University, Leics., U.K.; S.J. Baker, Imperial College, London, U.K. 92-GT-111
IGTI 1992 Development Of A Liquid-Fueled, Lean-Premixed Gas Turbine Combustor L.H. Cowell, K.O. Smith, Solar Turbines Incorporated, San Diego, CA, USA; 92-GT-112
IGTI 1992 Particle Diagnostics And Turbulence Measurements In A Confined Isothermal Liquid Spray A. Brena de la Rosa, S.V. Sankar, G. Wang, W.D. Bachalo, Aerometrics, Inc., Sunnyvale, CA, USA; 92-GT-113
IGTI 1992 Influence Of Flow Conditions On Deposits From Heated Hydrocarbon Fuels J.S. Chin, A.H. Lefebvre, Purdue University, W. Lafayette, IN, USA; 92-GT-114
IGTI 1992 NOx Sensitivities For Gas Turbine Engines Operated On Lean-Premixed Combustion And Conventional Diffusion Flames D. Nicol, P.C. Malte, J. Lai, N.N. Marinov, D.T. Pratt, University of Washington, Seattle, WA, USA; R.A. Corr, General Electric Company, Schenectady, NY, USA 92-GT-115
IGTI 1992 Engine Testing Of A Prototype Low NOx Gas Turbine Combustor K.O. Smith, Solar Turbines Incorporated, San Diego, CA, USA; 92-GT-116
IGTI 1992 A Liquid-Pool Simulation On Droplet Combustion In A Swirl Flow T.-H. Lin, S.-S. Hou, National Cheng Kung University, Taiwan, CHINA; 92-GT-117
IGTI 1992 Experimental And Computational Investigation Of Flow In Catalytic Monolith Channels G.C. Wilson, M.F. Bardon, Royal Military College of Canada, Kingston, CANADA; J.J. Witton, Cranfield Institute of Technology, Cranfield, UK 92-GT-118
IGTI 1992 Ignition And Exhaust Emission Characteristics Of Spray Combustion In A Pre-Chamber Type Vortex Combustor Y. Ohkubo, Y. Nomura, Y. Idota, Toyota Central R&D Labs, Inc., Nagadute, Aichi, JAPAN; Y. Gunji, Toyota Motor Corporation, Susono, Shizuoka, JAPAN 92-GT-119
IGTI 1992 Emissions And Stability Characteristics Of Flameholders For Lean-Premixed Combustion J.A. Lovett, N. Abuaf, General Electric Company, Schenectady, NY, USA; 92-GT-120
IGTI 1992 Effect Of Initial Fuel Distribution And Subsequent Mixing On Emissions From Lean, Premixed Flames J.R. Maughan, R.E. Warren, A.K. Tolpadi, T.P. Roloff, General Electric Company, Schenectady, NY, USA; 92-GT-121
IGTI 1992 Application Of A Sulphur-Doped Alkane System To The Study Of Thermal Oxidation Of Jet Fuels E.G. Jones, W.J. Balster, Systems Research Laboratories, Inc., Dayton, OH, USA; 92-GT-122
IGTI 1992 Investigation Of Combustion Structure Inside Low NOx Combustors For A 1500 C-Class Gas Turbine H. Matsuzaki, Tohoku Electric Power Co., Inc., Miyagi, JAPAN; I. Fukue, S. Mandai, M. Inada, S. Tanimura, Mitsubishi Heavy Industries, Hyogo, JAPAN 92-GT-123
IGTI 1992 Structure Of A Hollow-Cone Spray With And Without Combustion B. Chehroudi, M. Ghaffarpour, UIC Combustion Laboratory, Chicago, IL, USA; 92-GT-124
IGTI 1992 The Combined Closed Form - Perturbation Approach To The Analysis Of Mistuned Bladed Disks M.P. Mignolet, C.-C. Lin, Arizona State University, Tempe, AZ, USA; 92-GT-125
IGTI 1992 The Effect Of Inlet Swirl On The Rotordynamic Shroud Forces In A Centrifugal Pump A. Guinzburg, E.P.F.L., Lausanne, SWITZERLAND; C.E. Brennen, A. Acosta, T.K. Caughey, California Institute of Technology, Pasadena, CA, USA 92-GT-126
IGTI 1992 Analysis Of Steady And Unsteady Turbine Cascade Flows By A Locally Implicit Hybrid Algorithm C.J. Hwang, J.L. Liu, National Cheng Kung University, Taiwan, CHINA; 92-GT-127
IGTI 1992 An Inviscid-Viscous Interaction Approach To The Calculation Of Dynamic Stall Initiation On Airfoils T. Cebeci, H.M. Jang, H.H. Chen, California State University, Long Beach, CA, USA; M.F. Platzer, Naval Postgraduate School, Monterey, CA, USA 92-GT-128
IGTI 1992 Three-Dimensional Gas Turbine Combustor Emissions Modeling N.K. Rizk, H.C. Mongia, General Motors Corporation, Indianapolis, IN, USA; 92-GT-129
IGTI 1992 Semianalytical Correlations For NOx, CO, And UHC Emissions N.K. Rizk, H.C. Mongia, General Motors Corporation, Indianapolis, IN, USA; 92-GT-130
IGTI 1992 Effects Of Variable Liquid Properties On Multicomponent Droplet Vaporization R. Kneer, B. Noll, S. Wittig, Universitat Karlsruhe, Karlsruhe, GERMANY; M. Schneider, Arizona State University, Tempe, AZ, USA 92-GT-131
IGTI 1992 Innovative High Temperature Aircraft Engine Fuel Nozzle Design R.W. Stickles, W.J. Dodds, GE Aircraft Engines, Cincinnati, OH, USA; T.R. Koblish, J. Sager, Fuel Systems Textron, Zeeland, MI, USA; S. Clouser, Naval Air Propulsion Center, Trenton, NJ, USA 92-GT-132
IGTI 1992 Evaluation Of Low NOx Combustor Concepts For Aeroderivative Gas Turbine Engines J.B. McVey, F.C. Padget, T.J. Rosfjord, United Technologies Research Center, E. Hartford, CT, USA; A.S. Hu, A.A. Peracchio, B. Schlein, D.R. Tegel, Pratt & Whitney, E. Hartford, CT, USA 92-GT-133
IGTI 1992 Coherent Anti-Stokes Raman Scattering (CARS) Thermometry In A Model Gas Turbine Can Combustor J.Y. Zhu, T. Tsuruda, W.A. Sowa, G.S. Samuelsen, University of California, Irvine, CA, USA; 92-GT-134
IGTI 1992 The Combustion Of Droplets Within Gas Turbine Combustors Some Recent Observations On Combustion Efficiency J. Odgers, D. Kretschmer, Laval University, Quebec, CANADA; G.F. Pearce, ARL, Melbourne, AUSTRALIA 92-GT-135
IGTI 1992 Calculation Of Three-Dimensional Unsteady Flows In Turbomachinery Using The Linearized Harmonic Euler Equations K.C. Hall, C.B. Lorence, Duke University, Durham, NC, USA; 92-GT-136
IGTI 1992 Experimental And Theoretical Investigation Of A Research Atomizer/Combustion Chamber Configuration C. Hassa, E. Blumcke, M. Brandt, H. Eickhoff, DLR, Koln, GERMANY; 92-GT-137
IGTI 1992 Three Component LDV Velocity Measurements In A Can Type Research Combustor For CFD Validation, Part 1: Isothermal S.A. Ahmed, A.S. Nejad, Wright Laboratory, WPAFB, OH, USA; A. Rose, Rolls-Royce Inc., Dayton, OH, USA 92-GT-138
IGTI 1992 Achieving Manufacturing Excellence For Gas Turbine Components Through Focused Implementation Of Technology C. Hayner, Pratt & Whitney, Southington, CT, USA; 92-GT-139
IGTI 1992 Evaluation Of Simple Aluminide And Platinum Modified Aluminide Coatings On High Pressure Turbine Blades After Factory Engine Testing - Round II J.A. Conner, GE Aircraft Engines, Cincinnati, OH, USA; 92-GT-140
IGTI 1992 Low Leakage Fiber Metal Seals G.P. Jarrabet, L. Lu, Technetics Corporation, Deland, FL, USA; 92-GT-141
IGTI 1992 Corrosion Resistance Of Alloy 617 In Simulated Gas Turbine Environments P. Ganesan, G.D. Smith, D.H. Yates, Inco Alloys International, Inc., Huntington, WV, USA; 92-GT-142
IGTI 1992 A Digital Fuel Control System For Marine Propulsion Applications T. Burgess, Woodward Governor Company, Ft. Collins, CO, USA; 92-GT-143
IGTI 1992 Phasing The Construction Of An IGCC Plant For Fuel Flexibility P.J. Dechamps, Ph. Mathieu, University of Liege, Liege, BELGIUM; 92-GT-144
IGTI 1992 Second-Law Analysis Of A Compressed Air Energy Storage (CAES) System D. Weiner, I. Shnaid, Israel Electric Corp. Ltd., Haifa, ISRAEL; 92-GT-145
IGTI 1992 Modified Combined Cycle With Pressure Fluidized Bed Combustion Boiler J. Dzierzgowski, S. Sobkowski, Technical University of Gdansk, Gdansk, POLAND; 92-GT-146
IGTI 1992 An Update On The Development Of The T407/GLC38 Modern Technology Gas Turbine Engine M.J. Zoccoli, D.P. Rusterholz, Textron Lycoming, Stratford, CT, USA; 92-GT-147
IGTI 1992 Blade Excitation By Circumferentially Asymmetric Rotating Stall In Centrifugal Compressors D. Jin, U. Haupt, H. Hasemann, M. Rautenberg, University of Hannover, Hannover, GERMANY; 92-GT-148
IGTI 1992 Excitation Of Blade Vibration Due To Surge Of Centrifugal Compressors D. Jin, U. Haupt, H. Hasemann, M. Rautenberg, University of Hannover, Hannover, GERMANY; 92-GT-149
IGTI 1992 Sound Propagation Calculation Over Larger Distances On A Standardized Basis According To The German VDI- Regulations No. 2714 M. Schneider, Werner Genest & Partner Consulting Engrs., Ludwigshafen, GERMANY; 92-GT-150
IGTI 1992 Calculations On The Time-Dependent Potential Flow In A Centrifugal Pump R. Badie, J.B. Jonker, T.G. van Essen, University of Twente, Enschede, NETHERLANDS; 92-GT-151
IGTI 1992 Unsteady Pressure Measurements In A Rotating Centrifugal Impeller G. Roth, University of Stuttgart, Stuttgart, GERMANY; 92-GT-152
IGTI 1992 Profile Losses Of An Annular Turbine Cascade In Unsteady Periodic Flow M. Lisal, P. Soch, J. Vratny, Czech Technical University, Prague, CZECHOSLOVAKIA; 92-GT-153
IGTI 1992 Comparison Between Experiment And Prediction For A Subsonic Turbulent Separated Boundary Layer D. Bohn, G.H. Dibelius, Z. Sucharski, RWTH Aachen, Aachen, GERMANY; 92-GT-154
IGTI 1992 Boundary Layer Effects On The Transonic Flow In A Straight Turbine Cascade M. Stastny, P. Safarik, SKODA, Plezn, CZECHOSLOVAKIA; 92-GT-155
IGTI 1992 Unsteady Pressure Measurements On The Rotor Of A Model Turbine Stage In A Transient Flow Facility A.J. Dietz, Royal Australian Air Force, Edinburgh, S. Australia; R.W. Ainsworth, Oxford University, Oxford, ENGLAND 92-GT-156
IGTI 1992 Techniques For Aerodynamic Loss Measurement Of Transonic Turbine Cascades With Trailing-edge Region Coolant Ejection D.J. Mee, University of Queensland, Queensland, AUSTRALIA; 92-GT-157
IGTI 1992 Transonic Flow Through Turbine Cascades With Nonuniform Pitch R. Kurz, Deutsche Babcock-Borsig, Berlin, GERMANY; 92-GT-158
IGTI 1992 Turbine Blade Vibration Monitoring System T. Kawashima, H. Iinuma, T. Wakatsuki, N. Minagawa, Ishikawajima-Harima Heavy Industries, Tokyo, JAPAN; 92-GT-159
IGTI 1992 Rim Seal Experiments And Analysis Of A Rotor-Stator System With Nonaxisymmetric Main Flow K. Hamabe, K. Ishida, Kawasaki Heavy Industries, Ltd., Adashi, JAPAN; 92-GT-160
IGTI 1992 Non-Steady Flow Measurements Inside A Hydrodynamic Torque Converter By Hot-Film Anemometry V. Browarzik, K.G. Grahl, Ruhr-Universitat Bochum, Bochum, GERMANY; 92-GT-161
IGTI 1992 Viscous Interaction Upstream And Downstream Of A Turbine Stator Cascade With A Periodic Wake Field V.E. McFarland, W.G. Tiederman, Purdue University, W. Lafayette, IN, USA; 92-GT-162
IGTI 1992 Optimization Of A Multistage Axial Compressor. Stochastic Approach. I.N. Egorov, Air Force Engineering Academy, Moscow, USSR; 92-GT-163
IGTI 1992 Vibration Of A Rigid Shaft Supported By Radial Ball Bearings With Several Defects J.M. Franco, N. Akturk, R. Gohar, Imperial College, London, UK; 92-GT-164
IGTI 1992 Effect Of Tangential Torque On The Stability Of Rotors Supported By Hydrodynamic Bearings D.-C. Han, Seoul National University, Seoul, KOREA; 92-GT-165
IGTI 1992 The Dynamic Characteristics Of A High Pressure Turbine Stage In A Transient Wind Tunnel A.G. Sheard, Rotadata Ltd., Derby, ENGLAND; A.J. Dietz, Royal Australian Air Force, AUSTRALIA; R.W. Ainsworth, University of Oxford, Oxford, ENGLAND 92-GT-166
IGTI 1992 Computational Techniques For Probabilistic Analysis Of Turbomachinery H.R. Millwater, A.J. Smalley, Y.-T. Wu, T.Y. Torng, B.F. Evans, Southwest Research Institute, San Antonio, TX, USA; 92-GT-167
IGTI 1992 Stability Of A Pretwisted Blade With Nonconstant Rotating Speed S.M. Yang, S.M. Tsao, National Cheng Kung University, Taiwan, CHINA; 92-GT-168
IGTI 1992 Three-Dimensional Flow Phenomena In A Transonic, High-Through-Flow, Axial-Flow Compressor Stage W.W. Copenhaver, S.L. Puterbaugh, Wright Laboratory, Wright Patterson AFB, OH, USA; C. Hah, NASA Lewis Research Center, Cleveland, OH, USA 92-GT-169
IGTI 1992 Coupled 3-D Aeroelastic Stability Analysis Of Bladed Disks G.A. Gerolymos, Universite Pierre & Marie Curie, Paris, FRANCE; 92-GT-170
IGTI 1992 Advances In The Numerical Integration Of The 3-D Euler Equations In Vibrating Cascades G.A. Gerolymos, Universite Pierre & Marie Curie, Paris, FRANCE; 92-GT-171
IGTI 1992 An Analysis System For Blade Forced Response H.D. Chiang, R.E. Kielb, GE Aircraft Engines, Cincinnati, OH, USA; 92-GT-172
IGTI 1992 Numerical Solutions For Unsteady Subsonic Vortical Flows Around Loaded Cascades J. Fang, H.M. Atassi, University of Notre Dame, IN, USA; 92-GT-173
IGTI 1992 Forcing Function Effects On Unsteady Aerodynamic Gust Response Part 1: Forcing Functions G.H. Henderson, Cummins Engine Company, Columbus, IN, USA; S. Fleeter, Purdue University, W. Lafayette, IN, USA 92-GT-174
IGTI 1992 Forcing Function Effects On Unsteady Aerodynamic Gust Response Part 2: Low Solidity Airfoil Row Response G.H. Henderson, Cummins Engine Company, Columbus, IN, USA; S. Fleeter, Purdue University, W. Lafayette, IN, USA 92-GT-175
IGTI 1992 Applications Of Sweep Frequency Rotating Force Perturbation Methodology In Rotating Machinery For Dynamic Stiffness Identification A. Muszynska, D.E. Bently, W.D. Franklin, J.W. Grant, P. Goldman, Bently Rotor Dynamics Research Corporation, Minden, NV, USA; 92-GT-176
IGTI 1992 A Study Of The Influence Of Bearing Clearance On Lateral Coupled Shaft/Disk Rotordynamics G.T. Flowers, F.S. Wu, Auburn University, Auburn, AL, USA; 92-GT-177
IGTI 1992 Effect Of Trailing-Edge Ejection On Local Heat (Mass) Transfer In Pin Fin Cooling Channels In Turbine Blades R.D. McMillin, S.C. Lau, Texas A&M University, College Station, TX, USA; 92-GT-178
IGTI 1992 Tools For Diagnosing Case Deflections And Alignment On A Power Utility Combustion Turbine H.R. Simmons, A.J. Smalley, Southwest Research Institute, San Antonio, TX, USA; R.W. Fischmuth, Electric Power Research Institute, Palo Alto, CA, USA; G. Lapini, CISE S.P.A., Segrate, ITALY; G. Robinson, Westinghouse Electric Corporation, Orlando, FL, USA 92-GT-179
IGTI 1992 Behaviors Of The Laterally Injected Jet In Film Cooling: Measurements Of Surface Temperature And Velocity/Temperature Field Within The Jet S. Honami, T. Shizawa, Science University of Tokyo, Tokyo, JAPAN; A. Uchiyama, Mitsubishi Heavy Industries Ltd., Hyogo, JAPAN 92-GT-180
IGTI 1992 Experimental Study On The Flow Characteristics Of Streamwise Inclined Jets In Crossflow On Flat Plate S.W. Lee, J.S. Lee, S.T. Ro, Seoul National University, Seoul, KOREA; 92-GT-181
IGTI 1992 Evaluation Of Approaches To Active Compressor Surge Stabilization J.S. Simon, L. Valavani, A.H. Epstein, E.M. Greitzer, Massachusetts Institute of Technology, Cambridge, MA, USA; 92-GT-182
IGTI 1992 Aerodesign And Performance Analysis Of A Radial Transonic Impeller For A 9:1 Pressure Ratio Compressor S. Colantuoni, A. Colella, Alfa Romeo Avio S.p.A., Napoli, ITALY; 92-GT-183
IGTI 1992 Incidence Angle And Pitch-Chord Effects On Secondary Flows Downstream Of A Turbine Cascade A. Perdichizzi, V. Dossena, C.N.P.M., Milano, ITALY; 92-GT-184
IGTI 1992 Low Aspect Ratio Transonic Rotors: Part 1 - Baseline Design And Performance A.R. Wadia, GE Aircraft Engines, Cincinnati, OH, USA; C.H. Law, Wright Laboratory, Wright Patterson AFB, OH, USA 92-GT-185
IGTI 1992 Low Aspect Ratio Transonic Rotors: Part 2 - Influence Of Location Of Maximum Thickness On Transonic Compressor Performance A.R. Wadia, GE Aircraft Engines, Cincinnati, OH, USA; C.H. Law, Wright Laboratory, Wright Patterson AFB, OH, USA 92-GT-186
IGTI 1992 Heat Transfer And Turbulence In A Turbulated Blade Cooling Circuit N. Abuaf, General Electric Company, Schenectady, NY, USA; D.M. Kercher, GE Aircraft Engines, Lynn, MA, USA 92-GT-187
IGTI 1992 Influence Of Surface Heating Condition On Local Heat Transfer In A Rotating Square Channel With Smooth Walls And Radial Outward Flow J.C. Han, Y.M. Zhang, Texas A&M University, College Station, TX, USA; C.P. Lee, General Electric Company, Cincinnati, OH, USA 92-GT-188
IGTI 1992 Experimental Heat Transfer Investigation Of Stationary And Orthogonally Rotating Asymmetric And Symmetric Heated Smooth And Turbulated Channels H.A. El-Husayni, M.E. Taslim, Northeastern University, Boston, MA, USA; D.M. Kercher, GE Aircraft Engines, Lynn, MA, USA 92-GT-189
IGTI 1992 Heat Transfer In Serpentine Flow Passages With Rotation S. Mochizuki, J. Takamura, Tokyo University of Agriculture & Technology, Tokyo, JAPAN; S. Yamawaki, Ishikawajima-Harima Heavy Industries, Tokyo, JAPAN; W.-J. Yang, University of Michigan, Ann Arbor, MI, USA 92-GT-190
IGTI 1992 Heat Transfer In Rotating Serpentine Passages With Trips Skewed To The Flow B.V. Johnson, J.H. Wagner, United Technologies Research Center, E. Hartford, CT, USA; G.D. Steuber, Pratt & Whitney, E. Hartford, CT, USA; F.C. Yeh, NASA Lewis Research Center, Cleveland, OH, USA 92-GT-191
IGTI 1992 Discharge Coefficients Of Holes Angled To The Flow Direction N. Hay, S.E. Henshall, A. Manning, University of Nottingham, Nottingham, UK; 92-GT-192
IGTI 1992 The Solution-Adaptive Numerical Simulation Of The 3D Viscous Flow In The Serpentine Coolant Passage Of A Radial Inflow Turbine Blade W.N. Dawes, Whittle Laboratory, Cambridge, UK; 92-GT-193
IGTI 1992 Time-Averaged Heat Transfer And Pressure Measurements And Comparison With Prediction For A Two-Stage Turbine M.G. Dunn, J. Kim, Calspan-UB Research Center, Buffalo, NY, USA; K.C. Civinskas, R.J. Boyle, NASA Lewis Research Center, Cleveland, OH, USA 92-GT-194
IGTI 1992 An Experimental Study Of Heat Transfer In A Large-Scale Turbine Rotor Passage M.F. Blair, United Technologies Research Center, E. Hartford, CT, USA; 92-GT-195
IGTI 1992 Wake-Induced Unsteady Stagnation-Region Heat-Transfer Measurements P.J. Magari, Osney Laboratory, Oxford, UK; J.E. LaGraff, Syracuse University, Syracuse, NY, USA 92-GT-196
IGTI 1992 The Effect Of A Turbulent Wake On The Stagnation Point Part II: Heat Transfer Results A.J. Hanford, D.E. Wilson, University of Texas, Austin, TX, USA; 92-GT-197
IGTI 1992 Heat Transfer On A Flat Surface Under A Region Of Turbulent Separation R.B. Rivir, Wright Laboratories, WPAFB, OH, USA; J.P. Johnston, J.K. Eaton, Stanford University, Stanford, CA, USA 92-GT-198
IGTI 1992 Interactions Between Embedded Vortices And Injectant From Film Cooling Holes With Compound Angle Orientations In A Turbulent Boundary Layer P.M. Ligrani, S.W. Mitchell, Naval Postgraduate School, Monterey, CA, USA; 92-GT-199
IGTI 1992 Tip Clearance Effect On Heat Transfer And Leakage Flows On The Shroud-Wall Surface In An Axial Flow Turbine M. Kumada, S. Iwata, Gifu University, Gifu, JAPAN; M. Obata, Isshikawajima-Harima Heavy Industries Co., Ltd., Tokyo, JAPAN; O. Watanabe, Toyo Denki Co., Ltd., Kasugai-city, JAPAN 92-GT-200
IGTI 1992 An Experimental Study Of Film Cooling In A Rotating Transonic Turbine R.S. Abhari, Textron Lycoming, Stratford, CT, USA; A.H. Epstein, Massachusetts Institute of Technology, Cambridge, MA, USA 92-GT-201
IGTI 1992 Comparison Of Spectrometric Techniques For The Analysis Of Liquid Gas Turbine Fuels M. Lukas, Spectro Incorporated, Littleton, MA, USA; 92-GT-202
IGTI 1992 The Evolution Of Thermal Barrier Coatings In Gas Turbine Engine Applications S.M. Meier, D.K. Gupta, Pratt & Whitney, E. Hartford, CT, USA; 92-GT-203
IGTI 1992 Integration Of Turbo Expander And Turbo Ramjet Engines In Hypersonic Vehicles B. Zellner, W. Sterr, O. Herrmann, MBB GmbH, München, GERMANY; 92-GT-204
IGTI 1992 Hypersonic Flow Separation In Shock Wave Boundary Layer Interactions A. Hamed, University of Cincinnati, Cincinnati, OH, USA; A. Kumar, NASA Langley Research Center, Hampton, VA, USA 92-GT-205
IGTI 1992 Numerical Simulation Of The Flow Field Around Supersonic Air-Intakes O. Penanhoat, SNECMA, Moissy-Cramayel, FRANCE; G. Freskos, CERFACS, Toulouse, FRANCE 92-GT-206
IGTI 1992 Scaling Of The Two-Phase Flow Downstream Of A Gas Turbine Combustor Swirl Cup: Mean Quantities H.Y. Wang, V.G. McDonell, W.A. Sowa, G.S. Samuelsen, University of California, Irvine, CA, USA; 92-GT-207
IGTI 1992 Reliability Measurements For Gas Turbine Warranty Situations T.E. Ekstrom, GE Power Generation, Schenectady, NY, USA; 92-GT-208
IGTI 1992 A Fully Three-Dimensional Inverse Method For Turbomachinery Blading In Transonic Flows T.Q. Dang, Syracuse University, Syracuse, NY, USA; 92-GT-209
IGTI 1992 Calculation Of Three-Dimensional Boundary Layers On Rotor Blades Using Integral Methods M.T. Karimipanah, E. Olsson, Chalmers University of Technology, Goteborg, SWEDEN; 92-GT-210
IGTI 1992 Measurement Of The Three-Dimensional Tip Region Flowfield In An Axial Compressor R.C. Stauter, United Technologies Research Center, E. Hartford, CT, USA; 92-GT-211
IGTI 1992 Relative Flow And Turbulence Measurements Downstream Of A Backward Centrifugal Impeller M. Ubaldi, R. Zunino, A. Cattanei, Universita di Genova, Genova, ITALY; 92-GT-212
IGTI 1992 Experimental And Computational Investigation Of The NASA Low-Speed Centrifugal Compressor Flow Field M.D. Hathaway, R.M. Chriss, J.R. Wood, A.J. Strazisar, NASA Lewis Research Center, Cleveland, OH, USA; 92-GT-213
IGTI 1992 The Measurement And Prediction Of The Tip Clearance Flow In Linear Turbine Cascades F.J.G. Heyes, H.P. Hodson, Whittle Laboratory, Cambridge, ENGLAND; 92-GT-214
IGTI 1992 Experimental Study On The Three Dimensional Flow Within A Compressor Cascade With Tip Clearance: Part I -- Velocity And Pressure Fields S. Kang, Ch. Hirsch, Vrije Universiteit Brussel, Brussel, BELGIUM; 92-GT-215
IGTI 1992 An Investigation Of Factors Influencing The Calibration Of 5-Hole Probes For 3-D Flow Measurements R.G. Dominy, University of Durham, Durham, ENGLAND; H.P. Hodson, Cambridge University, Cambridge, ENGLAND 92-GT-216
IGTI 1992 On The Conservation Of Rothalpy In Turbomachines F.A. Lyman, Syracuse University, Syracuse, NY, USA; 92-GT-217
IGTI 1992 Investigations On A Radial Compressor Tandem-Rotor Stage With Adjustable Geometry B. Josuhn-Kadner, Ruhr Universitat Bochum, Bochum, GERMANY; B. Hoffmann, DLR, Koln, GERMANY 92-GT-218
IGTI 1992 Deposition Of Volcanic Materials In The Hot Sections Of Two Gas Turbine Engines J. Kim, M.G. Dunn, A.J. Baran, Calspan Corporation, Buffalo, NY, USA; D.P. Wade, E.L. Tremba, Defense Nuclear Agency, Alexandria, VA, USA 92-GT-219
IGTI 1992 Performance And Emission Levels In Gas Turbine Plants F. Bozza, R. Tuccillo, University of Naples, Naples, ITALY; G. Fontana, University of Cassino, Cassino, ITALY 92-GT-220
IGTI 1992 What Affects The Cost Of Hot Gas Filter Stations? J.F. Zievers, P. Eggerstedt, Industrial Filter & Pump Mfg. Co., Cicero, IL, USA; E.C. Zievers, Universal Porosics, Inc., LaGrange, IL, USA; D. Nicolai, SETEC GmbH, Bietigheim, GERMANY 92-GT-221
IGTI 1992 A Binary Gas Composition Sensor To Measure Impermeable Wall Concentration In Film Cooling Experiments R. Seffal, S.G. Schwarz, S.J. Walker, Turlane University, New Orleans, LA, USA; 92-GT-222
IGTI 1992 The Quasi-Three Dimensional Design Method For Steam Turbines With Curvilinear Leaned And Twisted Stator Blades W. Zhongqi, L. Fengjun, Harbin Institute of Technology, Harbin, CHINA; 92-GT-223
IGTI 1992 The Optimum Value Of The Nozzle Outlet Angle Of Turbine Stages K. Kosowski, Technical University of Gdansk, Gdansk, POLAND; 92-GT-224
IGTI 1992 Experimental Verification Of The Improvements Achieved By A New LP-Blade Design In A Steam Turbine H. Stetter, G. Eyb, C. Zimmerman, University of Stuttgart, Stuttgart, GERMANY; H.G. Hosenfeld, Siemens AG/KWU, GERMANY 92-GT-225
IGTI 1992 Analysis Of Normal Mode Localization In Mistuned Bladed-Disc Assembly With Disc Coupling Y.-Q. Zhang, W.-L. Wang, Fudan University, Shanghai, CHINA; 92-GT-226
IGTI 1992 Flutter Of Grouped Turbine Blades D.S. Whitehead, Consultant, Wilts, ENGLAND; D.H. Evans, Westinghouse Electric Corporation, Orlando, FL, USA 92-GT-227
IGTI 1992 Advanced Ducted Engines: Impact Of Unsteady Aerodynamics On Fan Vibration Properties A.H. Klose, MTU, Munich, GERMANY; 92-GT-228
IGTI 1992 Flexible Manufacturing Of Aircraft Engine Parts O.M. Hassan, D.M. Jenkins, GE Aircraft Engines, Lynn, MA, USA; 92-GT-229
IGTI 1992 Digital Control Retrofit Of An Industrial Gas Turbine A. Metzger, T. Kness, Woodward Governor Co., Ft. Collins, CO, USA; 92-GT-230
IGTI 1992 On Modeling Centrifugal Compressors For Robust Control Design K.M. Murphy, D. Marchio, Ecole des Mines de Paris, Paris, FRANCE; P. Kalatta, R. Fischl, Drexel University, Philadelphia, PA, USA 92-GT-231
IGTI 1992 Embedded Microprocessor Digital Control For Vehicular Turbine Management System M. Kundra, Textron Lycoming, Stratford, CT, USA; J. Bluish, Allied Signal Aerospace Company, South Bend, IN, USA 92-GT-232
IGTI 1992 The Quantitative Visualisation Of The Flow In A 1/10th Scale Model Thrust Reverser At The Aircraft Research Association, Bedford P. Bryanston-Cross, Warwick University, Coventry, UK; R.S. Sale, Aircraft Research Association Ltd, Bedford, ENGLAND 92-GT-233
IGTI 1992 Design And Test Of A Low-NOx Advanced Rich-Lean Combustor For LBG Fueled 1300 C-Class Gas Turbine T. Nakata, M. Sato, T. Ninomiya, Central Research Institute of Electric Power Industry, Yokosuka, JAPAN; T. Yoshine, M. Yamada, Toshiba Corporation, Yokohama, JAPAN 92-GT-234
IGTI 1992 Design Features Influencing The Distribution Of Fuel Within The Spray From An Air Blast Fuel Injector F.W. Stringer, A.N. Irwin, AIT Limited, Lancashire, ENGLAND; 92-GT-235
IGTI 1992 Operating Experience And Site Performance Testing Of The CW251B12 Gas Turbine Engine I.S. Diakunchak, Westinghouse Canada, Inc., Hamilton, ON, CANADA; 92-GT-236
IGTI 1992 501F Development Update D.T. Entenmann, K.G. Hultgren, J.P. Smed, Westinghouse Electic Corporation, Orlando, Fl, USA; K. Aoyama, K. Tsukagoshi, S. Umemura, Mitsubishi Heavy Ind, Ltd, Takasago, JAPAN 92-GT-237
IGTI 1992 Application Of Digital Video Interactive Technology For Operation And Maintenance Of Industrial Gas Turbines K. Golas, S. Mutter, A.J. Smalley, Southwest Research Institute, San Antonio, TX, USA; G. Quentin, Electric Power Research Institute, San Jose, CA, USA 92-GT-238
IGTI 1992 Turbulent Flow And Heat Transfer In Gas Turbine Blade Cooling Passages F.J. Cunha, General Electric Company, Schenectady, NY, USA; 92-GT-239
IGTI 1992 New Advanced Cooling Technology And Material Of The 1500 C Class Gas Turbine H. Matsuzaki, K. Shimomura, Tohoku Electric Company, Inc., Sendai, JAPAN; Y. Fukuyama, T. Araki, J. Ishii, M. Yamamoto, S. Shibuya, I. Okuhara, Toshiba Corporation, Yokohama, JAPAN 92-GT-240
IGTI 1992 Internal Cooling Passage Heat Transfer Near The Entrance To A Film Cooling Hole: Experimental And Computational Results A.R. Byerley, United States Air Force Academy, Colorado Springs, CO, USA; T.V. Jones, P.T. Ireland, Oxford University, Oxford, UK 92-GT-241
IGTI 1992 Pin-Fin Heat Transfer: Contribution Of The Wall And The Pin To The Overall Heat Transfer A.M. Al Dabagh, G.E. Andrews, University of Leeds, Leeds, UK; 92-GT-242
IGTI 1992 Heat Transfer And Aerodynamics Of A High Rim Speed Turbine Nozzle Guide Vane With Profiled End Walls K.S. Chana, Defense Research Agency, Hampshire, UK; 92-GT-243
IGTI 1992 Measurements Of The Effect Of Free-Stream Turbulence Length Scale On Heat Transfer R.W. Moss, M.L.G. Oldfield, University of Oxford, Oxford, UK; 92-GT-244
IGTI 1992 An Improved Boundary Layer Transition Correlation A. Fasihfar, M.W. Johnson, University of Liverpool, Liverpool, UK; 92-GT-245
IGTI 1992 Laminar Boundary Layer Flow And Heat Transfer With Favorable Pressure Gradient At Constant K Values D. Zhou, T. Wang, Clemson University, Clemson, SC, USA; 92-GT-246
IGTI 1992 Flow Characteristics Of A 35 Degree Inclined Turbulent Jet In A Crossflow On A Concave Surface S.W. Lee, J.S. Lee, T.S. Lee, Seoul National University, Seoul, KOREA; 92-GT-247
IGTI 1992 An Experimental Investigation Of Convective Heat Transfer At The Leading Edge Of A Gas Turbine Airfoil S. Gendron, N.J. Marchand, Ecole Polytechnique, Montreal, CANADA; C. Korn, JRC Lab., Ispra, ITALY; J.P. Immarigeon, J.J. Kacprzynski, National Research Council of Canada, Ottawa, CANADA 92-GT-248
IGTI 1992 Heat Transfer To A Rotating Drum In An Annulus With A Stator Blade Row And Axial Throughflow P.R.N. Childs, A.B. Turner, C.M. Vaughan, D. Rayner, F.J. Bayley, University of Sussex, Brighton, GB; 92-GT-249
IGTI 1992 MTR390 - Engine For The Future J.S. Ducos, Turbomeca, Bordes, FRANCE; A. Spirkl, MTU Motoren & Turbinen Union GmbH, Munich, GERMANY; R. Thorn, Rolls-Royce plc, Bristol, UK 92-GT-250
IGTI 1992 Balance Of Moments For Hypersonic Vehicles F.G.J. Kremer, DLR - Institute of Propulsion Technology, Koln, GERMANY; 92-GT-251
IGTI 1992 Overview Of The Japanese National Project For Super/Hyper-sonic Transport Propulsion System O. Ichimaru, Agency of Industrial Science & Technolgy, Tokyo, JAPAN; M. Ishizuka, Matsushita Research Institute Tokyo, Inc., Tokyo, JAPAN; K. Murashima, HYPR Eng. Res. Assoc., Tokyo, JAPAN 92-GT-252
IGTI 1992 Conceptual Design Of Turbo-Accelerator For HST Combined Cycle Engine R. Yanagi, M. Morita, National Aerospace Laboratory, Tokyo, JAPAN; Y. Watanabe, H. Itahara, Ishikawajima-Harima Heavy Industries Co., Ltd., Tokyo, JAPAN; Y. Sasaki, Kawasaki Heavy Industries Co., Ltd., Kobe, JAPAN; T. Aoki, Mitsubishi Heavy Industries Co. 92-GT-253
IGTI 1992 Navier-Stokes Computation On A Pivoting Doors Thrust Reverser And Comparison With Tests L. Schreiber, SNECMA, Moissy-Cramayel, FRANCE; M. Legras, Hispano-Suiza, Harfleur, FRANCE 92-GT-254
IGTI 1992 Ramjet NOx Emisssion - Use Of A 3D CFD Method For The Combustor Design Of A Super/Hyper-Sonic Transport Propulsion System E. David, C. Baudoin, J.L. Schultz, D. Ansart, S. Meunier, SNECMA, Moissy-Cramayel, FRANCE; 92-GT-255
IGTI 1992 Some Topics Of Research On Hypersonic Airbreathing Engines At National Aerospace Laboratory K. Sakata, H. Nouse, M. Minoda, National Aerospace Laboratory, Tokyo, JAPAN; 92-GT-256
IGTI 1992 The Influence Of Coal Slurry Fuel Properties On The Performance Of A Bench Scale Two-Stage Slagging Combustor L.H. Cowell, C.S. Wen, R.T. LeCren, Solar Turbines Incorporated, San Diego, CA, USA; 92-GT-257
IGTI 1992 Development Of A Direct Coal-Fired Combined Cycle For Commercial Application R.L. Bannister, B.C. Wiant, Westinghouse Electric Corporation, Orlando, FL, USA; A.R. Jensen, F.V. Mach, E.U. Claeson, L.M. Raatikka, Northern States Power Company, Minneapolis, MN, USA; R.C. Diehl, H.M. Eppich, Textron, Inc., Everett, MA, USA; R.A. Newby 92-GT-258
IGTI 1992 Experimental Evaluation Of A Two-Stage Slagging Combustor Design For A Coal-Fueled Industrial Gas Turbine L.H. Cowell, R.T. LeCren, Solar Turbines Incorporated, San Diego, CA, USA; 92-GT-259
IGTI 1992 Coal-Water Slurry Testing Of An Industrial Gas Turbine R.A. Wenglarz, C. Wilkes, R.C. Bourke, H.C. Mongia, General Motors Corporation, Indianapolis, IN, USA; 92-GT-260
IGTI 1992 Development Of An Indirect Coal-Fired High Performance Power Generation System R.L. Bannister, D.J. Amos, A.J. Scalzo, Westinghouse Electric Corporation, Orlando, FL. USA; S.C. Datsko, Babcock & Wilcox, Alliance, OH, USA 92-GT-261
IGTI 1992 Development And Industrial Application Of The "All-Over-Controlled Vortex Distribution Method" For Designing Radial And Mixed Flow Impellers S.J. Wang, M.J. Yuan, G. Xi, S.X. Liu, D.T. Qi, X.J. Chai, Xi'an Jiaotong University, Xian, CHINA; 92-GT-262
IGTI 1992 The Qualities Of PRENFLO Coal Gas For Use In High-Efficiency Gas Turbines W. Schellbert, E. Kuske, Krupp Koppers GmbH, Essen, GERMANY; 92-GT-263
IGTI 1992 Measurement Of Combustion Turbine Non-Recoverable Degradation L.S. Flashberg, Mission Operation and Maintenance, Inc., Irvine, CA, USA; G.L. Haub, Texaco Cogeneration & Power Company, Bakersfield, CA, USA 92-GT-264
IGTI 1992 Peaking Gas Turbine Capacity Enhancement Using Ice Storage For Compressor Inlet Air Cooling J. Ebeling, R. Halil, Burns & McDonnell Engineering Company, Kansas City, MO, USA; D. Bantam, B. Bakenhus, Lincoln Electric System, Lincoln, NE, USA; H. Schreiber, R. Wendland, Electric Power Research Institute, Palo Alto, CA, USA 92-GT-265
IGTI 1992 Experience With The Commissioning Of A Natural Gas Power Recovery Turbine H.F. Stoll, RWTUV, Essen, GERMANY; 92-GT-266
IGTI 1992 Performance Monitoring Of Gas Turbines For Failure Prevention R.E. Dundas, Factory Mutual Engineering & Research, Norwood, MA, USA; D.A. Sullivan, Technical Innovations, Inc., Sandwich, MA, USA; F. Abegg, Golden Valley Electric Association, Inc., Fairbanks, AK 92-GT-267
IGTI 1992 Numerical Generator Protection Offers New Benefits Of Gasturbines M. Ilar, ABB Relays Ltd., Baden, SWITZERLAND; M. Wittwer, ABB Power Generation Ltd., Baden, SWITZERLAND 92-GT-268
IGTI 1992 On-Line Detergent Washing: Reducing The Environmental Effects On The LCAC Gas Turbine Engines J.S. Patterson, S.K. Spring, Naval Ship Systems Engineering Station, Philadelphia, PA, USA; 92-GT-269
IGTI 1992 Experience With The TF40B Engine In The LCAC Fleet E.M. House, Naval Ship Systems Engineering Station, Philadelphia, PA, USA; 92-GT-270
IGTI 1992 1/4 Scale Hot Flow Model Test Of A GE LM2500 Exhaust System D. Vandam, W.R. Davis Engineering Limited, Ottawa, ON, CANADA; A.M. Birk, Queen's University, Kingston, ON, CANADA 92-GT-271
IGTI 1992 On Application Of Statistics To Verification Of Turbomachinery Calculation Methods J. Krzyzanowski, Institute of Fluid-Flow Machinery, Gdansk, POLAND; P. Krzyslak, J. Gluch, Technical University of Gdansk, Gdansk, POLAND 92-GT-272
IGTI 1992 Rotor Design For Large Industrial Gas Turbines W. Endres, University of Stellenbosch, Stellenbosch, S. AFRICA; 92-GT-273
IGTI 1992 Evaluation Of Gas Turbine Transitions After 20,000 And 37,000 Hours Of Service V.P. Swaminathan, Southwest Research Institute, San Antonio, TX, USA; H.B. Owens, N. Hicks, ENRON Power Corporation, Houston, TX, USA 92-GT-274
IGTI 1992 On Aerodynamic Loading Of Linear Compressor Cascades J. Citavy, PCS Turbomachinery, Praha, CZECH; 92-GT-275
IGTI 1992 Numerical Research On Flows In Nonuniform Cascades F. Qi, T. Guocai, S. Chunhua, Nanjing Aeronautical Institute, Nanjing, CHINA; 92-GT-276
IGTI 1992 Prediction Of 2D Viscous Transonic Flow In Compressor Cascades Using A Semi-Empirical Shock/Boundary-Layer Interaction Method M. Hoeger, K.D. Broichhausen, MTU München, GERMANY; 92-GT-277
IGTI 1992 A Simulation Of Secondary Flow In Centrifugal Impeller Channel By A Stationary Three-Dimensional Curved Duct S. Mizuki, H. Tsujita, Hosei University, Tokyo, JAPAN; 92-GT-278
IGTI 1992 Design Of An Incompressible High-Pressure Vaneaxial Fan Using CFD Y.T. Lee, M.E. Slipper, David Taylor Research Center, Bethesda, MD, USA; J. Feng, C.L. Merkle, The Pennsylvania State University, University Park, PA, USA 92-GT-279
IGTI 1992 Cold Flow Testing Of The Space Shuttle Main Engine Alternate Turbopump Development High Pressure Fuel Turbine Model S.W. Gaddis, S.T. Hudson, NASA-Marshall Space Flight Center, Huntsville, AL, USA; P.D. Johnson, Pratt & Whitney, West Palm Beach, FL, USA 92-GT-280
IGTI 1992 Transition Prediction In Attached And Separated Shear Layers Using An Integral Method G. Leoutsakos, K.D. Papailiou, National Technical University, Athens, GREECE; 92-GT-281
IGTI 1992 An Approach For Multi-Stage Calculations Incorporating Unsteadiness M. Giles, Massachusetts Institute of Technology, Cambridge, MA, USA; 92-GT-282
IGTI 1992 Unsteady Boundary-Layer Transition In Flow Periodically Disturbed By Wakes U. Orth, Garrett GmbH, Raunheim, GERMANY; 92-GT-283
IGTI 1992 Numerical And Experimental Analysis Of The Flow In A Centrifugal Pump At Nominal And Partial Flow Rate J.F. Combes, EDF/DER, Chatou, FRANCE; E. Rieutord, INSA, Lyon, FRANCE 92-GT-284
IGTI 1992 Potential Flow Analysis Of The Forces On A Laboratory Centrifugal Pump Impeller S.M. Miner, United State Naval Academy, Annapolis, MD, USA; R.D. Flack, University of Virginia, Charlottesville, VA, USA; P. Trevisan, Pratt & Whitney Aircraft Group, W. Palm Beach, FL, USA 92-GT-285
IGTI 1992 Design Of Multi-Stage Turbomachinery Blading By The Circulation Method: Actuator Duct Limit T.Q. Dang, T. Wang, Syracuse University, Syracuse, NY, USA; 92-GT-286
IGTI 1992 Use Of Subdomains For Inverse Problems In Branching Flow Passages S. Krishnan, A.K. Agrawal, T.-t. Yang, Clemson University, Clemson, SC, USA; 92-GT-287
IGTI 1992 Prediction Of Secondary Losses In Axial Compressors V. Cyrus, SVUSS, Prague, CZECHOSLOVAKIA; 92-GT-288
IGTI 1992 A PC-Based Inverse Design Method Applied To Radial Inflow Turbines I.H. Skoe, Ulstein Turbine A/S, Asker, NORWAY; 92-GT-289
IGTI 1992 A 3-D Inverse Methodology Applied To The Design Of Axisymmetric Ducts V. Dedoussis, P. Chaviaropoulos, K.D. Papailiou, National Technical University, Athens, GREECE; 92-GT-290
IGTI 1992 A Three-Dimensional Numerical Method For Turbomachinery Blading C.W. Gu, J.Z. Xu, J.Y. Du, Chinese Academy of Sciences, Beijing, CHINA; 92-GT-291
IGTI 1992 Progress On The Advanced Turbine Technology Applications Project (ATTAP), And Automotive Gas Turbine Outlook P.J. Haley, General Motors Corporation, Indianapolis, IN, USA; 92-GT-292
IGTI 1992 A Viscous Axisymmetric Throughflow Prediction Method For Multi-Stage Compressors A.S. Ucer, Middle East Technical University, Ankara, TURKEY; R.P. Shreeve, Naval Postgraduate School, Monterey, CA, USA 92-GT-293
IGTI 1992 A Simple Method For Estimating Secondary Losses In Turbines At The Preliminary Design Stage M.B. Okan, D.G. Gregory-Smith, Durham University, Durham, ENGLAND; 92-GT-294
IGTI 1992 Research And Development Of Ceramic Turbine Wheels K. Watanabe, M. Masuda, T. Ozawa, M. Matsui, NGK Insulators, Ltd, Nagoya, JAPAN; K. Matsuhiro, NGK Europe GmbH, Eschborn, GERMANY 92-GT-295
IGTI 1992 Reliability Analysis Of Structural Ceramic Components Using A Three-Parameter Weibull Distribution S.F. Duffy, L.M. Powers, A. Starlinger, NASA LeRC, Cleveland, OH, USA; 92-GT-296
IGTI 1992 Investigation Of Rotor Blade Roughness Effects On Turbine Performance J.L. Boynton, R. Tabibzadeh, Rockwell International Corporation, Canogo Park, CA, USA; S.T. Hudson, NASA-Marshall Space Flight Center, Huntsville, AL, USA 92-GT-297
IGTI 1992 A Comparison Of The Measured And Predicted Flowfield In A Modern Fan-Bypass Configuration R.K. Goyal, General Motors Corporation, Inianapolis, IN, USA; W.N. Dawes, Cambridge University, Cambridge, UK 92-GT-298
IGTI 1992 Investigation Of Tip Clearance Phenomena In An Axial Compressor Cascade Using Euler And Navier-Stokes Procedures R.F. Kunz, General Motors Technical Center, Warren, MI, USA; B. Lakshminarayana, A.H. Basson, The Pennsylvania State University, University Park, PA, USA 92-GT-299
IGTI 1992 Numerical Simulation Of Compressor Endwall And Casing Treatment Flow Phenomena A.J. Crook, Allison Gas Turbine Division, GMC, Indianapolis, IN, USA; E.M. Greitzer, C.S. Tan, Massachusetts Institute of Technology, Cambridge, MA, USA; J.J. Adamczyk, NASA Lewis Research Center, Cleveland, OH, USA 92-GT-300
IGTI 1992 The Role Of Laminar-Turbulent Transition In Gas Turbine Engines - A Discussion G.J. Walker, University of Tasmania, Hobart, AUSTRALIA; 92-GT-301
IGTI 1992 Viscous Throughflow Modelling For Multi-Stage Compressor Design M.A. Howard, S.J. Gallimore, Rolls-Royce plc, Derby, UK; 92-GT-302
IGTI 1992 Ingestion Into The Upstream Wheelspace Of An Axial Turbine Stage T. Green, A.B. Turner, The University of Sussex, Sussex, UK; 92-GT-303
IGTI 1992 Brush Seal Leakage Performance With Gaseous Working Fluids At Static And Low Rotor Speed Conditions J.A. Carlile, R.C. Hendricks, D.A. Yoder, NASA Lewis Research Center, Cleveland, OH, USA; 92-GT-304
IGTI 1992 The Transfer Of Heat By Self-Induced Flow In A Rotating Tube S. Gilham, W.S. Atkins Engineering Sciences, Surrey, UK; P.C. Ivey, Cranfield Institute of Technolgy, Bedfordshire, UK; J.M. Owen, University of Bath, Bath, UK 92-GT-305
IGTI 1992 Calculation Of Wake-Induced Unsteady Flow In A Turbine Cascade N.-H. Cho, W. Rodi, University of Karlsruhe, Karlsruhe, GERMANY; X. Liu, Pratt & Whitney Canada, Mississauga, CANADA; B. Schonung, ABB Turbosystems, Baden, SWITZERLAND 92-GT-306
IGTI 1992 Optimum Design Of Rotor-Bearing Systems With Eigenvalue Constraints T.-Y. Chen, National Chung-Hsing University, Taichung, Taiwan, CHINA; B.P. Wang, The University of Texas, Arlington, TX, USA 92-GT-307
IGTI 1992 An Investigation Of Turbulence Modelling In Transonic Fans Including A Novel Implementation Of An Implicit k-e Turbulence Model M.G. Turner, I.K. Jennions, GE Aircraft Engines, Cincinnati, OH, USA; 92-GT-308
IGTI 1992 Three-Dimensional Navier-Stokes Computations Of Transonic Fan Flow Using An Explicit Flow Solver And An Implicit k-e Solver I.K. Jennions, M.G. Turner, GE Aircraft Engines, Cincinnati, OH, USA; 92-GT-309
IGTI 1992 Infra-Red Signature Suppression For Marine Gas Turbines: Comparison Of Sea Trial And Model Test Results For The DRES Ball IRSS System D. Vandam, W.R. Davis Engineering Limited, Ottawa, ON, CANADA; A.M. Birk, Queen's University, Kingston, ON, CANADA 92-GT-310
IGTI 1992 Analysis Of General Electric Model 7001 First Stage Nozzle Cracking H.L. Bernstein, R.C. McClung, T.R. Sharron, Southwest Research Institute, San Antonio, TX, USA; J.M. Allen, Electric Power Research Institute, Palo Alto, CA, USA 92-GT-311
IGTI 1992 Powder Metallurgy Repair Of Turbine Components K.A. Ellison, P. Lowden, J. Liburdi, Liburdi Engineering Ltd., Hamilton, ON, CANADA; 92-GT-312
IGTI 1992 Ceramic Filters For Hot Gas Cleanup L.R. White, T.L. Tompkins, K.C. Hsieh, D.D. Johnson, 3M Center, St. Paul, MN, USA; 92-GT-313
IGTI 1992 Combustion System Performance And Field Test Results Of The MS7001F Gas Turbine J.P. Claeys, K.M. Elward, W.J. Mick, R.A. Symonds, General Electric Company, Schenectady, NY, USA; 92-GT-314
IGTI 1992 TEMPER - A Gas-Path Analysis Tool For Commercial Jet Engines D.L. Doel, GE Aircraft Engines, Evendale, OH, USA; 92-GT-315
IGTI 1992 Ceramic Matrix Composite Applications In Advanced Liquid Fuel Rocket Engine Turbomachinery J.W. Brockmeyer, Rockwell International Corporation, Canoga Park, CA, USA; 92-GT-316
IGTI 1992 Microstructural Investigations Of Plasma Sprayed YTTRIA Partially Stabilized Zirconia TBC S. Alperine, L. Lelait, O.N.E.R.A., Chatillon, FRANCE; 92-GT-317
IGTI 1992 Thermal Fracture Of Multilayer Ceramic Thermal Barrier Coatings T.R. Takeuchi, K. Kokini, Purdue University, W. Lafayette, IN, USA; 92-GT-318
IGTI 1992 Thermal Barrier Coatings On Turbine Blades By Plasma Spraying With Improved Cooling L. Pawlowski, S. Sturlese, CSM Centro Sviluppo Materiali, Pergine di Valsugana, ITALY; T. Cosack, S. Scheiderbanger, MTU Motoren-und Turbinen-Union, München, GERMANY 92-GT-319
IGTI 1992 Direct Measurements Of Skin Friction In Supersonic Combustion Flow Fields K.M. Chadwick, D.J. DeTurris, J.A. Schetz, Virginia Polytechnic Institute & State University, Blacksburg, VA, USA; 92-GT-320
IGTI 1992 Utility Perspective Of Selecting Air Filter For Simple-Cycle, Heavy-Duty Combustion Turbines J.W. Lyons, A. Morrison, Southern Company Services, Inc., Birmingham, AL, USA; 92-GT-321
IGTI 1992 Second-Generation Low-Emisssion Combustors For ABB Gas Turbines: Field Measurements With GT11N-EV M. Aigner, G. Muller, ABB Power Generation Ltd., Baden, SWITZERLAND; 92-GT-322
IGTI 1992 Measurement Of Unsteady Flow And Heat Transfer In A Linear Turbine Cascade X. Liu, Pratt & Whitney Canada, Mississauga, CANADA; W. Rodi, University of Karlsruhe, Karlsruhe, GERMANY 92-GT-323
IGTI 1992 Use Of Advanced CFD Codes In The Turbomachinery Design Process O. Novak, O. Schafer, B. Schonung, ABB Turbo Systems Ltd., Baden, SWITZERLAND; H. Patzold, Interkeller Ltd., Bruttisellen, SWITZERLAND 92-GT-324
IGTI 1992 Meridional Flow Calculation Using Advanced CFD Techniques P. Kiousis, P. Chaviaropoulos, K.D. Papiliou, National Technical University of Athens, Athens, GREECE; 92-GT-325
IGTI 1992 Effect Of Manufacturing Deviations On Performance Of Axial Flow Compressor Blading E. Marson, Westinghouse Canada Inc., Hamilton, CANADA; 92-GT-326
IGTI 1992 A Summary Of Allison Gas Turbine's Marine Experience J.S. Weisert, General Motors Corporation, Indianapolis, IN, USA; 92-GT-327
IGTI 1992 The Redesign Of A Marine Gas Turbine Generator Set P. Cheney, National Defence Headquarters, Ottawa, CANADA; A. Abdelrazik, Naval Engineering Test Establishment, Montreal, CANADA 92-GT-328
IGTI 1992 The U.S. Navy's Design, Development And Implementation Program For Gas Turbine Generator Sets J.J. McGroarty, Naval Ship Systems Engineering Station, Philadelphia, PA, USA; 92-GT-329
IGTI 1992 A Conceptual Design For A Combined Cycle Power Plant Comprising Modified Exhaust-Heated Gas Turbine And A Steam Turbine Plant - Part I: Preliminary Calculations, Basic Dimensions, And General Design Conception J.A. Golinski, Technical University, Wroclaw, POLAND; 92-GT-330
IGTI 1992 A New Approach To The Design Of Combined Cycle Plants T. Wiekmeijer, Prometheus Energy Systems B.V., THE NETHERLANDS; 92-GT-331
IGTI 1992 Evolution And Introduction Of The MARS T-14000 Gas Turbine C.M. Waldhelm, Solar Turbines Incorporated, San Diego, CA, USA; 92-GT-332
IGTI 1992 Assessing The Economics Of Industrial Gas Turbine Cogeneration Applications J.P. Hill, Georgia Power Company, Atlanta, GA, USA; 92-GT-333
IGTI 1992 Durability Surveillance Program On The Advanced Gas Turbine GE Frame 7 F I.S. Ondryas, Fluor Daniel Power, Irvine, CA, USA; C. Meher-Homji, Boyce Engineering International, Houston, TX, USA; P. Boehler, Potomac Electric Power company, Dickerson, MD, USA; C. Dohner, Electric Power Research Institute, Palo Alto, CA, USA; 92-GT-334
IGTI 1992 MS5002 Advanced Technology Uprate And Field Modification Experience Ismoyo, P.T. Arun NGL Co., Lhokeseumawe, INDONESIA; C.M. Grondahl, General Electric Company, Schenectady, NY, USA; C.D. Kinney, Mobil Exploration & Producing Services, Inc., Dallas, TX, USA 92-GT-335
IGTI 1992 The VKI Compression Tube Annular Cascade Facility CT3 C.H. Sieverding, T. Arts, Von Karman Institute for Fluid Dynamics, Rhode-St-Genese, BELGIUM; 92-GT-336
IGTI 1992 An Opto-Electronic Data Transmission System For Measurements On Rotating Turbomachinery Components C.H. Sieverding, C. Vanhaeverbeek, G. Schulze, Von Karman Institute for Fluid Dynamics, Rhode-St-Genese, BELGIUM; 92-GT-337
IGTI 1992 High Nitrogen Martensitic Steels - A New Family Of Martensitic Corrosion Resistant Steels For Improved Aerospace Bearing Performance W. Trojahn, FAG Kugelfischer KGaA, Schweinfurt, GERMANY; 92-GT-338
IGTI 1992 Some Basic Reflections About The Influence Of Non-Metallic Inclusions On Rolling Contact Fatigue Of Bearing Steels H.-J. Bohmer, FAG Kugelfischer KGaA, Schweinfurt, GERMANY; 92-GT-339
IGTI 1992 Advanced Blading For Last Stages Of Heavy Duty Gas Turbines - A Joint German Action U. Pickert, K.H. Keienburg, Siemens/KWU, Mulheim, GERMANY; R. Burgel, K. Schneider, ABB Kraftwerke, Mannheim, GERMANY 92-GT-340
IGTI 1992 Mechanical Properties, Oxidation Resistance And Their Interaction For Two Gas Turbine Seal Ring Alloys S.K. Srivastava, Haynes Internaitonal, Inc., Kokomo, IN, USA; 92-GT-341
IGTI 1992 Thermomechnaical Damage Development In SiC(SCS6)/Ti-64 Metal Matrix Composite S. Aksoy, Textron Lycoming, Stratford, CT, USA; 92-GT-342
IGTI 1992 Study Of Pressurized Fluidized Bed Combustion Combined Cycles With Gas Turbine Topping Cycle D. Bohn, G.H. Dibelius, R.U. Pitt, R. Faatz, Institut fur Dampf-und Gasturbinen, Aachen, GERMANY; G. Cerri, C. Salvini, Universita degli studi di Roma, Rome, ITALY 92-GT-343
IGTI 1992 An Automotive Gas Turbine Engine Blade Erosion M. Metwally, W. Tabakoff, A. Hamed, University of Cincinnati, Cincinnati, OH, USA; 92-GT-344
IGTI 1992 Turbine Cascade Optimization Against Particle Deposition D.D. Kladas, D.P. Georgiou, University of Patras, Patras, GREECE; 92-GT-345
IGTI 1992 Concentration Fluctuations In Turbulent Cross Jet Mixing G.E. Andrews, U.S. Abdul Hussain, University of Leeds, Leeds, UK; 92-GT-346
IGTI 1992 The Comparison Of Different Simplified Mathematical Models Of The Gas Turbine Combustion Chamber As An Object Of Temperature And Pressure Control M. Dzida, Technical University of Gdansk, Gdansk, POLAND; 92-GT-347
IGTI 1992 Fiber-Reinforced Composites For Gas Turbine Applications D.P. Stinton, R.A. Lowden, T.M. Besmann, Oak Ridge National Laboratory, Oak Ridge, TN, USA; 92-GT-348
IGTI 1992 Experimental Study Of Mixed Compression Air-Intake For Hypersonic Airbreathing Engines K. Sakata, R. Yanagi, A. Murakami, S. Shindo, National Aerospace Laboratory, Tokyo, JAPAN; S. Honami, Science University of Tokyo, Tokyo, JAPAN; A. Tanaka, D. Shiraishi, Ishikawajima-Harima Heavy Industry, Tokyo, JAPAN 92-GT-349
IGTI 1992 Magnetic Particle Inspection Of Turbine Blades In Power Generating Plants C. Imbert, University of the West Indies, St. Augustine, TRINIDAD; K. Rampersad, Trinidad & Tobago Electricity Commission, Port-of-Spain, TRINIDAD 92-GT-350
IGTI 1992 Optimization Of An Advanced Combined Cycle And Its Application To The Yokohama Thermal Power Station No. 7 And No. 8 Groups Z. Aizawa, Tokyo Electric Power Company, Tokyo, JAPAN; W. Carberg, General Electric Company, Schenectady, NY, USA 92-GT-351
IGTI 1992 Past And Future Of Industrial Cogeneration In The Netherlands K. Blok, W.C. Turkenburg, University of Utrecht, Utrecht, NETHERLANDS; 92-GT-352
IGTI 1992 Technical And Economical Aspects Of Using Gas Turbine Technology In Eastern Europe Including The Commonwealth Of Independent States (CIS) B. Boehm, R.-R. Marks, Siemens Power Generation Group, Erlangen, GERMANY; 92-GT-353
IGTI 1992 Trial Operations Of Unit No. 1 Group 690 MW Combined Cycle Power Plant Of Shin-Oita Power Station S. Nogami, Kyushu Electric Power Co., Inc., Oita, JAPAN; N. Ando, Hitachi Ltd., Tokyo, JAPAN; Y. Noguchi, K. Takahashi, T. Iwamiya, Y. Hattori, Hitachi Ltd., Hitachi, JAPAN 92-GT-354
IGTI 1992 A Combined Experimental And Theoretical Study Of Flow And Pressure Distributions In A Brush Seal F.J. Bayley, C.A. Long, The University of Sussex, Sussex, UK; 92-GT-355
IGTI 1992 Separated Flow In A Low Speed Two-Dimensional Cascade: Part I - Flow Visualization And Time-Mean Velocity Measurements A.M. Yocum, Pennsylvania State University, State College, PA, USA; W.F. O'Brien, VA Polytechnic Institute & State University, Blacksburg, VA, USA 92-GT-356
IGTI 1992 Separated Flow In A Low Speed Two-Dimensional Cascade: Part II - Cascade Performance A.M. Yocum, Pennsylvania State University, State College, PA, USA; W.F. O'Brien, VA Polytechnic Institute & State University, Blacksburg, VA, USA 92-GT-357
IGTI 1992 A Study Of Rotor Cavities And Heat Transfer In A Cooling Process In A Gas Turbine R.S. Amano, V. Pavelic, University of Wisconsin, Milwaukee, WI, USA; 92-GT-358
IGTI 1992 Coal Gas Cleaning And Purification With Inorganic Membranes D.E. Fain, G.E. Roettger, Martin Marietta Energy Systems, Inc., Oak Ridge, TN, USA; 92-GT-359
IGTI 1992 Performance Of Gasturbine Compressor Cleaners H.J. Kolkman, National Aerospace Laboratory NLR, Amsterdam, NETHERLANDS; 92-GT-360
IGTI 1992 Models For Predicting The Performance Of Brayton-Cycle Engines T. Korakianitis, Washington University, St. Louis, MO, USA; D.G. Wilson, M.I.T., Cambridge, MA, USA 92-GT-361
IGTI 1992 Thrust Vectoring/Reversing Tactics In Air-To-Air Combat C.W. Boppe, R.P. Martorella, Grumman Corporation, Bethpage, NY, USA; 92-GT-362
IGTI 1992 The Extension Of A Solution-Adaptive 3D Navier-Stokes Solver Towards Geometries Of Arbitrary Complexity W.N. Dawes, Whittle Laboratory, Cambridge, U.K.; 92-GT-363
IGTI 1992 Radial Transport And Momentum Exchange In An Axial Compressor R.P. Dring, United Technologies Research Center, E. Hartford, CT, USA; 92-GT-364
IGTI 1992 A High Speed Capacitance Based System For Gauging Turbomachinery Blading Radius During The Tip Grind Process A.G. Sheard, G.C. Westerman, B. Killeen, Rotodata Limited, Derby, ENGLAND; M. Fitzpatrick, Dean, Smith, & Grace Ltd, West Yorkshire, ENGLAND 92-GT-365
IGTI 1992 Prescribed-Curvature-Distribution Airfoils For The Preliminary Geometric Design Of Axial-Turbomachinery Cascades T. Korakianitis, Washington University, St. Louis, MO, USA; 92-GT-366
IGTI 1992 An Automated Flow Line For Gas Turbine Blade Repair D.B. Doll, United Airlines Maintenance Operations Division, San Francisco, CA, USA; 92-GT-367
IGTI 1992 HVOF Spraying And Laser Processing Of Waspaloy Thick Films A. Adamski, Northwest University, Evanston, IL, USA; R. Bamola, TMT, Houston, TX, USA; L. Hultman, Linkoping University, Linkoping, SWEDEN 92-GT-368
IGTI 1992 Erosion Characteristics Of Ceramic Particulate And Whisker Reinforced Aluminum Composites S. Gupta, Rolls-Royce Inc., Atlanta, GA, USA; 92-GT-369
IGTI 1992 Development Of High Temperature High Pressure Filtration Technology K. Higashi, N. Oda, Asahi Glass Company, Ltd., JAPAN; 92-GT-370
IGTI 1992 The Flame Structure Of High INtensity Multi-Jet Shear Layer Enclosed Turbulent Diffusion Flames G.E. Andrews, A.F. Ali Al-Shaikhly, The University of Leeds, Leeds, UK; 92-GT-371
IGTI 1992 Direct Numerical Simulation Of Nitric Oxyde Evolution In Underexpanded Jets R.J. Gathmann, C. Baudoin, J.P. Chollet, Inst. de Mecanique de Grenoble, Grenoble, FRANCE; 92-GT-372
IGTI 1992 Massive Steam Injection On An MS6001B Gas Turbine In Cogeneration Service K.M. Elward, D.A. Flodman, R.A. Symonds, General Electric Company, Schenectady, NY, USA; 92-GT-373
IGTI 1992 On The Concept Of Durability In Evaluation Of Equipment Life-Cycle Cost I.S. Ondryas, Fluor Daniel Power, Irvine, CA, USA; 92-GT-374
IGTI 1992 Mechanical Design Of Free Standing Exhaust Stacks For Offshore Applications I.M. Allison, University of Surrey, Guildford, ENGLAND; A.C. Steel, Altair Filters International Ltd., Hampshire, ENGLAND 92-GT-375
IGTI 1992 Combined Cycle Power Plant Start-Up Effects And Constraints Of The HRSG A. Pasha, Henry Vogt Machine Company, Louisville, KY, USA; 92-GT-376
IGTI 1992 The Effects Of Incident Turbulence And Moving Wakes On Laminar Heat Transfer In Gas Turbines K. Dullenkopf, University of Karlsruhe, Karlsruhe, GERMANY; R.E. Mayle, Rensselaer Polytechnic Institute, Troy, NY, USA 92-GT-377
IGTI 1992 Rotor Cavity Flow And Heat Transfer With Inlet Swirl And Radial Outflow Of Cooling Air F.W. Staub, GE Corporate Research & Development, Schenectady, NY, USA; 92-GT-378
IGTI 1992 Effective Sealing Of A Disk Cavity Using A Double-Toothed Rim Seal S.H. Bhavnani, V.I. Khilnani, L.-C. Tsai, J.M. Khodadadi, J.S. Goodling, Auburn University, Auburn, AL, USA; J. Waggott, Dresser-Rand, Wellsville, NY, USA 92-GT-379
IGTI 1992 Effects Of Free-Stream Turbulence And Adverse Pressure Gradients On Boundary Layer Transition J.P. Gostelow, A.R. Blunden, University of Technology, Sydney, AUSTRALIA; G.J. Walker, University of Tasmania, Hobart, AUSTRALIA 92-GT-380
IGTI 1992 ATTAP Ceramic Gas Turbine Technology Development J.R. Smyth, R.E. Morey, Allied-Signal Aerospace Company, Phoenix, AZ, USA; 92-GT-381
IGTI 1992 An Externally Pressurized Air Bearing System, Journals And Thrust, For Application To Small Turbomachinery A.B. Turner, S.J. Davies, Y.L. Nimir, J.D. Richardson, University of Sussex, Sussex, UK; 92-GT-382
IGTI 1992 Ceramic Component Reliability With The Restructured NASA/CARES Computer Program L.M. Powers, A. Starlinger, J.P. Gyekenyesi, NASA-LeRC, Cleveland, OH, USA; 92-GT-383
IGTI 1992 Evaluation Of Fast Fracture Strength Of Ceramic Components Under Multiaxial Stress States H. Uchimura, A. Kokaji, M. Kaji, Kyocera Corporation, Kagoshima, JAPAN; 92-GT-384
IGTI 1992 Selection, Development, And Application Of Forming And Densification Techniques For Silicon Nitride Heat Engine Components J. Pollinger, B. Busovne, M. Meiser, J. Nick, Allied-Signal Aerospace Company, Torrance, CA, USA; 92-GT-385
IGTI 1992 Development And Application Of A Low Cost Integrated Based System For The Operation And Condition Based Maintenance Of Gas Turbines H.C. Higgins, J.L. Hackett, British Gas plc., Leicestershire, ENGLAND; 92-GT-386
IGTI 1992 Development And Operation Of Remotely Controlled Modular Gas Turbine Driven Compressor Stations C.J. Austin, H.C. Higgins, British Gas plc., Leicestershire, ENGLAND; 92-GT-387
IGTI 1992 Analysis Of Three-Dimensional Viscous Flow In A Supersonic Axial Flow Compressor Rotor With Emphasis On Tip Leakage Flow G. Perrin, F. Leboeuf, Ecole Centrale de Lyon, Ecully, FRANCE; W.N. Dawes, Cambridge University, Cambridge, ENGLAND 92-GT-388
IGTI 1992 Second-Order Effects Of Unsteadiness On The Performance Of Turbomachines G. Fritsch, M. Giles, Massachusetts Institute of Technology, Cambridge, MA, USA; 92-GT-389
IGTI 1992 Flow Studies In Ducted Twin-Rotor Contra-Rotating Axial Flow Fans B. Roy, D. Ravibabu, P. Srinivasa Rao, S. Basu, A. Raju, P.N. Murthy, IIT, Bombay, INDIA; 92-GT-390
IGTI 1992 LV100 AIPS Technology - For Future Army Propulsion W. Brockett, Textron Lycoming, Stratford, CT, USA; A. Koschier, General Electric, Lynn, MA, USA 92-GT-391
IGTI 1992 Improving Dynamic Response Of A Single-Spool Gas Turbine Engine Using A Nonlinear Controller O.F. Qi, N.R.L. Maccallum, P.J. Gawthrop, University of Glasgow, Glasgow, UK; 92-GT-392
IGTI 1992 Impact Of Ceramic Components In Gas Turbines For Industrial Cogeneration D. Anson, W. Sheppard, Battelle Memorial Institute, Columbus, OH, USA; W. Parks, Jr., U.S. Department of Energy, Washington, D.C., USA 92-GT-393
IGTI 1992 Ceramic Matrix Composites For Rocket Engine Turbine Applications T.P. Herbell, A.J. Eckel, NASA Lewis Research Center, Cleveland, OH, USA; 92-GT-394
IGTI 1992 Modelling And Analysis Of Gas Turbine Performance Deterioration A.N. Lakshminarasimha, M.P. Boyce, C. Meher-Homji, Boyce Engineering International Inc., Houston, TX, USA; 92-GT-395
IGTI 1992 Applications Of Sound Intensity Measurements To Gas Turbine Engineering R.D. Rawlinson, Altair Filters International Ltd., Hants, UK; 92-GT-396
IGTI 1992 Evolution Of Spanwise-Hole Blade Cooling In Industrial Combustion Turbines G.L. Whidden, W.E. North, Westinghouse Electric Corporation, Orlando, FL, USA; 92-GT-397
IGTI 1992 Low CO2 Power Generation Options And Their Environmental Impact C.J. Bower, S.H. Goldthorpe, G. Fynes, Coal Research Establishment, Glos., UK; 92-GT-398
IGTI 1992 Automated Decision-Analytic Diagnosis Of Thermal Performance In Gas Turbines J.S. Breese, E.J. Horvitz, M.A. Peot, Knowledge Industries, Palo Alto, CA, USA; R. Gay, Enter Software, Menlo Park, CA, USA; G.H. Quentin, Electric Power Research Institute, Palo Alto, CA, USA 92-GT-399
IGTI 1992 Accuracy Issues In The Prediction Of Supersonic Inlet Flows G.C. Paynter, E. Tjonneland, The Boeing Company, Seattle, WA, USA; 92-GT-400
IGTI 1992 A Compact, Intercooled And Regenerated Gas Turbine For HALE Applications J.J. Kolden, W.J. Bigbee-Hansen, D.G. Iverson, Boeing Military Airplanes, Seattle, WA, USA; 92-GT-401
IGTI 1992 Optimization Aspects Of An Ejector Type Hypersonic Thrust Nozzle G. Trittler, E. Eckert, M. Goeing, MTU Munich, München, GERMANY; 92-GT-402
IGTI 1992 Aircraft Engine Integration For The M88-RAFALE Couple P. Ramette, SNECMA 2, Saint Cloud, FRANCE; J.C. Corde, SNECMA 2, Paris, FRANCE 92-GT-403
IGTI 1992 Fuel Cell Powered Electric Propulsion For HALE Aircraft J.C. Bentz, Naval Air Development Center, Warminster, PA, USA; 92-GT-404
IGTI 1992 High Pressure Ratio Intercooled Turboprop Study C. Rodgers, Sundstrand Power Systems, San Diego, CA, USA; 92-GT-405
IGTI 1992 An Optimisation-Matching Procedure For Variable Cycle Jet Engines M.A.R. Nascimento, P. Pilidis, Cranfield Institute of Technology, Cranfield, UK; 92-GT-406
IGTI 1992 Some Aspects Of Variable Geometry Gas Turbine Operation J.E.A. Roy-Aikens, University of Nairobi, Nairobi, KENYA; 92-GT-407
IGTI 1992 Expert Systems For The Simulation Of Gas Turbine Engines G. Torella, Italian Air Force Academy, Pozzuoli Napoli, ITALIA; 92-GT-408
IGTI 1992 A Scoping Study For Hypersonic Transport Propulsion Systems S.C. Kuo, J.D. Doernbach, G. Champagne, Pratt & Whitney-GESP, W. Palm Beach, FL, USA; A. Tatara, H. Futamura, Kawasaki Heavy Industries Co., Ltd., Kobe, JAPAN; Y. Watanabe, Ishikawajima-Harima Heavy Industries Co., Ltd., Tokyo, JAPAN; T. Aoki, Mitsubishi 92-GT-409
IGTI 1992 Mechanical Properties Evaluation Of Generation - I SX-SiC G.V. Srinivasan, K.Y. Chia, S.K. Lau, R.S. Storm, The Carborundum Company, Niagara Falls, NY, USA; M.K. Ferber, M.G. Jenkins, Oak Ridge National Laboratory, Oak Ridge, TN, USA 92-GT-410
IGTI 1992 Textron Lycoming AGT1500 Engine - Operational And Support Cost Reduction E. Pellegrino, Textron Lycoming, Stratford, CT, USA; 92-GT-411
IGTI 1992 Tomahawk Engine/Air-Frame Compatibility Testing R.C. Lowry, Naval Air Propulsion Center, Trenton, NJ, USA; J.B. Eckmann, Sparta, Inc., Edwards AFB, CA, USA 92-GT-412
IGTI 1992 Combustion Study On Methane-Fuel Laboratory Scaled Ram Combustor Y. Kinoshita, J. Kitajima, M. Shiraha, A. Tatara, Kawasaki Heavy Industries, Ltd., Akashi, JAPAN; 92-GT-413
IGTI 1992 Using Contr-Rotating Rotors For Decreasing Sizes And Component Number In Small GTE B.A. Ponomariov, Y.V. Sotsenko, Central Institute of Aviation Motors, Moscow, RUSSIAN FEDERATION; 92-GT-414
IGTI 1992 Aircraft Turbine Engine NOx Emission Limits - Status And Trends D.W. Bahr, GE Aircraft Engines, Cincinnati, OH, USA; 92-GT-415
IGTI 1992 On-Board Condition Management For Aircraft Gas Turbines G.W. Gallops, F.D. Gass, M.H. Kennedy, United Technologies Corporation, W. Palm Beach, FL, USA; 92-GT-416
IGTI 1992 Erosion Resistant Titanium Nitride Coating For Turbine Compressor Applications J. Liburdi, D. Nagy, Liburdi Engineering Limited, Hamilton, ON, CANADA; V.R. Parameswaran, National Research Council of Canada, Ottawa, ON, CANADA 92-GT-417
IGTI 1992 Analysis Of Jet/Wake Mixing In A Vaneless Diffuser J.S. Mounts, United Technologies Research Center, E. Hartford, CT, USA; J. Brasz, Carrier Corporation, Syracuse, NY, USA 92-GT-418
IGTI 1992 A Novel Approach To High Resolution Compressible Cascade Flow Analysis Using The Navier-Stokes Equations E.Y-K. Ng, W.N. Dawes, Whittle Laboratory, Cambridge, ENGLAND; 92-GT-419
IGTI 1992 A Study Of Transient Response Of Flexible Rotors In High Speed Turbomachinery V. Pavelic, R.S. Amano, University of Wisconsin, Milwaukee, WI, USA; 92-GT-420
IGTI 1992 Optimum Selection Of The Vibration Monitoring System For Turbomachines P. Rihak, R. Schmidt, ABB Power Generaton Ltd., Baden, SWITZERLAND; 92-GT-421
IGTI 1992 Unsteady Aerodynamics And Gust Response In Compressors And Turbines S.R. Manwaring, D.C. Wisler, GE Aircraft Engines, Cincinnati, OH, USA; 92-GT-422
IGTI 1992 Optimal Circumferential Placement Of Cylindrical Thermocouple Probes For Reduction Of Excitation Forces E.C. Cobb, T.-C. Cheu, J. Hoffman, Textron Lycoming, Stratford, CT, USA; 92-GT-423
IGTI 1992 Optimization Of A Multistage Axial Compressor In A Gas Turbine Engine System I.N. Egorov, Air Force Engineering Academy, Moscow, USSR; 92-GT-424
IGTI 1992 Gas Turbine Driving Reciprocating Compressors Experience In Natural Gas Applications E. Giacomelli, P. Petrini, A. Montelatici, M. Desolati, Nuovo Pignone S.p.A., Florence, ITALY; 92-GT-425
IGTI 1992 State Of The Art Of Ultrasonic Liquid Flow Measurement And It's Impact On Automated Leak Detection In Pipelines M.L. Smulski, Alyeska Pipeline Service Company, Eagle River, AK, USA; 92-GT-426
IGTI 1992 A Practical Guide For Gas Turbine Performance Field And Test Data Analysis F.M. Krampf, Dresser-Rand Company, Olean, NY, USA; 92-GT-427
IGTI 1992 Turbocompressor Antisurge Control, New Solution For An Old Problem J.R. Gaston, Dresser-Rand Company, Olean, NY, USA; 92-GT-428
IGTI 1992 Smart Monitoring For Compressor Stations T. Van Hardeveld, NOVA Corporation, Alberta, CANADA; 92-GT-429
IGTI 1992 Inverse Design Of Compressor And Turbine Blades At Transonic Flow Conditions O. Leonard, R.A. Van den Braembussche, von Karman Institute, Genese, BELGIUM; 92-GT-430
IGTI 1992 Development Of Hot Gas Cleaning Systems For Advanced, Coal Based Gas Turbine Cycles T.E. Lippert, R.A. Newby, M.A. Alvin, D.M. Bachovchin, G.J. Bruck, E.E. Smeltzer, Westinghouse Electric Corporation, Pittsburgh, PA, USA; 92-GT-431
IGTI 1992 Experimental Study On The Three Dimensional Flow Within A Compressor Cascade With Tip Clearance: Part II -- The Tip Leakage Vortex S. Kang, Ch. Hirsch, Vrije Universiteit Brussel, Brussel, BELGIUM; 92-GT-432
IGTI 1992 Accuracy And Efficiency Assessments For A Weak Statement CFD Algorithm For High-Speed Aerodynamics G.S. Iannelli, A.J. Baker, University of Tennessee, Knoxville, TN, USA; 92-GT-433
IGTI 1992 High Temperature Oxidation And Corrosion Of Engineering Ceramics K.G. Nickel, Eberhard-Karls-Universitat, Tubingen, GERMANY; Z. Fu, P. Quirmbach, Max-Planck-Institute, Stuttgart, GERMANY 92-GT-434
IGTI 1992 Microstructural Control And The Properties Of C/C Composites E. Yasuda, Y. Tanabe, S. Kimura, Tokyo Institute of Technology, JAPAN; 92-GT-435
IGTI 1992 Textron Lycoming AGT1500 Engine - Transitioning For Future Applications R. Horan, Textron Lycoming, Stratford, CT, USA; 92-GT-436
IGTI 1992 Air-Breathing Hypersonic Cruise: Prospects For Mach 4-7 Waverider Aircraft I.M. Blankson, NASA, Washington, DC, USA; 92-GT-437
IGTI 1992 Double Mode Behavior Of Bladed Disc Assemblies At The Resonance Frequency Range, Visualization By Means Of Holographic Interferometry R. Kellerer, H. Stetter, University of Stuttgart, Stuttgart, GERMANY; 92-GT-438
IGTI 1992 Ceramics In Aero-Engines J. Wortmann, MTU Motoren- und Turbinen-Union München GmbH, München, GERMANY; K.M. Prewo, United Technology Research Center, E. Hartford, CT, USA 92-GT-439
IGTI 1993 Soft Computing In Design And Manufacturing Of Advanced Materials K. J. Cios, University of Toledo, Toledo, OH, USA; G.Y. Baaklini, A. Vary, NASA Lewis Research Center, Cleveland, OH, USA 93-GT-001
IGTI 1993 Stall Inception And Development In An Axial Flow Aeroengine A. G. Wilson, C. Freeman, Rolls Royce plc, Derby, ENGLAND ; 93-GT-002
IGTI 1993 Three-Dimensional Flow In A Highly Loaded Single-Stage Transonic Fan J.D. Bryce, M.A. Cherrett, P.A. Lyes, Defence Research Agency, Hampshire, UK ; 93-GT-003
IGTI 1993 Computed Tomography Evaluation Of Metal-Matrix Composites For Aeropropulsion Engine Applications R.N. Yancey, Advanced Research & Applications Corporation, Dayton, OH, USA; G.Y. Baaklini, NASA Lewis Research Center, Cleveland, OH, USA 93-GT-004
IGTI 1993 Condensation In Jet Engine Intake Ducts During Stationary Operation J.B. Young, University of Cambridge, Cambridge, UK ; 93-GT-005
IGTI 1993 The PT6 Engine: 30 Years Of Gas Turbine Technology Evolution M. Badger, A. Julien, A.D. LeBlanc, S.H. Moustapha, A. Prabhu, A.A. Smailys, Pratt & Whitney Canada Inc., Montreal, PQ, CANADA ; 93-GT-006
IGTI 1993 Electric Drives On The LV100 Gas Turbine Engine W.D. Jones, A.R. Fletcher, Jr., General Electric Aircraft Engines, Lynn, MA, USA ; 93-GT-007
IGTI 1993 Developments In Centrifugal Compressor Surge Control - A Technology Assessment K.K. Botros, J.F. Henderson, NOVA HUSKY Research Corporation, Calgary, AB, CANADA ; 93-GT-008
IGTI 1993 Detailed Flow Measurements And Predictions For A Three-Stage Transonic Fan W.J. Calvert, A.W. Stapleton, Defence Research Agency, Hampshire, U.K. ; 93-GT-009
IGTI 1993 Predictions Of 3-D Steady And Unsteady Inviscid Transonic Stator/Rotor Interaction With Inlet Radial Temperature Non-Uniformity A.P. Saxer, Swiss Federal Institute of Technology, Zurich, SWITZERLAND; M.B. Giles, Oxford University, Oxford, UK 93-GT-010
IGTI 1993 A Rotating Laser-Doppler Anemometry System For Unsteady Relative Flow Measurements In Model Centrifugal Impellers M. Abramian, Pratt & Whitney Canada, Mississauga, ON, CANADA; J.H.G. Howard, University of Waterloo, Waterloo, ON, CANADA 93-GT-011
IGTI 1993 Control Requirements For The RB 211 Low Emission Combustion System N.C. Corbett, N.P. Lines, Rolls-Royce Industrial & Marine Gas Turbines Limited, Ansty, ENGLAND ; 93-GT-012
IGTI 1993 Fault Diagnosis In Gas Turbines Using A Model Based Technique G.L. Merrington, DSTO, Victoria, AUSTRALIA ; 93-GT-013
IGTI 1993 Design Considerations Of A Versatile Simulator For High Bypass Turbofans C. Balan, GE Aircraft Engines, Cincinnati, OH, USA ; 93-GT-014
IGTI 1993 Nondestructive Eddy Current Evaluation Of Anisotropic Conductivites Of Silicon Carbide Reinforced Aluminum Metal-Matrix Composite Extrusions P.K. Liaw, Westinghouse Science and Technology Center, Pittsburgh, PA, USA; R. Pitchumani, University of Delaware, Newark, DE, USA; S.C. Yao, Carnegie Mellon University, Pittsburgh, PA, USA; D.K. Hsu, Iowa State University, A 93-GT-015
IGTI 1993 Design and Experimental Characterization Of A Non Intrusive Measurement System Of Rotating Blade Vibration P. Nava, Nuovo Pignone SpA, Firenze, ITALY; N. Paone, G.L. Rossi, E.P. Tomasini, Universita di Ancona, Ancona, ITALY 93-GT-016
IGTI 1993 A Review Of Non-Steady Flow Models For Compressor Stability J.P. Longley, Cambridge University, Cambridge, ENGLAND ; 93-GT-017
IGTI 1993 Control-Oriented High-Frequency Turbomachinery Modeling: Single-Stage Compression System 1D Model O.O. Badmus, S. Chowdhury, K.M. Eveker, C.N. Nett, Georgia Institute of Technology, Atlanta, GA, USA ; 93-GT-018
IGTI 1993 Viscous Analysis Of Three-Dimensional Rotor Flows Using A Multigrid Method A. Arnone, University of Florence, Florence, ITALY ; 93-GT-019
IGTI 1993 Monitoring Of Aerodynamic Load And Detection Of Stall In Multi Stage Axial Compressors H. Honen, H.E. Gallus, Institut fur Strahlantriebe und Turboarbeitsmaschinen, Aachen, GERMANY ; 93-GT-020
IGTI 1993 Investigation Of Through-Flow Hypothesis In A Turbine Cascade Using A 3D Navier-Stokes Computation G. Perrin, F. Leboeuf, Ecole Centrale de Lyon, Ecully, FRANCE ; 93-GT-021
IGTI 1993 Measurements Of The Flow Field Within A Compressore Outlet Guide Vane Passage J.F. Carrotte, K.F. Young, S.J. Stevens, Loughborough University, Loughborough, UK ; 93-GT-022
IGTI 1993 Control Of The Unsteady Flow In A Stator Blade Row Interacting With Upstream Moving Wakes T. Valkov, C.S. Tan, Massachusetts Institute of Technology, Cambridge, MA, USA ; 93-GT-023
IGTI 1993 Gas Turbine Inlet Treatment - A New Technology D.W. Donle, R.C. Kiefer, T.C. Wright, The Dow Chemical Company, Inc., Freeport, TX, USA; U.A. Bertolami, D.G. Hill, Pneumafil Corporation, Charlotte, NC, USA 93-GT-024
IGTI 1993 Effects of Free-Stream Turbulence Intensity On A Boundary Layer Recovering From Concave Curvature Effects M.D. Kestoras, T.W. Simon, University of Minnesota, Minneapolis, MN, USA ; 93-GT-025
IGTI 1993 The Unstable Behaviour Of Low And High Speed Compressors I.J. Day, University of Cambridge, Cambridge, ENGLAND; C. Freeman, Rolls-Royce plc, Derby, ENGLAND 93-GT-026
IGTI 1993 Vibration Of A Rotor With Extremely Nonlinear Stiffness Passing Through Critical Speeds B. Liu, L.Yan, Q. Li, Z. Zhu, Beijing University of Aeronautics and Astronautics, Beijing, CHINA ; 93-GT-027
IGTI 1993 Rotor Dynamic Synchronous Response: A More Thorough Treatment R.N. Headifen, University of Texas at Austin, Austin, TX, USA ; 93-GT-028
IGTI 1993 Rotor Instabliity Induced By Radial Clearance In Ball Bearing Supports Y.-Q. Lin, KMC, Inc., West Greenwich, RI, USA ; 93-GT-029
IGTI 1993 Dynamic Analysis Of Squeeze Film Damper Supported Rotors Using Equivalent Linearization A. El-Shafei, Cairo University, Giza, EGYPT; R.V. Eranki, Alumax Mill Products, Inc., Morris, IL, USA 93-GT-030
IGTI 1993 Modeling Of Flexible Rotor Machines Supported With Hydrostatic Bearings R.N. Headifen, W.F.Weldon, University of Texas At Austin, Austin, Texas, USA ; 93-GT-031
IGTI 1993 Effect Of Lateral Disk Flexibility On The Dynamics Of Squeeze Film Damper Supported Rotors H. Xie, G. Flowers, F. Wu, Auburn University, Auburn, AL, USA ; 93-GT-032
IGTI 1993 Stabilty Of A Rotor With Alford Forces Under The Influence Of Non-Isotropic Support Stiffness And Gyroscopic Moments V.C. Gallardo, General Electic Aircraft Engines, Cincinnati, OH, USA ; 93-GT-033
IGTI 1993 Estimation Of Vibration At Critical Locations Using Available Measurements and Machine Configuration Data W. Franklin, A. Muszynska, D.E. Bently, Bently Rotor Dynamics Research Corporation, Minden, NV, USA ; 93-GT-034
IGTI 1993 A Study Of The Influence Of Rubbing On The Dynamics Of A Flexible Disk Rotor System F. Wu, G.T. Flowers, Auburn University, Auburn, AL, USA ; 93-GT-035
IGTI 1993 Hermetically Sealed Thermocouples C. Petrie, H. Beattle, Revere Aerospace, Inc., Wallingford, CT, USA ; 93-GT-036
IGTI 1993 Implicit Euler Method For Three-Dimensional Turbomachinery Flow Calculation S.H. Chen, A.H. Eastland, Rockwell International Corporation, Canoga Park, CA, USA ; 93-GT-037
IGTI 1993 The Use Of Orthogonal Grids In Turbine CFD Computations M.G. Turner, T. Liang, P.P. Beauchamp, I.K. Jennions, GE Aircraft Engines, Cincinnati, OH, USA ; 93-GT-038
IGTI 1993 Active Control Of Surge In Multi-Stage Axial-Flow Compressors J.F. Escuret, R.L. Elder, Cranfield Institute of Technology, Bedford, ENGLAND ; 93-GT-039
IGTI 1993 Status Of The Automotive Ceramic Gas Turbine Development Program-Year 2 Progress T. Itoh, Japan Automobile Research Institute, Inc., Tsukuba, JAPAN; H. Kimura, CGT Development Office, Tokyo, JAPAN 93-GT-040
IGTI 1993 An Integral Equation Solution For Multi-Stage Turbomachinery Design Calculations E.R. McFarland, NASA Lewis Research Center, Cleveland, OH, USA ; 93-GT-041
IGTI 1993 Use Of Local X-Ray Computerized Tomography For High-Resolution, Region-Of-Interest Inspection Of Large Ceramic Components For Engines E.A. Sivers, D.A. Holloway, W.A. Ellingson, Argonne National Laboratory, Argonne, IL, USA ; 93-GT-042
IGTI 1993 Thermal Diffusivity Imaging Of Ceramic Composites K. E. Cramer, W.P. Winfree, NASA Langley Research Center, Hampton, VA, USA; E.R. Generazio, R. Bhatt, D.S. Fox, A.J. Eckel, NASA Lewis Research Center, Cleveland, OH, USA 93-GT-043
IGTI 1993 Multivariable Adaptive Control For Turbojet Engines J.-Q. Huang, J.-G. Sun, Nanjing Aeronautical Institute, Nanjing, CHINA ; 93-GT-044
IGTI 1993 Effect Of Rotary Inertia And Gyroscopic Moments On Dynamics Of Two Spool Aeroengine Rotor K. Gupta, R. Kumar, M. Tiwari, O. Prakash, Indian Insitute of Technology, New Delhi, INDIA ; 93-GT-045
IGTI 1993 Next Generation 2 MW Turboshaft And Turboprop Engines R.L. Vogt, A. Sehra, Textron Lycoming, Stratford, CT, USA ; 93-GT-046
IGTI 1993 A Methodology For The Design Of Automated Gas Turbine Diagnostic Systems E. Loukis, K. Mathioudakis, K. Papailiou, National Technical University of Athens, Athens, GREECE ; 93-GT-047
IGTI 1993 Repairable Gas Turbine Electrical Cable Assemblies W. DiCicco, Revere Aerospace, Inc., Wallingford, CT, USA ; 93-GT-048
IGTI 1993 Development of 300 KW Class Ceramic Gas Turbine (CGT 301) M. Saito, T. Sasa, M. Sakakida, K. Kurata, Ishikawajima-Harima Heavy Industries Co., Ltd, Tokyo, JAPAN ; 93-GT-049
IGTI 1993 The Experimental Investigations On The Compressor Cascades With Leaned And Curved Blade E. Shang, Vrije Universiteit Brussel, Brussels, BELGIUM; Z.Q. Wang, J.X. Su, Harbin Institute of Technology, CHINA 93-GT-050
IGTI 1993 Effectiveness Of The Gas Turbine Endwall Fences In Secondary Flow Control At Elevated Freestream Turbulence Levels J.T.Chung, T.W. Simon, University of Minnesota, Minneapolis, MN, USA ; 93-GT-051
IGTI 1993 Turbulence Measurements Downstream Of A Turbine Cascade At Different Incidence Angles And Pitch-Chord Ratios V. Dossena, Politecnico di Milano, Milano, ITALY; A. Perdichizzi, Universita di Bergamo, Brescia, ITALY; M. Ubaldi, P. Zunino, Universita di Genova, Genova, ITALY; 93-GT-052
IGTI 1993 Flow Phenomena In A Vaned Diffuser Of A Centrifugal Stage P. Dalbert, A. Sebestyen, Sulzer-Escher Wyss Ltd., Zurich, SWITZERLAND; G. Gyarmathy, Swiss Federal Inst. of Technology, Zurich, SWITZERLAND 93-GT-053
IGTI 1993 The Modelling Of Flow In The Volute and Vanes Of A High Pressure Inflow Turbine M. Lobo, R.L. Elder, Cranfield Institute of Technology, Bedford, ENGLAND ; 93-GT-054
IGTI 1993 Investigation Of Flow In a Radial Turbine Using Laser Anemometry S.H. Zaidi, R.L. Elder, Cranfield Institute of Technology, Cranfield, ENGLAND ; 93-GT-055
IGTI 1993 Through-flow Analysis For Axial-Stage Design Including Streamline-Slope Effects T. Korakianitis, D. Zou, Washington University, St. Louis, MO, USA ; 93-GT-056
IGTI 1993 Comparative Evaluation of Combined Cycles And Gas Turbine Systems With Water Injection, Steam Injection and Recuperation O. Bolland, J.F. Stadaas, Norwegian Institute of Technology/SINTEF, Trondheim, NORWAY ; 93-GT-057
IGTI 1993 Gas Turbine Topping Stage Based On Energy Exchangers: Process and Performance E. Zauner, Y. Chyou, F. Walraven, R. Althaus, ABB Corporate Research Center, Baden, SWITZERLAND ; 93-GT-058
IGTI 1993 Dynamic Behavior Of A Counter-Rotating Multirotor Air Turbine Starter A. Delbez, G. Charlot, Microturbo, Toulouse, FRANCE; G. Ferraris, M. Lalanne, I.N.S.A., Villeurbanne, FRANCE 93-GT-059
IGTI 1993 A Study On New Identificaion Techniques With Application to Squeeze Film Bearing System T.N. Shiau, National Chung Cheng University, Taiwan, CHINA; C.P. Kuo, Chung Shan Institute of Science and Technology, Tiawan, CHINA; G.J. Sheu, P.L. Kuo, National Cheng Kung Undiversity, Taiwan, CHINA; 93-GT-060
IGTI 1993 A Reduction Method For Stability and Dynamic Response Analysis Of Nonlinear Mechanical Systems A.-N. Jean, Chung Shan Institute of Science and Technology, Taiwan, CHINA; T.-N. Shiau, National Chung Cheng University, Taiwan, CHINA 93-GT-061
IGTI 1993 Stall Testing And Analysis Of Two Mixed Flow Turbofans G.W. Gallops, T.J. Roadinger, J.V. French, Pratt & Whitney GESP, West Palm Beach, FL, USA ; 93-GT-062
IGTI 1993 Development Of A Low Emission Combustor For A 100 kW Automotive Ceramic Gas Turbine M. Sasaki, H. Kumakura, D. Suzuki, K. Sugiyama, Y. Ohkubo, Japan Automobile Research Institute, Inc., Tsukuba, JAPAN ; 93-GT-063
IGTI 1993 The Turbine Components Development For The 100kW Automotive Ceramic Gas Turbine N. Nakazawa, S. Inaba, T. Izumi, M. Munekiyo, S. Sasaki, K. Fujimori, Japan Automobile Research Institute, Inc., Tsukuba, Ibaraki, JAPAN ; 93-GT-064
IGTI 1993 Development Of Ceramic Gas Turbine Components For CGT301 In Moonlight Project M. Hattori, M. Masuda, T. Ozawa, NGK Insulators, Ltd., Nagoya, JAPAN ; 93-GT-065
IGTI 1993 Effects Of Elevated Free-Stream Turbulence On Flow And Thermal Structures In Transitional Boundary Layers D. Zhou, T. Wang, Clemson University, Clemson, SC, USA ; 93-GT-066
IGTI 1993 Effects Of Criterion Functions On Intermittency In Heated Transitional Boundary Layers With And Without Streamwise Acceleration F.J. Keller, T. Wang, Clemson University, Clemson, SC, USA ; 93-GT-067
IGTI 1993 Measurement Of Residual Stresses In Metal Matrix Composites P.K. Wright, GE Aircraft Engines, Cincinnati, OH, USA ; 93-GT-068
IGTI 1993 Induced Draft Fan Innovation For Heat Recovery Steam Generators O.W. Beasley, E.C. Hutchins, Oklahoma Gas and Electric Company, Oklahoma City, OK, USA; P.R. Predick, J.M. Vavrek, Sargent & Lundy Engineers, Chicago, IL, USA 93-GT-069
IGTI 1993 Comparison Of Coriolis And Turbine Type Flowmeters For Fuel Measurement In Gas Turbine Testing J.D. Macleod, W. Grabe, National Research Council, Ottawa, ON, CANADA ; 93-GT-070
IGTI 1993 Performance And Economic Enhancement Of Cogeneration Gas Turbines Through Compressor Inlet Air Cooling M. DeLucia, R. Bronconi, E. Carnevale, Univerita di Firenze, Firenze, ITALY ; 93-GT-071
IGTI 1993 An Application Of Octant Analysis To Turbulent And Transitional Flow Data R.J. Volino, T.W. Simon, University of Minnesota, Minneapolis, MN, USA ; 93-GT-072
IGTI 1993 Calculation Of Transitional Boundary Layers With An Improved Low-Reynolds Number Version Of The k-e Turbulence Model D. Biswas, Y. Fukuyama, Toshiba Corporation, Kawasaki, JAPAN ; 93-GT-073
IGTI 1993 External Heat Transfer Enhancement To Turbine Blading Due To Surface Roughness F. Tarada, M. Suzuki, ABB Power Generation Ltd, Baden, SWITZERLAND ; 93-GT-074
IGTI 1993 Prediction Of Film Cooling By Discrete-Hole Injection J.M. Zhou, M. Salcudean, I.S. Gartshore, University of British Columbia, Vancouver, BC, CANADA ; 93-GT-075
IGTI 1993 Some Effects Of Coolant Density On Film Cooling Effectiveness I.S. Gartshore, M.E. Salcudean, U. Barnea, K. Zhang, F. Aghdasi, University of British Columbia, Vancouver, BC, CANADA ; 93-GT-076
IGTI 1993 The Humid Air Cycle: Some Thermodynamic Consideraions S.S. Stecco, U. Desideri, B. Facchini. N. Bettagli, University of Florence, Florence, ITALY ; 93-GT-077
IGTI 1993 Heat Transfer And Fluid Dynamics Measurements In Accelerated Rough-Wall Boundary Layer W. Chakroun, R.P. Taylor, Mississippi State University, Mississippi State, MS, USA ; 93-GT-078
IGTI 1993 Calculation Of Heat Transfer To Turbine Blading Using Two-Dimensional Boundary Layer Methods S.P. Harasgama, F.H. Tarada, R. Baumann, ABB Power Generation Ltd, Baden SWITZERLAND; M.E. Crawford, S. Neelakantan, University of Texas, Austin, TX, USA 93-GT-079
IGTI 1993 A Full Navier-Stokes Analysis Of Flow And Heat Transfer In Steady Two-Dimensional Transonic Cascades D.H. Kim, J.S. Lee, C.J. Kim, Seoul National University, Seoul, KOREA; D. Lee, Korea Aerospace Research Institute, Daeduck Science Town, Daejun, KOREA 93-GT-080
IGTI 1993 Heat Transfer In Film-Cooled Turbine Blades V.K. Garg, R. E. Gaugler, NASA Lewis Research Center, Cleveland, OH, USA ; 93-GT-081
IGTI 1993 Acquisition Of Operational Knowledge Of An Industrial Gas Turbine Cogeneration Plant By Optimization R. Yokoyama, K. Ito, Osaka Prefecture University, Sakai, Osaka, JAPAN ; 93-GT-082
IGTI 1993 Investigation Of Failures In Gas Turbines, Part 1: Techniques And Principles Of Failure Investigation R.E. Dundas, Factory Mutual Engineering & Research, Norwood, MA, USA ; 93-GT-083
IGTI 1993 Investigation Of Failures In Gas Turbines, Part 2: Engineering And Metallographic Aspects Of Failure Investigation R.E. Dundas, Factory Mutual Engineering & Research, Norwood, MA, USA ; 93-GT-084
IGTI 1993 Numerical Modelling Of Entropy Generation And Transport In The Blade-Tip Gap Layer Of A Radial Impeller E.A. Brizuela, DSTO Aeronautical Research Laboratory, Melbourne, AUSTRALIA ; 93-GT-085
IGTI 1993 The Influence Of Load Distribution On Secondary Flow In Straight Turbine Cascades A.P. WeiB, L. Fottner, Univ. der Bundeswehr Munchen, Neubiberg, GERMANY ; 93-GT-086
IGTI 1993 Numerical Simulations of Unsteady Cascade Flows D.J. Dorney, J.M. Verdon, United Technologies Research Center, East Hartford, CT, USA ; 93-GT-087
IGTI 1993 Buoyancy-Affected Flow And Heat Transfer In Asymmetrically-Heated Rotating Cavities C.A. Long, A.P. Morse, N. Zafiropoulos, University of Sussex, Brighton, UK ; 93-GT-088
IGTI 1993 Application Of Computational Fluid Dynamics To Turbine Disc Cavities G.P. Virr, J.W. Chew, J. Coupland, Rolls-Royce plc, Derby, ENGLAND ; 93-GT-089
IGTI 1993 A Bypass Transition Model For Boundary Layers M.W. Johnson, University of Liverpool, Liverpool, UK ; 93-GT-090
IGTI 1993 Leading Edge Separation Bubbles On Turbomachine Blades R.E. Walraevens, N.A. Cumpsty, Cambridge University, Cambridge, ENGLAND ; 93-GT-091
IGTI 1993 Three Dimensional Time-Marching Inviscid And Viscous Solutions For Unsteady Flows Around Vibrating Blades L. He, J.D. Denton, Cambridge University, Whittle Laboratory, Cambridge, ENGLAND ; 93-GT-092
IGTI 1993 Euler Solutions For Transonic Oscillating Cascade Flows Using Dynamic Triangular Meshes C.J. Hwang, S.Y. Yang, National Cheng Kung University, Taiwan, CHINA ; 93-GT-093
IGTI 1993 A Linearized Euler Analysis Of Unsteady Transonic Flows In Turbomachinery K.C. Hall, W.S. Clark, C.B. Lorence, Duke University, Durham, NC, USA ; 93-GT-094
IGTI 1993 Detailed Flow Measurements In A Centrifugal Compressor Vaneless Diffuser A. Pinarbasi, M.W. Johnson, University of Liverpool, Liverpool, UK ; 93-GT-095
IGTI 1993 An Analytical Model Of Axial Compressor Off-Design Preformance T.R. Camp, J.H. Horlock, University of Cambridge, Cambridge, ENGLAND ; 93-GT-096
IGTI 1993 Integrated CFD And Experiments Real-Time Data Acquisition Development T.L. Barbrauckas, D.J. Arpasi, NASA Lewis Research Center, Cleveland, OH, USA ; 93-GT-097
IGTI 1993 Comparison Of Conventional And Low Solidity Vaned Diffusers W.C. Hohlweg, G.L. Direnzi, R.H. Aungier, Elliott Company, Jeannette, PA, USA ; 93-GT-098
IGTI 1993 Adaptive Unstructured 2D Navier-Stokes Solutions On Mixed Quadrilateral/Triangular Meshes S.D. Connell, D.G. Holmes, M.E. Braaten, GE Research & Development Center, Schenectady, NY, USA ; 93-GT-099
IGTI 1993 Comparison Of Experimental And Theoretical Results For Unsteady Transonic Cascade Flow At Design And Off-Design Conditions V. Carstens, Institute of Aeroelasticity, Gottingen, GERMANY; A. Bolcs, H. Korbacher, Swiss Federal Institute of Technology, Lausanne, SWITZERLAND 93-GT-100
IGTI 1993 Aerodynamic Design And Analysis Of Vaneless Diffusers And Return Channels R.H. Aungier, Elliott Company, Jeannette, PA, USA ; 93-GT-101
IGTI 1993 Blading Design Procedure For Centrifugal Impellers S.N. Al-Zubaidy, United Arab Emirates University, Al-Ain, United Arab Emirates ; 93-GT-102
IGTI 1993 Inviscid-Viscous Interaction Method For 3D Inverse Design Of Centrifugal Impellers M. Zangeneh, University College London, London, ENGLAND ; 93-GT-103
IGTI 1993 Simulating Unsteady Turbomachinery Flows On Unstructured Meshes Which Adapt Both In Time And Space W.N. Dawes, Cambridge University, Whittle Laboratory, Cambridge, ENGLAND ; 93-GT-104
IGTI 1993 A New Approach To The Description Of The Off-Design Losses In Radial-Inflow Turbine Rotors M. Scholch, Babcock Borsig AG, Berlin, GERMANY ; 93-GT-105
IGTI 1993 Experimental Determination Of The Flow Field In The Tip Region Of A LP-Steam Turbine C. Zimmermann, H. Stetter, University of Stuttgart, GERMANY ; 93-GT-106
IGTI 1993 Periodicity And Repetitivity Of Unsteady Measurements Of An Annular Turbine Cascade At Off Design Flow Conditions A. Bolcs, H. Korbacher, Swiss Federal Institute of Technology, Lausanne, SWITZERLAND ; 93-GT-107
IGTI 1993 Numerical And Experimental Studies Of Single And Tandem Low-Solidity Cascade Diffusers In A Centrifugal Compressor H. Harada, M. Goto, Ebara Research Co., Ltd., Fujisawa-Shi, JAPAN ; 93-GT-108
IGTI 1993 Numerical Investigations Of Centrifugal Compressor Flows With Tip Leakage Using A Pressure Correction Method A. Tourlidakis, R.L. Elder, Cranfield Institute of Technology, Cranfield, UK ; 93-GT-109
IGTI 1993 Optimization Of A Diffuser With Splitter By Numerical Simulation P. Drtina, A. Schachenmann, Sulzer-Innotec, Winterthur, SWITZERLAND; P. Dalbert, K. Rutti, Sulzer Escher Wyss, Zurich, SWITZERLAND 93-GT-110
IGTI 1993 Three-Dimensional Analysis Of Turbine Rotor Flow Including Tip Clearance R. Heider, J.M. Duboue, B. Petot, Snecma, Cramayel, FRANCE; G. Billonnet, V. Couaillier, N. Liamis, ONERA, Chatillon, FRANCE 93-GT-111
IGTI 1993 Prediction Of Inviscid Flow In Axial Turbines In Comparison With Measurements N. Haspel, J.F. Mayer, H. Stetter, University of Stuttgart, GERMANY ; 93-GT-112
IGTI 1993 A Three-Dimensional Navier-Stokes Calculation Applied To An Axial Compressor Rotor And Stator R.P. Dring, United Technologies Research Center, East Hartford, CT, USA; R.J. VanSeters, R.M. Zacharias, Pratt & Whitney Aircraft, East Hartford, CT, USA 93-GT-113
IGTI 1993 Reduction In Secondary Flows and Losses In A Turbine Cascade By Upstream Boundary Layer Blowing T.E. Biesinger, D.G. Gregory-Smith, University of Durham, Durham, U.K. ; 93-GT-114
IGTI 1993 A Transfer Matrix Approach To Vibration Localization In Mistuned Blade Assemblies G. Ottarsson, C. Pierre, The University of Michigan, Ann Arbor, MI, USA ; 93-GT-115
IGTI 1993 Optimal Design Of Split Ring Dampers For Gas Turbine Engines M.A. Niemotka, J. Ziegert, University of Florida, Gainesville, FL, USA ; 93-GT-116
IGTI 1993 Use Of CFD Methods To Design Engine Nacelles H. Joubert, M. Goutines, SNECMA, Moissy, FRANCE ; 93-GT-117
IGTI 1993 Pressure and Temperature Distortion Testing Of A Two-Stage Centrifugal Compressor W.T. Cousins, K.K. Dalton, T.T. Andersen, Allied Signal Propulsion Engines, Phoenix, AZ, USA; G.A. Bobula, Army Research Laboratory, Cleveland, OH, USA 93-GT-118
IGTI 1993 An Assessment Of Weighted-Least-Squares Based Gas Path Anaylsis D.L. Doel, GE Aircraft Engines, Evendale, OH, USA ; 93-GT-119
IGTI 1993 Nitrogen Oxide Emissions Characteristics Of Augmented Turbofan Engines S.P. Seto, T.F. Lyon, GE Aircraft Engines, Cincinnati, OH, USA ; 93-GT-120
IGTI 1993 Effect Of Pressure On Combustion Characteristics In LBG-Fueled 1300 C-Class Gas Turbine T. Nakata, M. Sato, T. Ninomiya, Central Research Institute of Electric Power Indusry, Yokosuka, JAPAN; T. Yoshine, M. Yamada, Toshiba Corporation, Yokohama, JAPAN 93-GT-121
IGTI 1993 Numerical Analysis Of The 3D Swirling Flow In Centrifugal Compressor Volutes E. Ayder, R. Van den Braembussche, von Karman Institute for Fluid Dynamics, Rhode-Saint-Genese, BELGIUM ; 93-GT-122
IGTI 1993 Experimental Study On Vibration Of A Rotating Blade Y.C. Fan, M.S. Ju, Y.G. Tsuei, National Cheng Kung University, Taiwan, R.O.C. ; 93-GT-123
IGTI 1993 Effects Of Variational Particle Restitution Characteristics on Turbomachinery Erosion A. Hamed, T.P. Kuhn, University of Cincinnati, Cincinnati, OH, USA ; 93-GT-124
IGTI 1993 Measurement of Turbine Blade-Tip Rotordynamic Excitation Forces M. Martinez-Sanchez, B. Jaroux, S.J. Song, S. Yoo, Massachusetts Institute of Technology, Cambridge, MA, USA ; 93-GT-125
IGTI 1993 An Optimum Balance Weight Search Algorithm J.C. Austrow, GE Aircraft Engines, Cincinnati, OH, USA ; 93-GT-126
IGTI 1993 The Use Of Imposed Displacements To Determine Impact Forces In A Multiple Blade Shed Incident T.B. Dewhurst, P. Tang, University of Maine, Orono, ME, USA ; 93-GT-127
IGTI 1993 A Semianalytical Emission Model For Diffusion Flame, Rich/Lean, and Premixed Lean Combustors N.K. Rizk, H.C. Mongia, Allison Gas Turbine Division, GMC, Indianapolis, IN, USA ; 93-GT-128
IGTI 1993 Numerical Investigation Of Enhanced Dilution Zone Mixing In A Reverse Flow Gas Turbine Combustor D.S. Crocker, C.E. Smith, CFD Research Corporation, Huntsville, AL, USA ; 93-GT-129
IGTI 1993 Effects Of Oxygen And Additives On The Thermal Stability Of Jet Fuels S.P. Heneghan, C.R. Martel, T.F. Williams, D.R. Ballal, University of Dayton, Dayton, OH, USA ; 93-GT-130
IGTI 1993 Selection Criteria For Plain And Segmented Finned Tubes For Heat Recovery Systems D.R. Reid, FINTUBE Corp., Tulsa, OK, USA; J. Taborek, Consultant, Virginia Beach, VA, USA 93-GT-131
IGTI 1993 Steam-Injected Gas Turbine Analysis, Part 1 - Steam Rates I.G. Rice, Consulting Engineer Spring, TX, USA ; 93-GT-132
IGTI 1993 Three-Dimensional Vibration Analysis Of Rotating Laminated Composite Blades: Part I - Theoretical Formulation O.G. McGee, Georgia Institute of Technology, Atlanta, GA, USA; H.R. Chu, Ohio State University, Columbus, OH, USA 93-GT-133
IGTI 1993 Unsteady Wake Over A Linear Turbine Blade Cascade With Air And CO2 Film Injection: Part II- Effect On Film Effectiveness and Heat Transfer Distributions A.B. Mehendale, J.C. Han, S. Ou, Texas A&M University, College Station, TX, USA; C.P. Lee, General Electric - Aircraft Engines, Cincinnati, OH, USA 93-GT-134
IGTI 1993 Investigation On Suppression Of The Dynamic Distortion Of 2-D Diffuser S. Wang, X. Huang, Beijing University of Aeronautics and Astronautics, Beijing, CHINA ; 93-GT-135
IGTI 1993 Prediction Of The Transient Thermodynamic Response Of A Closed-Cycle Regenerative Gas Turbine T. Korakianitis, D. Zou, Washington University, St. Louis, MO, USA; J.I. Hochstein, Memphis State University, Memphis, TN, USA 93-GT-136
IGTI 1993 Thermal Tip Clearance Control For Centrifugal Compressor Of An APU Engine G. Eisenlohr, H. Chladek, BMW Rolls-Royce GmbH, Oberursel, GERMANY ; 93-GT-137
IGTI 1993 Behavior Of Three-Dimensional Boundary Layers In A Radial Inflow Turbine Scroll K. Hara, M. Furukawa, M. Inoue, Kyushu University, Fukuoka, JAPAN ; 93-GT-138
IGTI 1993 Experimental And Numerical Study Of The Time-Dependent Pressure Response Of A Shock Wave Oscillating In A Nozzle P.Ott, A. Bolcs, Swiss Federal Institute of Technology, Lausanne, SWITZERLAND; T.H.Fransson, Royal Institute of Technology, Stockholm, SWEDEN 93-GT-139
IGTI 1993 An Approximate Analysis And Prediction Method For Tip Clearance Loss In Axial Compressors J.A. Storer, Rolls-Royce plc., Bristol, ENGLAND; N.A. Cumpsty, Cambridge University, Cambridge, ENGLAND 93-GT-140
IGTI 1993 Unsteady Aerodynamic Forcing Functions: A Comparison Between Linear Theory and Experiment J.M. Feiereisen, M.D. Montgomery, S. Fleeter, Purdue University, West Lafayette, IN, USA ; 93-GT-141
IGTI 1993 The Increased Use Of Gas Turbines As Commercial Marine Engines C.O. Brady, D.L. Luck, General Electric Company, GE Marine and Industrial Engines, Cincinnati, OH, USA ; 93-GT-142
IGTI 1993 Mashproekt Scientific and Production Association - A Designer Of Gas Turbines For Marine And Industrial Applicatons V.I. Romanov, SPA "Mashproekt", Nikolayev, UKRAINE ; 93-GT-143
IGTI 1993 Experimental Investigation Of GTE-115 Combustor With Premixed Burner Unit K.Y. Sokolov, A.G. Tumanovsky, M.N. Gutnik, A.I. Mechanikov, All Union Heat-Engineering Institute, Moscow, RUSSIA; V.P. Reshitko, M.I. Grinshtein, Turbineworks, Charkov, UKRAINE 93-GT-144
IGTI 1993 Unsteady-Flow / Quasi-Steady Heat-Transfer Computations On A Turbine Rotor And Comparison With Experiments T. Korakianitis, P. Papagiannidis, N.E. Vlachopoulos, Washington University, St. Louis, MO, USA ; 93-GT-145
IGTI 1993 A New High-Efficiency Heavy-Duty Combustion Turbine 701F I.Fukue, S. Aoki, K. Aoyama, Mitsibishi Heavy Industries Ltd., Takasago, JAPAN; S. Umemura, Mitsibishi Heavy Industries, Ltd., Takasago R&D Center, Takasago, JAPAN; A. Merola, M. Noceto, M. Rosso, Fiat Avio, Turin, ITALY; 93-GT-146
IGTI 1993 Passive Control Of Flow Induced Vibrations By Splitter Blades H.W.D. Chiang, S. Fleeter, Purdue University, West Lafayette, IN, USA ; 93-GT-147
IGTI 1993 On Curve Veering And Flutter Of Rotating Blades D. Afolabi, Purdue University, Indianapolis, IN, USA; O. Mehmed, NASA Lewis Research Center, Cleveland, OH, USA 93-GT-148
IGTI 1993 Effect Of Wind Tunnel Acoustic Modes On Linear Oscillating Cascade Aerodynamics D.H. Buffum, NASA Lewis Research Center, Cleveland, OH, USA; S. Fleeter, Purdue University, West Lafayette, IN, USA 93-GT-149
IGTI 1994 Detailed Measurements of Local Heat Transfer Coefficient in the Entrance to Normal and Inclined Film Cooling Holes D.R.H. Gillespie, A.R. Byerley, P.T. Ireland, Z. Wang, T.V. Jones, University of Oxford, Oxford, UK; S.T. Kohler, Rolls Royce plc, Bristol, UK 94-GT-001
IGTI 1994 Leading Edge Film Cooling of a Turbine Blade Model through Single and Double Row Injection: Effects of Coolant Density M. Salcudean, I. Gartshore, K. Zhang, Y. Barnea, Dept. of Mechanical Engineering, University of B.C., Vancouver, B.C., Canada 94-GT-002
IGTI 1994 A New Approach to the Challenge of Machinery Prognostics R.J.Hansen, D.L. Hall, The Pennsylvania State University, State College, PA, USA; S.K.Kurtz, The Pennsylvania State University, State College, PA, USA 94-GT-003
IGTI 1994 Turbulence Intensity and Length Scale Measurements in Multistage Compressors T.R. Camp, Cambridge University, Cambridge, UK; H.W. Shin, GE Aircraft Engines, Cincinnati, OH, USA 94-GT-004
IGTI 1994 An Experimental Investigation of Stator Induced Unsteadiness on Centrifugal Impeller Outflow M. Ubaldi, P. Zunino, G. Barigozzi, A. Cattanei, Universita di Genova, Genova, Italy 94-GT-005
IGTI 1994 Laser Guidance for Repairing Gas Turbine Parts Z. Galel, SeamX, Mountain View, CA, USA; J.L. Hunt, T.H. Unger, Kennametal, Inc., Raleigh, NC, USA 94-GT-006
IGTI 1994 Retrofitting Turbocompressor Units and Station Controls J.P. Leuw, TransCanada Pipelines, Calgary, Alberta, Canada 94-GT-007
IGTI 1994 AGATA - A European Ceramic Gas Turbine for Hybrid Vehicles R. Lundberg, Volvo Flygmotor AB, Trollhattan, Sweden 94-GT-008
IGTI 1994 Progress on the Advanced Turbine Technology Applications Project S.G. Berenyi, Allison Engine Company, Indianapolis, Indiana, USA 94-GT-009
IGTI 1994 Operating Experience and Economic Benefit of a 3-MW Gas Turbine in an Industrial Peak Shaving Application M.H. Jones, L.M. Nall, Solar Turbines Incorporated, San Diego, California, USA 94-GT-010
IGTI 1994 Status of the Automotive Ceramic Gas Turbine Development Program - Year 3 Progress T. Itoh, Japan Automobile Research Institute, Tsukuba, Ibaraki, Japan; H. Kimura, Petroleum Energy Center, Minato-ku, Tokyo, Japan 94-GT-011
IGTI 1994 Modelling of By-Pass Transition with Conditioned Navier-Stokes Equations and a K-E Model Adapted for Intermittency J. Steelant, E. Dick, Universiteit Gent, Gent, Belgium 94-GT-012
IGTI 1994 Flow Field and Performance of a Centrifugal Compressor Rotor with Tandem Blades of Adjustable Geometry B. Josuhn-Kadner, Lehrstuhl fur Fluienergiemaschinen, Ruhr-Universitat, Bochum, Germany 94-GT-013
IGTI 1994 Three-Dimensional Navier-Stokes Prediction of Heat Transfer with Film Cooling J.M. Fougeres, R. Heider, Turbine Aero and Cooling Department, Snecma, Moissy-Crayamel, France 94-GT-014
IGTI 1994 Computations of a Film Cooled Turbine Rotor Blade with Non-Uniform Inlet Temperature Distribution Using a Three-Dimensional Viscous Procedure B. Weigand, S.P. Harasgama, ABB Power Generation Ltd., Gas Turbine Development, Baden, Switzerland 94-GT-015
IGTI 1994 Prediction of Film Cooling on Gas Turbine Airfoils V.K. Garg, R.E. Gaugler, Turbomachinery Flow Physics Branch, NASA Lewis Research Division, Cleveland, OH, USA 94-GT-016
IGTI 1994 A Cogeneration Plant Based on a Steam Injection Gas Turbine with Recovery of the Water Injected: Design Criteria and Initial Operating Experience E. Macchi, Politecnico di Milano, Milan, Italy; A. Poggio, Carrezzoria Bertone, Grugliasco (Turin), Italy 94-GT-017
IGTI 1994 Mass Transfer Effects of Free-Stream Turbulence and Horseshoe Vortex Formed at the Upstream Edge of Film Cooling Jets About a Cylindrical Surface J.S. Lee, S.T. Ro, H.J. Seo, Department of Mechanical Engineering, Seoul National University, Seoul, Korea 94-GT-018
IGTI 1994 Development of 300kW Class Ceramic Gas Turbine (CGT302) A. Watanabe, K.Tanimura, T. Tatsumi, I. Takehara, Kawasaki Heavy Industries, Ltd., Akashi, Japan; T. Fujii, Akashi Institute, Akashi, Japan 94-GT-019
IGTI 1994 Inverse Method for Turbomachine Blades Using Existing Time-Marching Techniques T. Dang, V. Isgro, Syracuse University, Syracuse, NY, USA 94-GT-020
IGTI 1994 Viscous Solutions for Transonic Oscillating Cascade Flows Using Dynamic Quadrilateral-Triangular Meshes C.J. Hwang, S.Y. Yang, National Cheng Kung University, Tainan, Taiwan, P.R.O.C. 94-GT-021
IGTI 1994 Transition Modeling Effects on Turbine Rotor Blade Heat Transfer Predictions A.A. Ameri, University of Kansas Center for Research Inc., Lawrence, KS, USA; A. Arnone, University of Florence, Department of Energy Engineering, Florence, ITALY 94-GT-022
IGTI 1994 The Development of Fast Response Aerodynamic Probes for Flow Measurements in Turbomachinery R.W. Ainsworth, J.L. Allen, J.J.M. Batt, University of Oxford, Oxford, UK 94-GT-023
IGTI 1994 Flow and Heat Transfer Behavior in Transitional Boundary Layers with Streamwise Acceleration F.J. Keller, T.Wang, Clemson University, Clemson, SC, USA 94-GT-024
IGTI 1994 Studies on Wake-Affected Heat Transfer Around the Circular Leading Edge of a Blunt Body K. Funazaki, Iwate University, Morioka, Iwate, Japan 94-GT-025
IGTI 1994 On Fast-Response Probes, Part 1: Technology, Calibration and Application to Turbomachinery C.R. Gossweiler, P. Kupferschmied, G. Gyarmathy, ETH Swiss Federal Institute of Zurich, Zurich, Switzerland 94-GT-026
IGTI 1994 On Fast-Response Probes, Part 2: Aerodynamic Probe Design Studies H. Humm, C. Gossweiler, G. Gyarmathy, ETH Swiss Federal Institute of Technology, Zurich, Switzerland 94-GT-027
IGTI 1994 Compressor Station Recycle System Dynamics During Emergency Shutdown K.K. Botros, W.M. Jungowski, Novacor Research and Technology Corporation, Calgary, Alberta, Canada; D.J. Richards, NOVA Corporation of Alberta, Calgary, Alberta, Canada 94-GT-028
IGTI 1994 Dynamic Response of a Cracked Rotor with Some Comments on Crack Detection G.Meng, Northwestern Polytechnical University, Xian, Peoples Republic of China; E.J. Hahn, University of New South Wales, Kensington, NSW, Australia 94-GT-029
IGTI 1994 A Pump Instability Theory Using an Acoustic Feedback Mechanism J.E. Corley, The MITRE Corporation, New Orleans, Louisiana, USA 94-GT-030
IGTI 1994 Computed Eccentricity Effects on Turbine Rim Seals at Engine Conditions with a Mainstream Z. Guo, D.L. Rhode, F.M. Davis, Texas A & M University, College Station, TX, USA 94-GT-031
IGTI 1994 Experimental and Numerical Investigation of Stator Exit Flow Field of an Automotive Torque Converter B.V. Marathe, B. Lakshminarayana, Y.Dong, Penn State University, Dept. of Aerospace Engineering, University Park, PA, USA 94-GT-032
IGTI 1994 Development of a Low-Emission Combustor for a 100kW Automotive Ceramic Gas Turbine (II) H. Kumakura, M. Sasaki, D. Suzuki, H. Ichikawa, Japan Automobile Research Institute, Nissan Motor Co., Yokosuka, Japan 94-GT-033
IGTI 1994 A Fiber Optic Probe for Gas Total Temperature Measurement in Turbomachinery S.R. Kidd, J.S. Barton, P. Meredith, J.D.C. Jones, Heriot-Watt University, Edinburgh, UK; M.A. Cherrett, K.S. Chana, Defence Research Agency, Pyestock, Farnborough, UK 94-GT-034
IGTI 1994 The Synchronous Instability of a Compressor Rotor Due to Bearing Journal Differential Heating F.M. de Jongh, Delaval-Stork v.o.f., Hengelo, The Netherlands; Dr. P.G. Morton, Consulting Mechanical Engineer, Wolverhampton, United Kingdom 94-GT-035
IGTI 1994 A Design Study of Radial Inflow Turbines with Splitter Blades in Three-Dimensional Flow W.D. Tjokrominata, C.S. Tan, W.R. Hawthorne, Massachusetts Institute of Technology, Cambridge, MA, USA 94-GT-036
IGTI 1994 Turbulence Measurements in a Heated, Concave Boundary Layer under High Free-Stream Turbulence Conditions M.D. Kestoras, University of Nantes, Nantes, France; T.W. Simon, University of Minnesota, Minneapolis, MN, USA 94-GT-037
IGTI 1994 Magnetic Thrust Bearing Operation and Industrial Pump Application P.E. Allaire, E.H. Maslen, D.W. Lewis, R.D. Flack, University of Virginia, Charlottesville, VA, USA 94-GT-038
IGTI 1994 A Scanning Radiation Thermometry Technique for Determining Temperature Distribution in Gas Turbines M. De Lucia, G. Masotti, Universita' di Firenze, Firenze, Italy 94-GT-039
IGTI 1994 A Blade by Blade Tip Clearance Measurement System for Gas Turbine Applications A.G. Sheard, B. Killeen, Rotadata Limited, Derby, UK 94-GT-040
IGTI 1994 Velocity Measurements Downstream of the Impellers in a Multistage Centrifugal Blower G.L. Arnulfi, P. Pinamonti, Universita di Udine, Udine, Italy; D. Micheli, Dipartimento di Energetica, Universita di Trieste, Trieste, Italy 94-GT-041
IGTI 1994 Off Design Flow Measurements in a Centrifugal Compressor Vaneless Diffuser A. Pinarbasi, M. Johnson, University of Liverpool, Liverpool, UK 94-GT-042
IGTI 1994 Experimental Investigation and Performance Analysis of Six Low Flow Coefficient Centrifugal Compressor Stages J. Paroubek, V. Cyrus, SVUSS, Prague, Czech Republic; J. Kyncl, CKD Compressor Works, Prague, Czech Republic 94-GT-043
IGTI 1994 Experimental and Numerical Study of Three-Dimensional Flows in a Mixed-Flow Pump Stage T. Takemura, A. Goto, Ebara Research Co., Ltd., Fujisawa-shi, Japan 94-GT-044
IGTI 1994 Suppression of Secondary Flows in a Mixed-Flow Pump Impeller by Application of 3D Inverse Design Method Part I: Design and Numerical Validation M. Zangeneh, Department of Mechanical Engineering, University College of London, UK; A. Goto, T. Takemura, Ebara Research Co., Ltd., Fujisawa-shi, Japan 94-GT-045
IGTI 1994 Suppression of Secondary Flows in a Mixed-Flow Pump Impeller by Application of 3D Inverse Design Method Part II: Experimental Validation A. Goto, T. Takemura, Ebara Research Co., Ltd., Fujisawa-shi, Japan; M. Zangeneh, University College of London, Department of Mechanical Engineering, London, UK 94-GT-046
IGTI 1994 Laser Velocimeter Measurements in the Pump of a Torque Converter Part I- Average Measurements J.K. Gruver, R.D. Flack, K. Brun, Univ. of Virginia, ROMAC Labs,Dept. of Mech., Aerospace & Nuclear Engrg., Charlottesville, VA, USA 94-GT-047
IGTI 1994 Laser Velocimeter Measurements in the Pump of an Automotive Torque Converter Part II- Unsteady Measurements K. Brun, J.K. Gruver, R.D. Flack, MANE Dept. University of Virginia, Charlottesville, VA, USA 94-GT-048
IGTI 1994 Simulation of Cooling Systems in Gas Turbines G. Ebenhoch, T.M. Speer, MTU Motoren-und Turbinen-Union GmbH, Munchen, Germany 94-GT-049
IGTI 1994 Comparison Between EBW and GTAW for Turmo IV C Compressor Blade Repairs W. Miglietti, MATTEK-CSIR, Pretoria, South Africa 94-GT-050
IGTI 1994 The Effect of High Freestream Turbulence on Film Cooling Effectiveness J.P. Bons, C.D. MacArthur, R.B. Rivir, US Air Force, Wright Laboratory, Wright-Patterson AFB, OH, USA 94-GT-051
IGTI 1994 Modeling and Control of HSFDs for Active Control of Rotor-Bearing Systems A. El-Shafei, J.P. Hathout, Cairo University, Giza, Egypt 94-GT-052
IGTI 1994 Active Vibration Control of Rotating Machinery with a Hybrid Piezo-Hydraulic Actuator System P. Tang, A.B. Palazzolo, Texas A&M University, College Station, TX, USA; A.F. Kascak, G.T. Montague, NASA Lewis Research Center, Cleveland, OH, USA 94-GT-053
IGTI 1994 Turbulent Flow between Two Discs Contra-Rotating at Differential Speeds M. Kilic, X. Gan, J.M. Owen, University of Bath, Bath Avon, UK 94-GT-054
IGTI 1994 Heat Transfer in an Air-Cooled Rotor-Stator System J.X. Chen, X. Gan, J.M. Owen, University of Bath, Bath Avon, UK 94-GT-055
IGTI 1994 Windage Heating of Air Passing Through Labyrinth Seals J.A. Milward, M.F. Edwards, Rolls-Royce plc, Derby, UK 94-GT-056
IGTI 1994 Vibration and Control of a Flexible Rotor in Magnetic Bearings Using Hybrid Method and H Control Theory T.N. Shiau, National Chung Cheng University, Chia Yi, Taiwan, PROC; G.J. Sheu, C.D. Yang, National Cheng Kung University, Tainan, Taiwan, PROC 94-GT-057
IGTI 1994 Sensor Error Compensation in Engine Performance Diagnostics A.J. Volponi, Hamilton Standard Division of United Technologies Corporation, Windsor Locks, CT, USA 94-GT-058
IGTI 1994 Effect of Steam Injected Gas Turbines on the Unit Sizing of a Cogeneration Plant K. Ito, R. Yokoyama, University of Osaka Prefecture, Sakai, Osaka, Japan; Y. Matsumoto, The Kansai Electric Power Co., Inc., Amagasaki, Hyogo, Japan 94-GT-059
IGTI 1994 Vibration Control of a Rotor System Utilizing a Bearing Housing with Controllable Spring Nonlinearity B. Liu, L. Yan, Q. Li, Z. Zhu, Beijing University of Aeronautics and Astronautics, Beijing, PROC 94-GT-060
IGTI 1994 Numerical Investigations of the Optimum Design of Radial Inflow Turbine Guide Vanes A.W. Reichert, H. Simon, University of Duisburg, Duisburg, Germany 94-GT-061
IGTI 1994 Transonic Turbomachinery Calculations Using a Hybrid Structured-Unstructured Grid Method S.M. Richardson, United States Air Force Wright Laboratory, Wright-Patterson AFB, OH, USA 94-GT-062
IGTI 1994 Analysis of Transonic Turbomachinery Flows Using a 2-D Explicit Low-Reynolds k-e Navier-Stokes Solver F. Dejean, C. Vassilopoulos, G. Simandirakis, K.C. Gianakoglou, K.D. Papailiou, National Technical University of Athens, Athens, Greece 94-GT-063
IGTI 1994 A Neural Network Based Active Rotor Controller with Output Feedback R.P. Ma, A. Sinha, The Pennsylvania State University, University Park, PA, USA 94-GT-064
IGTI 1994 A New Uprated Turbine for the GT8 & GT8C Gas Turbine Family S.P. Harasgama, F. Kreitmeier, ABB Power Generation Ltd., Baden, Switzerland 94-GT-065
IGTI 1994 Development of a 6 MW-Class High-Efficiency Gas Turbine M7A-01 T. Sugimoto, K. Ikesawa, S. Kajita, W. Karasawa, T. Kojima, K. Nagai, Kawasaki Heavy Industries, Ltd., Akashi, Japan 94-GT-066
IGTI 1994 Film Cooling of the Gas Turbine Endwall by Discrete-Hole Injection M.Y. Jabbari, E.R.G. Eckert, University of Minnesota, Minneapolis, MN, USA; K.C. Marston, IBM Corporation, Poughkeepsie, NY, USA 94-GT-067
IGTI 1994 Disk/Cavity Wall Cooling Effectiveness Experiments with Air and CO2 as Coolants B.V. Johnson, W.A. Daniels, United Technologies Research Center, East Hartford, CT, USA 94-GT-068
IGTI 1994 Numerical Investigation of Unsteady Incompressible 3D Turbulent Flow and Torque Transmission in Fluid Couplings L. Bai, A. Kost, M. Fiebig, N.K. Mitre, Ruhr-Universitat Bochum, Bochum, Germany 94-GT-069
IGTI 1994 Computation of Unsteady 3D Flow and Torque Transmission in Hydrodynamic Couplings A. Kost, N.K. Mitra, M. Fiebig, Ruhr-Universitat Bochum, Bochum, Germany 94-GT-070
IGTI 1994 Generalizing Circular Brush Seal Leakage through a Randomly Distributed Bristle Bed R.E. Chupp, Westinghouse Electric Corporation, Orlando, Florida, USA; G.F. Holle, Show Low, Arizona, USA 94-GT-071
IGTI 1994 Lyapunov's Stability of Non-Linear Misaligned Journal Bearings P.G. Nikolakopoulos, C.A. Papadopoulos, University of Patras, Patras, Greece 94-GT-072
IGTI 1994 Development of Centrifugal Compressor for 100kW Automotive Ceramic Gas Turbine H. Uchida, M. Shiraki, A. Bessho, Japan Automobile Research Institute, Inc., Toyota Central R&D Labs, Nagakute, Aichi, Japan; Y. Yagi, Japan Automobile Research Institute, Nissan Motor Co., Natsushima, Yokosuka, Japan 94-GT-073
IGTI 1994 Measurements of the Flow in an Idealized Turbine Tip Gap S.A. Sjolander, D. Cao, Carleton University, Ottawa, Ontario, Canada 94-GT-074
IGTI 1994 A New Endwall Model for Axial Compressor Throughflow Calculations J. Dunham, Defence Research Agency, Farnborough, Hampshire, UK 94-GT-075
IGTI 1994 Numerical Analysis of 3-D Unsteady Hot Streak Migration and Shock Interaction in a Turbine Stage A.P. Saxer, H.M. Felici, Swiss Federal Institute of Technology, Zurich, Switzerland 94-GT-076
IGTI 1994 A Spinning Finite Beam Element of General Orientation Analyzed with Rayleigh/Timoshenko/Saint-Venant Theory T.J.S. Abrahamsson, Saab Military Aircraft, Linkoping, Sweden; J.H. Sallstrom, Chalmers University of Technology, Goteborg, Sweden 94-GT-077
IGTI 1994 Nonlinear Analysis of Rotordynamic Instabilities in High-Speed Turbomachinery D.S.H. Chan, Department of Marine Technology, Kvaerner Engineering A.S., Oslo, Norway 94-GT-078
IGTI 1994 Design and Development of the WR-21 Intercooled Recuperated (ICR) Marine Gas Turbine S.B. Shepard, Naval Sea Systems Command, Washington, DC USA; T.L. Bowen, Naval Surface Warfare Center, Annapolis, MD, USA; J.M. Chiprich, Westinghouse Electric Corporation, Sunnyvale, CA, USA; 94-GT-079
IGTI 1994 Maximum Power Point Characteristics of a Closed Brayton Cycle Z.G. Diao, Chinese Academy of Sciences, Institute of Engineering Thermophysics, Beijing, The Peoples Republic of China 94-GT-080
IGTI 1994 Experimental Identification of Linearized Oil Film Coefficients of Cylindrical and Tilting Pad Bearings P. Arumugam, S. Swarnamani, B.S. Prabhu, Indian Institute of Technology, Madras, India 94-GT-081
IGTI 1994 Development of 300kW Class Ceramic Gas Turbine (CGT303) I. Ohhashi, S. Arakawa, Yanmar Diesel Engine Co., Ltd., Kyoto, Japan 94-GT-082
IGTI 1994 The Advanced Gas Turbine Systems Research Program: A Model for Industry, University and Government Cooperation R.P. Allen, South Carolina Energy Research and Development Center, Clemson, SC, USA; P.L. Micheli, Morgantown Energy Technology Center, Morgantown, WV, USA 94-GT-083
IGTI 1994 The Differential Gas Turbine Using Electric Transmission N.C. Baines, Imperial College, London, UK; N.W. Bressloff, Cranfield Institute of Technology, Cranfield, UK 94-GT-084
IGTI 1994 Determining Failure Laws for Ceramic Materials J. Smart, S.L. Fok, University of Manchester, Manchester, UK 94-GT-085
IGTI 1994 Sealing Flow Requirements for a Rotating Disk with External Swirling Flow M.G. Izenson, W.L. Swift, Creare Incorporated, Hanover, New Hampshire, USA; R.H. Aungier, Elliott Company, Jeannette, Pennsylvania, USA 94-GT-086
IGTI 1994 Adaptive Finite-Volume Solution of the Two-Dimensional Euler Equations on Unstructured Meshes S. Irmisch, Institut fur Luftfahrtantriebe, Universitat Stuttgart, Stuttgart, Germany 94-GT-087
IGTI 1994 Three-Dimensional Navier-Stokes Analysis of a Two-Stage Gas Turbine A. Arnone, University of Florence, Florence, Italy; E. Benvenuti, Nuovo Pignone S.p.A., Florence, Italy 94-GT-088
IGTI 1994 Prediction of High Reynolds Number Compressible Flow Using an Explicit-Implicit Algorithm B.B. Wang, Xi'an Jiaotong University, Xi'an, Shaanxi, Peoples Republic of China; F. Li, W.C. Lee, University of Westminster, London, UK 94-GT-089
IGTI 1994 A CFD Assessment of Entrance Area Distributions in a Centrifugal Compressor Vaneless Diffuser J.M. Sorokes, Dresser-Rand Turbo Products Division, Engineering Sciences-Aerodynamics, Olean, NY, USA 94-GT-090
IGTI 1994 Computation of Unsteady Nozzle Flow Due to Fluctuating Back-Pressure Using Euler Equations G.A. Gerolymos, J.P. Breus, Universite Pierre & Marie Curie, Paris, France 94-GT-091
IGTI 1994 Active Control of Dynamic Bearing Loads in Rotating Machinery Using Non-Invasive Measurements W.W. Clark, J.H. Kim, R.D. Marangoni, University of Pittsburgh, PA, USA 94-GT-092
IGTI 1994 High Stiffness Gas Journal Bearing Under Harmonic Excitation K. Czolczynski, Technical University of Lodz, Poland 94-GT-093
IGTI 1994 Heat Transfer to Rotating Turbine Blades in a Flow Undisturbed by Wakes T. Garside, R.W. Ainsworth, R.W. Moss, University of Oxford, Oxford, UK; S.N. Dancer, M. Rose, Rolls Royce Ltd., Derby, UK 94-GT-094
IGTI 1994 Application of a Heat Flux/Calorimeter-Based Method to Assess the Effect of Turbulence on Turbine Airfoil Heat Transfer B. Glezer, H.K. Moon, L. Zhang, Solar Turbines Inc., San Diego, CA, USA; C. Camci, The Pennsylvania State University, University Park, PA, USA 94-GT-095
IGTI 1994 The Development and Testing of the MFT8 Gas Turbine K. Akagi, T. Yashiki, K. Uematsu, Mitsubishi Heavy Industries Ltd., Takasago, Hyogo, Japan; J. Horner, K. Krivichi, Turbo Power and Marine Systems, Inc., Middletown, CT, USA 94-GT-096
IGTI 1994 Application of Magnetic Bearings for Offshore Turboexpanders J.L. Galelli, BOC AG-CRYOSTAR, Basel, Switzerland; H. de L'Hermite, Saint-Marcel, France 94-GT-097
IGTI 1994 Set Up and Operation of a Recirculating Wetted Rigid Media Evaporative Cooler Installed in a Gas Turbine Combustion Inlet Air System R.S. Johnson, Sr., Solar Turbines Incorporated, San Diego, CA, USA 94-GT-098
IGTI 1994 Thorium Cycle in High Temperature Gas-Cooled Gas Turbine Reactors (HTG-GT) Using Highly Enriched Uranium Obtained from the Dismantling of Nuclear Weapons N. Cerullo, G. Guglielmini, Univresita di Genova, Genova, Italy; A. Di Pietro, ENEA, Ente per le Nuove Tecnologie, l'Energia e l'Ambiente, Roma, Italy 94-GT-099
IGTI 1994 Effects of Frequency on Structural Stiffness and Damping in a Self-Acting Compliant Foil Journal Bearing C.P.R. Ku, Conner Peripherals, San Jose, CA, USA; H. Heshmat, Mechanical Technology Incorporated, Latham, NY, USA 94-GT-100
IGTI 1994 Flow Field Investigation in the Exit Region of a Radial Inflow Turbine Using LDV D.M. Murugan, W. Tabakoff, A. Hamed, Dept. of Aerospace Engineering, University of Cincinnati, Cincinnati, OH, USA 94-GT-101
IGTI 1994 Experimental Determination of Damping in Rolling Bearing Joints R. Zeillinger, H. Springer, Technical University of Vienna, Vienna, Austria; H. Kottritsch, Product Development, SKF-Osterreich AG, Steyr, Austria 94-GT-102
IGTI 1994 Preferred Propagation Patterns in Surface Cracks under Cyclic Loading D. Gera, West Virginia University, Department of Mechanical and Aerospace Engineering, Morgantown, West Virginia, USA 94-GT-103
IGTI 1994 Advanced Digital 200 Channels Dynamic Cassette Recording System for Development Engine Test Cells J.L. Eyraud, F. Auzolle, SNECMA, Moissy Cramayel, FRANCE 94-GT-104
IGTI 1994 A Simulation of the Unsteady Interaction of a Centrifugal Impeller with Its Vaned Diffuser: Flow Analysis W.N. Dawes, University of Cambridge, Cambridge, UK 94-GT-105
IGTI 1994 Influence of Radial Inflow on Rotor-Stator Cavity Pressure Distributions K.J. Hart, University of Hertfordshire, Herts, UK; A.B. Turner, University of Sussex, Brighton, UK 94-GT-106
IGTI 1994 A Finite Element Approach to the Analysis of Rotating Bladed-Disk Assemblies Coupled with Flexible Shaft W. Zhang, W. Wang, H. Wang, J. Tang, Fudan University, Shanghai, PROC 94-GT-107
IGTI 1994 A Numerical Study of the Fatigue Life of a Gas Turbine Blade in Transient Operations M. Hohlrieder, H. Irretier, University of Kassel, Kassel, Germany 94-GT-108
IGTI 1994 An Improved Squeeze Film Damper for Rotor Vibration Control: Theoretical Results J.Y. Zhao, I.W. Linnett, Dept. of Aerospace & Mechanical Engineering, Australian Defence Force Academy, Canberra, Australia; E.J. Hahn, School of Mechanical & Manufacturing Engineering, University of New South Wales, Sydney, 94-GT-109
IGTI 1994 Modeling and Analysis of the Dynamic Behaviour of an Active Journal Bearing L. Sun, J.M. Krodkiewski, N. Zhang, University of Melbourne, Victoria, Australia 94-GT-110
IGTI 1994 Identification and Monitoring of Turbo Rotors in Active Magnetic Bearings R.Y. Siegwart, R.J.P. Herzog, R. Larsonneur, MECOS Traxler AG, Winterthur, Switzerland 94-GT-111
IGTI 1994 Hybrid Ceramic Bearing Development for Gas Turbine Engines F.D. Slaney, Senior Development Engineer, Textron-Lycoming, Stratford, Connecticut, USA 94-GT-112
IGTI 1994 Cautions for Polar-Plot Balancing Using Measurements Taken Near Fluid-Lubricated Bearings D.E. Bently, C.T. Hatch, W.D. Franklin, Bently Rotor Dynamics Research Corporation, Minden Nevada, USA 94-GT-113
IGTI 1994 The Development of Cost Effective Gas Turbine Installations Offshore W.P. Hancock, TKS A/S, Stavanger, Randaberg, Norway 94-GT-114
IGTI 1994 Solar Turbines Incorporated "Taurus 60" Gas Turbine Development ; V. Van Leuven, P.W. Sparkman, Solar Turbines Incorporated, San Diego, CA, USA 94-GT-115
IGTI 1994 Wall Proximity Effects in Pneumatic Measurement of Turbomachinery Flows P.D. Smout, Rolls-Royce plc, Derby, UK; P.C. Ivey, Cranfield University, Bedford, UK 94-GT-116
IGTI 1994 Identifying a Dynamic Model for a GE Frame 7 Gas Turbine H. Kaufman, Rensselaer Polytechnic Institute, Troy, NY, USA; R. Ravi, GE Corporate Research & Development, Schenectady, NY, USA 94-GT-117
IGTI 1994 Design Considerations for a State of the Art Development Test Cell for Aeroengines R.C. Stevens, Design & Projects International Limited, Eastleigh, Hampshire, UK; D.J. Piggott, Rolls-Royce plc, Derby, UK 94-GT-118
IGTI 1994 Testing an APU for Potential Service Aboard a U.S. Naval Destroyer G.W. Francis, Naval Surface Warfare Center, Philadelphia, PA, USA 94-GT-119
IGTI 1994 Recent Gas Turbine Applications in Large Commercial Vessels D.L. Luck, General Electric Company, Evendale, OH, USA 94-GT-120
IGTI 1994 An Operation and Maintainence Strategy to Maximize Performance of a 70-MW Combined-Cycle Power Plant R.J. Anuskiewicz, T.A. Hickerson, Solar Turbines Inc., San Diego, CA, USA 94-GT-121
IGTI 1994 Prediction of Turbine Blade Passage Heat Transfer Using a Zero and a Two-Equation Turbulence Model A.A. Ameri, University of Kansas Center for Research Inc., Lawrence, KS, USA; A. Arnone, University of Florence, Florence, Italy 94-GT-122
IGTI 1994 Grid Orthogonality Effects on Predicted Turbine Midspan Heat Transfer and Performance R.J. Boyle, NASA Lewis Research Center, Cleveland, OH, USA; A.A. Ameri, University of Kansas Center for Research Inc., Lawrence, KS, USA 94-GT-123
IGTI 1994 A Rotary Heat Exchanger for Automotive and Other Ground Based Gas Turbines J.P. Day, Corning, Corning, New York, USA 94-GT-124
IGTI 1994 300 kW Class Ceramic Gas Turbine Development (CGT 301) ; M. Sakakida, T. Sasa, K. Akiyama, S. Tanaka, Ishikawajima-Harima Heavy Industries, Co. Ltd., Tokyo, Japan 94-GT-125
IGTI 1994 Rim Sealing of Rotor-Stator Wheelspaces in the Presence of External Flow J.W. Chew, Rolls-Royce plc, Aerothermal Methods, Derby, UK; T. Green, A.B. Turner, University of Sussex, Thermo-Fluid Mechanics Research Centre, Falmer, Brighton, UK 94-GT-126
IGTI 1994 Parameter Identification with Noncollocation of Force and Measurement Locations Using Nonsynchronous Perturbation and Optimization Techniques W.D. Franklin, A. Muszynska, D.E. Bently, Bently Rotor Dynamics Research Corporation, Minden, Nevada, USA 94-GT-127
IGTI 1994 Unbalance Response of Rotors Considering the Distributed Bearing Stiffness and Damping A.S. Sekhar, Indian Institute of Technology, Kharagpur, India; B.S. Prabhu, Indian Institute of Technology, Madras, India 94-GT-128
IGTI 1994 Uncoupling of Vibration Modes Applied to Rotor Balancing E. Preciado Delgado, J. E. Aguirre Romano, Instituto de Investigaciones Electricas, Cuernavaca, Mexico 94-GT-129
IGTI 1994 Digital Control Brings Large Turbofan Benefits to the Regional Jetliner Turbofan Market P.B. Sisson, Coltec Industries, West Hartford, CT, USA; D.K. Faymon, Textron Lycoming, Stratford, CT, USA 94-GT-130
IGTI 1994 Performance of Worn Labyrinth Seals H. Zimmermann, A. Kammerer, K.H. Wolff, MTU Motoren- und Turbinen-Union Munchen GmbH, Munchen, Germany 94-GT-131
IGTI 1994 SPA "MASHPROEKT" Reversible Power Turbines V.I. Romanov, O.G. Zhiritsky, V.E. Belyaev, V.V. Lupandin, SPA MASHPROEKT, Nikolaev, Ukraine 94-GT-132
IGTI 1994 Pressure Oscillations Occurring in a Centrifugal Compressor System with and without Passive and Active Surge Control W.M. Jungowski, M.H. Weiss, G.R. Price, Novacor Research and Technology Corp., Calgary, Alberta, Canada 94-GT-133
IGTI 1994 An Experimental and Computational Investigation of Flow in a Radial Inlet of an Industrial Pipeline Centrifugal Compressor M.B. Flathers, Solar Turbines Incorporated, San Diego, CA, USA; G.E. Bache, Advanced Scientific Computing Corporation, El Dorado Hills, CA, USA; R. Rainsberger, XYZ Scientific Applications Inc., Livermore, CA, USA; 94-GT-134
IGTI 1994 Design and Test of a Small, High Pressure Ratio Radial Turbine A.C. Jones, Sundstrand Power Systems, San Diego, CA, USA 94-GT-135
IGTI 1994 Computational Modeling of Three-Dimensional Endwall Flow through a Turbine Rotor Cascade with Strong Secondary Flows Y.H. Ho, B. Lakshminarayana, The Pennsylvania State University, University Park, PA, USA 94-GT-136
IGTI 1994 Radial Mixing in an Axial Turbine R.P. Dring, United Technologies Research Center, East Hartford, CT, USA 94-GT-137
IGTI 1994 A Quasi Unsteady Study on Wake Interaction of Turbine Stator and Rotor Cascades A. Yamamoto, National Aerospace Laboratory, Tokyo, Japan; R. Murao, Y. Suzuki, Y. Aoi, Aoyama Gakuin University, Tokyo, Japan 94-GT-138
IGTI 1994 Flow Analyses in a Single-Stage Propulsion Pump Y. Lee, Naval Surface Warfare Center, Carderock Division, David Taylor Model Basin, Bethesda, Maryland, USA; C. Hah, J. Loellbach, NASA and ICOMP, NASA Lewis Research Center, Brookpark, Ohio, USA 94-GT-139
IGTI 1994 Computation and Simulation of Wake-Generated Unsteady Pressure and Boundary Layers in Cascades, Part 1: Description of the Approach and Validation S. Fan, B. Lakshminarayana, Pennsylvania State University, Dept. of Aerospace Engineering, University Park, Pennsylvania, USA 94-GT-140
IGTI 1994 Computation and Simulation of Wake-Generated Unsteady Pressure and Boundary Layers in Cascades, Part 2: Simulation of Unsteady Boundary Layer Flow Physics S. Fan, B. Lakshminarayana, Pennsylvania State University, Dept. of Aerospace Engineering, University Park, Pennsylvania, USA 94-GT-141
IGTI 1994 Experimental and Numerical Study of Orifice Discharge Coefficients in High Speed Rotating Disks S. Wittig, S. Kim, R. Jakoby, I. WeiBert, Universitat Karlsruhe, Karlsruhe, Germany 94-GT-142
IGTI 1994 Endwall and Unsteady Flow Phenomena in an Axial Turbine Stage H.E. Gallus, J. Zeschky, RWTH Aachen, Aachen, Germany; C. Hah, NASA Lewis Research Center, Cleveland, OH, USA 94-GT-143
IGTI 1994 Inverse Design of Centrifugal Compressor Vaned Diffusers in Inlet Shear Flows M. Zangeneh, University College London, London, UK 94-GT-144
IGTI 1994 The Flow in a Second Stage Nozzle of a Low Speed Axial Turbine and Its Effect on Tip Clearance Loss Development G. Morphis, J.P. Bindon, University of Natal, Durban, South Africa 94-GT-145
IGTI 1994 The Development of a Doppler Global Velocimeter for Transonic Turbine Applications R.W. Ainsworth, S.J. Thorpe, University of Oxford, Oxford, UK 94-GT-146
IGTI 1994 Evaluation of an Euler Code with Non-Reflecting Boundary Conditions for the Analysis of 3D Flow in Radial Impellers A. Fatsis, R. Van den Braembussche, von Karman Institute for Fluid Dynamics, Sint-Genesius-Rode, Belgium 94-GT-147
IGTI 1994 A Rapid Aerodynamic Loading Procedure for Centrifugal Impeller Design J.H.G. Howard, University of Waterloo, Waterloo, Ontario, Canada; C. Osborne, D. Japikse, Concepts ETI, Norwich, VT, USA 94-GT-148
IGTI 1994 A Numerical Investigation of Blade Lean Angle Effects on Flow in a Centrifugal Impeller J.H.G. Howard, M. Ashrafizaadeh, University of Waterloo, Waterloo, Ontario, Canada 94-GT-149
IGTI 1994 Dynamic Surge Behavior of a Centrifugal Pumping System J.P. Bons, US Air Force Wright Laboratory, Aero Propulsion and Power Directorate, Wright-Patterson AFB, OH, USA 94-GT-150
IGTI 1994 A New Procedure for Simulating Unsteady Flows through Turbomachinery Blade Passages J. Chen, Mississippi State University, CFD Laboratory, NSF Engineering Research Center, Starkville, Mississippi, USA; M.L. Celestina, Sverdrup Technology, Inc., Lewis Research Center Group Aeromechanics Department, Brookpark, 94-GT-151
IGTI 1994 Steady and Unsteady Boundary Conditions for Numerical Simulations of Flows in Turbomachines D.J. Dorney, Dept. of Mechanical and Aerospace Engineering, Western Michigan University, Kalamazoo, Michigan, USA; R.L. Davis, United Technologies Research Center, Computational and Design Methods, East Hartford, Connecticut, 94-GT-152
IGTI 1994 Theoretical Model of the Spanwise Mixing Caused by Periodic Incoming Wakes K. Imanari, Ishikawajima-Harima Heavy Industries, Nishitama-Gun, Tokyo, Japan 94-GT-153
IGTI 1994 The Flow and Rotation Characteristics of a Centrifugal Compressor During Surge D. Jin, H. Hasemann, U. Haupt, M. Rautenberg, University of Hannover, Hannover, Germany 94-GT-154
IGTI 1994 Pressure Measurements in the Blade Passages of a Radial Inflow Turbine P.R.N. Srinivasa, R. Ramachandra, Bharat Heavy Electricals Ltd., Hyderabad, India; N. Venkatrayulu, Indian Institute of Technology, Madras, India 94-GT-155
IGTI 1994 A Numerical Study of the Interaction of a Transonic Compressor Rotor Overtip Leakage Vortex with the Following Stator Blade Row W.N. Dawes, University of Cambridge, Whittle Laboratory, Cambridge, UK 94-GT-156
IGTI 1994 Method for Predicting Choke Flow in Vaned Radial Diffusers Based on Thermodynamic and Gas Dynamic Criteria M. Rautenberg, U. Seidel, University of Hannover, Hannover, Germany 94-GT-157
IGTI 1994 Development of Periodic Unsteady Turbulent Wakes in a Curved Channel at Zero Streamwise Pressure Gradient M. Schobeiri, J. John, Texas A&M University, College Station, TX, USA 94-GT-158
IGTI 1994 Stall Inception Behavior in a Centrifugal Compressor J. Chen, L. Shi, Chinese Academy of Sciences, Beijing, Peoples Republic of China; H. Hasemann, M. Rautenberg, University of Hannover, Hannover, Germany 94-GT-159
IGTI 1994 Experimental Investigation of the Flow Field of Deep Rotating Stall in a Centrifugal Compressor Y.N. Chen, Sulzer Brothers Ltd., Winterthur, Switzerland; U. Seidel, U. Haupt, M. Rautenberg, University of Hannover, Hannover, Germany; J. Chen, Chinese Academy of Sciences, Beijing, Peoples Republic of China; 94-GT-160
IGTI 1994 Transient Process of Rotating Stall in Radial Vaneless Diffusers H. Watanabe, S. Konomi, Ebara Research Co., Ltd., Fujisawa-shi, Japan; I. Ariga, University of Keio, Yokohama-shi, Japan 94-GT-161
IGTI 1994 An Experimental Investigation of the Rib Surface-Averaged Heat Transfer Coefficient in a Rib-Roughened Square Passage M.E. Taslim, C.M. Wadsworth, Northeastern University, Boston, MA, USA 94-GT-162
IGTI 1994 Experimental Heat Transfer and Friction in Channels Roughened with Angled, V-Shape and Discrete Ribs on Two Opposite Walls M.E. Taslim, T. Li, Northeastern University, Boston, MA, USA; D.M. Kercher, GE Aircraft Engines, Lynn, MA, USA 94-GT-163
IGTI 1994 Surface Heat Transfer from a Three-Pass Blade Cooling Passage Simulator M.K. Chyu, V. Natarajan, Carnegie Mellon University, Pittsburgh, PA, USA 94-GT-164
IGTI 1994 The Influence of Secondary Flows near the Endwall and Boundary Layer Disturbance on Convective Transport from a Turbine Blade R.J. Goldstein, H.P. Wang, M.Y. Jabbari, University of Minnesota, Minneapolis, MN, USA 94-GT-165
IGTI 1994 The Streamwise Development of Gortler Vortices in a Favorable Pressure Gradient M.V. Finnis, A. Brown, Royal Military College of Science., Cranfield Univ, Swindon, UK 94-GT-166
IGTI 1994 A Summary of the Cooled Turbine Blade Tip Heat Transfer and Film Effectiveness Investigations Performed by Dr. D.E. Metzger Y.W. Kim, Arizona State University, Tempe, AZ, USA; W. Abdel-Messeh, United Technologies Corporation Pratt & Whitney, Longueuil, Quebec, Canada; J.P. Downs, F.O. Soechting, United Technologies Corporation, Pratt & Whitney, We 94-GT-167
IGTI 1994 Component and Procedural Improvements for the T-62T-40-7 Gas Turbine in the LCAC Fleet J.P. Ehrhardt, Naval Sea System Command, Washington, DC, USA; S.K. Spring, Naval Surface Warfare Center, Philadelphia, PA, USA 94-GT-168
IGTI 1994 Aero Engine Test Experience with CMSX-R Alloy Single Crystal Turbine Blades K.P.L. Fullager, R.W. Broomfield, M. Hulands, Rolls-Royce plc Bristol & Derby, UK; K. Harris, G.L. Erickson, S.L. Sikkenga, Cannon-Muskegon Corporation (SPS Technologies), Muskegon, MI, USA 94-GT-169
IGTI 1994 Operation of Gas Turbine Engines in Volcanic Ash Clouds M.G. Dunn, A.J. Baran, Calspan Corporation, Buffalo, NY, USA; J. Miatech, Hdq., Defense Nuclear Agency, Alexandria, VA, USA 94-GT-170
IGTI 1994 Heat Transfer Measurements on Turbine Blades Using the Naphthalene Sublimation Technique M. Haring, A. Bolcs, EPFL, LTT, Lausanne, Switzerland; S.P. Harasgama, ABB Power Generation Ltd., Gas Turbines, Baden, Switzerland; J. Richter,TH-Darmstadt, Darmstadt, Germany; 94-GT-171
IGTI 1994 Heat Transfer Measurements in an Annular Cascade of Transonic Gas Turbine Blades Using the Transient Liquid Crystal Technique R.F. Martinez-Botas, G.D. Lock, T.V. Jones, University of Oxford, Oxford, UK 94-GT-172
IGTI 1994 Comparison of Calculated and Measured Heat Transfer Coefficients for Transonic and Supersonic Boundary-Layer Flows C. Hurst, A. Schulz, S. Wittig, Universitat Karlsruhe, Karlsruhe, Germany 94-GT-173
IGTI 1994 An Account of Free-Stream-Turbulence Length Scale on Laminar Heat Transfer K. Dullenkopf, Universitat Karlsruhe, Karlsruhe, Germany; R.E. Mayle, Rensselaer Polytechnic Institute, Troy, NY, USA 94-GT-174
IGTI 1994 Experimental and Theoretical Investigations of Heat Transfer in Closed Gas-Filled Rotating Annuli II D. Bohn, R. Edmunds, V. Gorzelitz, U. Kruger, Institute of Steam and Gas Turbines, Technical University of Aachen, Aachen, Germany 94-GT-175
IGTI 1994 Topping Combustor Development for Second-Generation Pressurized Fluidized Bed Combined Cycles W.F. Domeracki, T.E. Dowdy, Westinghouse Electric Corporation, Power Generation Unit, Orlando, FL, USA; D.M. Bachovchin, Westinghouse Science and Technology Center, Pittsburgh, PA, USA 94-GT-176
IGTI 1994 Modeling Alkali Salt Vapour Deposition in the British Coal Topping Cycle System J.E. Fackrell, R.J. Tabberer, PowerGen plc, Ratcliffe-on-Soar, Nottingham, UK; J.B. Young, Cambridge University, Cambridge, UK; I.R. Fantom, British Coal Corporation, Cheltenham, UK; 94-GT-177
IGTI 1994 The Highly Nonlinear Thermal Behavior of Film Cooling E.F. Adiutori, Ventuno Press, West Chester, OH, USA 94-GT-178
IGTI 1994 Effects of Shock Wave Passage on Heat Transfer in a Transonic Turbine Cascade D. Holmberg, T. Reid, T. Kiss, H.L. Moses, W.F. Ng, T.E. Diller, Virginia Polytechnic Institute, Blacksburg, VA, USA 94-GT-179
IGTI 1994 The Coefficient of Discharge of 30 Inclined Film Cooling Holes with Rounded Entries or Exits N. Hay, D. Lampard, University of Nottingham, Nottingham, UK; A. Khaldi, Universite des Sciences et de la Technologie d'Oran, O'ran El-M'Naouer, Algeria 94-GT-180
IGTI 1994 Local Heat Transfer Coefficient and Adiabatic Wall Temperature Measurement Beneath Arrays of Staggered and Inline Impinging Jets K.W. Van Treuren, Z. Wang, P.T. Ireland, T.V. Jones, University of Oxford, Oxford, UK; S.T. Kohler, Rolls-Royce Plc., Bristol, UK 94-GT-181
IGTI 1994 Film Cooling Effectiveness and Heat Transfer Coefficients for Slot Injection at High Blowing Ratios G. Bittlinger, A. Schulz, S. Wittig, Institut fur Thermische Stromungsmachinen, Universitat Karlsruhe, Karlsruhe, Germany 94-GT-182
IGTI 1994 A Model for Calculating Turbulent Friction and Heat Transfer Coefficients of a Rectangular Duct with Angled Ribs on Two Opposite Walls L.T. Tran, Sverdrup Technology, Inc.; (NYMA), Lewis Research Center Group, Brookpark, Ohio, USA 94-GT-183
IGTI 1994 The Design and Calibration of a Heat-Fluxmeter for Gas Turbine Studies P.C. Ivey, Cranfield University, Bedfordshire, UK 94-GT-184
IGTI 1994 Air Temperature Rises in Compressor and Turbine Stator Wells F.J. Bayley, P.R.N. Childs, University of Sussex, Falmer, Brighton, UK 94-GT-185
IGTI 1994 System Development Test Program for the WR-21 Intercooled Recuperated (ICR) Gas Turbine Engine System W.J. Hawkins, Westinghouse Electric Corporation, Sunnyvale, CA, USA; D. Mathieson, Rolls-Royce Industrial and Marine Gas Turbine plc., Coventry, UK; P. Socoloski, Naval Surface Warfare Center, Philadelphia Detatchment, Carder 94-GT-186
IGTI 1994 Cruise Gas Turbine Experience in the British and Netherlands Navies R.J. Tasker, M.G. Lutje Schipholt, MOD (UK), Naval Support Command, Foxhill, Bath, UK 94-GT-187
IGTI 1994 Using Team and Fault Tree Analysis to Determine Areas of Responsibility for Machinery Failure W.H. Forbes, NOVA Corporation of Alberta, Calgary, Alberta, Canada 94-GT-188
IGTI 1994 Analysis, Design, and Testing of a Low Profile Deflection Pad Thrust Bearing in an Industrial Gas Turbine D. Jain, F. Zeidan, KMC, Inc., West Greenwich, RI, USA; M. Wittmeyer, Dresser-Rand, Olean, NY, USA 94-GT-190
IGTI 1994 An Overview of International Electrical and Safety Codes and Standards Governing the Application of Turbomachinery in Hazardous Areas H.A. Kidd, G. Talabisco, Dresser Rand Co., Olean, NY, USA 94-GT-191
IGTI 1994 Performance Prediction of Centrifugal Compressors During the Conceptual Engineering Phase B.M. Hande, Oil Engineering Consultants, Sandvika, Norway 94-GT-192
IGTI 1994 Air Extraction in a Gas Turbine for Integrated Gasification Combined Cycle (IGCC): Experiments and Analysis J.S. Kapat, A.K. Agrawal, T.t. Yang, Clemson University, Clemson, SC, USA 94-GT-193
IGTI 1994 CADDMAS: A Real-Time Parallel System for Dynamic Data Analysis T.F. Tibbals, Sverdrup Technology, Inc., AEDC Group, Arnold AFB, TN, USA; T.A. Bapty, B.A. Abbott, Vanderbilt University, Nashville, TN, USA 94-GT-194
IGTI 1994 Turbine Cascade Losses in the Presence of Progressive Particle Deposition D.D. Kladas, D.P. Georgiou, University of Patras, Patras, Greece 94-GT-195
IGTI 1994 Heat Transfer Predictions in Rotating Radial Smooth Channel: Comparitive Study of k-E Models with Wall Function and Low-Re Model P. Tekriwal, GE Corporate Research and Development, Schenectady, New York, USA 94-GT-196
IGTI 1994 Prediction of Turbulent Flow and Heat Transfer in a Rotating Square Duct with a 180 deg. Bend P.S. Sathyamurthy, K.C. Karki, Innovative Research Inc., Minneapolis, Minnesota, USA; S.V. Patankar, University of Minnesota, Minneapolis, Minnesota, USA 94-GT-197
IGTI 1994 SPA MASHPROEKT Combined Cycle Plants A.V. Kovalenko, F.F. Belyayev, V.V. Lazarev, V.V.Lupandin, SPA "MASHPROEKT", Nikolaev, Ukraine 94-GT-198
IGTI 1994 Development of 12CR Steel Disc for Heavy Duty Gas Turbines K. Hidaka, M. Shiga, S. Nakamura, Y. Fukui, Hitachi Research Laboratory, Hitachi, Japan 94-GT-199
IGTI 1994 Modeling for Control of Rotating Stall in High Speed Multi-Stage Axial Compressors M.R. Feulner, J.D. Paduano, Massachusetts Institute of Technology, Cambridge, MA, USA; G.J. Hendricks, United Technologies Research Center, East Hartford, CT, USA 94-GT-200
IGTI 1994 Integration of Magnetic Bearings in the Design of Advanced Gas Turbine Engines A.F. Storace, D.Sood, GE Aircraft Engines, Cincinnati, OH, USA M.A. Preston, J.P. Lyons, General Electric CR&D, Schenectady, NY, USA; 94-GT-201
IGTI 1994 Design and Development of an Advanced Two-Stage Centrifugal Compressor D.L. Palmer, W,F. Waterman, AlliedSignal Engines, Phoenix, AZ, USA 94-GT-202
IGTI 1994 Forced Harmonic Response of Grouped Blade Systems: Part I - Discrete Theory L.F. Wagner, Westinghouse Electric Corporation, Pittsburgh, PA, USA; J.H. Griffin, Carnegie Mellon University, Pittsburgh, PA, USA 94-GT-203
IGTI 1994 Forced Harmonic Response of Grouped Blade Systems: Part II - Application L.F. Wagner, Westinghouse Electric Corp., Pittsburgh, PA, USA; J.H. Griffin, Carnegie Mellon University, Pittsburgh, PA, USA 94-GT-204
IGTI 1994 Effect of Free-Stream Turbulence on Flat-Plate Heat Flux Signals: Spectra & Eddy Transport Velocities R.W. Moss, M.L.G. Oldfield, University of Oxford, UK 94-GT-205
IGTI 1994 Numerical Investigation of Stall Flutter J.A. Ekaterinaris, Navy-NASA Joint Inst. of Aeronautics, Moffett Field, CA, USA; M.F. Platzer, Naval Postgraduate School, Monterey, CA, USA 94-GT-206
IGTI 1994 The Influence of Blade Wakes on the Performance of Inter-Turbine Diffusers R.G. Dominy, D.A. Kirkham, University of Durham, Durham, UK 94-GT-207
IGTI 1994 Calculation of Threedimensional Viscous Flow in Hydrodynamic Torque Converters H. Schulz, R. Greim, W. Volgmann, Ruhr-Universitat Bochum, Bochum, Germany 94-GT-208
IGTI 1994 Investigation of the Flow Field Downstream of a Turbine Trailing Edge Cooled Nozzle Guide Vane C.H. Sieverding, R. Denos, T. Arts, von Karman Institute for Fluid Dynamics, Rhode-Saint-Genese, Belgium; F. Martelli, University of Florence, Florence, Italy 94-GT-209
IGTI 1994 Rotating Stall in a Single Stage Axial Flow Compressor C.A. Poensgen, H.E. Gallus, RWTH Aachen, Aachen, Germany 94-GT-210
IGTI 1994 A Catalytic Combustor for High-Temperature Gas Turbines N. Vortmeyer, M. Valk, G. Kappler, Technicshe Universitat Munchen, Munchen, Germany 94-GT-211
IGTI 1994 Flow Field and Performance Characteristics of Combustor Diffusers - A Basic Study R. Hestermann, S. Kim, A. Ben Khaled, S. Wittig, Universitat Karlsruhe, Karlsruhe, Germany 94-GT-212
IGTI 1994 Experimental and Computational Results from the NASA Lewis Low-Speed Centrifugal Impeller at Design and Part Flow Conditions R.M. Chriss, M.D. Hathaway, J.R. Wood, NASA Lewis Research Center, Cleveland, Ohio, USA 94-GT-213
IGTI 1994 Off-Design Transition and Separation Behaviour of a CDA Cascade W. Steinert, H. Starken, DLR, Koln, Germany 94-GT-214
IGTI 1994 A Review of Droplet Dynamics and Vaporization Modeling for Engineering Calculations F. Peng, S.K. Aggarwal, University of Illinois at Chicago, Chicago, IL, USA 94-GT-215
IGTI 1994 Studies of Lean Blowout in a Step Swirl Combustor M.D. Durbin, D.R. Ballal, University of Dayton, Dayton, OH, USA 94-GT-216
IGTI 1994 The Development of an Aviation Fuel Thermal Stability Test Unit D.L. Daggett, A. Veninger, Rolls-Royce Inc., Atlanta, GA, USA; C. Lewis, S. Bullock, Rolls-Royce plc, Derby, UK; R. Kamin, Naval Air Warfare Center, Trenton, NJ, USA; 94-GT-217
IGTI 1994 A Study on Low NOx Combustion in LBG-Fueled 1500 C Class Gas Turbine T. Nakata, Tohoku University, Miyagi, Japan; M. Sato, T. Ninomiya, T.Hasegawa, Central Research Institute of Electric Power Industry, Kanagawa, Japan 94-GT-218
IGTI 1994 Wake-Induced Unsteady Flows: Their Impact on Rotor Performance and Wake Rectification J.J. Adamczyk, NASA Lewis Research Center, Brookpark, Ohio, USA; M.L. Celestina, Sverdrup Technology, Inc., Lewis Research Center, Brookpark, Ohio, USA; J.P. Chen, Mississippi State University, CFD Lab, NSF Engineering Resear 94-GT-219
IGTI 1994 Effects of Rotating Inlet Distortion on Multistage Compressor Stability J.P. Longley, I.J. Day, Cambridge University, Cambridge, UK; H.-W. Shin, D.C. Wisler, GE Aircraft Engines, Cincinnati, OH, USA; R.E. Plumey, P.D. Silkowski, E.M. Greitzer, C.S. Tan, Massachusetts Institute of Technology, Camb 94-GT-220
IGTI 1994 Experimental and Numerical Investigation of a Shock Wave within a Swept Shrouded Propfan Rotor K. Helming, DLR, Institute for Propulsion Technology, Cologne, Germany 94-GT-221
IGTI 1994 An Improved Aspirating Probe for Total-Temperature and Total-Pressure Measurements in Compressor Flows D.E. Van Zante, T.H. Okiishi, Iowa State University, Ames, IA, USA; K.L. Suder, A.J. Strazisar, NASA Lewis Research Center, Cleveland, OH, USA 94-GT-222
IGTI 1994 Unsteady 3D Flow in a Single-Stage Transonic Fan; Part I: Unsteady Rotor Exit Flow Field M.A. Cherrett, J.D. Bryce, R.B. Ginder, Defence Research Agency, Pyestock, Farnborough, UK 94-GT-223
IGTI 1994 Unsteady 3D Flow in a Single-Stage Transonic Fan, Part II: Unsteady Stator Exit Flow Field M.A. Cherrett, J.D. Bryce, R.B. Ginder, Defence Research Agency, Pyestock, Farnborough, UK 94-GT-224
IGTI 1994 Osborne Reynolds - Energy Methods in Transition and Loss Production - A Centennial Perspective J. Moore, J.G. Moore, Virginia Polytechnic Institute, Blacksburg, VA, USA 94-GT-225
IGTI 1994 LDA Investigation of the Flow Development through Rotating U-Ducts S.C. Cheah, H. Iacovides, D.C. Jackson, H. Ji, B.E. Launder, UMIST, Manchester, UK 94-GT-226
IGTI 1994 Detailed Stress Tensor Measurements in a Centrifugal Compressor Vaneless Diffuser A. Pinarbasi, M.W. Johnson, University of Liverpool, Liverpool, UK 94-GT-227
IGTI 1994 Assessment of Damage in Ceramics and Ceramic Matrix Composites Using Ultrasonic Techniques S.I. Rokhlin, Y.C. Chu, Ohio State University, Columbus, OH, USA; G.Y. Baaklini, NASA Lewis Research Center, Cleveland, OH, USA 94-GT-228
IGTI 1994 Plasticity Considerations in Probabilistic Ceramic-to-Metal Joint Design D.A. ONeil, J.H. Selverian, OSRAM Sylvania Inc., Salem, MA, USA; K.S. Kim, Brown University, Providence, RI, USA 94-GT-229
IGTI 1994 Regenerator Effectiveness during Transient Operation D.S. Beck, Creare Inc., Hanover, New Hampshire, USA 94-GT-230
IGTI 1994 Optimization of Regenerated Gas Turbines D.S. Beck, Creare Inc., Hanover, New Hampshire, USA 94-GT-231
IGTI 1994 Heat Transfer Enhancement Within a Turbine Blade Cooling Passage Using Ribs and Combinations of Ribs with Film Cooling Holes A.R. Byerley, Mercer University, Macon, GA, USA 94-GT-232
IGTI 1994 Heat Transfer Enhancement within a Turbine Blade Cooling Passage Using Ribs and Combinations of Ribs with Film Cooling Holes J.R. Shen, Chinese Academy of Sciences, Beijing, PROC; P.T. Ireland, Z. Wang, T.V. Jones, University of Oxford, Oxford, UK; A.R. Byerley, Mercer University, Macon, Georgia, USA; 94-GT-232
IGTI 1994 Flow Behavior with an Oscillating Motion of the Impinging Jet in a Dump Diffuser Combustor S. Honami, T. Shizawa, Science University of Tokyo, Tokyo, Japan; A. Sato, Ishikawajima-Harima, Heavy Industries Co., Ltd., Tokyo, Japan; H. Ogata, Kawasaki Heavy Industries, Ltd., Kobe, Japan; 94-GT-233
IGTI 1994 Emission and Performance of a Lean-Premixed Gas Fuel Injection System for Aeroderivative Gas Turbine Engines T.S. Snyder, T.J. Rosfjord, J.B. Mc Vey, United Technologies Research Center, East Hartford, CT, USA; A.S. Hu, B.C. Schlein, Pratt & Whitney, East Hartford, CT, USA 94-GT-234
IGTI 1994 The Aerodynamic Mixing Effect of Discrete Cooling Jets with Mainstream Flow on a Highly Loaded Turbine Blade G. Wilfert, L. Fottner, Universitat der Bundeswehr Munchen, Neubiberg, Germany 94-GT-235
IGTI 1994 Design of a Low Aspect Ratio Transonic Compressor Stage Using CFD Techniques N.L. Sanger, NASA Lewis Research Center, Cleveland, OH, USA 94-GT-236
IGTI 1994 Three-Dimensional Navier-Stokes Analysis and Redesign of an Imbedded Bellmouth Nozzle in a Turbine Cascade Inlet Section P.W. Giel, J.R.Sirbaugh, NYMA, NASA Lewis Research Center, Brook Park, OH, USA; I. Lopez, G.J. Van Fossen, US Army Research Laboratory, NASA Lewis Research Center, Cleveland, OH, USA 94-GT-237
IGTI 1994 Modelling the Transient Behaviour of Combined Cycle Plants P.J. Dechamps, University of Liege, Liege, Belgium 94-GT-238
IGTI 1994 Dynamic Constraints on HRSG Drum Design J.F. Galopin, Cockerill Mechanical Industries, Seraing, Belgium 94-GT-239
IGTI 1994 System Optimization of Humid Air Turbine Cycle Y. Xiao, R. Lin, R. Cai, Chinese Academy of Sciences, Beijing, PROC 94-GT-240
IGTI 1994 Advanced Aircraft Engines under 7MW R.L. Vogt, Textron Lycoming, Stratford, CT, USA 94-GT-241
IGTI 1994 Marinized Industrial Gas Turbine for HSLC Marine Propulsion C.M. Waldheim, Solar Turbines Incorporated, San Diego, CA, USA 94-GT-242
IGTI 1994 Fuel Manifold Air Purge System for Allison 501-K17/K34 Marine Gas Turbine Engines D.M. Russom, T.E. Daransky, Naval Surface Warfare Center, Philadelphia, PA, USA 94-GT-243
IGTI 1994 In Flight Heat Transfer Measurements on an Aero-Engine Nacelle N.W. Bown, T.M. Cain, T.V. Jones, University of Oxford, Oxford, UK; P.P. Shipley, B. Barry, Rolls-Royce plc, Derby, UK 94-GT-244
IGTI 1994 Effects of Surface Riblets and Free-Stream Turbulence on Heat Transfer in a Linear Turbine Cascade P.K. Maciejewski, University of Pittsburgh, PA, USA; R.B. Rivir, Aero Propulsion and Power Laboratory, Wright-Patterson Air Force Base, OH, USA 94-GT-245
IGTI 1994 Experimental Investigation of Rotor/Rotor Interaction in a Hydrodynamic Torque Converter Using Hot-Film Anemometry V. Browarzik, Lehrstuhl fur Fluidenergiemaschinen, Ruhr-Universitat Bochum, Bochum, Germany 94-GT-246
IGTI 1994 An Inviscid-Viscous Method to Model Leading Edge Separation Bubbles W.J. Calvert, DRA, Pyestock, Farnborough, Hants, UK 94-GT-247
IGTI 1994 Aerodynamic Performance of a Transonic Turbine Guide Vane with Trailing Edge Coolant Ejection Part II: Numerical Approach V. Michelassi, F. Martelli, University of Florence, Florence, Italy; J. Amecke, DLR, Gottingen, Germany 94-GT-248
IGTI 1994 Non-Axisymmetric Endwall Profiling in the HP NGV's of an Axial Flow Gas Turbine M.G. Rose, Rolls-Royce plc, Derby, UK 94-GT-249
IGTI 1994 Interaction between Inlet Boundary Layer, Tip-Leakage and Secondary Flows in a Low-Speed Turbine Cascade J.K.K. Chan, M.I. Yaras, S.A. Sjolander, Carleton University, Ottawa, Ontario, Canada 94-GT-250
IGTI 1994 Efficient Computations of Navier-Stokes Equations with Nonequilibrium Chemistry J. Groenner, M. Hilgenstock, E. von Lavante, University of Essen, Essen, Germany 94-GT-251
IGTI 1994 A Dry Low NOx Combustor for the MS3002 Regenerative Gas Turbine J.R. Maughan, A. Luts, General Electric Co, Schenectady, NY, USA; P.J. BAutista, Gas Research Institute, Chicago, IL, USA 94-GT-252
IGTI 1994 Development of a Fuel Air Premixer for Aero-Derivative Dry Low Emissions Combustors N.D. Joshi, M.J. Epstein, S. Durlak, S. Marakovits, P.E. Sabla, GE Aircraft Engines, Cincinnati, Ohio, USA 94-GT-253
IGTI 1994 Development of a Catalytic Combustor for Industrial Gas Turbines L.H. Cowell, Solar Turbines Inc., San Diego, CA, USA; M.P. Larkin, Engelhard Corp. Edison, NJ, USA 94-GT-254
IGTI 1994 Mars SoLoNOx-Lean Premix Combustion Technology in Production C.J. Etheridge, Solar Turbines Incorporated, San Diego, CA, USA 94-GT-255
IGTI 1994 A Rapid Method for Predicting Global and Local Performance of Cascades with Special Emphasis on the Calculation of the Transition Region U. Kus, J. Chauvin, LEMFI, Orsay Cedex, France 94-GT-256
IGTI 1994 A Rapid Method for Predicting Global and Local Performance of Cascades with Special Emphasis on the Calculation of the Transition Region J.Chauvin, Campus Universitaire, Orsay Cedex, France 94-GT-256
IGTI 1994 An N-S Simulation of Stall Cell Behavior in a 2-D Compressor Rotor-Stator System at Various Loads E. Outa, D. Kato, Waseda University, Tokyo, Japan; K. Chiba, IHHI Co., Ltd., Tokyo, Japan 94-GT-257
IGTI 1994 Numerical Study on Rotating Stall in Finite Pitch Cascades T. Nishizawa, National Aerospace Laboratory, Chofu, Tokyo, Japan; H. Takata, Tokai University, Hiratsuka, Kanagawa, Japan 94-GT-258
IGTI 1994 Effect of Swirl and Wall Geometry on the Emissions of Advanced Gas Turbine Combustors G.J. Micklow, K. Shivaraman, University of Florida, Gainesville, FL, USA 94-GT-259
IGTI 1994 New Catalytic Combustion Technology for Very Low Emissions Gas Turbines R.A. Dalla Betta, J.C. Schlatter, S.G. Nicholas, D.K. Yee, Catalytica Inc., Mountain View, CA, USA; T. Shoji, Tanaka Kikinzoku Kogyo K.K., Kanagawa Japan 94-GT-260
IGTI 1994 Variations in the NOx Emission of Gas Turbines B.M. Visser, F.C. Bahlmann, N.V. Nederlandse Gasunie, Groningen, The Netherlands 94-GT-261
IGTI 1994 Effects of Buoyancy on Heat Transfer and Oxygen Consumption in Fuel-Thermal-Stability Studies V.R. Katta, Systems Research Labs, Dayton, OH, USA; J.W. Blust, T.F. Williams, C.R. Martel, University of Dayton Research Institute, Dayton, OH, USA 94-GT-262
IGTI 1994 Characterization of the Non-Reacting Two-Phase Flow Downstream of an Aero-Engine Combustor Dome Operating at Realistic Conditions V.G. McDonell, J.E. Seay, G.S. Samuelsen, University of California, Irvine, CA, USA 94-GT-263
IGTI 1994 Large Engine Hybrid Ceramic Bearings M.A. Rhoads, W.J. Crecelius, M. Bashyam, GE Aircraft Engines, Cincinnati, OH, USA 94-GT-264
IGTI 1994 A Cost Effective Process for Silicon Nitride Engine Components G.J. Garvey, J.D. Sibold, Golden Technologies Company, Inc., Golden, CO, USA 94-GT-265
IGTI 1994 Relative Performance Comparison between Baseline Labyrinth and Dual-Brush Compressor Discharge Seals in a T-700 Engine Test R.C. Hendricks, T.A. Griffin, T.R. Kline, K.R. Csavina, Lewis Research Center, Cleveland, Ohio, USA; A. Pancholi, D. Sood, General Electric Company, Lynn, MA, USA 94-GT-266
IGTI 1994 Reynolds Stresses and Dissipation Mechanisms in a Turbine Tip Leakage Vortex J. Moore, J.G. Moore, Virginia Polytechnic Institute, Blacksburg, VA, USA; S.P. Heckel, Planning Systems Inc., McLean, VA, USA; R. Ballesteros, University of Oviedo, Gijon, Spain; 94-GT-267
IGTI 1994 Optimum Control of Variable Components in Aircraft Gas Turbine Engines under Non-Stationary Flow Disturbances at the Inlet I.N. Egorov, G.V. Kretinin, Air Force Engineering Academy, Moscow, Russia 94-GT-268
IGTI 1994 Use of Computer Simulation Techniques to Assess Thrust Rating as a Means of Reducing Turbo-Jet Life Cycle Costs B. Devereux, CFB Cold Lake, Medley, Alberta, Canada; R. Singh, Cranfield University, Cranfield, Bedford, UK 94-GT-269
IGTI 1994 A Gas Turbine Blade Thermal/Structural Program with Linked Flow-Solid Modeling Capability S.M. Wan, T.C.T. Lam, Stress Technology Inc., Rochester, NY, USA; J.M.A Allen, Consultant - Gas Turbines, Cupertino, CA, USA; T.H. Mc Closkey, Electric Power Research Institute, Palo Alto, CA, USA; 94-GT-270
IGTI 1994 Direct Dynamic Testing of Stereolithographic Models W.H. Dornfeld, Textron Lycoming, Stratford, CT, USA 94-GT-271
IGTI 1994 Modal Analysis of Blades with Densely Distributed Small Holes J. Zhang, Z.H. Wang, Beijing University of Aeronautics and Astronautics, Beijing, PROC; B.H. Dong, Shen-Yang Research Institute of Aero-Engines, PROC 94-GT-272
IGTI 1994 The Generalized Untwist Problem of Rotating Blades: A Coupled Aeroelastic Formulation G. Liu, Shanghai University of Technology & Institute of Applied Maths. & Mechanics, Shanghai, Peoples Republic of China 94-GT-273
IGTI 1994 Optimization of Rotor-Stator-Strut Potential Flow Interaction Including Rotor Feedback Effects G. Cerri, P. Boatto, Third University of Rome, Rome, Italy; A. Sorrenti, University "La Sapienza", Rome, Italy; W.F. O'Brien, Virginia Polytechnic Institute, Blacksburg, VA, USA; 94-GT-274
IGTI 1994 The Influence of Various Exhaust Geometrical Parameters on the Effectiveness of an Aero-Engine Intake Thermal Anti-Icing System S.J. Riley, Rolls-Royce plc, Derby, UK; E.H. James, Loughborough University of Technology, Leicestershire, UK 94-GT-275
IGTI 1994 Investigations Relating to the Effects of Various Internal Geometries on the Effectiveness of an Aero-Engine Intake Thermal Anti-Icing System S.J. Riley, Rolls-Royce plc, Derby, UK; E.H. James, Loughborough University of Technology, Leicestershire, UK 94-GT-276
IGTI 1994 Installation of a Turbine Stage in the Pyestock Isentropic Light Piston Facility M.A. Hilditch, S.J. Anderson, G.C. Smith, K.S. Chana. DRA Pyestock, Farnborough, Hants, UK; A. Fowler, G.E.C. Alsthom, Rugby, Warks, UK; T.V. Jones, M.L.G. Oldfield, S.I. Hogg, R.W. Ainsworth, Oxford University, Oxford, UK; 94-GT-277
IGTI 1994 HRSG Design for Optimum Combined Cycle Performance A. v.Manen. Stork Ketels, Hengelo, The Netherlands 94-GT-278
IGTI 1994 A Statistical Study of Gas Turbine Losses and Analysis of Causes and Optimum Methods of Prevention R.E. Dundas, Factory Mutual Engineering and Research, Norwood, Massachusetts, USA 94-GT-279
IGTI 1994 Room-Temperature Strength of Sintered Silicon Nitride Subjected to High-Temperature Creep Loading Y. Nakasuji, H. Iwasaki, H. Sakai, NGK Insulators, Ltd., Nagoya, Japan 94-GT-280
IGTI 1994 Influence of Inlet Conditions on Flow and Combustion Characteristics of a Model Annular Combustor F. Baron, M. Kanniche, N. Mechitoua, Electricite de France, EDF, Chatou Cedex, France 94-GT-281
IGTI 1994 The Capability of Different Semianalytical Equations for Estimation of NOx Emissions of Gas Turbines T. Becker, M.A. Perkavec, European Gas Turbines GmbH, Essen, Germany 94-GT-282
IGTI 1994 Comparisons of Liquid Fuel/Air Mixing and NOx Emissions for a Tangential Entry Nozzle T.S. Snyder, T.J. Rosfjord, J.B. McVey, L.M. Chiapetta, United Technologies Research Center, East Hartford, CT, USA 94-GT-283
IGTI 1994 Development of an Experimental LPP Gas Turbine Combustor P. Johansson, A. Sjunnesson, S. Olovsson, Volvo Flygmotor AB, Trollhattan, Sweden 94-GT-284
IGTI 1994 Hydrodynamic Torque Converters in Mechanical Transmission Systems - Methods of Analysis A. Hedman, Chalmers University of Technology, Goteborg, Sweden 94-GT-285
IGTI 1994 An Investigation of the Effect of Cascade Area Ratios on Transonic Compressor Performance A.R. Wadia, GE Aircraft Engines, Cincinnati, OH, USA; W.W. Copenhaver, Wright Laboratory, Wright-Patterson Air Force Base, Ohio, USA 94-GT-286
IGTI 1994 Effects of Coriolis Force on Instability of Laminar Boundary Layer on a Concave Surface K. Kikuyama, Y. Hasegawa, M. Hirota, Nagoya University, Aichi, Japan; T. Yokoi, Hakuhodo Inc., Tokyo, Japan 94-GT-287
IGTI 1994 Aerodynamic Performance of a Transonic Turbine Guide Vane with Trailing Edge Coolant Ejection Part I: Experimental Approach C. Kapteijn, J. Amecke, DLR Gottingen, Germany; V. Michelassi, University of Florence, Italy 94-GT-288
IGTI 1994 Numerical Simulation of Blade Fault Signatures from Unsteady Wall Pressure Signals V. Dedoussis, K. Mathioudakis, K.D. Papailiou, National Technical University of Athens, Athens, Greece 94-GT-289
IGTI 1994 A Colour Image Processing System for Transient Liquid Crystal Heat Transfer Experiments Z. Wang, P.T. Ireland, T.V. Jones, University of Oxford, Oxford, UK; R. Davenport, Rolls-Roycep plc, Bristol, UK 94-GT-290
IGTI 1994 A Reduced Order Model of Unsteady Flows in Turbomachinery K.C. Hall, R. Florea, Duke University, Durham, NC, USA; J.P. Lanzkron, Raytheon Company, Marlborough, MA, USA 94-GT-291
IGTI 1994 Dynamic Control of Rotating Stall in Axial Flow Compressors Using Aeromechanical Feedback D.L. Gysling, United Technologies Research Center, East Hartford, CT, USA; E.M. Greitzer, MIT, Cambridge, MA, USA 94-GT-292
IGTI 1994 A Numerical Method for the Prediction of Bladed Disk Forced Response M. Berthillier, M. Dhainaut, F. Burgaud, V. Garnier, Snecma, Villaroche, Moissy Cramayel, France 94-GT-293
IGTI 1994 Validation of 3-D Euler Methods for Vibrating Cascade Aerodynamics G.A. Gerolymos, I. Vallet, Univ. Pierre & Marie Curie, Paris, France 94-GT-294
IGTI 1994 Vortical Gust Response of a Low Solidity Vane Row Including Steady Loading and Dynamic Stall Effects G.H. Henderson, S. Fleeter, Purdue University, West Lafayette, Indiana, USA 94-GT-295
IGTI 1994 Enhanced Heat Transfer and Shear Stress Due to High Freestream Turbulence K.A. Thole, Universitat Karlsruhe, Karlsruhe, Germany; D.G. Bogard, University of Texas at Austin, Austin, TX, USA 94-GT-296
IGTI 1994 Multiobjective Optimization of a Flexible Rotor in Magnetic Bearings with Critical Speeds and Control Current Constraints T.N. Shiau, C.P. Kuo, National Chung Cheng University, Chia Yi, Taiwan, PROC; J.R. Hwang, Institute of Aeronautics and Astronautics, National Cheng Kung University, Tainan, Taiwan, PROC 94-GT-297
IGTI 1994 Aircraft Crash Caused by Stress Corrosion Cracking H.J. Kolkman, G.A. Kool, R.J.H. Wanhill, National Aerospace Laboratory NLR, Emmeloord, The Netherlands 94-GT-298
IGTI 1994 Detailed Measurements on a Modern Combustor Dump Diffuser System J.F. Carrotte, D.W. Bailey, University of Loughborough, Leicestershire, UK; C.W. Frodsham, Rolls Royce plc, Bristol, UK 94-GT-299
IGTI 1994 Regional and Business Aircraft Mission Emissions N.K. Rizk, D.A. Smith, Allison Engine Co., Indianapolis, IN, USA 94-GT-300
IGTI 1994 Evolution and Experience of the Mars 100LS Gas Turbine M.D. Jones, G.P. Pytanowski, D.L. Files, Solar Turbines Incorporated, San Diego, CA, USA; J.M. Wilson, Cooper-Bessemer Rotating, Mount Vernon, OH, USA 94-GT-301
IGTI 1994 The Application and Experience of HVOF Coatings in the Repair and Overhaul of Industrial Gas Turbines C.W. Smith, G. Naisbitt, Rolls Wood Group, Aberdeen, Scotland 94-GT-302
IGTI 1994 Advanced GT's Call for Advanced CC's (Or: The 4 S's) W. Jury, H.K. Luthi, ABB Power Generation, Baden, Switzerland 94-GT-303
IGTI 1994 Thermodynamical Optimization of a Combined Cycle Plant Performance K. Sarabchi, University of Tabriz, Tabriz, Iran; G.T. Polley, UMIST, Manchester, UK 94-GT-304
IGTI 1994 FEM Model to Support Electro Chemical Drilling of Turbulated Cooling Holes M.H.H. van Dijk, B.T.M. Verhappen, Eldim B.V., Lomm, The Netherlands; M. Noot, J.K.M. Jansen, University of Technology, Eindhoven, The Netherlands 94-GT-305
IGTI 1994 The Feasability of Heat Pipe Turbine Vane Cooling C.C. Silverstein, CCS Associates, Bethel Park, PA, USA; J.M. Gottschlish, M. Meininger, Wright Laboratory, Wright-Patterson AFB, OH, USA 94-GT-306
IGTI 1994 Measurements of Local Heat Transfer Coefficient over the Full Surface of a Bank of Pedestals with Fillet Radii Z. Wang, P.T. Ireland, T.V. Jones, University of Oxford, Oxford, UK; S.T. Kohler, Rolls-Royce Plc, Bristol, UK 94-GT-307
IGTI 1994 Technical and Economic Evaluation of Nominal 280 MW Compressed Air Energy Storage Plant in Salt Dome A. Morrison, J.W. Lyons, Southern Company Services, Birmingham, AL, USA; B. Mehta. Electric Power Research Institute, Palo Alto, CA, USA; G. Gnaedig, ABB Power Generation, North Brunswick, NJ, USA; 94-GT-308
IGTI 1994 Development of Ceramic Rotor Blade for Power Generating Gas Turbine T. Teramae, Y. Furuse, Tokyo Electric Power Co., Chofu-shi, Tokyo, Japan; K. Wada, T. Machida, Hitachi Ltd., Ibaraki-ken, Japan 94-GT-309
IGTI 1994 Thermal Energy Storage and Inlet Air Cooling for Combined Cycle J. Ebeling, R.R. Balsbaugh, Burns & McDonnell Engineering, Kansas City, MO, USA; S.K. Blanchard, Public Works Commission, Fayetteville, NC, USA; L.H. Beaty, Bearden-Beaty & Associates, Marietta, GA, USA; 94-GT-310
IGTI 1994 Film Cooling with Compound Angle Holes: Heat Transfer B. Sen, D.L. Schmidt, D.G. Bogard, University of Texas at Austin, Austin, TX, USA 94-GT-311
IGTI 1994 Film Cooling with Compound Angle Holes: Heat Transfer B. Sen, D.L. Schmidt, D.G. Bogard, University of Texas, Mechanical Engineering Department, Austin Texas, USA 94-GT-311
IGTI 1994 Film Cooling with Compound Angle Holes: Heat Transfer B. Sen, D.L. Schmidt, D.G. Bogard, University of Texas, Mechanical Engineering Department, Austin, Texas, USA 94-GT-311
IGTI 1994 Film Cooling with Compound Angle Holes: Adiabatic Effectiveness D.L. Schmidt, B. Sen, D.G. Bogard, University of Texas at Austin, Austin, TX, USA 94-GT-312
IGTI 1994 Ceramic Stationary Gas Turbine Development Program M. van Roode, W.D. Brentnall, P.F. Norton, G.L. Boyd, Solar Turbines Incorporated, San Diego, CA, USA 94-GT-313
IGTI 1994 A Review of the Efficacy of Silicon Carbide Hot Gas Filters in Coal Gasification and Pressurized Fluidized Bed Combustion Environments R.R. Judkins, D.P. Stinton, J.H. DeVan, Oak Ridge National Laboratory, Oak Ridge, TN, USA 94-GT-314
IGTI 1994 High-Performance Systems for the Near-Term and Beyond J.M. Klara, US Dept. of Energy, Pittsburgh, PA, USA 94-GT-315
IGTI 1994 A Quasi-3D Calculation Method for Gas Turbine Combustor Linear Wall Cooling Techniques N.K. Rizk, Allison Engine Company, Indianapolis, IN, USA 94-GT-316
IGTI 1994 Diagnosis of Turbine Engine Transient Performance with Model-Based Parameter Estimation Techniques J.W. Bird, National Research Council, Institute for Aerospace Research, Ottawa, Ontario, Canada; H.M. Schwartz, Carleton University, Ottawa, Ontario, Canada 94-GT-317
IGTI 1994 Development of an Acoustically Enhanced Cyclone Collector for PFBC M.A. Galica, Solar Turbines Incorporated, San Diego, CA, USA 94-GT-318
IGTI 1994 The Model V84.3 Shop Tests: Tip Clearance Measurements and Evaluation M. Janssen, J. Seume, H. Zimmermann, Siemens-KWU, Mulheim an der Ruhr, Germany 94-GT-319
IGTI 1994 On the Use of Direct and Inverse Numerical Flow Calculations for Supersonic Turbine Design F. Pommel, S.E.P. Service Turbomachines -TM/T-, Vernon, France 94-GT-320
IGTI 1994 Theoretical and Experimental Investigation of Circumferential Grooved Casing/Hub Treatment D. Zhaohui, Shanghai Jiaotong University, PROC; L. Zhiwei, Northwestern Polytechnical University, Xian, PROC 94-GT-321
IGTI 1994 Stall Inception in a High-Speed Low Aspect Ratio Fan Including the Effects of Casing Treatments S.E. Gorrell, Wright Laboratory, Wright-Patterson Air Force Base, OH, USA; P.M. Russler, Battelle Memorial Institute, Dayton, OH, US 94-GT-322
IGTI 1994 Gas Turbine Education in the Netherlands J.P. van Buijtenen, Delft University of Technology, Delft, The Netherlands; J. Splinter, Polytechnic Institute of Amersterdam, Amsterdam The Netherlands 94-GT-323
IGTI 1994 A Theory for the Hydrodynamic Performance of Centrifugal Pump Impellers in Stall J.L. Dussourd, Jules L. Dussourd and Associates, Princeton, NJ, USA; P. Hermann, Embry-Riddle Aeronautical University, Prescott, AZ, USA; P.E. Westhoff, Sundstrand Aerospace, Rockford, IL, USA; 94-GT-324
IGTI 1994 Operational Experience and Energy-Saving Improvements on Offshore Gas Turbine Driven Compressor Trains A. Lynghjem, T. Heltne, Statoil, Stavanger, Norway 94-GT-325
IGTI 1994 Effects of Leading-Edge Roughness on Fluid Flow and Heat Transfer in the Transitional Boundary Layer over a Flat Plate M. Pinson, T. Wang, Clemson University, Clemson, SC, USA 94-GT-326
IGTI 1994 Effects of Periodic Unsteady Wake Flow and Pressure Gradient on Boundary Layer Transition along the Concave Surface of a Curved Plate M.T. Schobeiri, R..E. Radke, Texas A&M University, ME Dept., College Station, TX, USA 94-GT-327
IGTI 1994 Turbine Rotor Generated Forcing Functions for Flow Induced Vibrations M.M. Weaver, S. Fleeter, Purdue University, West Lafayette, Indiana, USA 94-GT-328
IGTI 1994 Design of a Gas Turbine Burning Explosive Fuel G.K. Roy, Larsen and Toubro Limited, Bombay, India 94-GT-329
IGTI 1994 On the Transport of Spatial Fluctuation Correlations in a Turbine Stator G. Perrin, F. LeBoeuf, Ecole Centrale de Lyon, Ecully Cedex, FRANCE 94-GT-330
IGTI 1994 Relationship between Erosion and Characteristics of Deposits in Gas Turbines Burning Heavy High Sulfur Fuel Oil A. Wong-Moreno, A. Sanchez-Villalvazo, Inst. de Investigaciones Electricas, Cuernavaca, Morelos, Mexico 94-GT-331
IGTI 1994 Development of Silicon Nitride Rotors for Gas Turbine Applications M. Yoshida, S. Tsuruzono, T. Ono, H. Gejima, Kyocera Corporation, Kokubu, Kagoshima, Japan 94-GT-332
IGTI 1994 Integration of Combustion Turbine Systems into Pressurized Fluidized Bed Combustion Combined Cycles R.A. Newby, Westinghouse Science & Technology Center, Pittsburgh, PA, USA; W.F. Domeracki, R.L. Bannister, A. W. McGuigan, Westinghouse Electric Corp., Orlando, FL, USA 94-GT-333
IGTI 1994 Evaluation and Prediction of Blade-Passing Frequency Noise Generated by a Centrifugal Blower Y. Ohta, E. Outa, K. Tajima, Waseda University, Tokyo, Japan 94-GT-334
IGTI 1994 Improved Blade Profile Loss and Deviation Angle Models for Advanced Transonic Compressor Bladings Part I - A Model for Subsonic Flow W.M. Konig, D.K. Hennecke, Technical University Darmstadt, Darmstadt, GERMANY L. Fottner, German Armed Forces Univ. Munich, Neubiberg, Germany; 94-GT-335
IGTI 1994 Improved Blade Profile Loss and Deviation Angle Models for Advanced Transonic Compressor Bladings Part II - A Model for Supersonic Flow W.M. Konig, D.K. Hennecke, Technical University Darmstadt, Darmstadt, GERMANY L. Fottner, German Armed Forces University Munich, Neubiberg, Germany; 94-GT-336
IGTI 1994 Local Heat Transfer in a Rotating Two-Pass Triangular Duct with Smooth Walls S. Dutta, J.C. Han, Y. Zhang, Texas A&M Univ., College Station, TX, USA; C.P. Lee, General Electric Company, Cincinnati, OH, USA 94-GT-337
IGTI 1994 When Are Nonlinearities Important at Stall Inception? F.E. Mc Caughan, Case Western Reserve University, Cleveland, Ohio, USA 94-GT-338
IGTI 1994 The Effect of Adding Roughness and Thickness to a Transonic Axial Compressor Rotor K.L. Suder, R.V. Chima, A.J. Strazisar, NASA Lewis Research Center, Cleveland, Ohio, USA; W.B. Roberts, Flow Application Research & Sermatech International, Inc., Fremont, CA, USA 94-GT-339
IGTI 1994 Turbine Engine Icing Spray Bar Design Issues C.S. Bartlett, Sverdrup Technology Inc., AEDC Group, Arnold AFB, TN, USA 94-GT-340
IGTI 1994 Nonlinear Behavior of a Magnetic Bearing System L.N. Virgin, T.f. Walsh, J.D. Knight, Duke University, Durham, NC, USA 94-GT-341
IGTI 1994 Models for the Prediction of Transients in Closed Regenerative Gas-Turbine Cycles with Centrifugal Impellers T. Korakianitis, N.E. Vlachopoulos, D. Zou, Washington University, St. Louis, Missouri, USA 94-GT-342
IGTI 1994 FT8-55 Mechanical Drive Aeroderivative Gas Turbine Design of Power Turbine and Full-Load Test Results E. Aschenbruck, R. Blessing, L. Turanskyj, MAN Gutehoffnung Shutte AG, Oberhausen, Germany 94-GT-343
IGTI 1994 Infrared Thermal Imaging System as a Diagnostic Tool for Gas Turbine Engine Faults J.D. MacLeod, P. Steckhan, D. He, National Research Council of Canada, Institute for Aerospace Research, Ottawa, Ontario, Canada 94-GT-344
IGTI 1994 Biomass Externally Fired Gas Turbine Cogeneration L. Eidensten, J. Yan, G. Svedberg, Royal Institute of Technology, Stockholm, Sweden 94-GT-345
IGTI 1994 Biomass Externally Fired Gas Turbine Cogeneration J. Yan, Royal Institute of Technology, Stockholm, Sweden 94-GT-345
IGTI 1994 Biomass Externally Fired Gas Turbine Cogeneration C.Niclas Ihren, G.Svedberg, Royal Institute of Technology, Stockholm, Sweden 94-GT-345
IGTI 1994 New, Rapid Techniques for Determining the Hydroperoxide Content, Oxidation Stability, and Thermal Stability of Jet Fuels R.E. Kauffman, University of Dayton Research Institute, Dayton, OH, USA 94-GT-346
IGTI 1994 Direct Use of Unsteady Aerodynamic Pressures in the Flutter Analysis of Mistuned Blades A.V. Srinivasan, University of Connecticut, Storrs, CT, USA; G.G. Tavares, Pratt & Whitney, East Hartford, CT, USA 94-GT-347
IGTI 1994 Detailed Measurements of Three-Dimensional Flows and Losses Inside an Axial Flow Turbine Rotor A. Yamamoto, National Aerospace Laboratory, Chofu, Tokyo, Japan; J. Tominaga, T. Matsunuma, E. Outa, Waseda University, Shinjuku, Tokyo, Japan 94-GT-348
IGTI 1994 Wake Region Measurements of a Highly Three-Dimensional Nozzle Guide Vane Tested at DRA Pyestock Using Particle Image Velocimetry M. Funes-Gallanzi, P.J. Bryanston-Cross, University of Warwick, UK; K.S. Chana, DRA Pyestock, Hampshire, UK 94-GT-349
IGTI 1994 A Unique Test Facility to Measure Particle Restitution and Fragmentation J.S.C. Tan, P.K. Harris, R.L. Elder, Cranfield University, Bedford, UK 94-GT-350
IGTI 1994 Rotor Repairs R. van Gestel, S. Mattheij, Elbar B.V., Lomm, The Netherlands 94-GT-351
IGTI 1994 Three-Dimensional Fibre-Optics LDV Measurements in the Endwall Region of a Linear Cascade of Controlled-Diffusion Stator Blades G.V. Hobson, D.M. Dober, Naval Postgraduate School, Monterey, CA, USA 94-GT-352
IGTI 1994 Design Characteristics and Operating Experience of Nuovo Pignone PGT 16 Gas Turbine D. Sabella, S. Sferruzza, Nuovo Pignone, Firenze, Italy 94-GT-353
IGTI 1994 Gas Turbine Acoustic Enclosure Design by the Statistical Energy Analysis Method L.K.H. Lu, M.A. Mitchell, Westinghouse Electric Corporation, Marine Division, Sunnyvale, CA, USA 94-GT-354
IGTI 1994 A Study on the Dynamic Characteristics of Geared Rotor-Bearing System with Hybrid Method T.N. Shiau, National Chung Cheng University, Chia Yi, Taiwan, PROC; Y.W. Chou, J.R. Chang, Natl. Cheng Kung University, Tainan, Taiwan, PROC; H.D. Nelson, Texas Christian University, Fort Worth, TX, USA; 94-GT-355
IGTI 1994 Rotational Noise Analysis and Prediction for an Axial Fan with Unequal Blade Pitches S. Akaike, M. Kitada, Nippondenso Co., Kariya, Aichi, Japan; K. Kikuyama, K. Kuwayama, Nagoya University, Aichi, Japan 94-GT-356
IGTI 1994 Numerical Study of The Internal Flow Field of a Centrifugal Impeller M.J. Zhang, C.g. Gu, Y.m. Miao, Xi'an Jiaotong University, Xi'an, PROC 94-GT-357
IGTI 1994 Modeling of Boundary Layer Transition in Turbulent Flows by Linear Combination Integral Method J.P. Gostelow, G. Hong, University of Technology, Sydney, Australia; G.J. Walker, University of Tasmania, Hobart, Tasmania, Australia; J. Dey, Indian Institute of Science, Bangalore, India; 94-GT-358
IGTI 1994 Influence of Tip Clearance on the Inter Blade and Exit Flow Field of a Turbine Rotor Cascade M. Govardhan, N. Venkatrayulu, Indian Institute of Technology, Madras, India; V. Vishnubhotla, Osmania University, Hyderabad, India 94-GT-359
IGTI 1994 Experimental Identification of Dynamic Characteristics of Hydrodynamic Torque Converters and Couplings U. Folchert, A. Menne, H. Waller, Ruhr-Universitat Bochum, Bochum, Germany 94-GT-360
IGTI 1994 Numerical Calculation of Flow for Cascade with Tip Clearance S. Mizuki, H. Tsujita, Hosei University, Tokyo, Japan 94-GT-361
IGTI 1994 Durability Evaluation of Ceramic Components Using CARES/LIFE N.N. Nemeth, L.A. Janosik, J.P. Gyekenyesi, NASA Lewis Research Center, Cleveland, OH, USA; L.M. Powers, Cleveland State University, Cleveland, OH, USA 94-GT-362
IGTI 1994 The Effect of Tip Clearance on a Swept Transonic Compressor Rotor W.W. Copenhaver, E. Mayhew, Wright Laboratory, Wright-Patterson AFB, OH, USA; C. Hah, NASA Lewis Research Center, Cleveland, OH, USA 94-GT-363
IGTI 1994 Numerical Simulation of 3D Viscous Flow in a Linear Compressor Cascade With Tip Clearance S.Kang, C. Hirsch, Vrije Universiteit Brussel, Brussel, Belgium 94-GT-364
IGTI 1994 Experimental and Computational Investigation of the Tip Clearance Flow in a Transonic Axial Compressor Rotor K. Suder, M. Celestina, NASA Lewis Research Center, Cleveland, OH, USA 94-GT-365
IGTI 1994 System Evaluation and LBTU Fuel Combustion Studies for IGCC Power Generation C.S. Cook, J.C. Corman, D.M. Todd, GE Power Generation, Schenectady, NY, USA 94-GT-366
IGTI 1994 Development of Two-Dimensional Wakes Within Curved Channels, Theoretical Framework and Experimental Investigation M. Schobeiri, J. John, K. Pappu, Texas A&M University, College Station, TX, USA 94-GT-367
IGTI 1994 Design Method for Turbomachine Blades With Finite Thickness by the Circulation Method J. Jiang, T. Dang, Syracuse University, Syracuse, New York 94-GT-368
IGTI 1994 Experimental Studies on Methane-Fuel Laboratory Scale Ram Combustor Y. Seki, J. Kitajima, Akashi Technical Institute, Akashi, Japan; A. Tatara, Kawasaki Heavy Industries, Lt., Tokyo, Japan 94-GT-369
IGTI 1994 Modeling of Start-Up Behavior of Combined Cycle HRSGs S. Jolly, A. Gurevich, A. Pasha, Henry Vogt Machine Company, Louisville, KY, USA 94-GT-370
IGTI 1994 Derivation of Compressor Stage Characteristics, for Accurate Overall Performance Map Prediction A. Tsalavoutas, A. Stamatis, K. Mathioudakis, National Technical University of Athens, Athens, Greece 94-GT-372
IGTI 1994 A 26 MW Gas Turbine Applied to a Three Casing Storage/Pipeline Compressor String P.J.Colwell, Union Gas Limited, Chatham, Ontario, Canada 94-GT-373
IGTI 1994 Design of a State Space Controller for an Intercooled, Regenerated (ICR) Gas Turbine Engine K.F. Prigge, J.W. Watts, T. E. Dwan, United States Naval Academy, Annapolis, MD, USA 94-GT-374
IGTI 1994 High Speed Milling of Turbine Blades H. Schulz, S. Hock, Technical University of Darmstadt, Darmstadt, Germany 94-GT-375
IGTI 1994 Secondary Flow Control and Streamwise Vortices Formation P. Doerffer, Polish Academy of Science, Gdansk, POLAND; J. Amecke, Institut fur Experimentelle Stromungsmechanik, Gottingen, GERMANY 94-GT-376
IGTI 1994 Experimental Investigation of Secondary Flows in a Low Hub-Tip Ratio Fan F. Nurzia, P. Puddu, University of Cagliari, Cagliari, Italy 94-GT-377
IGTI 1994 Assessment of Power Generation Concepts on Oil Platforms in Conjunction With CO2 Removal O. Bolland, The Norwegian Institute of Technology (NTH), Trondheim, Norway; Y. Bjerve, Kvaerner Engineering a.s. Environmental, Sandefjord, Norway 94-GT-378
IGTI 1994 Damage Tolerance Analysis of Compressor Blade Q, Hong, R. Wang, M. Hua, Beijing University of Aeronautics and Astronautics, Beijing, China 94-GT-379
IGTI 1994 Effect of Incidence on Secondary Flows in a Linear Turbine Cascade G.V. Ramana Murty, Bharat Heavy Electricals Limited, Hyderabad, INDIA; N. Venkatrayulu, Indian Institute of Technology, Madras, INDIA 94-GT-381
IGTI 1994 The Flow Through an Annular Turbine Nozzle With Nonuniform Pitch R. Kurz, Consultant, San Diego, CA, USA 94-GT-382
IGTI 1994 Experimental Validation of Turbine Blade Dynamics Design Methodology S. Aalvano, Fiat Avio, Turin, Italy; C. Schips, Aeronautical Research Center, Brindisi, Italy 94-GT-383
IGTI 1994 Development of Two-Dimensional Turbulent Wakes in a Curved Channel at Positive Streamwise Pressure Gradient J.John, M. Schobeiri, Texas A&M University, College Station, TX, USA 94-GT-384
IGTI 1994 Behaviour of Separation Bubble and Reattached Boundary Layer Around a Circular Leading Edge B.K. Hazarika, C. Hirsch, Vrije Universiteit Brussel, Brussel, Belgium 94-GT-385
IGTI 1994 Hybrid Bearing Technology for Advanced Turbomachinery: Rolling Contact Fatigue Testing J. Dill, Mechanical Technology Inc., Latham, NY, USA 94-GT-386
IGTI 1994 Pre-Stall Behavior of Several High-Speed Compressors M. Tryfonidis, O. Etchevers, J.D. Paduano, A.H. Epstein, Massachusetts Institute of Technology, Cambridge, MA, USA G.J. Hendricks, United Technologies Research Centern, Hartford, CT, USA; 94-GT-387
IGTI 1994 Development Requirements for an Advanced Gas Turbine System R. Bannister, N. Cheruvu, D. Little, G. McQuiggan, Westinghouse Electric Corp., Orlando, FL, USA 94-GT-388
IGTI 1994 Observations of Flame Behavior From a Practical Fuel Injector Using Gaseous Fuel in a Technology Combustor G.J. Sturgess, Pratt & Whitney Aircraft Co., East Hartford, CT, USA; P.O. Hedman, D.L. Warren, Brigham Young University, Provo, UT, USA; L.P. Goss, Systems Research Laboratories, Inc., Dayton, OH, USA; D.T. Shouse, Wright Lab 94-GT-389
IGTI 1994 Thermal Stability and Heat Transfer Characteristics of Methane and Natural Gas Fuels D. Chin, J.C. Hermanson, L.J. Spadaccini, United Technologies Research Center, East Hartford, CT, USA 94-GT-390
IGTI 1994 Numerical Analysis of Nozzle and Afterbody Flow of Hypersonic Transport Systems T. Esch, Technische Universitat Munchen, Germany; M. Giehrl, MTU Munchen GmbH, Munchen, Germany 94-GT-391
IGTI 1994 Technology Demonstration Nozzle for Mach 7 Turboramjets U. Knott, K. Pirker, Motoren-und Turbinen-Union, Munchen, Germany 94-GT-392
IGTI 1994 Ceramic Hybrid Bearings in Air-Cycle Machines L. Burgmeier, AlliedSignal Aerospace Co., Cypress, CA, USA; M. Poursaba, OC-ALC/LIIRE, Tinkeo AFB, OK, USA 94-GT-393
IGTI 1994 Low NOx Premixed Combustion of MBTU Fuels Using the ABB Double Cone Burner (EV Burner) K. Dobbeling, H.P. Knopfel, W. Polifke, D. Winkler, C. Steinbach, T. Sattelmayer, ABB Corporate Research Center, Dattwil, Switzerland 94-GT-394
IGTI 1994 Future Vehicular Recuperator Technology Projections R.A. Wilson, Du. Kupratis, Textron Lycoming, Stratford, CT, USA; S. Kodali, US Army, TACOM, Warren, MI, USA 94-GT-395
IGTI 1994 Processing of Continuous Fiber Reinforced SI3N4 Matrix Composites for Gas Turbine Engine Components M.Iwata, Noritake Co., Ltd., Aichi, Japan; T. Isoda, Tonen Corp., Saitama, Japan; T. Itoh, Petroleum Energy Center, Tokyo, Japan; 94-GT-396
IGTI 1994 Thermal and Loading Effects on Mechanical Properties of a Hot Isostatically Pressed Si3N4 J. Sankar, J. Neogi, S. Neogi, M. Dixie, R. Vaidyanathan, North Carolina A&T State University, Greensboro, NC, USA 94-GT-397
IGTI 1994 Imbalance Effects in Rotor Systems Under High Angular Accelerations R.D. Neilson, N.J. Blandford-Baker, A.D.S. Barr, University of Aberdeen, Aberdeen, UK 94-GT-398
IGTI 1994 New Machining Method for Nickel Based Thermal Sprays J. Cohen, GE Aircraft Engines, Cincinnati, OH, USA; J. Dailey, GE Superabrasives, Worthington, OH, USA 94-GT-399
IGTI 1994 Evaporation Characterists of Spray in a Lean Premixed-Prevaporization Combustor for a 100 KW Automotive Ceramic Gas Turbine Y. Ohkubo, Y. Idota, Y. Nomura, Toyota Central R&D Labs, Inc., Nagakute, Aichi, Japan 94-GT-401
IGTI 1994 Development of a Custom Ambient NOx Correction Equation for a Mars SoloNOx Gas Turbine W.S.Y Hung, A. Fahme, A. Kubasco, Solar Turbines Incorporated, San Diego, California 94-GT-402
IGTI 1994 Spectral and Timersolved Radiation Measurements in a Model Gas Turbine Combustor R. Koch, W. Krebs, R. Jeckel, B. Ganz, S. Wittig, Universitat Karlsruhe, Karlsruhe, Germany 94-GT-403
IGTI 1994 Numerical Simulation of Combustor Flows on Parallel Computers-Potential, Limitations and Practical Experience M. Kurreck, S. Wittig, Universitat Karlsruhe, Karlsruhe, Germany 94-GT-404
IGTI 1994 Development of a Lean-Premixed Two-Stage Annular Combustor for Gas Turbine Engines F.C. Bahlmann, B.M. Visser, N.V. Nederlandse Gasunie, Groningen, The Netherlands 94-GT-405
IGTI 1994 Pattern Factor Reduction in a Reverse Flow Gas Turbine Combustor Using Angled Dilution Jets D.S. Crocker, C.E. Smith, CFD Research Corp., Huntsville, AL, USA; G.D. Myers, AlliedSignal Engines, Phoenix, AZ, USA 94-GT-406
IGTI 1994 An Uncertainty Analysis of Inlet Dynamic Distortion Data Using an Analog/Digital Hybrid Editing System M. Zelenak, Air Force Materiel Command, WPAFB, OH, USA 94-GT-407
IGTI 1994 The Flight Testing of Natural and Hybrid Laminar Flow Nacelles B. Barry, S. Parke, Rolls Royce plc, Derby, England; N. Brown, University of Oxford, Oxford, UK; H. Riedal, M. Sitzmann, Institute for Design Aerodynamics, Braunschweig, Germany; 94-GT-408
IGTI 1994 The Effect of the Pressure Distribution in a Three-Dimensional Flow Field of a Cascade on the Type of Curved Blade W. Zhongqi, S. Jiexian, Z. Jingjun, Harbin Institute of Technology, PROC 94-GT-409
IGTI 1994 Numerical Simulation for Aeroelasticity in Turbomachines with Vortex Method W. Wu, Shanghai Institute of Mechanical Engineering, Shanghai, PROC; F. Sisto, Stevens Institute of Technology, Hoboken, New Jersey, USA 94-GT-410
IGTI 1994 Advanced Turbine Systems Program Requirements and an Approach to Implementation S. Ali, Allison Engine Company, Indianapolis, IN, USA; H. Webb, U.S. Department of Energy, Morgantown, WV, USA 94-GT-411
IGTI 1994 High Temperature Demonstration Unit for a 1500 C Class Gas Turbine M. Sato, H. Matsuzaki, T. Yamaura, Tohoku Electric Power Co.,Inc., Sendai, Japan; S. Aoki, K. Suenaga, E. Ito, Y. Tomita, Mitsubishi Heavy Industries, Ltd., Takasago, Japan 94-GT-412
IGTI 1994 Effects of Combustor Aerodynamics on the Ignition of Solid Fuel J. Yang, C. Yuh-Yih Wu, National Tsing Hua University, Taiwan; H. Yang, Chung Shan Institute of Science and Technology, Taiwan 94-GT-413
IGTI 1994 The Simulation Methods in the Rotor-Machinery Diagnostics J. Kicinski, R. Drozdowski, Institute of Fluid-Flow Machinery, Gdansk, Poland 94-GT-414
IGTI 1994 Enabling Technologies for Nuclear Gas Turbine (GT-MHR) Power Conversion System C.F. McDonald, General Atomics, San Diego, CA, USA 94-GT-415
IGTI 1994 Nuclear Gas Turbine Plant (GT-MHR) Performance Potential C.F. McDonald, K.T. Etzer, General Atomics, San Diego, CA, USA 94-GT-416
IGTI 1994 Hot Gas Cleaning for Combined Cycle Based on Pressurized Coal Combustion H.W. Gudenau, H. Hoberg, A. Mayerhofer, Institute of Ferrous Metallurgy, Aachen, Germany 94-GT-417
IGTI 1994 The European Transonic Wind Tunnel-ETW High Quality Performance With High Productivity J. Tizard, X. Bouis, ETW GmbH, Cologne, Germany 94-GT-418
IGTI 1994 A Methodology to Assess Design Uncertainty in Selecting Affordable Gas Turbine Technology J. Younghans, J. Johnson, S. Csonka, General Electric Co., Cincinnati, OH, USA 94-GT-419
IGTI 1994 Application of SPSLIFE to Preliminary Design Evaluation and Life Assessment of CSGT Components A. Saith, Sundstrand Power Systems, San Diego, CA, USA; P. Norton, V. Parthasarathy, Solar Turbines Incorporated, San Diego, CA, USA 94-GT-420
IGTI 1994 Benefits of MS 6001B Gas Turbine in Cogeneration: The UEM Power Plant Case P.M. Remy, Usine d'Electricite de Metz, Metz, France; Y.M. Boissenin, M.M. Moliere, European Gas Turbines, Belfort, France 94-GT-421
IGTI 1994 Multivariable Adaptive Control Using Only Input and Output Measurements for Turbojet Engines J-Q Huang, J-G Sun, Nanjing University of Aeronautics and Astronautics, Nanjing, PROC 94-GT-422
IGTI 1994 An Assessment of the Thermodynamic Performance of Mixed Gas-Steam Cycles. Part A: Intercooled and Steam-Injected Cycles E. Macchi, S. Consonni, G. Lozza, P. Chiesa, Politecnico di Milano, Milan, Italy 94-GT-423
IGTI 1994 An Assessment of the Thermodynamic Performance of Mixed Gas-Steam Cycles. Part B: Water-Injected and Hat Cycles P. Chiesa, G. Lozza, E. Macchi, S. Consonni, Politecnico di Milano, Milano, Italy 94-GT-424
IGTI 1994 Advantages of Air Conditioning and Supercharging an LM6000 Gas Turbine Inlet D.A. Kolp, H.A. Guidotti, Energy Services, Inc., Farmington, CT, USA; W.M. Flye, Stewart and Stevenson, Houston, TX, USA 94-GT-425
IGTI 1994 Arbitrary Surface Flank Milling of Fan, Compressor, and Impeller Blades C.Y. Wu, Pratt & Whitney Canada Inc., Longueuil, Quebec, Canada 94-GT-426
IGTI 1994 Updating the ANSI Standard on Measurement of Exhaust Emissions J. Vaught, Vaught Engineering Inc., Indianapolis, IN, USA 94-GT-427
IGTI 1994 Forging of Compressor Blades: Die Temperature and Ram Velocity Effects K. Zhen, A. Saigal, K. Zhen, Tufts University, Medford, MA, USA; T. Chan, General Electric Company, Lynn, MA. USA 94-GT-428
IGTI 1994 Unsteady Boundary Layers on a Flat Plate Disturbed by Periodic Wakes: Part I - Measurements of Wake-Affected Heat Transfer and Wake-Induced Transition Model K. Funazaki, Iwate University, Morioka, Iwate, Japan 94-GT-429
IGTI 1994 Unsteady Boundary Layers on a Flat Plate Disturbed by Periodic Wakes: Part II - Measurements of Unsteady Boundary Layers K. Funazaki, Iwate University, Morioka, Iwate, Japan 94-GT-430
IGTI 1994 Measurement of Tip-Clearance Flow in a Multi-Stage, Axial Flow Compressor A.C. Foley, P.C. Ivey, Cranfield University, Bedfordshire, England 94-GT-431
IGTI 1994 Simplified Models for NOx Production Rates in Lean-Premixed Combustion D. Nicol, P. Malte, R. Steele, University of Washington, Seattle, WA, USA 94-GT-432
IGTI 1994 Modeling of Local Extinction in Turbulent Flames D. Sloan, G. Sturgess, Pratt & Whitney, East Hartford, CT, USA 94-GT-433
IGTI 1994 Medway - A High-Efficiency Combined Cycle Power Plant Design D.M. Leis, Black and Veatch, Kansas City, MI, USA; M.J. Boss, M.P. Melsert, GE Industrial and Power Systems, Schenectady, NY, USA 94-GT-434
IGTI 1994 Gas Turbine and Combined Cycle Technologies for Power and Efficiency Enhancement in Power Plants M.P. Boyce, C.B. Meher-Homji, A.N. Lakshminarasimha, Boyce Engineering International, Houston, TX, USA 94-GT-435
IGTI 1994 Compressor Washing Maintains Plant Performance and Reduces Cost of Energy Production J.P. Stalder, Turbotect Ltd., Baden, Switzerland; P. Van Oosten, Energieproduktiebedrijf UNA, Utrecht, The Netherlands 94-GT-436
IGTI 1994 Performance Analysis of Combined Cycles: Steam Recompression vs. Conventional Bottoming Cycles C.N. Grimaldi, U. Desideri, University of Perugia, Perugia, Italy 94-GT-437
IGTI 1994 Development of a Dual Fuel LBTU Gas/Diesel Burning Combustor System for a 4.2 MW Gas Turbine A.F. Al-Shaikhly, Aero & Industrial Technology Ltd., Burnley, UK; T.I. Mina, European Gas Turbines, Lincoln, UK; M.O. Neergaard, Sydkraft Konsult, Malmo, Sweden; 94-GT-438
IGTI 1994 Retrofittable Dry Low Emmisions Combustor for 501-K Industrial Gas Turbine Engines M.K. Razdan, J.T. McLeroy, W.E. Weaver, Allison Engine Company, Indianapolis, IN, USA 94-GT-439
IGTI 1994 An Engineering Calculation Method for Multi-Component Stagnant Droplet Evaporation With Finite Diffusivity J.S. Chin, Allison Engine Company, Indianapolis, IN, USA 94-GT-440
IGTI 1994 Aerodynamic Behavior of Asymmetric Jets in 3-D Furnaces F. El-Mahallawy, M. Hassan, H. Zafan, Cairo University, Giza, Egypt.; M. Ismail, Helwan University, Cairo, Egypt 94-GT-441
IGTI 1994 Turbulent Gas Jet Flames in Cross-Flow at Low Momentum Flux Ratios S.R. Gollahalli, B. Nanjundappa, University of Oklahoma, Norman, OK, USA 94-GT-442
IGTI 1994 Combustion With Low Pollutant Emissions of Liquid Fuels in Gas Turbines by Premixing and Prevaporation G. Poeschl, W. Ruhkamp, H. Pfost, Ruhr-University, Bochum, NRW, Germany 94-GT-443
IGTI 1994 In-Situ NDE Monitoring of Crack Bridging in Ceramic Composites via Crack Opening Displacement A. Chulya, Cleveland State University, Cleveland, OH, USA; J.P. Gyekenyesi, NASA Lewis Research Center, Cleveland, OH, USA 94-GT-444
IGTI 1994 Process Studies as Applied to Ceramic Gas Turbine Engine Low-Emission Double-Zone Micro-Diffusion Combustion Chamber A. Sudarev, Y. Zakharov, E. Vinogradov, Research and Technological Institute for Power Engineering, St. Petersburg, Russia; L. Butovsky, Polytechnical Institiute, Kiev, Ukraine 94-GT-445
IGTI 1994 Development of the Trent Econopac G.A. Meyers, Westinghouse Electric Corporation, Orlando, FL, USA; A.J.B. Jackson, Rolls Royce Gas Turbine Engines, Dorval, Quebec, Canada 94-GT-446
IGTI 1994 Simulation of Combined Cycles With Black Liquor Gasification C.Niclas Ihren, G.Svedberg, Royal Institute of Technology, Stockholm, SWEDEN 94-GT-447
IGTI 1994 Applications of Laser Systems to Cutting, Drilling and Welding Turbine Engine Parts T.L. VanderWert, Eden Prairie Lumonics Corporation, Eden Prairie, MN, USA 94-GT-448
IGTI 1994 Advances in Abradable Coatings for Gas Turbines R. Schmid, Sulzer Innotec, Winterthur, Switzerland; A. Nicoll, Sulzer Surface Tech, Wohlen, Switzerland 94-GT-449
IGTI 1994 An Alternative Thermal Spray Process to Plasma Spray in the Aircraft and Stationary Gas Turbine Industry M. Zwetsloot, Hobart Tafa Technologies, Inc., Amsterdam, The Netherlands; E. Sampson, Hobart Tafa Technologies, Inc., Concord, NH, USA 94-GT-450
IGTI 1994 Water Injected LM 1600 Installation and Operating Experience T. Robinson, Alberta Natural Gas Co. Ltd., Calgary, Alberta, Canada 94-GT-451
IGTI 1994 On-Line Detergent Fluid Evaluation on a TF40B Gas Turbine Engine H. Harris, M. Calabrese, Naval Surface Warfare Center, Philadelphia, PA, USA 94-GT-452
IGTI 1994 Measurements of the Tip Clearance Flow for a High Reynolds Number Axial-Flow Rotor: Part 1 - Flow Visualization W.C. Zierke, K.J. Farrell, W.A. Straka, Pennsylvania State University, State College, PA, USA 94-GT-453
IGTI 1994 Measurements of the Tip Clearance Flow for a High Reynolds Number Axial-Flow Rotor: Part 2 - Detailed Flow Measurements W.C. Zierke, K.J. Farrell, W.A. Straka, Pennsylvania State University, State College, PA, USA 94-GT-454
IGTI 1994 Experimental Investigation of the Flow Field in a Multistage Axial Flow Compressor B. Lakshminarayana, N. Suryavamshi, J. Prato, Pennsylvania State University, University Park, PA, USA; R. Moritz, Rolls Royce, Atlanta, GA, USA 94-GT-455
IGTI 1994 The Effect of Reaction on Axial Flow Compressor Performance C.D. Farmakalides, OPRA, Hengelo, The Netherlands; A.B. McKenzie, R.L. Elder, Cranfield University, Bedford, UK 94-GT-456
IGTI 1994 The Development of the Mean Flow and Turbulence Structure in an Annular S-Shaped Duct K.M. Britchford, J.F. Carrotte, S.J. Stevens, J.J. McGuirk, University of Technology, Leicestershire, UK 94-GT-457
IGTI 1994 A Modern Approach to Conceptual/Preliminary Design of Gas Turbine Based Propulsion Systems K. Shahroudi, Delft University of Technology, Delft, The Netherlands 94-GT-458
IGTI 1994 Secondary Flow Development Downstream of a Blade Endwall Corner A. Abdulla-Altaii, R. Raj, City University of New York, New York, NY, USA 94-GT-459
IGTI 1994 Evaluation of Ceramic Rotor Strength by Cold and Hot Spin Tests M. Watanabe, Petroleum Energy Center, Tokyo, Japan; H. Ogita, Japan Automobile Research Institute, Inc., Ibaraki, Japan 94-GT-460
IGTI 1994 Unsteady Endwall/Tip-Clearance Flows and Losses Due to Turbine Rotor-Stator Interaction A. Yamamoto, National Aerospace Laboratory, Tokyo, Japan; T. Matsunuma, K. Ikeuchi, E. Outa, Waseda University, Tokyo, Japan 94-GT-461
IGTI 1994 The Model V84.3 Shop Tests: Compressor Flow Field Measurements and Evaluation M. Janssen, R. Monig, J. Seume, Siemens AG, Mulheim, Germany; H. Honen, R. Losch-Schloms, H. Gallus, Institute for Strahlantriebe and Turboarbeitsmaschinen, Aachen, Germany 94-GT-462
IGTI 1994 A Fuel Oilpremix Burner For Gas Turbines-Development and Initial Operating Experience B. Schetter, H. Schabbehard, Siemens AG, Mulheim, Germany; U. Josefson, A. Ahlberg, SYDKRAFT Konsult AB, Malmoe, Sweden 94-GT-463
IGTI 1994 Gas Turbine Model With Intensive Cooling E.A. Khodak, G. Romakhova, St.-Petersburg State University, St.-Petersburg, Russia 94-GT-464
IGTI 1994 Multilevel Optimization Procedures for Gas Turbine Design, Part I: Mathematical Formulation F. Ghiglino, Marina Militare Italiana, La Maddalena, Italy; A. Massardo, Universita di Genova, Genova, Italy 94-GT-465
IGTI 1994 Multilevel Optimization Procedures for Gas Turbine Design, Part II: Solution and Examples F. Ghiglino, Marina Miliatre, Italiana, La Maddalena, ITALY; A. Massardo, Universita di Genova, Genova, Italy 94-GT-466
IGTI 1994 Modeling Particle Deposition in Gas Turbines Employed in Advanced Coal-Fired Systems J. Fackrell, K. Brown, PowerGen plc, Ratcliffe-on-Soar, Nottingham, UK; J. Young, Cambridge University, Cambridge, UK 94-GT-467
IGTI 1994 CFD Modeling of an Advanced 1600 K Reverse-Flow Combustor P. Di Martino, S. Colantuoni, L. Cirillo, G. Cinque, ALFA ROMERO AVIO S.A.p.A., Pomigliano d'Arco, Italy 94-GT-468
IGTI 1994 Mixing and Combustion Characteristics of a Side Dump Combustor With Noncircular Fuel Injectors T. Liou, L. Chen, National Tsing Hua University, Hsin-Chu, Taiwan 94-GT-469
IGTI 1994 Design Point Simulation of Multispool Industrial Compressor Trains L. Blendulf, AECI Explosives Limited, Modderfontein, South Africa; G. Smith, University of Natal, Durban, South Africa 94-GT-470
IGTI 1994 Exergy Analysis of Intergrated Gas/Steam Cycle O. Singh, Institute of Engineering & Technology, Lucknow, India; R. Yadav, Motilal Nehru Regional Engineering College, Allahabad, India 94-GT-471
IGTI 1994 Vibration Characteristics of Large Frame Combustion Turbines B.J. Coslow, O.L. Bertsch, Westinghouse Electric Corporation, Orlando, FL, USA 94-GT-472
IGTI 1994 Increasing Heat Supply Availability From Combined Heat and Power Plants in Case of Main Components Failure M. Linnemeijer, Stork Ketels BV, Hengelo, The Netherlands 94-GT-473
IGTI 1994 Uprated 501F Gas Turbine E. Akita, Mitsubishi Heavy Industries, Ltd., Takasago, JAPAN 94-GT-474
IGTI 1994 Uprated 501F Gas Turbine, 501FA Y. Tsukuda, E. Akita, S. Aoki, M. Terazaki, Mitsubishi Heavy Industries, Ltd., Takasago, Japan; L. McLaurin, M. Kizer, Westinghouse Electric Corporation, Orlando, Florida, USA 94-GT-474
IGTI 1994 Uprated 501F Gas Turbine Y. Tsuknda, Mitsubishi Heavy Industries, Ltd., Takasago, JAPAN 94-GT-474
IGTI 1994 Current and Future Materials in Advanced Gas Turbine Engines A.G. Kool, National Aerospace Laboratories, Amsterdam, The Netherlands 94-GT-475
IGTI 1994 A Study of the Unsteady Pressure of a Cascade Near Transonic Flow Condition H. Atassi, J. Fang, P. Ferrand, University of Notre Dame, Notre Dame, IN, USA 94-GT-476
IGTI 1994 Aerodynamic Design and 3D Navier-Stokes Analysis of a High Specific Flow Fan F. Falchetti, H. Quiniou, L. Verdier, Snecma, Moissy Cramayel, France 94-GT-477
IGTI 1994 Casing Boundry Layer Control by Recess Vaned Casing For a Twin-Rotor Contra-Rotating Axial Flow Fan Unit B. Roy, L. Agrawal, Indian Institute of Technology, Bombay, India 94-GT-478
IGTI 1994 Effect of Axially Non-Uniform Rotor Tip Clearance on the Performance of a High Speed Axial Flow Compressor Stage K. Mohan, S.A. Guruprasad, National Aerospace Laboratories, Bangalore, India 94-GT-479
IGTI 1994 Separated Flows in Axial Flow Compressor With Variable Stator Vanes at Positive Incidence Angles V. Cyrus, National Research Institute for Machine Design, Bechovice, Czech Republic 94-GT-480
IGTI 1994 The Performance of a Low Speed One and a Half Stage Axial Turbine With Varying Rotor Tip Clearance and Tip Gap Geometry G. Morphis, J. Bindon, University of Natal, Durban, South Africa 94-GT-481
IGTI 1994 Current Status of 300kW Class Industrial Ceramic Gas Turbine R&D in Japan T. Murayama, K. Nagata, M. Taki, Agency of Industrial Science and Technology, Tokyo, Japan; H. Ogiyama, New Energy & Industrial Technology Development Organization, Tokyo, Japan 94-GT-482
IGTI 1994 Externally Fired Combustion Cycle (EFCC) A DOE Clean Coal V Project-Effective Means of Rejuvenation for Older Coal-Fired Stations P.G. LaHaye, Hague International, South Portland, ME, USA; M.I.Bary, Black & Veatch, Kansas City, MO, USA 94-GT-483
IGTI 1994 Assessment of Notches in Ceramic Components A. Bruckner-Foit, A. Heger, D. Munz, University of Karlsruhe, Germany 94-GT-484
IGTI 1994 Ceramic Gas Turbine Technology Development M. Easley, J.R. Smyth, AlliedSignal Aerospace Company, Phoenix, AZ, USA 94-GT-485
IGTI 1994 SPSLIFE: A User Friendly Approach to the Structural Design and Life Assessment of Ceramic Components T. Bornemisza, A. Saith, Sunstrand Power Systems, San Diego, CA, USA 94-GT-486
IGTI 1994 Non-Random Adaptive Grid Method for High Speed Optimization of Highly Dimensional, Badly Behaving Real Time Functions K.E. Shahroudi, Delft University of Technology, Delft, The Netherlands 94-GT-487
IGTI 1994 Evolution of Heavy-Duty Power Generation and Industrial Combustion Turbines in the United States A. Scalzo, R. Bannister, Westinghouse Electrical Corp., Orlando, FL, USA; M. DeCorso, G.S. Howard, Power Tech Associates, Concordville, PA, USA 94-GT-488
IGTI 1994 Comparison of NDE Results and Correlation With Microstructural Characteristics of NiFeA1/W D. Hsu, Iowa State University, Ames, IA, USA; P.Liaw, University of Tennessee, Knoxville, TN, USA; G. Baaklini, NASA Lewis Research Center, Cleveland, OH, USA; 94-GT-489
IGTI 1994 Conversion of T-100 MPSPU Technology R.G. Thompson, J. Napier, C. Rodgers, Sundstrand Power Systems, San Diego, CA, USA 94-GT-490
IGTI 1994 GT Prime-Improvements to General Electric MS7001B Gas Turbines E.M. Fuselier, Houston Lighting and Power Co., Houston, TX, USA; D.K. Prugger, General Electric Co., Schenectady, NY, USA 94-GT-491
IGTI 1994 Construction of Combined Cycle Power Generation Plants for Kawagoe Power Station by Chubu Electric Power T.Mita, H. Ohara, Chubu Electric Power Co., Inc., Nagoya,Japan; N. Ando, M. Nishimura, S. Hoizum, Hitachi, Ltd. Tokyo, Japan 94-GT-492
IGTI 1994 A New Matching Procedure for Multishaft Gas Turbines Modelled With the Mean Line Prediction Method B.M. Hande, Oil Engineering Consultants, Sandvika, Norway 94-GT-493
IGTI 1994 One of the World's Biggest Desalination Plants in Dubai: Jebel Ali Gas Turbine and MSF Desalination Station "G" P. Gilli, G. Stroibnig, R. Povoden, Austrian Energy and Environmental Gmbh, Waagner Birostrasse, Austria 94-GT-494
IGTI 1994 Effervescent Atomizers for Small Gas Turbines J. Li, A.H. Lefebvre, Purdue University, W. Lafayette, IN, USA; J. R. Rollbuhler, NASA Lewis Research Center, Cleveland, OH, USA 94-GT-495
IGTI 1994 Aspects of Flame Stability in a Research Dump Combustor G. Sturgess, D. Sloan, Pratt & Whitney, East Hartford, CT, USA; P. Hedman, Brigham Young University, Provo, UT, USA; D. Shouse, Wright-Patterson AFB, OH, USA; 94-GT-496
IGTI 1994 Gas Turbine Units for Pipeline Compressor Stations-Environmental Update Problems A.V. Sudarev, Y.I. Zakharov, E.D. Winogradov, Research and Technological Institute for Power Engineering, St. Petersburg, Russia; S. Vesely, G. Poslushny, EKOL Ltd, Brno, Czech Republic 94-GT-497
IGTI 1994 LM2500 Marine Gas Turbine Sealift Program Uprate C.O. Brady, General Electric Company, Evendale, OH, USA 94-GT-498
IGTI 1995 Distribution of Film-Cooling Effectiveness on a Turbine Endwall using the Ammonia and Diazo Technique S. Freidrichs, H.P. Hodson, W.N. Dawes, Whittle Laboratory, University of Cambridge, Cambridge, United Kingdom 95-GT-001
IGTI 1995 Effect of Velocity and Temperature Distribution at the Hole Exit on Film Cooling of Turbine Blades Vijay K. Garg, Raymond Gaugler, Turbomachinery Flow Physics Branch, Internal Fluid Mechanics Division, NASA Lewis Research Center, Cleveland, OH, USA 95-GT-002
IGTI 1995 Heat Transfer and Film Cooling Effectiveness in a Linear Airfoil Cascade N. Abauf, R. Bunkner, Corporate Research & Development, General Electric Company Schenectady, NY, USA; C.P. Lee GE Aircraft Engines General Electric Company, Cincinnati, OH, USA 95-GT-003
IGTI 1995 The Effects of Adverse Pressure Gradients on Momentum and Thermal Structures in Transitional Boundary Layers, Part I - Mean Quantities Scott P. Mislevy, Ting Wang, Department of Mechanical Engineering, Clemson University Clemson, SC, USA 95-GT-004
IGTI 1995 The Effects of Adverse Pressure Gradients on Momentum and Thermal Structures in Transitional Boundary Layers, Part II - Fluctuation Quantities Scott P. Mislevy, Ting Wang, Department of Mechanical Engineering, Clemson University, Clemson, SC, USA 95-GT-005
IGTI 1995 Transient Liquid Crystal Technique for Convective Heat Transfer on Rough Surface Douglas N. Barlow, Department of Aeronautics, United Stated Air Force Academy, Colorado Springs, Colorado, USA; Yong W. Kim, Department of Mechanical and Aerospace Engineering, Arizona State University, Tempe Arizona, USA 95-GT-006
IGTI 1995 Flow Visualization in a Linear Turbine Cascade of High Performance Turbine Blades Hai-Ping Wang, Steven J. Olson, Richard J. Goldstein, Ernst R.G. Eckert, Department of Mechanical Engineering, University of Minnesota, Minneapolis, Minnesota, USA 95-GT-007
IGTI 1995 Transient Heat Transfer Experiments in a Linear Cascade Via an Insertion Mechanism Using the Liquid Crystal Technique. A. Hoffs, A. Bolcs, Swiss Federal Institute of Technology, EPFL-LTT, Lausanne Switzerland; S.P. Harasgama, ABB Power Generation Ltd., Gas Turbine Development, Baden Switzerland 95-GT-008
IGTI 1995 Multiple Jets in a Crossflow: Detailed Measurements and Numerical Simulations Peter Ajersch, Jian-Ming Zhou,Steven Ketler, Martha Salducean, Ian S. Garthshore, University of British Columbia, Vancouver, B.C. Canada 95-GT-009
IGTI 1995 Heat Transfer Coefficients Over a Flat Surface with Air and CO2 Injection Through Compound Angle Holes Using a Transient Liquid Crystal Image Method Srinith V. Ekkad, Dyrk Zapata, Je-Chin Han, Turbine Heat Transfer Laboratory, Department of Mechanical Engineering, Texas A&M University, College Station, TX, USA 95-GT-010
IGTI 1995 Film Effectiveness Over a Flat Surface with Air and CO2 Injection Through Compound Angle Holes Using a Transient Liquid Crystal Image Method Srinath V. Ekkad, Dyrk Zapata, Je-Chin Han, Turbine Heat Transfer Laboratory, Department of Mechanical Engineering, Texas A&M University, College Station, TX, USA 95-GT-011
IGTI 1995 Total-Coverage Discrete Hole Wall Cooling Hyung Hee Cho, Richard J. Goldstein, Department of Mechanical Engineering, The University of Minnesota, Minneapolis, MN, USA 95-GT-012
IGTI 1995 Turbulent Flow Heat Transfer and Friction in a Rectangular Channel with Varying Number of Ribbed Walls Pankaj R. Chandra, Micheal E. Niland, Mechanical Engineering Department, McNeese State University, Lake Charles, LA, USA 95-GT-013
IGTI 1995 Effect of Surface Roughness on Local Heat Transfer and Film Cooling Effectiveness Douglas N. Barlow, Department of Aeronautics, United Airforce Academy, Colorado Springs, Colorado, USA; Yong W. Kim, Department of Mechanical nad Aerospace Engineering, Arizona State University, Tempe, AZ, USA 95-GT-014
IGTI 1995 The Discharge Coefficient of Flared Film Cooling Holes N. Hay, D. Lampard, Department of Mechanical Engineering, The University of Nottingham, UK 95-GT-015
IGTI 1995 An Experimental Study to Compare the Napthalene Sublimation with the Liquid Crystal Technique in Compressible Flow. M. Haring, A. Hoffs, A. Bolcs, Swiss Federal Institute of Technology EPFL-LTT, Lausanne, Switzerland; B. Weigand, ABB Power Generation Ltd., Gas Turbine Development, Baden Switzerland 95-GT-016
IGTI 1995 A New Analogy Function for the Napthalene Sublimation Technique to Measure Heat Transfer Coefficients on Turbine Airfoils. M. Haring, Swiss Federal Institute of Technology, EPFL-LTT Lausanne, Switzerland; B. Weigand, ABB Power Generation Ltd., Gas Turbine Development, Baden, Switzerland 95-GT-017
IGTI 1995 Pressure Gradient Effect on Film Cooling Donald L. Schmidt, David G. Bogard, Mechanical Engineering Department, The University of Texas at Austin, Austin, TX, USA 95-GT-018
IGTI 1995 Design and Evaluation of a Single Passage Test Model to Obtain Turbine Airfoil Film Cooling Effectiveness Data Frederick A. Buck, Chander Prakash, General Electric Company, Cincinnati, OH, USA 95-GT-019
IGTI 1995 Computations of Film Cooling for the Leading Edge Region of a Turbine Blade Model Pingfan He, Martha Salducean, Ian S. Gartshore, Department of Mechanical Engineering, The University of British Columbia, Vancouver, B.C. Canada 95-GT-020
IGTI 1995 The Influence of Large Scale High Intensity Turbulence on Vane Heat Transfer. Forrest E. Ames, Allison Engine Co. Indianapolis, IN, USA 95-GT-021
IGTI 1995 Cooling Flow Prediction for Fully Impingement Cooled Gas Turbine Blades Stefano Consonni, Dipartmento di Energetica Politecnico di Milano, Milan, Italy 95-GT-022
IGTI 1995 Computation of Spatially Periodic Turbulent Fluid Flow and Heat Transfer in a Channel with Various Rib Shapes Tong-Miin Liou, Shih-Hui Chen, Department of Power Mechanical Engineering, National Tsing Hua University, Hsinchu, Taiwan, ROC 95-GT-023
IGTI 1995 Simulation of Film Cooling Aerodynamics with a 2D Navier-Stokes Solver Using Unstructured Meshes Stefan Irmisch, Institut fur Luftfahrtantriebe Universitat Stuttgart, Stuttgart, Germany 95-GT-024
IGTI 1995 Prediction of Vane Surface Film Cooling Effectiveness Using Compressible Navier-Stokes Procedure and a K-e Turbulence Model with Wall Function Yoshikata Fukuyama, Fumio Otomo, Research & Development Cntr. Toshiba Corp. Kawasaki Japan; Minoru Sato, Yuichi Kobayashi, Hiroyuki Matsuzaki, Thermal Power Engrg. Dept. Tohoku Electric Power Co., Inc. Sendai 95-GT-025
IGTI 1995 Experimental and Numerical Investigations of the Aerodynamical Effects of Coolant Injection Through the Trailing Edge of a Guide Vane Dieter E. Bohn, Volker J. Becher, Klaus D. Behnke, Bernhard F. Bonhoff, Institut fur Damph- und Gasturbinen Rheinisch- Westfalische Technische Hochschule Aachen, Aachen, Germany 95-GT-026
IGTI 1995 Performance Improvement Through Indexing of Turbine Airfoils, Part 1 - Experimental Investigation F.W. Huber, P.D. Johnson, Pratt & Whitney Technical, West Palm Beach, Fl, USA; O.P. Sharma, J.B. Staubach, Pratt & Whitney Technical, East Hartford, CT, USA; S.W. Gaddis, NASA, Huntsville, AL, USA 95-GT-027
IGTI 1995 Performance Improvement Through Indexing of Turbine Airfoils, Part 2 - Numerical Simulation Lisa W. Griffin, NASA, Marshal Space Flight Center, AL, USA; Frank Huber, Om P. Sharma, Pratt & Whitney Technical, West Palm Beach, Fl, & East Hartford, CT, USA 95-GT-028
IGTI 1995 Split Stream Boilers for High Temperature/High Pressure Topping Steam Turbine Combined Cycles Ivan G. Rice, Consulting Engineer, Spring, TX, USA 95-GT-029
IGTI 1995 The Development of Life Prediction Techniques for Structural Ceramics P.K. Khandelwal, N.J. Provenzano, W.E. Schneider, Allison Engine Company, Indianapolis, IN, USA 95-GT-030
IGTI 1995 Reliability Analysis of Unaxially Ground Brittle Materials Jonathan A. Salem, Noel N. Nemeth, NASA Lewis Research Center, Cleveland, OH, USA; Lynn M. Powers, Sung R. Choi, Cleveland State University, Cleveland, OH, USA 95-GT-031
IGTI 1995 Transition in a Separation Bubble E. Malkiel, R.E. Mayle, Rensselaer Polytechnic Institute, Troy, NY, USA 95-GT-032
IGTI 1995 3-D Unsteady Flow and Forces in Centrifugal Impellers with Circumferential Distortion of the Outlet Static Pressure Antonios Fatsis, Stephane Pierret, Rene Van den Braembussche, von Karmen Institute for Fluid Dynamics, Rhode-St-Genese, Belgium 95-GT-033
IGTI 1995 Effect of Modification to Tongue and Impeller Geometry on Unsteady Flow, Pressure Fluctuations and Noise in a Centrifugal Pump R. Dong, S. Chu, J. Katz, The Johns Hopkins University, Baltimore, Maryland, USA 95-GT-034
IGTI 1995 The Influence of Neighboring Blade Rows on the Unsteady Aerodynamic Response of Cascades Kenneth C. Hall, Peter D. Silkowski, Duke University, Durham, NC, USA 95-GT-035
IGTI 1995 Test Results of a New Damper Seal for Vibration Reduction in Turbomachinery John M. Vance, Jiming Li, Texas A&M University, College Station, TX, USA 95-GT-036
IGTI 1995 Application of Accurate Isentropic Exponent Determination for Fuel Gas Measurement David J. Pack, AlintaGas, Perth Western Australia, Australia; Terry J. Edwards, Derek Fawcett, Murdock University, Murdoch Western Australia, Australia 95-GT-037
IGTI 1995 Flow Characteristics and Aerodynamic Losses of Film-Cooling Jets with Compound Angle Orientations Sang Woo Lee, Yong Beom Kim, Department of Mechanical Engineering, Kum-Oh National University of Technology, Kumi, Kyungbook, Republic of Korea; Joon Sik Lee, Department of Mechanical Engineering, Seoul National University, Seoul, Republic of Korea 95-GT-038
IGTI 1995 Film Cooling From Spanwise Oriented Holes Spaced 3D Apart in Two Staggerd Rows Phillip Ligrani, Convective Heat Transfer Laboratory, Department of Mechanicalengineering, University of Utah, Salt Lake City, Utah, USA; Anthony E. Ramsey, Department of Mechanical Engineering, Naval Postgraduate School, Monterey, CA, USA 95-GT-039
IGTI 1995 Measurements of Heat Transfer Coefficients and Friction Factors in Rib-Roughened Channels Simulating Leading-Edge Cavities of a Modern Turbine Blade M.E. Taslim, T.Li, Department of Mechanical Engineering, Northeastern University, Boston, MA, USA; S.D. Spring, GE Aircraft Engines, Lynn, MA, USA 95-GT-040
IGTI 1995 Heat Transfer Augmentation in a Rectangular Channel with Slit-Rib Turbulators on Two Opposite Walls Jenn-Jiang Hwang, Department of Mechanical Engineering, Chung-Hua Polytechnic Institute, Hsinchu, Taiwan, ROC; Tong-Miin Liou Department of Power Mechanical Engineerign, National Tsing-Hua University, Hsinchu, Taiwan, ROC 95-GT-041
IGTI 1995 The Effect of Twisted Tape Width on Heat Transfer and Pressure Drop for Fully Developed Laminar Flow. Walid M. Chakroun, Sami F. Al-Fahed, Center of Research for Experimental Thermal Sciences, Mechanical Engineering Department, Kuwait University, Kuwait 95-GT-042
IGTI 1995 Effects of Free Stream Turbulence on the Instantaneous Heat Transfer in a Wall Jet Flow Savash Yuvuzkurt, Associate Professor, Department of Mechanical Engineering, Center for Gas Turbines and Power, The Pennsylvania State University, University Park, PA, USA 95-GT-043
IGTI 1995 Bulk Flow Pulsations and Film Cooling: Flow Structure Just Downstream of the Holes Phillip M. Ligrani, J. Micheal Cuthrell, Ruoming Gong, Convective Heat Transfer Laboratory, Department of Mechanical Engineering, University of Utah, Salt Lake City, Utah, USA 95-GT-044
IGTI 1995 Surface Fouling in Aviation Fuels: An Isothermic Chemical Study E. Grant Jones, Walter J. Balster, James M. Pickard, Systems Research Laboratories, Inc., A Division of Space Industries International, Inc., Dayton, OH, USA 95-GT-045
IGTI 1995 Dual-Use Conversion of a High Mach Number Jet Engine Test Cell for Industrial Gas Turbine Low-Emission Combustor Development P.W. Pillsbury, W.R. Ryan, Combusion Turbine Engineering, Westinghouse Electric Corporation, Orlando, FL, USA; J.R. Moore, AEDC Group, Sverdrup Technology, Inc., Arnold Air Force Base, TN, USA 95-GT-046
IGTI 1995 Field Test Results of Dry Low NOx Combustion System For the ME3002J R/C Gas Turbine James R. Maughn, GE Corporate Research and Development, Schenectady, NY, USA; Kevin M. Elward, GE Power Generation, Greenville, SC, USA; Simon M. DePietro, European Gas Turbines, Lincoln, England; Paul Bautista, Gas Research Institute, Chicago,IL, USA 95-GT-047
IGTI 1995 On-Engine Evaluation of Emission Characteristics of a Variable Geometry Lean-Premixed Combustor E. Yamada, K. Shimodaira, S. Hayashi, Thermofluid Dynamics Division, National Aerospace Laboratory, Chofu, Tokyo, Japan 95-GT-048
IGTI 1995 Mechanisms of Coke Formation in Gas Turbine Combustion Chambers M. Brandauer, A. Schultz, S. Wittig, Lehrstuhl und Institut fur Thermische Stromungsmaschinen, Universitat Karlsruhe (T.H.), Karlsruhe, Germany 95-GT-049
IGTI 1995 Jet Fuel Deposition and Oxidation: Dilution, Materials, Oxygen and Temperature Effects Steven Zabarnick, Paula Zelesnick, Rebecca R. Grinstead, Aeorspace Mechanics Division, University of Dayton Research Institute, Dayton, OH, USA 95-GT-050
IGTI 1995 Monitoring Combustion Turbine Performance in the Electric Utility Industry {MEMO1.MMO}Richard M. Baldwin, Anthony J. Smalley, Southwest Research Institute, San Antonio, TX, USA; James E. Terrell, Robert Prince, Tennesee Valley Authority, Chattanooga, TN, USA; Charles N. Gray II Tennessee Valley Authority, Gallatin, TN, USA; Leo 95-GT-051
IGTI 1995 3D Flow Structures and Operating Characteristics of an Industrial Fluid Coupling H. Huitenga, T. Formanski, N.K. Mitra, M. Fiebig, Ruhr-Universitat Bochum, Bochum, Germany 95-GT-052
IGTI 1995 Development of a Small Mixed-Flow Turbine for Automotive Turbochargers Hiroaki Minegishi, Hiromi Matsushita, Masaru Sakakida, Takaai Koike, Ishakawajima-Harima Heavy Industries Co. Ltd. Tokyo, Japan 95-GT-053
IGTI 1995 The 21mw Westinghouse/Rolls Royce WR-21 Marine _Gas Turbine Variable Area Power Turbine Design. John C. Cox, David Hutchinson, Turbine Engineering, Rolls-Royce plc, Derby, England; James I Oswald, Rolls-Royce Industrial & Marine Gas Turbines ltd., Ansty, Coventry, England 95-GT-054
IGTI 1995 The Use of CFD in the Design of Marine Gas Turbine Inlet Air Systems Kenneth J. Fewel, Corporate Engineering Services, Peerless Mfg. Co., Dallas, TX, USA; Frank J. Kierzkowski, Marine Systems-Separation Systems Division, Peerless Mfg. Co., Dallas, TX, USA 95-GT-055
IGTI 1995 Optimum Peak Cycle Pressure for the Intercooled Supercharged Gas Turbine Engine Lin-Shu Wang, Lili Pan, Intercool Development, Ltd., Stony Brook, NY, USA 95-GT-056
IGTI 1995 API Standards 616 - Scopes for Different Interpretations G.K. Roy, GTFB Division, Larsen & Toubro Ltd., Bombay, India 95-GT-057
IGTI 1995 Reheat and Regenerative Gas Turbines for Feed Water Repowerin of Steam Power Plant G. Negri di Montegro, M. Gambini, A. Peretto, University of Bologna, Italy 95-GT-058
IGTI 1995 Study and Application of Hemispheric Cavities for Surface Heat Transfer Augmentation A.V. Schukin, A.P. Kozlov, R.S. Agachev, Department of Turbomachinery, Kazan State Technical University, Kazan, Russia 95-GT-059
IGTI 1995 Experimental Study on Convective Heat Transfer of Radial Air Flow in Rotating Multi-Channels G.J. Hwang, C.R. Kuo, C.Y. Chang, Department of Power Mechanical Engineering, National Tsing Hua University, Hsinchu, Taiwan 95-GT-060
IGTI 1995 Modeling and Decoupling the Control Loops in a Heavy Duty Gas Turbine Plant G. Crosa, G. Ferrari, A. Trucco, Universita' di Genova, Instituto di Maccine e Sistemi Energetici, Genova, Italy 95-GT-061
IGTI 1995 Identification of Mechnical Alterations from their Effect on Performance of a Radial Compressor K. Mathioudakis, A. Tsalavoutas, Laboratory of Thermal Turbomachines, National Technical University of Athens, Athens, Greece 95-GT-062
IGTI 1995 Achieving Improved Cycle Efficiency via Pressure Gain Combustors Randall S. Gemmen, Micheal C. Janus, George A. Richards, Thomas S. Norton, US Dept. of Energy, Morgantown Energy Tech. Center; William Rogers, EG&G Technical Services of West Virginia, Morgantown Energy Technology Center, Morgantown, WVA,USA 95-GT-063
IGTI 1995 CARS Temperature and LDA Velocity Measurements in a Turbulent, Swirling Premixed Propane/Air Fueled Model Gas Turbine Combustor Stephan E. Schmidt, Paul O. Hedman, Department of Mechanical Engineering, Advanced Combustion Engineering Research Center, Brigham Young University, Provo, UT, USA 95-GT-064
IGTI 1995 Application of Catalytic Combustion Technology to Industrial Gas Turbines for Low NOx Emissions Ralph A. Dalla Betta, James C. Schlatter, Sorneto G. Nickolas, Catalytica Inc., Mountain View, CA, USA; Mohan K. Razdan, Duane Smith, Allison Engine Company, Indianapolis, IN, USA 95-GT-065
IGTI 1995 Semi-Empirical Correlations of NOx Emissions from Combustion Turbines with Water/Steam Injection Donald M. Newburry, Author Mellor, Department of Mechanical Engineering, Vanderbilt University, Nashville, TN, USA 95-GT-066
IGTI 1995 Characteristic Time Modeling of NOx Emissions and Combustion Efficiency for a Staged Combustion Ramjet John T. Rich, Author M. Mellor, Department of Mechanical Engineering, Vanderbilt University, Nashville, TN, USA 95-GT-067
IGTI 1995 The Thermal Stability of Fuels at 480C(900F)--Effect of Test Time, Flow Rate and Additives Tim Edwards, USAF Wright Laboratory, Wright Patterson AFB, OH, USA; John Krieger, Department of Mechanical Engineering, University of Iowa, Iowa City, USA 95-GT-068
IGTI 1995 Extended Duration Thermal Stability Test of Improved Thermal Stability Jet Fuels Gordon L. Dieterle, Kenneth E. Binns, Aerospace Mechanics, Universiyt of Dayton, Dayton, OH, USA 95-GT-069
IGTI 1995 Semi-Empirical Predictions and Correlations of NOx Emissions from Utility Combustion Turbines Donald M. Newburry, Authur M. Mellor. Department of Mechanical Engineering, Vanderbilt University, Nashville, TN, USA 95-GT-070
IGTI 1995 Local Measurements in a Three Dimensional Jet-Stabilized Model Combustor H.J. Bauer, L. Eigenmann, B. Scherrer, S. Wittig, Lehrsthul und Institut fur Thermische Stromungsmaschinen, Universitat Karlsruhe (T.H.), Karlsruhe, Germany 95-GT-071
IGTI 1995 An Investigation of the Heat Recovery System in Externally Fired Evaporative Gas Turbines Jinyue Yan, Lars Eidensten, Gunnar Svedberg, Department of Chemical Engineering and Technology/Energy Processes, Royal Institute of Technology, Stockholm, Sweden 95-GT-072
IGTI 1995 Rugged ATS Turbines for Alternate Fuels Richard A. Wenglarz, Nirm V. Nirmalan, Thomas G. Daehler, Allison Engine Company, Indianapolis, IN, USA 95-GT-073
IGTI 1995 NT164 Silicon Nitride Gas Turbine Engine Blade Manufacturing Development Eric Bright, Roger Burleson, Steve A. Dynan, Norton Advanced Ceramics, S.-G.-N. (Saint-Gobain-Norton) Industrial Ceramics Corp., East Granby, CT, USA; William T. Collins, Northboro R&D Center, S.-G.-N.Industrial Ceramics Corp., Northboro, MA, USA 95-GT-074
IGTI 1995 Injection-Molded and Isopressed a-SiC Components for Stationary Gas Turbine Applications R.W. Ohnsorg, S.K. Lau, M.O. Ten, D.A. White, The Carborundum Company, Niagara Falls, NY, USA 95-GT-075
IGTI 1995 Computations of Three Dimensional Viscous Transonic Turbine Stage Flow Including Tip Clearance Effects Rudiger Merz, Jorg Kruckles, Jurgen F. Mayer, Heinz Stetter, University of Stuttgart, Stuttgart, Germany 95-GT-076
IGTI 1995 Measurements of the Tip-Leakage Flow in a Turbine Cascade with Large Clearances S. De Cecco, M.I. Yaras, S.A. Sjolander, Carleton University, Ottowa, Ontario, Canada 95-GT-077
IGTI 1995 Centrifugal Compressor Stage Preliminary Aerodynamics Design and Component Sizing Ronald H. Aungier, Product Development, Elliot Company, Jeanette, PA, USA 95-GT-078
IGTI 1995 Aerodynamics of a Centrifugal Compressor Impeller with Transonic Inlet Conditions H. Krain, B. Hoffman, H. Pak, Institute for Propulsion Technology, Koln, Germany 95-GT-079
IGTI 1995 Experimental Flow Field Investigation in a Centrifugal Compressor Vaned Diffuser Ali Pinarbasi, University of Cumhuriyet, Sivas, Turkey; Mark W. Johnson, University of Liverpool, Liverpool, UK 95-GT-080
IGTI 1995 Numerical Investigation of 3D Flow and Torque Transmission in Fluid Couplings Under Unsteady Working Condition T. Formanski, H. Huitenga, N.K. Mitra, M. Fiebig, Ruhr-Universitat Bochum, Bochum, Germany 95-GT-081
IGTI 1995 Experimental and Computational Study of a Radial Compressor Inlet Jay M. Koch, Peter N. Chow, Dresser-Rand, Olean, NY, USA; Brad R. Hutchinson, Steve R. Elias, Advanced Scientific Computing, Waterloo, Ontario, Canada 95-GT-082
IGTI 1995 Experimental Investigation in Annular Compressor Cascades at Transonic Flow Conditions K. Schultz, P. Dalbert, Sulzer Turbo Ltd, Zurich, Switzerland; A. Bolcs, Swiss Federal Institute of Technology, Lausanne, Switzerland 95-GT-083
IGTI 1995 Investigations of Shock/Boundary-Layer Interaction in a Highly Loaded Compressor Cascade Ralf M. Bell, Leonhard Fottner, Universitat der Bundeswehr Munchen, Neubiberg, Germany 95-GT-084
IGTI 1995 A Station Engineering Electrical/Controls Construstion Database Michele A. Thebeau, Station Engineering Department, Union Gas Ltd., Chathamm Ontario, Canada 95-GT-085
IGTI 1995 Isolation of Major Noise Sources on Natural Gas Turbomachinery Packages Leslie D. Frank, HFP Acoustical Consultants Ltd., Calgary, Alberta, Canada; Gerald J. Milner, Mechanical & Materials Engineering, Nova Gas Transmission Ltd., Calgary, Alberta, Canada 95-GT-086
IGTI 1995 Latest Improvement in Solar Centaur Family of Engines (New First Stage Compressor) Mohammad R. Saadatmand, Department of Aero/Thermo Performance, Solar Turbines Incorporated, San Diego, CA, USA 95-GT-087
IGTI 1995 Theoretical Modelling of Relative Wall Motion Effects in Tip Leakage Flow I.K. Nikolos, D.I. Douvikas, K.D. Papailiou, National University of Athens, Athens, Greece 95-GT-088
IGTI 1995 Tip Flow Fields in a Low Aspect Ratio Transonic Compressor P. Russler, Battelle Memorial Institute, Dayton, OH, USA; D. Rabe, B. Cybyk, Wright Laboratory, Wright Patterson AFB, OH, USA; C. Hah, NASA Lewis Research Center, Cleveland, OH, USA 95-GT-089
IGTI 1995 A Navier-Stokes Computer Code for Theoretical Investigations on the Applicability of Various Turbulence Models for Flow Prediction Along Turbine Blades Dieter Bohn, Rolf Edmunds, Aachen University of Technology, Aachen, Germany 95-GT-090
IGTI 1995 Viscous Flow Field Computations for the VKI-1 Turbine Cascade Using Different Turbulence Models L.J. Lenke, A.W. Reichert, H. Simon, University of Duisburg, Duisburg, Germany 95-GT-091
IGTI 1995 Pressure Sensitive Paint Investigation for Turbomachinery Application K. Sabroske, D. Rabe, C. Williams, Wright Laboratory, Wright Patterson AFB, OH, USA 95-GT-092
IGTI 1995 Launching of Single, Small Particles for Impact FOD Testing of Ceramic Gas Turbine Hiro Yoshida, Department of Advanced Machinery, Mechanical Engineering Laboratory, AIST, MITI, Tsukuba, Japan; Kazuo Uematsu, Ishikawajima-Harima Heavy Industries Co. Ltd., Yokohama, Japan; Alain Burie, Giat Industries Co. Ltd., Bourges, France 95-GT-093
IGTI 1995 Fiber Distribution in Reinforced Ceramic Rotating Discs Francois Hild, Laboratoire de Mechanique et Technologie, E.N.S. Cachan, Cachan, Cedex, France; Frederick A. Leckie, University of California at Santa Barbara, Santa Barbara, CA, USA 95-GT-094
IGTI 1995 Development of an Interactive Electronic Technical Manual William E. Masincup, Linda M. Ochs, Auxiliary Gas Turbines/Depot Branch, Naval Sea System Command, Arlington, VA, USA; John S. Bryan, Advanced Engineering & Research Associates, Arlington, VA, USA 95-GT-095
IGTI 1995 Measurements of Gust Response on a Turbine Cascade A.P. Kurkov, B.L. Lucci, National Aeronautics and Space Administration, Lewis Research Center, Cleveland, OH, USA 95-GT-096
IGTI 1995 Design and Flow Field Calculations for Transonic and Supersonic Radial Inflow Turbine Guide Vanes A.W. Reichert, Siemens AG, KWU Group, Mulheim, Germany; H. Simon, University of Duisberg, Duisberg, Germany 95-GT-097
IGTI 1995 Theoretical and Experimental Comparisons for Damping Coefficients of a Short Length Open-End Squeeze Pilot Damper Louis A. San Andres, Mecanical Engineering Department, Texas A&M University, College Station, TX, USA 95-GT-098
IGTI 1995 Rotor Blade-to-Blade Measurements Using Particle Image Velocimetry Denis Tisserant, Frans A.E. Breugelmans, von Karman Institute for Fluid Dynamics, Sint-Genesius-Rode, Belgium 95-GT-099
IGTI 1995 Feasibility Study on Oil Droplet Flow Investigations Inside Aero Engine Bearing Chambers - PDPA Techniques in Combination with Numerical Approaches A. Glahn, M. Kurreck, M. Willmann, S. Wittig, Univeristat Karlsruhe, Karksruhe, Germany 95-GT-100
IGTI 1995 Phase Averaged Wall Shear Stress, Wall Pressure and Near Wall Velocity Field Measurements in a Whirling Annular Seal Gerald L. Morrison, Robert B. Winslow, H. Davis Thames III, Texas A&M University, College Station, TX, USA 95-GT-101
IGTI 1995 An Experimental and Numerical Study of the Isothermic Flow Behind a Bluff Body Flameholder C.N. Raffoul, A.S. Nejad, Aero Propulsion and Power Dictorate, Wright Patterson AFB, OH, USA; R.D. Gould, North Carolina State University, Raleigh, NC, USA; S.A. Spring, CFD Research Corporation, Huntsville, AL, USA 95-GT-102
IGTI 1995 Surface Effects on Deposits from Jet Fuels J.S. Ervin, S.P. Heneghan, C.R. Martel, T.F. Williams, University of Dayton, Dayton, OH, USA 95-GT-103
IGTI 1995 Heat Transfer Predictions for Two Turbine Nozzle Geometries at High Reynolds and Mach Numbers R.J. Boyle, NASA Lewis Research Center, Cleveland, OH, USA; R. Jackson, DRA Pyestock, Farnbourough, Hants, England 95-GT-104
IGTI 1995 Development of Air-Cooled Ceramic Nozzles for a Power Generating Gas Turbine Toshiaki Tsuchiya, Yutaka Furuse, Shin Yoshino, Tokyo Electric Power Co., Yokohama, Kanagawa, Japan; Rintaro Chikami, Keizo Tsukagoshi, Masahiko Mori, Mitsubishi Heavy Industries, Ltd., Takasago, Hyogo, Japan 95-GT-105
IGTI 1995 Topping Combustor Status for Second Generation Pressurized Fluidized Bed Cycle Application William F. Domeracki, T.E. Dowdi, Westinghouse Electric Corporation, Orlando, FL, USA; Dennis M. Bachovchin, Westinghouse Electric Corporation, Pittsburg, PA, USA 95-GT-106
IGTI 1995 Variables Affecting NOx Formation in Lean-Premixed Combustion Robert C. Steele, Andrew Jarrett, David Nicol, University of Washington, Seattle, WA, USA 95-GT-107
IGTI 1995 A NOx Prediction Scheme for Lean-Premixed Gas Turbine Combustion Based on Detailed Chemical Kinetics Wolfgang Polifke, Klaus Dobbeling, Thomas Sattlemeyer, ABB Research Center, Baden-Dattwil, Switzerland; David Nicol, Philip C. Malte, Dept. of Mechanical Engineering, University of Washington, Seattle, Washington, USA 95-GT-108
IGTI 1995 Combustor Stability and Emissions Research Using a Well Stirred Reactor J. Zelina, D.R. Ballal, Department of Mechanical and Aerospace Engineering, University of Dayton, Dayton, OH, USA 95-GT-109
IGTI 1995 Prediction and Measurement of the Total Pressure Loss in an Engine Representative Diffuser System A.R Little, P.A. Denman, A.P. Manners, Department of Aeronautical and Automotive Engineering and Transport Studies, Loughborough, Leicestershire, UK 95-GT-110
IGTI 1995 Study of Flame Stability in a Step Swirl Combustor Mark D. Durbin, Marlin D. Vangsness, Dilip R. Ballal, University of Dayton, Dayton, OH, USA; Viswanath R. Katta, Systems Research Laboratories Inc., Dayton, OH,USA 95-GT-111
IGTI 1995 Differential Mass and Energy Balances in the Flame Zone From a Practical Fuel Injector Using Gaseous Propane Fuel in a Technology Combustor David L. Warren, Mech. Engrg. Dept, Advanced Combustion Engineering Research Center, Brigham Young University, Provo, UT, USA; Paul O. Hedman, Chemical Engrg Dept., Advanced Combustion Engrg. Research Center, Brigham Young University, Provo UT, USA__ 95-GT-112
IGTI 1995 Life Cycle Consideration in Propulsion Alternatives for Fast Vessels David L. Luck, GE Marine & Industrial Engines, General Electric Co., Evendale, OH, USA 95-GT-113
IGTI 1995 Two-Phase Air/Oil Flow in Aero Engine Bearing Chambers - Characterization of Oil Film Flows A. Glahn, S. Wittig, University Karlsruhe, Karlsruhe, Germany 95-GT-114
IGTI 1995 Studies on Lean-Blowout Characteristics of a Jet Flame Viswanath R. Katta, Systems Research Laboratories, Inc., A Division of Calspan Corporation, Dayton, OH, USA; W.M Roquemore, Wright Laboratory, Aero Propulsion and Power Dictorate, Wright Patterson AFB, OH, USA 95-GT-115
IGTI 1995 Predicted Performance of a Thrust-Enhanced SR-71 Aircraft with an External Payload Timothy R. Conners, NASA Dryden Flight Research Center, Edwards, CA, USA 95-GT-116
IGTI 1995 Method of Predicting Inlet Temperature Distortion Caused by Missile Plumes Wang Shuo, Huang Xijun, Cui Jiya, Biejing University of Aeronautics & Astronautics; Luo Changtian, Shenyang, Liaoning, Province, PR China 95-GT-117
IGTI 1995 Engine Test Facility Dynamic Data Systems Upgrade and Improvement Plan Henry T. Jones, Sverdrup Technology, Inc., Arnold AFB, TN, USA 95-GT-118
IGTI 1995 Flight Research using F100 Engine PO680063 in the NASA F-15 Airplane Frank W. Burcham Jr., Timothy R. Conners, NASA Dryden Research Center, Edwards, CA, USA; Micheal D. Maxwell, Pratt & Whitney, West Palm Beach, FL, USA 95-GT-119
IGTI 1995 Experimental Evaluation of Air Injection for Actuation of Rotating Stall in a Low Speed, Axial Fan Asif Khalak, Cornell University, Ithaca, NY, USA; Richard M. Murray, California Institute of Technology, Pasedena, CA, USA 95-GT-120
IGTI 1995 Probabilistic Assessment of Combustor Linear Design Shantaram S. Pai, Christos C. Chamis, NASA Lewis Research Center, Cleveland, OH, USA 95-GT-121
IGTI 1995 Influence of Vaned Diffuser on Dangerous Blade Vibration due to Blade Row Interaction in Centrifugal Compressors D. Jin, Z. Jiang, H. Haseman, U. Haupt, M. Rautenberg, University of Hannover, Hannover, Germany 95-GT-122
IGTI 1995 Application of the Time Linearized Euler Method for Predicting Flutter and Forced Response G. Kahl, MTU Moteren und Turbinen, Munich, Germany 95-GT-123
IGTI 1995 Effects of Free Stream Turbulence on Intermittent Boundary Layer Flows Anestis I. Kalfas, Robin Elder, Cranfield University, Cranfield, Bedfordshire, UK 95-GT-124
IGTI 1995 Comparison of Measurements Taken on a Pipeline Compressor/Gas Turbine Unit in the Workshop and at Site W. Schmidt, Wintershall Gas GmbH, 34119 Kassel, Germany; V. Thomas, Compressor and Turbine Division, MAN Gutehoffnungshutte AG, Oberhausen, Germany 95-GT-125
IGTI 1995 Development of a Wide Range Temperature Pyrometer for Gas Turbine Application H.K. Moon, B. Glezer, B. Mink, W. Marvin, Solar Turbines Inc., San Diego, CA, USA 95-GT-126
IGTI 1995 The Calibration of a Surface Mounted Aerodynamic Wall Shear Stress Gauge in Laminar Flow with a Free-Stream Pressure Gradient James T. Duffy, Mark R.D. Davies, Leona Hamilton, University of Limerick, Limerick, Ireland 95-GT-127
IGTI 1995 Calculation of Turbulent Flows Through Linear Turbine Cascades With and Without Tip Clearance Hun G. Lee, Jung Y. Yoo, Seoul National University, Seoul, Korea; Jun W. Yun, Kunsan National University, Kunsan, Cholla-bukdo, Korea 95-GT-128
IGTI 1995 Experimental Investigation of Boundary Layer Transition and Turbulence Structures on Highly Loaded Compressor Cascades Dirk Wunderwald, Leonhard Fottner, Universitat der Bundeswehr Munchen, Neubiberg, Germany 95-GT-129
IGTI 1995 Allison 501 KB7 Industrial Gas Turbine Engine Ronald P. Porter, Industrial Engine Product Line, Allison Engine Company, Indianapolis, IN, USA 95-GT-130
IGTI 1995 Design & Implementation of a Conditioning Monitoring System for Process Plants, Off-Shore Platforms & Pipeline Compressor Stations Meherwan P. Boyce, Arkalgud N. Lakshminarasimha, Timothy S. Mullin, Boyce Enginering International, Inc., 10555 Rockley Rd., Houston, TX, USA 95-GT-131
IGTI 1995 Experiment Aided Controller Design of Rotor Systems with a Magnetic Bearing G.J. Sheu, C.D. Yang, S.M. Yang, National Cheng Kung University, Taiwan, R.O.C. 95-GT-132
IGTI 1995 Application of Aero-Engine Technology to Heavy Duty Gas Turbines Manfred Janssen, Holger Zimmerman, Siemans AG/KWU, Mulheim/Ruhr, Germany, Frederick Kopper, John Richardson, United Technologies Corp., East Hartford, CT, USA 95-GT-133
IGTI 1995 Emissions Monitoring and Testing of Combustion Processes George H. Wagner, AirRECON Division, RECON ENVIRONMENTAL CORP., Raritan, New Jersey, USA 95-GT-134
IGTI 1995 Characteristics Time Model Correlation of NOx Emissions from Lean Premixed Combustors Donald M. Newburry, Arthur M. Mellor, Department of Mechanical Engineering, Vanderbilt University, Nashville, TN, USA 95-GT-135
IGTI 1995 Design of Inlet Conditions for High Pressure NOx Measurements in Lean Premixed Combustors Jon P. McDonald, Arthur M. Mellor, Mechanical Engineering Department, Vanderbilt University, Nashville, TN, USA 95-GT-136
IGTI 1995 Design and Test of a Catalytic Combustor for a Heavy Duty Industrial Gas Turbine Martin B. Cutrone, Kenneth W. Beebe, R.N. Matthews, General Electric Company, Schenectady, NY, USA; J.C. Schlatter, R.A. Dalla Betta, Catalytica Inc., Mountain View, CA, USA; Yutaka Furuse, T. Tsuchiya, Tokyo Electric Power Company, Tokyo, Japan 95-GT-137
IGTI 1995 Conversion of an Aerodynamic Wind Tunnel to a Gas Turbine Combustor Test Stand Daniel Cresci, General Applied Science Laboratories, Inc., Ronkonoma, NY, USA 95-GT-138
IGTI 1995 Flow and Turbulence Survey for a Model of Gas Turbine Exhaust Diffuser Umberto Desideri, Instituto di Energetica, Universita di Perugia, Perugia, Italy; Giampaolo Manfrida, Dipartmento di Energetica, Universita di Firenze, Firenze, Italy 95-GT-139
IGTI 1995 Digital Control of the WR21 Intercooled Recuperated Gas Turbine R.J. Carlson, R.E. Olson, Westinghouse Electric Corporation, Sunnyvale, CA, USA; 95-GT-140
IGTI 1995 A Realistic Method to Establish the Required Gearbox Rating for Gas Turbine Applications A.K. Rakhit, Solar Turbines Inc., San Diego, CA, USA 95-GT-141
IGTI 1995 Prediction of Unshrouded Rotor Blade Tip Heat Transfer A.A.Ameri, A.Y.T. Corporation, Beachwood, OH, USA; E. Steinthorsson, ICOMP, Cleveland, OH, USA 95-GT-142
IGTI 1995 Experimental and Numerical Investigations of Aerodynamic Aspects of Hot Gas Ingestion in Rotor-Stator-Systems with Superimposed Cooling Mass Flow Dieter Bohn, Erik Johann, Uwe Kruger, Aachen Institute of Technology, Aachen, Germany 95-GT-143
IGTI 1995 Numerical Investigations of Flow Pattern and Heat Transfer in a Rotating Cavity Between Two Discs of the Compressor of a Siemens KWU V84.3 Gas Turbine Dieter Bohn, Uwe Kruger, Aachen University of Technology, Aachen, Germany; Klaus Nitsche, Siemens AG KWU, Mulheim A.D. Ruhr, Germany 95-GT-144
IGTI 1995 Application of Different Turbulence Models for Duct Flow Simulation with Reduced and Full Navier-Stokes Equations Charles Hirsch, Andrei E. Khodak, Vrije Universiteit Brussel, Brussels, Belgium 95-GT-145
IGTI 1995 Recent Advances in Gas Turbine Engine Dynamic Simulations Developed Through JDAPS* G.D. Garrarg, M.W. Davis Jr., A.A. Hale, Sverdrup Technology Inc., Arnold AFB, TN, USA 95-GT-146
IGTI 1995 Advanced User-Friendly Gas Turbine Performance Calculation on a Personal Computer Joachim Kurzke, MTU Munchen GmbH, Munchen, Germany 95-GT-147
IGTI 1995 A Collaborate Venture: The Advanced Gas Turbine Systems Research Program Daniel B. Fant, Lawrence P. Golan, Clemson University, Clemson, SC, USA 95-GT-148
IGTI 1995 A Combined Experimental/Computational Study of Flow in Turbine Blade Cooling Passage: Part II Numerical Simulations Diane M. McGrath, Pratt & Whitney, East Hartford, CT, USA; David G.N. Tse, Scientific Research Associates, Glastonbury, CT, USA 95-GT-149
IGTI 1995 A Study of Reynolds Stresses and Loss Generation at the Inlet to a Centrifugal Compressor Vaneless Diffuser Ali Pinarbasi, University of Cumhuriyet, Sivas, Turkey; Mark W. Johnson, University of Liverpool, Liverpool, UK 95-GT-150
IGTI 1995 Prediction of Film Cooling Effectiveness and Heat Transfer Due to Streamwise and Compound Angle Injection on Flat Surfaces S. Neelakantan, M.E. Crawford, University of Texas at Austin, Austin, TX, USA 95-GT-151
IGTI 1995 Turbulent Transport Measurements in a Heated Boundary Layer: Combined Effects of Free-Stream Turbulence and Removal of Concave Curvature Micheal D. Kestoras, University of Nantes, Nantes, France; Terrence W. Simon, University of Minnesota, Minneapolis, Minnisota, USA 95-GT-152
IGTI 1995 Indirect Turbulence Measurement in Gas Turbine Stages Using Heat Flux Probe Luzeng J. Zhang, Boris Glezer, Solar Turbines Inc., San Diego, CA_ 95-GT-153
IGTI 1995 Off-Design Performance of Multipressure Heat Recovery Boilers Nicola Bettagli, Bruno Facchini, University of Florence, Florence, Italy 95-GT-154
IGTI 1995 Comparative Performance of Gas/Steam Combined Cycle Power Plants R. Yadav, M.N.R. Engineering College, Teliargang, Allahabad, India; Lakshman Singh, Department of Irrigation, Allabad, India 95-GT-155
IGTI 1995 Characteristics Charts for Preliminary Design and Selection of a Gas Turbine Cogeneration Plant K. Sarabchi, G.T. Polley, UMIST, Manchester, UK 95-GT-156
IGTI 1995 Computing Engine Efficiencies By Neural Nets T.W. Long, NeuroDyne, Inc., Cambridge, MA, USA 95-GT-157
IGTI 1995 Designing and Simulating the Engine Speed Governor for Helicopter Applications T.H. Wong, Allison Engine Co., Indianapolis, IN, USA 95-GT-158
IGTI 1995 Improved Silicon Nitride Materials and Component Fabrication Processes for Aerospace and Industrial Gas Turbine Applications John P. Pollinger, Allied Signal Aerospace, Torrance, CA, USA 95-GT-159
IGTI 1995 Combustor Rebuild Effects on Gas Turbine Performance J.D. MacLeod, B. Barry, National Research Council, Ottowa, Ontario, Canada 95-GT-160
IGTI 1995 Field Experience Versus Theory in Turbine Engine Deterioration James L. Pettigrew, P.E., Howell Instruments, Inc., Fort Worth, TX, USA 95-GT-161
IGTI 1995 Conversion of an Advanced Natural Gas-Fueled Combustion Turbine to Coal-Based Fuel Applications R.A. Newby, Westinghouse Science & Technology Center, Pittsburg, PA, USA; D.H. Archer, Carnegie-Mellon University, Pittsburg, PA, USA; R.L. Bannister, Westinghouse Power Generation Business Unit, Orlando, FL, USA 95-GT-162
IGTI 1995 Emissions Performance of a Ramburner Sector of a Mach-5 Combined-Cycle Engine Donald J. Hautman, United Technologies Research Center, East Hartford, CT, USA 95-GT-163
IGTI 1995 Nox Emission Characteristics of a Catalytic Combustor Under High-Temperature Conditions Martin Valk, Nicolas Vortmeyer, Gunter Kappler, Lehrstuhl fur Flugantriebe, Technische, Universitat Munchen, Munchen, Germany 95-GT-164
IGTI 1995 Stator Exit Flow Fields in the Multistage Environment of an Axial Compressor M. Jung, J. Eikelmann, Ruhr-Universitat Bochum, Bochum, Germany 95-GT-165
IGTI 1995 Development of a Swirl and Bluff-body Stabilized Burner for Low-NOx, Lean-Premixed Combustion Jeffery A. Lovett, GE Corporate Research and Development, Schenectady, NY, USA; Warren J. Mick, GE Power Generation, Schenectady, NY, USA 95-GT-166
IGTI 1995 Gas Turbine Performance-New Application and Test Correction Curves Scott T. Cloyd, Arthur J. Harris Jr., Westinghouse Electric Corporation, Orlando, Florida, USA 95-GT-167
IGTI 1995 Coherent Flame Model for Turbulent Combustion Operating with both Premixed and Non-Premixed Flames M. Kanniche, S. Zurbach, Research and Development Division, Electricite de France, Chatou, France 95-GT-168
IGTI 1995 Prediction Model of NOx for Gas Turbine Combustor with Diffusion and Lean Premix Flames Fukuo Maeda, Yasunori Iwai, Heavy Apparatus Engineering Laboratory, Toshiba Corporation, Yokoma, Japan 95-GT-169
IGTI 1995 Thermodynamic Study of Coupled Steam-Gas Turbine Plant with Steam Extraction and Injection Zheng Qun, Liu Shunglong, Yang Yaogen, Harbin Shipbuilding Engineering Institute, Harbin, China 95-GT-170
IGTI 1995 Generalized Euler's Turbomachine Equation and Free Vortex Sheet Conditions in Separated/Cavitated Turbo-Flows Gao-Lian Liu, Shanghai University and Shanghai Institute of Appl. Math & Mechanics, Shanghai, PR China 95-GT-171
IGTI 1995 A Theoretical and Numerical Development of the Concept of the Active Control Foil Bearing (ACFB) M.J. Braun, F.K. Choy, M.Dzodzo, J. Han, R. Veillette, D. Decker, University of Akron, Akron, OH, USA 95-GT-172
IGTI 1995 A Method to Reduce the Rejection Rate for Low Performance at the Acceptance List of PWC PT6T-6 Overhauled Power Sections S. Colantuoni, G. Mainiero, A. Esposito, Alfa Romero Avio, Napoli, Italy 95-GT-173
IGTI 1995 Stall Inception Measurements in a High-Speed Multi-Stage Compressor J.F. Escuret, V. Garnier, SNECMA, Moissy-Cramayel, France 95-GT-174
IGTI 1995 Assessment of the Cold Wire Resistance Thermometer for High Speed Turbomachinery Applications R. Denos, C.H. Sieverding, von Karman Institute for Fluid Dynamics, Rhode Saint Genese, Belgium 95-GT-175
IGTI 1995 Feedback Lineralizing Control of Surge in an Axial Compression System: Theory and Experimental Validation O.O. Badmus, S. Chowdhury, Georgia Institute of Technology, Atlanta, GA, USA; C.N. Nett, United Technologies Research Center, E. Hartford, CT, USA 95-GT-176
IGTI 1995 Rotor-Strator Interaction Analysis Using the Navier-Stokes Equations and a Multigrid Method Andrea Arnone, University of Florence, Florence, Italy; Roberto Pacciani, University of Perugia, Perugia, Italy 95-GT-177
IGTI 1995 Unsteady Numerical Simulations of Radial Temperature Profile Redistribution in a Single-Stage Turbine Daniel J. Dorney, Western Michigan University, Kalamazoo, MI, USA; John R. Schwab, NASA Lewis Research Center, Cleveland, OH, USA 95-GT-178
IGTI 1995 Experimental Leakage and Rotordynamic Results for Helically Grooved Annular Gas Seals Dara W. Childs, Texas A&M University, College Station, TX, USA; Anthony Gansle, Sanden International, Wylie, TX, USA 95-GT-179
IGTI 1995 Design and Analysis of a Sensorless Magnetic Damper H. Ming Chen, Mechanical Technology Inc., Latham, NY 95-GT-180
IGTI 1995 Adaptive Vibration Control of a Rigid Rotor Supported by Active Magnetic Bearings Oliver Lang, John Wasserman, Helmut Springer, Technical University of Vienna, Vienna, Austria 95-GT-181
IGTI 1995 A Navier Stokes Analysis of Airfoils in Oscillating Transonic Cascades for the Prediction of Aerodynamic Damping Reza S. Abhari, Calspan Advanced Technology Center, Buffalo, NY, USA; Micheal Giles, Oxford University, Oxford, England 95-GT-182
IGTI 1995 Effect of Periodic Wake Passing on Film Effectiveness of Discrete Cooling Holes Around the Leading Edge of a Blunt Body K. Funazaki, M. Yokota, Dept. of Mech. Engrg., Iwate University, Morioka, Japan; S. Yamawaki, Aero-Engine Space Operations, Ishikawajima-Harima Heavy Industries, Nishitama-gun, Tokyo, Japan 95-GT-183
IGTI 1995 Heat Transfer from Air-Cooled Contra-Rotating Discs Jian-Xin Chen, Xiaopeng Gan, J. Micheal Owen, University of Bath, Bath, UK 95-GT-184
IGTI 1995 Measurement and Computation of Heat Transfer in High Pressure Compressor Drum Geometrics with Axial Throughflow Christopher A. Long, Alan P. Morse, University of Sussex, England; Paul G. Tucker, University of Bath, Avon, England 95-GT-185
IGTI 1995 Free Vortex Theory for Efficiency Calculations From Annular Cascade Data A.J. Main, M.L.G. Oldfield, G.D. Lock, T.V. Jones, Oxford University, England 95-GT-186
IGTI 1995 Simulating the Multistage Environment for Single-Stage Compressor Experiments J.M. M. Place, M.A. Howard, Rolls-Royce PLC, Derby, UK; N.A. Cumpsty, University of Cambridge, Cambridge, UK 95-GT-187
IGTI 1995 Effects of the Inlet Endwall Boundary Layer on 3-D Flows and Loss Evolution in a Linear Turbine Cascade J. Tominaga, E. Outa, Waseda University, Tokyo, Japan; Atsumasa Yamamoto, National Aerospace Laboratory, Tokyo, Japan 95-GT-188
IGTI 1995 Numerical and Experimental Analysis of Secondary Flow in Modern State-of-the-Art Low Pressure Guide Vane Rows Ernst Lindner, Universitat Stuttgart, Stuttgart, Germany 95-GT-189
IGTI 1995 A Navier-Stokes Analysis of the Effect of Tip Clearance on Compressor Stall Margin Robert P. Dring, United Technologies Research Center, William D. Sprout, Harris D. Weingold, Pratt & Whitney, East Hartford, CT, USA 95-GT-190
IGTI 1995 Blade Pitch Influence at the Exit Flow Field of an Axial Flow Fan Rafeal Ballestros, Eduardo Blanco, Carlos Santolaria, Universidad de Energia, Gijon, Spain 95-GT-191
IGTI 1995 Turbulent Flow Computations for Turbine Disk Cavity Flows Micheal G. Izenson, Mark R. Kennedy, Janaki R. Sirukudi, Creare Incorporated, Hanover, New Hampshire, USA 95-GT-192
IGTI 1995 A Semi-Empirical Theory of Surface Mounted Aerodynamic Wall Shear Stress Gauges Mark R.D. Davies, James T. Duffy, University of Limerick, Limerick, Ireland 95-GT-193
IGTI 1995 Stage RE-Matching as a Result of Droplet Evaporation in a Compressor Rainer K. Ludorf, Stuttgart University, Stuttgart, Germany; Turid H. Tronbol, Jan Overli, Trondheim University, Trondheim, Norway; Robin L. Elder, Cranfield University, Cranfield, UK 95-GT-194
IGTI 1995 A New Throughflow Approach for Transonic Axial Compressor Stage Analysis N. Sayari, A. Bolcs, Swiss Federal Institute of Technology, Lausanne, Switzerland 95-GT-195
IGTI 1995 Calculations of Effects of Rotating Distortion on Flow Instabilities in Compression Systems Jun Hu, Nanjing University of Aeronautics and Astronics, Nanjing, China; Leonhard Fottner, Universitat der Bundeswehr Munchen, Neubiberg, Germany 95-GT-196
IGTI 1995 Recessed Casing Treatment Effects on Fan Performance and Flow Field C.S. Kang, A.B. McKenzie, R.L. Elder, Cranfield University, Bedford, England 95-GT-197
IGTI 1995 OGV Tailoring to Alleviate Pylon-OGV-Fan Interaction G.N. Shrinivas, M.B. Giles, Oxford University, Oxford, UK 95-GT-198
IGTI 1995 Prediction of the Flow in Repeating Stages of Axial Compressors Using Navier-Stokes Solvers John J. Bolger, John H. Horlock, University of Cambridge, Cambridge, UK 95-GT-199
IGTI 1995 Research and Development of 300kW Ceramic Gas Turbine (Development of the Static Ceramic Components for CGT303) Mitsuharu Murota, Issei Ohhashi, Yoshiyuki Ito, Sadao Arakawa, Yanmar Deisel Engine Co., Ltd., Koyoto, Japan 95-GT-200
IGTI 1995 Development of 300kW-Class Ceramic Gas Turbine (CGT301) Engine System Masashi Tatsuzawa, Tomoki Taoka, Takeshi Sakida, Shinya Tanaka, Ishikawajima-Harima Heavy Industries, Co., Ltd., Tokyo, Japan 95-GT-201
IGTI 1995 Hot Streak Clocking in a 1 1/2 Stage Turbine Daniel J. Dorney, Western Michigan University, Kalamazoo, MI, USA; Karen Gundy-Burlet, NASA Lewis Research Center, Moffett Field, CA, USA 95-GT-202
IGTI 1995 An Approximate Model Method for Rotordynamic Stability Prediction of Flexible Rotors Dennis S.H. Chan, Kvearner Engineering A.S., Oslo, Norway 95-GT-203
IGTI 1995 Nonlinear Analysis of a Rigid Rotor on Magnetic Bearings C. Nataraj, Villanova University, Villanova, PA, USA 95-GT-204
IGTI 1995 Gas Turbine Model Scaling Mark R.D. Davies, John D. Wallace, University of Limerick, Limerick, Ireland 95-GT-205
IGTI 1995 The Design and Development of the Rolls-Royce/Westinghouse Trent Econopac Control System Rajendra K. Agrawal, Rolls-Royce Gas Turbine Engines Inc., Dorval, Quebec, Canada; Richard E. Paris, Westinghouse Electric Corporation, Orlando, FL, USA 95-GT-206
IGTI 1995 Ceramic Gas Turbine Technology Development M.W. Rettler, M.L. Easley, J.R. Smith, Allied Signal Engines, Phoenix, AZ, USA 95-GT-207
IGTI 1995 Development of Shell-and-Tube Type Ceramic Heat Exchanger for CGT301 Yukihiro Yoshimura, Katsunori Itoh, Kunio Ohhori, Masayoshi Hori, Ishikawajima-Harima Heavy Industries Co., Ltd., Tokyo; Mitsuru Hattori, Toshihiro Yoshida, Keiishiro Watanabe, NKG Insulators, Ltd., Nagoya, Japan 95-GT-208
IGTI 1995 A Compact, Lightweight Gas Turbine Regenerator Douglas Stephan Beck, Creare Incorporated, Hanover, NH, USA 95-GT-209
IGTI 1995 Performance of a Mixed Flow Turbocharger Turbine Under Pulsating Flow Conditions C. Arcoumanis, I. Hakeem, L. Khezzar, R.F. Martinez-Botas, Imperial College of Science, Technology and Medicine, London, England; N.C. Baines, Concepts ETI Inc., Oxford, England 95-GT-210
IGTI 1995 Contact Force Measurements Under a Brush Seal Christopher A. Long, Yannis Marras, University of Sussex, Brighton, Sussex, England 95-GT-211
IGTI 1995 Simple Design Methods for the Prediction of Radial Static Pressure Distrubution in a Rotor-Strator Cavity with Radial Inflow Kenneth J. Hart, University of Hertfordshire, England; Alan B. Turner, University of Sussex, England 95-GT-212
IGTI 1995 Conditioned Navier-Stokes and k-e-g Equations to Model Transition in Pressure Gradient Flow J. Steelant, E. Dick, Universiteit Gent, Belgium 95-GT-213
IGTI 1995 Application of Advanced Probabilistic Fracture Mechanics to Life Evaluation of Turbine Rotor Blade Attachments H.R. Millwater, Y.-T. Wu, J.W. Cardinal, G.G. Chell, Southwest Research Institute, San Antonio, TX, USA 95-GT-214
IGTI 1995 The New 200 MW Class 501G Combustion Turbine L. Southall, G. McQuiggan Westinghouse Electric Corporation, Orlando, FL, USA 95-GT-215
IGTI 1995 Synchronous Dynamics of a Coupled Shaft/Bearing Housing System with Auxiliary Support from a Clearance Bearing: Analysis and Experiment James L. Lawren, Jr., George T. Flowers, Auburn University, Auburn, AL, USA 95-GT-216
IGTI 1995 Optimization of Bearing Locations for Rotor Systems with Magnetic Bearings Sriram Srinivasan, United Technologies Research Center, East Hartford, CT, USA; Eric H. Maslen, Lloyd E. Barrett, University of Virginia, Charlottsville, VA, USA 95-GT-217
IGTI 1995 A Probabilistic Method for The Fatigue Life Assessment of Powder Metallurgy Parts of Aircraft Engines R. Kraft, S. Mosset, SNECMA, Departement Methodes de Conception et CAO Centre d'essais de Villaroche, Moissy-Cramayel, France 95-GT-218
IGTI 1995 Adiabetic Effectiveness, Thermal Fields and Velocity Fields for Film Cooling with Large Angle Injection Atul Kohll, David Bogard, Mechanical Engineering Department, University of Texas at Austin, Austin, TX, USA 95-GT-219
IGTI 1995 Methods of Classical Mechanics Applied to Turbulence Stresses in a Tip Leakage Vortex Joan G. Moore, Scott A. Schorn, John Moore, Virginia Polytechnic Institute & State University, Blacksburg, VA, USA 95-GT-220
IGTI 1995 Effects of Cycle Operating Conditions on Combustor Performance N.T. Davis, V.G. McDonnel, G.S. Samuelson, University of California, Irvine, CA, USA 95-GT-221
IGTI 1995 The Effects of Different Sulfur Compounds on Jet Fuel Oxidation and Deposition Robert E. Kauffman, University of Dayton Research, Dayton, OH, USA 95-GT-222
IGTI 1995 Advanced Jet Fuels--JP4 through JP8 and Beyond W.E. Harrison III, WL/POSF, WPAFB, OH, USA; H.C. Mongia, GE Aircraft Engines, Cincinnati, OH, USA; S.P. Heneghan, D.R. Ballal, University of Dayton, Dayton, OH, USA 95-GT-223
IGTI 1995 Combustion Oscillation Control by Cyclic Fuel Injection G.A. Richards, M.J. Yip, U.S. Department of Energy, Morgantown, WVA, USA; E. Robey, EG&G Technical Services of West Virginia, Morgantown, WVA, USA; L. Cowel, D Rawlins, Solar Turbines Inc., San Diego, CA, USA 95-GT-224
IGTI 1995 Modeling of Gas Turbine Fuel Nozzle Spray N.K. Rizk, J.S. Chin, M.K. Razdan, Allison Engine Co., Indianapolis, IN, USA 95-GT-225
IGTI 1995 Hydrocarbon Cooling Technologies for Advanced Propulsion David R. Sobel, Louis Spadaccini, United Technologies Research Center, East Hartford, CT, USA 95-GT-226
IGTI 1995 New Technology Trends for Improved IGCC System Performance A.K. Anand, C.S. Cook, J.C. Corman, GE Power Generation, Schenectady, NY, USA; A.R. Smith, Air Products & Chemicals, Allentown, PA, USA 95-GT-227
IGTI 1995 Fiber Fracture in Continuous Fiber Ceramic Composites: Concepts and Observations K. Reifsnider, K. Lao, M. McCormick, A. Tiwari, Materials Response Group, Virginia Tech., Blacksburg, VA, USA 95-GT-228
IGTI 1995 Numerical and Exerimental Investigation of Secondary Flow in a High Speed Compressor Strator Y. Ohkita, H. Kodama Ishikawajima-Harima Heavy Industries, Tokyo, Japan; O. Nozaki, K. Kikuchi, A. Tamura, National Aerospace Laboratory, Tokyo, Japan 95-GT-229
IGTI 1995 Time Accurate Euler Simulation of Interaction of Nozzle Wake and Secondary Flow with a Rotor Blade in an Axial Turbine Stage Using Nonreflecting Boundary Conditions S. Fan, B. Lakshiminarayana, Pennsylvania State University, University Park, PA, USA 95-GT-230
IGTI 1995 Experimental Investigation of Steady and Unsteady Flow Field Downstream of an Automotive Torque Converter Turbine and Inside the Stator, Part I - Flow at the Exit of Turbine B.V. Marathe, B. Lakshiminarayana, Pennsylvania State University, University Park, PA; Donald G. Maddock, General Motors Corporation, Ypsilanti, MI, USA 95-GT-231
IGTI 1995 Experimental Investigation of Steady and Unsteady Flow Field Downstream of an Automotive Torque Converter Turbine and Inside the Stator, Part-II: Unsteady Pressure on the Stator Blade Surface B.V. Marathe, B. Lakshiminarayana, Pennsylvania State University, University Park, PA, USA; Donald G. Maddock, General Motors Corporation, Ypsilanti, MI, USA 95-GT-232
IGTI 1995 The Design and Performance of a High Work Research Turbine E.P. Vlastic, S. Girgis, S.H. Moustapha, Pratt & Whitney Canada, Montreal, Quebec, Canada 95-GT-233
IGTI 1995 Finite Volume Scheme with Quadratic Reconstruction on Unstructured Adaptive Meshes Applied to Turbomachinery Flows M. Delanaye and J.A. Essers, The University of Liege, Liege, Belgium 95-GT-234
IGTI 1995 Dynamic Fatigue Testing of Candidate Ceramic Materials for Turbine Engines to Determine Slow-Crack-Growth Parameters Nora R. Osborne, George A. Graves, University of Dayton, Dayton, OH, USA; Matt K. Ferber, Oak Ridge National Laboratory, Oak Ridge, TN, USA 95-GT-235
IGTI 1995 Subcritical Crack Growth Life Prediction for Ceramic Components of Advanced Heat Engines D.C. Wu, A.D. Peralta, M.N. Menon, J.C. Cuccio, AlliedSignal Engines, Phoenix, AZ, USA 95-GT-236
IGTI 1995 Long-Term Testing of Advanced Ceramics: Concerns, Insights and Recommendations Micheal G. Jenkins, University of Washington, Seattle, WA, USA 95-GT-237
IGTI 1995 Fracture Toughness of Structural Ceramics Under Biaxial Stress State by Anticlastic Bending Test Takashi Ono, Masaki Kaji, Kyocera Corp., Kokubu, Kagoshima, Japan 95-GT-238
IGTI 1995 Flow and Heat Transfer in a Pre-Swirl Rotor-Stator System Micheal Wilson, Robert Pilbrow, J. Micheal Owen, University of Bath, Bath, UK 95-GT-239
IGTI 1995 The Transport of Vortices Through a Turbine Cascade Allen G. van de Wall, Jarikrishnan R. Kadambi, Case Western Reserve University, Cleveland, OH, USA; Robert J. Boyle, John J. Adamczyk, NASA Lewis Research Center, Cleveland, OH, USa 95-GT-240
IGTI 1995 Transition Length Prediction for Flows With Rapidly Changing Pressure Gradients W.J. Solomon, G.J. Walker, University of Tasmania, Hobart, Tasmania, Australia; J.P. Gostelow, University of Technology, Sydney, New South Wales, Australia 95-GT-241
IGTI 1995 Performance Assessment of an Annular S-Shaped Duct D.W. Bailey, K.M. Britchford, J.F. Carrotte, S.J. Stevens, Loughborough University of Technology, Loughborough, Leics, UK 95-GT-242
IGTI 1995 Machine Health Monitoring and Life Management Using Finite Element Based Neural Networks Micheal J. Roemer, Chi-an Hong, Stephen H. Hesler, Stress Technology Incorporated, Rochester, NY, USA 95-GT-243
IGTI 1995 Damage Tolerance Based Life Prediction in Gas Turbine Engine Blades Under Vibratory High Cycle Fatigue David P. Walls, Robert E. deLaneuville, Susan E. Cunningham, Pratt & Whitney, West Palm Beach, FL, USA 95-GT-244
IGTI 1995 Wave Cycle Design for Wave Rotor Gas Turbine Engines with Low NOX Emissions M. Razi Nalim, CFD Research Corporation, Huntsville, AL, USA; Edwin L. Resler, Jr., Cornell University, Ithaca, NY, USA 95-GT-245
IGTI 1995 MARS SoLoNOx Combustion System CFD Modeling Mark E. Thomas, Mark Ostrander, CFD Research Corporation, Huntsville, AL, USA; Mel Noble, Colin Etheridge, Solar Gas Turbines, Inc., San Diego, CA, USA 95-GT-246
IGTI 1995 Fuel Spray Characteristics of Gas Turbine Fuel Injectors at Cold Start Conditions Theodore R. Koblish, Textron, Fuel Systems, Zeeland, MI, USA; Subnash G. Patel, Theodore G. Fox, Pratt & Whitney, East Hartford, CT, USA; Jamil R. Siddiqui, Air Logistics Command U.S.A.F., Oklahoma City, OK, USA 95-GT-247
IGTI 1995 Initial Operating Experience and Test Results of ABB's Gas Turbine GT13E2 M. Klohr, J. Schmidtke, ABB Power Generation, Mannheim, Germany; S. Tschirren, P. Rihak, ABB Power Generation, Baden, Switzerland 95-GT-248
IGTI 1995 Material Characterization of Candidate Silicon Based Ceramics for Stationary Gas Turbine Applications Vijay M. Parthasarathy, Jeffery R. Price, William D. Brentnall, Solar Turbines Inc., San Diego, CA, USA; George Graves, Steven Goodrich, 95-GT-249
IGTI 1995 Estimation of Fracture Origin of Ceramic Gas Turbine Rotors Tanya Yoshikawa, Nobuyuki Hotta, Masaya Ito, NGK Spark Plug Co., Ltd., Komaki-Shi, Aichi, Japan 95-GT-250
IGTI 1995 ER Fluid Squeeze Film Damper for Semi-Active Vibration Control Device: A Parametric Study Shin Morishita, Young Kong An, Yokohama National Unversity, Yokokama, Japan; Jun'ichi Mitsui, Tonen Corporation, Iruma-Gun, Japan 95-GT-251
IGTI 1995 Model Based Diagnostics and Prognosis System for Rotating Machinery Raymond J. Bankert, GE Gas Turbine, Greenville, SC, USAl; Vinod K. Singh, Harinda Rajiyah, GE Corporate R&D, Schenectady, NY, USA 95-GT-252
IGTI 1995 Dynamic Characteristics Analysis of Complex Rotor-Support-Case System Mingda Hua, Beijing Research Center of Aeronautics Technology; Qihan Li, Jinxin Mao, Beijing University of Aeornautics, Beijing, China 95-GT-253
IGTI 1995 The Effect of Major Primary Zone Design on the Performance of a High Heat Release Rate Propulsion Engine Combustor G. Myers, M. Cardenas, B. Reynolds, R. Srinivasan, AlliedSignal Engines, Phoenix, AZ, USA; C. Arana, USAF Wright Aeronautical Laboratories, WPAFB, OH, USA 95-GT-254
IGTI 1995 Development of a Second Generation Dry Low NOx Combustor for 1.5MW Gas Turbine J. Kitajima, T. Kimura, T. Sasaki, A. Okuto, Akashi Technical Institute; S. Kajita, S. Ohga, M. Ogata, Industrial Gas Turbine Division, Kawasaki Heavy Industries, Ltd. Akashi, Japan 95-GT-255
IGTI 1995 Development of a Test Rig and Experimental Verification of the Performance of HSFDs for Active Control of Rotors A. El-Shafei, Cairo University, Giza, Egypt; M. El-Hakim, Arab Organization for Industrialization, Helwan, Egypt 95-GT-256
IGTI 1995 Mixing of Multiple Jets in a Can Combustor Alexandra Ebbinghaus, Jim Swithenbank, Department of Mechanical and Process Engineering, The University of Sheffield, Sheffield, UK 95-GT-257
IGTI 1995 A Comparison of Multivariable Control Design Techniques for a Turbofan Engine Control Stephan R. Watts, United Techologies Pratt & Whitney, West Palm Beach, FL, USA; Sanjay Garg, NASA Lewis Research Center, Cleveland, OH, USA 95-GT-258
IGTI 1995 High Level Heat Recovery in Coal and Coke Gasification Combined Cycle Systems Uday Mahagaokar, Egon L. Doering, Engineering and Construction, Shell Oil Company, Houston, TX, USA 95-GT-259
IGTI 1995 An Advanced Control and Monitoring System for Turbomachinery Wilfred Blotenberg, MAN Gutehoffnungshutte AG, Oberhausen, Germany 95-GT-260
IGTI 1995 Advanced Power Generation: The Potential of Indirectly-Fired Combined Cycles Julianne M. Klara, Pittsburg Energy Technology Center, U.S. Department of Energy, Pittsburg, PA, USA 95-GT-261
IGTI 1995 The Nuclear Gas Turbine - Towards Realization After Half a Century of Evolution Colin F. McDonald, General Atomics, San Diego, CA, USA 95-GT-262
IGTI 1995 Helium and Combustion Gas Turbine Power Conversion Systems Comparison Colin F. McDonald, General Atomics, San Diego, CA, USA 95-GT-263
IGTI 1995 Development of 300kW-Class Ceramic Gas Turbine (CGT302) Kozi Nishio, Junzo Fujioka, Akashi Technical Institute; Tetsuo Tatsumi, Isashi Takehara, Kawasaki Heavy Industries Ltd., Hoyogo, Japan 95-GT-264
IGTI 1995 Numerical Analysis of Fluid Flow in an Internal Blade Cooling Passage Marc L. Babich, Song-Lin Yang, Donna J. Michalek, Oner Arici, Michigan Technical University, Houghton, MI, USA 95-GT-265
IGTI 1995 Qualifying Combustion Turbines for Inlet Cooling Capacity Enhancement Brian J. Kitchen, Jerry A. Ebeling, Burns & McDonnell Engrg. Co., Kansas City, MO, USA 95-GT-266
IGTI 1995 The 501D5A Combustion Turbine Douglas E. Hintz, Westinghouse Electric Corp., Orlando, FL, USA 95-GT-267
IGTI 1995 Design, Part Load and Transient Operation of Combined Cycle Plants with Water Flashing P.J. Dechamps, University of Leige, Liege, Belgium 95-GT-268
IGTI 1995 A Numerical Method for Power Plant Simulations Carlo Carcasci, Bruno Facchini, University of Florence, Florence, Italy 95-GT-269
IGTI 1995 Development of Advanced Thermal Barrier Coatings for Severe Environments Warren A. Nelson, Robert M. Orenstein, Paul S. DiMascio, General Electric Company, Schenectady, NY, USA; Curtis A. Johnson, GE Corporate Research & Development, Schenectady, NY, USA 95-GT-270
IGTI 1995 Gas Turbine Power Generation Evolutionary Advances for the Future James Corman, General Electric Company, Schenectady, NY, USA 95-GT-271
IGTI 1995 2D Electrochemical Airfoil Machining Process Model H.A. Nied, General Electric Company, Schenectady, NY, USA; M.S. Lamphere, General Electric Company, Hooksett, NH, USA 95-GT-272
IGTI 1995 Synchronous Condensing Using the Generator of Peak Load Plant Morgan L. Hendry, SSS Clutch Company, Inc., New Castle, DE, USA; John C. McGough, B.C. Hydro, Vancouver, B.C., Canada 95-GT-273
IGTI 1995 Full Coverage Effusion Film Cooling with Inclined Holes G.E. Andrews, I.M. Khalifa, A.A. Asere, F. Bazdidi-Tehrani, University of Leeds,Leeds, UK 95-GT-274
IGTI 1995 Leading Edge Film Cooling Effects on Turbine Blade Heat Transfer Vijay J. Garg, AYT Corporation, Brookpark, OH, USA; Raymond E. Gaugler, NASA Lewis Research Center, Cleveland, OH, USA 95-GT-275
IGTI 1995 Compatibility of Low NOx Emissions and High-Combustion Efficiency by Lean Direct Injection Combustion Shigeru Hayashi, National Aerospace Laboratory, Chofu, Tokyo, Japan 95-GT-276
IGTI 1995 NPARC Alliance Jay A. Cossentine, Jere J. Matty, Arnold Engineering Development Center, Arnold AFB, TN, USA; Robert J. Shaw, NASA Lewis Research Center, Cleveland, OH, USA 95-GT-277
IGTI 1995 The GUIde Consortium: Government, University and Industry Working Together to Develop New Technologies Scott M. Richardson, U.S. Airforce, Wright-Patterson AFB, OH, USA; Jerry H. Griffin, Carnegie Mellon University, Pittsburg, PA, USA 95-GT-278
IGTI 1995 Joint Dynamic Airbreathing Propulsion Simulations Partnership-JDAPS M.W. Davis Jr., Arnold Engrg. Development Ctr., Arnold AFB, TN, USA; A.K. Owen, Lewis Research Ctr., Cleveland, OH, USA; W.F. O'Brien, Virginia Polytech. Inst. & State University, Blacksburg, VA, USA; W.T. Cousins, AlliedSignal Engines, Phoenix, AZ, USA 95-GT-279
IGTI 1995 Energy Industry Changes: The Role of Advanced Combustion Turbine Technology George Touchton, Electric Power Research Inst., Palo Alto, CA, USA; Arthur Cohn, Advanced Combustion Turbine Cycles, Palo Alto, CA, USA 95-GT-280
IGTI 1995 Ensuring Adequate Coolant Purity for Advanced Gas Turbines D.E. Woodmansee, A.K. Tolpaldi, T.H. Hwang, A.D. Maddaus, General Electric Co., Schenectady, NY, USA 95-GT-281
IGTI 1995 Novel Compressed Air Energy Storage (CAES) Systems Applying Air Expanders Isaac Shnaid, Dan Weiner, Shimshon Brokman, Isreal Electric Corporation Ltd., Haifa, Isreal 95-GT-282
IGTI 1995 The KEMA Gas Turbines Target Project: Overview and Status R.A. Rooth, KEMA Netherland B.V., Arnhem, The Netherlands 95-GT-283
IGTI 1995 Gas Turbine Inlet Air Cooling and the Effect on a Westinghouse 501D5 CT Chuck Kohlenberger, Kohlenberger Associates, Consulting Engineers, Inc., Fullerton, CA, USA 95-GT-284
IGTI 1995 Crack Growth Simulation and Life Prediction Using BEM M.H. Alibaldi, Wessex Institute of Technology; S. Niku, R. Adey, Computational Mechanics Beasy, Ashurst, Southampton, England 95-GT-285
IGTI 1995 Transition Control & Performance of the Selective Bleed Variable Cycle Turbofan Inaki Ulizar, Terrejon de Ardoz, Madrid, Spain; Pericles Pilidis, Cranfield University, Cranfield, Bedford, UK 95-GT-286
IGTI 1995 Research and Development Status of Advanced Material Gas-Generator (AMG) Project M. Hiromatsu, T. Chikata, I. Murakami, T. Yamamura, T. Sekido, H. Miyagawa, S. Seki, Research Institute of Advanced Material Gas-Generator Co. Ltd., Tokyo, Japan 95-GT-287
IGTI 1995 Multistage Turbine Simulation with Vortex-Blade Interaction Mark G. Turner, GE Aircraft Engines, Cincinnati, OH, USA 95-GT-288
IGTI 1995 Influence of Leading-Edge Geometry on Profile Losses in Turbines at Off-Design Incidence: Experimental Results and Improved Correlation M.W. Benner, S.A. Sjolander, Carelton University, Ottawa, Ontario, CANADA 95-GT-289
IGTI 1995 The Influence of Large Scale, High Intensity Turbulence on Vane Aerodynamic Losses, Wake Growth, and the Exit Turbulence Parameters Forrest Ames, Allison Engine Co., Indianapolis, IN, USA; Micheal W. Plesniak, Purdue University, West Layfayette, IN, USA 95-GT-290
IGTI 1995 Modeling Tip Clearance Effects in Multi-Stage Axial Compressors S. Baghdadi, United Technologies, West Palm Beach, Florida, USA 95-GT-291
IGTI 1995 Laser Velocimeter Measurements in the Turbine of an Automotive Torque Converter Part I - Average Measurements Klaus Brun, Ronald D. Flack University of Virginia, Charlottesville, VA, USA 95-GT-292
IGTI 1995 Laser Velocimeter Measurements in the Turbine of an Automotive Torque Converter Part II - Unsteady Measurements Klaus Brun, Ronald Flack, University of Virginia, Charlottesville, VA, USA 95-GT-293
IGTI 1995 Transition Over C4 Leading Edge and Measurement of Intermittency Factor Using PDF of Hot-Wire Signal Birinchi K. Hazarika, Charles Hirsch, Vrije Universiteit Brussel, Brussels, Belgium 95-GT-294
IGTI 1995 Unsteady Flow Field Due to Nozzle Wake Interaction with the Rotor in an Axial Flow Turbine: Part I - Rotor Passage Flow Field Micheal A. Zaccaria, Budugur Lakshminarayana, Pennsylvania State University, University Park, PA, USA 95-GT-295
IGTI 1995 Unsteady Flow Field Due to Nozzle Wake Interaction with the Rotor in an Axial Flow Turbine: Part II - Rotor Exit Flow Field Micheal A. Zaccaria, Budugar Lakshminarayana, Pennsylvania State University, University Park, PA, USA 95-GT-296
IGTI 1995 CT Multiscan: Using Small Area Detectors to Image Large Components E.A. Sivers, W.A. Ellingson, S.A. Snyder, D.A. Holloway, Argonne National Laboratory, Argonne, IL, USA 95-GT-297
IGTI 1995 Very High Efficiency Combined Helium and Combustion Gas Turbine Plant Exploiting Liquid Hydrogen Physical Exergy Giacomo Bisio, University of Genoa, Genoa, Italy; Aristide Massardo, Alessio Agazzani, University of Genoa, Italy 95-GT-298
IGTI 1995 Evaluation of the Interaction Losses in a Transonic Turbine HP Rotor/LP Vane Configuration L.K. Jennions, GE Aircraft Engines, Cincinnati, OH, USA; J.J. Adamczyk, NASA Lewis Research Center, Cleveland, OH, USA 95-GT-299
IGTI 1995 Minimum Coolant and Resulting Cavity Temperatures for Eccentric Rim Seals with a Mainstream Zhou Guo, David L. Rhode, Texas A&M University, College Station, TX, USA 95-GT-300
IGTI 1995 Navier-Stokes and Potential Calculations of Axial Spacing Effect on Vortical and Potential Disturbances and Gust Response in an Axial Compressor Meng-Hsuan Chung, Andrew M. Wo, National Taiwan University, Taipei, Taiwan, ROC 95-GT-301
IGTI 1995 Three-Dimensional Navier Stokes Computation of Turbine Nozzle Flow with Advanced Turbulence Models J. Luo, B. Lakshminarayana, The Pennsylvania State University, University Park, PA, USA 95-GT-302
IGTI 1995 Effects of Streamwise Pressure Gradient on Turbulent Spot Development J.P. Gostelow, N. Melwani, University of Technology, Sydney, AUSTRALIA; G.J. Walker, University of Tasmania, Hobart, Tasmania, Australia 95-GT-303
IGTI 1995 A Computational Study of Pressure Effects on Pollutant Generation in Gas Turbine Combustors E.M. Amin, G.E. Andrews, M. Pourkashnian and A. Williams, Department of Fuel and Energy, The Univ. of Leeds, Leeds, UK; R.A. Yetter, Department of Mechanical and Aerospace Engineering, Princeton University, NY, USA. 95-GT-304
IGTI 1995 Development of Ceramic Composite Hot-Gas Filters Roddie R. Judkins, David P. Stinton, Oak Ridge National Laboratory, Oak Ridge, TN, USA; Robert G. Smith, Edward M. Fischer, Joseph H. Eaton, Bill L. Weaver, J. Lawrence Kahnke, Douglas J. Pysher, 3M Company, St. Paul, MN, USA 95-GT-305
IGTI 1995 The Conversion of NO to NO2 in a Simulated Gas Turbine Environment James W. Hunderup, Virginia Polytechnic Institute and State University, Blacksburg, VA, USA; Richard Roby, Hughes Associates, Inc., Colombia, MD, USA 95-GT-306
IGTI 1995 An Experimental and Computational Study of Swirling Hydrogen Jet Diffusion Flames M.S. Anand, Allison Engine Company, Indianapolis, IN; F. Takahashi, M.D. Vangsness, M,D, Durbin, W.J. Schmoll, University of Dayton Research Institute, Dayton, OH, USA 95-GT-307
IGTI 1995 Thermal Shock Analysis and Testing of Ceramic Components for Gas Turbine Applications Harindra Rajiyah, Louis P. Inzinna, Gerald G. Trantina, Ge Corporate R&D, Schenectady, NY, USA; Robert M. Orenstein, Martin B. Cutrone, GE Power Generation, Schectady, NY, USA 95-GT-308
IGTI 1995 Effect of Cyclic Loading on the Creep Performance of Silicon Nitride Andrew A. Wereszczak, Mattison K. Ferber, Timothy P. Kirkland, Oak Ridge National Laboratory, Oak Ridge, TN, USA; Chih-Kuang J. Lin, National Central University, Chung-Li, Taiwan 95-GT-309
IGTI 1995 The Installation, Testing and Lessons Learned of the TF40B Gas Turbine Test Facility Jeffery S. Patterson, Howard Harris, Naval Surface Warefare Center, Philidelphia, PA, USA 95-GT-310
IGTI 1995 Benefits of Compressor Inlet Air Cooling for Gas Turbine Cogeneration Plants Maurizio De Lucia, Carlo Lanfranchi, Universita di Firenze, Firenze, Italy; Vanni Boggio, CRIT, S.r.I, Prato, Italy 95-GT-311
IGTI 1995 The Development of a Combustion System for a 110 MW CAES Plant D.R. Hounslow, W. Grindley, Aero & Industrial Technology, Ltd. Burnley, UK; R.M. Loughlin, & J. Daly, Dresser Rand, Wellsville, NY, USA 95-GT-312
IGTI 1995 Optimization of Multiple Jets Mixing with a Confined Crossflow Th. Doeer, D.K. Hennecke, Technical University Darmstadt, Darmstadt, Germany 95-GT-313
IGTI 1995 Energy Analysis to the Design of Rotor-Bearing Systems W.J. Chen, Ingersoll-Rand Company, Mayfield, KY, USA 95-GT-314
IGTI 1995 Fatigue Cracking in Fiber-Reinforced Metal Matrix Composites Under Mechanical and Thermal Loads G. Bao, The Johns Hopkins University, Baltimore, MD, USA; R.M. McMeeking, University of California, Santa Barbara, CA, USA 95-GT-315
IGTI 1995 A Code for Thermal Analysis of STIG Turbines Carlo M. Bartolini, Danilo Salvi, Marcello Pennacchioli, Universita di Ancona, Ancona, Italy 95-GT-316
IGTI 1995 The Effect of a Constant Volume Recuperator on Brayton Cycle Efficiency and Equipment Cost Solomon S. Fineblum, Fineblum Engineering, Rochester, NY, USA 95-GT-317
IGTI 1995 Technical/Economic Analysis of an Integrated System for Sludge Dehydration and Electric Power Generation Applying Gas Turbine Cycles Umberto Ghezzi, Silvano Pasini, Politecnico di Milano, Milano, Italy 95-GT-318
IGTI 1995 Feasibility of Utilizing a Bio-Mass Derived Fuel for Industrial Gas Turbine Applications R.G. Andrews, P.C. Patnaik, J.W. Michniewicz, L.J. Jankowski, Hawker Siddeley Canada Inc., Gloucester, Canada; V.I. Romanov, V.V. Lupandin, A.V. Ravich, SPA Mashproekt, Nikolayev, Ukraine 95-GT-319
IGTI 1995 Design Development and Implementation of a Compact 5000 SHP Gas Turbine Package for an Electromagnetic Gun System Feroze J. Meher-Homji, Boyce Engineering International Inc., Houston, TX, USA; Ben Rech, Center for Electromechanics, University of Texas-Austin, TX, USA 95-GT-320
IGTI 1995 A High Efficiency Recuperated Cycle, Optimized for Reliable, Low Cost, Industrial Gas Turbine Engines Thomas L. Ragland, Solar Turbines Inc., San Diego, CA, USA 95-GT-321
IGTI 1995 LM-2500 First Stage Filtration Upgrades Steven R. Johnson, David A. Thomas, Texaco Cogeneration Operations, Las Vegas, Nevada, USA 95-GT-322
IGTI 1995 Combustor Flame Sensor with High Temperature Electronics Wm. Micheal Glasheen, Deidre Cusack, Helmar R. Steglich, AMETEK Aerospace Products Inc., Wilmington, MA, USA 95-GT-323
IGTI 1995 Assessment of Two and Three Scale k-e Models for Rotating Cavity Flows Zhou Guo, David L. Rhode, Texas A&M Universtiy, College Station, TX, USA 95-GT-324
IGTI 1995 Numerical Analysis of Intra-Cavity and Power-Stream Flow Interaction in Multiple Gas-Turbine Disk-Cavities M.M. Athavale, A.J. Przekwas, CFD Research Corporation, Huntsville, AL, USA; R.C. Hendricks, B.M. Steinetz, NASA Lewis Research Center, Cleveland, OH, USA 95-GT-325
IGTI 1995 Numerical Transonic Flow Field Predictions for NASA Compressor Rotor 37 Peter Dalbert, Sulzer Turbo Ltd., Zurich, Switzerland; Donald H. Wiss, Sulzer Innotech Ltd., Winterthur, Switzerland 95-GT-326
IGTI 1995 An Experimental Study of NOx Reduction in Laminar Diffusion Flames by Addition of High Levels of Steam Linda G. Blevins, Virginia Polytechnic Institute and State University, Blacksburg, VA, USA; Richard J. Roby, Hughes Associates, Inc., Colombia, MD, USA 95-GT-327
IGTI 1995 Hot-Gas Particle Cleanup for Advanced Coal-Based Power Systems Richard A. Dennis, Heather M. McDaniel, Theodore J. McMahon, Morgantown Energy Technology Center, Morgantown, WV, USA 95-GT-328
IGTI 1995 Development and Commercialization of Hot Gas Filters for Power Generation Applications Thomas E. Lippert, Richard A. Newby, Westinghouse Electric Corporation, Pittsburgh, PA, USA 95-GT-329
IGTI 1995 Lean Premixing Prevaporizing Fuel Injectors Comparison P. Trichet, F. Bismes, Cert/Onera/Dermes, Toulouse Cedex, France 95-GT-330
IGTI 1995 Vane Swirler Performance David G. Lilley, Oklahoma State University, Stillwater, OK, USA 95-GT-331
IGTI 1995 Shroud Influence on Gas Turbine Airblast Swirler Flowfields Gerald Micklow, Karthikeyan Shivaraman, Insoo Cho, University of Florida, Gainesville, FL, USA 95-GT-332
IGTI 1995 Trial Operation Results of the Fully-Fired Combined Cycle Generating Plants in Chita T. Mita, Chubu Electric Power Company, Nagoya, Japan; N. Ando, A. Kawauchi dHitachi, Ibaraki, Japan; K. Morikawa, Babcock Hitachi, Hiroshima, Japan 95-GT-333
IGTI 1995 Comparative Evaluation of the Effect of Turbine Configuration on the Performance of Heavy-Duty Gas Turbines Tong Seop Kim, Sung Tack Ro, Seoul National University, Seoul, Korea 95-GT-334
IGTI 1995 Development and Engine Testing of a Dry Low Emissions Combustion System for Allison 501-K Industrial Gas Turbine Engines Jacob T. McLeroy, Duane A. Smith, Mohan K. Razdan, Allison Engine Company, Inc.,Indianapolis, IN, USA 95-GT-335
IGTI 1995 Prediction of Combustion Induced Oscillations Using a Pressure-Correction Method Ren Liu, James J. McGuirk, Loughborough University of Technology, Leicestershire, United Kingdom 95-GT-336
IGTI 1995 Spatially-Resolved Soot Measurements in Gas Turbine Combustors Q.P. Zheng, C.D. Stewart, J.B. Moss, Cranfield University, Bedford, England 95-GT-337
IGTI 1995 Axisymetric Aerodynamic Numerical Analysis of a Turbofan Engine Mark E.M. Stewart, NYMA Inc., Brook Park, Ohio 95-GT-338
IGTI 1995 Enhanced Mixing of 2D Lobed Nozzles Liu Huo-Xing, Wu Shou-Sheng, Beijing University of Aeronautics and Astronautics, Beijing, China 95-GT-339
IGTI 1995 High Speed Civil Transport Propulsion Installation Issues S.C Gilky, GE Aircraft Engines, Cincinatti, OH, USA; R.H. Hines, Pratt & Whitney, East Hartford, CT, USA; R.J. Shaw, NASA Lewis Research Center, Cleveland, OH, USA 95-GT-340
IGTI 1995 Measurement and Visualization of Three-Dimensional Flows in a Linear Turbine Cascade Atsumasa Yamamoto, National Aerospace Laboratory, Tokyo, Japan; Katsuyoshi Kaba,Nihon Avionics Co., Ltd., Kanagawa, Japan; Takayuki Matsunuma, Waseda University, Tokyo, Japan 95-GT-341
IGTI 1995 Development & Application of a Multistage Navier-Stokes Solver - Part I - Multistage Modeling Using Bodyforces & Deterministic Stresses Chai M. Rhie, Aaron J. Gleixner, David A. Spear, Craig J. Fischberg, Robert M. Zacharias, Pratt & Whitney, East Hartford, CT, USA 95-GT-342
IGTI 1995 Development & Application of a Multistage Navier-Stokes Flow Solver - Part II - Application to a High Pressure Compressor Design C.R. LeJambre, R.M. Zacharias, B.P. Biederman, A.J. Gleixner, C.J. Yetka, Pratt & Whitney, East Hartford, CT, USA 95-GT-343
IGTI 1995 An Advanced Control System for Turbofan Engine: Multivariable Control and Fuzzy Logic. (Application to the M88-Engine) Alain Garassino, SNECMA, Melun-Villaroche, France 95-GT-344
IGTI 1995 Unsteady Pressure Measurement in a High Temperature Environment Using Water Cooled Fast Response Pressure Transducers D.G. Ferguson, P.C. Ivey, Cranfield University, Bedfordshire, UK 95-GT-345
IGTI 1995 Gas Temperature Measurement in the Hot Section of Turbine Engines George W. Tregay, Paul R. Calabrese, Mark J. Finney, Kevin Stukey, Conax Buffalo Corporation, Buffalo, New York, USA 95-GT-346
IGTI 1995 Dynamic Simulation of the FT8-2 Gas Turbine Alan Metzger, Woodward Governor Company, Loveland, CO, USA 95-GT-347
IGTI 1995 Dynamic Model of a Two Shaft Heavy-Duty Gas Turbine with Variable Geometry Pierluigi Nava, Valter Quercioli, Tiziano Mammoli, Nuovo Pignone, Firenze, Italy 95-GT-348
IGTI 1995 Integrated Turbine-Compressor Controls Retrofit for an Olefins Unit W. Brian Piercy, John R. Gaston, C. Scott Harclerode, Triconex Systems, Inc., La Marque, TX, USA 95-GT-349
IGTI 1995 Validation of a Stochastic Particle Fuel Injection Model for Gas Turbine Combustors Gerald J. Micklow, Insoo Cho, University of Florida, Gainesvill, FL, USA 95-GT-350
IGTI 1995 Flow Analysis of High Pressure Catalytic Combustor for Gas Turbine Y. Tsujikawa, S. Fujii, University of Osaka Prefecture, Sakai, Osaka, Japan; H. Sadamori, S. Ito, Osaka Gas Company, Osaka, Japan; S. Katsura, Osaka Gas Information System Research Institute, Osaka, Japan 95-GT-351
IGTI 1995 The TF40B Component Improvement Program Edward M. House, Naval Surface Warfare Center, Philidelphia, PA, USA; Howard D. Rubenstein, AlliedSignal Engines, Stratford, CT, USA 95-GT-352
IGTI 1995 Rapid Design, Integration and Test of Improved Digital Fuel Control for the LM2500 Gas Turbine Engine Max Howell, Bill Hartshom, Martin Marietta, Orlando, Fl, USA 95-GT-353
IGTI 1995 Certification of Gas Turbine Propulsion Units for High Speed Light Craft Chris Waldhelm, Solar Turbines, Inc., San Diego, CA, USA; Jim Bertsch, Det Norske Veritas Classification A/S, Hovik, Norway 95-GT-354
IGTI 1995 A Combined Experimental/Computational Study of Flow in Turbine Blade Cooling Passage: Part I Experimental Study D.G.N. Tse, Scientific Research Associates, Inc., Glastonbury, CT, USA; D.B. McGrath, Pratt & Whitney, East Hartford, CT, USA 95-GT-355
IGTI 1995 Endwall Heat Transfer and Aerodynamic Measurements in an Annular Cascade of Nozzle Guide Vanes M.C. Spencer, G.D. Lock, T.V. Jones, University of Oxford, UK; N.W. Harvey, Rolls-Royce plc., Derby, UK 95-GT-356
IGTI 1995 The Application of Thin Film Gauges on Flexible Plastic Substrates to the Gas Turbine Situation S.M. Guo, M.C. Spencer, G.D. Lock, T.V. Jones, University of Oxford, UK; N.W. Harvey, Rolls-Royce plc, Derby, UK 95-GT-357
IGTI 1995 High Temperature Degradation of Coating and Substrates in Gas Turbine Blade Y. Sugita, M. Ito, Chubu Electric Power Co., Nagoya, Japan; N. Isobe, S. Sakurai, Hitachi Ltd., C.R. Gold, T.E. Bloomer, J. Kameda, Iowa State University, Ames, IA, USA 95-GT-358
IGTI 1995 Enhancing Performance of Silicon-Modified Slurry Aluminides on Turbine Components Operating in Marine Environments David Berry, Mehar Chand Meelu, Rolls-Royce Industrial & Marine Gas Turbines Ltd., Coventry, England; Bruce G. McMordie, Thomas A. Kircher, Sermatech Materials Laboratory, Limerick, PA, USA 95-GT-359
IGTI 1995 Evaluation of High Pressure Turbine Blade Coatinge on an LM2500 Rainbow Rotor B. Nagaraj, A.F. Maricocchi, M. Rosenzweig, GE Aircraft Engines, Cincinatti, OH, USA; G. Katz, Naval Ship Systems Engineering Station, Philadelphia, PA, USA 95-GT-360
IGTI 1995 The Design and Initial Development of a Combustion System for the WR-21 Intercooled Recuperated Gas Turbine Richard P. North, Roger E. Dawson, Rolls-Royce Industrial and Marine Gas Turbines Ltd., Conventry, UK 95-GT-361
IGTI 1995 Synchronous Rotor Vibration Diven by Fluid Forces From a Geometrically Imperfect Labyrinth Seal Knox T. Millsaps, William C. Williston, Naval Postgraduate School, Monterey, CA, USA 95-GT-362
IGTI 1995 A Method of Balancing Large-Scale Flexible Rotors Without Test Runs Zhu Xiao-dong, Wang Xi-xuan, Zhejiang University, Hangzhou, P.R., ROC 95-GT-363
IGTI 1995 Influence of Powder Manufacturing Process on Thermal Barrier Coating Lifetime Marc J. Froning, H.C. Starck Inc., Newton, MA, USA; Purush Sahoo, Sermatech International, Limerick, PA USA 95-GT-364
IGTI 1995 High Temperature Strength of Large Size SC And DS Buckets for Industrial Gas Turbines M. Sato, Y. Kobayashi, H. Matsuzaki, Tohoku Electric Power Company, Sendai, Miyagi, Japan; H. Tamaki, A. Yoshinari, K. Lijima, Y. Fukui, H. Kodama, K. Wada, Hitachi Limited, Ibaraki, Japan 95-GT-365
IGTI 1995 Effect of Machining and Shot-Peening Conditions on the Residual Stresses of Superalloy Turbine Discs Federica Taricco, Fiat AVIO S.p.A., Torino, Italy 95-GT-366
IGTI 1995 Advances in Laser Drilling of Turbine Engine Components Terry L. VanderWert, Lumonics Corporation, Eden Prarie, MN, USA 95-GT-367
IGTI 1995 Application of the Transfer Function for Measuring Ultrasonic Wave Speed in Engineering Materials Gary G. Leisk, Anil Saigal, Tufts University, Medford, MA, USA; J.M. Pereira, NASA Lewis Research Center, Cleveland, OH, USA 95-GT-368
IGTI 1995 Development of a Controlled -Expansion Superalloy for use in Aircraft Gas Turbines James M. Dahl, John, B. Hanson, Carpenter Technology Corporation, Reading, PA, USA 95-GT-369
IGTI 1995 Cascade Vortical Gust Response Including Steady Loading Effects Gregory H. Henderson, Sanford Fleeter, Purdue University, West Lafayette, Indiana, USA 95-GT-370
IGTI 1995 The Development of a Multi-Stage Compressor for Heavy Duty Industrial Gas Turbines T. Meindl, F. Farkas, ABB-Power Generation, Baden, Switzerland 95-GT-371
IGTI 1995 An Evaluation of Various Stripping Methods forMCrAlY Coatings Hars van Esch, Wayne L. Greaves, Hickman Industries, Inc., LaPorte, TX, USA 95-GT-372
IGTI 1995 Description of a Vibration Diagnostic Trending Approach for a Condition Monitoring System for the LM2500 Gas Turbine John J. Hartranft, Naval Sea Systems Command, Vienna, VA, USA 95-GT-373
IGTI 1995 Application of an Industrial Gas Turbine for Cogeneration and Process Services Gary A. Ehlers, Ralph M. Parsons Company, Pasadena, CA, USA 95-GT-374
IGTI 1995 Technology Benefit Estimation (T/BEST) For Aerospace Technology Propulsion Systems - Life and Maintenance Edward R. Generazio, Christos C. Chamis, NASA Lewis Research Center, Cleveland, OH, USA 95-GT-375
IGTI 1995 Micomechanical Crack Propagation in Nicalon Fiber Toughened Composites Nagoor Pretam, Micheal C. Larson, Tulane University, New Orleans, LA, USA 95-GT-376
IGTI 1995 A Numerical Model of the Onset of Stall Flutter in Cascades William S. Clark, Kenneth C. Hall, Duke Univerity, Durham, NC, USA 95-GT-377
IGTI 1995 Interstage Disk-Cavity/Brush Seal Numerical Flow Visualization Study Vladimir V. Kudriavtsev, M.J. Braun, University of Akron, Akron, OH, USA 95-GT-378
IGTI 1995 Design and Experimental Investigation of a Mixed Flow Supersonic Compressor Stage Wolfgang Elmendorf, Gas Turbine Technology, Mulheim/Ruhr, Germany; Harald Kurz, Heinz E. Gallus, Rheinisch-Westfalische Technische Hochschule Aachen, Aachen, Germany 95-GT-379
IGTI 1995 Reduction of Compressor Stator Endwall Losses Through the Use of Bowed Stators Harris D. Weingold, Robert J. Neubert, Roy F. Behlke, Glenn E. Potter, Pratt And Whitney, United Technologies Corporation, East Hartford, CT, USA 95-GT-380
IGTI 1995 Observations of Wake-Induced Transition on an Axial Compressor Blade W.J. Solomon G.J. Walker, Univesity of Tasmania, Tasmania, Australia 95-GT-381
IGTI 1995 An On-Line System for Heterogeneous Distributed Computing and Advanced Visualization of Test Cell Data David A. Clark, US Army Research Laboratory, Cleveland, OH, USA 95-GT-382
IGTI 1995 Ceramic Stationary Gas Turbine Development Program-Design and Life Assessment of Ceramic Components Paul F. Norton, Gary A. Frey, Hamid Bagheri, Aaron Flerstein, Chris Twardochleb, Oscar Jimenez, Solar Turbines Inc., San Diego, CA, USA; Arun Saith, Sundstrand Power Systems, San Diego, CA, USA 95-GT-383
IGTI 1995 Use of Knowledge-Based Engineering in Compressor Rotor Design John Marra, Pratt & Whitney, West Palm Beach, FL, USA 95-GT-384
IGTI 1995 Phosphor Thermometry of Gas Turbine Surfaces Stephen W. Allison, David L. Beshears, Micheal R. Cates, Martin Marietta Energy Systems, Oak Ridge, TN, USA; Bruce W. Noel, Noel Associates, Espanola, NM, USA; W.D. Turley, EG&G Energy Measurements, Goleta, CA, USA 95-GT-385
IGTI 1995 Oxide-Oxide Continuous Fiber Ceramic Composites For Gas Turbine Applications Richard W. Goettler, Donald L. Hindman, Babcock & Wilcox, Lynchburg, VA, USA; Crispin L. DeBellis, Micheal J. Edwards, Babcock & Wilcox, Alliance, Ohio, USA 95-GT-386
IGTI 1995 Ceramic Composites for Industrial Gas Turbine Engine Applications: DOE CFCC Phase I Evaluations Gregory S. Corman, General Electric Company, Schenectady, NY, USA; Jeffrey T. Heinen, Raymond H. Goetze, GE Power Systems, Schenectady, NY, USA 95-GT-387
IGTI 1995 Predictions of Tensile Behavior and Lifetime Strengths of a Si3N4 Ceramic at High Temperatures Based on a Viscoplastic Model Kenneth C. Liu, Charles R. Brinkman, Oak Ridge National Laboratory, Oak Ridge, TN; Jow-Lian Ding, Shenghin Lin, Washington State University, Pullman, WA, USA 95-GT-388
IGTI 1995 An Evaluation of Indentation and Finishing Properties of Bearing Grade Silicon Nitrides James F. Dill, Mechanical Technology Incorporated, Latham City, NY, USA; Micheal N. Gardos, Hughes Aircraft Company, El Segundo, CA, USA; Robert G. Hardisty, Spheric Engineering Ltd., Crawley, West Sussex, England 95-GT-389
IGTI 1995 F117-PW-100 Hybrid Ball Bearings Ceramic Technology Insertion J.R. Miner, Pratt & Whitney, West Palm Beach, FL, USA; J. Deli, Wright Laboratory, Dayton, OH, USA; A.T. Galbato, M.A. Ragen, MRC Bearings, Jamestown, NY, USA 95-GT-390
IGTI 1995 Hybrid Ceramic Bearings for Difficult Applications Micheal M. Dezzani, Philip K. Pearson, The Torrington Company, Torrington, CT, USA 95-GT-391
IGTI 1995 Predicting Steady State Temperature, Life, Skid, and Film Thickness in a GreasedPreloaded Hybrid Ball Bearing Joseph V. Poplawski, J.V. Poplawski & Associates, Bethlehem, PA, USA; David R. Atwell, Micheal J. Lubas, Vladimir Odessky, General Dynamics Corporation, Groton, CT & Avenel NJ, USA 95-GT-392
IGTI 1995 Key Issues in the General Design of a Small Motor Vehicle Gas Turbine Engine Andreas Carl Pfahnl, David Gordon Wilson, Massachusetts Institute of Technology 95-GT-393
IGTI 1995 Strength Prediction of Ceramic Components Under Complex Stress States A.D. Peralta, D.C. Wu, P.J. Brehm, J.C. Cuccio, M.N. Menon, Allied Signal Engines, Phoenix, AZ, USA 95-GT-394
IGTI 1995 A New Throughflow Method for Turbomachines Applicable for all Flow Regimes S.V. Damle, T.Q. Dang, Syracuse University, Syracuse, NY, USA; D.R. Reddy, NASA Lewis Research Center, Cleveland, OH, USA 95-GT-395
IGTI 1995 'Snapping' Torsional Response of an Anisotropic Radially Loaded Rotor Donald E. Bently, Paul Goldman, Agnes Muszynska, Bently Rotor Dynamics Research Corporation, Minden, NV, USA 95-GT-396
IGTI 1995 Modeling and Simulation Methods for MDOF Structures and Rotating Machinery with Impact Dampers John M. McElhaney, A. Palazzolo, Texas A&M University, College Station, TX; A. Kascak, US Army, Cleveland, OH, USA 95-GT-397
IGTI 1995 Specification, Development and Testing of the FT8-2 Dry Low NOx Control System Russell C. Bell, Thomas W. Prete, Turbo Power & Marine Systems, Inc., Middletown, CT, USA; Jeffery T. Stewart, Woodward Governor Company, Turbomachinery Controls, Loveand, CO. USA 95-GT-398
IGTI 1995 Parametric Modeling of Exhaust Gas Emission From Natural Gas Fired Gas Turbines L.E. Bakken, L. Skogly, Statoil, Trondheim, Norway 95-GT-399
IGTI 1995 Measured Force/Current Relations in Solid Magnetic Thrust Bearings P. Allaire, R.L. Fittro, E.H. Maslen, University of Virginia, Charlottesville, VA, USA; W.C. Wakefield, Proctor & Gamble, Hunt Valley, MD, USA 95-GT-400
IGTI 1995 A Conceptual Design Methodology for Predicting Bleed and Horsepower Requirements of Military Aircraft Engines John D. Cyrus, Naval Aircraft Warfare, Warminster, PA, USA 95-GT-401
IGTI 1995 Affordable Nacelle Technologies for Future Turbofans C.J. Smith, General Electric Aircraft Engines, Cincinnati, OH, USA 95-GT-402
IGTI 1995 Nondestructive Evaluation of Thermally Shocked Silicon Carbide By Impact-Acoustic Resonance Robert A. Bemis, Caterpillar Inc., Peoria, IL, USA; Klara Shiloh, Soreq Nuclear Research Center, Yavne, Isreal; William A. Ellingson, Argonne National Laboratory, Argonne, IL, USA 95-GT-403
IGTI 1995 Nondestructive Characterization of Ceramic Composites Used as Combustor Liners in Advanced Gas Turbines W.A. Ellingson, S.A. Rothermel, Argonne National Laboratory, Argonne, IL, USA; J.F. Simpson, Solar Turbines, Inc., San Diego, CA, USA 95-GT-404
IGTI 1995 Trends in the Design and Analysis of Components Fabricated from CFCC's S.F. Duffy, J.L. Palko, Cleveland State University, Cleveland, OH, USA; J.B. Sandifer, C.L. Debellis, M.J. Edwards, Babcock & Wilcox, Alliance, OH, USA; D.L. Hindman, Babcock & Wilcox, Lynchburb, VA, USA 95-GT-405
IGTI 1995 Dry Ultra-Low NOx 'Green Thumb' Combustor for Allison's 501-K Series Industrial Engines Rahul Puri, David Stansel, Duane A. Smith, Mohan K. Razdan, Allison Engine Company, Indianapolis, IN, USA 95-GT-406
IGTI 1995 Final Report of the Key Technology Development Program for a Next Generation High Temperature Gas Turbine M. Sato, Y. Kobayashi, H. Matsuzaki, Tohoku Electric Power Co., Inc., Sendai, Japan; Y. Tsukuda, E. Akita, S. Aoki, Mitsubishi Heavy Industries, Ltd., Takasago, Japan 95-GT-407
IGTI 1995 The Enhanced TF04B Engine Robert DiGiovanni, A. Sehra, AlliedSignal Engines, Stratford, CT, USA; Edward M. House, Naval Surface Warfare Center, Philidelphia, PA, USA 95-GT-408
IGTI 1995 Installation of a Gas-Turbine/Electric Propulsion System J.B. Brown Jr., Naval Surface Warfare Center, Norfolk Detachment, VA, USA; C.M. Lee, NFK Engineering, Inc., Norfolk, VA, USA 95-GT-409
IGTI 1995 Development of a High-Speed, High Efficiency Power Tubine for the LM2500+ Erio Benvenuti, Nuovo Pignone S.P.A., Firenze, Italy; Russ Casper, General Electric M&I, Evendale, OH, USA 95-GT-410
IGTI 1995 Development of the 'Taurus 70' Gas Turbine George Rocha, Mohammad Saadatmand, Gary Bolander, Solar Turbines Incorporated, San Diego, CA, USA 95-GT-411
IGTI 1995 Conversion of Liquid to Gaseous Fuels for Lean Premixed Combustion B. Stoffel, L. Reh, Swiss Federal Institute of Technology ETH, Zurich, Switzerland 95-GT-412
IGTI 1995 Application of Taguchi Optimization Techniques to the Combustor Design Process M.L. Cooner, R.S. Reynolds, R. Srinivasan, Allied Signal Engines, Phoenix, AZ, USA 95-GT-413
IGTI 1995 Computational Methods for Modeling Port Flows in Gas-Turbine Combustors James J. McGuirk, Adrian Spencer, Loughborough University of Technology, Leicestershire, United Kingdom 95-GT-414
IGTI 1995 PEMS: Monitoring NOx Emissions from Gas Turbines Wilfred S.Y. Hung, Fritz Langenbacher, Solar Turbines Incorporated, San Diego, CA, USA 95-GT-415
IGTI 1995 The Basic Performance of Combined Cycles and Their Optimum Gas Turbine Pressure Ratios Ruixian Cai, Academia Sinica, Beijing, ROC 95-GT-416
IGTI 1995 Rotational Effects on Heat Transfer at Advanced Engine Conditions F.W. Staub, A.D. Maddaus, P.K. Tekriwal, General Electric Company, Schenectady, NY, USA 95-GT-417
IGTI 1995 Blading Vibrations and Failures in Gas Turbines: Part A:Blading Dynamics and the Operating Environment Cyrus B. Meher-Homji, Boyce Engineering International, Inc., Houston, TX, USA 95-GT-418
IGTI 1995 Blading Vibrations and Failures in Gas Turbines: Part B: Compressor and Turbine Airfoil Distress Cyrus B. Meher-Homji, Boyce Engineering International, Inc., Houston, TX, USA 95-GT-419
IGTI 1995 Blading Vibrations and Failures in Gas Turbines:Part C- Detection and Troubleshooting Cyrus B. Meher-Homji, Boyce Engineering International,Inc., Houston, TX, USA 95-GT-420
IGTI 1995 Blading Vibrations and Failures in Gas Turbines: Part D - Case Studies Cyrus B. Meher-Homji, Boyce Engineering International,Inc., Houston, TX, USA 95-GT-421
IGTI 1995 Advantages of Non-Metallics in Satisfying Criteria for Combined Cycle Expansion Joints Thomas R. Brown, DYNEX Inc., Savannah, GA, USA 95-GT-422
IGTI 1995 A New Technique to Repair Localised Coating Defects for Gas Turbines Blades and Vanes U. Guerreschi, E. Rebora, Ansaldo, Genoa, Italy; E. Gandini, Atla, Turin, Italy. 95-GT-423
IGTI 1995 Feasibility of Extending Current Allowable Weld Repairs for a Compressor Impeller W. Migletti, MATTEK-CSIR, Pretoria, South Africa; F. Jacobs, SAAF, Pretoria, South Africa 95-GT-424
IGTI 1995 Problems in Military Propulsion Engines of the South African Air Force J. Benson, W. Migletti, MATTEK-CSIR, Pretoria, South Africa; S.J. Glass, K. Getliffe, SAAF, Pretoria, South Africa 95-GT-425
IGTI 1995 New Method for Turbine Blade Internal Cleaning Jeffery D. Irvine, Howmet Research Center, Whitehall, MI, USA; Leonard M. Hampson, Howmet Tulsa Refurbishment, Tulsa, OK, USA; Steven T. Rogers, Howmet Advanced Refurbishment, North Haven, CT, USA 95-GT-426
IGTI 1995 Tanker Fleet Upgrade: Gas Turbine and Propulsion Control Systems and Retrofit Stephen Kemp, Chevron Shipping Co., San Francisco, CA, USA; Marc Cozzetta, Chevron Research & Technology Co., Richmond, CA, USA; Scott Harcelerode, Triconex Systems, Inc., La Marque, TX, USA 95-GT-427
IGTI 1995 GE Lm2500 Gas Turbine Enters Commercial Marine Service in Aquastrada Cruise Ships Charles T. Vincent, GE Marine & Industrial Engines, Evendale, OH, USA; Rolf Weber, MTU-Friedrichshafen, Friedrichshafen, Germany 95-GT-428
IGTI 1995 ICR Gas Turbine Update Jerome E. Harmeyer, Westinghouse Electric Corporation, Sunnyvale, CA, USA 95-GT-429
IGTI 1995 U.S. Navy MK 105 Minesweeping System Upgrade Program Installation of P&W Canada STGL-813 Turbine Sheldon Levine, EDO Corporation, College Point, NY, USA; David D. Jarvis, Micheal Lehman, Pratt & Whitney Canada, Inc., Longueuil, Quebec, Canada 95-GT-430
IGTI 1995 A Test Rig for the Identification of Rotordynamic Coefficients of Fluid Film Bearing Elements L. Miller Robinson, Grigory Arauz, Luis San Andres, Texas A&M University, College Station, TX, USA 95-GT-431
IGTI 1995 Theory Versus Experiment for the Rotordynamic Coefficients of an Interlocking Labyrinth Gas Seal David A. Elrod, Joseph M. Pelletti, Rotordynamics-Seal Research, North Highlands, CA, USA; Dara W. Childs, Texas A&M University, College Station, TX, USA 95-GT-432
IGTI 1995 Blade Loss Simulation of Multi Mass Rotor Model with Nonlinear, Flexible, Tilt Pad Journal Bearings none given 95-GT-433
IGTI 1995 A New Method for the Prediction of Compressor Performance Maps Using One-Dimensional Row-By-Row Analysis, with Applications to Dynamic Simulations Magdy S. Attia, M. Taher Schobeiri, Texas A&M University, College Station, TX, USA 95-GT-434
IGTI 1995 Experimental Study of the Unsteady Boundary Layer Behavior on a Turbine Cascade M.T. Schobeiri, K. Pappu, L. Wright, Texas A&M University, College Station, Texas, USA 95-GT-435
IGTI 1995 Inlet Guide Vane Wakes, Including Rotor Effects Robert T. Johnson, Sanford Fleeter, Purdue University, West Lafayette, IN, USA 95-GT-436
IGTI 1995 Effect of Unsteady Wake Passing Frequency on Boundary Layer Transition, Experimental Investigation and Wavelet Analysis M.T. Schobeiri, K. Read, Texas A & M University, College Station, TX USA; J. Lewalle, Syracuse, University, Syracuse, NY, USA 95-GT-437
IGTI 1995 Temperature Rise During Deep Surge in Centrifugal Compression System Dai Ji, Gu Chuangang, Miao Yongmiao, Xi'an Jiaotong University, Xi'an, ROC 95-GT-438
IGTI 1995 Experimental Study of the Rotation Effect on Liquid Crystal Color Response Cengiz Camci, Pennsylvania State Univesity, University Park, PA, USA; Boris Glezer, Solar Turbines Incorporated, San Diego, CA, USA 95-GT-439
IGTI 1995 Numerical Simulations of Advanced Transonic Compressor Stages Using an Unsteady Quasi-Three-Dimensional Flow Solver Gerald J. Micklow, J. Paul Sauve, Karthikeyan Shivaraman, University of Florida, Gainseville, FL, USA 95-GT-440
IGTI 1995 The Influence of Blade Negative Curving on the Endwall and Blade Surface Flows Wang Zhongqi, Han Wanjin, Harbin Institute of Technology, Harbin, ROC 95-GT-441
IGTI 1995 Blade-to-Blade Variability of the Pressure Associated with an Axial Compressor {95TETECH.RPD}Peter Sherman, Department of Aerospace Engineering and Engineering Mechanics, Department of Statistics, Iowa State University, Ames, Iowa; Rachel Dudley, Department of Aerospace Engineering and Engineering Mechanics, Iowa State University, 95-GT-442
IGTI 1995 Compressor Blade Boundary Layers in the Presence of Wakes N.A. Cumpsty, Y. Dong, Y.S. Li, Cambridge University, Cambridge, England 95-GT-443
IGTI 1995 Development of an Oiless, Gearless and Bleedable under Armor Auxilliary Power Unit Robert Nims, Allied Signal Aerospace Equipment Systems, Torrence, CA, USA 95-GT-444
IGTI 1995 Current Status of 300kW Industrial Ceramic Gas Turbine R&D In Japan Takumi Murayama, Kunihiro Nagata, Hiroyuki Abe, Agency of Industrial Science and Technology, Ministry of International Trade and Industry, Tokyo, Japan; Hisao Ogiyama, New Energy Industrial Technology Development Organization, Tokyo, Japan 95-GT-445
IGTI 1995 Progress on the AGATA Project - A European Ceramic Gas Turbine for Hybrid Vehicles Robert Lundberg, Rolf Gabrielsson, Volvo Aero Corporation, Trollhattan, Sweden 95-GT-446
IGTI 1995 Status of the Automotive Ceramic Gas Turbine Development Program-Year Four Progress- Tsubura Nishiyama, Masumi Iwai, Norio Nakazawa, Masafumi Sassaki, japan Automobile Research Institute, Incorporated, Tsukuba, Ibaraki, Japan 95-GT-447
IGTI 1995 Performance Evaluation for a 100kw Automotive Ceramic Gas Turbine at TIT1200 Degrees C Operation in a Rotating Sub-Assembly Test Junji Kato, Masayosi Otsuka, Katsuhiko Sugiyama, Japan Automobile Research Institute, Inc., Tkukuba, Ibaraki, Japan 95-GT-448
IGTI 1995 Material Evaluation of Large Single Crystal and Directionally Solidified Bucket Castings for Advanced Land-Based Gas Turbines H. Yamamoto, M. Yamamoto, K. Imai, M. Miyazaki, Toshiba Corporation, Yokohama, Japan; M. Satoh, Y. Kobayashi, H. Matsuzaki, Tohoku Electric Power Company., Sendai, Miyagi, Japan 95-GT-449
IGTI 1995 M21 Cruise Marine Combined Cycle Plant V.I. Romanov, O.G. Zhiritsky, A.V. Kovaleno, V.V. Lupandin, SPA Mashproekt, Nikolayev, Ukraine 95-GT-450
IGTI 1995 Performance Analysis with Different Means of Cooling in a Combined Cycle Onkar Singh, Institute of Engineering and Technology, Lucknow, India; R. Yadav, M.N.R. Engineering College, Allahabad, India 95-GT-451
IGTI 1995 Fatigue Crack Growth Behavior of PWA 1484 Single Crystal Superalloy at Elevated Temperatures Jack Telesman, NASA Lewis Research Center, Cleveland, OH, USA; Louis J. Chosn, Case Reserve University, Cleveland, OH, USA 95-GT-452
IGTI 1995 Resonant Response of a Tapered Beam and it's Implications to Blade Vibration G.N. Balaji, J. H. Griffin, Carnegie Mellon University, Pittsburg, PA, USA 95-GT-453
IGTI 1995 A Reduced Order Approach for the Vibration of Mistuned Bladed Disk Assemblies M.-T. Yang, J. H. Griffin, Carnigie Mellon University, Pittsburg, PA, USA 95-GT-454
IGTI 1995 An Adaptive Perturbation Scheme for the Analysis of Mistuned Bladed Disks Chung-Chih Lin, Marc P. Mignolet, Arizona State University, Tempe, AZ, USA 95-GT-455
IGTI 1995 Surface Integral and Finite Element Hybrid Method for Three Dimensional Analysis of Arbitrarily-Shaped Surface Cracks William D. Keat and Daniel M. Maybury, Dept. of Mech and Aero Engng, Clarkson University, Potsdam, NY 13699-5725; Balkrishna S. Annigeri, United Tech. Research Center, East Hartford, CT 06040 95-GT-456
IGTI 1995 Tests and Expression of the Recovery Effect of NITI Shape Memory Alloys Du Yanliang, Nie Jingxu, Zhang Xueren Zhao Changzhan, Beijing University of Aeronautics and Astronautics, Beijing, China 95-GT-457
IGTI 1995 The '3A-Series' Gas Turbines with HBR Combustors B. Becker, T. Schulenberg, Siemens KWU, Mulheim, Germany; H. Termuehlen, Siemens Power Corporation, Milwaukee, WI, USA 95-GT-458
IGTI 1995 Ceramic Stationary Gas Turbine Development Program - Second Annual Summary Mark van Roode, William D. Brentnall, Paul F. Norton, Bryan D. Edwards, Solar Turbines Inc., San Diego, CA, USA 95-GT-459
IGTI 1995 Effective Management of Gas Compressor Station Design Projects Anthony Cleveland, Cleveland Engineering, Calgary, Canada; Edwin Humphries, Stone & Webster Engineering Corporation, Bostonm, MA, USA 95-GT-460
IGTI 1995 Boundary Layer Development in Axial Compressors and Turbines - Part 1 of 4: computations and Analysis David E. Halstead, David C. Wisler, GE Aircraft Engines, Cincinnati, OH, USA; Theodore H. Okiishi, Iowa State University, Ames, IA, USA; Gregory J. Walker, University of Tasmania, Hobart, Tasmania; Howard P. Hodson, University of Cambridge, Cambridge, UK 95-GT-461
IGTI 1995 Boundary Layer Development in Axial Compressors and Turbines - Part 2 of 4: Compressors David E. Halstead, David C. Wisler, GE Aircraft Engines, Cincinnati, OH, USA; Theodore H. Okiishi, Iowa State University, Ames, IA, USA; Gregory J. Walker, University of Tasmania, Hobart, Tasmania; Howard P. Hodson, University of Cambridge, Cambridge, UK 95-GT-462
IGTI 1995 Boundary Layer Development in Axial Compressors and Turbines - Part 3 of 4: LP Turbines David E. Halstead, David C. Wisler, GE Aircraft Engines, Cincinnati, OH, USA; Theodore H. Okiishi, Iowa State University, Ames, IA, USA; Gregory J. Walker, University of Tasmania, Hobart, Tasmania; Howard P. Hodson, University of Cambridge, Cambridge, UK 95-GT-463
IGTI 1995 Boundary Layer Development in Axial Compressors and Turbines - Part 4 of 4: Composite Picture David E. Halstead, David C. Wisler, GE Aircraft Engines, Cincinnati, OH, USA; Theodore H. Okiishi, Iowa State University, Ames, IA, USA; Gregory J. Walker, University of Tasmania, Hobart, Tasmania; Howard P. Hodson, University of Cambridge, Cambridge, UK 95-GT-464
IGTI 1995 The Role of Fuel Preparation in Low Emissions Combustion none given 95-GT-465
IGTI 1996 2MW Class High Efficiency Gas Turbine IM270 For Co-generation Plants Hideo Kobayashi, Syougo Tugumi, Yoshio Yonezawa, Riuzou Imamura, Ishikawajima-Harima Heavy Industries Co., Ltd., Tokyo, Japan 96-GT-001
IGTI 1996 Microwave Blade Tip Clearance Measurement System Richard Grzybowski, George Foyt, United Technologies Research Center, East Hartford, CT, USA; William Atkinson, United Technologies Pratt & Whitney, West Palm Beach, FL, USA; Hartwig Knoell, Daimler-Benz Aerospace MTU, Munich, Germany; Josef Wenger, Daiml 96-GT-002
IGTI 1996 Application of Analytical Redundancy to the Detection of Sensor Faults on a Turbofan Engine Ronald W. Kelly, DRA Pyestock, Farnborough Hants, United Kingdom 96-GT-003
IGTI 1996 A Novel Proximity Probe Unaffected by Shaft Electromagnetic Properties Michael M. Hastings; Henrik B. Jensen, Bruel & Kjaer A/S, Naerum, Denmark 96-GT-004
IGTI 1996 Technology Development Programs for the Advanced Turbine Systems Engine Ihor S. Diakunchak, Ronald L. Bannister, David J. Huber, D. Frank Roan, Westinghouse Electric Corporation, Orlando, FL, USA 96-GT-005
IGTI 1996 Government/Industry Partnership: A Revolutionary Approach in Global Leadership of Advanced Gas Turbines Sy A. Ali, Allison Engine Company, Indianapolis, IN, USA; Charles M. Zeh, U.S. Department of Energy, Morgantown, WV, USA 96-GT-006
IGTI 1996 Operation of Combustion Turbines on Alternate Fuel Oils K. W. Johnson, Westinghouse Electric Corporation, Orlando, FL, USA 96-GT-007
IGTI 1996 Gas Turbine Firing Medium BTU Gas From Gasification Plant Piero Zanello, Andrea Tasseli, Fiat Avio, Turin, Italy 96-GT-008
IGTI 1996 A Test Rig for the Realization of Water Recovery in a Steam-Injected Gas Turbine Wen Xueyou, Zou Jiguo, Fu Zheng, Yu Shikang, Li Lingbo, Harbin Marine Boiler & Turbine Research Institute, Harbin, China 96-GT-009
IGTI 1996 The Reduction of Low Frequency Gas Turbine Exhaust Noise - A Case Study William C. Lucas, ABB Power Generation Inc., Midlothian, VA, USA; George F. Hessler, Hessler Associates, Inc., Cabin John, MD, USA 96-GT-010
IGTI 1996 H Gas Turbine Combined Cycle Technology & Development Status James C. Corman, General Electric Company, Schenectady, NY, USA 96-GT-011
IGTI 1996 Vibration Analysis of Rotor - Coupling - Bearing System with Misaligned Shafts A. Sreenivasa Rao, A.S. Sekhar, Indian Institute of Technology, Kharagpur, India 96-GT-012
IGTI 1996 GE MS7001 Gas Turbine Advanced Technology Uprate Michael A. Cocca, James Van Wormer, GE Power Systems, Schenectady, NY , USA; Arthur Stappenbeck, Cogen Technologies, East Brunswick, NJ, USA 96-GT-013
IGTI 1996 Designing for High Reliability and Availability in New Combustion Turbines G. McQuiggan, Westinghouse Electric Corporation, Orlando, FL, USA 96-GT-014
IGTI 1996 Design and Development of a Landfill Gas Combustion System for the Typhoon Gas Turbine David J. Ecob, Michael B. Boyns, European Gas Turbines Ltd., Lincoln, United Kingdom; A. Allen Hunt, Browning Ferris Gas Services Inc., Houston, TX, USA; Steve Walsh, Ken McClave, Aero & Industrial Technology Ltd., Burnley, United Kingdom 96-GT-015
IGTI 1996 The Advanced Cooling Technology for the 1500 °C Class Gas Turbines - The Steam Cooled Vanes and the Air Cooled Blades H. Nomoto, A. Koga, S. Shibuya, S. Ito, Toshiba Corporation, Yokohama Japan; Y. Fukuyama, F. Otomo, Toshiba Corporation, Kawasaki, Japan; M. Sato, Y. Kobayashi, H. Matsuzaki, Tohuku Electric Power Co., Inc., Sendai, Japan 96-GT-016
IGTI 1996 Low Speed Balancing of Flexible Rotors Considering Influences of Running Speeds S. -G. Tan, X.-X. Wang, Zhejiang Unversity, Hangzhou, People's Republic of China 96-GT-017
IGTI 1996 Investigation of Hydrodynamic Forces on Rotating and Whirling Centrifugal Pump Impellers R. Fongang, University of Kaiserslautern, Kaiserslautern, Federal Republic of Germany; J. Colding-Jørgensen, Ødegaard & Danneskiold-Samsøe AS, Copenhagen, Denmark; R.N. Nordmann, Technical University of Darmstadt, Darmstadt, Federal Republic of Germany 96-GT-018
IGTI 1996 An Improved Epicyclic Gearbox for Reduced and Controllable Sub-Synchronous Vibrations in Gas Turbogenerator Applications A.K. Rakhit, Solar Turbines Incorporated, San Diego, CA, USA 96-GT-019
IGTI 1996 Repowering Fossil Steam Power Plants with Combustion Turbine-Based Technologies Stanley Pace, Electric Power Research Institute, Palo Alto, CA, USA; Arden Walters, Advanced Energy Research Inc., Delray Beach, FL, USA 96-GT-020
IGTI 1996 Application of Rainbow Thermometry to the Study of Fuel Droplet Heat-Up and Evaporation Characteristics Subramanian V. Sankar, Dale H. Buermann, William D. Bachalo, Aerometrics, Inc., Sunnyvale, CA, USA 96-GT-021
IGTI 1996 Free Vibration of a Rotating Disk-Blade Coupled System with Shrouds Yukinori Kobayashi, Gen Yamada, Hokkaido University, Sapporo, Japan; Takahiro Tomioka, Railway Technical Research Institute, Kokubunji, Japan 96-GT-022
IGTI 1996 Unbalance Response of a Multi-Mode Rotor Supported on Short Squeeze Film Dampers R. Youssef, A. El-Shafei, Cairo University, Giza, Egypt 96-GT-023
IGTI 1996 Blade Vibrations of a High Speed Compressor Blisk-Rotor-Numerical Resonance Tuning and Optical Measurements J. Frischbier, G. Schulze, M. Zielinski, G. Ziller, MTU München, Germany; C. Blaha, D.K. Hennecke, Darmstadt Technical University, Darmstadt, Germany 96-GT-024
IGTI 1996 The Transient Torsional Vibration Behaviour of a Turbine-Generator System Under Short Circuit Excitation Dennis S.H. Chan, Kværner Engineering A.S., Oslo, Norway 96-GT-025
IGTI 1996 Numerical Investigation of the Clocking Effects in a Multistage Turbine Frank Eulitz, Karl Engel, Hermann Gebing, DLR, German Aerospace Research Establishment, Cologne, Germany 96-GT-026
IGTI 1996 Dry Low NOx Combustion Systems for GE Heavy-Duty Gas Turbines L. Berkley Davis, General Electric Corporation., Schenectady, NY, USA 96-GT-027
IGTI 1996 Measurements of Time-Varying Jet Isopleths Using Dual Light Sheet PLIF Robert P. Campbell, General Electric CR&D, Schenectady, NY, USA; M. David Checkel, David J. Wilson, University of Alberta, Edmonton, Alberta, Canada 96-GT-028
IGTI 1996 Wake Mixing in Axial Flow Compressors John J. Adamczyk, NASA Lewis Research Center, Cleveland, OH, USA 96-GT-029
IGTI 1996 Computation of Internal/Rotating Flows Using Recent CFD Techniques Meng-Sing Liou, Kai-Hsiung Kao, Kumud Ajmani, NASA Lewis Research Center, Cleveland, OH, USA 96-GT-030
IGTI 1996 Comparison of a TVD-Upwind Scheme and a Central Difference Scheme for Navier-Stokes Turbine Stage Flow Calculation Markus Raif, Jürgen F. Mayer, Heinz Stetter, University of Stuttgart, Stuttgart, Germany 96-GT-031
IGTI 1996 Simple Instrumentation Rake Designs for Gas Turbine Engine Testing Peter D. Smout, Steven C. Cook, Rolls-Royce plc., Derby, United Kingdom 96-GT-032
IGTI 1996 The Effects of Engine Degradation on Creep - Using a Transient Engine Simulation P. Darrin Little, Canadian Forces Base Trenton, Astra, Ontario, Canada; Riti Singh, Cranfield University, Cranfield, Bedford, United Kingdom 96-GT-033
IGTI 1996 Integrated Predictive Diagnostics: An Expanded View Robert J. Hansen, David L. Hall, G. William Nickerson, Shashi Phoha, The Pennsylvania State University, State College, PA, USA 96-GT-034
IGTI 1996 The Negative Information Problem in Mechanical Diagnostics David L. Hall, Robert J. Hansen, Derek C. Lang, The Pennsylvania State University, State College, PA, USA 96-GT-035
IGTI 1996 Status of the Automotive Ceramic Gas Turbine Development Program - Year Five Progress Tsubura Nisiyama, Norio Nakazawa, Masafumi Sasaki, Masumi Iwai, Haruo Katagiri, Japan Automotive Research Institiute, Incorporated, Tsukuba, Ibaraki, Japan; Noritoshi Handa, Petroleum Energy Center, Minato-ku, Tokyo, Japan 96-GT-036
IGTI 1996 Study of Radial Tip Clearance Effects in a Low-Speed Axial Compressor Rotor I.G. Nikolaou, K.C. Giannakoglou, K.D. Papailiou, National Technial University of Athens, Athens, Greece 96-GT-037
IGTI 1996 Quasi-Three-Dimensional and Three-Dimensional Flow Calculation in a Francis Turbine Manfred J. Sallaberger, University of Technology Graz, Graz, Austria 96-GT-038
IGTI 1996 Three-Dimensional Inverse Method for Turbomachinery Blading Design Alain Demeulenaere, Rene Van den Braembussche, von Karman Institute for Fluid Dynamics, Rhode-Saint-Genese, Belgium 96-GT-039
IGTI 1996 Quasi-Three-Dimensional Simplified Method for a Transonic Compressor Rotor V. Tsamourtzis, A. Bölcs, Laboratoire de Thermique Appliquée et de Turbomachines (LTT), Swiss Federal Institute of Technology, Lausanne, Switzerland 96-GT-040
IGTI 1996 Assessment of a Wave Rotor Topped Demonstrator Gas Turbine Engine Concept Philip H. Snyder, Raymond E. Fish, Allison Engine Company, Rolls-Royce Aerospace Group, Indianapolis, IN, USA 96-GT-041
IGTI 1996 Detailed Velocity and Turbulence Measurements of the Profile Boundary Layer in a Large Scale Turbine Cascade Marina Ubaldi, Pietro Zunino, Ugo Campora, Andrea Ghiglione, Istituto di Macchine e Sistemi Energetici, Universitá di Genova, Genova, Italy 96-GT-042
IGTI 1996 Development of a Small Low NOx Combustor with a Staging System for an Aircraft Engine (Part 1) Masayoshi Kobayashi, Masashi Arai, Toshiyuki Kuyama, Kawasaki Heavy Industries Limited, Kobe, Japan 96-GT-043
IGTI 1996 Techniques to Characterize the Thermal-Oxidation Stability of Jet Fuels and the Effects of Additives V. Vilimpoc, B. Sarka, W.L. Weaver, Systems Research Laboratories, Dayton, OH, USA; J.R. Gord, S. Anderson, Wright Laboratory, Wright-Patterson Air Force Base, OH, USA 96-GT-044
IGTI 1996 Development of an Improved Hybrid Burner - Initial Operating Experience in a Gas Turbine Bernd Prade, Holger Streb, Peter Berenbrink, Bernhard Schetter, SIEMENS AG, Power Generation Group KWU, Mülheim, Germany; Gottfried Pyka, DEF, Dresden Elektrizität und Fernwärme GmbH, Dresden, Germany 96-GT-045
IGTI 1996 Deposit Formation from No. 2 Distillate at Gas Turbine Conditions Anthony J. Dean, Jean E. Bradt, John F. Ackerman, General Electric Research and Development Center, Schenectady, NY, USA 96-GT-046
IGTI 1996 Combustion of Liquid Fuels in the Well Stirred Reactor J. Zelina, Allied Signal Engines, Phoenix, AZ, USA; J. W. Blust, D.R. Ballal, University of Dayton, Dayton, OH, USA 96-GT-047
IGTI 1996 Numerical and Experimental Investigation of a Rich Quench Lean Combustor Sector Johannes W. Koopman, Peter Griebel, Christoph Hassa, Institute for Propulsion Technology, Cologne, Germany 96-GT-048
IGTI 1996 An Advanced Development of a Second-Generation Dry, Low-NOx Combustor for 1.5MW Gas Turbine Shin-ichi Kajita, Shin-ichi Ohga, Masahiro Ogata, Satoru Itaka, Jun-ichi Kitajima, Takeshi Kimura, Atsushi Okuto, Kawasaki Heavy Industries, LTD., Akashi, Japan 96-GT-049
IGTI 1996 Excited Turbulent Reacting Flows in a Chamber with Gaseous Fuels Injecting through Porous Walls Tong-Miin Liou, Po-Wen Hwang, Wan-Yih Lien, National Tsing Hua University, Hsinchu, Taiwan, R.O.C. 96-GT-050
IGTI 1996 NOx Control in Black Liquor Fuel Gas Combined Cycles Rebecca N. Sliger, Marcel D. Berz, John C. Kramlich, Philip C. Malte, University of Washington, Seattle, WA, USA 96-GT-051
IGTI 1996 Experiments with a Gas Turbine Model Combustor Firing Blast- Furnace Gas Yansong Liu, ABB Turbo Systems Ltd., Baden, Switzerland; Jürg Schmidli, ABB Power Generation Ltd., Baden, Switzerland 96-GT-052
IGTI 1996 Development of a Dry Low NOx Combustor for 2MW Class Gas Turbine J. Hosoi, T. Watanabe, H. Toh, Ishikawajima-Harima Heavy Industries Co., Ltd., Tokyo, Japan; M. Mori, H. Sato, A. Ishizuka, Tokyo Gas Co., Ltd., Tokyo, Japan 96-GT-053
IGTI 1996 Dynamic Response of Fuel Nozzles for Liquid-Fueled Gas Turbine Combustors Mounir Ibrahim, Cleveland State University, Cleveland, OH, USA; Terry Sanders, Douglas Darling, NASA Lewis Research Center, Cleveland, OH, USA; Michelle Zaller, NYMA, Inc., Brook Park, OH, USA 96-GT-054
IGTI 1996 The Generation of 3D, Stretched, Viscous Unstructured Meshes for Arbitrary Domains W.N. Dawes, Cambridge University, Cambridge, UK 96-GT-055
IGTI 1996 Indicators of Incipient Surge for Three Turbofan Engines Using Standard Equipment and Instrumentation Adam J. Baran, Michael G. Dunn, Calspan Advanced Technology Center, Buffalo, NY, USA 96-GT-056
IGTI 1996 Time-Frequency Analysis of Compressor Rotating Stall by Means of Wavelet Transform Shengfang Liao, Jingyi Chen, Chinese Academy of Sciences, Beijing, China 96-GT-057
IGTI 1996 BladeCAD: An Interactive Geometric Design Tool for Turbomachinery Blades Perry L. Miller IV, James H. Oliver, Iowa State University, Ames, IA, USA; David P. Miller, Daniel L. Tweedt, NASA Lewis Research Center, Cleveland, OH, USA 96-GT-058
IGTI 1996 Design and Development of a Two Stage Transonic Axial Flow Compressor Katsushi Nagai, Kazuaki Ikesawa, Takao Sugimoto, Toshinao Tanaka, Hiroshi Umino, Takeshi Ryuguji, Kawasaki Heavy Industries, Ltd., Akashi, Japan 96-GT-059
IGTI 1996 The Influence of Inlet Swirl on the Flow Within an Annular S-Shaped Duct D.W. Bailey, J.F. Carrotte, Loughborough University of Technology, Loughborough, Leics, United Kingdom 96-GT-060
IGTI 1996 A Study of the Behaviour of Flow in a Diagonal-Flow Turbomachine Arjun Sarathi Ray, Development Consultants Ltd., Calcutta, India 96-GT-061
IGTI 1996 Compressor Off-Design Performance Prediction Using an Endwall Model John Dunham, Defence Research Agency, Pyestock, Farnborough, Hampshire, United Kingdom 96-GT-062
IGTI 1996 The Application of a Computer-Aided Design Technique to the Conceptual Design of Turbochargers - Part A Centrifugal Compressor Design and Turbine Matching A. Whitfield, Abu Hasan Abdullah, University of Bath, Bath, U.K. 96-GT-063
IGTI 1996 The Application of a Computer-Aided Design Technique to the Conceptual Design of Turbochargers - Part B Radial Turbine Design A. Whitfield, Abu Hasan Abdullah, University of Bath, Bath, U.K. 96-GT-064
IGTI 1996 Flow Development in Radial Turbine Rotors Nicholas C. Baines, Concepts ETI, Inc., Kidlington, Oxon, UK 96-GT-065
IGTI 1996 Numerical Calculations of a Turbine Volute Using a 3-D Navier-Stokes Solver R.F. Martinez-Botas, K.R. Pullen, F. Shi, Imperial College of Science, Technology and Medicine, London, England 96-GT-066
IGTI 1996 Numerical Simulation of Secondary Flow in Gas Turbine Disc Cavities, Including Conjugate Heat Transfer Y.-H. Ho, M.M Athavale, CFD Research Corporation, Huntsville, AL, USA; J.M. Forry, Allison Engine Co., Rolls Royce Aerospace Group, Indianapolis, IN, USA; R.C. Hendricks, B.M. Steinetz, NASA Lewis Research Center, Cleveland, OH, USA 96-GT-067
IGTI 1996 An Implicit Algorithm for Stator-Rotor Interaction Analysis V. Michelassi, P. Adami, F. Martelli, University of Florence, Florence, Italy 96-GT-068
IGTI 1996 Simulation of 3D-Unsteady Stator/Rotor Interaction in Turbomachinery Stages of Arbitrary Pitch Ratio Alexander R. Jung, Jürgen F. Mayer, Heinz Stetter, University of Stuttgart, Stuttgart, Germany 96-GT-069
IGTI 1996 Computation of Three-Dimensional Steady and Unsteady Flow Through a Compressor Stage Y.-H. Ho, B. Lakshminarayana, The Pennsylvania State University, University Park, PA, USA 96-GT-070
IGTI 1996 Navier-Stokes Simulation of the Flow Around a Leading Edge Film-Cooled Turbine Blade Including the Interior Cooling System and Comparison with Experimental Data Dirk T. Vogel, Inst. f. Propulsion Technology, DLR, Cologne, Germany 96-GT-071
IGTI 1996 Modelling of the Tip Clearance Losses in Axial Flow Machines I.K. Nikolos, D.I. Douvikas, K.D. Papailiou, National Technical University of Athens, Athens, Greece 96-GT-072
IGTI 1996 The Prediction of the Tip Clearance Vortex Circulation and its Induced Flow Field in Axial Flow Machines I.K. Nikolos, D.I. Douvikas, K.D. Papailiou, National Technical University of Athens, Athens, Greece 96-GT-073
IGTI 1996 The Chordwise Lean of Highly Loaded Turbine Blades Wang Zhongqi, Han Wanjin, Harbin Institute of Technology, Harbin, People's Republic of China 96-GT-074
IGTI 1996 Performance Benefits for Wave Rotor-Topped Gas Turbine Engines Scott M. Jones, NASA Lewis Research Center, Cleveland, OH, USA; Gerard E. Welch, U.S. Army Research Laboratory, Cleveland, OH, USA 96-GT-075
IGTI 1996 Coal/Biomass Fuels and the Gas Turbine: Utilization of Solid Fuels and their Derivatives Mario DeCorso, Power Tech Associates, Inc., Media, PA, USA; Don Anson, Battelle, Columbus, OH, USA; Richard Newby, Westinghouse Electric Corporation, Pittsburgh, PA, USA; Richard Wenglarz, Allison Engine Co., Indianapolis, IN, USA; Ian Wright, Oak Ridge N 96-GT-076
IGTI 1996 Externally Fired Evaporative Gas Turbine with a Condensing Heat Exchanger Jinyue Yan, Lars Eidensten, Gunnar Svedberg, Royal Institute of Technology, Stockholm, Sweden 96-GT-077
IGTI 1996 An Analysis of the Aeroelastic Behaviour of a Typical Fan-Blade with Emphasis on the Flutter Mechanism J.G. Marshall, Aerothermal Methods, Rolls-Royce plc., Derby, United Kingdom; M. Imregun, Imperial College of Science, Technology & Medicine, London, United Kingdom 96-GT-078
IGTI 1996 The Transfer Matrix-Component Mode Synthesis for Rotordynamic Analysis Huang Taiping, Nanjing University of Aeronautics and Astronautics, Nanjing, P.R. China 96-GT-079
IGTI 1996 Origin of Split Resonance and Backward Whirl in a Simple Rotor Knox T. Millsaps, Curtis E. Vejvoda, Naval Postgraduate School, Monterey, CA, USA 96-GT-080
IGTI 1996 Experimental Investigation of a Single Stage Axial Flow Compressor with Controlled Diffusion Airfoils Pieper S., Schulte J., Hoynacki A., Gallus H.E., Institut für Strahlantriebe und Turboarbeitsmaschinen, RWTH Aachen, Federal Republic of Germany 96-GT-081
IGTI 1996 Implementing New Uncertainty Guidelines and Standards in Turbine Testing Hugh W. Coleman, University of Alabama in Huntsville, Huntsville, AL, USA; W. Glenn Steele, Mississippi State University, Mississippi State, MS, USA 96-GT-082
IGTI 1996 The Blast Basket, A New Component Used in Testing Large, High Bypass Ratio, Fan Engines Richard Adkins, Square One Consultants Ltd., Dorset, UK; Arsil Anas, GARUDA Maintenance Facilities, Jakarta, Indonesia 96-GT-083
IGTI 1996 A Nonintrusive Rotor Blade Vibration Monitoring System Henry Jones, Sverdrup Technology, Inc/AEDC Group, Arnold Air Force Base, TN, USA 96-GT-084
IGTI 1996 Thrust Reverser Catchers Devices Which Enable Cyclic Testing Between Forward and Reverse Thrust Richard C. Adkins, Square One Consultants Ltd, Dorset, England; Mike Sherwood, Rolls-Royce Plc, Derby, England 96-GT-085
IGTI 1996 Empirical and Semi-empirical Correlation of Emissions Data from Modern Turbopropulsion Gas Turbine Engines Allen M. Danis, Byron A. Pritchard, Hukam C. Mongia, GE Aircraft Engines, Cincinnati, OH, USA 96-GT-086
IGTI 1996 Simultaneous Hot Desulfurization and Improved Filtration in Coal Utilization Processes James F. Zievers, Parul Patel, Paul Eggerstedt, Industrial Filter & Pump Mfg. Co., Cicero, IL, USA; Elizabeth C. Zievers, Universal Porosics, Inc., La Grange, IL, USA 96-GT-087
IGTI 1996 Development of Gas Turbine for Air-Blown Gasification K. Wada, T. Sasada, Hitachi Works, Hitachi Ltd., Hitachi, Ibaraki, Japan; H. Hayashi, Engineering Research Association for IGC, Iwaki, Fukushima, Japan 96-GT-088
IGTI 1996 Performance Modeling of Aeroderivative Steam-Injected Gas Turbines and Combined Cycles Fueled from Fixed or Fluid-bed Biomass Gasifiers Eric D. Larson, Wendy E.M. Hughes, Princeton University, Princeton, NJ, USA 96-GT-089
IGTI 1996 Adaptability of the Solar Advanced Turbine Systems to Biomass and Coal Derived Fuels David J. White, Richard T. LeCren, Chaur S. Wen, Solar Turbines Incorporated, San Diego, CA, USA 96-GT-090
IGTI 1996 An Assessment of Humid Air Turbines in Coal-Fired High Performance Power Systems Julianne M. Klara, United States Department of Energy, Pittsburgh Energy Technology Center, Pittsburgh, PA, USA; Robert M. Enick, University of Pittsburgh, Pittsburgh, PA, USA; Scott M. Klara, Calgon Carbon Corporation, Pittsburgh, PA, USA, Lawrence E. Va 96-GT-091
IGTI 1996 Externally Fired Combined Cycles (EFCC) - Part A: Thermodynamics and Technological Issues Stefano Consonni, Ennio Macchi, Politechnico di Milano, Milan, Italy; Frencesco Farina, Ansaldo Ricerche, Genova, Italy 96-GT-092
IGTI 1996 Externally Fired Combined Cycles (EFCC). Part B: Alternative Configurations and Cost Projections Stefano Consonni, Ennio Macchi, Politecnico di Milano, Milan, Italy 96-GT-093
IGTI 1996 Effect of Check Valve Dynamics on the Sizing of Recycle Systems for Centrifugal Compressors K.K. Botros, Novacor Research & Technology Corporation, Calgary, Alberta, Canada; D.J. Richards, O. Roorda, NOVA Gas Transmission Ltd., Calgary, Alberta, Canada 96-GT-094
IGTI 1996 A New Gas Compressor Product Development Ronald P. Porter, Allison Engine Company, Indianapolis, IN, USA 96-GT-095
IGTI 1996 Turbomachinery Diagnostic System: SNAM Cortemaggiore Compressor Station as a Typical Application Paolo Pulicani, Nuovo Pignone s.p.a., Rome, Italy; Giuliano Zampieri, SNAM s.p.a., Milano, Italy 96-GT-096
IGTI 1996 Analysis and Validation of Turbine Disc Cooling John M. Hannis, John D. Maltson, Robert J. Corry, Nigel Johnson, European Gas Turbines, Lincoln, England 96-GT-097
IGTI 1996 Study of Hot Streak Phenomena in Subsonic and Transonic Flows Daniel J. Dorney, Western Michigan University, Kalamazoo, MI, USA; Douglas L. Sondak, United Technologies Research Center, East Hartford, CT, USA 96-GT-098
IGTI 1996 Experimental Study of Tip Clearance Effects Under Transonic Flow Conditions M. Wehner, A. Bölcs, Swiss Federal Institute of Technology, EPFL Lausanne, Switzerland; J. Bütikofer, ABB Power Generation Ltd., Baden, Switzerland 96-GT-099
IGTI 1996 Transition Effects on Secondary Flows in a Turbine Cascade H. Moore and D.G. Gregory-Smith, University of Durham, Durham, UK 96-GT-100
IGTI 1996 Intelligent Pressure Measurement for Turbo Machinery Applications Derek Greener, Scanivalve Corporation, Bristol, Great Britain 96-GT-101
IGTI 1996 Radial Compressor Fault Identification Using Dynamic Measurement Data N. Aretakis, K. Mathioudakis, National Technical University of Athens, Zograta, Athens, Greece 96-GT-102
IGTI 1996 Processing of Circumferential Temperature Distributions for the Detection of Gas Turbine Burner Malfunctions A. Tsalavoutas, K. Mathioudakis, National Technical University of Athens, Zograta, Athens, Greece; M.K. Smith, European Gas Turbines, Lincoln, England 96-GT-103
IGTI 1996 A Simplified Scheme for Scheduling Multivariable Controllers and its Application to a Turbofan Engine Sanjay Garg, NASA Lewis Research Center, Cleveland, OH, USA 96-GT-104
IGTI 1996 Smart Structures and Fiber Optic Technology for 21st Century Control Applications W.B. Spillman Jr., BF Goodrich Aerospace Aircraft Integrated Systems, Vergennes, VT, USA 96-GT-105
IGTI 1996 SiC High Temperature Electronics for Next Generation Aircraft Controls Systems John F. Perkins, Richard H. Hopkins, Charles D. Brandt, Anant K. Agarwal, Suresh Seshadri, Richard R. Siergiej, Westinghouse Science & Technology Center, Pittsburgh, PA, USA 96-GT-106
IGTI 1996 Transition of a Technology Base for Advanced Aircraft Gas Turbine Control Systems Michael E. McGlone, United Technologies Pratt & Whitney, W. Palm Beach, FL, USA 96-GT-107
IGTI 1996 High Temperature Power Electronics for Gas Turbine Engine Applications Richard R. Grzybowski, A. George Foyt, United Technologies Research Center, East Hartford, CT, USA 96-GT-108
IGTI 1996 Friction Damping of Hollow Airfoils: Part I - Theoretical Development J.H. Griffin, W-T. Wu, Carnegie Mellon University, Pittsburgh, PA, USA; Y. El-Aini, Pratt & Whitney, West Palm Beach, FL, USA 96-GT-109
IGTI 1996 Friction Damping of Hollow Airfoils: Part II - Experimental Verification Yehia M. El-Aini, Barry K. Benedict, Pratt & Whitney, West Palm Beach, FL, USA; Wen-Te Wu, Carnegie Mellon University, Pittsburgh, PA, USA 96-GT-110
IGTI 1996 A Normalized Modal Eigenvalue Approach for Resolving Modal Interaction Ming-Ta Yang, Jerry H. Griffin, Carnegie Mellon University, Pittsburgh, PA, USA 96-GT-111
IGTI 1996 Modeling Sulfur Dioxide Capture in a Pulverized Coal Combustor Rajesh B. Nair, Savas Yavuzkurt, The Pennsylvania State University, University Park, PA, USA 96-GT-112
IGTI 1996 Three-Dimensional Flow Field Measurements in a Transonic Turbine Cascade P.W. Giel, NYMA, Inc., Brook Park, OH, USA; D.R. Thurman, I. Lopez, R.J. Boyle, G.J. Van Fossen, T.A. Jett, W.P. Camperchioli, H. La, NASA Lewis Research Center, Cleveland, OH, USA 96-GT-113
IGTI 1996 Calculation of Tip Clearance Effects in a Transonic Compressor Rotor Rodrick V. Chima, NASA Lewis Research Center, Cleveland, OH, USA 96-GT-114
IGTI 1996 A Numerical Investigation of the Startup Transient in a Wave Rotor Daniel E. Paxson, NASA Lewis Research Center, Cleveland, OH, USA 96-GT-115
IGTI 1996 A Numerical Investigation of Premixed Combustion in Wave Rotors M. Razi Nalim, Daniel E. Paxson, NASA Lewis Research Center, Cleveland, OH, USA 96-GT-116
IGTI 1996 An Experimental Determination of Losses in a 3-Port Wave Rotor Jack Wilson, NYMA, Inc., Brook Park, OH, USA 96-GT-117
IGTI 1996 Analysis of Hot Streak Effects on Turbine Rotor Heat Load Tonghuo Shang, Pratt & Whitney, East Hartford, CT, USA; Alan H. Epstein, Massachusetts Institute of Technology, Cambridge, MA, USA 96-GT-118
IGTI 1996 Development of a Low-Emission Combustor for a 100-kW Automotive Ceramic Gas Turbine Masafumi Sasaki, Hirotaka Kumakura, Daishi Suzuki, Hiroyuki Ichikawa, Youichiro Ohkubo, Yuusaku Yoshida, Japan Automobile Research Institute, Incorporated, Tsukuba, Japan 96-GT-119
IGTI 1996 Aerodynamically Induced Radial Forces in a Centrifugal Gas Compressor - Part 1: Experimental Measurement Jeffrey J. Moore, Michael B. Flathers, Solar Turbines Incorporated, San Diego, CA, USA 96-GT-120
IGTI 1996 Force Versus Current and Air Gap Calibration of a Double Acting Magnetic Thrust Bearing D.O. Baun, R.L. Fittro, E.H. Maslen, University of Virginia, Charlottesville, VA, USA 96-GT-121
IGTI 1996 The Acoustic Influence of Cell Depth on the Rotordynamic Characteristics of Smooth-Rotor/Honeycomb-Stator Annular Gas Seals George F. Kleynhans, Dara W. Childs, Texas A&M University, College Station, TX, USA 96-GT-122
IGTI 1996 PI Control of HSFDs for Active Control of Rotor-Bearing Systems J.P. Hathout, A. El-Shafei, Cairo University, Giza, Egypt 96-GT-123
IGTI 1996 A Linearized Unsteady Aerodynamic Analysis for Real Blade Supersonic Cascades Matthew D. Montgomery, Joseph M. Verdon, United Technologies Research Center, East Hartford, CT, USA; Sanford Fleeter, Purdue University, West Lafayette, IN, USA 96-GT-124
IGTI 1996 The Maximum Factor by Which Forced Vibration of Blades Can Increase Due to Mistuning Denis S. Whitehead, Imperial College, London, England 96-GT-125
IGTI 1996 Low NOx Premixed Combustion of MBtu Fuels in a Research Burner K. Döbbeling, A. Eroglu, D. Winkler, T. Sattelmayer, ABB Corporate Research, Dättwil, Switzerland; W. Keppel, ABB Power Generation, Mannheim, Germany 96-GT-126
IGTI 1996 Fuel Nozzle Aerodynamic Design Using CFD Analysis D. Scott Crocker, Eric J. Fuller, Clifford E. Smith, CFD Research Corporation, Huntsville, AL USA 96-GT-127
IGTI 1996 Characterization of NOx, N2O, and CO for Lean-Premixed Combustion in a High-Pressure Jet-Stirred Reactor Robert C. Steele, Jon H. Tonouchi, David G. Nicol, David C. Horning, Philip C. Malte, David T. Pratt, University of Washington, Seattle, WA, USA 96-GT-128
IGTI 1996 NOx Measurements for Combustor with Acoustically Controlled Primary Zone Peter J. Vermeulen, Venkataramanayya Ramesh, The University of Calgary, Calgary, Alberta, Canada 96-GT-129
IGTI 1996 Catalytic Combustion of Natural Gas Over Supported Platinum: Flow Reactor Experiments and Detailed Numerical Modeling Tami C. Bond, Ryan A. Noguchi, Chen-Pang Chou, Rajiv K. Mongia, Jyh-Yuan Chen, Robert W. Dibble, University of California at Berkeley, Berkeley, CA, USA 96-GT-130
IGTI 1996 Structure of Airblast Sprays Under High Ambient Pressure Conditions Q P Zheng, A K Jasuja, A H Lefebvre, Cranfield University, Cranfield, Bedford, England 96-GT-131
IGTI 1996 The Effects of Dissolved Oxygen Concentration, Fractional Oxygen Consumption, and Additives on JP-8 Thermal Stability J.S. Ervin, T.F. Williams, S.P. Heneghan, S. Zabarnick, University of Dayton, Dayton, OH, USA 96-GT-132
IGTI 1996 Numerical Prediction of the Dynamic Behaviour of Turbulent Diffusion Flames Dieter Bohn, Gregor Deutsch, Uwe Krüger, Aachen University of Technology, Aachen, Germany 96-GT-133
IGTI 1996 Development of a Dry Ultra Low NOx Double Swirler Staged Gas Turbine Combustor Hiroshi Sato, Masaaki Mori, Tokyo Gas Co., Ltd., Tokyo, Japan 96-GT-134
IGTI 1996 Preliminary Gas Turbine Combustor Design Using a Network Approach Peter J. Stuttaford, Philip A. Rubini, Cranfield University, Cranfield, Bedfordshire, U.K. 96-GT-135
IGTI 1996 Flow Visualization and Leakage Measurements of Stepped Labyrinth Seals; Part 1: Annular Groove David L. Rhode, James W. Johnson, Texas A&M University, College Station, TX, USA; Daniel H. Broussard, Texaco USA, Houston, TX, USA 96-GT-136
IGTI 1996 Flow Visualization and Leakage Measurements of Stepped Labyrinth Seals; Part 2: Sloping Surfaces David L. Rhode, Texas A&M University, College Station, TX, USA; James S. Younger, Solar Turbines, Inc., DeSoto, TX, USA; Marcus D. Wernig, Schlumberger Anadrill, Sugar Land, TX, USA 96-GT-137
IGTI 1996 Application of Thermochromic Liquid Crystal to Rotating Surfaces C. Camci, The Pennsylvania State University, University Park, PA, USA; B. Glezer, Solar Turbines Incorporated, San Diego, CA, USA; J.M. Owen, R.G. Pilbrow, B.J. Syson, University of Bath, Bath, UK 96-GT-138
IGTI 1996 Flow Development Through Inter-Turbine Diffusers Robert G. Dominy, David A. Kirkham, University of Durham, Durham, UK; Andrew D. Smith, Rolls-Royce PLC, Derby, U.K. 96-GT-139
IGTI 1996 Comparison Between Complete Hilbert Transform and Simplified Solutions of the Moore Rotating Stall Model Gianmario L. Arnulfi, University of Udine, Udine, Italy; Fabio L. Ghiglino, Aristide F. Massardo, University of Genova, Genova, Italy 96-GT-140
IGTI 1996 IGV-Rotor Interaction Analysis in a Transonic Compressor Using the Navier-Stokes Equations Andrea Arnone, University of Florence, Florence, Italy; Roberto Pacciani, Nuovo Pignone S.p.A., Florence, Italy 96-GT-141
IGTI 1996 The Prediction of Laminar Flame Speeds for Weak Mixtures D. Kretschmer, J. Odgers, Université Laval, Québec, QC, Canada 96-GT-142
IGTI 1996 Anchored CCD for Gas Turbine Combustor Design and Data Correlation Allen M. Danis, David L. Burrus, Hukam C. Mongia, GE Aircraft Engines, Cincinnati, OH, USA 96-GT-143
IGTI 1996 Next-Generation Integration Concepts for Air Separation Units and Gas Turbines Arthur R. Smith, Joseph Klosek, Donald W. Woodward, Air Products and Chemicals, Inc., Allentown, PA, USA 96-GT-144
IGTI 1996 Design and Test of a New Axial Compressor for the Nuovo Pignone Heavy Duty Gas Turbines Erio Benvenuti, Nuovo Pignone S.P.A., Firenze, Italy 96-GT-145
IGTI 1996 Investigation of Wedge Probe Wall Proximity Effects Part 1: Experimental Study Peter D. Smout, Rolls-Royce plc., Derby, United Kingdom; Paul C. Ivey, Cranfield Universtiy, Bedford, United Kingdom 96-GT-146
IGTI 1996 Investigation of Wedge Probe Wall Proximity Effects Part 2: Numerical and Analytical Modelling Peter D. Smout, Rolls-Royce plc., Derby, United Kingdom; Paul C. Ivey, Cranfield Universtiy, Bedford, United Kingdom 96-GT-147
IGTI 1996 Aircraft Gas Turbine Engine Fuel Pumping Systems in the 21st Century Lowell D. Hansen, Gregory D. Kucera, Jeffrey S. Clemons, Jinkook Lee, Argo-Tech Corporation, Cleveland, OH, USA 96-GT-148
IGTI 1996 A Study on Axial Skewing Effect of a Turbine Stator by 3-D Navier-Stokes Analysis Naixing Chen, Qian Zhou, Weiguang Huang, Chinese Academy of Sciences, Beijing, China 96-GT-149
IGTI 1996 3-D Numerical Simulation of the Flow through a Turbine Blade Cascade with Cooling Injection at the Leading Edge Dieter Bohn, Karsten Kusterer, Harald Schönenborn, Aachen University of Technology, Aachen, Germany 96-GT-150
IGTI 1996 A Numerically Supported Investigation of the 3D Flow in Centrifugal Impellers Part I: The Validation Base Ch. Hirsch, S. Kang, G. Pointel, Vrije Universiteit Brussel, Brussel, Belgium 96-GT-151
IGTI 1996 A Numerically Supported Investigation of the 3D Flow in Centrifugal Impellers Part II: Secondary Flow Structure Ch. Hirsch, S. Kang, G. Pointel, Vrije Universiteit Brussel, Brussel, Belgium 96-GT-152
IGTI 1996 Study of a Surge-Free Centrifugal Compressor with Automatically Variable Inlet and Diffuser Vanes Hideomi Harada, Ebara Research Company, Limited, Fujisawa-Shi, Japan 96-GT-153
IGTI 1996 The Use of Circumferentially Nonuniform Stators to Attenuate LP Compressor Rotor-Stator-Strut Aerodynamic and Mechanical Interactions Markland G. Jones, Michael T. Barton, AlliedSignal Engines, Phoeniz, AZ, USA; Walter F. O'Brien, Virginia Polytechnic Institute and State University, Blacksburg, VA, USA 96-GT-154
IGTI 1996 Performance of Low Solidity and Conventional Diffuser Systems for Centrifugal Compressors Abraham Engeda, Naresh K. Amineni, Michigan State University, East Lansing, MI, USA; William C. Hohlweg, Gregory L. Direnzi, Elliot Turbomachinery Company, Jeannette, PA, USA 96-GT-155
IGTI 1996 On the Application of Chimera/Unstructured Hybrid Grids for Conjugate Heat Transfer Kai-Hsiung Kao, Meng-Seng Liou, NASA Lewis Research Center, Cleveland, OH, USA 96-GT-156
IGTI 1996 Unsteady Flow in the Vaned Diffuser of a Medium Specific Speed Pump Felix A. Muggli, Donald Wiss, Klaus Eisele, Zhengji Zhang, Michael V. Casey, Sulzer Innotec, Winterthur, Switzerland; Paul Galpin, Advanced Scientific Computing, Waterloo, ON, Canada 96-GT-157
IGTI 1996 Turbine Airfoil Design Optimization Sanjay Goel, Cofer, John I., IV, Hardev Singh, General Electric Company, Schenectady, NY, USA 96-GT-158
IGTI 1996 Turbulent Flow Computations in Rotating Cavities Using Low-Reynolds-Number Models Hector Iacovides, Kostas S. Nikas, Marcel A.F. Te Braak, UMIST, Manchester, UK 96-GT-159
IGTI 1996 Calculation of Transition in Adverse Pressure Gradient Flow by Conditioned Equations J. Steelant, E. Dick, Universiteit Gent, Gent, Belgium 96-GT-160
IGTI 1996 The Influence of Rotation on Impingement Cooling Ch. Mattern, D.K. Hennecke, Technical University Darmstadt, Darmstadt, Germany 96-GT-161
IGTI 1996 The Role of the Impingement Plate in Array Heat Transfer Kenneth W. Van Treuren, USAF Academy, Colorado, USA; Zoulan Wang, Peter Ireland, Terry V. Jones, University of Oxford, Oxford, United Kingdom; S.T. Kohler, Rolls-Royce Plc., Bristol, United Kingdom 96-GT-162
IGTI 1996 Comparison and Prediction of Local and Average Heat Transfer Coefficients under an Array of Inline and Staggered Impinging Jets Kenneth W. Van Treuren, USAF Academy, Colorado, USA; Zoulan Wang, Peter Ireland, Terry V. Jones, University of Oxford, Oxford, United Kingdom; S.T. Kohler, Rolls-Royce Plc., Bristol, United Kingdom 96-GT-163
IGTI 1996 How to Get Component Maps for Aircraft Gas Turbine Performance Calculations Joachim Kurzke, MTU München Gmbh, München, Germany 96-GT-164
IGTI 1996 An Object-Oriented Approach to Gas Turbine Performance Computation Peng Yip, Ho, Nanyang Technological University, Singapore; Poh Seng, Ng, Republic of Singapore Air Force, Singapore 96-GT-165
IGTI 1996 Measurements in a Transitional Boundary Layer with Görtler Vortices Ralph J. Volino, United States Naval Academy, Annapolis, MD, USA; Terrence W. Simon, University of Minnesota, Minneapolis, MN, USA 96-GT-166
IGTI 1996 A Row of Streamwise-Inclined Jets in Crossflow: Measurements and Calculations Matthew J. Findlay, Pingfan He, Martha Salcudean, Ian S. Gartshore, University of British Columbia, Vancouver, British Columbia, Canada 96-GT-167
IGTI 1996 Three-Dimensional Blade Boundary Layer and Endwall Flow Development in the Nozzle Passage of a Single Stage Turbine D. Ristic, B. Lakshminarayana, Pennsylvania State University, University Park, PA, USA 96-GT-168
IGTI 1996 Heat Transfer Measurements on a Turbine Airfoil at Various Reynolds Numbers and Turbulence Intensities Including Effects of Surface Roughness A. Hoffs, U. Drost, A. Bölcs, EPFL-LTT, Lausanne, Switzerland 96-GT-169
IGTI 1996 Flow Field Diagnosis in Multistage Axial Compressors J. Liu, Z.-C. Zhang, D.-J. Ye, Tsinghua University, Beijing, China 96-GT-170
IGTI 1996 Experimental Investigation on Rotating Stall in a Centrifugal Blower with Two and Four Stages and Vaneless Diffusers Gianmario L. Arnulfi, Piero Pinamonti, Universitá di Udine, Udine, Italy; Diego Micheli, Universitá di Trieste, Trieste, Italy 96-GT-171
IGTI 1996 Evaluation of the External Heat Transfer Coefficients in the High-Pressure Turbine of a Full-Scale Core Engine A.R. Narcus, H.R. Przirembel, F.O. Soechting, Pratt & Whitney Aircraft, West Palm Beach, FL, USA 96-GT-172
IGTI 1996 Effect of Aspect Ratio on the Buoyancy Driven Reverse Flow Near the Leading Wall of Rotating Cooling Passages Prabhat Tekriwal, GE Corporate Research and Development, Schenectady, NY, USA 96-GT-173
IGTI 1996 Flowfield Measurements for Film Cooling Holes with Expanded Exits K. Thole, M. Gritsch, A. Schulz, S. Wittig, Universität Karlsruhe, Karlsruhe, Germany 96-GT-174
IGTI 1996 Influence of a Leaking Gap Downstream of the Injection Holes on Film Cooling Performance Y. Yu, M.K. Chyu, Carnegie Mellon University, Pittsburgh, PA, USA 96-GT-175
IGTI 1996 Leading Edge Film Cooling: Computations and Experiments Including Density Effects Pingfan He, Dragos Licu, Martha Salcudean, Ian S. Gartshore, The University of British Columbia, Vancouver, B.C., Canada 96-GT-176
IGTI 1996 A Prescribed Velocity Distribution Scheme for Turbomachine Blading Udai K. Singh, De Montfort University, Leicester, United Kingdom 96-GT-177
IGTI 1996 Compressible, Turbulent, Viscous Flow Computations for Blade Aerodynamics and Heat Transfer A.A. Boretti, Fiat Research Center, Orbassano, Italy 96-GT-178
IGTI 1996 The Influence of Outlet Stator Part Surface Roughness on the Performance of a Very Low Flow Coefficient Centrifugal Compressor Stage Jan Paroubek, Václav Cyrus, AHT Energetics Ltd., Prague, Czech Republic; Jiri Kyncl, CKD Kompresory a.s., Prague, Czech Republic 96-GT-179
IGTI 1996 Endwall Heat Transfer Measurements in a Transonic Turbine Cascade P.W. Giel, NYMA, Inc., Brook Park, OH, USA; D.R. Thurman, G.J. Van Fossen, S.A. Hippensteele, R.J. Boyle, NASA Lewis Research Center, Cleveland, OH, USA 96-GT-180
IGTI 1996 A Novel Technique for the Internal Blade Cooling B. Glezer, H.K. Moon, T. O'Connell, Solar Turbines Incorporated, San Diego, CA, USA 96-GT-181
IGTI 1996 CFD Indications of Premix Flame Stability in a Gas Turbine Combustor J. Allan, Rolls-Royce Gas Turbine Engines (Canada) Inc., Dorval, Quebec, Canada 96-GT-182
IGTI 1996 Jet Fuel Oxidation and Deposition Colette C. Knight, James C. Carnahan, Kevin Janora, John F. Ackerman, GE Corporate Research and Development, Schenectady, NY, USA 96-GT-183
IGTI 1996 Modelling Turbulent Combustion in a Non-Adiabatic CO/H2 Flame Using Reaction Progress Variables Jim B.W. Kok, Jurgen J.J. Louis, University of Twente, Enschede, The Netherlands 96-GT-184
IGTI 1996 Non-Intrusive Thermometry in Liquid Kerosene Fuelled Combustor Sector Rigs Using Coherent Anti-Stokes Raman (CARS) and Comparison with CFD Temperature Predictions J.D. Black, H.T. Brocklehurst, C.H. Priddin, Rolls-Royce plc, Derby, U.K. 96-GT-185
IGTI 1996 Stochastic Modelling of NOx and Smoke Production in Gas Turbine Combustors I.M. Aksit, J.B. Moss, Cranfield University, Bedford, England 96-GT-186
IGTI 1996 Effects of Geometry on Slot-Jet Film Cooling Performance Daniel G. Hyams, Kevin T. McGovern, James H. Leylek, Clemson University, Clemson, SC, USA 96-GT-187
IGTI 1996 Internal Passage Heat Transfer Prediction Using Multiblock Grids and a k-w Turbulence Model David L. Rigby, NYMA, Inc., Brook Park, OH, USA; A.A. Ameri, AYT Corporation, Brook Park, OH, USA; E. Steinthorssen, NASA Lewis Research Center, Cleveland, OH, USA 96-GT-188
IGTI 1996 Analysis of Gas Turbine Rotor Blade Tip and Shroud Heat Transfer A.A. Ameri, A.Y.T. Corporation, Brook Park, OH, USA; E. Steinthorsson, NASA Lewis Research Center, Cleveland, OH, USA 96-GT-189
IGTI 1996 Enhancing Undergraduate Education: Design of a Gas Turbine Laboratory Facility Kirk E. Hiles, Gregg W. Dixon, United States Coast Guard Academy, New London, CT, USA 96-GT-190
IGTI 1996 The Turboexpander a Design, Make and Test Student Project J. D. Denton, Whittle Laboratory, Cambridge, UK 96-GT-191
IGTI 1996 Integrated Gas Turbine Technology Education at Durham University Harry Marsh, Robert Dominy, David Gregory-Smith, Li He, Durham University, Durham, England, U.K. 96-GT-192
IGTI 1996 ATEC: The Aerodynamic Turbine Engine Code for the Analysis of Transient and Dynamic Gas Turbine Engine System Operations Part 1: Model Development Doug Garrard, Sverdrup Technology, Inc. / AEDC Group, Arnold AFB, TN, USA 96-GT-193
IGTI 1996 ATEC: The Aerodynamic Turbine Engine Code for the Analysis of Transient and Dynamic Gas Turbine Engine System Operations Part 2: Numerical Simulations Doug Garrard, Sverdrup Technology, Inc. / AEDC Group, Arnold AFB, TN, USA 96-GT-194
IGTI 1996 Development of a Dual-Fuel Injection System for Lean Premixed Industrial Gas Turbines Luke H. Cowell, Amjad Rajput, Douglas C. Rawlins, Solar Turbines Incorporated, San Diego, CA, USA 96-GT-195
IGTI 1996 Turbomachinery Teaching and Research as a Supplement to Mechanical Engineering Education Abraham Engeda, Michigan State University, E. Lansing, MI, USA 96-GT-196
IGTI 1996 An Instructional Cogeneration Laboratory Using Gas Turbine Technology Andrew Banta, Ngo Dinh Thinh, California State University, Sacramento, CA, USA 96-GT-197
IGTI 1996 Assessment of Three Turbulence Models in a Compressor Rotor A. Shabbir, J. Zhu, NASA Lewis Research Center, Cleveland, OH, USA; M. Celestina, NYMA Inc., Cleveland, OH, USA 96-GT-198
IGTI 1996 The Path to Predicting Bypass Transition R.E. Mayle, A. Schulz, Universität Karlsruhe, Karlsruhe, Germany 96-GT-199
IGTI 1996 Full Surface Local Heat Transfer Coefficient Measurements in a Model of an Integrally Cast Impingement Cooling Geometry David R.H. Gillespie, Zuolan Wang, Peter T. Ireland, University of Oxford, Oxford, UK; S. Toby Kohler, Rolls Royce, Bristol, UK 96-GT-200
IGTI 1996 Convective Heat Transfer of Cubic Fin Arrays in a Narrow Channel M.K. Chyu, Y.C. Hsing, Carnegie Mellon University, Pittsburgh, PA, USA; V. Natarajan, The BOC Group, Murray Hill, NJ, USA 96-GT-201
IGTI 1996 Variable Geometry Pipe Diffusers J.W. Salvage, United Technologies, Syracuse, NY, USA 96-GT-202
IGTI 1996 Measurements and Prediction of the Effects of Surface Roughness on Profile Losses and Deviation in a Turbine Cascade Richard J. Kind, Peter J. Serjak, Michael W.P. Abbott, Carleton University, Ottawa, Canada 96-GT-203
IGTI 1996 Evaluation of the Effectiveness of a Metal Deactivator and Other Additives in Reducing Insolubles in Aviation Fuels E. Grant Jones, Innovative Scientific Solutions, Inc., Beavercreek, OH, USA; Walter J. Balster, Lori M. Balster, Systems Research Laboratories, Dayton, OH, USA 96-GT-204
IGTI 1996 Coupled Lagrangian Monte Carlo PDF-CFD Computation of Gas Turbine Combustor Flowfields with Finite-Rate Chemistry Anil K. Tolpadi, Iris Z. Hu, Sanjay M. Correa, General Electric Research & Development Center, Schenectady, NY, USA; David L. Burrus, General Electric Aircraft Engines, Cincinnati, OH, USA 96-GT-205
IGTI 1996 Response of a Turbofan Engine Compression System to Disturbed Inlet Conditions Adnan M. Abdel-Fattah, Defence Science and Technology Organization, Melbourne, Australia 96-GT-206
IGTI 1996 Effect of Periodic Wake Passing on Film Effectiveness of Inclined Discrete Cooling Holes Around the Leading Edge of a Blunt Body Ken-ichi Funazaki, Eitaro Koyabu, Iwate University, Morioka, Japan; Shigemichi Yamawaki, Ishikawajima-Harima Heavy Industries Co., Tokyo, Japan 96-GT-207
IGTI 1996 Aerodynamic Aspects of Endwall Film-Cooling S. Friedrichs, H.P. Hodson, W.N. Dawes, University of Cambridge, Cambridge, United Kingdom/FONT> 96-GT-208
IGTI 1996 Fluctuating Thermal Field in the Near Hole Region for Film Cooling Flows Atul Kohli, David G. Bogard, University of Texas at Austin, Austin, TX, USA 96-GT-209
IGTI 1996 High-Accuracy Turbine Performance Measurements in Short-Duration Facilities Charles W. Haldeman Jr., Michael G. Dunn, Calspan - UB Research Center, Buffalo, NY, USA 96-GT-210
IGTI 1996 Power Turbine Remaining Life Analysis: Experience and Practical Considerations Robert J. Klova, P.E., Hermes Galatis, P.E., CONMEC, Inc., Bethlehem, PA, USA 96-GT-211
IGTI 1996 The Enhanced TF40B Engine: A Modular Upgrade Stephen D. Metz, U.S. Navy, San Diego, CA, USA; Edward M. House, Naval Surface Warfare Center, Carderock Division, Philidelphia, PA, USA; Howard Rubenstein, AlliedSignal Aerospace, Stratford, CT, USA 96-GT-212
IGTI 1996 Development of a Diagnostic Tool to Trouble Shoot LM2500 Performance & Controls Problems Bruce D. Thompson, Richard Raczkowski, Fleet Technical Support Center, Pacific, San Diego, CA, USA 96-GT-213
IGTI 1996 LM2500 High Pressure Turbine Blade Refurbishment Matthew J. Driscoll, Peter P. Descar Jr., Gerald B. Katz, Naval Surface Warfare Center, Philadelphia, PA, USA; Walter E. Coward, Naval Sea Systems Command, Washington, DC, USAT> 96-GT-214
IGTI 1996 Redesigning a Generator Set for Improved Maintenance William E. Masincup, Naval Sea System Command, Arlington, VA, USA; Jack Halsey, P.E., Allison Engine Company, Indianapolis, IN, USA; Dennis Russom, P.E., Naval Surface Warfare Center, Philadelphia, PA, USA 96-GT-215
IGTI 1996 Managing Naval Gas Turbines Through a Memorandum of Understanding J. Albert Markus, Ministry of Defence, Foxhill, Bath, United Kingdom; Andy M.G. Glennie, Ministry of Defence, The Hague, The Netherlands 96-GT-216
IGTI 1996 Allison Model 501-KH Industrial Gas Turbine Engine Ronald P. Porter, Allison Engine Company, Indianapolis, IN, USA 96-GT-217
IGTI 1996 Operational Experience with the World's First Offshore Turboexpanders with Magnetic Bearings Harald Underbakke, Statoil, Stavanger, Norway 96-GT-218
IGTI 1996 Joining of Wrought Ni-Base Combustor Alloys A.M. Ritter, M.R. Jackson, N. Abuaf, M.A. Lacey, A.S. Feitelberg, GE Corporate Research & Development, Schenectady, NY, USA; P. Lang, Acraline Products, Inc., Tipton, IN, USA 96-GT-219
IGTI 1996 Nondestructive Evaluation of Locally Repaired Coating for Gas Turbine Blades Y. Shen, N. Pietranera, U. Guerreschi, S. Corcoruto, Ansaldo, Genoa, Italy; E. Gandini, Atla, Turin, Italy 96-GT-220
IGTI 1996 Adiabatic Effectiveness and Heat Transfer Coefficient on a Film-Cooled Rotating Blade Vijay K. Garg, AYT Corporation, c/o NASA Lewis Research Center, Cleveland, OH, USA 96-GT-221
IGTI 1996 Transonic Film-Cooling Investigations: Effects of Hole Shapes & Orientations S. Wittig, A. Schulz, M. Gritsch, K.A. Thole, Universität Karlsruhe, Karlsruhe, Germany 96-GT-222
IGTI 1996 Comparison of Predicted and Experimental Nusselt Number for a Film-Cooled Rotating Blade Vijay K. Garg, AYT Corporation c/o NASA Lewis Research Center, Cleveland, OH, USA; Reza S. Abhari, The Ohio State University, Columbus, OH, USA 96-GT-223
IGTI 1996 Prediction of Effectiveness and Heat Transfer Using a New 2-D Injection and Dispersion Model of the Film Cooling Process S. Neelakantan, M.E. Crawford, The University of Texas at Austin, Austin, TX, USA 96-GT-224
IGTI 1996 Applications of Advanced Liquid Crystal Video Thermography to Turbine Cooling Passage Heat Transfer Measurement Robert P. Campbell, Michael J. Molezzi, General Electric Corporate R&D, Schenectady, NY, USA 96-GT-225
IGTI 1996 Three Dimensional Analysis of Advanced Swirl Vane/Nozzle Assemblies Gerald J. Micklow, University of Florida, Gainesville, FL, USA; Michael Benjamin, Parker Hannifin Corporation, Cleveland, OH, USA 96-GT-226
IGTI 1996 Effects of Steam Injection and Stochiometry on Cyclone Gasification of Wood Powder Christian Fredriksson, Björn Kjellström, Luleå University of Technology, Luleå, Sweden; Bengt Degerman, DEMEC AB, Gunnarsbyn, Sweden 96-GT-227
IGTI 1996 Reynolds Stress Tensor Measurements in a Centrifugal Compressor Vaned Diffuser Ali Pinarbasi, Mark W. Johnson, The University of Liverpool, Liverpool, UK 96-GT-228
IGTI 1996 The Effect of High Temperature Feedwater on the Performance of an Evaporative Cooler Installed in a Gas Turbine Combustion Air Inlet System R.S. Johnson, Sr., P.E., Solar Turbines, San Diego, CA, USA 96-GT-229
IGTI 1996 A Unique Approach to HRSG Bypass Dampers David T. Ryan, Damper Design Inc.,Bethlehem, PA, USA; Judith A. Veatch, Black & Veach, Overland Park, KS, USA; Akber Pasha, Henry Vogt Machine Company, Louisville, KY, USA 96-GT-230
IGTI 1996 Westinghouse Combustion Turbine Performance in Coal Gasification Combined Cycles Richard A. Newby, Westinghouse Electric Corporation, Pittsburgh, PA, USA; Ronald L. Bannister, Frank Miao, Westinghouse Electric Corporation, Orlando, FL, USA 96-GT-231
IGTI 1996 A New Approach for a Low-Cooled Ceramic Nozzle Vane C. Gutmann, A. Schulz, S. Wittig, Universität Karlsruhe, Karlsruhe, Germany 96-GT-232
IGTI 1996 Application of Advanced Experimental Techniques in the Development of a Cooled Turbine Nozzle H.K. Moon, B. Glezer, Solar Turbines Incorporated, San Diego, CA, USA 96-GT-233
IGTI 1996 Prediction of Turbulent Flow and Heat Transfer in Rotating Square and Rectangular Smooth Channels Sandip Dutta, University of South Carolina, Columbia, SC, USA; Malcolm J. Andrews, Je-Chin Han, Texas A&M University, College Station, TX, USA 96-GT-234
IGTI 1996 Optimization of Transient Heat Transfer Measurements Using Thermochromic Liquid Crystals Based on an Error Estimation Rainer Höcker, ABB Corporate Research Center, Baden-Dättwil, Switzerland 96-GT-235
IGTI 1996 PIV Measurements of Periodically Forced Flat Plate Film Cooling Flows with High Free Stream Turbulence Sivaram P. Gogineni, Darryl D. Trump, Systems Research Laboratories, Dayton, OH, USA; David J. Pestlan, University of Dayton Research Institute, Dayton, OH, USA; Richard B. Rivir, Aero Propulsion and Power Directorate, Wright-Patterson AFB, OH, USA 96-GT-236
IGTI 1996 Experimental Measurement and CFD Prediction of Heat Transfer to a Nozzle Guide Vane Trevor J. Kirsten, Andreas M. Lippert, CSIR, Aerotek, Pretoria, South Africa; Glen C. Snedden, Graham D.J. Smith, University of Natal, Durban, Dalbridge, South Africa 96-GT-237
IGTI 1996 Aerodynamic Performance of Rear Axial Compressor Stage with Annular Diffuser and Outlet Chamber Václav Cyrus, AHT Energetics Ltd., Prague-Bechovice, Czech Republic 96-GT-238
IGTI 1996 Comparisons of Rig and Engine Dynamic Events in the Compressor of an Axi-Centrifugal Turboshaft Engine A. Karl Owen, Duane L. Mattern, Dzu K. Le, NASA Lewis Research Center, Cleveland, OH, USA 96-GT-239
IGTI 1996 Invariant Coordinate Systems for Compressor Control Dr. B.W. Batson, Compressor Controls Corporation, Des Moines, IA, USA 96-GT-240
IGTI 1996 Actuator Placement for Active Surge Control in a Multi-Stage Axial Compressor M. Montazeri-Gh., D.J. Allerton, R.L. Elder, Cranfield University, Bedford, England 96-GT-241
IGTI 1996 Health Monitoring of Turbine Engine Gas Path Components and Measurement Instruments Y.H. Lee, R. Singh, Cranfield University, Bedford, UK 96-GT-242
IGTI 1996 Experimental Research on the Aerodynamic Performances of 2-D Lobed Exhaust Ejector Systems Hu Hui, Liu Huoxing, Li Li, Wu Shousheng, Beijing University of Aeronautics and Astronautics, Beijing, P.R. China 96-GT-243
IGTI 1996 Inlet and Nozzle Technology for 21st Century Fighter Aircraft Marvin C. Gridley, Steven H. Walker, Wright Laboratory, Wright-Patterson AFB, OH, USA 96-GT-244
IGTI 1996 Propulsion System Considerations for Future Supersonic Transports - A Global Perspective Robert A. Mercure, National Aeronautics and Space Administration, Washington, DC, USA 96-GT-245
IGTI 1996 Biomass-Fired Atmospheric Gas Turbine Plant M. Fesharaki, S. Moser, H. Halozan, H. Jericha, Graz University of Technology, Graz, Austria 96-GT-246
IGTI 1996 Hydrogen-Fueled Combustion Turbine Cycles Ronald L. Bannister, David J. Huber, Westinghouse Electric Corporation, Orlando, FL, USA; Richard A. Newby, John A. Paffenbarger, Westinghouse Electric Corporation, Pittsburgh, PA, USA 96-GT-247
IGTI 1996 Thermal Efficiency Projections of a Simple-Cycle Gas Turbine in Biogas Power Generation David E. Yomogida, Valentino M. Tiangco, California Energy Commission, Sacramento, CA, USA; Ngo D. Thinh, California State University, Sacramento, CA, USA; Ying Lee, Unviersity of California, Davis, CA USA 96-GT-248
IGTI 1996 Experimental Investigation of Turbulence Structures in the Boundary Layer of a Highly Loaded Turbine Cascade Dirk Wunderwald, ABB Turbo Systems Ltd., Baden, Switzerland; Leonhard Fottner, Universität der Bundeswehr München, Neubiberg, Germany 96-GT-249
IGTI 1996 Dutch Experience with Hot Windbox Repowering P.J. Ploumen, KEMA, Arnhem, The Netherlands; J.J. Veenema, N.V. EPON, Zwolle, The Netherlands 96-GT-250
IGTI 1996 Passage Flow Structure and its Influence on Endwall Heat Transfer in a 90° Turning Duct: Turbulent Stresses and Turbulent Kinetic Energy Production Brian G. Wiedner, Brown & Root, Inc., Houston, TX, USA; Cengiz Camci, The Pennsylvania State University, University Park, PA, USA 96-GT-251
IGTI 1996 Status of the Development of the CGT301, a 300 kW Class Ceramic Gas Turbine Takao Mikami, Shinya Tanaka, Masashi Tatsuzawa, Takeshi Sakida, Ishikawajima-Harima Heavy Industries Co., Ltd., Tokyo, Japan 96-GT-252
IGTI 1996 Impact of Rotor Wakes on Steady-State Axial Compressor Performance P. Deregel, C.S. Tan, Massachusetts Institute of Technology, Cambridge, MA, USA 96-GT-253
IGTI 1996 A Review of Recent Research on Contra-Rotating Axial Flow Compressor Stage P.B. Sharma, A. Adekoya, Delhi College of Engineering, Delhi, India 96-GT-254
IGTI 1996 Experimental Contribution on the Significance and the Control by Transverse Injection of the Horseshoe Vortex D.P. Georgiou, V.A. Papavasilopoulos, M. Alevisos, University of Patras, Patras, Greece 96-GT-255
IGTI 1996 Cooling and Sealing Air System in Industrial Gas Turbine Engines A.W. Reichert, M. Janssen, Siemens AG KWU Group, Mülheim, Germany 96-GT-256
IGTI 1996 The Effect of Impeller Inlet Annular Turning Vanes on Multistage Centrifugal Compressor Performance Hélène Balligand, Xiubao Huang, Lamson Corporation, Syracuse, NY, USA; Joost J. Brasz, Carrier Corporation, Syracuse, NY, USA 96-GT-257
IGTI 1996 Fully-Developed Buoyancy-Affected Flow and Heat Transfer in an Axially Rotating Annular Channel with Longitudinal Partitions Andrei E. Khodak, Vrije Universiteit Brussel, Brussels, Belgium; Vladimir V. Ris, Alexander I. Kirillov, Evgeni M. Smirnov, St.-Petersburg State Technical University, St.-Petersburg, Russia 96-GT-258
IGTI 1996 The Effect of Blade Angle Design Selection on Wave-Turbine Engine Performance William E. Lear, Robert P. Kielb,University of Florida, Gainesville, FL, USA 96-GT-259
IGTI 1996 A Parametric Study of the Flutter Stability Characteristics of Turbomachine Cascades H. Försching, DLR Institute of Aeroelasticity, Göttingen, Germany 96-GT-260
IGTI 1996 Jet, Wake and Intrinsic Motion in Impellers of Centrifugal Compressors Y.N. Chen, Sulzer Innotec Ldr., Winterthur, Switzerland; U. Seidel, U. Haupt, M. Rautenberg, University of Hannover, Hannover, Germany 96-GT-261
IGTI 1996 A Study of the Flow Characteristics in the Inducer Bleed Slot of a Centrifugal Compressor P.A. Eynon, A. Whitfield, University of Bath, Bath, Avon, England; M.R. Firth, A.J. Parkes, R. Saxton, Holset Engineering Co., Huddersfield, West Yorkshire, England 96-GT-262
IGTI 1996 Effect of Circumferential Inlet Flow Distortion and Swirl on the Flow Field of an Axial Flow Fan Stage K. Viswanath, M. Govardhan, Indian Institute of Technology, Madras, India 96-GT-263
IGTI 1996 Analytical Solution of Whirl Speed and Mode Shape for Rotating Shafts S.M. Yang, G.J. Sheu, C.D. Yang, National Cheng Kung University, Taiwan, R.O.C. 96-GT-264
IGTI 1996 A Probabilistic Creep Fatigue Computer Program for Structural Integrity Analysis Harry R. Millwater, Graham G. Chell, David S. Riha, Southwest Research Institute, San Antonio, TX, USA 96-GT-265
IGTI 1996 Predicting Gas Turbine Reliability to Assess Risks for Purchased Power Agreements Wolfram Krockow, Strategic Power Systems International GmbH, Düsseldorf, Germany 96-GT-266
IGTI 1996 Reliability Analysis of Power Generation Gas Turbine Auxiliaries Using Structured Analytical Methods Horst Rönnebeck, ABB Power Generation Ltd, Baden, Switzerland 96-GT-267
IGTI 1996 Sensitivity Controlled Response Surface Approach for Reliability Based Design Stefan Reh, Martin Scheu, ABB Power Generation Ltd., Baden, Switzerland 96-GT-268
IGTI 1996 European Standardisation Efforts on Fibre-Reinforced Ceramic Matrix Composites Marc Steen, Institute for Advanced Materials, Petten, The Netherlands 96-GT-269
IGTI 1996 ASTM Standards for Monolithic and Composite Advanced Ceramics: Industrial, Governmental and Academic Cooperation Michael G. Jenkins, University of Washington, Seattle, WA, USA; George D. Quinn, National Institute of Standards and Technology, Gaithersburg, MD, USA 96-GT-270
IGTI 1996 The Thermal-Mechanical Behavior of Selected Si3N4 and SiC Ceramics Norman L. Hecht, Hongsang Rho, Nora R. Osborne, Dale E. McCullum, Steven M. Goodrich, University of Dayton Research Institute, Dayton, OH, USA 96-GT-271
IGTI 1996 Superduplex Stainless Steel Use in Manufacturing Highly Sour Gas Centrifugal Compressors Francois Millet, Patrick Friez, Angelo Franzi, FRAMATOME - THERMODYN, Le Creusot, France; Bernard Bonnefois, Creusot Loire Industrie - Usinor Sacilor Group, Le Creusot, France; Jean-Marc Lardon, TECPHY, Firminy Division, Firminy, France 96-GT-272
IGTI 1996 Optimum Operation and Maintenance of Gas Turbines Offshore Lars E. Bakken, Roald Skorping, Statoil, Norway 96-GT-273
IGTI 1996 Dry Low NOx Combustion Systems Development and Operating Experience Torsten Strand, ABB STAL, Finspong, Sweden 96-GT-274
IGTI 1996 SPE "Mashproekt" Gas Turbine Engines for Gas Pumping Sets Victor I. Romanov, Vladimir V. Lupandin, Anatoliy V. Kovalenko, Anatoliy I. Shelestyuk, SPE "Mashproekt," Nikolayev, Ukraine 96-GT-275
IGTI 1996 Refurbishment of a Solar Centaur Compressor Set to Meet European Environmental Regulations Herbert Rohrbacher, OMV Gasdepartment, Auersthal, Austria; John Barron,Solar Turbines Overseas Ltd., Brussels, Belgium 96-GT-276
IGTI 1996 Power Plant Simulation Software for Optimizing Thermodynamic and Financial Plant Operation Patrick R. Griffin, Maher Elmasri, Gwo-Tung Chen, Thermoflow Incorporated, Wellesley, MA, USA; Stephen Kamppila, Frank Basile, Selkirk Cogen Partners, L.P., Selkirk, NY, USA 96-GT-277
IGTI 1996 Dynamic Modeling of Starting Aerodynamics and Stage Matching in an Axi-Centrifugal Compressor Kevin Wilkes, Walter F. O'Brien, Virginia Polytechnic Institute and State University, Blacksburg, VA, USA; A. Karl Owen, U.S. Army Vehicle Propulsion Directorate, Cleveland, OH, USA 96-GT-278
IGTI 1996 Stage-by-Stage Dynamic Compression System Modeling for Split Core and Bypass Systems Jules W. Lindau, NASA Lewis Research Center, Cleveland, OH, USA; Walter F. O'Brien, Virginia Polytechnic Institute and State University, Blacksburg, VA, USA 96-GT-279
IGTI 1996 Application of Aeroengine Aerodynamic Design Codes to Industrial Gas Turbine Design David A. Little, Westinghouse Electric Corporation, Orlando, FL, USA; Keith Cobley, Rolls-Royce, plc, Derby, United Kingdom 96-GT-280
IGTI 1996 Surface Temperature Measurement of Thermal Barrier Coatings Using Infrared Pyrometry James A. Ruud, Robert D. Lillquist, Dennis M. Gray, GE Corporate Research and Development, Schenectady, NY, USA 96-GT-281
IGTI 1996 The Effect of Thermal Aging on the Thermal Conductivity of Plasma Sprayed and EB-PVD Thermal Barrier Coatings Ralph B. Dinwiddie, Stephen C. Beecher, Wallace D. Porter, Oak Ridge National Laboratory, Oak Ridge, TN, USA; Ben A. Nagaraj, G.E. Aircraft Engines, Cincinnati, OH, USA 96-GT-282
IGTI 1996 The Effects of Environmental Contaminants on Industrial Gas Turbine Thermal Barrier Coatings H.E. Eaton, N.S. Bornstein, United Technologies Research Center, East Hartford, CT, USA; J.T. DeMasi-Marcin, Pratt & Whitney Aircraft Company, East Hartford, CT, USA 96-GT-283
IGTI 1996 Applications of Continuous Fiber Reinforced Ceramic Composites in Military Turbojet Engines Patrick Spriet, Georges Habarou, Société Européenne de Propulsion, Bordeaux, France 96-GT-284
IGTI 1996 Role of Environmental Deposits in Spallation of Thermal Barrier Coatings on Aeroengine and Land-based Gas Turbine Hardware Marcus P. Borom, Curtis A. Johnson, Louis A. Peluso, GE Corporate Research and Development, Schenectady, NY, USA 96-GT-285
IGTI 1996 Isothermal and Cyclic Oxidation of an Air Plasma-Sprayed Thermal Barrier Coating System J. Allen Haynes, Mattison K. Ferber, Wallace D. Porter, Oak Ridge National Laboratory, Oak Ridge, TN, USA; E. Douglas Rigney, University of Alabama at Birmingham, Birmingham, AL, USA 96-GT-286
IGTI 1996 Silicon Nitride Components for AGATA - A European Gas Turbine for Hybrid Vehicles Robert Lundberg, Volvo Aero Corporation, Trollhättan, Sweden; Jan Adlerborn, AC Cerama AB, Robertsfors, Sweden 96-GT-287
IGTI 1996 Characterization of Engine Stabilization for Diagnostic and Acceptance Testing J.W. Bird, A.I. Georgantas, B.C. Barry, National Research Council, Ottawa, Canada; Capt. J.P. Francoeur, Capt. P. House, National Defence, Ottawa, Canada 96-GT-288
IGTI 1996 Multivariable Control of Industrial Gas Turbines: Field Test Results Ravi Rajamani, GE Corporate Research & Development, Schenectady, NY, USA; Bruce G. Norman, GE Power Generation Engineering, Schenectady, NY, USA 96-GT-289
IGTI 1996 Evaluation of Thermochemical Recuperation and Partial Oxidation Concepts for Natural Gas-Fired Advanced Turbine Systems Joseph K. Rabovitser, Mark J. Khinkis, Institute of Gas Technology, Des Plaines, IL, USA; Ronald L. Bannister, Frank Q. Miao, Westinghouse Electric Corporation, Power Generation Business Unit, Orlando, FL, USA 96-GT-290
IGTI 1996 User-Oriented Gas Turbine Research at KEMA R.A. Rooth, KEMA Nederland, B.V., Arnhem, The Netherlands 96-GT-291
IGTI 1996 Collaborative Advanced Gas Turbine (CAGT) Program Status An International Initiative to Catalyze an Intercooled Aeroderivative (ICAD) Gas Turbine Launch Order Barry Davidson, National Power, Swindon, England; Dan Whitney, Sacramento Municipal Utility District, Sacramento, CA, USA; Niels Laursen, ELKRAFT Power Company, Ltd., Copenhagen, Denmark; Art Cohn, Electric Power Research Institute, Palo Alto, CA, USA; Ge 96-GT-292
IGTI 1996 Design of the Tempest Industrial Gas Turbine Kevin R. Scott, Ian G. Amos, Paul D.P. Garbett, Roger G. Wells, European Gas Turbines, Lincoln, England 96-GT-293
IGTI 1996 Development of Advanced Gas Turbine H. Matsuzaki, Y. Suto, Y. Kanazawa, M. Sato, I. Kobayashi, Y. Kobayashi, Tohoku Electric Power Co., Inc., Sendai, Japan 96-GT-294
IGTI 1996 Development of Ceramic Turbine Rotors and Nozzles for the 100kW Automotive Ceramic Gas Turbine Program Satoru Yamada, Keiichiro Watanabe, Advanced Technical Ceramics Lab. NGK Insulators, Ltd., Nagoya, Aichi, Japan; Massaki Masuda, NGK Europe GmbH, Eschborn, Germany 96-GT-295
IGTI 1996 Cost Effective Manufacturing Methods for Structural Ceramic Matrix Composite (CMC) Components Dr. H. Wurtinger, Dr. A. Mühlratzer, MAN Technologie AG, Augsburg, Germany 96-GT-296
IGTI 1996 Results of Small Gas Turbine for Distributed Generation Strategies Workshop George A. Hay III, George Touchton, Art Cohn, EPRI Gas Turbine Program, Palo Alto, CA, USA; Paul Bautista, GRI, Chicago, IL, USA; William Parks, US DOE, Washington, DC, USA; Joseph Darguzas, Sarget & Lundy, Chicago, IL, USA 96-GT-297
IGTI 1996 Inlet Conditioning Enhances Performance of Modern Combined Cycle Plants for Cost-Effective Power Generation Septimus Van Der Linden, David E. Searles, ABB Power Generation, Richmond, VA, USA 96-GT-298
IGTI 1996 Effects of Surface Roughness on Film Cooling Donald L. Schmidt, Basav Sen, David G. Bogard, The University of Texas at Austin, Austin,TX, USA 96-GT-299
IGTI 1996 Analysis of the Oil Film on the inside Surface of an Aero-Engine Bearing Chamber Housing John W. Chew, Rolls-Royce plc, Derby, United Kingdom 96-GT-300
IGTI 1996 Evaluation of New Process Options for Co-generation in the Sugar Industry M.A. Gabra, B.O. Kjellström, Luleå University of Technology, Luleå, Sweden 96-GT-301
IGTI 1996 A Simultaneous Solution Method Based on a Modular Approach for Power Plant Analyses and Optimized Designs and Operations Giovanni Cerri, Universitá degli Studi Roma, Roma, Italy 96-GT-302
IGTI 1996 Numerical Simulation of Particulate Two-Phase Flows in Curved Pipeline Geometries S. Naik, The Robert Gordon University, Schoolhill, Aberdeen, UK 96-GT-303
IGTI 1996 Predicted Turbine Heat Transfer for a Range of Test Conditions R.J. Boyle, B.L. Lucci, NASA Lewis Research Center, Cleveland, OH, USA 96-GT-304
IGTI 1996 A Novel Fluids Research Technique: Three-State Anemometry M. Funes-Gallanzi, Warwick University, Coventry, UK 96-GT-305
IGTI 1996 Manufacturing Methods, Random Defects and Quality Assurance in Relation to the Reliability of Turbine Components A. Mitchell, University of British Columbia, Vancouver, BC, Canada 96-GT-306
IGTI 1996 Numerical Investigation of the Unsteady Transonic 3D-Flow in Stator and Rotor Cascades with Oscillating Blades Dieter Peitsch, Heinz E. Gallus, Stefan Weber, Rheinisch-Westfälische Technische Hochschule Aachen, Aachen, Germany 96-GT-307
IGTI 1996 Investigation of the Flow and Heat Transfer in a Low Pressure Turbine Interdisc Cavity with Skewed Radial Jetflow Alexander V. Mirzamoghadam, BMW Rolls-Royce Aero-Engines, Dahlewitz, Germany 96-GT-308
IGTI 1996 Flow in a Rotating Cavity with a Peripheral Inlet and Outlet of Cooling Air Xiaopeng Gan, Iraj Mirzaee, J. Michael Owen, D. Andrew, S. Rees, Michael Wilson, University of Bath, Bath, United Kingdom 96-GT-309
IGTI 1996 CFD Based Sensitivity Study of Flow Parameters for Engine Like Film Cooling Conditions Stefan Baldauf, Michael Scheurlen, Siemens AG/KWU, Mülheim/Ruhr, Germany 96-GT-310
IGTI 1996 Development of an Aeroelastic Code Based on an Euler/Navier-Stokes Aerodynamic Solver Milind A. Bakhle, Rakesh Srivastava, George L. Stefko, NASA Lewis Research Center, Cleveland, OH, USA; J. Mark Janus, Mississippi State University, MS, USA 96-GT-311
IGTI 1996 Inverse Heat Transfer Engineering Design for Internally Cooled Gas Turbine Airfoils Francisco J.T. Cunha, David A. DeAngelis, General Electric Company, Schenectady, NY, USA 96-GT-312
IGTI 1996 Secondary Flow and It's Contribution to Heat Transfer Enhancement in a Blade Cooling Passage with Discrete Ribs Zhengjun Hu, Jiarui Shen, Chinese Academy of Sciences, Beijing, China 96-GT-313
IGTI 1996 Development of the Next Generation 1500°C Class Advanced Gas Turbine for 50Hz Utilities S. Aoki, Y. Tsukuda, E. Akita, Y. Iwasaki, Mitsubishi Heavy Industries, Ltd., Takasago, Japan; R. Tomat, M. Rosso, C. Schips, Fiat Avio S.p.A., Turin, Italy 96-GT-314
IGTI 1996 Development of the Sequential Combustion System for the ABB GT24/GT26 Gas Turbine Family Franz Joos, Philipp Brunner, Burkhard Schulte-Werning, Khawar Syed, ABB Power Generation Ltd, Baden, Switzerland; Adnan Eroglu, ABB Management Ltd., Baden, Switzerland 96-GT-315
IGTI 1996 Estimating Gas Turbine Internal Cycle Parameters Using a Neural Network Nicolas W. Chbat, Ravi Rajamani, GE Corporate Research & Development, Schenectady, NY, USA; Todd A. Ashley, GE Power Generation Engineering, Schenectady, NY USA 96-GT-316
IGTI 1996 Semi-Closed Gas Turbine/Combined Cycle with Water Recovery and Extensive Exhaust Gas Recirculation Bruno Facchini, Daniele Fiaschi, Giampaolo Manfrida, Universit á di Firenze, Firenze, Italy 96-GT-317
IGTI 1996 Experimental Assessment of the Emissions Benefits of a Ceramic Gas Turbine Combustor K.O. Smith, A. Fahme, Solar Turbines Incorporated, San Diego, CA, USA 96-GT-318
IGTI 1996 Ceramics for ATS Industrial Gas Turbines Richard Wenglarz, Sy Ali, Allison Engine Company, Indianapolis, IN, USA; Abbie Layne, U.S. Department of Energy, Morgantown, WV, USA 96-GT-319
IGTI 1996 Standards for Advanced Ceramics and Pre-Standardization Research - A Review Roger Morrell, National Physical Laboratory, Teddington, Middlesex, UK 96-GT-320
IGTI 1996 International Standardization Activities for Fine Ceramics - Status of ISO/TC 206 on Fine Ceramics Takashi Kanno, Japan National Council for International Standardization on Fine Ceramics, Tokyo, Japan 96-GT-321
IGTI 1996 The Offshore Application of a Dual-mode Injection Centrifugal Compressor and Improvements to Rotating Stall Arne Lynghjem, Ove Svendsen, Harald Underbakke, Statoil, Stavenger, Norway 96-GT-322
IGTI 1996 Magnetic Bearing Improvement Program at NOVA Paul S. Alves, Barry M. Alavi, NOVA Gas Transmission Ltd., Calgary, Alberta, Canada 96-GT-323
IGTI 1996 The Design and Evaluation of a 14 Stage, 16:1 Pressure Ratio Compressor for an Industrial Gas Turbine Mohammad R. Saadatmand, Solar Turbines Incorporated, San Diego, CA, USA 96-GT-324
IGTI 1996 Using an Auxiliary Power Unit (APU) Gas Turbine Engine to Start the LSD-41 Class Diesel Engines Jeffrey S. Patterson, Naval Surface Warfare Center, Carderock Division, Philadelphia, PA, USA 96-GT-325
IGTI 1996 A Gas Turbine Propulsion Plant with the Capability to Provide Steam for Both Injection and Aircraft Catapults Wen Xueyou, Wei Yingxin, Jin Jierong, Fu Zhen, Harbin Marine Boiler & Turbine Research Institute, Harbin, China 96-GT-326
IGTI 1996 Sea Trials/Commissioning of a Gas Turbine Powered High Speed Passenger Vessel Chris Waldhelm, Solar Turbines, San Diego, CA, USA; Nigel Warren, FBM Marine Ltd., Cowes, UK 96-GT-327
IGTI 1996 WR-21 Design and Maintenance Carl L. Weiler, Westinghouse Electric Corporation, Sunnyvale, CA, USA; Alastair Broadbelt, Bernard Law, Rolls-Royce, Ansty, England 96-GT-328
IGTI 1996 Analyzing Gas Turbine Failures to Identify Training Shortfalls Lane Hunter Coward, Naval Sea Systems Command, Arlington, VA, USA; James R. Hardin, Westinghouse Electric Corporation, Pittsburgh, PA, USA 96-GT-329
IGTI 1996 Endurance Testing of Marine Gas Turbines for the Royal Navy Lieutenant Clive McCartney, Royal Navy, Farnborough, Hampshire, United Kingdom; Lieutenant Robin D. Hughes, Royal Navy, Bath, Avon, United Kingdom 96-GT-330
IGTI 1996 Partial Regenerative Steam Injected Gas Turbine Shigekazu. Uji, Ishikawajima-Harima Heavy Industries Co., Ltd., Tokyo, Japan 96-GT-331
IGTI 1996 Dynamic Modeling of Single-Shaft Industrial Gas Turbine R. Bettocchi, P.R. Spina, Università di Ferrara, Ferrara, Italy; F. Fabbri, Ferrari Auto S.P.A., Maranello (MO), Italy 96-GT-332
IGTI 1996 A Methodology for Establishing Optimal Part-Load Operation of Industrial Gas Turbines Fabio Bozza, Raffaele Tuccillo, Universitá di Napoli, Napoli, Italy 96-GT-333
IGTI 1996 Steady-State and Time-Dependent Experimental Results of a NACA-3506 Cascade in an Annular Channel Heiko Körbacher, Albin Bölcs, Swiss Federal Institute of Technology, Lausanne, Switzerland 96-GT-334
IGTI 1996 A Modal Coupling for Fluid and Structure Analyses of Turbomachine Flutter. Application to a Fan Stage Francois Moyroud, Georges Jacquet-Richardet, Institut National des Sciences Appliquées, Villeurbanne, France; Torsten Fransson, Royal Institute of Technology, Stockholm, Sweden 96-GT-335
IGTI 1996 Biomass Gasification Hot Gas Filter Testing Results Benjamin C. Wiant, Dennis M. Bachovchin, Westinghouse Electric Corporation, Orlando, FL, USA; Michael Onischak, Ronald H. Carty, Institute of Gas Technology, Des Plaines, IL, USA; Matthew Ratcliff, National Renewable Energy Laboratory, Golden, CO, USA 96-GT-336
IGTI 1996 Experimental Determination of the Influence of Foreign Particle Ingestion on the Behavior of Hot-Section Components Including Lamilloy® Matthew M. Weaver, Calspan Advanced Technology Center, Buffalo, NY, USA; Michael G. Dunn, The Ohio State University, Department of Aerospace Engineering, Columbus, OH, USA; Tab Heffernan, Allison Engine Company, Indianapolis, IN, USA 96-GT-337
IGTI 1996 Computation of the Unsteady Transonic Flow in Harmonically Oscillating Turbine Cascades Taking into Account Viscous Effects B. Grüber, V. Carstens, DLR, Göttingen, Germany 96-GT-338
IGTI 1996 Oscillating Cascade Aerodynamics at Large Mean Incidence Daniel H. Buffum, NASA Lewis Research Center, Cleveland, OH, USA; Vincent R. Capece, Aaron J. King, University of California, Davis, CA, USA; Yehia M. El-Aini, Pratt & Whitney, West Palm Beach, FL, USA 96-GT-339
IGTI 1996 Validation of a Nonlinear Unsteady Aerodynamic Simulator for Vibrating Blade Rows Timothy C. Ayer, Joseph M. Verdon, United Technologies Research Center, East Hartford, CT, USA 96-GT-340
IGTI 1996 A Technique to Achieve Uniform Stress Distribution in Compressive Creep Testing of Advanced Ceramics at High Temperatures Kenneth C. Liu, Christopher O. Stevens, Charles R. Brinkman, Oak Ridge National Laboratory, Oak Ridge, TN, USA; Nicholas E. Holshauser, North Carolina A & T State University, Greensboro, NC, USA 96-GT-341
IGTI 1996 Fatigue Strength as a Function of Preloading in Dynamic Fatigue Testing of Glass and Ceramics Sung R. Choi, Cleveland State University, Cleveland, OH, USA; Jonathan A. Salem, John P. Gyekenyesi, NASA Lewis Research Center, Cleveland, OH, USA 96-GT-342
IGTI 1996 Wavelet Analysis for Gas Turbine Fault Diagnostics N. Aretakis, K. Mathioudakis, National Technical University of Athens, Athens, Greece 96-GT-343
IGTI 1996 An Assessment of the Performance of Closed Cycles with and without Heat Rejection at Cryogenic Temperatures A. Agazzani, A.F. Massardo, University of Genova, Genoa, Italy; T. Korakianitis, Washington University, St Louis, MO, USA 96-GT-344
IGTI 1996 A SemiClosed Cycle Gas Turbine with Carbon Dioxide-Argon as Working Fluid Inaki Ulizar, Torrejon de Ardoz, Madrid, Spain; Pericles Pilidis, Cranfield University, Cranfield, Bedford, UK 96-GT-345
IGTI 1996 Structural Design and High Pressure Test of a Ceramic Combustor for 1500°C Class Industrial Gas Turbine I. Yuri, T. Hisamatsu, K. Watanabe, Y. Etori, Central Research Institute of Electric Power Industry, Yokosuka, Kanagawa, Japan 96-GT-346
IGTI 1996 Progress in Fabrication of Silicon Nitride Structural Components for Turbomachinery Applications John P. Pollinger, AlliedSignal Aerospace, Torrance, CA, USA 96-GT-347
IGTI 1996 Ceramic Matrix Composites Application in Automotive Gas Turbine Hiroshi Kaya, Petroleum Energy Center, Tokyo, Japan; Takao Izumi, Japan Automobile Research Institute, Tsukuba, Japan 96-GT-348
IGTI 1996 Capacitive Measurement of Compressor and Turbine Blade Tip to Casing Running Clearance D. Müller, S. Mozumdar, E. Johann, BMW Rolls-Royce GmbH, Dahlewitz, Germany; A.G. Sheard, BICC Thermoheat Ltd., Coventry, England 96-GT-349
IGTI 1996 A Fast-Response Total Temperature Probe for Unsteady Compressible Flows D.R. Buttsworth, T.V. Jones, University of Oxford, Oxford, United Kingdom 96-GT-350
IGTI 1996 A Systematic Computational Methodology Applied to a Three-Dimensional Film-Cooling Flowfield Dibbon K. Walters, James H. Leylek, Clemson University, Clemson, SC, USA 96-GT-351
IGTI 1996 Aerodynamically Induced Radial Forces in a Centrifugal Gas Compressor - Part 2: Computational Investigation Michael B. Flathers, Solar Turbines Incorporated, San Diego, CA, USA; George E. Bache, Advanced Scientific Computing Corp., El Dorado Hills, CA, USA 96-GT-352
IGTI 1996 Development of a High Specific Speed Centrifugal Compressor C. Rodgers, Consultant, San Diego, CA, USA 96-GT-353
IGTI 1996 Investigation of an Aft-Swept, Transonic Compressor Rotor S.L. Puterbaugh, W.W. Copenhaver, Wright Patterson Laboratory, Wright Patterson AFB, OH, USA; C. Hah, NASA Lewis Research Center, Cleveland, OH, USA; A.J. Wennerstrom, Hot Springs Village, AR, USA 96-GT-354
IGTI 1996 Measurements of Heat Transfer Coefficients and Friction Factors in Passages Rib-Roughened on All Walls M.E. Taslim, T. Li, Northeastern University, Boston, MA, USA; S.D. Spring, GE Aircraft Engines, Lynn, MA, USA 96-GT-355
IGTI 1996 Rib Heat Transfer Coefficient Measurements in a Rib-Roughened Square Passage G.J. Korotky, M.E. Taslim, Northeastern University, Boston, MA, USA 96-GT-356
IGTI 1996 CFD-Analysis of Coverplate Receiver Flow Oliver Popp, Horst Zimmerman, Dr. J. Kutz, Daimler-Benz Aerospace, München, Germany 96-GT-357
IGTI 1996 Development of Blade Profiles for Low Pressure Turbine Applications E.M. Curtis, H.P. Hodson, M.R. Banieghbal, J.D. Denton, R.J. Howell, Whittle Laboratory, University of Cambridge, Cambridge, UK; N.W. Harvey, Rolls-Royce Plc, Derby, UK 96-GT-358
IGTI 1996 The Effect of Vortex Shedding on the Unsteady Pressure Distribution Around the Trailing Edge of a Turbine Blade G. Cicatelli, C.H. Sieverding, von Karman Institute, Belgium 96-GT-359
IGTI 1996 Analysis of Instability Inception in High-Speed Multi-Stage Axial-Flow Compressors Gavin J. Hendricks, Jayant S. Sabnis, Matthew R. Feulner, United Technologies Research Center, East Hartford, CT, USA 96-GT-360
IGTI 1996 REVAP® Cycle: A New Evaporative Cycle Without Saturation Tower J. De Ruyck, S. Bram, G. Allard, Vrije Universiteit Brussel, Brussels, Belgium 96-GT-361
IGTI 1996 Progress on the European Gas Turbine Program - AGATA Rolf Gabrielsson, Volvo Aero Corporation, Trollhättan, Sweden; Göran Holmqvist, Volvo Aero Turbines, Malmö, Sweden 96-GT-362
IGTI 1996 An Analysis of Axial Compressors Fouling and a Cleaning Method of their Blading A.P. Tarabrin, Research Institute, NPO CKTI, St. Petersburg, Russia; V.A. Schurovsky, Gas Research Institute, VNIIGAS, Moscow, Russia; A.I. Bodrov, Institute of Machine Building, PIMACH, St. Petersburg, Russia; J-P. Stalder, Turbotect Ltd., Baden, Switzer 96-GT-363
IGTI 1996 Rotordynamic Forces due to Turbine Tip Leakage - Part 1: Blade Scale Effects Seung Jin Song, INHA University, Namgu, Inchon, Korea; Manuel Martinez-Sanchez, MIT, Cambridge, MA, USA 96-GT-364
IGTI 1996 Rotordynamic Forces due to Turbine Tip Leakage - Part 2: Radius Scale Effects & Experimental Verification Seung Jin Song, INHA University, Namgu, Inchon, Korea; Manuel Martinez-Sanchez, MIT, Cambridge, MA, USA 96-GT-365
IGTI 1996 Radial Turbine Development for the 100kW Automotive Ceramic Gas Turbine Norio Nakazawa, Hiroshi Ogita, Masayuki Takahashi, Takaaki Yoshizawa, Yasumasa Mori, Japan Automobile Research Institute, Incorporated, Tsukuba, Ibaraki, Japan 96-GT-366
IGTI 1996 Ceramic Gas Turbine Technology Development M.W. Rettler, M.L. Easley, J.R. Smyth, AlliedSignal Aerospace Company, Phoenix, AZ, USA 96-GT-367
IGTI 1996 A Viscoplastic Constitutive Theory for Monolithic Ceramics - I Lesley A Janosik, NASA Lewis Research Center, Cleveland, OH, USA; Stephen F. Duffy, PhD, P.E., Cleveland, OH, USA 96-GT-368
IGTI 1996 Creep Life of Ceramic Components Using a Finite Element Based Integrated Design Program (CARES/CREEP) Lynn M. Powers, Cleveland State University, Cleveland, OH, USA; Osama M. Jadaan, University of Wisconsin-Platteville, Platteville, WI, USA; John P. Gyekenyesi, NASA-Lewis Research Center, Cleveland, OH, USA 96-GT-369
IGTI 1996 Stall Precursor Identification in High Speed Compressor Stages Using Chaotic Time Series Analysis Methods Michelle M. Bright, NASA Lewis Research Center, Cleveland, OH, USA; Helen K. Qammer, The University of Akron, Akron, OH, USA; Harald J. Weigl, James D. Paduano, Massachusetts Institute of Technology, Cambridge, MA, USA 96-GT-370
IGTI 1996 Application of a Multi-Block CFD Code to Investigate the Impact of Geometry Modeling on Centrifugal Compressor Flow Field Predictions Michael D. Hathaway, U.S. Army Vehicle Propulsion Directorate, Cleveland, OH, USA; Jerry R. Wood, NASA Lewis Research Center, Cleveland, OH, USA 96-GT-372
IGTI 1996 The Effect of Misalignment on Rotor Vibrations Dr. Jorgen L. Nikolajsen, Staffordshire University, Stafford, England 96-GT-373
IGTI 1996 Unsteady Flow in Oscillating Turbine Cascade Part 1. Linear Cascade Experiment L. He, University of Durham, Durham, U.K. 96-GT-374
IGTI 1996 Unsteady Flow in Oscillating Turbine Cascade Part 2. Computational Study L. He, University of Durham, Durham, U.K. 96-GT-375
IGTI 1996 Inlet Distortion Generated Forced Response of a Low Aspect Ratio Transonic Fan Steven R. Manwaring, Christopher B. Lorence, Aspi R. Wadia, GE Aircraft Engines, Cincinnati, OH, USA; Douglas C. Rabe, Wright Laboratory, Wright-Patterson AFB, OH, USA 96-GT-376
IGTI 1996 The Effect of Squeeze Film Damper Parameters on the Unbalance Response and Stability of a Flexible Rotor F. Chu, Tsinghua University, Beijing, China; R. Holmes, University of Southampton, Southampton, UK 96-GT-377
IGTI 1996 Experience in Full Load Testing Natural Gas Centrifugal Compressors For Rotordynamics Improvements Alain Gelin, Jean-Marc Pugnet, Daniel Bolusset, Patrick Friez, FRAMATOME Division THERMODYN, Le Creusot, France 96-GT-378
IGTI 1996 Characterization of Laws of Friction in the Context of Engine Blade Dynamics A.V. Srinivasan, Worcester Polytechnic Institute, Worcester, MA, USA; D. Michael McFarland, University of Connecticut, Storrs, CT, USA 96-GT-379
IGTI 1996 Inconel Alloy 783: An Oxidation Resistant, Low Expansion Superalloy for Gas Turbine Applications K.A. Heck, J.S. Smith, Inco Alloys International, Huntington, WV, USA; R. Smith, Inco Alloys International, Hereford, England 96-GT-380
IGTI 1996 An Experimental Study of Turbine Vane Heat Transfer with Water-Air Cooling Nirm V. Nirmalan, John A. Weaver, Larry D. Hylton, Allison Engine Company, Indianapolis, IN, USA 96-GT-381
IGTI 1996 High Pressure Test Results of a Catalytic Combustor for Gas Turbine T. Fujii, Y. Ozawa, S. Kikumoto, M. Sato, Central Research Insitute of Electric Power Industry, Yokosuka, Kanagawa, Japan; Y. Yuasa, H. Inoue, Kansai Electric Power Co., Inc., Amagasaki, Hyogo, Japan 96-GT-382
IGTI 1996 Experimental Investigation of the Liquid Fuel Evaporation in a Premix Duct for Lean Premixed and Prevaporized Combustion Michael Brandt, Kay O. Gugel, Christoph Hassa, German Aerospace Research Establishment, Köln, Germany 96-GT-383
IGTI 1996 Optimal Planning of a Super Waste Incineration Cogeneration Plant Koichi Ito, Ryohei Yokoyama, Osaka Prefecture University, Sakai, Osaka, Japan; Makoto Shimoda, Hitachi, Ltd., Hitachinaka, Ibaraki, Japan 96-GT-384
IGTI 1996 Creep Performance of Candidate SiC and Si3N4 Materials for Land-Based, Gas Turbine Engine Components Andrew A. Wereszczak, Timothy P. Kirkland, Oak Ridge National Laboratory, Oak Ridge, TN, USA 96-GT-385
IGTI 1996 Characterization and Laboratory Simulation of Turbine Airfoil Surface Roughness and Associated Heat Transfer David G. Bogard, Donald L. Schmidt, The University of Texas at Austin, Austin, TX, USA; Martin Tabbita, Pratt & Whitney, West Palm Beach, FL, USA 96-GT-386
IGTI 1996 Rotation Effect on Jet Impingement Heat Transfer in Smooth Rectangular Channels with Four Heated Walls and Radially Outward Cross Flow J.A. Parsons, J.C. Han, Texas A&M University, College Station, TX, USA; C.P. Lee, GE Aircraft Engines, Cincinnati, OH, USA 96-GT-387
IGTI 1996 Computational Prediction of Heat Transfer to Gas Turbine Nozzle Guide Vanes with Roughened Surfaces S.M. Guo, T.V. Jones, University of Oxford, Oxford, England; G.D. Lock, University of Bath, Bath, England; S.N. Dancer, Rolls-Royce plc, Derby, England 96-GT-388
IGTI 1996 Analysis of the Flow in Vaneless Diffusers with Large Width-to-Radius Ratios Hua-Shu Dou, Shimpei Mizuki, Hosei University, Koganei-city, Tokyo, Japan 96-GT-389
IGTI 1996 Development of Cobalt Base Superalloy for Heavy Duty Gas Turbine Nozzles M. Sato, Y. Kobayashi, M. Matsuzaki, K. Shimomura, Tohoku Electric Power Company, Sendai, Miyagi, Japan; T. Shibata, S. Nakamura, Y. Fukui, K. Wada, Hitachi Ltd., Hitachi, Ibaraki, Japan 96-GT-390
IGTI 1996 Variable Cycle Powerplants for a Mach 2.7 Supersonic Civil Transport Louay Aleid, Pericles Pilidis, Cranfield University, Cranfield, Beds, UK 96-GT-391
IGTI 1996 Advances in Nonlinear Dynamic Engine Simulation with an Example: Dynamic Performance Behavior of a Gas Turbine with One Reheat Turbine Stage and Two Combustion Chambers M.T. Schobeiri, M.S. Attia, Texas A & M University, College Station, TX USA 96-GT-392
IGTI 1996 Optimum Power Boosting of Gas Turbine Cycles with Refrigerated Inlet Air and Compressor Intercooling Mohand A. Ait-Ali, Laboratoire EM2.C-ECP, Chatenay-Malabry, France 96-GT-393
IGTI 1996 On Calculation and Optimization of Energy Systems Peter Ortmann, George Gyarmathy, Swiss Federal Institute of Technology (ETH), Zurich, Switzerland 96-GT-394
IGTI 1996 Modular Approach to Off-Design Gas Turbines Simulation: New Prospect for Reheat Applications Carlo Carcasci, Bruno Facchini, Riccardo Marra, University of Florence, Florence, Italy 96-GT-395
IGTI 1996 Measurement of Erosion/Corrosion Damage to Gas Turbine Components John E. Oakey, Nigel J. Simms, British Coal Corporation, Cheltenham, Gloucestershire, UKONT> 96-GT-396
IGTI 1996 Transonic Probe Blockage Effects in a Calibration Wind-Tunnel and Stator Blade Passage Frank Truckenmüller, Martin Renner, Heinz Stetter, University of Stuttgart, Stuttgart, Germany; Hans-Georg Hosenfeld, Siemens AG/KWU, Müllheim a.d. Ruhr, Germany 96-GT-397
IGTI 1996 Thermal Stresses in Gas Turbine Exhaust Duct Expansion Joints Michael D. Ninacs, Flexfab Niagara Inc., Montreal, Canada; Rodney P. Bell, Mu-Sigma Engineering Consultants, Mississauga, Canada 96-GT-398
IGTI 1996 Failure Analysis of a Burner Component Kenneth L. Saunders, Hopper and Associates, Redondo Beach, CA, USA; Brian P. Copley, Watson Generation Company, Carson, CA, USA 96-GT-399
IGTI 1996 A 2D Navier-Stokes Solution Method with Overset Moving Grids Ismail H. Tuncer, Naval Postgraduate School, Monterey, CA, USA 96-GT-400
IGTI 1996 Periodic Aerodynamic Response of Axial Fan Rotor Blades to Nonuniform Inlet Flow Fields M. Staiger, H. Stetter, Universität Stuttgart, Stuttgart, Germany 96-GT-401
IGTI 1996 A Rational Method for Optimizing Shroud Damping J. H. Griffin, Carnegie Mellon University, Pittsburgh, PA, USA; R. F. Labelle, Pratt & Whitney, West Palm Beach, FL, USA 96-GT-402
IGTI 1996 Modeling Support Effects - Finite Element and Experimental Modal Methods Jonathan R. Buckles, Keith E. Rouch, John R. Baker, University of Kentucky, Lexington, KY, USA 96-GT-403
IGTI 1996 Analysis of Flow within Pump Impeller of Torque Converter Hoshio Tsujita, Shimpei Mizuki, Hosei University, Koganei, Tokyo, Japan; Eiji Ejiri, Nissan Motor Co., Ltd., Yokosuka, Kanagawa, Japan 96-GT-404
IGTI 1996 Characteristics of Wakes in Compressible Two-Dimensional Flows Rainer Kurz, Solar Turbines Incorporated, San Diego, CA 96-GT-405
IGTI 1996 Fuel-Specification Considerations for Biomass Pyrolysis Liquids to be used in Stationary Gas Turbines Clifford A. Moses, Henry L. Bernstein, Southwest Research Institute, San Antonio, Texas, USA 96-GT-406
IGTI 1996 Stability Analysis of Symmetrical Rotor-Bearing Systems with Internal Damping Using Finite Element Method L. Forrai, University of Miskolc, Miskolc-Egyetemváros, Hungary 96-GT-407
IGTI 1996 Torque and Power Loss in a Cylindrical Fluid-Lubricated Bearing/Rotor System Paul Goldman, Alex Petchenev, Donald E. Bently, Agnes Muszynska, Bently Rotor Dynamic Research Corp., Minden, NV, USA 96-GT-408
IGTI 1996 Turbulence Amplification with Incidence at the Leading Edge of a Compressor Cascade Garth V. Hobson and Bryce E. Wakefield, Naval Postgraduate School, Monterey, CA, USA: William B. Roberts, Flow Application Research, Fremont, CA, USA 96-GT-409
IGTI 1996 The Effect of Reynolds Number on the Behaviour of a Leading Edge Separation Bubble Birinchi K. Hazarika, Charles Hirsch, Vrije Universiteit Brussel, Brussels, Belgium 96-GT-410
IGTI 1996 Modeling and Prediction of the Laminar Leading Edge Separation and Transition in a Blade-Cascade Flow Dimitri P. Tselepidakis, Sung-Eun Kim, Fluent Inc., Lebanon, NH, USA 96-GT-411
IGTI 1996 A High-Frequency-Response Pressure Probe for the Measurement of Unsteady Flow Between Two Rotors in a Hydrodynamic Turbomachine C. Achtelik, J. Eikelmann, Ruhr-Universität Bochum, Bochum, Germany 96-GT-412
IGTI 1996 Identification of Best Integrated Combined Cycle Cogeneration Plant K. Sarabchi, G.T. Polley, UMIST, Manchester, United Kingdom 96-GT-413
IGTI 1996 A Novel Limit Distribution for the Analysis of Randomly Mistuned Bladed Disks Marc P. Mignolet, Arizona State University, Tempe, AZ, USA; Chung-Chih Lin, Ford Motor Company, Dearborn, MI, USA 96-GT-414
IGTI 1996 Experimental Study of a 3D Wake Decay and Secondary Flows Behind a Rotor Blade of a Low Speed Compressor Stage A.S. Witkowski, T.J. Chmielniak, M.D. Strozik, Silesian Technical University, Gliwice, Poland 96-GT-415
IGTI 1996 RAM - Performance of Modern Gas Turbines Axel W. von Rappard, ABB Power Generation Inc., Midlothian, VA, USA; Heinz G. Neuhoff, ABB Power Generation Ltd., Baden, Switzerland; Salvatore A. Della Villa, Strategic Power Systems Inc.® , Albany, NY, USA 96-GT-416
IGTI 1996 Experimental Investigation and Theoretical Prediction of Flutter Behaviour of a Plane Cascade in Low Speed Flow H. Hennings, W. Send, DLR Research Centre, Göttingen, Germany 96-GT-417
IGTI 1996 Turbomachinery Multistage Simulation by a Finite Element Adaptive Approach M. Sleiman, M.P. Robichaud, M.F. Peeters, W.G. Habashi, Pratt & Whitney Canada, Longueuil, Quebec, Canada; A. Tam, Pratt & Whitney Canada, Montreal, Quebec, Canada; M. Fortin, Université Laval, Ste-Foy, Quebec, Canada 96-GT-418
IGTI 1996 Transonic Turbine Vane Wake Flows W.E. Carscallen, H.U. Fleige, National Research Council of Canada, Ottawa, Ontario, Canada; J. P. Gostelow, University of Leicester, Leicester, UK 96-GT-419
IGTI 1996 Study of Three-Dimensional Viscous Flow Field in Axial-Flow Fan Moming Su, Chuan-gang Gu, Yong-miao Miao, Xi'an Jiaotong University, Xi'an, China 96-GT-420
IGTI 1996 Loss Production in the Wake of a Simulated Subsonic Turbine Blade Quentin D. Roberts, John D. Denton, University of Cambridge, Cambridge, United Kingdom 96-GT-421
IGTI 1996 Simulation of Performance Deterioration in Eroded Compressors Deepinder Singh, Awatef Hamed, Widen Tabakoff, University of Cincinnati, Cincinnati, OH, USA 96-GT-422
IGTI 1996 Sizing of a Gas Turbine for Repowering of Cogeneration Power Plant Ljubljana by Mathematical Optimisation Mihael Gabriel Tomsic, Olgica Perovic, Jozef Stefan Institute, Ljubljana, Slovenia 96-GT-423
IGTI 1996 The Gas Turbine GT26 in Combined Cycle Application: Conversion of a Coal Power Plant into a Modern Combined Cycle Firing Natural Gas and Oil No. 2 Viktor Scherer, ABB Kraftwerke AG, Mannheim, Germany; Dieter Scherer, Badenwerk AG, Karlsruhe, Germany 96-GT-424
IGTI 1996 Development and Shop Test Results of a New 25-35MW Class Gas Turbine MF-221 K. Takeishi, H. Mori, K. Tsukagoshi, M. Takahama, Mitsubishi Heavy Industries, Ltd., Takasago, Japan 96-GT-425
IGTI 1996 Coating Characterization and Evaluation of Directionally Solidified CM188 LC® and Single Crystal CMSX-4® Paul S. Korinko, Michael J. Barber, Malcolm Thomas, Allison Engine Company, Indianapolis, IN, USA 96-GT-426
IGTI 1996 High Strength Diffusion Braze Repair for Gas Turbine Components Roger D. Wustman, Jeffrey S. Smith, Howmet, Whitehall, MI, USA; Leonard M. Hampson, Howmet, Tulsa, OK, USA; Marc E. Suneson, Howment, Wichita Falls, TX, USA 96-GT-427
IGTI 1996 A Comparison of Full Surface Local Heat Transfer Coefficient and Flow Field Studies Beneath Sharp-Edged and Radiused Entry Impinging Jets D.R.H. Gillespie, S.M. Guo, Z. Wang, P.T. Ireland, Oxford University, Oxford, UK; S.T. Kohler, Rolls-Royce, Bristol, UK 96-GT-428
IGTI 1996 Validation of a 4D Finite Volume Method for Blade Flutter Pieter Groth, Hans Martensson, Lars-Erik Eriksson, Volvo Aero Corporation AB, Trollhättan, Sweden 96-GT-429
IGTI 1996 Use of a Thermographic Phosphor Flourescence Imaging System for Simultaneous Measurement of Film Cooling Effectiveness and Heat Transfer Coefficient M.K. Chyu, Y.C. Hsing, Carnegie Mellon University, Pittsburgh, PA, USA 96-GT-430
IGTI 1996 The Indirect Cycle - A Logical and Practical Nuclear Gas Turbine Power Plant Concept Colin F. McDonald, McDonald Thermal Engineering, La Jolla, CA, USA 96-GT-431
IGTI 1996 A Distortion Problem in a Single Shaft Military Turbojet Petros Kotsiopoulos, Hellenic Air Force Academy, Dekelia, Athens, Greece; Andreas Kottarakos, Hellenic Air Force Research and Technology Center (KETA), Terpsithea, Athens, Greece; Pericles Pilidis, Cranfield University, Cranfield, Bedford, UK 96-GT-432
IGTI 1996 Optimisation of Bypass Fan Outlet Guide Vanes A.B. Parry, Rolls-Royce plc, Derby, UK 96-GT-433
IGTI 1996 Thermodynamic Design Point Study of a Semi-Closed Recuperated Intercooled Gas Turbine Combined with a Rankine Bottoming Cycle Todd S. Nemec, Pratt & Whitney, West Palm Beach, FL, USA; Dr. William E. Lear, University of Florida, Gainesville, FL, USA 96-GT-434
IGTI 1996 Engine Test Experience with HVOF WC-Co Coated Fan Blade Dampers Lars Pejryd, Jan Wigren, Volvo Aero Corporation, Trollhättan, Sweden 96-GT-435
IGTI 1996 Characterization and Performance Evaluation of Pack Cementation and Chemical Vapor Deposition Platinum Aluminide Coatings Zaher Mutasim, William Brentnall, Solar Turbines Incorporated, San Diego, CA, USA 96-GT-436
IGTI 1996 Predicting Marine Gas Turbine Engine Removals Using System Simulation Thomas M. Bodman, Naval Surface Warfare Center Carderock Division, Philadelphia, PA, USA 96-GT-437
IGTI 1996 The Ammonia and Diazo Technique with CO2-Calibration for Highly Resolving and Accurate Measurement of Adiabatic Film Cooling Effectiveness with Application to a Row of Holes W. Haslinger, D.K. Hennecke, Technical University Darmstadt, Darmstadt, Germany 96-GT-438
IGTI 1996 Advances in Gas Turbine Technology and the Digital Computer Melvin Platt, Northern Research and Engineering Corporation, Woburn, MA, USA 96-GT-439
IGTI 1996 A Framework for Analyzing the Dynamics of Flexibly-Bladed Turbomachines D.L. Gysling, M.R. Myers, United Technologies Research Center, East Hartford, CT, USA 96-GT-440
IGTI 1996 Hot Wire Measurements During Rotating Stall in a Variable Pitch Axial Flow Fan Eduardo Blanco-Marigorta, Rafael Ballesteros-Tajadura, Carlos Santolaria, Universidad de Oveido, Gijon, Asturias, Spain 96-GT-441
IGTI 1996 Numerical Study of Bicomponent Droplet Vaporization in a High Pressure Environment J. Stengele, H.-J. Bauer, S. Wittig, Universität Karlsruhe (T.H.), Karlsruhe, Germany 96-GT-442
IGTI 1996 Unsteady Flow Calculation in a Cross-Flow Fan Using a Finite Element Method P.F. Bert, M. Pessiani, J.F. Combes, EDF-DER, Chatou, France; J.L. Kueny, INPG-ENSHMG, Grenoble, France 96-GT-443
IGTI 1996 A Boundary Layer Transition Model Mark W. Johnson, Ali H. Ercan, The University of Liverpool, Liverpool, UK 96-GT-444
IGTI 1996 Adaptive Control of a Gas Turbine Engine for Axial Compressor Faults G. Lombardo, University of Palermo, Palermo, Italy 96-GT-445
IGTI 1996 Development and Fabrication of Ceramic Gas Turbine Components Koichi Tanaka, Sazo Tsuruzono, Toshifumi Kubo, Makoto Yoshida, R&D Center, Kagoshima, Kyocera Corporation, Kokubu, Kagoshima, Japan 96-GT-446
IGTI 1996 Solid Oxide Fuel Cell Combined Cycles Frank P. Bevc, Westinghouse Electric Corporation, Orlando, FL, USA; Wayne L. Lundberg, Dennis M. Bachovchin, Westinghouse Electric Corporation, Pittsburgh, PA USA 96-GT-447
IGTI 1996 Rich-Quench-Lean Combustion for Multiple Fuels Dennis M. Bachovin, Westinghouse Electric Corporation, Pittsburgh, PA, USA; William F. Domeracki, Westinghouse Electric Corporation, Orlando, FL, USA 96-GT-448
IGTI 1996 Development of Ceramic Gas Turbine Components for the CGT301 Engine Mitsuru Hattori, Tsutomu Yamamoto, Keiichiro Watanabe, NGK Insulators, Ltd., Nagoya, Japan; Masaaki Masuda, NGK Europe GmbH, Eschborn, Germany 96-GT-449
IGTI 1996 A New Concept for the Design of Turbine Diffusers Irene Raab, Dirk Lippert, Dietmar K. Hennecke, Technische Hochschule Darmstadt (THD), Darmstadt, Germany 96-GT-450
IGTI 1996 Surface Optimisation by Engineering the Stress and Roughness Peter O'Hara, Metal Improvment Co., Inc., Newbury, Berkshire, UK 96-GT-451
IGTI 1996 A Low-Leakage Discontinuously-Rotating Regenerator Designed for a Motor-Vehicle Gas Turbine Andreas Carl Pfahnl, David Gordon Wilson, Massachusetts Institute of Technology, Cambridge, MA, USA 96-GT-452
IGTI 1996 Optimum Mixing for a Two-Sided Injection from Opposing Rows of Staggered Jets into a Confined Crossflow Malte M. Blomeyer, Bernd H. Krautkremer, Dietmar K. Hennecke, Technical University Darmstadt, Darmstadt, Germany 96-GT-453
IGTI 1996 Flow Interactions in the Combustor-Diffuser System of Industrial Gas Turbines Ajay K. Agrawal, University of Oklahoma, Norman, OK, USA; Jayanta S. Kapat, Tah-teh Yang, Clemson University, Clemson, SC, USA 96-GT-454
IGTI 1996 Application of Transient and Dynamic Simulations to the US Army T55-L-712 Helicopter Engine S.A. Savelle, G.D. Garrard, Sverdrup Technology, Inc., Arnold AFB, TN, USA 96-GT-455
IGTI 1996 The Design, Manufacture and Successful Operation of a Very Small Turbojet Engine Franklin Van Den Hout, Jo Koullen, Pulsejet & Turbojet Engineering, The Netherlands 96-GT-456
IGTI 1996 The Development of the Junkers Jumo 004B - The World's First Production Turbojet Cyrus B. Meher-Homji, Boyce Engineering International, Inc., Houston, TX, USA 96-GT-457
IGTI 1996 Evaluation of Commercial Coatings on Marm-002, In-939 and CM-247 Substrates J.G. Goedjen, G.P. Wagner, Westinghouse Electric Corporation, Orlando, FL, USA 96-GT-458
IGTI 1996 Development of Ceramic Stator Vane for 1500°C Class Industrial Gas Turbine Takashi Machida, Masato Nakayama, Hitachi Ltdl, Tsuchimura, Ibarak, Japan; Katsuo Wada, Hitachi Ltd., Hitachi, Ibaraki, Japan; Tooru Hisamatsu, Isao Yuri, Kazunori Watanabe, Central Research Institute of Energy Power Industry, Yokosuka, Kanagawa, Japan 96-GT-459
IGTI 1996 Ceramic Stationary Gas Turbine Development Program - Third Annual Summary Mark van Roode, William D. Brentnall, Kenneth O. Smith, Bryan D. Edwards, Leslie J. Faulder, Paul F. Norton, Solar Turbines Incorporated, San Diego, CA, USA 96-GT-460
IGTI 1996 The Key Role of Heat Exchangers in Closed Brayton Cycle Gas Turbine Power Plants Colin F. McDonald, McDonald Thermal Engineering, La Jolla, CA, USA 96-GT-461
IGTI 1996 Effects of Free-Stream Turbulence and Surface Roughness on Film Cooling Donald L. Schmidt, David G. Bogard, The University of Texas at Austin, Austin, TX, USA 96-GT-462
IGTI 1996 An Investigation of Heat Transfer by Leading Edge Film Cooling Applying the Naphthalene Sublimation Technique J. Richter, K. Jung, D.K. Hennecke, Technical University Darmstadt, Darmstadt, Germany 96-GT-463
IGTI 1996 Experimental Investigation of Hybrid Airblast Atomizer J.S. Chin, N.K. Rizk, M.K. Razdan, Allison Engine Company, Indianapolis, IN, USA 96-GT-464
IGTI 1996 Engine Testing of a Natural Gas-Fired, Low-NOx, Variable Geometry Gas Turbine Combustor for a Small Gas Turbine Shigeru Hayashi, Hideshi Yamada, Kazuo Shimodaira, National Aerospace Laboratory, Chofu, Tokyo, Japan 96-GT-465
IGTI 1996 Modelling of Transonic Flow in a Rotor Blade of a Steam Turbine Stage with a High Aspect Ratio Blade M. Stastny, SKODA, Turbines, Ltd., Plzen, Czech Republic; L. Horejsi, M. Rais, SKODA, Research, Ltd., Plzen, Czech Republic; P. Safarik, Czech Technical University, Prague, Czech Republic 96-GT-466
IGTI 1996 The Microstructure, Mechanical Properties and Coatability of Diffusion Brazed CMSX-4 Single Crystal Warren M. Miglietti, Ros C. Pennefather, Mattek-CSIR, Pretoria, South Africa 96-GT-467
IGTI 1996 Prediction of the Three-Dimensional Reacting Two-Phase Flow Within a Jet-Stabilized Combustor M. Kurreck, M. Willmann, S. Wittig, Universität Karlsruhe (T.H.), Karlsruhe, Germany 96-GT-468
IGTI 1996 Steady State Response and Stability of Rotating Composite Blades with Frictional Damping T.N. Shiau, J.S. Rao, National Chung Cheng University, Chia Yi, Taiwan, R.O.C.; Y.D. Yu, S.T. Choi, National Cheng Kung University, Tainan, Taiwan, R.O.C. 96-GT-469
IGTI 1996 High Speed Rotor Losses in a Radial 8-Pole Magnetic Bearing Part 1: Experimental Measurement M.E.F. Kasarda, P.E. Allaire, E.H. Maslen, G.T. Gillies, University of Virginia, Charlottesville, VA, USA; G.R. Brown, NASA Lewis Research Center, Cleveland, OH, USA 96-GT-470
IGTI 1996 High Speed Rotor Losses in a Radial 8-Pole Magnetic Bearing Part 2: Analytical/Empirical Models and Calculations M.E.F. Kasarda, P.E. Allaire, E.H. Maslen, G. T. Gillies, University of Virginia, Charlottesville, VA, USA; G. R. Brown, NASA Lewis Research Center, Cleveland, OH, USA 96-GT-471
IGTI 1996 Modeling of Friction Contact and its Application to the Design of Shroud Contact Been-Der Yang, Chia-Hsiang Menq, The Ohio State University, Columbus, OH, USA 96-GT-472
IGTI 1996 Structural Integrity of a Gas Turbine Combustion System Subjected to Increased Dynamic Pressure John E. Barnes, GE Company, Schenectady, NY, USA 96-GT-473
IGTI 1996 Heat Transfer in a Two-Pass Internally Ribbed Turbine Blade Coolant Channel with Cylindrical Vortex Generators Richard G. Hibbs, Sumanta Acharya, Yi Chen, Dimitris E. Nikitopoulos, Tod A. Myrum, Louisiana State University, Baton Rouge, LA, USA 96-GT-474
IGTI 1996 Vortex Shedding from Struts in an Annular Exhaust Diffuser Thomas F. Fric, Reynaldo Villarreal, Robert O. Auer, General Electric Company Corporate Research & Development, Niskayuna, NY, USA; Michael L. James, Dincer Ozgur, Terrill K. Staley, General Electric Company Industrial & Power Systems, Schenectady, NY, US 96-GT-475
IGTI 1996 LDA Study of the Flow Development Through an Orthogonally Rotating U-Bend of Strong Curvature and Rib Roughened Walls H. Iacovides, D.C. Jackson, H. Ji, G. Kelemenis, B.E. Launder, K. Nikas, UMIST, Manchester, UK 96-GT-476
IGTI 1996 Research and Development of Ceramic Gas Turbine (CGT 302) Isashi Takehara, Isao Inobe, Tetsuo Tatsumi, Yoshihiro Ichikawa, Hirotake Kobayashi, Kawasaki Heavy Industries, Ltd., Akashi, Japan 96-GT-477
IGTI 1996 An Unsteady Velocity Formulation for the Edge of the Near-Wall Region Dennis E. Wilson, Anthony J. Hanford, The University of Texas at Austin, Austin, TX, USA 96-GT-478
IGTI 1996 A Tool for Thermoeconomic Analysis and Optimization of Gas, Steam and Combined Plants A. Agazzani, A.F. Massardo, Genova, Italy 96-GT-479
IGTI 1996 An Approach for the Development of an Aerodynamic-Structural Interaction Numerical Simulation for Aeropropulsion Systems Javaid Naziar, Boeing Commercial Airplane Group, Seattle, WA, USA; Rich Couch, Lawrence Livermore National Laboratory, Livermore, CA, USA; Milt Davis, Sverdrup Technology, Inc., Arnold Air Force Base, TN, USA 96-GT-480
IGTI 1996 Sensor Based Analyzer for Continuous Emissions Monitoring in Gas Pipeline Applications Paul F. Schubert, David R. Sheridan, Michael D. Cooper, Andrew J. Banchieri, Advanced Sensor Devices, Mountain View, CA, USA 96-GT-481
IGTI 1996 Mixing of Multiple Jets with a Confined Subsonic Crossflow in a Cylindrical Duct James D. Holdeman, NASA Lewis Research Center, Cleveland, OH, USA; Davis S. Liscinsky, United Technologies Research Center, E. Hartford, CT, USA; G. Scott Samuelsen, University of California, Irvine, CA, USA; Victor L. Oechsle, Allison Engine Company, Ind 96-GT-482
IGTI 1996 Simulation of Trailing Edge Vortex Shedding in a Transonic Turbine Cascade Tom C. Currie, William E. Carscallen, National Research Council of Canada, Ottawa, Ontario, Canada 96-GT-483
IGTI 1996 Laser-Doppler Velocimetry Measurements in a Cascade of Compressor Blades at Stall Garth V. Hobson, Andrew J. H. Williams, Humberto J. Ganaim Rickel, Naval Postgraduate School, Monterey, CA, USA 96-GT-484
IGTI 1996 Development of a Catalytic Combustor for a Heavy-Duty Utility Gas Turbine Ralph A. Dalla Betta, James C. Schlatter, Sarento G. Nickolas, Catalytica Inc., Mountain View, CA, USA; Martin B. Cutrone, Kenneth W. Beebe, General Electric Co., Schenectady, NY, USA; Yutaka Furuse, Toshiaki Tsuchiya, Tokyo Electric Power Co., Yokohama, 96-GT-485
IGTI 1996 Unsteady Wake-Induced Boundary Layer Transition in High Lift LP Turbines Volker Schulte, Howard P. Hodson, University of Cambridge, Cambridge, UK 96-GT-486
IGTI 1996 On the Navier-Stokes Calculation of Separation Bubbles with a New Transition Model Wolfgang Sanz, Graz University of Technology, Graz, Austria; Max F. Platzer, Naval Postgraduate School, Monterey, CA, USA 96-GT-487
IGTI 1996 Thermocyclic Behavior of Variously Stabilized EB-PVD Thermal Barrier Coatings U. Schulz, K. Fritscher, M. Peters, DLR German Aerospace Research Establishment, Cologne, Germany 96-GT-488
IGTI 1996 Investigation of the Calmed Region Behind a Turbulent Spot J.P. Gostelow, University of Leicester, Leicester, England; G.J. Walker, W.J. Solomon, University of Tasmania, Hobart, Tasmania, Australia; G. Hong, N. Melwani, University of Technology, Sydney, Sydney, Australia 96-GT-489
IGTI 1996 Effect of Rib Height and Pitch on the Thermal Performance of a Passage Disturbed by Detached Solid Ribs Tong-Miin Liou, Woei-Jiunn Shuy, Yu-Houe Tsao, National Tsing Hua University, Hsinchu, Taiwan, R.O.C. 96-GT-490
IGTI 1996 An Experimental Investigation of the Velocity and Temperature Fields of Cold Jets Injected into a Hot Crossflow Hans A. Rydholm, Volvo Aero Corp., Trollättan, Sweden 96-GT-491
IGTI 1996 Discharge Coefficient of Turbine Cooling Holes: A Review N. Hay, D. Lampard, University of Nottingham, Nottingham, UK 96-GT-492
IGTI 1996 SNECMA Experience with Cost Effective DS Airfoil Technology Applied Using CM186LC® Alloy F. Caruel, S. Bourguignon, B. Lallement, S. Fargeas, A. DeBussac, SNECMA, Evry, France; K. Harris, G.L. Erickson, J.B. Wahl, Cannon-Muskegon Corporation, Muskegon, MI, USA 96-GT-493
IGTI 1996 On the Interpretation of Measured Profile Losses in Unsteady Wake-Turbine Blade Interaction Studies H.P. Hodson, W.N. Dawes, Cambridge University Engineering Department, Cambridge, England 96-GT-494
IGTI 1996 Modeling the Effective Elastic Behavior of a Transversely Cracked Laminated Composite David J. Thomas, Cleveland State University, Cleveland, OH, USA; Robert C. Wetherhold, State University of New York, Buffalo, NY, USA 96-GT-495
IGTI 1996 Life-Cycle Engineering Support from the US Navy Gas Turbine Ship Complex Paul Socoloski, Naval Surface Warfare Center, Carderock Division, Philadelphia, PA, USA; Lt. Michael Maier, U.S. Navy, Philadelphia, PA, USA; Michael Lamberto, PRC Inc., Mt. Laurel, NJ, USA 96-GT-496
IGTI 1996 The Optimization of Combined Cycle HRSGs as a Function of the Plant Load Duty P.J. Dechamps, Cockerill Mechanical Industries, Seraing, Belgium 96-GT-497
IGTI 1996 Evaluation of a New Design Concept for a Ceramic Flame Tube Under Engine Conditions S. Münz, A. Schulz, S. Wittig, Universität Karlsruhe (T.H.), Karlsruhe, Germany 96-GT-498
IGTI 1996 In-Service Degradation of Corrosion Resistant Coatings Narayana S. Cheruvu, Thomas J. Carr, Westinghouse Electric Corporation, Orlando, FL, USA; John Dworak, James Coyle, Dow Chemical Company, Freeport, TX, USA 96-GT-499
IGTI 1996 A Comparison of HVOF and LPPS Applied Mcraly Coating Hans van Esch, Wayne Greaves, Hickham Industries, Inc., La Porte, TX, USA 96-GT-500
IGTI 1996 Test Technics and Evaluation Requirements for Marine Gas Turbine Air Inlet Systems Howard Harris, Iván Piñeiro, Alan Oswald, Naval Surface Warfare Center, Carderock Division, Philadelphia, PA, USA 96-GT-501
IGTI 1996 High Contaminant Air Filtration System for US Navy Hovercraft Gas Turbines Jerome Ehrhardt, Naval Sea Systems Command, Washington, DC, USA; Iván Piñeiro, Naval Surface Warfare Center, Carderock Division, Philadelphia, PA, USA 96-GT-502
IGTI 1996 Some Significant Highlights in Allison Regenerator Development Leonard C. Davis, Anthony V. Jackman, Allison Engine Company, Indianapolis, IN, USA 96-GT-503
IGTI 1996 Particle Impact Tests of Ceramic Gas Turbine Materials at Room Temperature Yasushi Hara, Keisuke Makino, Kenichi Mizuno, Toru Shimamori, R&D Center, NGK Spark Plug Co., Ltd., Komaki-shi, Aichi, Japan; Hiro Yoshida, AIST, MITI, Tsukuba, Ibaragi, Japan 96-GT-504
IGTI 1996 Influence of Tip Clearance, Aspect Ratio, Blade Loading and Inlet Boundary Layer on Secondary Losses in Compressor Cascades Jürgen Hübner, Leonhard Fottner, Universität der Bundeswehr München, Neubiberg, Germany 96-GT-505
IGTI 1996 3D Laser Transit Measurements of the Tip Clearance Vortex in a Compressor Rotor Blade Row Andrew C. Foley, European Gas Turbines, Ltd., Lincoln, England; Paul C. Ivey, Cranfield University, Bedfordshire, England 96-GT-506
IGTI 1996 Effects of Downstream Stator Pressure Field on Upstream Rotor Performance Martin B. Graf, Massachusetts Institute of Technology, Cambridge, MA, USA; Om P. Sharma, United Technologies Corporation, East Hartford, CT, USA 96-GT-507
IGTI 1996 Tip Leakage Flow Characteristics Downstream of an Axial Flow Fan P. Puddu, University of Cagliari, Cagliari, Italy 96-GT-508
IGTI 1996 Choice of the Pseudo-Optimal Configuration of a Cooled Gas-Turbine Blade Based On a Constrained Minimization of the Global Entropy Production Rate Gianni Natalini, Enrico Sciubba, Universita' di Roma 1, Roma, Italy 96-GT-509
IGTI 1996 Internal Damage Accumulation and Imminent Failure of an Industrial Gas Turbine Blade Interpretation and Implications M.I. Wood, ERA Technology, Leatherhead, Surrey, England 96-GT-510
IGTI 1996 Transonic Stall/Choke Flutter Analysis of Cascades by a Navier-Stokes Solution-Adaptive Approach C.J. Hwang, J.M. Fang, National Cheng Kung University, Tainan, Taiwan, Republic of China 96-GT-511
IGTI 1996 On the Practical Stability and its Application to Nonlinear Control of Surge Feng Lin, Indiana Institute of Technology, Ft. Wayne, IN, USA 96-GT-512
IGTI 1996 Cold Flow Computations for the Diffuser-Combustor Section of an Industrial Gas Turbine Dadong Zhou, Ting Wang, Clemson University, Clemson, SC, USA; William R. Ryan, Westinghouse Electric Corporation, Orlando, FL, USA 96-GT-513
IGTI 1996 Data Transmission Systems for a Transient Gas Turbine Rotor Catherine M. Byrne, Mark R.D. Davies, University of Limerick, Limerick, Ireland 96-GT-514
IGTI 1996 Experimental Analysis of a Small Prototype of Peripheral Turbine for Decompression of Natural Gas Carlo M. Bartolini, Danilo Salvi, Universitàt di Ancona, Ancona, Italy 96-GT-515
IGTI 1996 Economics of Gas Turbine Inlet Air Cooling System for Power Enhancement Motoaki Utamura, Hitachi, Ltd., Hitachi City, Japan; Yoshio Nishimura, Hitachi, Ltd., Naka-ku, Nagoya, Japan; Akira Ishikawa, Chubu Electric Power Company Incorporated, Midori-ku, Nagoya, Japan; Nobuo Ando, Hitachi, Ltd., Chiyoda-ku, Tokyo, Japan 96-GT-516
IGTI 1996 Newly Developed Filter Products for Gas Turbine Intake Air Filtration Thomas Schroth, Antje Rudolph, Carl Freudenberg, BA Gas Filtration, Weinheim, Germany 96-GT-517
IGTI 1996 Cold Flow Experiments in a Sub-Scale Model of the Diffuser-Combustor Section of an Industrial Gas Turbine J.S. Kapat, T. Wang, Clemson University, Clemson, SC, USA; W.R. Ryan, I.S. Diakunchak, R.L. Bannister, Westinghouse Electric Corporation, Orlando, FL, USA 96-GT-518
IGTI 1996 Oxidation Resistance and Critical Sulfur Content of Single Crystal Superalloys James L. Smialek, NASA Lewis Research Center, Cleveland, OH, USA 96-GT-519
IGTI 1996 GTD111 Alloy Material Study Joseph A. Daleo, James R. Wilson, Wilson & Daleo Inc., Ancaster, Ontario Canada 96-GT-520
IGTI 1996 Platimum Substitutes and Two-Phase-Glass Overlayers as Low Cost Alternatives to Platinum Aluminide Coatings B. Durga Prasad, Sankara N. Sankaran, Karl E. Wiedemann, David E. Glass, Analytical Services & Materials Inc., Hampton, VA, USA 96-GT-521
IGTI 1996 Prediction of Flow Behaviour and Performance of Squirrel-Cage Centrifugal Fans Operating at Medium and High Flow Rates R.J. Kind, Carleton University, Ottawa, Ontario, Canada 96-GT-522
IGTI 1996 35-Year Old Splined-Disc Rotor Design for Large Gas Turbines Manfred J. Janssen, John S. Joyce, Mülheim, Ruhr, Germany 96-GT-523
IGTI 1996 Improved Turbine Cylinder Bolting System Martin C. Gosling, Westinghouse Canada Inc., P.G.M.D., Hamilton, Ontario, Canada 96-GT-524
IGTI 1996 HP/HVOF as a Low Cost Substitute for LPPS Turbine MCrAlY Coatings Ronald J. Honick, Jr., Howmet Corporation-Thermatech Coatings, Whitehall, MI, USA; Richard Thorpe, TAFA Incorporated, Concord, NH, USA 96-GT-525
IGTI 1996 Hydrodynamics and Heat Exchange with Wall Jet Cooling of Gas Turbine Blade Internal Spaces A.V. Soudarev, Research & Development Institute for Power Engineering, St. Petersburg, Russia; B.V. Soudarev, N.N. Suntsov, V.V. Medvedev, The Ocean State Technology University, St. Petersburg, Russia; V.B. Soudarev, Central Boiler-Turbine Institute, St. 96-GT-526
IGTI 1996 A Fully Enhanced Gas Turbine For Surface Ships Jack Janes, P.E. California Energy Commission, Sacramento, CA, USA 96-GT-527
IGTI 1996 Temperature Estimation and Life Prediction of Blades Using Post Service Oxidation Measurements V.P. Swaminathan, Southwest Research Institute, San Antonio, TX, USA; J.M. Allen, Consulting Engineer, Cupertino, CA, USA; G.L. Touchton, Electric Power Research Institute, Palo Alto, CA, USA 96-GT-528
IGTI 1996 Wall-Jet Turbulent Boundary Layer Heat Flux, Velocity, and Temperature Spectra and Time Scales David G. Holmberg, VA Tech, Blacksburg, VA, USA; David J. Pestian, UDRI, Dayton, OH, USA 96-GT-529
IGTI 1996 Repowering a Steam Turbine-Generator Power Plant Through Heat Recovery Type Combined Cycle - Selection of the Cycle - A Case Study H.A. Bazzini, Bella Vista, Buenos Aires, Argentina 96-GT-530
IGTI 1996 Design and Performance of Low Heating Value Fuel Gas Turbine Combustors Robert A. Battista, GE Power Generation, Schenectady, NY, USA; Alan S. Feltberg, Michael A. Lacey, GE Corporate Research and Development, Schenectady, NY, USA 96-GT-531
IGTI 1996 Time and Cycle Dependance in High Temperature Fatigue of Ceramic Matrix Composites Marc Steen, José-Lorenzo Vallés, Institute for Advanced Materials, Joint Research Centre, European Commission, Petten, The Netherlands 96-GT-532
IGTI 1996 Thermal Strains and their Effect on the Life of Ceramic Matrix Composite Components in Gas Turbine Engines Michael J.L. Percival, Colin P. Beesley, Rolls Royce plc, Derby, UK; 96-GT-533
IGTI 1996 Gas Temperature Measurement in Internal Cooling Passages Z. Wang, P.T. Ireland, University of Oxford, Parks Road, Oxford, UK; S.T. Kohler, J.W. Chew, Rolls-Royce plc, Filton, Bristol, UK 96-GT-534
IGTI 1996 CTV - A New Method for Mapping a Full Scale Prototype of an Axial Compressor Vasco Mezzedimi, Pierluigi Nava, Nuovo Pignone Firenze, Italy; Dave Hamilla, Power Generation Engineering, General Electric - Schenectady, NY, USA 96-GT-535
IGTI 1996 The Traveling Cascade, Constant Volume Heat Exchanger in a Gas Turbine Lead Combined Cycle Demos P. Georgiou, University of Patras, Rion-Patras, Greece 96-GT-536
IGTI 1996 Comparison of k-e Models in Predicting Heat Transfer and Skin Friction Under High Free Stream Turbulence Ganesh R. Iyer, Savesh Yavuzkurt, The Pennsylvania State University, University Park, PA, USA 96-GT-537
IGTI 1996 Efficient District Heat Production by Heat Extraction From Combined Cycle Plants H. Haselbacher, Technical University of Vienna, Vienna, Austria; H.U. Frutschi, Asea Brown Boveri, Baden, Switzerland 96-GT-538
IGTI 1996 Nonplanar Crack Growth Using the Surface Integral Method Scott C. Forth, William D. Keat, Clarkson University, Potsdam, NY, USA 96-GT-539
IGTI 1996 Economic Scales for First-Generation Biomass-Gasifiers/Gas Turbine Combined Cycles Fueled From Energy Plantations Eric D. Larson, Christopher I. Morrison, Princeton University, Princeton, NJ, USA 96-GT-540
IGTI 1996 The Effect of Periodic Ribs on the Local Aerodynamic and Heat Transfer Performance of A Straight Cooling Channel G. Rau, M. Cakan, D. Moeller, T. Arts, von Karman Institute, Belgium 96-GT-541
IGTI 1996 Heat Transer Measurements to a Gas Turbine Cooling Passage with Inclined Ribs Z. Wang, P.T. Ireland, University of Oxford, Oxford, UK; S.T. Kohler, J.W. Chew, Rolls-Royce plc, Filton, Bristol, UK 96-GT-542
IGTI 1996 Aspirating Probe Measurements of the Unsteady Total Temperature Field Downstream of an Embedded Stator in a Multistage Axial Flow Compressor N. Suryavamshi, B. Lakshminarayana, J. Prato, The Pennsylvania State University, University Park, PA, USA 96-GT-543
IGTI 1996 Simulation and Validation of Mach Number Effects on Secondary Flow in a Transonic Turbine Using a Multigrid K-e Solver M. Koiro, B. Lakshminarayana, The Pennsylvania State Unversity, University Park, PA, USA 96-GT-544
IGTI 1996 Reduction of NOx Formation by Water Sprays in Strained Two-Stage Flames S.C. Li, N. Ilincic, F.A. Williams, University of California, San Diego, La Jolla, CA, USA 96-GT-545
IGTI 1996 Three-Dimensional Flow Calculations of the Stator in a Highly Loaded Transonic Fan Paul R. Emmerson, Defence Research Agency, Pyestock, Farnborough, Hampshire, UK 96-GT-546
IGTI 1996 Effects of Inlet Distortion on the Flow Field in a Transonic Compressor Rotor Chunill Hah, NASA Lewis Research Center, Cleveland, OH, USA; Douglas C. Rabe, Wright-Patterson AFB, Dayton, OH, USA; Thomas J. Sullivan, Aspi R. Wadia, GE Aircraft Engines, Cincinnati, OH, USA 96-GT-547
IGTI 1996 A Computational Assessment of Surge-Induced Inlet Overpressure Distribution for Preliminary Design Daniel N. Miller, Jeffrey W. Hamstra, Lockheed Martin Tactical Aircraft Systems, Fort Worth, TX, USA 96-GT-548
IGTI 1996 Upgrading of the Westinghouse 501FA Row 2 Vane Segment to the 501FC Design John Bonsall, James Beiswenger, Matthew Kizer, Westinghouse Electric Corporation, Orlando, FL, USA; Joseph Janssen, Metem Corporation, Parsippany, NJ, USA 96-GT-549
IGTI 1996 Two-Dimensional Computational Model for Wave Rotor Flow Dynamics Gerard E. Welch, NASA Lewis Research Center, Cleveland, OH, USA 96-GT-550
IGTI 1997 Thickness Measurement of MCrAIY High-Temperature Coatings by Frequency Scanning Eddy Current Technique Giampiero Antonelli, Marco Ruzzier, CISE SpA,Segrate, Italy; Fiorenzo Necci, ENEL SpA DCO Roma, Roma, Italy 97-GT-001
IGTI 1997 Comparison of Sweep and Dihedral Effects on Compressor Cascade Performance T. Sasaki, Heavy Apparatus Engineering Laboratory, Toshiba Corporation, Yokohama, Kanagawa, Japan; F. Breugelmans, von Karman Institute for Fluid Dynamics, Rhode-St-Genese, Belgium 97-GT-002
IGTI 1997 Investigation of Vapor-Phase Lubrication in a Gas Turbine Engine Kenneth W. Van Treuren, D. Neal Barlow, William H. Heiser, United States Air Force Academy, Colorado Springs, CO, USA; Matthew J. Wagner, Nelson H. Forster, Aero Propulsion and Power Directorate, Wright-Patterson AFB, OH, USA 97-GT-003
IGTI 1997 Effect of Fuel Moisture Content on Biomass-IGCC Performance Wendy E.M. Hughes, Eric D. Larson, Princeton University, Princeton, NJ, USA 97-GT-004
IGTI 1997 Biomass Gasification for Gas Turbine Based Power Generation Mark A. Paisley, Donald Anson, Battelle, Columbus, OH, USA 97-GT-005
IGTI 1997 A High Temperature Assessment of Air-Cooled Unsteady Pressure Transducers Derek G. Ferguson, Paul C. Ivey, School of Mechanical Engineering, Cranfield University, Bedfordshire, U.K. 97-GT-006
IGTI 1997 Experimental Investigation of Stepped Tip Gap Effects on the Performance of a Transonic Axial-Flow Compressor Rotor Donald W. Thompson, Paul I. King, Air Force Institute of Technology; Douglas C. Rabe, Wright Laboratories, Wright-Patterson AFB, Dayton, OH, USA 97-GT-007
IGTI 1997 Low-Leakage Modular Regenerators for Gas-Turbine Engines James Anthony Kluka, Pratt & Whitney, Middletown, CT, USA; David Gordon Wilson, Massachusetts Institute of Technology, Cambridge, MA, USA 97-GT-008
IGTI 1997 A Comparison of Experimental Rotordynamic Coefficients and Leakage Characteristics Between Hole-Pattern Gas Damper Seals and a Honeycomb Seal Zeping Yu, Rockwell International, Woodland Hills, CA, USA; Dara W. Childs, Turbomachinery Laboratory, Texas A&M University, College Station, TX, USA 97-GT-009
IGTI 1997 Effects of Surface Roughness on Heat Transfer and Aerodynamic Performance of Turbine Airfoils N. Abuaf, R.S. Bunker, Corporate Research and Development, General Electric Company, Schenectady, NY, USA; C.P. Lee, General Electric Aircraft Engines, Evendale, OH, USA 97-GT-010
IGTI 1997 Prevention of Low-Frequency Vibration of High-Capacity Steam Turbine Units by Squeeze-Film Damper H. Kanki, Department of Mechanical Engineering, Kobe University, Kobe, Japan; Y. Kaneko, Takasago R&D Center, Mitsubishi Heavy Industries, Ltd., Takasago, Japan; M. Kurosawa, T. Yamamoto, Mitsubishi Heavy Industries, Ltd., Yokohama, Japan 97-GT-011
IGTI 1997 Imbalance Response of a Test Rotor Supported on Squeeze Film Dampers Luis San Andres, Daniel Lubell, Mechanical Engineering Department, Texas A&M University, College Station, TX, USA 97-GT-012
IGTI 1997 Rotordynamics Modeling for an Actively Controlled Magnetic Bearing Gas Turbine Engine B.M. Antkowiak, The Charles Stark Draper Laboratory, Inc., Cambridge, MA, USA; F.C. Nelson, College of Engineering, Tufts University, Medford, MA, USA 97-GT-013
IGTI 1997 Development of a Hydrogen-Fueled Combustion Turbine Cycle for Power Generation Ronald L. Bannister, Power Generation, Westinghouse Electric Corporation, Orlando, FL, USA; Richard A. Newby, Wen-Ching Yang, Westinghouse Electric Corporation, Science & Technology Center, Pittsburgh, PA, USA 97-GT-014
IGTI 1997 Experimental and Numerical Conjugate Flow and Heat Transfer Investigation of a Shower-Head Cooled Turbine Guide Vane Dieter E. Bohn, Volker J. Becker, Agnes U. Rungen, Institute of Steam and Gas Turbines, Aachen University of Technology, Germany 97-GT-015
IGTI 1997 Loading Software to Engine Controls in the Field Scott F. Beecher, Bret G. Lynch, Pratt & Whitney Aircraft, East Hartford, CT, USA 97-GT-016
IGTI 1997 Flux Density and Air Gap Effects on Rotor Power Loss Measurements in Planar Radial Magnetic Bearings P.E. Allaire, M.E.F. Kasarda, E.H. Maslen, G.T. Gillies, L.K. Fujita, Mechanical, Aerospace and Nuclear Engineering, University of Virginia, Charlottesville, VA, USA 97-GT-017
IGTI 1997 Calibration of an 8-Pole Planar Radial Magnetic Actuator Roger L. Fittro, Dan O. Baun, Eric H. Maslen, Paul E. Allaire, Department of Mechanical, Aerospace and Nuclear Engineering, University of Virginia, Charlottesville, VA, USA 97-GT-018
IGTI 1997 Characterization of Contact Kinematics and Application to the Design of Wedg e Dampers in Turbomachinery, Blading Part I: Stick-Slip Contact Kinematics B.D. Yang, C.H. Menq, Department of Mechanical Engineering, The Ohio State University, Columbus, OH, USA 97-GT-019
IGTI 1997 Characterization of Contact Kinematics and Application to the Design of Wedge Dampers in Turbomachinery Blading, Part II: Prediction of Forced Response and Experimental Verification B.D. Yang, C.H. Menq, Department of Mechanical Engineering, The Ohio State University, Columbus, OH, USA 97-GT-020
IGTI 1997 Computation of Multi-Passage Cascade Flows with Overset and Deforming Grids Ismail H. Tuncer, Naval Postgraduate School, Monterey, CA, USA; Wolfgang Sanz, Technical University Graz, Austria 97-GT-021
IGTI 1997 A Probabilistic Approach to Aircraft Turbine Rotor Material Design Gerald R. Leverant, David L. Littlefield, R. Craig McClung, Harry R. Millwater, Justin Y. Wu, Southwest Research Institute, San Antonio, TX, USA 97-GT-022
IGTI 1997 3-D Conjugate Flow and Heat Transfer Calculations of a Film-Cooled Turbine Guide Vane at Different Operation Conditions Dieter E. Bohn, Volker J. Becker, Karsten A. Kusterer, Institute of Steam and Gas Turbines, Aachen University of Technology, Germany 97-GT-023
IGTI 1997 Comparison of Two-Equation Turbulence Models for Prediction of Heat Transfer on Film-Cooled Turbine Blades Vijay K. Garg, Ali A. Ameri, AYT Corporation c/o NASA Lewis Reseach Center, Cleveland, OH, USA 97-GT-024
IGTI 1997 The Influence of Coolant Supply Geometry on Film Coolant Exit Flow and Surface Adiabatic Effectiveness Steven W. Burd, Terrence W. Simon, Heat Transfer Laboratory, University of Minnesota, Minneapolis, MN, USA 97-GT-025
IGTI 1997 Utilization of the Transient Liquid Crystal Technique for Film Cooling Effectiveness and Heat Transfer Investigations on a Flat Plate and a Turbine Airfoil U. Drost, A. Bölcs, Swiss Federal Institute of Technology, Lausanne, Switzerland; A. Hoffs, ABB Power Generation Ltd., Gas Turbine Development, Baden, Switzerland 97-GT-026
IGTI 1997 ARX Linear Model Set-Up for Fault Diagnosis of Gas Turbine Sensors R. Bettocchi, P.R. Spina, Universitá Di Ferrara, Ferrara, Italy 97-GT-027
IGTI 1997 Generic 1D Dynamic Modeling of a Gas Generator Engine A. Solomon, Pratt & Whitney Canada Inc., Mississauga, Ontario, Canada 97-GT-028
IGTI 1997 A Magnetic Bearing Suspension System for High Temperature Gas Turbine Applications: Control System Design James R. Scholten, The Charles Stark Draper Laboratory, Inc., Cambridge, MA, USA 97-GT-029
IGTI 1997 Real-Time Health Monitoring and Diagnostics for Gas Turbine Engines Michael J. Roemer, Ben Atkinson, Stress Technology Incorporated, Rochester, NY, USA 97-GT-030
IGTI 1997 Identification of Gas Turbine Dynamics: Time-Domain Estimation Problems David C. Hill, Rolls-Royce plc, Derby DE24 8BJ, UK 97-GT-031
IGTI 1997 Experimental Results of an Active Tip Clearance Control System for a Centrifugal Compressor Duane Mattern, Link Jaw, Scientific Monitoring, Inc., Tempe, AZ, USA; Mark Henry, Bob Fagan, Allison Engine Company, Indianapolis, IN, USA 97-GT-032
IGTI 1997 Getting to Problem Definition Charles J. Luchun, Charles Luchun-Engineering, Stratford, CT, USA 97-GT-033
IGTI 1997 Fault Mode Analysis Based on Compositional Modeling Howard Winston, Sharayu Tulpule, United Technologies Research Center, East Hartford, CT, USA 97-GT-034
IGTI 1997 Incorporating Neural Networks into Gas Turbine Performance Diagnostics K. Kanelopoulos, A. Stamatis, K. Mathioudakis, Laboratory of Thermal Turbomachines, National Technical University of Athens, Athens, Greece 97-GT-035
IGTI 1997 Characteristics of Tip-Clearance Flows of a Compressor Cascade and a Propulsion Pump Y.T. Lee, M.J. Laurita, David Taylor Model Basin, West Bethesda, MD; J. Feng, C.L. Merkle, The Pennsylvania State University, State College, PA, USA 97-GT-036
IGTI 1997 Design Considerations for Naphtha Fuel Systems in Combustion Turbines John Brushwood, Timothy McElwee, Westinghouse Electric Corporation, Orlando, FL, USA 97-GT-037
IGTI 1997 Development of an LCV Fuel Gas Combustor for an Industrial Gas Turbine Douglas R. Constant, D. Mark Bevan, British Coal Corporation, Cheltenham, UK; Michael F. Cannon, European Gas Turbines Ltd., Lincoln, UK; Gregory J. Keisall, European Gas Turbines Ltd., Whetstone, Leicestershire, UK 97-GT-038
IGTI 1997 Intercooled Advanced Gas Turbines in Coal Gasification Plants, with Combined or "HAT" Power Cycle Paolo Chiesa, Giovanni Lozza, Dipartimento di Energetica, Politecnico di Milano, Milan, Italy 97-GT-039
IGTI 1997 A Direct Coal-Fired Combustion Turbine Power System Based on Slagging Gasification with In-Situ Gas Cleaning Richard A. Newby, Westinghouse Science & Technology Center, Pittsburgh, PA, USA; Ronald L. Bannister, Westinghouse Electric Corporation, Orlando, FL, USA 97-GT-040
IGTI 1997 Breakdown of Tip Leakage Vortices in Compressors at Flow Conditions Close to Stall Stefan Schlechtriem, Michael Lötzerich, BMW Rolls-Royce GmbH, Dahlewitz, Germany 97-GT-041
IGTI 1997 Development of Hub Corner Stall and Its Influence on the Performance of Axial Compressor Blade Rows Chunill Hah, NASA Lewis Research Center, Cleveland, OH, USA; James Loellbach, ICOMP/NASA Lewis Research Center, Cleveland, OH, USA 97-GT-042
IGTI 1997 Effects of Stream Surface Inclination on Tip Leakage Flow Fields in Compressor Rotors Masato Furukawa, Kazuhisa Saiki, Kenya Nagayoshi, Motoo Kuroumaru, Masahiro Inoue, Kyushu University, Fukuoka, Japan 97-GT-043
IGTI 1997 Use of Thermochemical Recuperation in Combustion Turbine Power Systems Richard A. Newby, Wen-Ching Yang, Westinghouse Science & Technology Center, Pittsburgh, PA, USA; Ronald L. Bannister, Westinghouse Electric Corporation, Orlando. FL, USA 97-GT-044
IGTI 1997 Anti-Kidney Pair of Vortices in Shaped Holes and their Influence on Film Cooling Effectiveness B.A. Haven, D.K. Yamagata, M. Kurosaka, University of Washington, Seattle, WA, USA; S. Yamawaki, T. Maya, Ishikawajima-Harima Heavy Industries Co. Ltd., Tokyo, Japan 97-GT-045
IGTI 1997 Creating Global Mechanical Engineers through New Education-Industry Partnerships John R. Lloyd, Ronald C. Rosenberg, Michigan State University, East Lansing, MI, USA 97-GT-046
IGTI 1997 AGTSR: A Unique Gas Turbine Consortium Daniel B. Fant, Lawrence P. Golan, Clemson University, Clemson, SC, USA 97-GT-047
IGTI 1997 Some Applications of the Monte Carlo Method to Gas Turbine Performance Simulations Joachim Kurzke, MTU München GmbH, München, Germany 97-GT-048
IGTI 1997 The Flowfield Calculations of a Centrifugal Pump with Volute Shih H. Chen, Lu-Fu Liaw, National Cheng Kung University, Tainan, Taiwan, Republic of China 97-GT-049
IGTI 1997 Experimental Investigation of the Circumferential Static Pressure Distortion in Centrifugal Compressor Stages D. Hagelstein, M. Rautenberg, Institute for Turbomachinery, University of Hannover, Hannover, Germany; R. Van den Braembussche, Von Karman Institute for Fluid Dynamics (VKI), Brussels, Belgium; R. Keiper, Kühnle, Kopp & Kausch AG (KKK), Frankenthal, Germa 97-GT-050
IGTI 1997 High Freestream Turbulence Simulation in a Scaled-Up Turbine Vane Passage B.A. Bangert, A. Kohli, J. H. Sauer, K.A. Thole, Mechanical Engineering Department, University of Wisconsin, Madison, WI, USA 97-GT-051
IGTI 1997 Experimental Studies on Unsteady Aerodynamic Loss of a High-Pressure Turbine Cascade Ken-ichi Funazaki, Yoshinori Sasaki, Mechanical Engineering Department, Iwate University, Morioka, Japan; Tadashi Tanuma, Heavy Apparatus Engineering Laboratory, Toshiba Corporation, Yokohama, Japan 97-GT-052
IGTI 1997 The Effect of Tip Clearance on the Development of Loss Behind a Rotor and a Subsequent Nozzle I. Kaiser, J.P. Bindon, University of Natal, Durban, South Africa 97-GT-053
IGTI 1997 Characteristics of a Turbine Cascade at Low Reynolds Numbers Koji Murata, The University of Tsukuba, Tsukuba, Japan; Hiroyuki Abe, Yasukata Tsutsui, Mechanical Engineering Laboratory, Tsukuba, Japan 97-GT-054
IGTI 1997 Off-Design Flow Analysis and Performance Prediction of Axial Turbines Milan V. Petrovic, Faculty of Mechanical Engineering, University of Belgrade, Belgrade, Yugoslavia; Walter Riess, Institute for Turbomachinery, University of Hanover, Hanover, Germany 97-GT-055
IGTI 1997 Development and Optimization of Advanced Atomizers for Application in Premix Ducts Georg Maier, Michael Willmann, Sigmar Wittig, Universität Karlsruhe (T.H.), Karlsruhe, Germany 97-GT-056
IGTI 1997 Single-Digit Emissions in a Full Scale Catalytic Combustor James C. Schlatter, Ralph A. Dalla Betta, Sarento G. Nickolas, Catalytica Combustion Systems, Inc., Mountain View,CA, USA; Toshiaki Tsuchiya, Tokyo Electric Power Company, Tokyo, Japan; Martin B. Cutrone, Kenneth W. Beebe, General Electric Company, Schene 97-GT-057
IGTI 1997 An Introduction to Harmonic Wavelet Analysis of Machine Vibrations Jose I. Bonel-Cerdan, Jorgen L. Nikolajsen, Staffordshire University, School of Engineering, Stafford, UK 97-GT-058
IGTI 1997 The Application of DLN Technology to the Tornado and Tempest Industrial Gas Turbines Michael B. Boyns, Rajeshri Patel, European Gas Turbines Ltd., Lincoln, UK 97-GT-059
IGTI 1997 Development of a Dry Low NOx Combustion System for the EGT Typhoon Mahmoud Kowkabi, Richard Noden, Simon De Pietro, European Gas Turbines Ltd., Lincoln, UK 97-GT-060
IGTI 1997 Field-Experience on DLN Typhoon Industrial Gas Turbine Marcus H.H. Scholz, Simon M. Depietro, European Gas Turbines Ltd., Lincoln, UK 97-GT-061
IGTI 1997 Solid Fuel Gasification for Gas Turbines Alex E.S. Green, Sergio Peres, James P. Mullin, Clean Combustion Technology Laboratory and the Department of Mechanical Engineering; Robert W. Anderson, Florida Power Corporation Cogeneration Plant, University of Florida, Gainesville, FL, USA 97-GT-062
IGTI 1997 Combustion of Coal-Derived Fuel Gas in an Oxygen-Blown Pressurized Topping Combustor Peter D.J. Hoppesteyn, Jans Andries, Klaus R.G. Hein, Laboratory for Thermal Power Engineering, Delft University of Technology, Delft, The Netherlands 97-GT-063
IGTI 1997 Effective Automatic Expert Systems for Dynamic Predictive Maintenance Applications Michael A. Flanagan, Carsten Andersson, Peter Surland, Brüel & Kjær CMS A/S, Naerum, Denmark 97-GT-064
IGTI 1997 The International Engineering Student Exchange Program at the University of Waterloo Joseph H.G. Howard, Herbert C. Ratz, University of Waterloo, Waterloo, Ontario, Canada 97-GT-065
IGTI 1997 Aero-Thermal Design and Testing of Advanced Turbine Blades M. Haendler, D. Raake, M. Scheurlen, Siemens AG Power Generation (KWU), Mülheim a.d. Ruhr, Germany 97-GT-066
IGTI 1997 Development and Fabrication of Silicon Nitride Components for Ceramic Gas Turbine Keisuke Makino, Ken-ichi Mizuno, Toru Shimamori, R&D Center NGK Spark Plug Co, Ltd., Komaki-shi, Aichi, Japan 97-GT-067
IGTI 1997 Numerical Analysis of Transonic Compressor Rotor Flow Near Stall Points Daisaku Masaki, Kawasaki Heavy Industries, Ltd., Akashi, Japan; Shojiro Kaji, University of Tokyo, Tokyo, Japan 97-GT-068
IGTI 1997 An Investigation of Effectiveness and Heat Transfer of a Showerhead-Cooled Cylinder A. Hoffs, ABB Power Generation Ltd., Gas Turbine Development, Baden, Switzerland; U. Drost, A. Bölcs, Swiss Federal Institute of Technology, Lausanne, Switzerland 97-GT-069
IGTI 1997 Non Linear Behaviour of Oil Film Bearings and its Relevance in Force Identification Procedures Nicolò Bachsmid, Riccardo Dellupi, Dipartmento di Meccanica, Politecnico di Milano, Milano, Italy 97-GT-070
IGTI 1997 System Evaluation of JP-8+100 Additives at High Bulk Temperatures Gordon L. Dieterle, Kenneth E. Binns, Aerospace Mechanics Division, University of Dayton, Dayton, OH, USA 97-GT-071
IGTI 1997 Preliminary Gas Turbine Combustor Design Using a Genetic Algorithm Arnaud Despierre, Peter J. Stuttaford, Philip A. Rubini, School of Mechanical Engineering, Cranfield University, Cranfield, Bedfordshire, UK 97-GT-072
IGTI 1997 Quantifying Unmixedness in Lean Premixed Combustors Operating at High Pressure, Fired Conditions J.C. Barnes, A.M. Mellor, Vanderbilt University, Nashville, TN, USA 97-GT-073
IGTI 1997 Development of a Dry Low-NOx Combustor for the VT100 Automotive Gas Turbine Patrick Johansson, Volvo Aero Corporation, Trollhättan, Sweden 97-GT-074
IGTI 1997 Rotor Design in Industrial Gas Turbines Stefan S. Florjancic, Jörg Pross, Urban Eschbach, Gas Turbines Development, ABB Power Generation Ltd., Baden, Switzerland 97-GT-075
IGTI 1997 On-Site Liquid Gas Turbine Fuel Analysis for Trace Metal Contamination M. Lukas, D.P. Anderson, Spectro Incorporated, Littleton, MA, USA 97-GT-076
IGTI 1997 Simple Analytical Techniques to Determine the Disperant Capacity and Metal Deactivator Additive Concentration of JP-8+100 and Other Jet Fuels Robert E. Kauffman, University of Dayton Research Institute, Dayton, OH, USA 97-GT-077
IGTI 1997 Evaluation of a 3D Viscous Code for Turbomachinery Flows W. John Calvert, Andrew W. Stapleton, Paul R. Emmerson, Cecil R. Buchanan, Christopher M. Nott, Defense Evaluation and Research Agency, Pyestock, Farnborough, Hampshire, UK 97-GT-078
IGTI 1997 An Overall Correlation of Film Cooling Effectiveness from One Row of Holes S. Baldauf, A. Schulz, S. Wittig, Institut für Thermische Strömungsmaschinen, Universität Karlsruhe, Germany; Michael Scheurlen, Siemens AG/KWU, Mülheim/Ruhr, Germany 97-GT-079
IGTI 1997 Computation of Discrete-Hole Film Cooling: A Hydrodynamic Study Mulugeta K. Berhe, Suhas V. Patankar, Department of Mechanical Engineering, University of Minnesota, Minneapolis, MN, USA 97-GT-080
IGTI 1997 The Computation of Adjacent Blade-Row Effects in a 1.5 Stage Axial Flow Turbine Rolf Emunds, ABB Corporate Research Ltd., Switzerland; Ian K. Jennions, ABB Power Generation Ltd., Switzerland; Dieter Bohn, Jochen Gier, Institute of Steam- and Gasturbines, RWTH Aachen, Germany 97-GT-081
IGTI 1997 A Numerical Investigation of Transonic Axial Compressor Rotor Flow using a Low Reynolds Number k-e Turbulence Model Toshiyuki Arima, Toyotaka Sonoda, Masatoshi Shirotori, Honda R&D Co., Ltd., Wako Research Center, Saitama, Japan; Atsuhiro Tamura, Kazuo Kikuchi, National Aerospace Laboratory, Tokyo, Japan 97-GT-082
IGTI 1997 The Influence of Downstream Passage Passage on the Flow within an Annular S-Shaped Duct Toyotaka Sonoda, Toshiyuki Arima, Mineyasu Oana, Honda R&D Co., Ltd., Saitama, Japan 97-GT-083
IGTI 1997 Energy Input of a Centrifugal Stage Into the Attached Piping System During Mild Surge Beat Ribi, George Gyarmathy, ETH Swiss Federal Institute of Technology, Zurich, Switzerland 97-GT-084
IGTI 1997 Nonlinear Separated Inviscid-Viscous Analysis of Oscillating Cascade Aerodynamics Using an Inverse Integral Method James M. Wolff, Sanford Fleeter, School of Mechanical Engineering, Purdue University, West Lafayette, IN, USA 97-GT-085
IGTI 1997 Reduction of Unsteady Blade Loading by Beneficial Use of Vortical and Potential Disturbances in an Axial Compressor with Rotor Clocking S.T. Hsu, Andrew M. Wo, National Taiwan University,Taipei, Taiwan, R.O.C 97-GT-086
IGTI 1997 Research and Development of 300 kW Class Ceramic Gas Turbine Project in Japan Hironori Arakawa, Takayuki Suzuki, Kazufumi Saito, Agency of Industrial Science and Technology, Ministry of International Trade and Industry, Tokyo, Japan; Shigeru Tamura, Shinsuke Kishi, New Energy and Industrial Technology Development Organization, Toky 97-GT-087
IGTI 1997 Progress on the Hybrid Vehicle Turbine Engine Technology Support (HVTE-TS) Program George T. Sinnet, J. Mark French, Lance E. Groseclose, Allison Mobile Power Systems, Allison Engine Company, Indianapolis, IN, USA 97-GT-088
IGTI 1997 Numerical Prediction of Trailing Edge Wake Shedding Andrea Arnone, Universitá di Firenze, Florence, Italy; Roberto Pacciani, Nuovo Pignone, Florence, Italy 97-GT-089
IGTI 1997 Numerical Simulation of the Flow Through the Rotor of a Radial Inflow Turbine V. Amedick, H. Simon, University of Duisburg, Duisburg, Germany 97-GT-090
IGTI 1997 Automatic Mesh Generation by a Mixed Advancing-Front Delaunay Approach ONT FACE="Arial" SIZE=2>Roque Corral, Juan Manuel Barroso, Manuel Antonio Burgos, Industria de TurboPropulsores, S.A., Madrid, Spain 97-GT-091
IGTI 1997 3D Reynolds Stress Modelling of Turbulent Flow in Linear Turbine Cascade M. Kanniche, R. Boudjemadi, F. Déjean, F. Archambeau, Electricité de France-Research and Development Division, Chatou, France 97-GT-092
IGTI 1997 Axial Compressor Stage Analysis Through a Multi-Block 3-D Navier-Stokes Solution Method E.S. Politis, K.C. Giannakoglou, K.D. Papailiou, National Technical University of Athens, Athens, Greece 97-GT-093
IGTI 1997 Prediction of 3D-Unsteady Flow in an Air Turbine and a Transonic Compressor Including Blade Gap Flow and Blade Row Interaction Alexander R. Jung, Jürgen F. Mayer, Heinz Stetter, University of Stuttgart, Stuttgart, Germany 97-GT-094
IGTI 1997 Experimental Study of the Unsteady Aerodynamics in a Linear Cascade with Low Reynolds Number Low Pressure Turbine Blades Christopher G. Murawski, Rolf Sondergaard, Richard B. Rivir, Wright Laboratory, USAF, Wright Patterson AFB, OH. USA; Terrence W. Simon, University of Minnesota, Minneapolis, MN, USA; Kambiz Vafai, Ohio State University, Columbus, OH, USA; Ralph J. Volino, 97-GT-095
IGTI 1997 Origins of Loss Within a Multistage Turbine Environment Under Conditions of Partial Admission Guy R. Wakeley, Parsons Power Generation Systems Ltd., Rolls-Royce Industrial Power Group, Newcastle upon Tyne, UK; Ian Potts, University of Newcastle upon Tyne, UK 97-GT-096
IGTI 1997 Entropy Generation in a 2-D Cascade at Different Angles of Attack: A Numerical Study Gianni Natalini, Enrico Sciubba, Universita' di Roma 1- "La Sapienza", Rome, Italy 97-GT-097
IGTI 1997 Systematic Study on the Fluid Dynamical Behavior of Streamwise and Laterally Inclined Jets in Crossflow R.-D. Baier, K.-D. Broichhausen, G. Fritsch, Daimler-Benz Aerospace MTU München GmbH, München, Germany; W. Koschel, DLR Lampoldshausen, RWTH Aachen IST, Aachen, Germany 97-GT-098
IGTI 1997 Engine Representative Discharge Coefficients Measured in an Annular Nozzle Guide Vane Cascade D.A. Rowbury, M.L.G. Oldfield, University of Oxford, Oxford, UK; G.D. Lock, University of Bath, Bath, UK 97-GT-099
IGTI 1997 New Twists on the Deverson Axial-Flow Compressor Rotor Joan G. Moore, Bo Liu, John Moore, Virginia Polytechnic Institute and State University, Blacksburg, VA, USA 97-GT-100
IGTI 1997 A Fast Method for the Prediction of Dynamic Stall Onset on Turbomachinery Blades K.D. Jones, M.F. Platzer, Naval Postgraduate School, Monterey, CA, USA 97-GT-101
IGTI 1997 A Numerical Approach to Unstalled and Stalled Flutter Phenomena in Turbomachinery Cascades Stefan Weber, Hannes Benetschik, Dieter Peitsch, Heinz E. Gallus, Institut für Strahlantriebe und Turboarbeitsmaschinen, Rheinisch-Westfälische Technische Hochschule Aachen, Aachen, Germany 97-GT-102
IGTI 1997 Casing Distortion Control Using Pseudo Flanges John A. Eastman, GE Power Systems, Schenectady, NY, USA 97-GT-103
IGTI 1997 Touchdown Bearing Development for Magnetic Bearing System Used in a High Temperature Gas Turbine Francis P. Marchand, Jr., The Charles Stark Draper Laboratory, Inc., Cambridge, MA, USA 97-GT-104
IGTI 1997 Three Dimensional Unsteady Pressure Measurements for an Oscillating Turbine Blade D.L. Bell, L. He, University of Durham, Durham, UK 97-GT-105
IGTI 1997 Finite Element Analysis of Thermomechanical Contact of an Elastomeric O-Ring Seal Baojiu Lin, David W. Nicholson, University of Central Florida, Orlando, FL, USA 97-GT-106
IGTI 1997 A Probabilistic Approach to Life Management for Auxiliary Power Units Don Eastman, Rick Elgin, Beilene Hao, Sundstrand Power Systems, San Diego, CA, USA 97-GT-107
IGTI 1997 Quantification of Thermal-Structural Uncertainties in Engine Combustor Composite Liners Shantaram S. Pai, Christos C. Chamis, National Aeronautics and Space Administration Lewis Research Center, Cleveland, OH, USA 97-GT-108
IGTI 1997 The Design of Fabricated Ducts to Avoid Gas Induced High Cycle Fatigue R. Eaton, J. Platt, S. Gallimore, European Gas Turbines Ltd., Gas Turbine Engineering Centre, Lincoln, UK 97-GT-109
IGTI 1997 Evaluation of Gas Turbine Reliability Effects Using the Sustainable Capacity Methodology W.S. Chmilar, NOVA Gas Transmission Ltd., Calgary, Alberta, Canada 97-GT-110
IGTI 1997 Friction Damper Effects on Airfoil Aeromechanics Patrick D. Markham, Sanford Fleeter, Purdue University, West Lafayette, IN, USA 97-GT-111
IGTI 1997 Zero Clearance Auxiliary Bearings for Magnetic Bearing Systems H. Ming Chen, James Walton, Hooshang Heshmat, Mohawk Innovative Technology, Niskayuna, NY, USA 97-GT-112
IGTI 1997 SIZE=2>Nonlinear Dynamic Simulation of an Active Magnetic Bearing System with Non-Symmetric Coordinate Coupling Forces Horst Ecker, Vienna University of Technology, Vienna, Austria; Josiah D. Knight, Lan Wu, Duke University, Durham, NC, USA 97-GT-113
IGTI 1997 A Magnetic Bearing Suspension System for High Temperature Gas Turbine Applications, Part III -Magnetic Actuator Development William P. Kelleher, Anthony S. Kondoleon, Draper Laboratory, Cambridge, MA, USA 97-GT-114
IGTI 1997 Optimization of Friction Damper Weight, Simulation and Experiments Gabor Csaba, Linköping, Sweden; Magnus Anderson, Volvo Aero Corporation, Trollhättan, Sweden 97-GT-115
IGTI 1997 The Maximum Transient Resonance Response of Rotating Blades with Regard to Centrifugal Force and Non-Linear Damping Effects Horst D. Irretier, University of Kassel, Kassel, Germany 97-GT-116
IGTI 1997 Development and Turbine Engine Performance of Three Advanced Rhenium Containing Superalloys for Single Crystal and Directionally Solidified Blades and Vanes Robert W. Broomfield, David A. Ford, Harry K. Bhangu, Rolls-Royce plc, Derby and Bristol, UK; Malcolm C. Thomas, Donald J. Frasier, Phil S. Burkholder, Allison Engine Company (Rolls-Royce plc), Indianapolis, IN, USA; Ken Harris, Gary L. Erickson, Jacqueli 97-GT-117
IGTI 1997 Experience in Applying the New UK Procedure for Creep Rupture Data Assessment to Gas Turbine Materials Chris K. Bullough, European Gas Turbines, Whetstone, Leicester, UK 97-GT-118
IGTI 1997 Mechanisms of Turbulence Transport in a Turbine Blade Coolant Passage with a Rib-Turbulator P.K. Panigrahi, S. Acharya, Louisiana State University, Baton Rouge, LA, USA 97-GT-119
IGTI 1997 Aero-Thermal Performance Measurements and Analysis of a Two-Dimensional High Turning Rotor Blade T. Arts, von Karman Institute for Fluid Dynamics, Belgium; J. M. Duboue, SNECMA, Centre de Villaroche, France; G. Rollin, SNECMA, Centre de Villaroche, France 97-GT-120
IGTI 1997 Effects of Very High Free-Stream Turbulence on the Jet-Mainstream Interaction in a Film Cooling Flow Atul Kohli, David G. Bogard, The University of Texas at Austin, Austin, TX, USA 97-GT-121
IGTI 1997 A New Model for Free-Stream Turbulence Effects on Boundary Layers Ralph J. Volino, U.S. Naval Academy, Annapolis, MD, USA 97-GT-122
IGTI 1997 Dual Brayton Cycle Gas Turbine Pressurized Fluidized Bed Combustion Power Plant Concept Xing L. Yan, Lawrence M. Lidsky, Longmark Power International, Inc., Cambridge, MA, USA 97-GT-123
IGTI 1997 A Three-Dimensional Turbine Engine Analysis Compressor Code (TEACC) For Steady-State Inlet Distortion Alan Hale, Sverdrup Technology,Inc., Arnold Air Force Base, TN, USA; Walter O'Brien, Virgina Polytechnic Institute and State University, Blacksburg, VA, USA 97-GT-124
IGTI 1997 Design of a Semiclosed Cycle Gas Turbine with Carbon Dioxide-Argon as Working Fluid Inaki Ulizar, Industria de Turbopropulsores, Madrid, Spain; Pericles Pilidis, Cranfield University, Cranfield, Bedford, UK 97-GT-125
IGTI 1997 A Semi-Analytical Finite Rate Two-Reactor Model for Gas Turbine Combustors J.H. Tonouchi, Analytic and Computational Research,Inc., Cincinnati,OH, USA; T.J. Held, H.C. Mongia, General Electric Aircraft Engines Company, Cincinnati, OH, USA 97-GT-126
IGTI 1997 The GE Rich-Quench-Lean Gas Turbine Combustor Alan S. Feitelberg, Michael A. Lacey, GE Corporate Research and Development, Niskayuna, NY, USA 97-GT-127
IGTI 1997 Effect of Squealer Tip on Rotor Heat Transfer and Efficiency A.A. Ameri, AYT Corporation, Brook Park, OH, USA; E. Steinthorsson, ICOMP, NASA Lewis Research Center, Cleveland, OH, USA; David L. Rigby, NYMA, Inc., Cleveland OH, USA 97-GT-128
IGTI 1997 The Effect of Bulk Flow Pulsations on Film Cooling from Two Rows of Holes Dong Kee Sohn, Joon Sik Lee, Seoul National University, Seoul, Korea 97-GT-129
IGTI 1997 Effects of a Wake on Turbine Blade Heat Transfer in a Transonic Cascade James H. Hale, Thomas E. Diller, Wing F. Ng, Virginia Tech, Blacksburg, VA, USA 97-GT-130
IGTI 1997 Effect of Passive and Active Air-Jet Turbulence on Turbine Blade Heat Transfer Sean T. Welsh, D. Neal Barlow, Robert J. Butler, Kenneth W. Van Treuren, USAF Academy, Colorado Springs, CO, USA; Aaron R. Byerley, Mercer University, Macon, GA, USA; James W. Baughn, University of California, Davis, CA, USA; Richard B. Rivir, Wright Labo 97-GT-131
IGTI 1997 Analysis of Separated Flows Inside an Annular Compressor Cascade Using a Low-Re-Number K-e and an Algebraic Reynolds-Stress-Model Jürgen R. Lücke, Heinz E. Gallus, Institut für Strahlantriebe und Turboarbeitsmaschinen, Aachen, Germany 97-GT-132
IGTI 1997 Prediction of Nonuniform Inlet Temperature Effects on Vane and Rotor Heat Transfer R. J. Boyle, NASA Lewis Research Center, Cleveland, OH, USA; P. W. Giel, NYMA, Inc., Cleveland, OH, USA 97-GT-133
IGTI 1997 Effect of Discrete Surface Disturbances on Vane External Heat Transfer R.S. Bunker, General Electric Company, Schenectady, NY, USA 97-GT-134
IGTI 1997 Separate and Combined Effects of Surface Roughness and Turbulence Intensity on Vane Heat Transfer Ronald S. Bunker, General Electric Company, Schenectady, NY, USA 97-GT-135
IGTI 1997 Heat Transfer in a Rotating Cavity with a Peripheral Inflow and Outflow of Cooling Air Iraj Mirzaee, Xiaopeng Gan, Michael Wilson, J. Michael Owen, University of Bath, Bath, UK 97-GT-136
IGTI 1997 Flow in a Corotation Radial Inflow Cavity Between Turbine Disk and Coverplate X. Liu, Pratt & Whitney Canada, Mississauga, ONT, Canada 97-GT-137
IGTI 1997 Failure to Achieve Hot Section Component Services Intervals Why and What to Do about It Steven A. Lefton, Thomas D. Burnett, Todd A. Kuntz, Steve R. Paterson, Aptech Engineering Services, Inc., Sunnyvale, CA, USA 97-GT-138
IGTI 1997 Experience with Active Control of Exhaust Noise from a Large Frame Combustion Turbine Lisa A. Beeson, George A. Schott, Westinghouse Electric Corporation, Orlando, FL, USA 97-GT-139
IGTI 1997 Low Frequency Noise Considerations for Combustion Turbine Projects Lisa A. Beeson, George A. Schott, Westinghouse Electric Corporation, Orlando, FL, USA 97-GT-140
IGTI 1997 Real-Time Fault Identification for Developmental Turbine Engine Testing Donald J. Malloy, Mark A. Chappell, Sverdrup Technology, Inc., Arnold AFB, TN, USA; Csaba Biegl, Vanderbilt University, Nashville, TN, USA 97-GT-141
IGTI 1997 CHAT Technology: An Alternative Approach to Achieve Advanced Turbine Systems Efficiencies with Preset Combustion Turbine Technology Dr. Michael Nakhamkin, Eric C. Swensen, Energy Storage and Power Consultants, Inc., Mountainside, NJ, USA; George Touchton, Electric Power Research Institute, Palo Alto, CA, USA; Michael Polsky, Polsky Energy Corporation, Northbrook, IL, USA 97-GT-142
IGTI 1997 Thermal Stability of High Temperature Fuels Tim Edwards, USAF Wright Laboratory, Wright Patterson AFB, OH, USA; Joseph V. Atria, Pennsylvania State University, University Park, PA, USA 97-GT-143
IGTI 1997 Combustor Development for 1 MW Industrial Gas Turbine Engine Jay-Chul Kim, Samsung Aerospace Industries, LTD., Tajon, Republic of Korea 97-GT-144
IGTI 1997 A Three Step NOx Reduction Programme: "Achievements with the Single Annular Low-NOx Combustor for the BR 700 Engine Family" Norbert Brehm, Stephen J. Baker, Steven P. Jones, BMW Rolls-Royce AeroEngines, Dahlewitz, Germany 97-GT-145
IGTI 1997 Experimental Investigation of an Atmospheric Rectangular Rich Quench Lean Combustor Sector for Aeroengines Peter Griebel, Michael Fischer, Christoph Hassa, Eggert Magens, Henning Nannen, Adolf Winandy, Institute for Propulsion Technology, Cologne, Germany; Antigoni Chrysostomou, Ulrich Meier, Winfried Stricker, Institute for Physical Chemistry of Combustion, S 97-GT-146
IGTI 1997 A Numerical Study of Chemically Reactive Flow of Hot Combustion Gases in a First-Stage Turbine Nozzle Th. Godin, S. Harvey, P. Stouffs, ISITEM, Nantes, France 97-GT-147
IGTI 1997 Soot Predictions Within an Aero Gas Turbine Combustion Chamber H. T. Brocklehurst, C. H. Priddin, Rolls-Royce plc, Derby, UK; J.B. Moss, Cranfield University, Cranfield, Bedford, UK 97-GT-148
IGTI 1997 Soot Modeling in Gas Turbine Combustors Anil K. Tolpadi, General Electric Research & Development Center, Schenectady, NY, USA; Allen M. Danis, Hukam C. Mongia, General Electric Aircraft Engines, Cincinnati, OH, USA; R. Peter Lindstedt, London, UK 97-GT-149
IGTI 1997 Effect of Fuel/Air Ratio on Air Blast Simplex Nozzle Performance Michael A. Benjamin, Parker Hannifin Corporation, Cleveland, OH, USA; Vincent G. McDonell, G. Scott Samuelsen, University of California at Irvine, Irvine, CA, USA 97-GT-150
IGTI 1997 Experimental and Theoretical Study of Droplet Vaporization in a High Pressure Environment Jörg Stengele, Micheal Willmann, Sigmar Wittig, Universität Karlsruhe, Karlsruhe, Germany 97-GT-151
IGTI 1997 An Experimental Study on Modeling of Fuel Atomization for Simulating the Idle Regime of a Gas Turbine Combustor by Atmospheric Testing Yeoung Min Han, Min Soo Yoon, Woo Seok Seol, Dae Sung Lee, Korea Aerospace Research Institute, Taejon, Korea; Victor I. Yagodkin, Central Institute of Aviation Motors, Moscow, Russia; In Seuck Jeung, Seoul National University, Seoul, Korea 97-GT-152
IGTI 1997 Low NOx Combustor Research for a Mach 3 Turbojet Concept Validation Test Results Y. Kinoshita, T. Oda, J. Kitajima, Akashi Technical Institute, Akashi, Japan 97-GT-153
IGTI 1997 Experimental Assessment of Fiber Reinforced Ceramics for Combustor Walls D. Filsinger, S. Münz, A. Schulz, S. Wittig, Lehrstuhl and Institut für Thermische Strömungsmaschinen, Karlsruhe, Germany; G. Andrees, Motoren- und Turbinen Union München GmbH, München, Germany 97-GT-154
IGTI 1997 Ceramic Vane Demonstration in an Industrial Turbine Richard A. Wenglarz, Satish M. Calcuttawala, J. Edward Pope, Allison Engine Company, Indianapolis, IN, USA 97-GT-155
IGTI 1997 Testing of a Full Scale, Low Emissions, Ceramic Gas Turbine Combustor K. Smith, A. Fahme, Solar Turbines Incorporated, San Diego, CA, USA 97-GT-156
IGTI 1997 Development and Investigation of Ceramic Parts for Gas-Turbine Engines Youry A. Nozhnitsky, Youlia A. Fedina, Anatoly D. Rekin, Nickolai I. Petrov, Central Institute of Aviation Motors, Moscow, Russia 97-GT-157
IGTI 1997 Experiment on Water Spraying Internal Cooling within the Compressor of Gas Turbine Zheng Qun, Wang Guoxue, Sun Yufeng, Liu Shunlong, Li Shuying, Zhan Zhengyi, Harbin Engineering University, Harbin, China 97-GT-158
IGTI 1997 The Design Modifications of the EGT Tornado Industrial Gas Turbine to Incorporate a Dry Low Emissions Combustion System Stephen Gallimore, R. Michael Vickers, Michael B. Boyns, European Gas Turbines Ltd., Lincoln, UK 97-GT-159
IGTI 1997 Velocity Measurements and Local Heat Transfer in a Rotating Ribbed Two-Pass Square Channel with Uneven Wall Heat Flux Shou-Shing Hsieh, Ming-Hung Chiang, Ping-Ju Chen, National Sun Yat-Sen University, Kaohsiung, Taiwan 97-GT-160
IGTI 1997 Mass/Heat Transfer in a Ribbed Blade Coolant Passage with Cylindrical Vortex Generators: The Effect of Generator-Rib Spacing Richard G. Hibbs, Sumanta Acharya, Yi Chen, Dimitris E. Nikitopoulos, Louisiana State University, Baton Rouge, LA, USA 97-GT-161
IGTI 1997 Heat Transfer Predictions for Rotating U-Shaped Coolant Channels with Skewed Ribs and with Smooth Walls Bernhard Bonhoff, ABB Corporate Reserach, Baden-Dättwil, Switzerland; Ian Jennions, ABB Power Generation, Baden, Switzerland 97-GT-162
IGTI 1997 Film-Cooling from Holes with Expanded Exits: A Comparison of Computational Results with Experiments D. Giebert, M. Gritsch, A. Schulz, S. Wittig, University of Karlsruhe (TH), Karlsruhe, Germany 97-GT-163
IGTI 1997 Adiabatic Wall Effectiveness Measurements of Film-Cooling Holes with Expanded Exits M. Gritsch, A. Schulz, S. Wittig, Universität Karlsruhe (T.H.), Karlsruhe, Germany 97-GT-164
IGTI 1997 Discharge Coefficient Measurements of Film-Cooling Holes with Expanded Exits M. Gritsch, A. Schulz, S. Wittig, Universität Karlsruhe (T.H.), Karlsruhe, Germany 97-GT-165
IGTI 1997 Effect of Unsteady Wake on Detailed Heat Transfer Coefficient and Film Effectiveness Distributions for a Gas Turbine Blade Hui Du, Je-Chin Han, Srinath V. Ekkad, Texas A&M University, College Station, TX, USA 97-GT-166
IGTI 1997 An On-Line Materials Database for the Design of Gas Turbine Components Barry J. Piearcey, Chris K. Bullough, European Gas Turbines, Whetstone, Leicester, UK 97-GT-167
IGTI 1997 Grain Boundary Cracking and Microstructural Changes Induced by the Grinding of IN738LC Turbine Blades Thomas J. Fitzgerald, Thomas J. Carr, Westinghouse Electric Corporation, Orlando, FL, USA 97-GT-168
IGTI 1997 Allison 501-K17 SSGTGS Technical Directive Experience Jeffrey S. Patterson, Donald J. Hoffman, Naval Surface Warfare Center, Philadelphia, PA, USA; Linda M. Ochs, Naval Sea Systems Command, Arlington, VA, USA 97-GT-169
IGTI 1997 Simulation of the Dynamic Braking Process of Gas Turbine Propulsion System for a Ship Zang Shusheng, Zheng Hongtao, Dong Keyong, Harbin Engineering University, Harbin, P.R. China 97-GT-170
IGTI 1997 Research into the Drive Transition of Combined Diesel or Gas Turbine Plant Zang Shusheng, Zheng Hongtao, Li Shuying, Sun Haiou, Harbin Engineering University, Harbin, P.R. China 97-GT-171
IGTI 1997 WR21 Water Wash Development Approach for the Intercooled Recuperated (ICR) Gas Turbine Engine Jay T. Janton, Northrop Grumman Corporation, Sunnyvale, CA, USA; Kevin Widdows, D.E.R.A. Pyestock, Farnborough, Hants, UK 97-GT-172
IGTI 1997 Optimal Operation of a Gas Turbine Cogeneration Plant in Consideration of Equipment Startup/Shutdown Cost Ryohei Yokoyama, Koichi Ito, Osaka Prefecture University, Sakai, Osaka, Japan 97-GT-173
IGTI 1997 A Small Gas Turbine Plant for Cogeneration of Electricity, Thermal and Cooling Thermal Energy with an Absorption Unit Maurizio De Lucia, Carlo Lanfranchi, Università de Firenze, Firenze, Italy; Antonio Matucci, C.R.I.T. S.r.l., Prato, Italy 97-GT-174
IGTI 1997 Thermoeconomic Analysis and Optimization of a Gas Turbine Plant Combined with an Absorption Unit Maurizio De Lucia, Carlo Carcasci, Università di Firenze, Firenze, Italy; Antonio Matucci, C.R.I.T. S.r.l., Prato, Italy 97-GT-175
IGTI 1997 Energy System Sensitivity Parameter G. Negri di Montenegro, A. Peretto, DIEM - University of Bologna, Bologna, Italy 97-GT-176
IGTI 1997 Comparison of Industrial Gas Turbine Transient Responses Performed by Different Dynamic Models A. Peretto, DIEM - University of Bologna, Bologna, Italy; P.R. Spina, University of Ferrara, Ferrara, Italy 97-GT-177
IGTI 1997 Back Fitting Maintainability into a Gas Turbine Generator Set Dennis M. Russom, Naval Surface Warfare Center, Philadelphia, PA, USA; William E. Masincup, Naval Sea Systems Command, Arlington, VA, USA 97-GT-178
IGTI 1997 Economically Optimized Loading of a Combined Heat and Power Facility Patrick R. Griffin, Maher Elmasri, Thermoflow Incorporated, Wellesley, MA, USA 97-GT-179
IGTI 1997 Gas Turbine Exhaust Emissions Monitoring Using Non-Intrusive Infrared Spectroscopy Moira Hilton, Alan H. Lettington, J.J. Thompson Physical Laboratory, University of Reading, Reading, UK; Chris W. Wilson, Defence Research Agency, Pyestock, Farnborough, UK 97-GT-180
IGTI 1997 Detailed Film Cooling Measurements on a Cylindrical Leading Edge Model: Effect of Free-Stream Turbulence and Coolant Density Srinath V. Ekkad, Je-Chin Han, Hui Du, Turbine Heat Transfer Laboratory, Texas A&M University, College Station, TX, USA 97-GT-181
IGTI 1997 The Performance of a Centrifugal Compressor with High Inlet Prewhirl A. Whitfield, A.H. Abdullah, School of Mechanical Engineering, University of Bath, Bath, UK 97-GT-182
IGTI 1997 An Analysis Method for Multistage Transonic Turbines with Coolant Mass Flow Addition Frank Mildner, Heinz E. Gallus, Institut für Strahlantriebe und Turboarbeitsmaschinen, Aachen, Germany 97-GT-183
IGTI 1997 A Test Facility for the Measurement of Torques at the Shaft to Seal Interface in Brush Seals P.E. Wood, T.V. Jones, University of Oxford, Oxford, UK 97-GT-184
IGTI 1997 Numerical Flow Analysis in a Subsonic Vaned Radial Diffuser with Leading Edge Redesign E. Casartelli, A.P. Saxer, G. Gyarmathy, Institute of Energy Technology, Zurich, Switzerland 97-GT-185
IGTI 1997 A Coupled Mode Analysis of Unsteady Multistage Flows in Turbomachinery l" SIZE=2>Peter D. Silkowski, Kenneth C. Hall, Duke University, Durham, NC, USA 97-GT-186
IGTI 1997 Dynamic Behavior of Geared Rotors T.N. Shiau, National Chung Cheng University, Chia-Yi, Taiwan; J.R. Chang, Siu-Tong Choi, National Cheng Kung University, Tainan, Taiwan; J.S. Rao, Indian Institute of Technology, New Delhi, India 97-GT-187
IGTI 1997 Effects of Rotation on Blade Surface Heat Transfer: An Experimental Investigation Arial" SIZE=2>Roger W. Moss, Roger W. Ainsworth, Tom Garside, University of Oxford, Oxford, UK 97-GT-188
IGTI 1997 Improved Reliability of Bladed Disks Due to Friction Dampers Walter Sextro, Karl Popp, University of Hannover, Hannover, Germany; Ivo Wolter, Siemens AG, KWU, Mülheim a.d. Ruhr, Germany 97-GT-189
IGTI 1997 Non-Contact Vibration Measurements of Mistuned Coupled Blades Ulrich Schaber, ABB Turbo Systems Ltd, Baden, Switzerland 97-GT-190
IGTI 1997 An Influence of Shroud Design on the Dynamic and Aeroelastic Behavior of Bladed Disc Assemblies G. Jacquet-Richardet, F. Moyroud, Laboratoire de Mecanique des Structures, Villeurbanne, France; T.H. Fransson, Royal Institute of Technology, Stockholm, Sweden 97-GT-191
IGTI 1997 Computation of Compressible Flow and Heat Transfer in a Rotating Duct with Inclined Ribs and a 180-Degree Bend CE="Arial" SIZE=2>M.A. Stephens, T.I-P. Shih, Carnegie Mellon University, Pittsburgh, PA, USA 97-GT-192
IGTI 1997 Turbulent Computations of Internal Flows Using an Anisotropic Diffusivity Model E. Laroche, ONERA, Chatillon, France 97-GT-193
IGTI 1997 Multiple Brush Seals in Series Aideen T. O'Neill, Terry V. Jones, University of Oxford, Oxford, UK; Simon I. Hogg, University of Leicester, Leicester, UK,: Peter A. Withers, Mike T. Turner, Rolls-Royce plc, Bristol, UK 97-GT-194
IGTI 1997 Allison Advanced Turbine Systems (ATS) Engine Cycle Jack E. Halsey, Richard J. Warns, Willliam D. Weisbrod, Allison Engine Company, Indianapolis, IN 97-GT-195
IGTI 1997 Some Problems Associated with Design for a Combustion Chamber Provided With Working Air Tube Radiation Screens Joseph A. Golinski, Technical University of Wroclaw, Wroclaw, Poland 97-GT-196
IGTI 1997 Blade Fault Recognition Based on Signal Processing and Adaptive Fluid Dynamic Modeling A. Stamatis, N. Aretakis, K. Mathioudakis, National Technical University of Athens, Athens, Greece 97-GT-197
IGTI 1997 High Temperature Proximity Measurement in Aero and Industrial Turbomachinery A.G. Sheard, Broadbridge & Co., Bedford, England; S.G. O'Donnell, J.F. Stringfellow, Fylde Electronic Laboratories Ltd., Preston, England 97-GT-198
IGTI 1997 Transient Performance Analysis of a Two Spool Turbofan for Lifing and Handling Purposes Petros Kotsiopoulos,Hellenic Air Force Academy, Dekelia Air Base; Dimitrios Adamopoulos, Hellenic Air Force Research Center, Attiki, Greece; Pericles Pilidis, Cranfield University, Bedfordshire, UK 97-GT-199
IGTI 1997 Turbochargers to Small Gas Turbines? Colin Rodgers, San Diego, CA, USA 97-GT-200
IGTI 1997 Stability Analysis for Unsymmetrical Shaft With Flexible Bladed-Disk Samer Masoud, Naim Khader, University of Science and Technology, Irbid, Jordan 97-GT-201
IGTI 1997 Investigation of Tip Leakage Effects in Transonic Flow Using a Parallel Unstructured Navier-Stokes Code C.W. Hustad, A. Bölcs, Swiss Federal Institute of Technology, Lausanne, Switzerland; M.Wehner, HBI Haerter AG, Zurich, Switzerland 97-GT-202
IGTI 1997 Measurement and Prediction of Tip Leakage Losses in an Axial-Flow Transonic Turbine M. Wehner, HBI Haerter AG, Zurich, Switzerland; J. Bütikofer, ABB Power Generation Ltd., Baden, Switzerland; C-W. Hustad, A. Bölcs, Swiss Federal Institute of Technology, Lausanne, Switzerland 97-GT-203
IGTI 1997 A Prediction Method for the Frictional Torque of a Rotating Disk in a Stationary Housing with Superimposed Radial Outflow W. Gärtner, Daimler-Benz Aerospace, München, Germany 97-GT-204
IGTI 1997 Effect of Main Flow Pressure Asymmetry on Seal Characteristics of a Gas Turbine Rotor-Stator System K. Ishida, K. Hamabe, Kawasaki Heavy Industries, Ltd., Akashi, Hyogo, Japan 97-GT-205
IGTI 1997 Effects of Unmixedness in Piloted-Lean Premixed Gas Turbine Combustors J.C. Barnes, A.M. Mellor, Vanderbilt University, Nashville, TN, USA 97-GT-206
IGTI 1997 Viscous Flow Field Computations for a Transonic Axial-Flow Compressor Blade Using Different Turbulence Models L.J. Lenke, H. Simon, University of Duisburg, Duisburg, Germany 97-GT-207
IGTI 1997 On the Inverse Design of Inter-Stage Ducts, Diffuser Walls and Meridional Geometry of Turbomachines M. Zangeneh, University College London, London, UK/FONT> 97-GT-208
IGTI 1997 A 3D Rotating Stall Stability Model for Axial Flow Compressor Ren-Jing Cao, Shantou University, Shantou, P.R. China; Sheng Zhou, Beijing University of Aeronautics and Astronautics, Beijing, P.R. China 97-GT-209
IGTI 1997 Development in the Full Assembly Test Rig of the 100kW Automotive Ceramic Gas Turbine Norio Nakazawa, Hiroshi Ogita, Masayuki Takahashi, Yoshihiro Kawaguchi, Japan Automobile Research Institute, Inc., Tsukuba, Ibaraki, Japan 97-GT-210
IGTI 1997 Measurements of Aerodynamic Wall Shear Stress with Heated Thin Film Gauges M.R.D. Davies, J.E. Fitzgerald, J.T.Duffy, F.K. O'Donnell, University of Limerick, Limerick, Ireland 97-GT-211
IGTI 1997 Metallurgical Analysis of Temperature Monitored Gas Turbine Blades Rudy A. Rooth, Klaas S. Agema, Wiebren Hiemstra, KEMA Nederland B.V., Arnhem, The Netherlands 97-GT-212
IGTI 1997 A Review of Analysis Techniques for Blade Tip-Timing Measurements S. Heath, Rolls Royce plc, Derby, UK; M. Imregun, Imperial College, London, UK 97-GT-213
IGTI 1997 Effect of Flow Instabilities and Self-Sustained Oscillations on Labyrinth Seal Leakage Resistance David L. Rhode, J. Wayne Johnson, Brian F. Allen, Texas A&M University, College Station, TX, USA 97-GT-214
IGTI 1997 Loss Prediction for Rotating Passages in Secondary Air Systems A.W. Reichert, Siemens AG, Power Generation (KWU) Gas Turbine Technology, Mülheim, Germany; D. Brillert, H. Simon, University of Duisberg, Duisberg, Germany 97-GT-215
IGTI 1997 Flow and Heat Transfer Computations in a Rotating Cavity with Tangential Seal Air Flow Prabhat Tekriwal, GE Corporate Research and Development, Schenectady, NY, USA 97-GT-216
IGTI 1997 Simultaneous Hot Desulfurization and Improved Filtration in Coal Utilization Processors Using Waste Material Parul C. Patel, James F. Zievers, Paul M. Eggerstedt, Industrial Filter & Pump Mfg. Co. Research & Development Department, Cicero, IL, USA; Elizabeth C. Zievers, Universal Porosics, Inc., La Grange, IL, USA 97-GT-217
IGTI 1997 Effects of Temperature on Formation of Insolubles in Aviation Fuels Walter J. Balster, E. Grant Jones, Innovative Scientific Solutions, Inc., Beavercreek, OH, USA 97-GT-218
IGTI 1997 Aspects of Jet Fuel Oxidation Steven Zabarnick, Shawn D. Whitacre, Aerospace Mechanics Division, University of Dayton Research Institute, Dayton, OH, USA 97-GT-219
IGTI 1997 Comparison of Predicted and Experimental Heat Transfer on a Film-Cooled Rotating Blade Using a Two-Equation Turbulence Model Vijay K. Garg, AYT Corporation c/o NASA Lewis Research Center, Cleveland, OH, USA 97-GT-220
IGTI 1997 Gas Turbine Technology for Steel Mill Gas and Syngas Applications H. Peter Luessen, General Electric Company, Schenectady, NY, USA 97-GT-221
IGTI 1997 Model Based Fuzzy Logic Sensor Fault Accomodation Timothy A. Healy, Laura J. Kerr, Louis J. Larkin, Pratt & Whitney- Technical, West Palm Beach, FL, USA 97-GT-222
IGTI 1997 Real Time Thermodynamic Transient Model for Three Spool Turboprop Engine C. Crainic, Pratt & Whitney Canda, Longueuil, QUE, Canada; R. Harvey, Pratt & Whitney Canada, Mississauga, ONT, Canada; A. Thompson, Pratt & Whitney Canada, Longueuil, QUE, Canada 97-GT-223
IGTI 1997 The Meaning of Activation Energy and Reaction Order in Autoaccelerating Systems J.S. Ervin, S.P. Heneghan, University of Dayton Research Institute, Dayton, OH, USA 97-GT-224
IGTI 1997 Conversion of Liquid to Gaseous Fuel for Prevaporised Premixed Combustion in Gas Turbines Y. Wang. L. Reh, Institute of Process and Cryogenic Engineering, Swiss Federal Institute of Technology ETH, Zurich, Switzerland; D. Pennell, D. Winkler, K. Döbbeling, ABB Corporate Research, Baden-Dättwil, Switzerland 97-GT-225
IGTI 1997 Computation of Two-Phase Flows in Low-NOx Combustor Premix Ducts Utilizing Fuel Film Evaporation Heiko Rosskamp, Michael Willmann, Sigmar Wittig, Universität Karlsruhe, Karlsruhe, Germany 97-GT-226
IGTI 1997 Gas Fuel Conditioning System Design Considerations for Utility Gas Turbines Colin Wilkes, Power Systems Division, General Electric Company, Schenectady, NY, USA; Anthony J. Dean, General Electric Research and Development Center, Niskayuna, NY, USA 97-GT-227
IGTI 1997 Ideal Power Output - An Alternative Aircraft Engine Performance Comparator Martin F. Schmidt, Universal Technology Corporation, Dayton OH USA; Christopher M. Norden, Jeffrey M. Stricker, United States Air Force, Wright Patterson AFB, OH, USA 97-GT-228
IGTI 1997 Computation of Unsteady Flows Around Oscillating Blades Using Linear and Nonlinear Harmonic Euler Methods Wei Ning, Li He, School of Engineering, University of Durham, Durham, UK 97-GT-229
IGTI 1997 Shock Analysis for a Homopolar, Permanent Magnet Bias Magnetic Bearing System Lawrence A. Hawkins, Avcon, Inc., Woodland Hills, CA, USA 97-GT-230
IGTI 1997 A Study of Integrally Augmented State Feedback Control for an Active Magnetic Bearing Supported Rotor System George T. Flowers, Gyorgy Szasz, Department of Mechanical Engineering, Auburn University, Auburn, AL, USA; Victor S. Trent, Michael E. Greene, Department of Electrical Engineering, Auburn University, Auburn, AL, USA 97-GT-231
IGTI 1997 Rotordynamic Impact of Swirl Brakes on Labyrinth Seals with Smooth or Honeycomb Stators K. Kwanka, Technische Universität München, Munich, Germany 97-GT-232
IGTI 1997 Investigation of the Solidity and the Blade Vibration Behaviour of Unshrouded Centrifugal Compressor Impellers with Different Aerodynamic Design H. Hasemann, G. Weser, D. Hagelstein, M. Rautenberg, Institute of Turbomachinery, University of Hannover, Hannover, Germany 97-GT-233
IGTI 1997 Reducing Lateral Vibrations of a Rotor Passing Through Critical Speeds Knox T. Millsaps, Gregory L. Reed, Marine Propulsion Laboratory, Naval Postgraduate School, Monterey, CA, USA 97-GT-234
IGTI 1997 A Numerical Study of Flutter in a Transonic Fan Kousuke Isomura, Ishikawajima-Harima Heavy Industries Co. Ltd., Aero-engine and Space Operations, Mizuho-machi, Tokyo, Japan; Michael B. Giles, Oxford University Computing Lab, Oxford, UK 97-GT-235
IGTI 1997 Crack Initiation in a Coated and an Uncoated Nickel-Base Superalloy Under TMF Conditions Peter K. Johnson, Maria Arana, Koldo M. Ostolaza, Johan Bressers, Institute for Advanced Materials, Joint Research Centre, European Commission, Petten, The Netherlands 97-GT-236
IGTI 1997 A Plastic Fracture Mechanics Analysis of Small Case B Fatigue Cracks Under Multiaxial Loading Conditions Y. Wang, J. Pan, The University of Michigan, Ann Arbor, MI, USA 97-GT-237
IGTI 1997 Theory and Methodology of Optimally Measuring Vibratory Strains in Closely Spaced Modes M.-T. Yang, J.H. Griffin, Carnegie Mellon University, Pittsburgh, PA, USA 97-GT-238
IGTI 1997 Aspects of Vane Film Cooling with High Turbulence: Part 1 - Heat Transfer Forrest E. Ames, Allison Engine Company, Indianapolis, IN, USA 97-GT-239
IGTI 1997 Aspects of Vane Film Cooling with High Turbulence: Part II - Adiabatic Effectiveness Forrest E. Ames, Allison Engine Company, Indianapolis, IN, USA 97-GT-240
IGTI 1997 Developing Centrifugal Compressor Train Optimisation Models Performance Evaluation Steven M. Summers, BP Exploration (Alaska) Inc., Anchorage, AK, USA 97-GT-241
IGTI 1997 The Effect of Turbulence on the Heat Transfer in Closed Gas-Filled Rotating Annuli Dieter Bohn, Jochen Gier, Aachen University of Technology, Germany 97-GT-242
IGTI 1997 Flow in a "Cover-Plate" Pre-Swirl Rotor-Stator System Hasan Karabay, Jian-Xin Chen, Robert Pilbrow, Michael Wilson, J. Michael Owen, University of Bath, Bath, UK 97-GT-243
IGTI 1997 Characterization of Oscillations During Premix Gas Turbine Combustion George A. Richards, Michael C. Janus, Federal Energy Technology Center, Morgantown, WV, USA 97-GT-244
IGTI 1997 Comparative Rotating Stall and Surge Characteristic of a Centrifugal Compressor with Three Different Types of Diffusers Abraham Engeda, Turbomachinery Lab, Mechanical Engineering Department, Michigan State University, E. Lansing, MI, USA 97-GT-245
IGTI 1997 Blade Film Cooling by Underexpanded Transonic Jet Layers Arno Gehrer, Jakob Woisetschläger, Herbert Jericha, Graz University of Technology, Graz, Austria 97-GT-246
IGTI 1997 Influence of a Mixing-Jet on Film Cooling M. Martiny, A. Schulz, S. Wittig, M. Dilzer, Universität Karlsruhe, Karlsruhe, Germany 97-GT-247
IGTI 1997 Controlled-Endwall-Flow Blading for Multistage Axial Compressor Rotor M. Inoue, M. Kuroumaru, M. Furukawa, Y. Kinoue, T. Tanino, S. Maeda, Kyushu University, Fukuoka, Japan; K. Okuno, Toshiba Corporation, Yokohama, Japan 97-GT-248
IGTI 1997 The Effects of Fatigue Cracks on Free Torsional Vibration of Shafts H.-Y. Yen, M.-H. Herman Shen, The Ohio State University, Columbus, OH, USA 97-GT-249
IGTI 1997 Prediction of Turbine Blade Vibratory Response Due to Upstream Vane Distress Josef Panovsky, Scott M. Carson, GE Aircraft Engines, Cincinnati, OH, USA 97-GT-250
IGTI 1997 Alternative Starting Methods for Shipboard Gas Turbine Generators William E. Masincup, Naval Sea Systems Command, Arlington, VA, USA; Scott Jackson, M. Rosenblatt & Son, Inc., Arlington, VA, USA 97-GT-251
IGTI 1997 A Mechanical Start System for U.S. Navy Destroyer Generator Sets Leonard L. Overton, Jr., Jack E. Halsey, Allison Engine Company, Indianapolis, IN, USA; William E. Masincup, Naval Sea Systems Command, Arlington, VA, USA 97-GT-252
IGTI 1997 Progress on the ICR Engine Development Thomas L. Bowen, Naval Surface Warfare Center, Annapolis, MD, USA 97-GT-253
IGTI 1997 A Steam-Augmented Gas Turbine with Reheat Combustor for Surface Ships Herman B. Urbach, Donald T. Knauss, Richard W. Garman, Naval Surface Warfare Center, Annapolis, MD, USA 97-GT-254
IGTI 1997 An Experimental Study of the Effect of Wake Passing on Turbine Blade Film Cooling James D. Heidmann, Barbara L. Lucci, NASA Lewis Research Center, Cleveland, OH, USA; Eli Reshotko, Case Western Reserve University, Cleveland, OH, USA 97-GT-255
IGTI 1997 Bidirectional Brush Seals Robert C. Hendricks, Tom Wu, National Aeronautics and Space Administration Lewis Research Center, Cleveland, OH, USA; Jack Wilson, NYMA, Inc., Brookpark, OH, USA: Ralph Flower, Cross Mfg. Ltd., Devizes, England, UK 97-GT-256
IGTI 1997 Computation of 3-D Compressible Flow from a Rectangular Nozzle with Delta Tabs Dhanireddy R. Reddy, Christopher J. Steffen, Jr., Khairul B.M.Q. Zaman, NASA Lewis Research Center, Cleveland, OH, USA 97-GT-257
IGTI 1997 Turbine Engine Installed Performance Optimisation with a Multi-Axis Thrust Vectoring Nozzle Iñaki Ulizar, Industria de TurboPropulsiones S.A.-Ajalvir, Madrid, Spain 97-GT-258
IGTI 1997 A Study of Acoustic Resonance in a Low-Speed Multistage Compressor T.R. Camp, Rolls-Royce plc, Derby, UK 97-GT-259
IGTI 1997 Thermo-Economics of a Small 50 KW Turbogenerator C. Rodgers, International Turbomachinery Consultant, San Diego, CA, USA 97-GT-260
IGTI 1997 Local and Mean Heat Transfer Coefficients Along the Internal Housing Walls of Aero Engine Bearing Chambers A. Glahn, S. Busam, S. Wittig, Universität Karlsruhe, Karlsruhe, Germany 97-GT-261
IGTI 1997 Future Material Needs for Low Emissions Gas Turbines Jayesh M. Mehta, James Askew, DiversiTech, Inc., Cincinnati, OH, USA 97-GT-262
IGTI 1997 Multicriteria Optimization of Time Control Laws of Short Take-Off and Vertical Landing Aircraft Power Plant I.N. Egorov, G.V. Kretinin, I.A. Leshchenko, Air Force Engineering Academy, Moscow, Russia 97-GT-263
IGTI 1997 Variable Flow Turbofan Engine for an HSCT Application George L. Converse, Donald K. Dunbar, Marlen L. Miller, Paul D. Hoskins, Diversitech Inc., Cincinnati, OH; Scott M. Jones, NASA Lewis Research Center, Cleveland, OH, USA 97-GT-264
IGTI 1997 Numerical Prediction of the Dynamic Behaviour of Premixed Flames Using Systematically Reduced Multi-Step Reaction Mechanisms Dieter Bohn, Yuhong Li, Gero Matouschek, Aachen University of Technology, Germany; Uwe Krüger, B&B-AGEMA, Aachen, Germany 97-GT-265
IGTI 1997 Effects of Ambient Conditions and Fuel Composition on Combustion Stability Michael C. Janus, George A. Richards, M. Joseph Yip, Federal Energy Technology Center, Morgantown, WV, USA; Edward H. Robey, EG&G Technical Services of West Virginia, Morgantown, WV, USA 97-GT-266
IGTI 1997 Flow Measurements in a Reactive Model of a Gas Turbine Combustion Chamber D. Fiaschi, G. Manfrida, Universitá di Firenze, Firenze, Italy; L. Bonciani, Nuovo Pignone S.p.A., Firenze, Italy 97-GT-267
IGTI 1997 Aerodynamics of Turbine Rim-Seal Ingestion Nicholas J. Hills, Tony Green, Alan B. Turner, University of Sussex, Brighton, UK; John W. Chew, Rolls-Royce plc, Derby, UK 97-GT-268
IGTI 1997 A Detailed Analysis of Film-Cooling Physics Part I: Streamwise Injection with Cylindrical Holes Dibbon K. Walters and James H. Leylek, Clemson University, Clemson, SC, USA 97-GT-269
IGTI 1997 A Detailed Analysis of Film Cooling Physics Part II: Compound-Angle Injection with Cylindrical Holes Kevin T. McGovern, James H. Leylek, Clemson University, Clemson, SC, USA 97-GT-270
IGTI 1997 A Detailed Analysis of Film Cooling Physics Part III: Streamwise Injection with Shaped Holes Daniel G. Hyams, James H. Leylek, Clemson University, Clemson, SC, USA 97-GT-271
IGTI 1997 A Detailed Analysis of Film Cooling Physics Part IV: Compound-Angle Injection with Shaped Holes Robert A. Brittingham, James H. Leylek, Clemson University, Clemson, SC, USA 97-GT-272
IGTI 1997 Black Liquor-Gasifier/Gas Turbine Cogeneration Stefano Consonni, Politecnico di Milano, Milano, Italy; Eric D. Larson, Princeton University, Princeton, NJ, USA; Niklas Berglin, Chalmers University of Technology, Goteborg, Sweden 97-GT-273
IGTI 1997 The Turbulence That Matters R.E. Mayle, K. Dullenkopf, A. Schulz, Universität Karlsruhe, Karlsruhe, Germany 97-GT-274
IGTI 1997 Time Dependent Crack Initiation and Growth in Ceramic Matrix Composites Matthew R. Begley, Harvard University, Cambridge, MA, USA; Brian N. Cox, Rockwell International, Thousand Oaks, CA, USA; Robert M. McMeeking, University of California, Santa Barbara, CA, USA 97-GT-275
IGTI 1997 Effect of Swirl on Combustion Characteristics in Premixed Flames S. Qi, A.K. Gupta, M.J. Lewis, University of Maryland, College Park, MD, USA 97-GT-276
IGTI 1997 Effect of Pressure on Emission Characteristics in LBG-Fueled 1500°C -Class Gas Turbine Takeharu Hasegawa, Mikio Sato, Tohru Ninomiya, Central Research Institute of Electric Power Industry, Kanagawa, Japan 97-GT-277
IGTI 1997 Performance Deterioration Modeling in Aircraft Gas Turbine Engines Anthony V. Zaita, Advanced Engineering and Research Associates, Inc., Arlington, VA, USA; Greg Buley, Naval Surface Warfare Center, West Bethesda, MD, USA; Glen Karlsons, Naval Air Warfare Center, Patuxent River, MD, USA 97-GT-278
IGTI 1997 Active Stabilization of Axial Compressors with Circumferential Inlet Distortion C.M. van Schalkwyk, Scientific Systems Co., Inc., Woburn, MA, USA; J.D. Paduano, E.M. Greitzer, A.H. Epstein, Massachusetts Institute of Technology, Cambridge, MA, USA 97-GT-279
IGTI 1997 Experiments in Active Control of Stall on an Aeroengine Gas Turbine Christopher Freeman, Alexander G. Wilson, Rolls-Royce plc, Derby, England; Ivor J. Day, Cambridge University, Cambridge, England; Malcolm A. Swinbanks, MAS Research Ltd., Cambridge, England 97-GT-280
IGTI 1997 Stall Inception and the Prospects for Active Control in Four High Speed Compressors I.J. Day, Cambridge University, Cambridge, UK; T. Breuer, MTU, Munich, Germany; J. Escuret, SNECMA, Paris, France; M. Cherrett, DRA, Farnborough, UK; A. Wilson, Rolls-Royce, Derby, UK 97-GT-281
IGTI 1997 Experimental Investigation and Mathematical Modelling of Clearance Brush Seals Mike T. Turner, Rolls-Royce MAEL, Bristol, UK; John W. Chew, Rolls-Royce, Derby, UK; Chris A. Long, University of Sussex, Sussex, UK 97-GT-282
IGTI 1997 LDV Study of Developing Flows Through a Smooth Duct with a 180 Deg Straight-Corner Turn Tong-Miin Liou, Chung-Chu Chen, National Tsing Hua University, Hsinchu, Taiwan 97-GT-283
IGTI 1997 Reliability of a Conceptual Ceramic Gas Turbine Component Subjected to Static and Transient Thermomechanical Loading Paul S. DiMascio, Robert M. Orenstein, GE Power Systems, Schenectady, NY, USA; Harindra Rajiyah, GE Corporate R&D, Schenectady, NY, USA 97-GT-284
IGTI 1997 Parametric Performance of Combined-Cogeneration Power Plants with Various Power and Efficiency Enhancements T. Korakianitis, J. Grantstrom, P. Wassingbo, Washington University, St. Louis, MO, USA; A.F. Massardo, University of Genova, Genova, Italy 97-GT-285
IGTI 1997 Environmental Influence on the Thermoeconomic Optimization of a Combined Plant with NOx Abatement A. Agazzani, A.F. Massardo, Istituto di Macchine e Sistemi Energetici, Genova, Italy; C.A. Frangopoulos, National Technical University of Athens, Zografou, Greece 97-GT-286
IGTI 1997 Multiple Evaporation Steam Bottoming Cycle H. Jericha, M. Fesharaki, A. Seyr, Graz University of Technology, Graz, Austria 97-GT-287
IGTI 1997 Thermodynamic Analysis of Closed Loop Cooled Cycles Darren T. Watson, Ian Ritchey, Rolls-Royce Industrial Power Group, Newcastle upon Tyne, UK 97-GT-288
IGTI 1997 Research of a High Thrust-to-Weight Ratio Small Turbofan Engine Masahiro Akagi, Masashi Shinomiya, Japan Defense Agency, Tachikawa, Japan; Junichi Sakaki, Shunji Sugai, Ishikawajima-Harima Heavy Industries Co., Ltd., Tokyo, Japan 97-GT-289
IGTI 1997 Biomass-Fired Atmospheric Gas Turbine Plant-1 M. Fesharaki, H. Halozan, H. Jericha, G. Kulhanek, Graz University of Technology, Graz, Austria 97-GT-290
IGTI 1997 Biomass Gasification - Commercialization and Development: The Combined Heat and Power (CHP) Option Richard L. Bain, Kevin C. Craig, Ralph P. Overend, National Renewable Energy Laboratory, Golden, CO, USA 97-GT-291
IGTI 1997 Design and Evaluation of a Single-Can Full Scale Catalytic Combustion System for Ultra-Low Emissions Industrial Gas Turbines P. Dutta, L.H. Cowell, Solar Turbines Incorporated, San Diego, CA, USA; D.K. Yee, R.A. Dalla Betta, Catalytica Incorporated, Mountain View, CA, USA 97-GT-292
IGTI 1997 Environmental Degradation of Gas Turbine Materials in Steam Y. Patel, D. Tamboli, V.H. Desai, University of Central Florida, Orlando, FL, USA; N.S. Cheruvu, Southwest Research Institute, San Antonio, TX, USA 97-GT-293
IGTI 1997 Throughflow Design Using an Automatic Optimisation Strategy C. Cravero, IMSE - Universitá di Genova, Italia; W.N. Dawes, University of Cambridge, Cambridge, UK 97-GT-294
IGTI 1997 Inverse Design of Turbomachinery Blading for Arbitrary Blade Thickness in Three-Dimensional Transonic Flow Y.L. Yang, Chung-Hua Polytechnic Institute, Hsin Chu, Taiwan 97-GT-295
IGTI 1997 Investigation of Various Parametric Influences on Leading Edge Film Cooling Michael W. Cruse, Ushio M. Yuki, David G. Bogard, The University of Texas at Austin, Austin, TX, USA 97-GT-296
IGTI 1997 A CFD Benchmark Study: Leading Edge Film-Cooling with Compound Angle Injection FACE="Arial" SIZE=2>C.A. Martin, K.A. Thole, University of Wisconsin, Madison, WI, USA 97-GT-297
IGTI 1997 Computation of Leading Edge Film Cooling with Injection Through Rows of Compound Discrete Holes Y.L. Lin, M.A. Stephens, T.I-P. Shih, Carnegie Mellon University, Pittsburgh, PA, USA 97-GT-298
IGTI 1997 Vibration Analysis of Rotating Cambered Helicoidal Turbomachine Blades J.S. Rao, C.V. Ramakrishnan, K. Gupta, K.K. Rao, Indian Institute of Technology, New Delhi, India 97-GT-299
IGTI 1997 Materials Issues for High-Temperature Components in Indirectly-Fired Cycles Ian G. Wright, Oak Ridge National Laboratory, Oak Ridge, TN, USA; John Stringer, Electric Power Research Institute, Palo Alto, CA, USA 97-GT-300
IGTI 1997 A Fast Response Total Temperature Probe Using a Pulsed Heating Technique D.R. Buttsworth, T.V. Jones, University of Oxford, Oxford, UK 97-GT-301
IGTI 1997 Chemically Reactive Flow of Hot Combustion Gases in an Aircraft Turbo-Jet Engine Th. Godin, S. Harvey, P. Stouffs, ISITEM, Nantes, France 97-GT-302
IGTI 1997 An Integrated Computing and Interdisciplinary Systems Approach to Aeropropulsion Simulation A.L. Evans, J. Lytle, G. Follen, I. Lopez, NASA Lewis Research Center, Cleveland, OH, USA 97-GT-303
IGTI 1997 The Effect on Combustor Diffuser Performance of Structural OGV/Pre-Diffuser Systems A.G. Barker, J.F. Carrotte, Loughborough University, Loughborough, UK; C.W. Frodsham, Rolls-Royce plc., Bristol, UK 97-GT-304
IGTI 1997 CFD Modeling of Combustion Instability in Premixed Axisymmetric Combustors Clifford E. Smith, Andy D. Leonard, CFD Research Corporation, Huntsville, AL, USA 97-GT-305
IGTI 1997 A Comparison of the Influence of Fuel/Air Unmixedness on NOx Emissions in Lean Premixed, Non-Catalytic and Catalytically Stabilized Combustion A. Schlegel, M. Streichsbier, R. Mongia, R. Dibble, University of California - Berkeley, Berkeley, CA, USA 97-GT-306
IGTI 1997 Contaminants in a Gas Turbine Fuel System and Thermal Shock Timothy D. Newbound, Richard S. Norek, Saudi Arabian Oil Company (Saudi Aramco), Dhahran, Saudi Arabia 97-GT-307
IGTI 1997 Combustion Noise at Elevated Pressures in a Liquid-Fueled Premixed Combustor Douglas Darling, Westinghouse Electric Corporation, Orlando, FL, USA; Krishnan Radhakrishnan, NASA Lewis Research Center, Brook Park, OH, USA; Ayo Oyediran, AYT Corp., Brook Park, OH, USA 97-GT-308
IGTI 1997 CFD Analysis of Liquid Spray Combustion in a Gas Turbine Combustor Mark K. Lai, National Research Council Canada, Ottawa, Ontario, Canada 97-GT-309
IGTI 1997 Computational and Experimental Evaluation of Integral Catalytic Ignitor/Injector for Gas Turbine Applications Greg S. Jackson, Shahrokh Etemad, Hasan Karim, William C. Pfefferle, Precision Combustion, Inc., New Haven, CT, USA 97-GT-310
IGTI 1997 Low Emissions Combustion System for the Allison ATS Engine Duane A. Smith, Steve F. Frey, David M. Stansel, Mohan K. Razdan, Allison Engine Company, Inc., Indianapolis, IN, USA 97-GT-311
IGTI 1997 Redesign of the MS6001 First Stage Bucket for Improved Cooling and Extended Life Jerry K. Jaqueway, TurboCare, Manchester, CT, USA; Robert J. Pistor, Liburdi Engineering Limited, Dundas, Ontario, Canada 97-GT-312
IGTI 1997 Developing a Cooperative International Program in Graduate Education and Research Juan Oliveras, Universidad Simon Bolivar, Caracas, Venezuela; Lloyd E. Barrett, Ronald D. Flack, University of Virginia, Charlottesville, VA, USA 97-GT-313
IGTI 1997 Development of a Programmable Logic Controller Based Fuel Control System for the G.E. LM-1600 Gas Turbine Dan A. King, Jim Patrick, NOVA Gas Transmission Ltd., Calgary, Alberta, Canada 97-GT-314
IGTI 1997 Instrumentation Systems for a Continuous Flow Turbine Rotor Mark R.D. Davies, Catherine M. Byrne, University of Limerick, Limerick, Ireland; Paul Dillon, PEI Technologies, Dublin, Ireland 97-GT-315
IGTI 1997 Characterizing the Effects of Air Injection on Compressor Performance for Use in Active Control of Rotating Stall Robert L. Behnken, Mina Leung, Richard M. Murray, California Institute of Technology, Pasadena, CA, USA 97-GT-316
IGTI 1997 Ceramic Stationary Gas Turbine Development Program - Fourth Annual Summary - Mark van Roode, William D. Brentnall, Kenneth O. Smith, Bryan D. Edwards, John McClain, Jeffrey R. Price, Solar Turbines Incorporated, San Diego, CA, USA 97-GT-317
IGTI 1997 Failure Probability Prediction of Fast-Fractured NT451 SiAlON Diesel Exhaust Valves Andrew A. Wereszczak, Timothy P. Kirkland, Mattison K. Ferber, James M. Corum, Oak Ridge National Laboratory, Oak Ridge, TN, USA; Alonso Peralta, AlliedSignal Engines, Phoenix, AZ, USA 97-GT-318
IGTI 1997 Creep Life Prediction of Ceramic Components Subjected to Transient Tensile and Compressive Stress States Osama M. Jadaan, University of Wisconsin-Platteville, Platteville, WI, USA; Lynn M. Powers, Case Western Reserve University, Cleveland, OH, USA; John P. Gyekenyesi, NASA Lewis Research Center, Cleveland, OH, USA 97-GT-319
IGTI 1997 Effect of Machining Conditions on the Strength Distributions of Ground Ceramics Wataru Kanematsu, Yukihiko Yamauchi, Shoji Ito, National Industrial Research Institute of Nagoya, Nagoya, Japan 97-GT-320
IGTI 1997 Status of Silicon Nitride Component Fabrication Processes, Material Properties, and Applications John P. Pollinger, AlliedSignal Aerospace, Torrance, CA, USA 97-GT-321
IGTI 1997 HIPed Silicon Nitride Components for AGATA - A European Gas Turbine for Hybrid Vehicles Robert Lundberg, Volvo Aero Corporation, Trollhättan, Sweden 97-GT-322
IGTI 1997 Research into Mechanism of Formation of Alumo-Boron-Nitride Ceramics: A Structural Material for GTE Parts V.V. Grishaev, A.V. Soudarev, G.P. Okatova, NITI EM, St. Petersburg, Russia 97-GT-323
IGTI 1997 Dynamic Instabilities in Natural-Circulation Evaporators of Vertical HRSGs Klaus Payrhuber, Hermann Halozan, Graz University of Technology, Graz, Austria 97-GT-324
IGTI 1997 A Review of Some Current Problems in Gas Turbine Secondary Systems A.B. Turner, C.A. Long, P.R.N. Childs, N.J. Hills, University of Sussex, Brighton, UK; J.A. Millward, Rolls-Royce plc, Derby, UK 97-GT-325
IGTI 1997 Computational and Experimental Investigations of Straight - Through Labyrinth Seals B.V.S.S.S. Prasad, I.I.T., Madras, Chennai, India; V. Sethu Manavalan, N. Nanjunda Rao, Gas Turbine Research Establishment, Bangalore, India 97-GT-326
IGTI 1997 Turbine Airfoil External Heat Transfer Measurement in a Hot-Cascade Luzeng J. Zhang, Boris Glezer, Solar Turbines Incorporated, San Diego, CA, USA 97-GT-327
IGTI 1997 Quantitative Visualization of Full-Coverage Discrete-Hole Film Cooling Thomas F. Fric, Robert P. Campbell, General Electric Corporate R & D, Schenectady, NY, USA; Mark G. Rettig, General Electric Aircraft Engines, Cincinnati, OH, USA 97-GT-328
IGTI 1997 Mathematical Model Describing the Coupled Heat Transfer in Effusion Cooled Combustor Walls M. Martiny, A. Schulz, S. Wittig, Universität Karlsruhe (TH), Karlsruhe, Germany 97-GT-329
IGTI 1997 Self-Oscillating-Impinging-Jet as a Gas Turbine Cooling Enhancement System Frank Herr, Cengiz Camci, The Pennsylvania State University, University Park, PA, USA 97-GT-330
IGTI 1997 Impingement Heat Transfer from Rib Roughened Surface within Arrays of Circular Jet: The Effect of the Relative Position of the Jet Hole to the Ribs Chang Haiping, Zhang Dalin, Nanjing University of Aeronautics and Astronautics, Nanjing, P.R. China; Huang Taiping, Xiamen University, Xiamen, P.R. China 97-GT-331
IGTI 1997 Oxidation Induced Stress-Rupture of Fiber Bundles Edgar Lara-Curzio, Oak Ridge National Laboratory, Oak Ridge, TN, USA 97-GT-332
IGTI 1997 A One Dimensional, Time Dependent Inlet/Engine Numerical Simulation for Aircraft Propulsion Systems Doug Garrard, Milt Davis, Jr., Steve Wehofer, Sverdrup Technology, Inc./AEDC Group, Arnold AFB, TN, USA; Gary Cole, NASA Lewis Research Center, Cleveland, OH, USA 97-GT-333
IGTI 1997 Calculation of a Premixed Swirl Combustor Using the PDF Method A.T. Hsu, M.S. Anand, M.K. Razdan, Allison Engine Company, Indianapolis, IN, USA 97-GT-334
IGTI 1997 Effects of Incomplete Premixing on NOx Formation at Temperature and Pressure Conditions of LP Combustion Turbines Reodora Rutar, Scott M. Martin, David G. Nicol, Phillip C. Malte, David T. Pratt, University of Washington, Seattle, WA, USA 97-GT-335
IGTI 1997 Effect of Fuel Composition on NOx Formation in Lean Premixed Prevaporized Combustion Scott A. Capehart, John C.Y. Lee, Joseph T. Williams, Phillip C. Malte, University of Washington, Seattle, WA, USA 97-GT-336
IGTI 1997 Once-Through Heat Recovery Steam Generators Working with Sub- and Supercritical Steam Conditions for Combined Cycles P J Dechamps, J-F Galopin, Cockerill Mechanical Industries, Seraing, Belgium 97-GT-337
IGTI 1997 The Design of an Instructional Cogeneration Laboratory Andrew Banta, California State University, Sacramento, CA, USA 97-GT-338
IGTI 1997 The Effect of Shaping Inclined Slots on Film Cooling Effectiveness and Heat Transfer Coefficient J.P. Farmer, D.J. Seager, J.A. Liburdy, Clemson University, Clemson, SC, USA 97-GT-339
IGTI 1997 Parametric Study of Fuel Cell and Gas Turbine Combined Cycle Performance Dawn Stephenson, Ian Ritchey, Rolls-Royce Industrial Power Group, Newcastle upon Tyne, UK 97-GT-340
IGTI 1997 Full Coverage Discrete Hole Film Cooling: Investigation of the Effect of Variable Density Ratio F. Bazdidi-Tehrani, Iran University of Science and Technology, Tehran, Iran; G.E. Andrews, The University of Leeds, Leeds, UK 97-GT-341
IGTI 1997 Laser Anemometer Measurements of the Flow Field in a 4:1 Pressure Ratio Centrifugal Impeller G.J. Skoch, U.S. Army Research Laboratory, Cleveland, OH, USA; P.S. Prahst, NYMA Inc., Brook Park, OH, USA; M.P. Wernet, J.R. Wood, A.J. Strazisar, NASA Lewis Research Center, Cleveland, OH, USA 97-GT-342
IGTI 1997 Detailed Off Design Flow Measurements in a Centrifugal Compressor Vaned Diffuser Ali Pinarbasi, The University of Cumhuriyet, Sivas, Turkey; Mark W. Johnson, The University of Liverpool, Liverpool, UK 97-GT-343
IGTI 1997 Aerodynamic Modeling of Multistage Compressor Flowfields - Part 1: Analysis of Rotor/Stator/Rotor Aerodynamic Interaction Edward J. Hall, Allison Engine Company, Indianapolis, IN, USA 97-GT-344
IGTI 1997 Aerodynamic Modeling of Multistage Compressor Flowfields - Part 2: Modeling Deterministic Stresses Edward J. Hall, Allison Engine Company, Indianapolis, IN, USA 97-GT-345
IGTI 1997 The Effect of Hub Leakage Flow on Two High Speed Axial Flow Compressor Rotors A. Shabbir, M.L. Celestina, J.J. Adamczyk, A.J. Strazisar, NASA Lewis Research Center, Cleveland, OH, USA 97-GT-346
IGTI 1997 Foil Air/Gas Bearing Technology -An Overview Giri L. Agrawal, R&D Dynamics Corporation, Bloomfield, CT, USA 97-GT-347
IGTI 1997 Variable Polarity GTAW of SMP14 Single Crystal Superalloy: Part One - Effects of Microstructure & Tensile Properties Warren Miglietti, Jeff Benson, Fritz Blum, Philip Harms, Ros Pennefather, MATTEK-CSIR, Pretoria, South Africa 97-GT-348
IGTI 1997 Relationship Between Residual Creep Life and Microstructure of Gamma Prime Strengthened Ni-Base Alloy for Gas Turbine Combustor Parts S. Imano, S. Nakamura, Hitachi, Ltd., Hitachi, Japan; A. Kanaya, J. Kusumoto, H. Watanabe, Kyushu Electric Power Co., Inc., Fukuoka, Japan 97-GT-349
IGTI 1997 Life Prediction Method Under Creep-Fatigue Loading for Gas Turbine Combustion Transition Piece of Ni-Based Superalloy N263 J. Kusumoto, H. Watanabe, A. Kanaya, Kyushu Electric Power Co., Inc., Fukuoka, Japan; K. Ichikawa, S.Sakurai, Hitachi Ltd., Hitachi, Japan 97-GT-350
IGTI 1997 Perspective on a Combustion-Free Gas Turbine to Meet Power Generation Needs in the 21st Century Colin F. McDonald, McDonald Thermal Engineering, La Jolla, CA, USA 97-GT-351
IGTI 1997 Integrated Control of Rotating Stall and Surge in High-Speed Multi-Stage Compression Systems K.M. Eveker, C.N. Nett, O.P. Sharma, United Technologies Pratt & Whitney, East Hartford, CT, USA; D.L. Gysling, United Technologies Research Center, East Hartford, CT, USA 97-GT-352
IGTI 1997 Modeling of Industrial Pumping System Dynamics Ammar A. Al-Nahwi, Saudi Arabian Oil Company, Dhahran, Saudi Arabia; Martin B. Graf, Pratt & Whitney, West Palm Beach, FL, USA 97-GT-353
IGTI 1997 Operating Experience of the First Solar® Taurus 70S Mechanical Drive Installation A. James Hoshizaki, NOVA Gas Transmission Ltd., Calgary, Alberta, Canada 97-GT-354
IGTI 1997 Oxidation Behavior of Ceramics for Gas Turbines in Combustion Gas Flow at 1500°C Y. Etori, T. Hisamatsu, I. Yuri, Central Research Institute of Electric Power Industry, Yokosuka, Japan; Y. Yasutomi, K. Wada, Hitachi, Ltd., Hitachi, Japan; T. Machida, Hitachi, Ltd., Tsuchiura, Japan 97-GT-355
IGTI 1997 Program of Development of Metal-Ceramic Stationary Gas-Turbine 2.5 MW Unit and the Initial Results of its Implementation A.V. Soudarev, V.V. Grishaev, B.V. Soudarev, V.J. Podgorets, A.S. Molchanov, A.A. Sourjaninov, Research-Technological Institute for Power Engineering, St. Petersburg, Russia 97-GT-356
IGTI 1997 First V84.3A Gas Turbine Installation at Hawthorn Station T. Johnson, Kansas City Power & Light, Kansas City, MO, USA; B. Becker, J. Seume, Siemens / KWU, Mülheim, Germany; H. Termuehlen, Siemens Power Corporation, Milwaukee, WI, USA 97-GT-357
IGTI 1997 A Finite Difference Simulation of the Heat Transfer Enhancement in a Typical Two Pass Ribbed Duct of a Cooled Turbine Blade Using Wall Functions Jan A. Visser, Calvyn B. Coetzer, University of Pretoria, Pretoria, South Africa 97-GT-358
IGTI 1997 The Analysis and Resolution of a Fatigue Failure of a Low Pressure Turbine Blade Caused by the Excitation of a Bladed Disc Mode of Vibration Malcolm C. Staddon, Paul R. Box, Barry Barnett, Tony Horton, Geoff H. Ballans, European Gas Turbines Ltd. Lincoln, UK 97-GT-359
IGTI 1997 Operation of a Primary Surface Recuperator on a Liquid Fueled Combustion System Michael D. Stephenson, Mike E. Ward, Len Holman, Solar Turbines Incorporated, San Diego, CA, USA 97-GT-360
IGTI 1997 High Efficiency - Coal and Gas (HE - C&G), an Advanced Hybrid Power Plant Concept with Sequential Combustion Gas Turbines GT24/GT26 Mircea Fetescu, ABB Power Generation Ltd., Baden, Switzerland 97-GT-361
IGTI 1997 Three-Dimensional Computation of Gas Turbine Combustors and the Validation Studies of Turbulence and Combustion Models D. Biswas, K. Kawano, H. Iwasaki, M. Ishizuka, Toshiba Corporation, Kawasaki, Japan; S. Yamanaka, Toshiba Corporation, Yokohama, Japan 97-GT-362
IGTI 1997 Bond Strength and Stress Measurements in Thermal Barrier Coatings Eric H. Jordan, Maurice Gell, Doug M. Pease, Leon Shaw, Brent Barber, Krishna Vaidyanathan, University of Connecticut, Storrs, CT, USA; David R. Clarke, University of California at Santa Barbara, CA,USA; Vijay Gupta, University of Califorina at Los Angele 97-GT-363
IGTI 1997 Economics and Design Approaches for Small Commercial Turbogenerators Phillip F. Myers, Turbogen, Inc., Gahanna, OH, USA 97-GT-364
IGTI 1997 Advances in Gas Turbine Blade Repair by Laser Welding Ettore Gandini, Franco Agnesone, ATLA, Torino, Italy; Federica Taricco, FIAT AVIO S.p.A., Torino, Italy; Leonardo Arrighi, ENEL/P-IN/STE/US-TO, Torino, Italy 97-GT-365
IGTI 1997 Improvement of Environmental Record of the Stationary Gas Turbines Run in Russia Through Combustors Update A. Soudarev, E. Vinogradov, Yu Zakharov, NPP "EST", St. Petersburg, Russia 97-GT-366
IGTI 1997 Numerical Simulation of Turbulent Heat Transfer and Flow in a Rotating Multiple - Pass Square Channel Jenn-Jiang Hwang, Wei-Jyh Wang, Chung-Hua Polytechnic Institute, Hsinchu, Taiwan, ROC; Dong-Yuo Lai, Air Force Aeronautical & Technical School, Kangshan, Taiwan, ROC 97-GT-367
IGTI 1997 High-Temperature Surface Measurements of Turbine Engine Components Using Thermographic Phosphors Sami Alaruri, Andy Brewington, Allison Engine Company, Indianapolis, IN, USA 97-GT-368
IGTI 1997 Update on Westinghouse's Advanced Turbine Systems Program David J. Amos, Ihor S. Diakunchak, Gerard McQuiggan, Leslie R. Southall, Gregg P. Wagner, Westinghouse Electric Corporation, Orlando, FL, USA 97-GT-369
IGTI 1997 Detailed Chemical Modelling Predictions of Emmisions from a Reheatd Gas Turbine Engine With Application to Future Supersonic Aircraft T.J. Foster, C.W. Wilson, DERA Pyestock, Farnborough, UK 97-GT-370
IGTI 1997 Application of CFD to DLN Combustion C. Hornsby, E.R. Norster, European Gas Turbines Ltd., Lincoln, UK 97-GT-371
IGTI 1997 High Temperature Braze Repair for Compressor Blades Hans van Esch, Hickham Industries, Inc., La Porte, TX, USA; Ernst Herren, Sulzer Turbo Ltd., Zurich, Switzerland 97-GT-372
IGTI 1997 Life Assessment of Gas Turbine Components Using Nondestructive Inspection Techniques rial" SIZE=2>Kurt Walter, Sulzer Innotec, Winterthur, Switzerland; Wayne Greaves, Hickam Industries, La Porte, TX, USA 97-GT-373
IGTI 1997 A Study of Fatigue Crack Growth Behavior of Haynes® 242tm Alloy Laxminarayana Garimella, Peter K. Liaw, The University of Tennessee, Knoxville, TN, USA; George Y. Lai, Dwaine L. Klarstrom, Haynes International Incorporated, Kokomo, IN, USA 97-GT-374
IGTI 1997 A Practical Compressor Casing Treatment Syed Khalid, Pratt & Whitney, West Palm Beach , FL, USA 97-GT-375
IGTI 1997 Thermal Optimisation of Longitudinal Ribs in Variable Geometry Ducts S. Naik, S.D. Probert, Cranfield University, Bedford, UK 97-GT-376
IGTI 1997 Prospect of Advanced Generation Technologies in a Competitive Marketplace Manoj K. Guha, American Electric Power, Columbus, OH, USA 97-GT-377
IGTI 1997 Advanced Gas Turbine System Utilizing Partial Oxidation Technology for Power Generation Victor M. Maslennikov, Viacheclav M. Batenin, Victor Ja. Shterenberg, Yury A. Vyskubenko,- Edward A. Tsalko, Russian Academy of Sciences, (IVTAN), Moscow, Russia 97-GT-378
IGTI 1997 Heat Transfer Coefficient Distributions for the Convective Cooling of Non-Cylindrical Geometries in Crossflow Using Extended Surfaces Andrew J. Neely, Peter T. Ireland, University of Oxford, Oxford, UK; Les R. Harper, Rolls-Royce MAEL, Bristol, UK 97-GT-379
IGTI 1997 Local Heat Transfer Coefficients on Flat Continuous, Flat Interrupted and Corrugated External Cooling Fins Andrew J. Robertson, Andrew J. Neely, Peter T. Ireland, University of Oxford, Oxford, UK; Les R. Harper, Rolls Royce MAEL, Bristol, UK 97-GT-380
IGTI 1997 Computation of a Leading-Edge Film Cooling Flow Over an Experimental Geometry Siddharth Thakur, Jeffrey Wright, Wei Shyy, University of Florida, Gainesville, FL, USA 97-GT-381
IGTI 1997 Measurements of Secondary Flows in a Turbine Cascade at Off-Design Incidence M.W. Benner, S.A. Sjolander, Carleton University, Ottawa, Ontario, Canada; S.H. Moustapha, Pratt & Whitney Canada Inc., Longueuil, Quebec, Canada 97-GT-382
IGTI 1997 Status of the Automotive Ceramic Gas Turbine Development Program - Seven Years' Progress Norio Nakazawa, Masafumi Sasaki, Tsubura Nishiyama, Masumi Iwai, Haruo Katagiri, Japan Automobile Research Institute, Inc., Tsukuba, Ibaraki, Japan; Noritoshi Handa, Petroleum Energy Center, Minato-ku, Japan 97-GT-383
IGTI 1997 Grid Dependency Study for the NASA Rotor 37 Compressor Blade Andrea Arnone, Ennio Carnevale, Michele Marconcini, Universita di Firenze, Firenze, Italy 97-GT-384
IGTI 1997 Stagnation Point Heat Transfer with a Thermal Barrier Coated Cylinder N. Abuaf, B. Dorri, GE Corporate Research & Development, Schenectady, NY; C.P. Lee, GE Aircraft Engines, Cincinnati, OH, USA; D.A. Flodman, GE Power Generation, Greenville, SC, USA 97-GT-385
IGTI 1997 Effects of Engine Aging on Aircraft NOx Emissions Stephen P. Lukachko, Ian A. Waitz, Massachusetts Institute of Technology, Cambridge, MA, USA 97-GT-386
IGTI 1997 Turbocharger-Design Effects on Gasoline-Engine Performance T. Korakianitis, T. Sadoi, Washington University, St. Louis, MO, USA 97-GT-387
IGTI 1997 Low-Aspect-Ratio Rib Heat Transfer Coefficient Measurements in a Square Channel M.E. Taslim, G.J. Korotky, Northeastern University, Boston, MA, USA 97-GT-388
IGTI 1997 Coating Life Prediction under Cyclic Oxidation Conditions Arial SIZE=2>Kwai S. Chan, N. Sastry Cheruvu, Gerald R. Leverant, Southwest Research Institute, San Antonio, TX, USA 97-GT-389
IGTI 1997 Analysis of the Temperature Profile of Ceramic Composite Materials Exposed to Combined Conduction-Radiation Between Concentric Cylinders Andrés Tremante, Freddy Malpica, Universidad Simón Bolír, Caracas, Venezuela 97-GT-390
IGTI 1997 Analysis of Interfacial Cracks in a TBC/Superalloy System Under Thermo-Mechanical Loading S.Q. Nusier, G.M. Newaz, Wayne State University, Detroit, MI, USA 97-GT-391
IGTI 1997 Automatic Genetic Optimization Approach to 2D Blade Profile Design for Steam Turbines M.A. Trigg, G.R. Tubby, A.G. Sheard, Allen Steam Turbines, Bedford, England 97-GT-392
IGTI 1997 On the Design Criteria for Suppression of Secondary Flows in Centrifugal and Mixed Flow Impellers ial" SIZE=2>M. Zangeneh, University College London, London, UK; A. Goto, H. Harada, Ebara Research Co Ltd, Fujisawa-shi, Japan 97-GT-393
IGTI 1997 Blockage Development in a Transonic, Axial Compressor Rotor Kenneth L. Suder, NASA Lewis Research Center, Cleveland, OH, USA 97-GT-394
IGTI 1997 An Efficient Computational Model for Premixed Turbulent Combustion at High Reynolds Numbers Based on a Turbulent Flame Speed Closure SIZE=2>Vladimir Zimont, CRS 4, Cagliari, Italy; Wolfgang Polifke, Marco Bettelini, Wolfgang Weisenstein, ABB Corporate Research, Baden-Dättwil, Switzerland 97-GT-395
IGTI 1997 Results of Experiments and Models for Predicting Stability Limits of Turbulent Swirling Flames S. Hoffmann, Siemens-KWU, Mülheim, F.R. Germany; B. Lenze, Universität Karlsruhe, Karlsruhe, F.R., Germany; H. Eickhoff, DLR, Cologne, F.R. Germany 97-GT-396
IGTI 1997 Direct Full Surface Skin Friction Measurement Using Nematic Liquid Crystal Techniques D.R. Buttsworth, S.J. Elston, T.V. Jones, University of Oxford, Oxford, UK 97-GT-397
IGTI 1997 Prediction of the Becalmed Region for LP Turbine Profile Design Volker Schulte, BMW Rolls-Royce GmbH, Dahlewitz, Germany; Howard P. Hodson, Cambridge University, Cambridge, UK 97-GT-398
IGTI 1997 Modeling Unsteady Boundary Layer Transition on a Curved Plate Under Periodic Unsteady Flow Conditions: Aerodynamic and Heat Transfer Investigations P. Chakka, M.T. Schobeiri, Texas A&M University, College Station, Texas, USA 97-GT-399
IGTI 1997 Transient Thermoelastohydrodynamic Study of Tilting-Pad Journal Bearings Under Dynamic Loading Pascal Monmousseau, Michel Fillon, Jean Frêne, Université de Poitiers, Futuroscope cedex, France 97-GT-400
IGTI 1997 Inner Workings of Aerodynamic Sweep A.R. Wadia, P.N. Szucs, D.W. Crall, GE Aircraft Engines, Cincinnati, OH, USA 97-GT-401
IGTI 1997 Intermittent Flow and Thermal Structures of Accelerating Transitional Boundary Layers, Part 1: Mean Quantities Ting Wang, F. Jeffrey Keller, Clemson University, Clemson, SC, USA 97-GT-402
IGTI 1997 Intermittent Flow and Thermal Structures of Accelerating Transitional Boundary Layers, Part 2: Fluctuation Quantities Ting Wang, F. Jeffrey Keller, Department of Mechanical Engineering, Clemson University, Clemson, SC, USA 97-GT-403
IGTI 1997 Direct Prediction of the Effects of Mistuning on the Forced Response of Bladed Disks Marc P. Mignolet, Wei Hu, Arizona State University, Tempe, AZ, USA 97-GT-404
IGTI 1997 A Shock Loss Model for Supersonic Compressor Cascades Gregory S. Bloch, William W. Copenhaver, Wright Laboratory, Wright-Patterson AFB, OH, USA; Walter F. O'Brien, Virginia Polytechnic Institute and State University, Blacksburg, VA, USA 97-GT-405
IGTI 1997 Effects of Non-Axisymmetric Tip Clearance on Axial Compressor Performance and Stability M.B. Graf, T.S. Wong, E.M. Greitzer, F.E. Marble, C.S. Tan, Massachusetts Institute of Technology, Cambridge, Massachusetts, USA; H.-W. Shin, D.C. Wisler, GE Aircraft Engines, Cincinnati, OH, USA 97-GT-406
IGTI 1997 Unsteady Total Temperature Measurements Downstream of a High Pressure Turbine D.R. Buttsworth, T.V. Jones, University of Oxford, Oxford, UK; K.S. Chana, DRA Pyestock Farnborough, UK 97-GT-407
IGTI 1997 The Evaporative Gas Turbine [EGT] Cycles J.H. Horlock, Whittle Laboratory, Cambridge, UK 97-GT-408
IGTI 1997 Industrial Gas Turbine Updates: Tips, Tricks and Traps T.L. Ragland, Solar Turbines Incorporated, San Diego, CA, USA 97-GT-409
IGTI 1997 Ceramic Coating Edge Failure Due to Thermal Expansion Interference Herman A. Nied, Advanced Manufacturing Technology Associates, Ballston Lake, NY, USA 97-GT-410
IGTI 1997 Active Stabilization of Rotating Stall and Surge in a Transonic Single Stage Axial Compressor H.J. Weigl, J.D. Paduano, L.G. Fréchette, A.H. Epstein, E.M. Greitzer, Massachusetts Institute of Technology, Cambridge, MA, USA; M.M. Bright, A.J. Strazisar, NASA Lewis Research Center, Cleveland, OH, USA 97-GT-411
IGTI 1997 Design, Optimization, and Analysis of a High-Turning Transonic Tandem Compressor Cascade Anton Weber, Wolfgang Steinert, Institut für Antriebstechnik, Köln, Germany 97-GT-412
IGTI 1997 Development of Ultra High Temperature Ceramic Composites for Gas Turbine Combustors Magnus Holmquist, Robert Lundberg, Volvo Aero Corporation, Trollhättan, Sweden; Tony Razzell, Rolls-Royce plc, Derby, UK; Olivier Sudre, ONERA, Châtillon, France; Ludovic Molliex, SNECMA, Evry, France; Jan Adlerborn, AC Cerama AB, Robertsfors, Sweden 97-GT-413
IGTI 1997 One-Dimensional Predictive Emission Monitoring Model for Gas Turbine Combustors K.K. Botros, M.J. de Boer, G.R. Price, NOVA Research & Technology Corporation, Calgary, Alberta, Canada; G. Kibrya, NOVA Gas Transmission Ltd., Calgary, Alberta, Canada 97-GT-414
IGTI 1997 Viscous Throughflow Modelling of Axial Compressor Bladerows Using a Tangential Blade Force Hypothesis Simon J. Gallimore, Rolls-Royce Plc, Derby, UK 97-GT-415
IGTI 1997 A Navier-Stokes Inverse Method Based on a Moving Blade Wall Strategy Olivier Leonard, Alain Demeulenaere, Universitè de Liège, Liège, Belgium 97-GT-416
IGTI 1997 Numerical Analysis of Two-Dimensional Compressible Viscous Flow in Turbomachinery Cascades Using an Improved K-e Turbulence Model Debasish Biswas, Hideo Iwasaki, Masaru Ishizuka, Toshiba Corporation, Kawasaki, Japan 97-GT-417
IGTI 1997 A Parallel Unstructured Turbomachinery Code C-W. Hustad, S. Vilmin, Swiss Federal Institute of Technology, Lausanne, Switzerland 97-GT-418
IGTI 1997 Design of New Three Stage Low Pressure Turbine for the BMW Rolls-Royce BR715 Turbofan Engine Keith Cobley, Neil Coleman, Rolls-Royce plc, Derby, England; Gunnar Siden, Norbert Arndt, BMW Rolls-Royce, Dahlewitz, Germany 97-GT-419
IGTI 1997 Study of a Low Aspect Ratio Low Pressure Turbine Nozzle Guide Vane With High Outer Annulus Wall Slope G. Siden, S. Schlechtriem, E. Johann, H. Klinger, BMW Rolls-Royce GmbH, Dahlewitz, Germany 97-GT-420
IGTI 1997 Three-Dimensional Navier-Stokes Analysis of Turbine Rotor and Tip-Leakage Flowfield J. Luo, B. Lakshminarayana, The Pennsylvania State University, University Park, PA, USA 97-GT-421
IGTI 1997 Influence of 3D Hot Streaks on Turbine Heat Transfer Karen L. Gundy-Burlet, NASA Ames Research Center, Moffettfield, CA, USA; Daniel J. Dorney, Pratt & Whitney, East Hartford, CT, USA 97-GT-422
IGTI 1997 Influence of Cooling Hole Design on In-Service Coating Degradation Thomas J. Carr, Westinghouse Electric Corporation, Orlando, FL, USA; John Dworak, Dow Chemical Company, Freeport, TX, USA 97-GT-423
IGTI 1997 The Effect of Microstructural Differences on NA2 SO4-Induced Corrosion of Superalloy CMSX-4 at High Temperatures Ming. Li, Vimal H. Desai, University of Central Florida, Orlando, FL, USA; N. Sastry Cheruvu, Southwest Research Institute, San Antonio, TX, USA 97-GT-424
IGTI 1997 Development of a Corrosion Resistant Directionally Solidified Material for Land Based Turbine Blades N.S. Cheruvu, Southwest Research Institute, San Antonio, TX, USA 97-GT-425
IGTI 1997 Corrosion Resistant Single Crystal Superalloys for Industrial Gas Turbine Application G.L. Erickson, Cannon-Muskegon Corporation, Muskegon, MI, USA 97-GT-426
IGTI 1997 Extensive Industrial Gas Turbine Experience with Second Generation Single Crystal Alloy Turbine Blades W.D. Brentnall, J.M. Aurrecoechea, C.M. Rimlinger, Solar Turbines Incorporated, San Diego, CA, USA; K. Harris, G.L. Erickson, J.B. Wahl, Cannon-Muskegon Corporation (SPS Technologies Inc.), Muskegon, MI, USA 97-GT-427
IGTI 1997 Turbine Airfoil Manufacturing Technology Charles S. Kortovich, Robert M. Garlock, Craig R. Hayes, PCC Airfoils, Inc., Beachwood, OH, USA 97-GT-428
IGTI 1997 Design of a High Efficiency Industrial Turbine Blade Utilizing Third Generation Single Crystal Alloy CMSX®-10 Michael D. Fitzpatrick, William D. Brentnall, Andrew Meier, Solar Turbines Incorporated, San Diego, CA, USA; Gary L. Erickson, Cannon-Muskegon Corporation, Muskegon, MI, USA; Gary DeBoer, Howmet Corporation, Whitehall, MI, USA 97-GT-429
IGTI 1997 Land Based Turbine Casting Initiative Boyd A. Mueller, Allen R. Price, Kenneth S. Murphy, Howmet Corporation, Whitehall, MI, USA; Gregory B. Bell, Howmet Corporation, Hampton, VA, USA 97-GT-430
IGTI 1997 Numerical Prediction of Heat Transfer in a Channel with Ribs and Bleed David L. Rigby, NYMA, Inc., Brook Park, OH, USA; E. Steinthorsson, NASA Lewis Research Center, Cleveland, OH, USA; A.A. Ameri, AYT Corporation, Brook Park, OH, USA 97-GT-431
IGTI 1997 Application of the Shell DeNOx System on Gas Turbine-Heat Recovery Steam Generators Gregory P. Croce, Richard Kinsfather, KTI Corporation, Concord, CA, USA; Wessel Yistra, CRI Technical Services BV, The Netherlands, David Hamilton, CRI Catalyst Company, Houston, TX, USA 97-GT-432
IGTI 1997 Systemic Approach Applied to Dual Pressure HRSG B. Leide, Electricité de France - C.N.E.T., Paris-La-Défense, France; R. Gicquel, Ecole des Mines de Paris, Paris, France 97-GT-433
IGTI 1997 Experiments on Water and Heat Recovery of Steam Injection Gas Turbine (STIG) Power Plant Zheng Qun, Wang Gouxue, Sun Yufeng, Liu Shunlong, Harbin Engineering University, Harbin, China 97-GT-434
IGTI 1997 Analysis of Efficiency and Water Recovery in Steam Injected Gas Turbines M. De Paepe, E. Dick, Universiteit Gent, Gent, Belgium 97-GT-435
IGTI 1997 Heat Transfer Augmentation for Air Jet Impinged on Rough Surface W.M. Chakroun, S.F. Al-Fahed, A.A. Abdel-Rehman, Kuwait University, Kuwait 97-GT-436
IGTI 1997 Concavity Enhanced Heat Transfer in an Internal Cooling Passage M.K. Chyu, Y. Yu, H. Ding, Carnegie Mellon University, Pittsburgh, PA, USA; J.P. Downs, F.O. Soechting, Pratt & Whitney, West Palm Beach, FL, USA 97-GT-437
IGTI 1997 Fundamental Heat Transfer Experiments of Heat Pipes for Turbine Cooling Shigemichi Yamawaki, Ishikawajima-Harima Heavy Industries Co., Ltd., Tokyo, Japan; Toyoaki Yoshida, Masanobu Taki, Fujio Mimura, National Aerospace Laboratory, Tokyo, Japan 97-GT-438
IGTI 1997 Mixing of Multiple Jets with a Confined Subsonic Crossflow Part II - Opposed Rows of Orifices in Rectangular Ducts James D. Holdeman, NASA Lewis Research Center, Cleveland, OH, USA; David S. Liscinsky, United Technologies Research Center, E. Hartford, CT, USA; Daniel B. Bain, CFD Research Corporation, Huntsville, AL, USA 97-GT-439
IGTI 1997 Development of Ceramic Gas Turbine Combustor for 300kW-Class (CGT301) Tsukasa Saitou, Jun'ichi Sato, Ishikawajima-Harima Heavy Industries Co., Ltd., Tokyo, Japan 97-GT-440
IGTI 1997 LNG Receiving Terminal Associated with Gas Cycle Power Plants Paolo Chiesa, Politecnico di Milano, Milan, Italy 97-GT-441
IGTI 1997 Use of Artificial Neural Networks for the Simulation of Combined Cycle Transients Umberto Desideri, Francesco Fantozzi, Gianni Bidini, Università di Perugia, Perugia, Italy; Philippe Mathieu, Université de Liège, Liège, Belgium 97-GT-442
IGTI 1997 A Parametric Study of Heat Pipe Turbine Vane Cooling Z.J. Zuo, A. Faghri, L. Langston, University of Connecticut, Storrs, CT, USA 97-GT-443
IGTI 1997 Physics of Airfoil Clocking in Axial Compressors Karen L. Gundy-Burlet, NASA Ames Research Center, Moffett Field, CA, USA; Daniel J. Dorney, Pratt & Whitney, East Hartford, CT, USA 97-GT-444
IGTI 1997 A Metal Matrix Composite Damage and Life Prediction Model Jalees Ahmad, Unnikrishnan Santhosh, Research Applications, Inc., Centerville, OH, USA; Sandra Hoff, U.S. Army Troop and Aviation Command, Fort Eustis, VA, USA 97-GT-445
IGTI 1997 Life Assessment of Gas Turbine Blades and Vanes John K. Hepworth, John D. Wilson, PowerGen plc, Nottingham, UK; James M. Allen, George H. Quentin, George Touchton, Electric Power Research Institute, Palo Alto, CA, USA 97-GT-446
IGTI 1997 Identification of the Modal Parameters of a Flexibly Supported Casing N.S. Feng, Eric J. Hahn, The University of New South Wales, Sydney, Australia 97-GT-447
IGTI 1997 Proposed Forcing Mechanisms and Non-Linear Effects on Subsynchronous Vibrations in High Performance Turbomachinery M.F. White, Norwegian University of Science and Technology, Trondheim, Norway; S.H. Chan, Det Norske Veritas AS, Høvik, Norway 97-GT-448
IGTI 1997 Experimental Determination of Rotor Foundation Parameters for Improved Critical Speed Predictions Jiankang Xu, John M. Vance, Texas A&M University, College Station, TX, USA 97-GT-449
IGTI 1997 Entropy Generation Measurement in a Laminar Turbine Blade Boundary-Layer John D. Wallace, Mark R.D. Davies, University of Limerick, Limerick, Ireland 97-GT-450
IGTI 1997 Studies on Wake-Disturbed Boundary Layers Under the Influences of Favorable Pressure Gradient and Free-Stream Turbulence Part I: Experimental Setup and Discussions on Transition Model Ken-ichi Funazaki, Takashi Kitazawa, Kazuyuki Koizumi, Iwate University, Morioka, Japan; Tadashi Tanuma, Toshiba Corporation, Yokohama, Japan 97-GT-451
IGTI 1997 Studies on Wake-Disturbed Boundary Layers Under the Influences of Favorable Pressure Gradient and Free-Stream Turbulence Part II: Effect of Free-Stream Turbulence Ken-ichi Funazaki, Takashi Kitazawa, Kazuyuki Koizumi, Iwate University, Morioka, Japan; Tadashi Tanuma, Toshiba Corporation, Yokohama, Japan 97-GT-452
IGTI 1997 On the Calculation of Laminar Separation Bubbles Using Different Transition Models Wolfgang Sanz, Graz University of Technology, Graz, Austria; Max F. Platzer, Naval Postgraduate School, Monterey, CA, USA 97-GT-453
IGTI 1997 Computation of Separated-Flow Transition Using a Two-Layer Model of Turbulence Elias L. Papanicolaou, Wolfgang Rodi, University of Karlsruhe, Karlsruhe, Germany 97-GT-454
IGTI 1997 An Experimental Investigation of Transition as Applied to Low Pressure Turbine Suction Surface Flows Songgang Qiu, Terrence W. Simon, University of Minnesota, Minneapolis, MN, USA 97-GT-455
IGTI 1997 The Impact of Machining Techniques on Centrifugal Compressor Impeller Performance P.R.N. Childs, University of Sussex, UK; M.B. Noronha, Turbocam Inc., Dover, NH, USA 97-GT-456
IGTI 1997 Simulation of Transient Load Behaviour of Gas Turbines in High Speed Marine Applications Maurice F. White, Norwegian University of Science and Technology, Trondheim, Norway 97-GT-457
IGTI 1997 Advances in Thin Film Sensor Technologies for Engine Applications Jih-Fen Lei, Lisa C. Martin, Herbert A. Will, NASA Lewis Research Center, Cleveland, OH, USA 97-GT-458
IGTI 1997 Multivariate Experiments to Assess the Effect of Combustor Dome Geometry on Fuel Distribution and Stability Leonel Arellano, Arash Ateshkadi, Hirokazu Fukushima, Vincent G. McDonell, Scott Samuelsen, University of California at Irvine, Irvine, CA, USA 97-GT-459
IGTI 1997 Progress on Comparison Study of the Erosion of Conventionally Machined and Macrolaminated Pressure-Swirl Atomizers Rex J. Harvey, Parker Hannifin Corporation, Cleveland, OH, USA 97-GT-460
IGTI 1997 Current Status of CGT302 (Progressing to Final Phase) Yoshihiro Ichikawa, Tetsuo Tatsumi, Takashi Nakashima, Isashi Takehara, Hirotake Kobayashi, Kawasaki Heavy Industries, Ltd., Akashi, Japan 97-GT-461
IGTI 1997 Development of a Low-Emission Combustor for a 100 kW Automotive Ceramic Gas Turbine (IV) Masafumi Sasaki, Hirotaka Kumakura, Hiroyuki Ichikawa, Nissan Motor Col, Ltd., Yokosuka, Japan; Youichiro Ohkubo, Toyota Central R&D Labs, Inc., Aichigun, Japan; Yuusaku Yoshida, Japan Automobile Research Institute, Incorporated, Tsukuba, Japan 97-GT-462
IGTI 1997 Ceramic Heat Exchangers - The Key to High Efficiency in Very Small Gas Turbines Colin F. McDonald, McDonald Thermal Engineering, La Jolla, CA, USA 97-GT-463
IGTI 1997 Facilities for Automotive Gas Turbine Ceramic Components Patrick Avran, Onera, Châtillon, France; Alain Leclair, Peugeot-Citroën, Velizy, France; Gèrard Payen, Renault, Rueil Malmaison, France 97-GT-464
IGTI 1997 Ceramic Gas Turbine Technology Development Troy W. Kinney, Michael L. Easley, AlliedSignal Aerospace Company, Phoenix, Arizona, USA 97-GT-465
IGTI 1997 Turbine Tip Clearance Measurement System Evaluation on an Industrial Gas Turbine S.J. Gill, M.D. Ingallinera, GE Power Generation, Schenectady, NY, USA; A.G. Sheard, Broadbridge & Co., Bedford, England 97-GT-466
IGTI 1997 Comparisons Between Measured and Calculated Stall Development in Four High-Speed Multi-Stage Compressors CE="Arial" SIZE=2>A.A.J. Demargne, J.P. Longley, Cambridge University, Cambridge, UK 97-GT-467
IGTI 1997 Calculating the Flow Field Behaviour of High-Speed Multi-Stage Compressors John P. Longley, Cambridge University, Cambridge, UK 97-GT-468
IGTI 1997 The Influence of Wake-Wake Interactions on Loss Fluctuations of a Downstream Axial Compressor Blade Row G.J. Walker, J.D. Hughes, W.J. Solomon, Unversity of Tasmania, Hobart, Australia; I. Köhler, Technische Hochschule Darmstadt, Germany 97-GT-469
IGTI 1997 The Use of Cyclic Variations in Strut Stagger to Reduce Coupled Blade-Vane-Strut-Pylon Interaction and System Losses A.B. Parry, R.H. Bailey, Rolls-Royce plc, Derby, UK 97-GT-470
IGTI 1997 Effect of a Mismatch Between the Buttons of Variable Stator Vanes and the Flowpath in a Highly Loaded Transonic Compressor Stage >J.F. Escuret, Ph. Veysseyre, M. Villain, S. Savarese, SNECMA, Moissy-Cramayel, France; G.Bois, H. Naviere, METRAFLU, Ecole Centrale Lyon, Ecully, France 97-GT-471
IGTI 1997 Pressure Recovery in Low Solidity Vaned Diffusers for Centrifugal Compressors Naresh K. Amineni, Elliott Company, Jeannette, PA, USA; Abraham Engeda, Michigan State University, East Lansing, MI, USA 97-GT-472
IGTI 1997 Influence of Turbulence Intensity on Intermittency Model in By-Pass Transition C.J. Hogendoorn, H.C. de Lange, A.A. van Steenhoven, M.E.H. van Dongen, Eindhoven University of Technology, Eindhoven, The Netherlands 97-GT-473
IGTI 1997 The Unsteady Pressure Field Over a Turbine Blade Surface: Visualisation and Interpretation of Experimental Data Roger W. Moss, Roger W. Ainsworth, Colin D. Sheldrake, Robert Miller, University of Oxford, Oxford, UK 97-GT-474
IGTI 1997 Predicting Bypass Transition: A Physical Model Versus Empirical Correlations Mark W. Johnson, Ali H. Ercan, The University of Liverpool, Liverpool, UK 97-GT-475
IGTI 1997 Measurements of Heat Transfer and Pressure Drop in a Rectangular Channel with Repeated Perforated Ribs of Various Widths Jenn-Jiang Hwang, Chung-Hua Polytechnic Institute, Hsinchu, Taiwan 97-GT-476
IGTI 1997 Experimental Investigation of a Cooling System Entrance for an Annular Gas Turbine Combustion Chamber Lars O. Lindqvist, Ulf E. Nilsson, Jonas N. Hylen, ABB STAL, Finspong, Sweden 97-GT-477
IGTI 1997 Development of a Dry Low Emission Combustor for the AS1042 Industrial Gas Turbine Engine P. Samuel, J.E. Lenertz, AlliedSignal Engines, Phoenix, AZ, USA; D.B. Bain, CFD Research Corporation, Huntsville, AL, USA; R.J. Mowill, Optimal Radial Turbines B.V., Hengelo, The Netherlands 97-GT-478
IGTI 1997 Navier-Stokes Analysis of Unsteady Transonic Flows Through Gas Turbine Cascades With and Without Coolant Ejection T. Tanuma, N. Shibukawa, Toshiba Corporation, Yokohama, Japan; S. Yamamoto, Tohoku University, Sendai, Japan 97-GT-479
IGTI 1997 Development of a High Pressure Ratio Centrifugal Compressor for 300 kW-Class Ceramic Gas Turbine T. Sakai, Y. Tohbe, T. Fujii, T. Tatsumi, Kawasaki Heavy Industries, Ltd., Stet, Japan 97-GT-480
IGTI 1997 >Experimental and Numerical Analysis of a Compressor Inlet Volutes V. Michelassi, University of Florence, Florence, Italy; M. Giachi, Nuovo Pignone S.p.A, Florence, Italy 97-GT-481
IGTI 1997 Bird Strike Investigations in the Development Process of a Transonic Fan Blisk Jörg D. Frischbier, MTU Motoren- und Turbinen-Union MünchenGmbH, Munich, Germany 97-GT-482
IGTI 1997 Experimental and Numerical Investigation of Boundary-Layer and Wake Development in a Transonic Turbine Cascade V. Michelassi, W. Rodi, Universität Karlsruhe, Germany; P.-A. Giess, Institut für Strömungsmechanik, Göttingen, Germany 97-GT-483
IGTI 1997 Design Modification of Rotor 67 by 3D Inverse Method - Inviscid-Flow Limit T.Q. Dang, A.C. Nerurkar, Syracuse University, Syracuse, NY, USA; D.R. Reddy, NASA Lewis Research Center, Cleveland, OH, USA 97-GT-484
IGTI 1997 A Unique Application of Gas Turbine Engines in a High Speed Marine Vessel Timothy M. Higgins, Richard J. Freuler, The Ohio State University, Columbus, OH, USA; Donald L. Blount, Donald L. Blount and Associates, Norfolk, VA, USA; Janna M. Thames, Gas Turbine Powered Systems, Milford, OH, USA 97-GT-485
IGTI 1997 Failure Mechanisms of Coating Systems Applied to Advanced Turbine Components Joseph A. Daleo, BWD Turbines Limited, Ancaster, Ontario, Canada; Donald H. Boone, BWD Turbines Limited, Walnut Creek, CA, USA 97-GT-486
IGTI 1997 Thermal Spray Manufacturing Issues in Coating IGT Hot Section Components P. Sahoo, R. Martin, F. Dinh, Sermatech International, Limerick, PA, USA; T. Carr, Westinghouse Electric Corporation, Orlando, FL, USA 97-GT-487
IGTI 1997 Heat Transfer-Friction Characteristic Comparison in Rectangular Channel Arrays of Attached, Detached, and Alternate Attached-Detached Ribs on Two Opposite Walls Jenn-Jiang Hwang, Chung-Hua Polytechnic Institute, Hsinchu, TaiwanT> 97-GT-488
IGTI 1997 Determination of Local Heat Transfer Coefficient Based on Bulk Mean Temperature Using a Transient Liquid Crystals Technique M.K. Chyu, H. Ding, Carnegie Mellon University, Pittsburgh, PA, USA; J.P. Downs, A. Van Sutendael, F.O. Soechting, Pratt & Whitney, West Palm Beach, FL, USA 97-GT-489
IGTI 1997 Process Optimization of an Integrated Combined Cycle - The Impact & Benefit of Sequential Combustion ZE=2>Walter Jury, ABB Power Generation Ltd., Baden, Switzerland; David E. Searles, ABB Power Generation Inc., Richmond, VA, USA 97-GT-490
IGTI 1997 Start Up Analysis of a H2-O2 Fired Gas Turbine Cycle T. Funatsu, M. Fukuda, Y. Dohzono, Toshiba Corporation, Japan 97-GT-491
IGTI 1997 A Study of Cycle Performance of Ceramic Gas Turbines H. Sugishita, H. Mori, R. Chikami, Y. Tsukuda, Mitsubishi Heavy Industries Ltd, Takasago, Japan; S. Yoshino, T. Tsuchiya, Y. Furuse, Tokyo Electric Power Company, Yokohama, Japan 97-GT-492
IGTI 1997 The WISC Gas Turbine Engine A. Radey Shouman, A.R. Shouman, Shouman Associates Engineering, Las Cruces, NM, USA 97-GT-493
IGTI 1997 Development of High Temperature Gas Sensor Technology Gary W. Hunter, Liang-Yu Chen, Philip G. Neudeck, Dak Knight, NASA Lewis Research Center, Cleveland, OH, USA; C.C. Liu, Q.H. Wu, H.J. Zhou, Case Western Reserve University, Cleveland, OH, USA 97-GT-494
IGTI 1997 Wake Decay: Effect of Freestream Swirl J.M. Brookfield, I.A. Waitz, J. Sell, Massachusetts Institute of Technology, Cambridge, MA, USA 97-GT-495
IGTI 1997 Effects of Stator Indexing on Performance in a Low Speed Multistage Axial Compressor Wendy S. Barankiewicz, National Aeronautics and Space Administration, Cleveland, OH, USA; Michael D. Hathaway, U.S. Army Research Laboratory, Cleveland, OH, USA 97-GT-496
IGTI 1997 Catalytic Combustor Development for Ultra-Low Emissions Industrial Gas Turbines P. Dutta, Solar Turbines Incorporated, San Diego, CA, USA; D.K. Yee, R.A. Dalla Betta, Catalytica Incorporated, Mountain View, CA, USA 97-GT-497
IGTI 1997 Rotordynamic Instability from an Anti-Swirl Device John Vance, Texas A&M University, College Station, TX, USA; Steven B. Handy, Castrol North America, Inc., Piscataway, NJ, USA 97-GT-498
IGTI 1997 Resonance Vibration of Mistuned Bladed Discs in Stationary Operations Romuald Rzadkowski, Polish Academy of Sciences, Gdansk, Poland 97-GT-499
IGTI 1997 A Bernoulli-Euler Stiffness Matrix Approach for Vibrational Analysis of Spinning Linearly Tapered Beams S.M. Hashemi, M.J. Richard, Laval University, Québec, Québec, Canada; G. Dhatt, Institut de Mecanique de Rouen Mon Saint Aignan, France 97-GT-500
IGTI 1997 An Experimental Investigation of Vibration Localization in Bladed Disks, Part I: Free Response Marlin J. Kruse, Christophe Pierre, University of Michigan, Ann Arbor, MI, USA 97-GT-501
IGTI 1997 An Experimental Investigation of Vibration Localization in Bladed Disks, Part II: Forced Response Marlin J. Kruse, Christophe Pierre, University of Michigan, Ann Arbor, MI, USA 97-GT-502
IGTI 1997 Radial Planar Magnetic Bearing Analysis with Finite Elements Including Rotor Motion and Power Losses R.D. Rockwell, Jr., P.E. Allaire, University of Virginia, Charlottesville, VA, USA; M.E.F. Kasarda, Virginia Polytechnic and State University, Blacksburg, VA, USA 97-GT-503
IGTI 1997 Design and Experiment of Reverse Osmosis Seawater Desalination Unit for Water Supply System of Heat Recovery Boiler of Steam Injection Gas Turbine (STIG) Plant Niu Limin, Zheng Qun, Harbin Engineering University, Harbin, China 97-GT-504
IGTI 1997 Thermodynamic Study on the Performance of Suction Cooling and Regenerative Gas Turbine Niu Limin, Zheng Qun, Harbin Engineering University, Harbin, China 97-GT-505
IGTI 1997 An Experimental Study of Steam Injection in an Aeroderivative Gas Turbine Jean-Louis Meyer, Electricité de France, Chatou, France; Guy Grienche, Turbomeca, Bordes, France 97-GT-506
IGTI 1997 Performance Assessment of Steam Injection Gas Turbine with Inlet Air Cooling Carlo M. Bartolini, Danilo Salvi, Università di Ancona, Ancona, Italy 97-GT-507
IGTI 1997 Performance Improvements of a Natural Gas Injection Station Using Gas Turbine Inlet Air Cooling Maurizio De Lucia, Ennio Carnevale, Università Degli Studi Di Firenze, Firenze, Italy, Massimo Falchetti, Alberto Tesei, Nuovo Pignone S.p.A., Firenze, Italy 97-GT-508
IGTI 1997 Package Design for a 5500 BHP Aeroderivative Industrial Gas Turbine Douglas L. Wenzel, Jeffrey M. Elmore, Cooper Energy Services, Mt. Vernon, OH, USA 97-GT-509
IGTI 1997 Thermodynamics, Environmental & Economic Assessment of CRGT for Exhaust Heat Recovery in Remote Compressor Station Applications K.K. Botros, M.J. de Boer, NOVA Research & Technology Corporation, Calgary, Alberta, Canada; H.G. Fletcher, NOVA Gas Transmission Ltd., Calgary, Alberta, Canada 97-GT-510
IGTI 1997 The 6000 SHP Class Allison 501-KC5S Ronald P. Porter, Robert A. Lampi, Allison Engine Company, Indianapolis, IN, USA 97-GT-511
IGTI 1997 A Projection of Advancements in Aeroderivative Gas Turbine Technology for the Next Two Decades (with Specific Emphasis on Off-Shore Applications) R.B. Spector, Kværner Energy a.s., Oslo, Norway; R.F. Patt, General Electric Company, Evendale, OH, USA 97-GT-512
IGTI 1997 Modularized, Combined LM2500 PE & PLUS Package for Power Generation and Mechanical Drive Knuth Jahr, Kværner Energy a.s., Oslo, Norway 97-GT-513
IGTI 1997 WR-21 Recuperator Core Test Walt Stossier, Allied Signal Aerospace, Torrance, CA, USA; Matt Stauffer, Naval Surface Warfare Center, Philadelphia, PA, USA; Glenn E. Perkins, Northrop Grumman Corporation, Sunnyvale, CA, USA 97-GT-514
IGTI 1997 Unique Reverse and Maneuvering Features of the AOE-6 Reverse Reduction Gear B. Michael Zekas, Andrew N. Schultz, Naval Surface Warfare Center, Philadelphia, PA, USA 97-GT-515
IGTI 1997 A Two Dimensional Viscous Blade Flow Code Using Shifted Periodic Grids Hongjun Li, Shun Chen, Harry F. Martin, Westinghouse Electric Corporation, Orlando, FL, USA 97-GT-516
IGTI 1997 Analysis of Vortices in Three-Dimensional Jets Introduced in a Cross-Flow Boundary-Layer O. Sgarzi, F. Leboeuf, Ecole Centrale de Lyon, Ecully, France 97-GT-517
IGTI 1997 The Aerodynamics of Trailing-Edge-Cooled Transonic Turbine Blades: Part 1 - Experimental Approach Mathias Deckers, Siemens Power Generation (KWU), Mülheim/Ruhr, Germany; John D. Denton, University of Cambridge, Cambridge, UK 97-GT-518
IGTI 1997 The Aerodynamics of Trailing-Edge-Cooled Transonic Turbine Blades: Part 2 - Theoretical and Computational Approach Mathias Deckers, Siemens Power Generation (KWU), Mülheim/Ruhr, Germany; John D. Denton, University of Cambridge, Cambridge, UK 97-GT-519
IGTI 1997 Investigation of Cooling-Air Injection on the Flow Field Within a Linear Turbine Cascade Yang Hong, Chen Fu, Gong Cunzhong, Wang Zhongqi, Harbin Institute of Technology, Harbin, China 97-GT-520
IGTI 1997 The Influence of Film Cooling on the Efficiency of an Annular Nozzle Guide Vane Cascade C.R.B. Day, M.L.G. Oldfield, Oxford University, Oxford, UK; G.D. Lock, University of Bath, Bath, UK 97-GT-521
IGTI 1997 The Influence of Film-Cooling on the Aerodynamic Performance of a Turbine Nozzle Guide Vane C. Osnaghi, Politecnico di Milano, Milano, Italy; A. Perdichizzi, M. Savini, Universita di Bergamo, Dalmine, Italy; P. Harasgama, E. Lutum, ABB Power Generation Ltd., Baden, Switzerland 97-GT-522
IGTI 1997 Optimization of Trailing Edge Ejection Mixing Losses: A Theoretical and Experimental Study K.R. Pappu, M.T. Schobeiri, Texas A&M University, College Station, TX, USA 97-GT-523
IGTI 1997 Flow Field Measurements on a Large Scale Turbine Cascade with Leading Edge Film Cooling by Two Rows of Holes Sabine Ardey, Leonhard Fottner, Universität der Bundeswehr München, Germany 97-GT-524
IGTI 1997 Aspirated Compressors J.L. Kerrebrock, D.P. Reijnen, W.S. Ziminsky, L.M. Smilg, Massachusetts Institute of Technology, Cambridge, MA, USA 97-GT-525
IGTI 1997 A Study of Spike and Modal Stall Phenomena in a Low-Speed Axial Compressor T.R. Camp, Rolls-Royce plc, Derby, UK; I.J. Day, University of Cambridge, Cambridge, UK 97-GT-526
IGTI 1997 Turbine Testing with High-Line, Low Differential Pressure Measurement Blair R. Chalpin, Scanivalve Corporation, Liberty Lake, WA, USA 97-GT-527
IGTI 1997 The Development of the Whittle Turbojet Cyrus B. Meher-Homji, Bechtel Corporation, Houston, TX, USA 97-GT-528
IGTI 1997 Flow in a Rotating Square Serpentine Coolant Passage With Skewed Trips David G.N. Tse, Scientific Research Associates, Inc., Glastonbury, CT, USA; Gary D. Steuber, Pratt & Whitney, North Haven, CT, USA 97-GT-529
IGTI 1997 Flow Phenomena in Swirl Chambers P.M. Ligrani, C.R. Hedlund, R. Thambu, B.T. Babinchak, University of Utah, Salt Lake City, UT, USA; H.-K. Moon, B. Glezer, Solar Turbines Incorporated, San Diego, CA, USA 97-GT-530
IGTI 1997 Characterization of Plasma Sprayed and Electron Beam-Physical Vapor Deposited Thermal Barrier Coatings Z. Mutasim, C. Rimlinger, W. Brentnall, Solar Turbines Incorporated, San Diego, CA, USA 97-GT-531
IGTI 1997 Characterization of Mechanical Properties of Aluminized CoCrAlY Coatings in Advanced Gas Turbine Blades Using a Small Punch Testing Method Y. Sugita, A. Ito, Chubu Electric Power Company, Nagoya, Japan; S. Sakurai, Hitachi Ltd., Hitachi, Japan; T.E. Bloomer, J. Kameda, Iowa State University, Ames, IA, USA 97-GT-532
IGTI 1997 Computer-Aided Manufacturing of Laminated Engineering Materials (CAM-LEM) and Its Application to the Fabrication of Ceramic Components Without Tooling James D. Cawley, Case Western Reserve University, Cleveland, OH, USA 97-GT-534
IGTI 1997 Wake Recovery Performance Benefit in a High Speed Axial Compressor Dale E. Van Zante, Theodore H. Okiishi, Iowa State University, Ames, IA, USA; John J. Adamczyk, Anthony J. Strazisar, NASA Lewis Research Center, Cleveland, OH, USA; 97-GT-535
IGTI 1998 Measurement Uncertainties Encountered During Gas Turbine Driven Compressor Field Testing Klaus Brun, Rainer Kurz, Solar Turbines Incorporated, San Diego, CA, USA 98-GT-001
IGTI 1998 Off-Design Performance of a Single Stage Transonic Turbine M. Woinowsky-Krieger, J-P Lavoie, E. P. Vlasic, S. H. Moustapha, Pratt & Whitney Canada, Inc., Montreal, Canada 98-GT-002
IGTI 1998 Distributed Flight Control & Propulsion Control Implementation Issues & Lessons Learned William R. Schley, Parker Aerospace Group, Irvine, CA, USA 98-GT-003
IGTI 1998 Turbomachinery Blade Design Using a Navier-Stokes Solver and Artificial Neural Network Stéphane Pierret, R. A. Van den Braembussche, von Karman Institute for Fluid Dynamics, Rhode-Saint-Genèse, Belgium 98-GT-004
IGTI 1998 A Quasi 2D Method for the Rotordynamic Analysis of Centered Labyrinth Liquid Seals Mihai Arghir, Jean Frene, Laboratoire de Mecanique des Solides, Futuroscope, France 98-GT-005
IGTI 1998 Imbalance Response of a Rotor Supported on Open-Ends Integral Squeeze Film Dampers Oscar de Santiago, Luis San Andrés, Texas A&M University, College Station, TX, USA; Juan Oliveras, Universidad Simon Bolivar, Caracas, Venezuela 98-GT-006
IGTI 1998 Development of a Centrifugal Compressor With a Variable Geometry Split-Ring Pipe Diffuser J. W. Salvage, United Technologies, Carrier Corporation, Syracuse, NY, USA 98-GT-007
IGTI 1998 Experimental Rotordynamic Coefficient Results for (a) A Labyrinth Seal with and without Shunt Injection and (b) A Honeycomb Seal Elias A., Soto A., Lagoven S.A., Maracaibo, Venezuela; Dara W. Childs, Texas A&M University, College Station, TX, USA 98-GT-008
IGTI 1998 Measurements of Discharge Coefficients in Film Cooling Steven W. Burd, Terrence W. Simon, University of Minnesota, Minneapolis, MN, USA 98-GT-009
IGTI 1998 Influence of the Hole Length-to-Diameter Ratio on Film Cooling with Cylindrical Holes Ewald Lutum, Bruce V. Johnson, ABB Corporate Research Ltd.,Baden-Dättwil, Switzerland 98-GT-010
IGTI 1998 Investigation of Periodic Boundary Conditions in Multi-Passage Cascade Flows Using Overset Grids Ismail H. Tuncer, Naval Postgraduate School, Monteray, CA USA; Stefan Weber, BMW Rolls-Royce GmbH, Dahlewitz, Germany; Wolfgang Sanz, Graz Technical University, Graz, Austria 98-GT-011
IGTI 1998 The Influence of Shrouded Stator Cavity Flows on Multistage Compressor Performance Steven R. Wellborn, Allison Engine Company, Indianapolis, IN, USA; Theodore H. Okiishi, Iowa State University, Ames, IA, USA 98-GT-012
IGTI 1998 A Bulk-Flow Analysis of Multiple-Pocket Gas Damper Seals Jiming Li, Luis San Andres, John Vance, Texas A&M University, College Station, TX, USA 98-GT-013
IGTI 1998 Qualitative Characterization of Anti-Swirl Gas Dampers Nicole L. Zirkelback, Georgia Institute of Technology, Atlanta, GA, USA 98-GT-014
IGTI 1998 Vortex Simulation of Rotor/Stator Interaction in Turbomachinery Xian Hong Wu, Mao Zhang Chen, Beijing University of Aeronautics & Astronautics, Beijing, P.R. China 98-GT-015
IGTI 1998 Distributed Control System for Turbine Engines Phillip L. Shaffer, GE Aircraft Engines, Cincinnati, OH, USA 98-GT-016
IGTI 1998 Experimental Rotordynamic Characterization of Annular Seals: Facility and Methodology J. Mark Darden, Eric M. Earhart, Marshall Space Flight Center, MSFC, AL, USA, George T. Flowers, Auburn University, Auburn, AL, USA 98-GT-017
IGTI 1998 A Nonlinear Numerical Simulator for Three-Dimensional Flows Through Vibrating Blade Rows H. Andrew Chuang, Joseph M. Verdon, United Technologies Research Center, East Hartford, CT, USA 98-GT-018
IGTI 1998 Dynamics of Large-Scale Structures for Jets in a Crossflow Frank Muldoon, Sumanta Acharya, Louisiana State University, Baton Rouge, LA, USA 98-GT-019
IGTI 1998 Investigation of Detailed Film Cooling Effectiveness and Heat Transfer Distributions on a Gas Turbine Airfoil U. Drost, A Bölcs, EPFL-LTT, Lausanne, Switzerland 98-GT-020
IGTI 1998 Final Report on the Development of a Hydrogen-Fueled Combustion Turbine Cycle for Power Generation Ronald L. Bannister, Westinghouse Power Generation, Orlando, FL, USA; Richard A. Newby, Wen-Ching Yang, Westinghouse Power Generation, Pittsburgh, PA, USA 98-GT-021
IGTI 1998 Early Historical Development of the Centrifugal Impeller Abraham Engeda, Michigan State University, E. Lansing, MI, USA 98-GT-022
IGTI 1998 The Advanced Turbogenerator Project- A Total Technology Education Experience for Engineering Undergraduate Students K.R. Pullen, A.W. Court, C.B. Besant, Imperial College of Science, Technology and Medicine, London, UK 98-GT-023
IGTI 1998 Analysis of the Transonic Flow at the Inlet of a High Pressure Ratio Centrifugal Impeller Gernot Eisenlohr, BMW Rolls-Royce GmbH, Oberursel, Germany; Peter Dalbert, Sulzer Turbo AG, Zürich, Switzerland; Hartmut Krain, DLR-Köln, Germany; Hartwig Pröll, MAN B&W, Augsburg, Germany; Franz-Arno Richter, GHH Borsig TM GmbH, Germany; Karl-Heinz Rohne 98-GT-024
IGTI 1998 Erosion Rate Testing at High Temperature of Alloys and Coatings For Use In Turbomachinery W. Tabakoff, University of Cincinnati, Cincinnati, OH, USA 98-GT-025
IGTI 1998 Gas Turbine Development in Sweden After 1945: A Historical Review Kjell T E Thoren, ABB STAL AB, Finspong, Sweden 98-GT-026
IGTI 1998 Representing Flexible Supports by Polynomial Transfer Functions José A. Vazquez, Lloyd E. Barrett, University of Virginia, Charlottesville, VA, USA 98-GT-027
IGTI 1998 Heat Transfer Coefficient Measurements of Film-Cooling Holes with Expanded Exits M. Gritsch, A. Schulz, S. Wittig, Universität Karlsruhe (T.H.), Karlsruhe, Germany 98-GT-028
IGTI 1998 The GT24/26 Low Pressure Turbine Ian K. Jennions, Thomas Sommer, Bernhard Weigand, Manfred Aigner, ABB Power Generation Ltd., Baden, Switzerland 98-GT-029
IGTI 1998 Oxide/Oxide Ceramic Matrix Composites in Gas Turbine Combustors Anthony G. Razzell, Rolls-Royce plc, Derby, UK; Ludovic Molliex, Snecma, Moissy-Cramayel, France; Magnus Holmquist, Volvo Aero Corporation, Trollhattan, Sweden; Olivier Sudre, ONERA, Chatillon Cedex, France 98-GT-030
IGTI 1998 Semi Closed Gas Turbine Cycle and Humid Air Turbine: Thermoeconomic Evaluation of Cycle Performance and of the Water Recovery Process Andrea Corti, Bruno Facchini, Giampaolo Manfrida, Università di Firenze, Firenze, Italy; Umberto Desideri, Università di Perugia, Perugia, Italy 98-GT-031
IGTI 1998 The Centrifugal Compressor Inducer C. Rodgers, San Diego, CA, USA 98-GT-032
IGTI 1998 Analysis of a Gas Turbine Cycle with Partial Oxidation M.A. Korobitsyn, Netherlands Energy Research Foundation ECN, Petten, The Netherlands; P.W. Kers, G.G. Hirs, University of Twente, Enschede, The Netherlands 98-GT-033
IGTI 1998 Experimental Investigation of Boundary Layer Behavior in a Simulated Low Pressure Turbine Ki H. Sohn, Kenneth J. DeWitt, University of Toledo, Toledo, OH USA; Rickey J. Shyne, NASA Lewis Research Center, Cleveland, OH, USA 98-GT-034
IGTI 1998 Design Issues for the Methane-Steam Reformer of a Chemically Recuperated Gas Turbine Cycle Carlo Carcasci, University of Florence, Florence, Italy; Simon Harvey, Chalmers University of Technology, Göteborg, Sweden 98-GT-035
IGTI 1998 Design & Off-Design Analysis of a CRGT Cycle Based on the LM2500-STIG Gas Turbine Carlo Carcasci, Bruno Facchini, University of Florence, Florence, Italy; Simon Harvey, Chalmers University of Technology, Göteborg, Sweden 98-GT-036
IGTI 1998 Part Load Performance of Chemically Recuperated Gas Turbine Cycles Compared to Other Advanced Cycles Hicham Abdallah,École des Mines de Nantes, Nantes, France; Bruno Facchini, University of Florence, Florence, Italy; Simon Harvey, Chalmers University of Technology, Göteborg, Sweden 98-GT-037
IGTI 1998 The Effect of Tip Clearance Gap Size and Wall Rotation on the Performance of a High-Speed Annular Compressor Cascade A. Doukelis, K. Mathioudakis, K. Papailiou, National Technical University of Athens, Athens, Greece 98-GT-038
IGTI 1998 Investigation of the 3-D Flow Structure in a High-Speed Annular Compressor Cascade for Tip Clearance Effects A. Doukelis, K. Mathioudakis, K. Papailiou, National Technical University of Athens, Athens, Greece 98-GT-039
IGTI 1998 The Influence of Impeller Flow Channel Modification on Aerodynamic Performance of a Centrifugal Compressor Stage Jan Paroubek, AHT Energetics Ltd., Prague, Czech Republic; Jiri Kyncl, CKD Energo, a.s.,Prague, Czech Republic 98-GT-040
IGTI 1998 Extending Use of Marine Gas Turbines through Application of the LM2500+ David L. Luck, General Electric Company, Evendale, OH, USA 98-GT-041
IGTI 1998 Application of Time-Shifted Boundary Conditions to a 3D Euler/Navier-Stokes Aeroelastic Code R. Srivastava, Milind A. Bakhle, Theo G. Keith, Jr., The University of Toledo, Toledo, OH, USA; G. L. Stefko, NASA Lewis Research Center, Cleveland, OH, USA 98-GT-042
IGTI 1998 Computation of Flutter of Turbomachinery Cascades Using a Parallel Unsteady Navier-Stokes Code Shanhong Ji and Feng Liu, University of California, Irvine, CA, USA 98-GT-043
IGTI 1998 Development of a Smart Actuator for Turbine Engine Applications William Lorenz, AlliedSignal Aerospace Equipment Systems, South Bend, IN, USA 98-GT-044
IGTI 1998 Multi-Objective Optimisation of Systems Architectures for Distributed Aero-Engine Control Systems H. A. Thompson, P. J. Fleming, A. J. Chipperfield, University of Sheffield, Sheffield, UK 98-GT-045
IGTI 1998 Experimental and Numerical Investigation of Flapping Wing Propulsion and its Application for Boundary Layer Control Claus M. Dohring, Leonhard Fottner, Universität der Bundeswehr München, Neubiberg, Germany; Max F. Platzer, U.S. Naval Postgraduate School, Monterey, CA, USA 98-GT-046
IGTI 1998 Validation of a Throughflow Time-Marching Finite-Volume Solver for Transonic Compressors Stephane Baralon, Ulf Hall, Chalmers University of Technology, Gothenburg, Sweden; Lars-Erik Eriksson, Volvo Aero Corporation, Trollhättan, Sweden 98-GT-047
IGTI 1998 A Comparison of the Streamline Throughflow and Streamline Curvature Methods for Axial Turbomachinery Anthony J. Gannon, Theodor W. von Backström, University of Stellenbosch, Stellenbosch, South Africa 98-GT-048
IGTI 1998 A Numerical Study of the Three-Dimensional Turbulent Flow in the Impeller of a High-Speed Centrifugal Compressor R. P. Clayton, W.U.A. Leong, R. Sanatian, Computational Dynamics Limited, London, UK; R. I. Issa, G. Xi, Imperial College of Science, Technology and Medicine, London, UK 98-GT-049
IGTI 1998 An AGARD Working Group Study of 3D Navier-Stokes Codes Applied to Single Turbomachinery Blade Rows John Dunham, Consultant, Camberley, UK; Georges Meauze, ONERA, Chatilion , France 98-GT-050
IGTI 1998 Comparison Between Calculated and Measured Free-Free Modes for a Flexible Rotor Jose A. Vazquez, Lloyd E. Barrett, University of Virginia, Charlottesville, VA, USA 98-GT-051
IGTI 1998 A Cyclic Symmetry Analysis for Turbomachine Blade Flutter Hsiao-Wei D. Chiang, Industrial Technology Research Institute, Hsinchu, Taiwan; Meng-Hsuan Chung, National Center for High-Performance Computing, Hsinchu, Taiwan 98-GT-052
IGTI 1998 Multistage Centrifugal Compressor Fouling Evaluation at High Power Settings Inam U. Haq, Khalid Al-Baz, SABIC Research & Development, Jubail, Saudi Arabia; Ahmed I. Bu-Hazza, Arabian Petrochemical Co., Jubail, Saudi Arabia 98-GT-053
IGTI 1998 Flow Measurements in Film Cooling Flows With Lateral Injection Richard W. Kaszeta, Terrence W. Simon, Rohit A. Oke, Steven W. Burd, University of Minnesota, Minneapolis, MN, USA 98-GT-054
IGTI 1998 Internal Heat Transfer Enhancement by Two Perforated Baffles in a Rectangular Channel Prashanta Dutta, Sandip Dutta, Jamil A. Khan, University of South Carolina, Columbia, SC, USA 98-GT-055
IGTI 1998 Jet Mixing in a Slot Ting Wang, Sekhar Chintalapati, Clemson University, Clemson, SC, USA; Ronald S. Bunker, General Electric Corporate R&D, Schenectady, NY, USA; Ching Pang Lee, General Electric Aircraft Engines, Cincinnati, OH, USA 98-GT-056
IGTI 1998 A Novel and Compact Marine Gas Turbine Propulsion System Panteleimon Kazatzis, Riti Singh, Pericles Pilidis, Cranfield University, Cranfield, Bedford, UK; Jean-Jacques Locquet, INSA Rouen, Saint Etienne du Rouvray, France 98-GT-057
IGTI 1998 Performance Enhancement of a Gas Turbine with Humid Air and Utilization of LNG Cold Energy C. H. Song, S. T. Ro, Seoul National University, Seoul, Korea 98-GT-058
IGTI 1998 A New Propulsion System Proposal for Civil Supersonic Transport: The Retractable Fan Concept Jon I. Huete, Parque Tecnológico de Zamudio, Zamudio, Spain; R. Singh, Cranfield University, Cranfield, UK 98-GT-059
IGTI 1998 Humid Air Turbine Cycles with Water Recovery: How to Dispose Heat in an Efficient Way Umberto Desideri, Francesco Di Maria, Universita di Perugia, Perugia, Italy 98-GT-060
IGTI 1998 The Use of Case-Based Reasoning Technology to Aid Fault Isolation in a Modern Gas Turbine Engine Design S.M. Hargrave, P.J. Fleming, University of Sheffield, Sheffield, UK 98-GT-061
IGTI 1998 Sawmill, Wood Waste Fuelled, 100% Recuperated, 5 MW Gas Turbine Co-Generation Plant Malcolm D. Lefcort, Heuristic Engineering Inc., Vancouver, BC, Canada; E.L.S. (Ted) Skodje, Industra Service Corporation, New Westminster, BC, Canada 98-GT-062
IGTI 1998 Air Separation Unit Integration for Alternative Fuel Projects Arthur R. Smith, Joseph Klosek, James C. Sorensen, Donald W. Woodward, Air Products and Chemicals, Inc., Allentown, PA, USA 98-GT-063
IGTI 1998 Highly Resolved Distribution of Heat Transfer for Turbine Leading Edge Film Cooling Including Reynolds Number and Blowing Rate Effects K. Jung, D. K. Hennecke, Darmstadt University of Technology, Darmstadt, Germany 98-GT-064
IGTI 1998 Evaluation of Acoustic Flutter Suppression for Cascade in Transonic Flow Pong-Jeu Lu, Sen-Kuei Chen, National Cheng Kung University, Tainan, Taiwan 98-GT-065
IGTI 1998 Measurement and Calculation of Nozzle Guide Vane End Wall Heat Transfer Neil W. Harvey, Martin G. Rose, John Coupland, Rolls-Royce plc, Derby, UK; Terry Jones, University of Oxford, Oxford, UK 98-GT-066
IGTI 1998 Prediction and Measurement of Rotating Stall Cells in an Axial Compressor H. M. Saxer-Felici, A. P. Saxer, A. Inderbitzin, G. Gyarmathy, Swiss Federal Institute of Technology, Zurich, Switzerland 98-GT-067
IGTI 1998 Multistage Centrifugal Compressor Surge Analysis Part I: Experimental Investigation G. L. Arnulfi, P. Giannattasio, P. Pinamonti, University of Udine, Udine, Italy; C. Giusto, A. F. Massardo, University of Genova, Genova, Italy; D. Micheli, University of Trieste, Trieste, Italy 98-GT-068
IGTI 1998 Multistage Centrifugal Compressor Surge Analysis: Part II - Numerical Simulation and Dynamic Control Parameters Evaluation Gianmario L. Arnulfi, Pietro Giannattasio, Piero Pinamonti, University of Udine, Udine,Italy; Cristiana Giusto, Aristide F. Massardo, University of Genova, Genova, Italy; Diego Micheli, University of Trieste, Trieste, Italy 98-GT-069
IGTI 1998 Design and Testing of Swept and Leaned Outlet Guide Vanes to Reduce Stator-Strut-Splitter Aerodynamic Flow Interactions A. R. Wadia, P. N. Szucs, GE Aircraft Engines, Cincinnati, OH, USA; K. L. Gundy-Burlet, NASA Ames Research Center, Moffett Field, CA, USA 98-GT-070
IGTI 1998 The Influence of Endwall Contouring on the Performance of a Turbine Nozzle Guide Vane Vincenzo Dossena, Politecnico di Milano, Milano, Italy; Antonio Perdichizzi, Marco Savini, Universita di Bergamo, Dalmine, Italy 98-GT-071
IGTI 1998 Controlling the Secondary Flow in a Turbine Cascade by 3D Airfoil Design and Endwall Contouring Arno Duden, Leonhard Föttner, Universität der Bundeswehr München, Neubiberg, Germany; Irene Raab, Daimler-Benz Aerospace, München, Germany 98-GT-072
IGTI 1998 Experimental and Numerical Studies of NOx Formation in Two-Stage Methane-Air Flames S.C. Li and F. A. Williams, University of California, San Diego, La Jolla, CA, USA 98-GT-073
IGTI 1998 Technologies for Reducing Greenhouse Gas Emissions from Fossil Fuels Harry Audus, Paul Freund, CRE Group Ltd, Cheltenham, UK 98-GT-074
IGTI 1998 Uncertainty in Gas Turbine NOx Emission Measurements Wilfred S. Y. Hung, Alan Campbell, Solar Turbines Incorporated, San Diego, CA, USA 98-GT-075
IGTI 1998 Searching for Inefficient Components of Complex Power Systems Jerzy Gluch, Jerzy Krzyzanowski, Polish Academy of Sciences, Gdansk, Poland 98-GT-076
IGTI 1998 Status of Westinghouse's Advanced Turbine Systems Program Ihor S. Diakunchak, Mark P. Krush, Gerard McQuiggan, Leslie R. Southall, Westinghouse Power Generation, Orlando, FL, USA 98-GT-077
IGTI 1998 A Gas Turbine Dynamic Model for Simulation and Control Horacio Perez-Blanco, Pennsylvania State University, University Park, PA, USA; Todd B. Henricks, P.E, United States Navy, FPO 98-GT-078
IGTI 1998 Scaling of Film Cooling Discharge Coefficient Measurements to Engine Conditions D. A. Rowbury, M.L.G. Oldfield, University of Oxford, Oxford, UK; G. D. Lock, University of Bath, Bath, UK; S. N. Dancer, Rolls-Royce plc, Derby, UK 98-GT-079
IGTI 1998 Variable Cycle Installation for a Mach 2.7 Supersonic Civil Transport Louay Aleid, Pericles Pilidis, Cranfield University, Cranfield, Beds, UK 98-GT-080
IGTI 1998 A New Low-Reynolds Number k-e Model for Simulation of Momentum and Heat Transport Under High Free Stream Turbulence Ganesh R. Iyer, Savash Yavuzkurt, The Pennsylvania State University, University Park, PA, USA 98-GT-081
IGTI 1998 Physics of Airfoil Clocking in a High-Speed Axial Compressor Daniel J. Dorney, GMI Engineering & Management Institute, Flint, MI, USA; Om P. Sharma, Pratt & Whitney, East Hartford, CT, USA; Karen L. Gundy-Burlet, NASA Ames Research Center, Moffett Field, CA, USA 98-GT-082
IGTI 1998 Achieving Acoustical and Structural Requirements for Gas Turbine Packages while Reducing Costs, Pressure Losses, and Weight J.M. Anders Marcussen, Altair Norge A/S, His, Norway 98-GT-083
IGTI 1998 Development of the Next Generation Gas Turbine Based Jet Air Start Unit for the US Navy Michael J. Zoccoli, AlliedSignal Engines, Phoenix, AZ, USA; William H. Cheeseman, Naval Air Warfare Center, Patuxent River, MD, USA 98-GT-084
IGTI 1998 Experimental and Numerical Conjugate Investigation of the Blowing-Ratio Influence on the Showerhead Cooling Efficiency Dieter E. Bohn, Volker J. Becker, Karsten A. Kusterer, Agnes U. Rungen, Aachen University of Technology, Aachen, Germany 98-GT-085
IGTI 1998 Flow Measurements behind the Inlet Guide Vane of a Centrifugal Compressor I. Kassens, M. Rautenberg, University of Hannover, Hannover, Germany 98-GT-086
IGTI 1998 Predictions of the Effect of Roughness on Heat Transfer From Turbine Airfoils Anil K. Tolpadi, General Electric Research & Development Center, Schenectady, NY, USA; Michael E. Crawford, University of Texas, Austin, TX, USA 98-GT-087
IGTI 1998 A Hybrid Coupling Scheme and Stability Analysis for Coupled Solid/Fluid Turbine Blade Temperature Calculations Andreas Heselhaus, German Aerospace Research Center (DLR), Köln-Porz, Germany 98-GT-088
IGTI 1998 A Conjugate 3-D Flow and Heat Transfer Analysis of a Thermal Barrier Cooled Turbine Guide Vane Dieter E. Bohn, Volker J. Becker, Aachen University of Technology, Aachen, Germany 98-GT-089
IGTI 1998 Experimental and Computational Investigation of Stepped Tip Gap Effects on the Flowfield of a Transonic Axial-Flow Compressor Rotor Donald W. Thompson, Paul I. King, Air Force Institute of Technology, Wright-Patterson AFB, OH, USA; Douglas C. Rabe, Air Force Research Laboratory, Wright-Patterson AFB, OH, USA; Chunill Hah, NASA Lewis Research Center, Cleveland, OH, USA 98-GT-090
IGTI 1998 Physical Explanations of Tip Leakage Flow Field in an Axial Compressor Rotor Masahiro Inoue, Masato Furukawa, Kazuhisa Saiki, Kazutoyo Yamada, Kyushu University, Fukuoka, Japan 98-GT-091
IGTI 1998 Detailed Measurements within a Selection of Pipe Diffusers for Centrifugal Compressors Ian Bennett, A.Tourlidakis, R.L. Elder, Cranfield University, Cranfield, Bedfordshire, UK 98-GT-092
IGTI 1998 IGV-Rotor Interactions in a 4-Stage Axial Compressor O. Puetz, J. Eikelmann, H. Stoff, Ruhr-Universität Bochum, Bochum, Germany 98-GT-093
IGTI 1998 The Role of Rotor Tip Clearance on the Aerodynamic Interaction of a Last Gas Turbine Stage and an Exhaust Diffuser Reinhard Willinger, Hermann Haselbacher, Technical University of Vienna, Austria 98-GT-094
IGTI 1998 Secondary Flow Decay Downstream of Turbine Inlet Guide Vane with End-wall Contouring V. Michelassi, F. Martelli, University of Florence, Florence, Italy; U. Corradini, GE-Nuovo Pignone S.p.A., Florence, Italy 98-GT-095
IGTI 1998 Effects of the Rotor Tip Leakage in a Transonic Turbine with Long Blades Miroslav St'astny, Richard Matas, SKODA a.s., Plzen, Czech Republic; Pavel Safarik, Czech Technical University, Praha, Czech Republic; Alexander R. Jung, Jürgen F. Mayer, Heinz Stetter, University of Stuttgart, ITSM, Stuttgart, Germany 98-GT-096
IGTI 1998 Correlations of the Convective Heat Transfer in Annular Channels with Rotating Inner Cylinder Ralf Jakoby, Soksik Kim, Sigmar Wittig, Universität Karlsruhe, Karlsruhe, Germany 98-GT-097
IGTI 1998 Testing and Modelling Gas Turbines Using Multisine Signals and Frequency-Domain Techniques Ceri Evans, Antoni Borrell, David Rees, University of Glamorgan, Pantypridd, Wales, UK 98-GT-098
IGTI 1998 System Identification of Jet Engines Nanahisa Sugiyama, National Aerospace Laboratory, Tokyo, Japan 98-GT-099
IGTI 1998 Nonlinear Model Predictive Control of a Laboratory Gas Turbine Installation B. G. Vroemen, H. A. van Essen, A. A. van Steenhoven, J. J. Kok, Eindhoven University of Technology, Eindhoven, The Netherlands 98-GT-100
IGTI 1998 The Application of Expert Systems and Neural Networks to Gas Turbine Prognostics and Diagnostics Hans R. DePold, Pratt & Whitney, East Hartford, CT, USA; F. Douglas Gass, Pratt & Whitney, West Palm Beach, FL, USA 98-GT-101
IGTI 1998 Effect of Air Extraction for Cooling and/or Gasification on Combustor Flow Uniformity T. Wang, J.S. Kapat, Clemson University, Clemson, SC, USA; W. R. Ryan, I. S. Diakunchak, R. L. Bannister, Westinghouse Electric Corporation, Orlando, FL, USA 98-GT-102
IGTI 1998 Co-Pyrolysis of Coal/Biomass and Coal/Sewage Sludge Mixtures Christian Storm, Helmut Rüdiger, Hartmut Spliethoff, Klaus R.G. Hein, University of Stuttgart, Stuttgart, Germany 98-GT-103
IGTI 1998 Development of a Combustor Liner Composed of Ceramic Matrix Composite (CMC) Kozi Nishio, Ken-ichiroh Igashira, Koji Take, Research Institute of Advanced Mataerial Gas-Generator, Tokyo, Japan; Takeshi Suemitsu, Kawasaki Heavy Industries Limited, Hyogo, Japan 98-GT-104
IGTI 1998 Mode Localization of a Cracked Blade-Disks J.H. Kuang, B.W. Huang, National Sun Yat-Sen University, Kaohsiung, Taiwan 98-GT-105
IGTI 1998 Isothermal Fatigue Behavior and Damage Modeling of a High Temperature Woven PMC Andrew L. Gyekenyesi, Cleveland State University, Cleveland, OH, USA 98-GT-106
IGTI 1998 Effect of High Freestream Turbulence with Large Length Scale on Blade Heat/Mass Transfer H.P. Wang, R.J. Goldstein, S.J. Olson, University of Minnesota, Minneapolis, MN, USA 98-GT-107
IGTI 1998 An Experimental Study on the Relationship between Velocity Fluctuations and Heat Transfer in a Turbulent Air Flow Michael J. Denninger, Ann M. Anderson, Union College, Schenectady, NY, USA 98-GT-108
IGTI 1998 Reduction of the Dynamic Load Capacity in a Squeeze Film Damper Operating with a Bubbly Lubricant Sergio E. Diaz, Luis A. San Andrés, Texas A&M University, College Station, TX, USA 98-GT-109
IGTI 1998 Heat Transfer and Pressure Drop in Pin-Fin Trapezoidal Ducts J.-J.Hwang, D.-Y. Lia, Y.-P. Tsia, Chung-Hua University, Hsinchu, Taiwan 98-GT-110
IGTI 1998 Experimental and 3D CFD Investigation in a Gas Turbine Exhaust System Bijay K. Sultanian, General Electric Company, Schenectady, NY, USA; Shinichiro Nagao, Taro Sakamoto, Toshiba Corporation, Yokohama-shi, Japan 98-GT-111
IGTI 1998 Heat Transfer in a Rotating Cavity With a Stationary Stepped Casing Iraj Mirzaee, Michael Wilson, J. Michael Owen, University of Bath, Bath, UK; Paul Quinn, Oxford Computer Group, Oxford, UK 98-GT-112
IGTI 1998 Heat Transfer in a Cover-Plate Pre-Swirl Rotating-Disc System Robert Pilbrow, Rolls-Royce plc, Bristol, UK; Hasan Karabay, Michael Wilson, J. Michael Owen, University of Bath, Bath, UK 98-GT-113
IGTI 1998 Effects of Periodic Wake Passing upon Flat-Plate Boundary Layers Experiencing Favorable and Adverse Pressure Gradient Ken-ichi Funazaki, Eitaro Koyabu, Iwate University, Morioka, Japan 98-GT-114
IGTI 1998 Practical Use of 3D Inverse Method For Compressor Blade Design S. Damle, T. Dang, Syracuse University, Syracuse, NY, USA; J. Stringham, E. Razinsky, Solar Turbines Inc., San Diego, CA, USA 98-GT-115
IGTI 1998 Testing of a Low Cooled Ceramic Nozzle Vane Under Transient Conditions M. Dilzer, Ch. Gutmann, A. Schulz, S. Wittig, Universitat Karlsruhe, Kärlsruhe, Germany 98-GT-116
IGTI 1998 Thermodynamic Performance Analyses of Mixed Gas-Steam Cycle (1): Performance Prediction Method Kirk Hanawa, Ishikawajima-Harima Heavy Industries Co., Ltd., Tokyo, Japan 98-GT-117
IGTI 1998 Thermodynamic Performance Analyses of Mixed Gas-Steam Cycle (2): A Case Study of Aeroderivative Gas Turbine Kirk Hanawa, Ishikawajima-Harima Heavy Industries Co., Ltd., Tokyo, Japan 98-GT-118
IGTI 1998 A Three Dimensional Computational Study of Windage Heating within an Axial Compressor Stator Well H.K. Ozturk, P.R.N. Childs, A.B. Turner, University of Sussex, Brighton UK; J.M. Hannis, J.R. Turner, European Gas Turbines Ltd. Lincoln, UK 98-GT-119
IGTI 1998 Modular Simulation of Coolant Internal Network and Rotating Cavity Analysis Carlo Carcasci, Ennio Carnevale, Bruno Facchini, Giovanni Ferrara, University of Florence, Florence, Italy 98-GT-120
IGTI 1998 The GT140 P-Machine is Extensively Tested for Commercial Application Jan C. Nilsson, Jim Anderson, ABB Carbon AB, Finspong, Sweden; Per Thörnblad, ABB Stal AB, Finspong, Sweden 98-GT-121
IGTI 1998 Alternative Fuels for Gas Turbine Plants - An Engineering, Procurement, and Construction Contractor's Perspective Ram G. Narula, Bechtel Power Corporation, Gaithersburg, MD, USA 98-GT-122
IGTI 1998 3D Laser Anemometry in a Rotating Cooling Channel Y. Servouze, ONERA, Châtillon, France 98-GT-123
IGTI 1998 Turbulent Spot Characteristics in Boundary Layers Subjected to Streamwise Pressure Gradient Mark W. Johnson, The University of Liverpool, Liverpool, UK 98-GT-124
IGTI 1998 A Viscous Transonic Inverse Design Method for Turbomachinery Blades Part I: 2D Cascades W. T. Tiow, M. Zangeneh, University College London, London, UK 98-GT-125
IGTI 1998 A Fully Three-Dimensional Inverse Method for Turbomachinery Blading with Navier-Stokes Equations Zhengming Wang, Ruixian Cai, Hongji Chen, Dong Zhang, Chinese Academy of Sciences, Beijing, China 98-GT-126
IGTI 1998 Application of a Three-Dimensional Inverse Method to the Design of a Centrifugal Compressor Impeller Alain Demeulenaere, Numeca International, Brussels, Belgium; Olivier Léonard, Université de Liège; René Van den Braembussche, von Karman Institute, Rhode-Saint-Genese, Belgium 98-GT-127
IGTI 1998 A 3D Automatic Optimization Strategy for Design of Centrifugal Compressor Impeller Blades K.F.C. Yiu, M. Zangeneh, University College London, London, UK 98-GT-128
IGTI 1998 Integrated Condition Monitoring System Strategy at CEMEG Michael M. Hastings, Brüel & Kjaer CMS A/S, Naerum, Denmark; Wander Luiz de Oliveira, Raimundo Jorge Ivo Metzker, CEMIG, Belo Horizonte, Brazil 98-GT-129
IGTI 1998 The Effect of the Inlet Boundary Layer on the Tip Flow Field in a Transonic Fan Rotor Junji Takado, Toyotaka Sonoda, Satoshi Nakamura, Honda R&D Co., Ltd, Saitama, Japan 98-GT-130
IGTI 1998 Advanced Aeroderivative Gas Turbines in Coal-Based High Performance Power Systems (HIPPS) F.L. Robson, kraftWork Systems, Inc., Amston, CT, USA; D.J. Seery, United Technologies Research Center, East Hartford, CT, USA 98-GT-131
IGTI 1998 Measurements of Heat Transfer Characteristics of Gap Leakage Around a Misaligned Component Interface M. K. Chyu, Y. C. Hsing, Carnegie Mellon University, Pittsburgh, PA, USA; R. S. Bunker, General Electric Company, Schenectady, NY, USA 98-GT-132
IGTI 1998 Development of Cooled, Ceramic First Stage Vanes for the FT8 Aeroderivative Gas Turbine William H. Day, Konstantino Kouris, Pratt & Whitney,East Hartford, CT, USA; John E. Holowczak, Michael F. Blair, Steven E. Hale, United Technologies Research Center, East Hartford, CT, USA; Tibor G. Bornemisza, Energy Technologies Applications, San Diego, 98-GT-133
IGTI 1998 Film Cooling Heat Transfer: Shaped and Compound Angle Hole Injection David J. Seager, James A. Liburdy, Clemson University, Clemson, SC, USA 98-GT-134
IGTI 1998 Italian Navy Application, Operation and Maintenance of Fiat- GE LM2500 Gas Turbine Propulsion Systems Massimo Maggini, Italian Navy General Staff, Rome, Italy; Roberto Tonelli, Directorate of Naval Construction and Naval Ordnance, Rome, Italy 98-GT-135
IGTI 1998 Cooling Air Flow in a Multi Disc Industrial Gas Turbine Rotor D. Brillert, H. Simon, University of Duisburg, Duisburg, Germany; A. W. Reichert, Siemens AG, Mülheim, Germany 98-GT-136
IGTI 1998 Characteristics of Heat Transfer in Rotating Cavities Andres Jerhamre, Chalmers University of Technology, Gothenburg, Sweden; Lars-Erik Eriksson, Volvo Aero Corporation, Trollhättan, Sweden 98-GT-137
IGTI 1998 A Momentum Integral Method to Predict the Frictional Torque of a Rotating Disk with Protruding Bolts W. Gärtner, MTU München GmbH, Germany 98-GT-138
IGTI 1998 A Numerical Study of Air Transfer from a Stationary to a Rotating System through an Unsealed Cavity Ian K. Jennions, Thomas P. Sommer, ABB Power Generation Ltd, Baden, Switzerland; Vladimir Vasiliev, ABB Uniturbo Ltd,, Moscow, Russia 98-GT-139
IGTI 1998 Design and Development of a Nine Stage Axial Flow Compressor for Industrial Gas Turbines G. D. Stringham, B. N. Cassem, T. C. Prince, P. F. Yeung, Solar Turbines, Inc., San Diego, CA, USA 98-GT-140
IGTI 1998 The U.S. Department of Energy's Advanced Turbine Systems Program Abbie W. Layne, U. S. Department of Energy, Morgantown, WV, USA; Patricia A. Hoffman, U.S. Department of Energy, Washington, DC, USA 98-GT-141
IGTI 1998 A Novel Optimisation Method for Variable Cycle Jet Engines Lorenzo Oggero, Pericles Pilidis, Cranfield University, Cranfield, Beds, UK 98-GT-142
IGTI 1998 CHAT Technology: An Alternative Approach to Achieve Advanced Turbine Systems Efficiencies with Present Combustion Turbine Technology Michael Nakhamkin, Eric C. Swensen, Energy Storage and Power Consultants, Inc., Mountainside, NJ, USA; John R. Scheibel, Arthur Cohn, Electric Power Research Institute, Palo Alto, CA, USA 98-GT-143
IGTI 1998 Exergy Analysis of Two Second-Generation SCGT Plant Proposals A. Corti, L. Failli, D. Fiaschi, G. Manfrida, Università di Firenze, Firenze, Italy 98-GT-144
IGTI 1998 VECTOR Program Background and Plan J. Patrick Schondel, The Boeing Company, Arlington, VA, USA; Michael R. Robinson, The Boeing Company, Seal Beach, CA, USA 98-GT-145
IGTI 1998 A Comparison of Experimental with Computational Results in an Annular Turbine Cascade with Emphasis on Losses C. Casciaro, M. Treiber, M. Sell, A. P. Saxer, G. Gyarmathy, Swiss Federal Institute of Technology, Zurich, Switzerland 98-GT-146
IGTI 1998 35 Years of Operation with Rolls-Royce Marine Proteus Gas Turbines in Swedish Navy Fast Surface Attack Ships Jan-Olof Löfdahl, Defense Materials Administration, Stockholm, Sweden 98-GT-147
IGTI 1998 Cost Effective Maintenance of Gas Turbine Machinery in Swedish Navy Fast Surface Attach Ships Jan-Olof Löfdahl, Defense Materials Administration, Stockholm, Sweden 98-GT-148
IGTI 1998 Determination of Optimal Row Spacing for a Staggered Cross-Pin Array in a Turbine Blade Cooling Passage E.E. Donahoo, A.K. Kulkarni, A.D. Belegundu, C. Camci, The Pennsylvania State University, University Park, PA, USA 98-GT-149
IGTI 1998 Oscillator Fin as a Novel Heat Transfer Augmentation Device for Gas Turbine Cooling Applications Oguz Uzol, Cengiz Camci, The Pennsylvania State University, University Park, PA, USA 98-GT-150
IGTI 1998 Aerodynamic Performance of an Axial Compressor Stage with Variable Rotor Blades and Variable Inlet Guide Vanes Václav Cyrus, AHT Energetics Ltd., Praha-Bechovie, Czech Republic 98-GT-151
IGTI 1998 A Frequency Domain Analysis: Turbine Pressure Side Heat Transfer D.G. Holmberg, T.E. Diller, W.F. Ng, Virginia Polytechnic Institute and State University, Blacksburg, VA, USA 98-GT-152
IGTI 1998 Perfomance Analysis in a Subsonic Radial Diffuser E. Casartelli, A.P. Saxer, G. Gyarmathy, Swiss Federal Institute of Technology, Zurich, Switzerland 98-GT-153
IGTI 1998 Simulations and Measurements on Impulse Blades for Heat Transfer Prediction in Supersonic Turbine Applications U. Håll, J. Larsson, Chalmers University of Technology, Göteborg, Sweden; F. Bario, P. Kulisa, J. Slimani, Ecole Centrale de Lyon, Ecully Cedex, France; V. Begin, SEP, Division de snecma, Vernon Cedex, France; L-E. Eriksson, U. Wåhlén, Volvo Aero Corporat 98-GT-154
IGTI 1998 Fault Detection and Accommodation in Real Time Embedded Full Authority Digital Electronic Engine Controls Angelo Martucci, Hamilton Standard, Windsor Locks, CT, USA 98-GT-155
IGTI 1998 An Open Approach to Condition Monitoring, Diagnosis, and Decision Support Systems K. Eftekhari Shahroudi, Woodward Governor Company, Hoofddorp, The Netherlands 98-GT-156
IGTI 1998 Improvements in L2F Anemometry Technique for Inter-Blade Investigations in High-Speed Turbomachinery André Vouillarmet, Isabelle Trebinjac, Ecole Centrale de Lyon, Ecully, France 98-GT-157
IGTI 1998 Fault Detection and Isolation Based on Dynamic Observers Applied to Gas Turbine Control Sensors S. Simani, P. R. Spina, S. Beghelli, R. Bettocchi, C. Fantuzzi, Università di Ferrara, Ferrara, Italy 98-GT-158
IGTI 1998 Coal-Biomass Gasification in a Pressurized Fluidized Bed Gasifier W. de Jong, J. Andries, K.R.G. Hein, Delft University of Technology, Delft, The Netherlands 98-GT-159
IGTI 1998 Biomass/Coal Derived Gas Utilization in a Gas Turbine Combustor P.D.J. Hoppesteyn, J. Andries, K. R. G. Hein, Delft University of Technology, Delft, The Netherlands 98-GT-160
IGTI 1998 Catalytic Indirectly Heated Gasification of Bagasse Sérgio Peres, Alex Green, University of Florida, Gainesville, FL USA 98-GT-161
IGTI 1998 Co-Pyrolysis and Co-Gasification of Coal and Biomass in a Pressurized Fixed- Bed Reactor Anne-Gaëlle Collot, Athanasios Megaritis, Alan A. Herod, Denis R. Dugwell, Raphael Kandiyoti, University of London, London, UK 98-GT-162
IGTI 1998 An Overview of Recent Clean Coal Gasification Technology R&D Activities Supported by the European Commission A. J. Minchener, CRE Group Limited, Cheltenham, UK 98-GT-163
IGTI 1998 Elevated Temperature Exposure of Gas Turbine Materials to a Bio-fuel Combustion Environment P. C. Patnaik, C. Adams, D. Fuleki, R. Thamburaj, Orenda Aerospace Corporation, Gloucester, ON, Canada 98-GT-164
IGTI 1998 Recuperators in Gas Turbine Systems Esa Utriainen, Bengt Sundén, Lund Institute of Technology, Lund, Sweden 98-GT-165
IGTI 1998 A Parametric Study of CHAT Cycle Performance: Thermodynamic and Design Features B. Facchini, G. Ferrara, G. Masi, Università di Firenze, Firenze, Italy 98-GT-166
IGTI 1998 Steady-State and Dynamic Performance Prediction of an Indirect Fired Gas Turbine Plant G. Crosa, L. Fantini, G. Ferrari, L. Pizzimenti, A. Trucco, Università di Genova, Genova, Italy 98-GT-167
IGTI 1998 Combining Bayesian Belief Networks with Gas Path Analysis for Test Cell Diagnostics and Overhaul Carl A. Palmer, Enter Software Inc., Davis, CA, USA 98-GT-168
IGTI 1998 A Parallel CFD Tool to Produce Faulty Blade Signatures for Diagnostic Purposes D. G. Koubogiannis, V. P. Iliadis, K. C. Giannakoglou, National Technical University of Athens, Athens, Greece 98-GT-169
IGTI 1998 FADEC Computer Systems for Safety Critical Application Friedrich Schwamm, MTU, München, Germany 98-GT-170
IGTI 1998 Turbine Model Improvement for a Heavy-Duty Gas Turbine Plant Simulation G. Crosa, M. Troilo, Università di Genova, Genova, Italy; A. Torelli, Ansaldo Energia, Genova, Italy 98-GT-171
IGTI 1998 Dynamic Modeling and Control of Regenerative Gas Turbines S. M. Camporeale, Università di Reggio Calabria, Reggio Calabria, Italy; B. Fortunato, A. Dumas, Politecnico di Bari, Bari, Italy 98-GT-172
IGTI 1998 Heat Transfer and Flowfield Measurements in the Leading Edge Region of a Stator Vane Endwall M. B. Kang, A. Kohli, K. A. Thole, University of Wisconsin, Madison, WI, USA 98-GT-173
IGTI 1998 Film Cooling Effectiveness and Mass/Heat Transfer Coefficient Downstream of One Row of Discrete Holes R. J. Goldstein, P. Jin, University of Minnesota, Minneapolis, MN, USA; R. L. Olson, Lockheed Martin Corp., St. Paul, MN, USA 98-GT-174
IGTI 1998 Heat Transfer Contributions of Pins and Endwall in Pin-Fin Arrays: Effects of Thermal Boundary Condition Modeling M. K. Chyu, Y. C. Hsing, T.I.-P Shih, Carnegie Mellon University, Pittsburgh, PA, USA; V. Natarajan, The BOC Group Technical Center, Murray Hill, NJ, USA 98-GT-175
IGTI 1998 45° Round-Corner Rib Heat Transfer Coefficient Measurements in a Square Channel M. E. Taslim, A. Lengkong, Northeastern University, Boston, MA, USA 98-GT-176
IGTI 1998 Vaporization Cooling for Gas Turbines, the Return-Flow Cascade Jack L. Kerrebrock, Massachusetts Institute of Technology, Cambridge, MA, USA; David B. Stickler, Aerodyne Research Inc., Billerica, MA, USA 98-GT-177
IGTI 1998 An Investigation of the Formation and Venting of Flammable Mixtures Formed within Liquid Fuel Vessels R. Bunama, G. A. Karim, C. Y. Zhang, University of Calgary, Calgary, AB, Canada 98-GT-178
IGTI 1998 The Effect of Time of Exposure to Elevated Temperatures on the Flammability Limits of Some Common Gaseous Fuels in Air B. B. Ale, I. Wierzba, The University of Calgary, Calgary, AB, Canada 98-GT-179
IGTI 1998 The Development of a Computer Code for the Estimation of Combustor Exhaust Temperature Using Simple Gas Analysis Measurements Richard J. Bideau, Aero & Industrial Technology Ltd, Burnley, UK 98-GT-180
IGTI 1998 Ceramic Stationary Gas Turbine Development Program - Fifth Annual Summary Jeffrey R. Price, Oscar Jimenez, Les Faulder, Bryan Edwards, Vijay Parthasarathy, Solar Turbines Incorporated, San Diego, CA, USA 98-GT-181
IGTI 1998 Preliminary Design of Low Cost Propulsion Systems Using Next Generation Cost Modeling Techniques J.L. Younghans, R.M. Donaldson, D.R. Wallace, L.L. Long, R.B. Stewart, GE Aircraft Engines, Cincinnati, OH, USA 98-GT-182
IGTI 1998 Dual-Laser Probe Measurement of Blade-Tip Clearance Harbans S. Dhadwal, Integrated Fiber Optic Systems, Inc., Stony Brook, NY, USA; Anatole P. Kurkov, NASA Lewis Research Center, Cleveland, OH, USA 98-GT-183
IGTI 1998 CFD Modeling of a Gas Turbine Combustor from Compressor Exit to Turbine Inlet D. Scott Crocker, Dan Nickolaus, Clifford E. Smith, CFD Research Corporation, Huntsville, AL, USA 98-GT-184
IGTI 1998 Development of a Five-Step Global Methane Oxidation-NO Formation Mechanism for Lean-Premixed Gas Turbine Combustion David G. Nicol, Philip C. Malte, University of Washington, Seattle, WA, USA; Andrew J. Hamer, Richard J. Roby, Combustion Science and Engineering, Inc. Columbia, MD, USA; Robert C. Steele, Solar Turbines, Inc., San Diego, CA, USA 98-GT-185
IGTI 1998 Performance Benefit Assessment of Ceramic Components in an MS9001FA Gas Turbine Clayton M. Grondahl, General Electric Company, Schenectady, NY, USA; Toshiaki Tsuchiya, The Tokyo Electric Power Company, Inc., Tokyo, Japan 98-GT-186
IGTI 1998 Improved Model for the Design and Analysis of Centrifugal Compressor Volutes R. A. Van den Braembussche, E. Ayder, von Karman Institute for Fluid Dynamics, Sint-Genesius-Rode, Belgium; E. Ayder, D. Hagelstein, M. Rautenberg, University of Hannover, Hannover, Germany; R. Keiper, Kühnle, Kopp & Kausch AG, Frankenthal, Germany 98-GT-187
IGTI 1998 Endwall Blockage in Axial Compressors S. Arif Khalid, Allison Advanced Development Co., Indianapolis, IN, USA; Amrit S. Khalsa, Khalsa International Industries and Trades, Eugene, OR, USA; Ian A. Waitz, Choon S. Tan, Massachusetts Institute of Technology, Cambridge, MA, USA; Edward M. Greitze 98-GT-188
IGTI 1998 Fluid Flow in a 180 Deg Sharp Turning Duct with Different Divider Thicknesses Tong-Miin Liou, Yaw-Yng Tzeng, Chung-Chu Chen, National Tsing Hua University, Hsinchu, Taiwan 98-GT-189
IGTI 1998 Turbulence Spectra and Length Scales Measured in Film Coolant Flows Emerging from Discrete Holes Steven W. Burd, Terrence W. Simon, University of Minnesota, Minneapolis, MN, USA 98-GT-190
IGTI 1998 Physics of Hot Crossflow Ingestion in Film Cooling E. Lee McGrath, James H. Leylek, Clemson University, Clemson, SC, USA 98-GT-191
IGTI 1998 Effects of Bulk Flow Pulsations on Film Cooling from Different Length Injection Holes at Different Blowing Ratios H. J. Seo, J. S. Lee, Seoul National University, Seoul, Korea; P. M. Ligrani, University of Utah, Salt Lake City, UT, USA 98-GT-192
IGTI 1998 Design and Experimental Verification of an Optimised Compressor Blade P. F. Bogers, R. A. Van den Braembussche, F. A. E. Breugelmans, von Karman Institute, Sint-Genesius-Rode, Belgium 98-GT-193
IGTI 1998 Impact of Variable-Geometry Stator Hub Leakage in a Low Speed Axial Compressor Wendy S. Barankiewicz, NASA Lewis Research Center, Cleveland, OH, USA; Michael D. Hathaway, U. S. Army Research Laboratory, Cleveland, OH, USA 98-GT-194
IGTI 1998 Analysis of Tip Leakage Effects in a High Subsonic Annular Compressor Cascade C. Bonhommet-Chabanel, Compressor Aerodynamics Department, SNECMA, Moissy-Cramayel, France; G. A. Gerolymos, Université Pierre-et-Marie-Curie, Paris, France 98-GT-195
IGTI 1998 A Family of Designs for Aspirated Compressors Jack L. Kerrebrock, Mark Drela, Ali A. Merchant, Brian J. Schuler, Massachusetts Institute of Technology, Cambridge, MA, USA 98-GT-196
IGTI 1998 Comparative Thermoeconomic Analysis between Combined Cycle Units Derived from Existing Steam Power Plants and a New Combined Cycle Plant G. Negri di Montenegro, A. Peretto, University of Bologna, Bologna, Italy; E. Mantino, Italian Electric Power Company, Milan, Italy 98-GT-197
IGTI 1998 Intercooled and Brayton Cycle Gas Turbines for Steam Power Plant Hot Windbox Repowering G. Negri di Montenegro, A.Peretto, University of Bologna, Bologna, Italy; M. Gambini, University of Rome, Rome, Italy 98-GT-198
IGTI 1998 Analysis of Cooperation between Central Power Utility and Dispersed Cogeneration Systems Through Time-of-Use Pricing Ryohei Yokoyama, Koichi Ito, Osaka Prefecture University, Sakai, Osaka, Japan 98-GT-199
IGTI 1998 Project Optimisation and Construction of Cogeneration Power Plant for a Large Refinery and Petrochemical Complex in India Ali Sheikh, Joseph Rozewicz, Bechtel Ltd, London, England; R. V. Kadkol, Reliance Industries Ltd, Mumbai, India 98-GT-200
IGTI 1998 Experiences from the Joint Development of the GTX100 Turbine Blading Bengt Gudmundsson, Ulf Nilsson, Ulf Linder, ABB STAL, Finspong, Sweden; Sergey Shukin, Igor Afanasiev, Valery Kostege, ABB UNITURBO, Moscow, Russia 98-GT-201
IGTI 1998 Optimization of Design of High Pressure Compact and Light- Weight Liquid Heat Exchangers P. Avran, ONERA, Châtillon, France; A. Soudarev, Power Engineering, St. Pétersbourg, Russia; B. Soudarev, V. Soudarev, Research-Manufacturing Enterprise TARK Ltd, St Pétersbourg, Russia 98-GT-202
IGTI 1998 Design of Tubular Humidifiers for Evaporative Gas Turbine Cycles Farnosh Dalili, Mats Westermark, Royal Institute of Technology, Stockholm, Sweden 98-GT-203
IGTI 1998 Calculation of Convective Heat Transfer in Square-Sectioned Gas Turbine Blade Cooling Channels Arash Saidi, Bengt Sundén, Lund Institute of Technology, Lund, Sweden 98-GT-204
IGTI 1998 Turbine Disc-Rim Cooling Design Criteria for Modern Two Stage High Pressure Turbine Aero-Engines Alexander V. Mirzamoghadam, BMW Rolls-Royce Aero-Engines, Berlin, Germany 98-GT-205
IGTI 1998 Air System Correlations, Part 1: Labyrinth Seals H. Zimmermann, K. H. Wolff, MTU München GmbH, München, Germany 98-GT-206
IGTI 1998 Air Systems Correlations, Part 2: Rotating Holes and Two Phase Flow H. Zimmermann, J. Kutz, R. Fischer, MTU München GmbH, München, Germany 98-GT-207
IGTI 1998 Experimental Investigation on Impingement Heat Transfer from Rib Roughened Surface within Arrays of Circular Jet: Effect of Geometric Parameters Chang Haiping, Zhang Jingyu, Nanjing University of Aeronautics and Astronautics, Nanjing, China; Huang Taiping, Xiamen University, Xiamen, China 98-GT-208
IGTI 1998 Performance Analysis of a 50KW Turbogenerator Gas Turbine Engine S. Y. Kim, M. R. Park, S. Y. Cho, Korea Institute of Machinery & Materials, Daejon, Korea 98-GT-209
IGTI 1998 Numerical Investigation of the Influence of Specific Vortex Generation on the Mixing Process of Film Cooling Jets Dirk T. Vogel, Institute of Propulsion Technology, DLR, Cologne, Germany 98-GT-210
IGTI 1998 Effects of Bulk Flow Pulsations on Film Cooling from Spanwise Oriented Holes I. S. Jung, J. S. Lee, Seoul National University, Seoul, Korea 98-GT-211
IGTI 1998 Experimental and Numerical Investigation of Heat Transfer on a Cooled Turbine Vane Frank G. Rubensdörffer, Christer S. Hjalmarsson, ABB STAL, Finspong, Sweden 98-GT-212
IGTI 1998 Flow and Heat Transfer in a Ribbed U-Duct under Typical Engine Conditions T. I-P Shih, Y.-L. Lin, M. A. Stephens, M. K. Chyu, Carnegie Mellon University, Pittsburgh, PA, USA; K. C. Civinskas, NASA - Lewis Research Center, Cleveland, OH, USA 98-GT-213
IGTI 1998 Heat Transfer in a Rotating Radial Channel with Swirling Internal Flow B. Glezer, H. K. Moon, Solar Turbines Incorporated, San Diego, CA, USA; J. Kerrebrock, J. Bons, G. Guenette, Massachusetts Institute of Technology, Cambridge, MA, USA 98-GT-214
IGTI 1998 Explosion Hazards at Gas Turbine Driven Power Plants Roger C. Santon, Health and Safety Executive, Manchester, England 98-GT-215
IGTI 1998 A Semi-Analytical Approach to Emissions Prediction in Gas Turbine Combustors Bruno Facchini, Giovanni Ferrara, Paolo Mazzilli, University of Florence, Florence, Italy 98-GT-216
IGTI 1998 Application of a Partially Premixed Laminar Flamelet Model to a Low Emissions Gas Turbine Combustor T.J. Held, H. C. Mongia, GE Aircraft Engines, Cincinnati, OH, USA 98-GT-217
IGTI 1998 Application of a Micro-/Macro-Mixing Two Reactor Model to a Single-Cup Low-Emissions Combustor T. J. Held, H. C. Mongia, GE Aircraft Engines, Cincinnati, OH, USA; J. H. Tonouchi, Analytic and Computational Research, Inc., Cincinnati, OH, USA 98-GT-218
IGTI 1998 Gas Turbine Uprating Programme Development and Testing of the GT11NM Christoph Schneider,Vladimir Navrotsky, Prith Harasgama, ABB Power Generation, Baden, Switzerland 98-GT-219
IGTI 1998 Field Experience of the Sequential Combustion System for the GT24/GT26 Gas Turbine Family Franz Joos, Philipp Brunner, Marcel Stalder, Stefan Tschirren, ABB Power Generation Ltd, Baden, Switzerland 98-GT-220
IGTI 1998 Power Generation Technological Determinants for Fuel Scenario Outlook P. Luby, M. R. Susta, IMTE AG, Freienwil, Switzerland 98-GT-221
IGTI 1998 Compatibility of Advanced Power Generation Technologies with the Independent Power Production Miro R. Susta, Peter Luby, IMTE AG, Freienwil, Switzerland 98-GT-222
IGTI 1998 An Evolutionary Approach to the Development of New Advanced Technology Gas Turbines G. McQuiggan, L.R. Southall, Westinghouse Electric Corporation, Orlando, FL, USA 98-GT-223
IGTI 1998 Radiation and Convection Heat Flux Sensor for High Temperature Gas Environment Nelson Martins, Maria da Graça Carvalho, Naim Afgan, Instituto Superior Técnico, Lisbon, Portugal; Alexander Ivanovich Leontiev, Moscow Technical University, Moscow, Russia 98-GT-224
IGTI 1998 Effect of the Flame Dome Depth and Improvement of the Pressure Loss in the Dump Diffuser Shinji Honami, Takaaki Shizawa, The Science University of Tokyo, Tokyo, Japan; Wataru Tsuboi, Nagasaki Shipyard & Engine Works, Nagasaki, Japan 98-GT-225
IGTI 1998 Biomass Charcoal Co-Firing with Coal James R. Arcate, Transnational Technology, Honolulu, HI, USA 98-GT-226
IGTI 1998 Subgrid Two-Phase Mixing and Combustion Modeling for Large-Eddy Simulations Suresh Menon, Sreekanth Pannala, Georgia Institute of Technology, Atlanta, GA, USA 98-GT-227
IGTI 1998 Validation of Numerical Methods at a Confined Turbulent Natural Gas Diffusion Flame Considering Detailed Radiative Transfer Benedikt Ganz, Peter Schmittel, Rainer Koch, Sigmar Wittig, Universität Karlsruhe, Karlsruhe, Germany 98-GT-228
IGTI 1998 Advanced Combustion Code: Overall Description, Prediction of a Jet Diffusion Flame and Combustor Flowfields Anil K. Tolpadi, General Electric Research & Development Center, Schenectady, NY, USA; Chander Prakash, Harjit Hura, Hukam C. Mongia, General Electric Aircraft Engines, Cincinnati, OH, USA 98-GT-229
IGTI 1998 Investigation of a Rectangular Rich Quench Lean Combustor Sector Johannes W. Koopman, Christoph Hassa, Peter Theisen, German Aerospace Center, Cologne, Germany; Peter Griebel, Paul Scherer Institut, Villingen, Switzerland 98-GT-230
IGTI 1998 Volatile, Low Lubricity Fuels in Gas Turbine Plants: A Review of Main Fuel Options and Their Respective Merits M. Molière, F. Geiger, E. Deramond, European Gas Turbines SA, Belfort, France; T. Becker, European Gas Turbines GmbH, Essen, Germany 98-GT-231
IGTI 1998 The Effect of the Fuel Injector Internal Geometry upon the Primary Zone Aerodynamics R. A. Hicks, M. Whiteman, C. W. Wilson, Defence and Evaluation Research Agency, Farnborough, UK 98-GT-232
IGTI 1998 Modified Humid Air Turbine Cycle for Biomass Gasification Adrin Cavani, Vattenfall Utveckling AB, Stockholm, Sweden 98-GT-233
IGTI 1998 A New Method for Surge Margin Improvement of Booster Compressors in Modern Aeroengines Dieter Peitsch, Nikolaus Kurz, Roland Fiola, BMW Rolls-Royce GmbH, Dahlewitz, Germany 98-GT-234
IGTI 1998 Applying the Relationship between the Amount of CO2 and O2 in Flue Gases to Reduce the NOx Emission Measurement Uncertainty M.L.E. van Oost, Thomassen International b.v., The Netherlands 98-GT-235
IGTI 1998 Effects of High Freestream Turbulence Levels and Length Scales on Stator Vane Heat Transfer R. W. Radomsky, K. A. Thole, University of Wisconsin, Madison, WI, USA 98-GT-236
IGTI 1998 A Prediction Model for Separated-Flow Transition Anca Hatman, Ting Wang, Clemson University, Clemson, SC, USA 98-GT-237
IGTI 1998 External Heat Transfer Predictions in a Highly-Loaded Transonic Linear Turbine Guide Vane Cascade Using an Upwind Biased Navier-Stokes Solver Arno Gehrer, Herbert Jericha, Graz University of Technology, Graz, Austria 98-GT-238
IGTI 1998 The Role of Tip Leakage Vortex Breakdown in Compressor Rotor Aerodynamics Masato Furukawa, Masahiro Inoue, Kazuhisa Saiki, Kazutoyo Yamada, Kyushu University, Fukuoka, Japan 98-GT-239
IGTI 1998 A Numerical Study of the Influence of Grid Refinement and Turbulence Modelling on the Flow Field inside a Highly Loaded Turbine Cascade Thomas Hildebrandt, NUMECA Ing.-Büro, Wendelstein, Germany; Leonhard Fottner, Universität der Bundeswehr München, Neubiberg, Germany 98-GT-240
IGTI 1998 Comparison of Measurement Data at the Impeller Exit of a Centrifugal Compressor Measured with both Pneumatic and Fast-Response Probes C. Roduner, P. Köppel, P. Kupferschmied, G. Gyarmathy, Swiss Federal Institute of Technology, Zurich, Switzerland 98-GT-241
IGTI 1998 Simulation of Vortex Shedding in a Turbine Stage Douglas L. Sondak, Boston University, Boston, MA, USA; Daniel J. Dorney, GMI Engineering and Management Institute, Flint, MI, USA 98-GT-242
IGTI 1998 Unsteady Heat Transfer in Stator-Rotor Interaction by Two Equation Turbulence Model V. Michelassi, F. Martelli, University of Florence, Florence, Italy; R. Dénos, T. Arts, C. H. Sieverding, von Karman Institute, Rhode Saint Genèse, Belgium 98-GT-243
IGTI 1998 Numerical Simulation of Impeller - Volute Interaction in Centrifugal Compressors Koen Hillewaert, René A. Van den Braembussche, von Karman Institute, St-Genesius-Rode, Belgium 98-GT-244
IGTI 1998 Excitation Mechanism for Standing Stall of Centrifugal Compressors Y. N. Chen, Consultant, Winterthur, Switzerland; D. Hagelstein, U. Haupt, M. Rautenberg, University of Hannover, Hannover, Germany 98-GT-245
IGTI 1998 Numerical and Experimental Investigation of the Wake Flow Downstream of a Linear Turbine Cascade Wolfgang Sanz, Arno Gehrer, Jakob Woisetschläger, Martin Forstner, Wolfgang Artner, Herbert Jericha, Graz University of Technology, Graz, Austria 98-GT-246
IGTI 1998 High-Speed Flow in an Annular Cascade with Tip Clearance: Numerical Investigation E. S. Politis, K. C. Giannakoglou, K. D. Papailiou, National Technical University of Athens, Athens, Greece 98-GT-247
IGTI 1998 Boundary Layer Transition at High Levels of Free Stream Turbulence Masaharu Matsubara, Tohoku University, Sendai, Japan; P. Henrik Alfredsson, KTH, Stockholm, Sweden; K. Johan A. Westin, Vattenfall Utveckling AB, Alvkarleby, Sweden 98-GT-248
IGTI 1998 Three-Dimensional Analysis of a Multistage Compressor Flow Field Wolfgang Elmendorf, Frank Mildner, Siemens AG Power Generation KWU, Mülheim a.d., Ruhr, Germany; Ralf Röper, Uwe Krüger, Michael Kluck, B&B-AGEMA GmbH, Aachen, Germany 98-GT-249
IGTI 1998 Analysis of Aspect Ratio Effects on Transonic Rotor Performance Using a 3D Viscous Solver Cecil R. Buchanan, Paul R. Emmerson, Michael Spruce, Defence Evaluation and Research Agency, Farnborough, UK 98-GT-250
IGTI 1998 Investigation of Unsteady Flow Phenomena in a Counterrotating Ducted Propfan L. Wallscheid, F. Eulitz, R. Heinecke, Institut für Antriebstechnik, Cologne, Germany 98-GT-251
IGTI 1998 Design and Investigation of Four Low Solidity Vaned Diffusers to Assess the Effect of Solidity and Vane Number Abraham Engeda, Michigan State University, East Lansing, MI, USA 98-GT-252
IGTI 1998 Numerical Modeling of Unsteady Flow through a Turbomachine Stage R. I. Issa, M. A. Sadri, Imperial College of Science, Technology and Medicine, London, UK 98-GT-253
IGTI 1998 Experimental and Computational Study of the Unsteady Flow in a 1.5 Stage Axial Turbine with Emphasis on the Secondary Flow in the Second Stator Ralf E. Walraevens, Heinz E. Gallus, RWTH Aachen, Aachen, Germany; Alexander R. Jung, Jürgen F. Mayer, Heinz Stetter, University of Stuttgart, Stuttgart, Germany 98-GT-254
IGTI 1998 Numerical Simulation of the Flow through the Return Channel of Multi-Stage Centrifugal Compressors L. J. Lenke, H. Simon, University of Duisburg, Duisburg, Germany 98-GT-255
IGTI 1998 A Theory for Predicting the Turbulent-Spot Production Rate R. E. Mayle, Rensselaer Polytechnic Institute, Troy, NY, USA 98-GT-256
IGTI 1998 Minimizing Vibratory Strain Measurement Error Mark D. Sensmeier, Kurt L. Nichol, AEDC Group, Arnold AFB, TN, USA 98-GT-257
IGTI 1998 Sub-Scale Demonstration of the Active Feedback Control of Gas- Turbine Combustion Instabilities Stanley S. Sattinger, Westinghouse Power Generation, Pittsburgh, PA, USA; Yedidia Neumeier, Aharon Nabi, Ben T. Zinn, GIT, Atlanta, GA, USA; David J. Amos, Douglas D. Darling, Westinghouse Power Generation, Orlando, FL, USA 98-GT-258
IGTI 1998 Effect of Unsteady Wake with Trailing Edge Coolant Ejection on Film Cooling Performance for a Gas Turbine Blade Hui Du, Schlumberger SPT Center, Rosharon, TX, USA; Srinath V. Ekkad, Allison Engine Company, Indianapolis, IN, USA; Je-Chin Han, Texas A&M University, College Station, TX, USA 98-GT-259
IGTI 1998 The Effect of Inlet Boundary Layer Thickness on the Flow within an Annular S-Shaped Duct Toyotaka Sonoda, Toshiyuki Arima, Mineyasu Oana, Honda R&D Co., Ltd., Saitama, Japan 98-GT-260
IGTI 1998 Numerical Simulation of the Shock-Tip Leakage Vortex Interaction in a HPC Front Stage M. Hoeger, G. Fritsch, D. Bauer, MTU, Motoren-und Turbinen-Union München, München, Germany 98-GT-261
IGTI 1998 Cost Reduction through Digital Mock-up F. Demouzon, P.A. Chevrin, Snecma, Moissy-Cramayel, France 98-GT-262
IGTI 1998 Creep Analysis of High Temperature Components Under Multi-Axial Loading Abbas A. Moftakhar, General Electric Aircraft Engines, Cincinnati, OH, USA; Grzegorz Glinka, University of Waterloo, Waterloo, Ontario, Canada 98-GT-263
IGTI 1998 Rotating Stall Control in a High-Speed Stage with Inlet Distortion, Part II - Circumferential Distortion Z. S. Spakovszky, H. J. Weigl, J. D. Paduano, MIT, Cambridge, MA, USA; C. M. van Schalkwyk, Scientific Systems Co., Inc. Woburn, MA, USA; K. L. Suder, M. M. Bright, NASA Lewis Research Center, Cleveland, OH, USA 98-GT-264
IGTI 1998 Rotating Stall Control in a High-Speed Stage with Inlet Distortion, Part I - Radial Distortion Z. S. Spakovszky, H. J. Weigl, J. D. Paduano, MIT, Cambridge, MA, USA; C. M. van Schalkwyk, Scientific Systems Co., Inc., Woburn, MA, USA; K. L. Suder, M. M. Bright, NASA Lewis Research Center, Cleveland, OH, USA 98-GT-265
IGTI 1998 Characteristics of Discharge Coefficient in a Rotating Disk System D. J. Maeng, J. S. Lee, Seoul National University, Seoul, Korea; R. Jakoby, S. Kim, S. Wittig, Universität Karlsruhe, Germany 98-GT-266
IGTI 1998 Active Control of Combustion Instability in a Liquid - Fueled Low -NOx Combustor Jeffrey M. Cohen, Nancy M. Rey, Clas A. Jacobson, Torger J. Anderson, UTRC, East Hartford, CT, USA 98-GT-267
IGTI 1998 Combustion System Damping Augmentation with Helmholtz Resonators D. L. Gysling, G. S. Copeland, D. C. McCormick, W. M. Proscia, UTRC, East Hartford, CT, USA 98-GT-268
IGTI 1998 Nonlinear Heat-Release/Acoustic Model for Thermoacoustic Instability in Lean Premixed Combustors A. A. Peracchio, W. M. Proscia, UTRC, East Hartford, CT, USA 98-GT-269
IGTI 1998 One-Dimensional Model to Quantify NOx Reduction in Gas Turbines Using EGR K. K. Botros, M. J. de Boer, NOVA Research & Technology Corporation, Calgary, AB, Canada; G. Kibrya, NOVA Gas Transmission Ltd, Calgary, AB, Canada 98-GT-270
IGTI 1998 Near Term Gas Turbine Program to Enable the Use of "Renewable" Fuels Robert R. Moritz, Allison Engine Company, Indianapolis, IN, USA 98-GT-271
IGTI 1998 Development of a Low NOx Combustor for 300kW-Class Ceramic Gas Turbine (CGT302) A. Okuto, T. Kimura, I. Takehara, T. Nakashima, Y. Ichikawa, T. Tatsumi, Kawasaki Heavy Industries, Ltd., Hyogo, Japan 98-GT-272
IGTI 1998 Integrated Testing of the Full Authority Digital Control and Redundant Independent Mechanical Start System for the U.S. Navy's DDG-51 Ship Service Gas Turbine Generator Sets Helen J. Kozuhowski, Matthew G. Hoffman, C. David Mako, Naval Surface Warfare Center, Philadelphia, PA, USA; Leonard L. Overton, Jr., P. E., Allison Engine Company, Indianapolis, IN, USA; William E. Masincup, Naval Sea Systems Command, Arlington, VA, USA 98-GT-273
IGTI 1998 A Comparison of Measured and Predicted Unsteadiness in a Transonic Fan Udai K. Singh, Graham C. Smith, Defence Evaluation and Research Agency, Pyestock, Farnborough, Hampshire, UK 98-GT-274
IGTI 1998 A Rotor Blade Cooling Improvement for Heavy Duty Gas Turbine Using Steam and Mixed Steam/Air Cooling Ennio Carnevale, Bruno Facchini, Giovanni Ferrara, Luca Innocenti, University of Florence, Florence, Italy 98-GT-275
IGTI 1998 Characteristics of Heat Transfer in Impinging Jets by Control of Vortex Pairing H. H. Cho, C. H. Lee, Y. S. Kim, Yonsei University, Seoul, Korea 98-GT-276
IGTI 1998 Application of Gas Turbines on Floater Vessel for Power Generation Service Chris Waldhelm, Solar Turbines Incorporated, San Diego, CA, USA 98-GT-277
IGTI 1998 Preliminary Assessment of Advanced Gas Turbines for CVX Ronald L. Bannister, Dennis A. Horazak, Westinghouse Power Generation, Orlando, FL, USA 98-GT-278
IGTI 1998 A Near-Field Investigation Into the Effects of Geometry and Compound Angle on the Flowfield of a Row of Film Cooling Holes Phillip A. Berger, James A. Liburdy, Clemson University, Clemson, SC, USA 98-GT-279
IGTI 1998 Combined Gas Turbine and Diesel Generator Cooling Air Intake System Roger Yee, Alan Oswald, Naval Surface Warfare Center, Carderock Division, Philadelphia, PA, USA 98-GT-280
IGTI 1998 Investigating and Resolving Accessory Gearbox Failures on Allison 501-K Series Engines Dennis M. Russom, P. E., Andrew Schultz, Naval Surface Warfare Center, Carderock Division, Philadelphia, PA, USA; William E. Masincup, John Eghtessad, Naval Sea Systems Command, Arlington, VA, USA 98-GT-281
IGTI 1998 An Experimental Examination of Cantilevered and Shrouded Stators in a Multistage Axial Compressor M. Swoboda, U. Wenger, V. Gümmer, BMW Rolls-Royce GmbH, Eschenweg, Germany; P. C. Ivey, Cranfield University, Bedfordshire, UK 98-GT-282
IGTI 1998 Flow Characteristics of an Annular Intercooler- Diffuser for Gas Turbines Ajay K. Agrawal, Alejandro Tinneti, Surbamanyam R. Gollahalli, University of Oklahoma, Norman, OK, USA 98-GT-283
IGTI 1998 A Performance Evaluation of a Three Splitter Diffuser and Vaneless Diffuser Installed on the Power Turbine Exhaust of a TF40B Gas Turbine Howard Harris, Ivan Piñeiro, Naval Surface Warfare Center, Carderock Division, Philadelphia, PA, USA; Tom Norris, Norlock Technologies, Inc. San Francisco, CA, USA 98-GT-284
IGTI 1998 Aerodynamics of a Transitioning Turbine Stator over a Range of Reynolds Numbers R. J. Boyle, B. L. Lucci, V. G. Verhoff, W. P. Camperchioli, H. La, NASA Lewis Research Center, Cleveland, OH, USA 98-GT-285
IGTI 1998 Effects of Compressibility and Turbulence Level on Bypass Transition R. Schook, H. C. de Lange, A. A. van Steenhoven, Eindhoven University of Technology, Eindhoven, The Netherlands 98-GT-286
IGTI 1998 The Ultimate NOx Solution for Gas Turbines J. Charles Solt, Catalytica Combustion Systems, Inc., Mountain View, CA, USA 98-GT-287
IGTI 1998 Current Status of the CGT301, Ceramic Gas Turbine Tomoki Taoka, Shinya Tanaka, Masashi Tatsuzawa, Takeshi Sakida, Ishikawajima-Harima Heavy Industries Co., Ltd., Tokyo, Japan 98-GT-288
IGTI 1998 Wavelet Analysis of Transitional Flow Data under High Free-Stream Turbulence Conditions Ralph J. Volino, United States Naval Academy, Annapolis, MD, USA 98-GT-289
IGTI 1998 An Exergy Analysis of Novel Power Generation Systems Alcides Codeceira Neto, Pericles Pilidis, Cranfield University, Cranfield, UK 98-GT-290
IGTI 1998 Unsteady Wake Effects on Boundary Layer Transition and Heat Transfer Characteristics of a Turbine Blade M. T. Schobeiri, P. Chakka, K. Pappu, Texas A&M University, College Station, TX, USA 98-GT-291
IGTI 1998 CFD Assessment of a Wet, Low-NOx Combustion System for a 3MW-Class Industrial Gas Turbine Peter A. Liever, Clifford E. Smith, CFD Research Corporation, Huntsville, AL, USA; Geoffrey D. Myers, Lorenzo Hernandez, AlliedSignal Engines, Phoenix, AZ, USA; Tim Griffith, Delavan Gas Turbine Products, West Des Moines, IA, USA 98-GT-292
IGTI 1998 Improved Approach to an Endwall Heat Transfer Analysis: A Linear Guide Vane and a Curved Duct A. Khalatov, University of Wales Cardiff, Cardiff, UK 98-GT-293
IGTI 1998 Development of a Dual Fuel Catalytic Combustor for a 2.3 MWe Gas Turbine Jean-Hervé LE GAL, Gérard MARTIN, Daniel DURAND, Institut Francais du Pétrole, Vernaison, France 98-GT-294
IGTI 1998 Renewable Fuels Turbine Project Sy A. Ali, Allison Engine Company, Indianapolis, IN, USA; William P. Parks, U. S. Department of Energy, Washington, DC, USA 98-GT-295
IGTI 1998 Numerical Investigation of Internal Flow Field for Modified Design of Eckardt Backswept Impeller JongSik Oh, Korea Institute of Machinery & Materials, Yusong, Taejon, Republic of Korea 98-GT-296
IGTI 1998 Vibration Measurement Techniques on an Industrial Gas Turbine Rotor Train Stefan S. Florjancic, ABB Power Generation LTD, Baden Switzerland; Wes Franklin, Bently Rotordynamics Research Corporation, Minden, NV, USA; Noel Lively, Kentucky Utilities, Burgin, KY; USA 98-GT-297
IGTI 1998 Water Injection into Navy Gas- Turbine Combustors to Reduce NOx Emissions Herman B. Urbach, Donald T. Knauss, Balfour L. Wallace, Naval Surface Warfare Center, Annapolis, MD, USA; John Emory, Naval Surface Warfare Center, Philadelphia, PA, USA; John Frese, Seaworthy Systems, Inc., Essex, CT, USA; Joseph W. Bishop, Plainville E 98-GT-298
IGTI 1998 Interim Logistics Support for the 501-K17 Gas Turbine Improvement Program Maurice J. Hartey, Kenneth Kucowski, Naval Surface Warfare Center, Philadelphia, PA, USA; Linda Ochs, Naval Sea Systems Command, Arlington, VA, USA; Robin Howe, NDI Engineering Company, Thorofare, NJ, USA 98-GT-299
IGTI 1998 Investigations of Turbulent Flow in a Centrifugal Compressor Vaned Diffuser by 3-Component Laser Velocimetry D. Stahlecker, G. Gyarmathy, ETH Swiss Federal Institute of Technology, Zurich, Switzerland 98-GT-300
IGTI 1998 Behavior of Attractors During Surge in Centrifugal Compression Systems A. Mutou, Toyo Carrier Engineering Co., Ltd., Ogasa-gun, Shizuka, Japan; S. Mizuki, Y. Komatsubara, H. Tsujita, Hosei University, Tokyo, Japan 98-GT-301
IGTI 1998 Vibroacoustic Early Warning System for Gas Turbines Paper Presentation, ASME Turbo Expo., Land, Sea & Air 1998 Lyder Moen, Dynatrend, a.s., Arabergveien, Norway; Knuth Jahr, Kvaerner Energy, a.s., Oslo, Norway 98-GT-302
IGTI 1998 Acoustically Controlled Combustor NOx Peter J. Vermeulen, Venkataramanayya Ramesh, The University of Calgary, Calgary, Alberta, Canada 98-GT-303
IGTI 1998 Measurement of Air-Fuel Ratio Fluctuations Caused by Combustor Driven Oscillations Rajiv Mongia, Robert Dibble, University of California, Berkeley, CA, USA; Jeff Lovett, Pratt & Whitney, West Palm Beach, FL, USA 98-GT-304
IGTI 1998 Identification of the Intermittent Synchronous Instability in a High Performance Steam Turbine Rotor Due to Deteriorated Labyrinth Seals Inam U. Haq, Rayed M. Al-Zaid, SABIC Research & Development, Jubail, Saudi Arabia; Chittineni V. Kumar, Al-Jubail Fertilizer Company, Jubail, Saudi Arabia 98-GT-305
IGTI 1998 Flow Development in an Annular Contraction A.K. Agrawal, A. Tinneti, S.R. Gollahalli, University of Oklahoma, Norman, OK, USA 98-GT-306
IGTI 1998 Construction, Startup, Commissioning and Testing of a 240 MW Gas Turbine Spinning Reserve Power Plant, Cambalache, Puerto Rico Neal Parece, Septimus van der Linden, ABB Power Generation, Inc., Richmond, VA, USA; Ismael Brito Diaz, Autoridad de Energia de Puerto Rico, USA 98-GT-307
IGTI 1998 Experimental Development of a Jet Injection Model for Rotating Stall Control Huu Duc Vo, James D. Paduano, Massachusetts Institute of Technology, Cambridge, MA, USA 98-GT-308
IGTI 1998 Micro Gas Turbine for Combined Heat and Power in Distributed Generation Johanna Carnö, Adrin Cavani, Leif Liinanki, Vattenfall Utveckling AB, Stockholm, Sweden 98-GT-309
IGTI 1998 Dry Low Emissions Combustor Development Narendra D. Joshi, Hukam C. Mongia, Gary Leonard, Jim W. Stegmaier, Ed C. Vickers, General Electric Aircraft Engines, Cincinnati, OH, USA 98-GT-310
IGTI 1998 The Potential of Sequential Combustion for High Bypass Jet Engines Konrad Vogeler, ABB Power Generation Ltd, Baden, Switzerland 98-GT-311
IGTI 1998 Effect of Upstream Rotor Vortical Disturbances on the Time-Average Performance of Axial Compressor Stators: Part 1 Framework of Technical Approach and Wake-Stator Blade Interactions T. V. Valkov, Shell International Gas Limited, London, UK; C. S. Tan, MIT Gas Turbine Laboratory, Cambridge, MA, USA 98-GT-312
IGTI 1998 Effect of Upstream Rotor Vortical Disturbances on Time-Average Performance of Axial Compressor Stators: Part 2 - Rotor Tip Vortex/Streamwise Vortex-Stator Blade Interactions T. V. Valkov, Shell International Gas Limited, London, UK; C. S. Tan, MIT Gas Turbine Laboratory, Cambridge, MA, USA 98-GT-313
IGTI 1998 Fugitive Methane Emission Reductions Using Gas Turbines Todd Parker, TransCanada PipeLines, Calgary, AB,, Canada 98-GT-314
IGTI 1998 A Small Scale Biomass Fueled Gas Turbine Engine Joe D. Craig, Cratech, Inc., Tahoka, TX, USA; Carol R. Purvis, U. S. Environmental Protection Agency, Research Triangle Park, NC, USA 98-GT-315
IGTI 1998 Rotor Power Losses in Planar Radial Magnetic Bearings - Effects of Number of Stator Poles, Air Gap Thickness, and Magnetic Flux Density P. E. Allaire, L. K. Fujita, University of Virginia, Charlottesville, VA, USA; M. E. F. Kasarda, Virginia Tech, Blacksburg, VA, USA 98-GT-316
IGTI 1998 Experimentally Determined Rotor Power Losses in Homopolar and Heteropolar Magnetic Bearings M. E. F. Kasarda, VPI&SU, Blacksburg, VA, USA: P. E. Allaire, P. M. Norris, C. Mastrangelo, E. H. Maslen, University of Virginia, Charlottesville, VA, USA 98-GT-317
IGTI 1998 Influence of an Aluminide Coating on the TMF Life of a Single Crystal Nickel-Base Superalloy Ernest E. Affeldt, MTU Motoren und Turbinen Union München, München, Germany 98-GT-318
IGTI 1998 Mechanical Property Scatter in CFCCs Marc Steen, Constantina Filiou, Institute for Advanced Materials, Petten, The Netherlands 98-GT-319
IGTI 1998 Numerical Analysis of Turbine Coolant Passage Flows Meng-Sing Liou, NASA Lewis Research Center, Cleveland, OH, USA; K. P. Singh, Modern Technologies Corp., Middleburg Heights, OH, USA 98-GT-320
IGTI 1998 Remediation of Gas Explosion Hazards in Gas Turbine Enclosures Yehuda L. Sinai, CFX International, Didcot, UK; Jim Barrett, Hydro-Electric Production Services, Scunthorpe, UK 98-GT-321
IGTI 1998 Refined k-e Turbulence Model Q3D-Predictions in Compressor Cascades at Design and Off-Design Thomas E. Biesinger, A. Mark Savill, University of Cambridge, Cambridge, UK; John Coupland, Rolls-Royce plc, Derby, UK 98-GT-322
IGTI 1998 Influence of Turbulence on the Dynamic Behaviour of Premixed Flames Uwe Krüger, B&B AGEMA, Aachen, Germany; Stefan Hoffmann, Werner Krebs, Hans Judith, Power Generation Group KWU, Mülheim, Germany; Dieter Bohn, Gero Matouschek, Aachen University of Technology, Aachen, Germany 98-GT-323
IGTI 1998 Thermo-mechanical Characterizations of Coatings for HP Turbines A. Boudot, F. Crabos, D. Fournier, Turbomeca, Bordes, France; D. Monceau, ENSCT, Toulouse, France 98-GT-324
IGTI 1998 Three Dimensional Flow Predictions in Axial Flow Turbine Cascades O. Niestroj, P. M. Came, PCA Engineers, Lincoln, UK 98-GT-325
IGTI 1998 Investigation of the Circumferential Static Pressure Non-Uniformity Caused by a Centrifugal Compressor Discharge Volute James M. Sorokes, Cyril J. Borer, Jay M. Koch, Dresser-Rand Turbo-Products Division, Olean, NY, USA 98-GT-326
IGTI 1998 Large-Scale Handling and Use of Solid Biofuels Erik Ravn Schmidt, Jens Christian Clausen, Fritz Luxhoi, ELSAMPROJEKT, Fredericia, Denmark 98-GT-327
IGTI 1998 Optimization of Swirl Brakes by Means of a 3D Navier-Stokes Solver K. Krogh Nielsen, R. A. Van den Braembussche, von Karman Institute for Fluid Dynamics, Rhode-St-Genèse, Belgium; C. M. Myllerup, Odegaard & Danneskiold-Samsoe A/S, Copenhagen, Denmark 98-GT-328
IGTI 1998 Prediction of Heat and Mass Transfer in a Rotating Ribbed Coolant Passage with a 180 Degree Turn David L. Rigby, NYMA, Inc., Brook Park, OH, USA 98-GT-329
IGTI 1998 Design Features of Gas Turbine Systems Applied to Floating Production Storage and Off-Loading (FPSO) Vessels Chris Waldhelm, Peter Baron, Solar Turbines Incorporated, San Diego, CA, USA 98-GT-330
IGTI 1998 A Study of Low NOx Combustion in Medium-Btu Fueled 1300° C-class Gas Turbine Combustor in IGCC Takeharu Hasegawa, Tohru Hisamatsu, Yasunari Katsuki, Mikio Sato, Central Research Institute of Electric Power Industry, Yokosuka, Kanagawa, Japan; Masahiko Yamada, Akihiro Onoda, Masaharu Utsunomiya, Toshiba Corporation, Yokohama, Kanagawa, Japan 98-GT-331
IGTI 1998 Evaporative Compressor Cooling for NOx Suppression and Enhanced Engine Performance for Naval Gas Turbine Propulsion Plants Michael R. Sexton, Virginia Military Institute, Lexington, VA, USA; Herman B. Urbach, Donald T. Knauss, Naval Surface Warfare Center, Annapolis, MD, USA 98-GT-332
IGTI 1998 Characteristics of Low Frequency Non-Synchronous Vibrations Induced by an Epicyclic Gearbox in Gas Turbogenerator Applications A. K. Rakhit, G. A. Cornejo, Solar Turbines Incorporated, San Diego, CA, USA; G. J. Lack, Allen Gears, Ltd, Pershore, England 98-GT-333
IGTI 1998 Experimental Evaluation of the High-to-Low Speed Transformation Process for a Highly Loaded Core Compressor Stage P. A. Lyes, R. B. Ginder, Defence Evaluation and Research Agency, Farnborough, UK 98-GT-334
IGTI 1998 A Combined Cycle Power Generation/Alfalfa Processing System: Part 1: Development & Testing John S. Brushwood, Westinghouse Power Generation, Orlando, FL, USA; Ken Campbell, Minnesota Valley Alfalfa Producers, Granite Falls, MN, USA; C. V. Hanson, University of Minnesota, St. Paul, MN, USA; Andras Horvath, Carbona Inc., Helsinki, Finland; Thomas 98-GT-335
IGTI 1998 Characterization of Fatigue Mechanisms of Thermal Barrier Coatings by a Novel Laser-Based Test Uwe Rettig, Ulrich Bast, Dinorah Steiner, Matthias Oechsner, Siemens AG, Corporate Research, Munich, Germany 98-GT-336
IGTI 1998 LM2500 Gas Turbine Fuel Nozzle Design and Combustion Test Evaluation & Emission Results with Simulated Gasifire Wood Product Fuels Charles E. Neilson, Douglas G. Shafer, General Electric Co., Cincinnati, OH, USA 98-GT-337
IGTI 1998 Development of Hexaaluminate Catalysts for Combustion of Gasified Biomass in Gas Turbines E. Magnus Johansson, K. M. Jonny Danielsson, Anders G. Ersson, Seven G. Järås, KTH - Royal Institute of Technology, Stockholm, Sweden 98-GT-338
IGTI 1998 Combined Biomass and Black Liquor Gasifier/Gas Turbine Cogeneration at Pulp and Paper Mills Eric D. Larson, Thomas G. Kreutz, Princeton University, Princeton, NJ, USA; Stefano Consonni, Politecnico di Milano, Milan, Italy 98-GT-339
IGTI 1998 Status of Westinghouse Hot Gas Filters for Coal and Biomass Power Systems R. A. Newby, T. E. Lippert, M. A. Alvin, G. J. Bruck, Z. N. Sanjana, Westinghouse Electric Corporation, Pittsburgh, PA, USA 98-GT-340
IGTI 1998 Fuel Gas Cleanup Parameters in Air-Blown IGCC Richard A. Newby, Wen-Ching Yang, Westinghouse Power Generation, Pittsburgh, PA, USA; Ronald L. Bannister, Westinghouse Power Generation, Orlando, FL, USA 98-GT-341
IGTI 1998 A Computational Model for the Study of Gas Turbine Combustor Dynamics David M. Costura, Patrick B. Lawless, Steven H. Frankel, Purdue University, West Lafayette, IN, USA 98-GT-342
IGTI 1998 Gas Turbine Cycle Design Methodology: A Comparison of Parameter Variation with Numerical Optimization Joachim Kurzke, MTU München GmbH, München, Germany 98-GT-343
IGTI 1998 Variations in Upstream Vane Loading with Changes in Back Pressure in a Transonic Compressor Douglas P. Probasco, J. Mitch Wolff, Wright State University, Dayton, OH, USA; William W. Copenhaver, Wright-Patterson Air Force Base, OH, USA; Randall M. Chriss, NASA Lewis Research Center, Cleveland, OH, USA 98-GT-344
IGTI 1998 Conceptual Design of the Cooling System for 1700° C-class Hydrogen-Fueled Combustion Gas Turbines N. Kizuka, K. Sagae, S. Anzai, S. Marushima, T. Ikeguchi, K. Kawaike, Hitachi Ltd., Ibaraki, Japan 98-GT-345
IGTI 1998 Preliminary Economics of Black Liquor Gasifier/Gas Turbine Cogeneration at Pulp and Paper Mills Eric D. Larson, Thomas G. Kreutz, Princeton University, Princeton, NJ, USA; Stefano Consonni, Politecnico di Milano, Milan, Italy 98-GT-346
IGTI 1998 Gas Turbine Parameter Corrections Allan J. Volponi, Hamilton Standard, Windsor Locks, CT, USA 98-GT-347
IGTI 1998 A Unique Small Gas Turbine Test Facility for Low-Cost Investigations of Ceramic Rotor Materials and Thermal Barrier Coatings Björn Schenk, AlliedSignal Engines, Phoenix, AZ, USA; Torsten Eggert, Helmut Pucher, Institute of Combustion Engines, Berlin, Germany 98-GT-348
IGTI 1998 Pressurized Gasification of Biomass K Salo, A. Horvath, Carbona Inc., Helsinki, Finland, J. Patel, Carbona Corporation, Atlanta, GA, USA 98-GT-349
IGTI 1998 Case Study on Simultaneous Gasification of Black Liquor and Biomass in a Pulp Mill Mikael Ahlroth, Gunnar Svedberg, Royal Institute of Technology, Stockholm, Sweden 98-GT-350
IGTI 1998 Low Ash Fuel and Chemicals From the Convertech Process Markus M. Benter, Ian G. Bywater, Ken E. Scott, Convertech Group Ltd, Christchurch, New Zealand 98-GT-351
IGTI 1998 The Effect of Heat Exchanger Effectiveness and Exergy Loss in the Estimation of Cycle Efficiency J. H. Horlock, Whittle Laboratory, Cambridge, UK 98-GT-352
IGTI 1998 Transient Analysis of a Small Gas Turbine to be Used in an Evaporative Cycle Jan-Olof Gustafsson, Paul von Heiroth, Torbjörn Lindquist, Lund Institute of Technology, Lund, Sweden 98-GT-353
IGTI 1998 Fast CE - A Radical Approach to Concurrent Engineering Dennis E. Barbeau, Allison Engine Company, Evansville, IN, USA 98-GT-354
IGTI 1998 Affordable Nozzles Employing the Fixed Aperture Design Approach Ernie Schuster, Boeing Company Phantom Works, Irvine, CA, USA; Phil Smereczniak, Boeing Company Phantom Works, St. Peters, MO, USA; Ron Luffy, Steve Scavo, General Electric Aircraft Engine Company, Cincinnati, OH, USA 98-GT-355
IGTI 1998 A Mixed Shell Element for Cambered Helicoidal Blades and Dynamic Stresses Due to Aerodynamic Excitation J. S. Rao, C. V. Ramakrishnan, K. Gupta, K. K. Rao, Indian Institute of Technology, New Delhi, India 98-GT-356
IGTI 1998 Research and Development of Swirling Flow Combustor For Low NOx Shuroku Takahashi, Masashi Arai, Toshiyuki Kuyama, Research Institute of Advanced Material Gas-Generator, Akashi, Hyogo, Japan; Manabu Kawano, Kawasaki Heavy Industries, Limited, Kobe, Japan 98-GT-357
IGTI 1998 Determination of the Realistic Turbocharger Efficiency with Pulsating Gas-Flow Compared on a 4-Cylinder Engine Ferdinand Trenc, Matej Cer, Francisek Bizjan, University of Ljubljana, Ljubljana, Slovenia; Ales Hribernik, University of Maribor, Maribor, Slovenia 98-GT-358
IGTI 1998 Combustion Aspects of Application of Hydrogen and Natural Gas Fuel Mixtures to MS9001E DLN-1 Gas Turbines at Elsta Plant, Terneuzen, The Netherlands John D. Morris, General Electric Company, Schenectady, NY, USA; Richard A. Symonds, General Electric Company, Greenville, SC, USA; F. Leon Ballard, Elsta B. V. & Co., Hulst, The Netherlands; Adolfo Banti, Nuovo Pignone, Florence,Italy 98-GT-359
IGTI 1998 Effects of Fuel Nozzle Displacement on Pre-Filming Airblast Atomization Yeoung Min Han, Woo Seok Seol, Dae Sung Lee, Korea Aerospace Research Institute, Taejon, Korea; Victor I. Yagodkin, Central Institute of Aviation Motors, Moscow, Russia; In Seuck Jeung, Seoul National University, Seoul, Korea 98-GT-360
IGTI 1998 Effects of Variable Inlet Guide Vane Settings on Axial Compressor Blade Vibration in an Industrial Gas Turbine Michael Blaswich, GHH BORSIG Turbomaschinen GmbH, Oberhausen, Germany; Derek J. Taylor, ROTADATA LTD, Derby, England 98-GT-361
IGTI 1998 High Temperature Silicon Integrated Circuits and Passive Components for Commercial and Military Applications Richard R. Grzybowski, United Technologies Research Center, E. Hartford, CT, USA; Ben Gingrich, Honeywell Solid State Electronics Center, Plymouth, MN, USA 98-GT-362
IGTI 1998 Periodic Transition on an Axial Compressor Stator - Incidence and Clocking Effects Part I - Experimental Data G. J. Walker, J. D. Hughes, University of Tasmania, Hobart, Australia; W. J. Solomon, GE Aircraft Engines, Cincinnati, OH, USA 98-GT-363
IGTI 1998 Periodic Transition on an Axial Compressor Stator - Incidence and Clocking Effects Part II - Transition Onset Predictions W. J. Solomon, GE Aircraft Engines, Cincinnati, OH, USA; G. J. Walker, J. D. Hughes, University of Tasmania, Hobart, Australia 98-GT-364
IGTI 1998 Investigation of Pre-Stall Mode and Pip Inception in High Speed Compressors Through the Use of Correlation Integral Michelle M. Bright, NASA Lewis Research Center, Cleveland, OH, USA; Helen K. Qammar, Leizhen Wang, University of Akron, Akron, OH, USA 98-GT-365
IGTI 1998 Tip-Clearance and Secondary Flows in a Transonic Compressor Rotor G. A. Gerolymos, I. Vallet, Université Pierre-et-Marie-Curie, Paris, France 98-GT-366
IGTI 1998 Mach Number Effects on Turbine Blade Transition Length Prediction R. J. Boyle, F. F. Simon (Ret.), NASA Lewis Research Center, Cleveland, OH, USA 98-GT-367
IGTI 1998 Experimental Investigation of Unsteady Flow Phenomena in a Centrifugal Compressor Vaned Diffuser of Variable Geometry Friedrich Justen, Kai U. Ziegler, Heinz E. Gallus, Institut für Strahlantriebe und Turboarbeitsmaschinen, Aachen, Germany 98-GT-368
IGTI 1998 Effects of Tip Clearance and Casing Recess on Heat Transfer and Stage Efficiency in Axial Turbines A. A. Ameri, AYT Corporation, Brook Park, OH, USA; E. Steinthorsson, NASA Lewis Research Center, Cleveland, OH, USA; David L. Rigby, NASA Lewis Group, Cleveland, OH, USA 98-GT-369
IGTI 1998 Application of Stress Relaxation Testing in Metallurgical Life Assessment Evaluations of GTD111 Alloy Turbine Buckets Joseph A. Daleo, Keith A. Ellison, BWD Turbines Limited, Ancaster, Ontario, Canada; David A. Woodford, Materials Performance Analysis, Inc., Santa Barbara, CA, USA 98-GT-370
IGTI 1998 Improved Performance Rhenium Containing Single Crystal Alloy Turbine Blades Utilising PPM Levels of the Highly Reactive Elements Lanthanum and Yttrium David A Ford, Keith P. L. Fullagar, Harry K. Bhangu, Rolls-Royce plc, Derby and Bristol, UK; Malcolm C. Thomas, Phil S. Burkholder, Paul S. Korinko, Allison Engine Company, Indianapolis, IN, USA; Ken Harris, Jacqueline B. Wahl, Cannon-Muskegon Corporation 98-GT-371
IGTI 1998 An Iterative CFD and Mechanical Brush Seal Model and Comparison With Experimental Results L. H. Chen, P. E. Wood, T. V. Jones University of Oxford, Oxford, UK; J. W. Chew, Rolls-Royce plc., Derby, UK 98-GT-372
IGTI 1998 Curvature Effects on Discrete-Hole Film Cooling Mulugeta K. Berhe, Suhas V. Patankar, University of Minnesota, Minneapolis, MN, USA 98-GT-373
IGTI 1998 Investigation of Discret-Hole Film Cooling Parameters Using Curved-Plate Models Mulugeta K. Berhe, Suhas V. Patankar, Department of Mechanical Engineering, Minneapolis, MN, USA 98-GT-374
IGTI 1998 Inhibition of Interdiffusion from MCrAlY Overlay Coatings by Application of a Ni-Re Interlayer Richard A. Page, Gerald R. Leverant, Southwest Research Institute, San Antonio, TX, USA 98-GT-375
IGTI 1998 On the Performance of Hybrid Foil-Magnetic Bearings Hooshang Heshmat, H. Ming Chen, PE, James F. Walton, II, Mohawk Innovative Technology, Inc., Albany, NY, USA 98-GT-376
IGTI 1998 Fault Tolerant Magnetic Bearings Eric H. Maslen, Christopher K. Sortore, George T. Gillies, Ronald D. Williams, Stephen J. Fedigan, University of Virginia, Charlottesville, VA, USA; Robert J. Aimone, Mobil Technology Company, Paulsboro, NJ, USA 98-GT-377
IGTI 1998 Stability Analysis and Testing of a Train of Centrifugal Compressors for High Pressure Gas Injection Edmund A. Memmott, Dresser-Rand Company, Olean, NY, USA 98-GT-378
IGTI 1998 Statistics of Response of a Mistuned Bladed Disk Assembly Subjected to White Noise and Narrow Band Excitation D. Cha, A. Sinha, The Pennsylvania State University, University Park, PA, USA 98-GT-379
IGTI 1998 Local Measurement of Loss Using Heated Thin Film Sensors Mark R. D. Davies & Francis K. O'Donnell, University of Limerick, Limerick, Ireland 98-GT-380
IGTI 1998 High Pressure Test Results of a Catalytically Assisted Ceramic Combustor for a Gas Turbine Yasushi Ozawa, Yoshihisa Tochihara, Noriyuki Mori, Isao Yuri, Central Research Institute of Electric Power Industry, Yokosuka, Kanagawa, Japan; Takaaki Kanazawa, Katsuhiro Sagimori, The Kansai Electric Power Co., Inc., Amagasaki, Hyogo, Japan 98-GT-381
IGTI 1998 Acoustic Sensitivities of Lean-Premixed Fuel Injectors in a Single Nozzle Rig Donald W. Kendrick, Torger J. Anderson, William A. Sowa, United Technologies Research Center, East Hartford, CT, USA; Timothy S. Snyder, Pratt & Whitney, East Hartford, CT, USA 98-GT-382
IGTI 1998 Zero Emission Matiant Cycle Ph. Mathieu, R. Nihart , Université de Liége, Liége, Belgium 98-GT-383
IGTI 1998 CO2 Emission Abatement in IGCC Power Plants by Semiclosed Cycles. Part A: With Oxygen- Blown Combustion Paolo Chiesa, Giovanni Lozza, Politecnico di Milano, Milan, Italy 98-GT-384
IGTI 1998 CO2 Emission Abatement in IGCC Power Plants by Semiclosed Cycles. Part B: With Air- Blown Combustion and CO2 Physical Absorption Paolo Chiesa, Giovanni Lozza, Politecnico di Milano, Milan, Italy 98-GT-385
IGTI 1998 Off-Design Performance of Various Gas-Turbine Cycle and Shaft Configurations T. Korakianitis, K. Svensson, Washington University, St. Louis, MO, USA 98-GT-386
IGTI 1998 The Creep Damage Behavior of the Plasma-Sprayed Thermal Barrier Coating System NiCr22Co12Mo9-NiCoCrAlY-ZrO2/7%Y2O3 Uli T. Schmidt, Otmar Vöhringer, Detlef Löhe, University of Karlsruhe, Karlsruhe, Germany 98-GT-387
IGTI 1998 A Combustor Can with 1.8 mm Thick Plasma Sprayed Thermal Barrier Coating Jan Wigren, Jens Dahlin, Mats-Olov Hansson, Volvo Aero Corporation, Trollhättan, Sweden 98-GT-388
IGTI 1998 Aerodynamics of a Fuel Spoke in a Gas Turbine Combustor Iris Z. Hu, Sanjay M. Correa, General Electric Research & Development Center, Schenectady, NY, USA 98-GT-389
IGTI 1998 Development and Test of a Catalytic Combustor for an Automotive Gas Turbine John J. Lipinski, Philip R. Brine, Rajesh D. Buch, AlliedSignal Engines, Phoenix, AZ, USA; George R. Lester, George Lester, Inc., Salem, VA, USA 98-GT-390
IGTI 1998 Improved Pt Aluminide Coatings Using CVD and Novel Platinum Electroplating Bruce Michael Warnes, Howmet Specialty Products-Thermatech, Whitehall, MI, USA 98-GT-391
IGTI 1998 Status of the European Gas Turbine Program - AGATA Rolf Gabrielsson, Robert Lundberg, Volvo Aero Corporation, Trollhattan, Sweden; Patrick Avran, ONERA, Palaeseau, Chatillion, France 98-GT-392
IGTI 1998 An Empirical Approach to the Preliminary Design of a Closed Cycle Gas Turbine R. P. op het Veld, J. P. van Buitjtenen, University of Technology, Delft, The Netherlands 98-GT-393
IGTI 1998 A Study of Hydrogen Combustion Turbines S. Aoki, K. Uematsu, K. Suenaga, H. Mori, H. Sugishita, Mitsubishi Heavy Industries, Ltd., Takasago, Hyogo, Japan 98-GT-394
IGTI 1998 Absorption of CO2 with Amines in a Semiclosed GT Cycle: Plant Performance and Operating Costs A. Corti, L. Lombardi, G. Manfrida, Università di Firenze, Florence, Italy 98-GT-395
IGTI 1998 Shift Reactors and Physical Absorption for Low-CO2 Emissions IGCCs Paolo Chiesa, Stefano Consonni, Politecnico di Milano, Milan,Italy 98-GT-396
IGTI 1998 Short Bearing Model for the Evaluation of Journal's Dynamic Angular Misalignment Effects on Rotor Vibrations Demetrio C. Zachariadis, Universidade de São Paulo, São Paulo, Brazil 98-GT-397
IGTI 1998 Development of Ceramic Components for Ceramic Gas Turbine Engine (CGT302) Makoto Yoshida, Koichi Tanaka, Toshifumi Kubo, Hirofumi Terazono, Kyocera Corporation, Kokubu, Kagoshima, Japan 98-GT-398
IGTI 1998 Experiment on Foreign Object Damage of Gas Turbine-Grade Silicon Nitride Ceramic Hiro Yoshida, Mechanical Engineering Laboratory, Tsukuba, Japan; Takashi Nakashima, Kawasaki Heavy Industries, Co. Ltd., Akashi, Japan; Makoto Yoshida, Kyocera Corporation, Co. Ltd., Kokubu, Japan; Yasushi Hara, Toru Shimamori, R&D Center NGK Spark Plug C 98-GT-399
IGTI 1998 Development of a 50-KW, Low- Emission Turbogenerator for Hybrid Electric Vehicles Patrick O'Brien, AlliedSignal Aerospace Equipment Systems, Torrance, CA, USA 98-GT-400
IGTI 1998 Effects of Alloy Composition on the Performance of Diffusion Aluminide Coatings Zaher Mutasim, Josh Kimmel, William Brentnall, Solar Turbines Incorporated, San Diego, CA, USA 98-GT-401
IGTI 1998 Entrance Effects on Diffused Film-Cooling Holes A. Kohli, K. A. Thole, University of Wisconsin, Madison, WI, USA 98-GT-402
IGTI 1998 Stress Relaxation of MCrAlY Bond Coat Alloys as a Function of Temperature and Strain A. A. Wereszczak, J. G. Hemrick, T. P. Kirkland, J. A. Haynes, Oak Ridge National Laboratory, Oak Ridge, TN, USA; T. J. Fitzgerald, J. E. Junkin, Westinghouse Electric Corporation, Orlando, FL, USA 98-GT-403
IGTI 1998 Heat Transfer on a Film-Cooled Blade - Effect of Hole Physics Vijay K. Garg, NASA Lewis Research Center, Cleveland, OH, USA; David L. Rigby, NASA Lewis Research Center, Brookpark, OH, USA 98-GT-404
IGTI 1998 Adaptive Vibration Control of Industrial Turbomachinery R. Winston Hope, Lynn P. Tessier, Revolve Magnetic Bearings, Inc., Calgary, Alberta, Canada; Carl Knospe, University of Virginia, Charlottesville, VA, USA; Toshikazu, Miyaji, Kobe Steel, Ltd., Takasago, Hyogo, Japan 98-GT-405
IGTI 1998 A High Bandwidth, Low Loss Magnetic Supension System for Turbomachinery Anthony S. Kondoleon, William P. Kelleher, Draper Laboratory, Cambridge, MA, USA 98-GT-406
IGTI 1998 Sliding Mode Output Feedback Control of a Flexible Rotor Via Magnetic Bearings A. S. Lewis, A. Sinha, K. W. Wang, The Pennsylvania State University, University Park, PA, USA 98-GT-407
IGTI 1998 Influence of the Interface on the Energy Absorption Mechanisms of CMCs Iñigo Puente, Reyes Elizalde, José M. Sánchez, José M. Martinez-Esnaola, Antonio Martin-Meizoso, Manuel Fuentes, Universidad de Navarra, San Sebastián, Spain 98-GT-408
IGTI 1998 Testing, Analysis, and CFD Modeling of a Profiled Leading Edge Groove Tilting Pad Journal Bearing Stephen L. Edney, Gregory B. Heitland, Dresser-Rand Company, Wellsville, NY, USA; Scan M. DeCamillo, Kingsbury, Inc., Philadelphia, PA, USA 98-GT-409
IGTI 1998 Vibrational Response Analysis of Mistuned Bladed Disk System of Grouped Blades Y. Kaneko, K. Mori, H. Ohyama, E. Watanabe, Mitsubishi Heavy Industries, Ltd., Takasago, Japan 98-GT-410
IGTI 1998 Analysis of an Accelerating Rotor-Bearing System with Flexible Damped Supports Euro L. Casanova, Luis U. Medina, Universidad Simón Bolivar, Caracas, Venezuela 98-GT-411
IGTI 1998 A Fast Method to Obtain the Nonlinear Response of Multi-Mode Rotors Supported on Squeeze Film Dampers Using Planar Modes - Part I: Theory R. Y. Yakoub, A. El-Shafei, Cairo University, Giza, Egypt 98-GT-412
IGTI 1998 A Fast Method to Obtain the Nonlinear Response of Multi-Mode Rotors Supported on Squeeze Film Dampers Using Planar Modes - Part II: Parametric Studies R. Y. Yakoub, A. El-Shafei, Cairo University, Cairo, Egypt 98-GT-413
IGTI 1998 Gas Turbine Distributed Control Systems: Power Supply and Communication Data Bus Design Considerations Kurt Sobanski, Pratt & Whitney, West Palm Beach, FL, USA; Ken Martin, Fong Shi, Brad Greenway, Boeing ISDS, Kent, WA, USA 98-GT-414
IGTI 1998 Computerized Educational Program in Turbomachinery Philippe Léotard, Samuel Roy, Frédéric Gaulard, Torsten H. Fransson, Royal Institute of Technology, Stockholm, Sweden 98-GT-415
IGTI 1998 Influence of Axial Compressor Fouling on Gas Turbine Unit Performance Based on Different Schemes and With Different Initial Parameters A. P. Tarabrin, NPO CKTI, St. Petersburg, Russia; V. A. Schurovsky, VINIIGAS, Moscow, Russia; A. I. Bodrov, PIMACH, St. Petersburg, Russia; J-P Stalder, Turbotect Ltd., Baden, Switzerland 98-GT-416
IGTI 1998 FT8 Phase II Reliability Improvement Program Warren M. Boley, Jr., Thomas W. Prete, Pratt & Whitney, East Hartford, CT, USA 98-GT-417
IGTI 1998 LM2500+ Single Shaft Combined Cycle with Frequency Stabilization Donald A. Kolp, Kolp Engineering, Avon, CT, USA; Charles E. Levey, Energy Services Incorporated, Farmington, CT, USA 98-GT-418
IGTI 1998 Comparative Analysis of Gas Turbine Engine Starting Asfaw Beyene, San Diego State University, San Diego, CA, USA; Terry Fredlund, Solar Turbines, Inc., San Diego, CA; USA 98-GT-419
IGTI 1998 Gas Turbine Compressor Washing - State of the Art - Field Experiences Jean-Pierre Stalder, Turbotect Ltd., Baden, Switzerland 98-GT-420
IGTI 1998 Comparison of w-Based Turbulence Models for Simulating Separated Flows in Transonic Compressor Cascades Tom C. Currie, National Research Council of Canada, Ottawa, ON, Canada 98-GT-421
IGTI 1998 Effect of Reynolds Number on Separation Bubbles on Controlled-Diffusion Compressor Blades in Cascade Garth V. Hobson, Denis J. Hansen, David G. Schnorenberg, Darren V. Grove, Naval Postgraduate School, Monterey, CA, USA 98-GT-422
IGTI 1998 Computation of Subsonic and Transonic Compressor Rotor Flow Taking Account of Reynolds Stress Anisotropy Toshiyuki Arima, Toyotaka Sonoda, Masatoshi Shirotori, Yoshihiro Yamaguchi, Honda R&D Co., Ltd., Saitama, Japan 98-GT-423
IGTI 1998 The Effect of Hub Leakage Flow in a Transonic Compressor Stator Udai K. Singh, Robert B. Ginder, Defence Evaluation and Research Agency, Pyestock, Farnborough, Hampshire, UK 98-GT-424
IGTI 1998 Strut Influences Within a Diffusing Annular S-Shaped Duct G. Norris, R. G. Dominy, University of Durham, Durham, UK; A. D. Smith, Rolls-Royce PLC, Derby, UK 98-GT-425
IGTI 1998 Surge in a Low-Speed Radial Compressor Corine Meuleman, Frank Willems, Rick de Lange, Bram de Jager, Eindhoven University of Technology, Eindhoven, The Netherlands 98-GT-426
IGTI 1998 Genetic Algorithm Based Strategies for Radial Flow Impeller Design Raffaele Tuccillo, Adolfo Senatore, Università di Napoli Federico II, Napoli, Italy 98-GT-427
IGTI 1998 Numerical Calculation of Three-Dimensional Euler Flow Through a Transonic Test Turbine Stage Harald Passrucker, Wolfgang Sanz, Herbert Jericha, Graz University of Technology, Graz, Austria 98-GT-428
IGTI 1998 Does User-Oriented Gas Turbine Research Pay Off? Rudy A. Rooth, KEMA Nederland B. V., The Netherlands 98-GT-429
IGTI 1998 High Pressure Turbine Vane Annular Cascade Heat Flux and Aerodynamic Measurements with Comparisons to Predictions Christopher R. Joe, Xavier A. Montesdeoca, Friedrich O. Soechting, Pratt & Whitney, West Palm Beach, FL, USA; Charles D. MacArthur, Matthew Meininger, Wright Patterson AFB, WPAFB, OH, USA 98-GT-430
IGTI 1998 Effect of Coolant Injection on Heat Transfer For a Simulated Turbine Airfoil Leading Edge Ushio M. Yuki, David G. Bogard, J. Michael Cutbirth, The University of Texas at Austin, Austin, TX, USA 98-GT-431
IGTI 1998 Flow Measurement in a Multistage Large Scale Low Speed Axial Flow Research Compressor P. Boos, H. Möckel, Dresden University of Technology, Dresden, Germany; J. M. Henne, R. Selmeier, Daimler-Benz Aerospace, Munich, Germany 98-GT-432
IGTI 1998 NOx Dependency on Residence Time and Inlet Temperature for Lean-Premixed Combustion in Jet-Stirred Reactors Teodora Rutar, David C. Homing, John C. Y. Lee, Philip C. Malte, University of Washington, Seattle, WA, USA 98-GT-433
IGTI 1998 A Systematic Experimental Study on the Aerodynamics of Leading Edge Film Cooling on a Large Scale High Pressure Turbine Cascade Sabine Ardey, Leonhard Fottner, Institut für Strahlantriebe, Neubiberg, Germany 98-GT-434
IGTI 1998 Measurements of Heat Transfer Coefficients in Rib-Roughened Trailing-Edge Cavities with Crossover Jets M. E. Taslim, T. Li, Northeastern University, Boston, MA, USA; S. D. Spring, GE Aircraft Engines, Lynn, MA, USA 98-GT-435
IGTI 1998 Computations of Discrete-Hole Film Cooling over Flat and Convex Surfaces Y.-L Lin, T. I-P Shih, Carnegie Mellon University, Pittsburgh, PA, USA 98-GT-436
IGTI 1998 A 21st Century Warship With a 21st Century Propulsion System Mark Carter, AlliedSignal Engines, Phoenix, AZ, USA; Magnus Olsson, Karlskronavarvet, Karlskrona, Sweden; Jan-Erik Gustavson, Swedish Defense Material Administration, Stockholm, Sweden; Joe Ranero, United States Navy, Philadelphia, PA, USA 98-GT-437
IGTI 1998 Performance of Turbulence Models and Near-Wall Treatments in Discrete Jet Film Cooling Simulations Jeffrey D. Ferguson, Dibbon K. Walters, James H. Leylek, Clemson University, Clemson, SC, USA 98-GT-438
IGTI 1998 Numerical Simulation of a Film Cooled Nozzle Guide Vane Using an Injection Model Petter Dahlander, Ulf Hall, Chalmers University of Technology, Göteborg, Sweden; Hans Abrahamsson, Hans Martensson, Volvo Aero Corporation, Trollhättan, Sweden 98-GT-439
IGTI 1998 Effect of Inlet Conditions on Lean Premixed Gas Turbine Combustor Performance Suresh R. Vilayanur, University of California, Irvine, CA, USA; Neil T. Davis, Scott Samuelsen, UCI Combustion Laboratory, Irvine, CA, USA 98-GT-440
IGTI 1998 A Comprehensive Model to Predict Simplex Atomizer Performance Y. Liao, A. T. Sakman, S. M. Jeng, M. A. Jog, University of Cincinnati, Cincinnati, OH, USA; M. Benjamin, Parker Hannifin Corporation, Mentor, OH, USA 98-GT-441
IGTI 1998 Study on High Liquid Pressure Internal Mixing Prefilming Airblast Atomization Ju S. Chin, Nader K. Rizk, Mohan K. Razdan, Allison Engine Company, Indianapolis, IN, USA 98-GT-442
IGTI 1998 Technology and Cost Options for Capture and Disposal of Carbon Dioxide from Gas Turbines. A System Study for Swedish Conditions Clas Ekström, Adrin Cavani, Sven-Olov Ericson, Anna Hinderson, Mats Westermark, Vattenfall Utveckling AB, Stockholm, Sweden 98-GT-443
IGTI 1998 Dry Low Emissions Premixer CCD Modeling and Validation Harjit S Hura, Narendra D. Joshi, Hukam C. Mongla, GE Aircraft Engines, Cincinnati, OH, USA; Jon Tonouchi, ACRI, Cincinnati, OH, USA 98-GT-444
IGTI 1998 Injector Geometry Effect on Plain Jet Airblast Atomization Paul J. O'Shaughnessy, Richard J. Bideau, Qing-ping Zheng, Aero & Industrial Technology Ltd., Burnley, UK 98-GT-445
IGTI 1998 A Risk Based Approach to the Potential for CCGT Enclosure Explosions A Study on Teesside Power Station Peter J. Hunt, Michael G. Beanland, Eutech Engineering Solutions Ltd, Cleveland, UK 98-GT-446
IGTI 1998 Power Generation Possibilities in the State of São Paulo, Brazil Jorge Llagostera, UNICAMP/FEM/DE, Campinas, SP - Brazil 98-GT-447
IGTI 1998 Gas Turbine Spinning Reserve Operation to Support Frequency Drops in Small Grid Ismael Brito, Puerto Rico Electric Power Authority, San Juan P.R.; Michael Dost, Axel W. von Rappard, ABB Power Generation, Richmond, VA, USA 98-GT-448
IGTI 1998 Gas Turbine Inlet Air Cooling System with Liquid Air T. Tanaka, A. Ishikawa, Chubu Electric Power Company, Nagoya, Japan; K. Aoyama, K. Kishimoto, Y. Yoshida, K. Toda, M. Atsumi, H. Kawamura, Mitsubishi Heavy Industries, Aichi, Japan 98-GT-449
IGTI 1998 Results of the GT Prime Program Improvements to General Electric MS7001B Gas Turbines at the Houston Light and Power T.H. Wharton Site Jerome Svatck, Houston Industries Energy, Inc., Houston, TX, USA; Michael Elliott, Houston Light and Power, Houston, TX, USA; Paul Crabtree, General Electric Company, Houston, TX, USA; Gerald E. Jurczynski, John R. Johnston, General Electric Company, Hous 98-GT-450
IGTI 1998 Hybrid Vehicle Turbine Engine Technology Support (HVTE-TS) Program 1997 - 98 Progress Steven G. Berenyi, George T. Sinnett, J. Mark French, Allison Engine Company, Indianapolis, IN, USA 98-GT-451
IGTI 1998 Ultra-High Efficiency Power Systems with Near-Term Commercial Availability Sy A. Ali, Allison Engine Company, Indianapolis, IN, USA; Charles Zeh, Federal Energy Technology Center, Morgantown, WV, USA 98-GT-452
IGTI 1998 CFD Analysis of High Pressure Turbines N. Liamis, J.-M Duboue, SNECMA, Moissy Cramayel, France 98-GT-453
IGTI 1998 Heat Load on the Walls of an Annular DLE Combustor Calculation and Comparison with Experiments Jacek Janczewski, Ulf Nilsson, Torsten Strand, Christian Troger, ABB STAL AB, Finspong, Sweden 98-GT-454
IGTI 1998 Fast-track Redeployment of AVON Quad-pack Improves Island's Backup Power System Björn Blomberg, Christer Liljigren Vattenfall Generation Services AB, Gotland, Sweden; Ian Jameison, Triconex Ltd, Buckinghamshire, UK 98-GT-455
IGTI 1998 On-Line & Off-Line SteamTurbine Component Strain States Monitoring for the Diagnostic System Gerard P. Kosman, Andrzej M. Rusin, Grzegorz M. Nowak, Silesian Technical University, Gliwice, Poland 98-GT-456
IGTI 1998 Propulsion Aspects of the Thrust Asymmetry Compensation System (TAC) on the Boeing 777 Airplane Grace Balut Ostrom, The Boeing Company, Seattle, WA, USA 98-GT-457
IGTI 1998 Advanced Instrumentation Technology for the Integrated-High-Performance-Turbine-Engine-Technology and High-Cycle-Fatigue Programs William A. Stange, Kelly R. Navarra, Air Force Research Laboratory, Wright-Patterson AFB, OH, USA 98-GT-458
IGTI 1998 Effects Of Compound Angle Injection On Flat-Plate Film Cooling Through A Row Of Conical Holes Ping-Hei Chen, Di Ai, Szu-Hsien Lee, National Taiwan University, Taipei, Taiwan 98-GT-459
IGTI 1998 On the Application of Transition Correlations in Turbomachinery Flow Calculation Jiasen Hu, Torsten H. Fransson, Royal Institute of Technology, Stockholm, Sweden 98-GT-460
IGTI 1998 Separated-Flow Transition Part 1 - Experimental Methodology and Mode Classification Anca Hatman, Ting Wang, Clemson University, Clemson, SC, USA 98-GT-461
IGTI 1998 Separated-Flow Transition Part 2 - Experimental Results Anca Hatman, Ting Wang, Clemson University, Clemson, SC, USA 98-GT-462
IGTI 1998 Separated-Flow Transition Part 3 - Primary Modes and Vortex Dynamics Anca Hatman, Ting Wang, Clemson University, Clemson, SC, USA 98-GT-463
IGTI 1998 Complementary Velocity and Heat Transfer Measurements in a Rotating Cooling Passage with Smooth Walls Jeffrey P. Bons, Air Force Institute of Technology, Wright-Patterson AFB, OH, USA; Jack L. Kerrebrock, Massachusetts Institute of Technology, Cambridge, MA, USA 98-GT-464
IGTI 1998 High-Temperature Properties of SiC-Si3N4 Particle Composites Gerhard Woetting, Bernhard Caspers, Ernst Gugel, CFI GmbH&Co.KG, Roedental, Germany; Ralf Westerheide, FhG-IWM, Freiburg, Germany 98-GT-465
IGTI 1998 Heat Transfer and Flow Phenomena in a Swirl Chamber Simulating Turbine Blade Internal Cooling C. R. Hedlund, P. M. Ligrani, University of Utah, Salt Lake City, UT, USA; H.-K Moon, B. Glezer, Solar Turbines, Inc., San Diego, CA, USA 98-GT-466
IGTI 1998 An Experimental Study of Tip Clearance Flow in a Radial Inflow Turbine R. Dambach, H. P. Hodson, University of Cambridge, Cambridge, UK; I. Huntsman, University of Canterbury, Christchurch, New Zealand 98-GT-467
IGTI 1998 Cyclic Oxidation Behavior of Aluminide, Platinum Modified Aluminide, and MCrAlY Coatings on GTD-111 N. S. Cheruvu, K. S. Chan, G. R. Leverant, Southwest Research Institute, San Antonio, TX, USA 98-GT-468
IGTI 1998 Dimensional Instability Studies in Machining of Inconel 718 Nickel Based Superalloys as Applied to Aerogas Turbine Components B. K. Subhas, Ramaraja Bhat, K. Ramachandra, Gas Turbine Research Establishment, Bangalore, India; H. K. Balakrishna, UVCE, Bangalore, India 98-GT-469
IGTI 1998 A Parametric Starting Study of an Axial-Centrifugal Gas Turbine Engine Using a One-Dimensional Dynamic Engine Model and Comparisons to Experimental Results Part 1: Model Development and Facility Description A. Karl Owen, Anne Daugherty, NASA Lewis Research Center, Cleveland, OH, USA; Doug Garrard, Sverdrup Technology, Inc./ AEDC Group, Arnold AFB, TN, USA; Howard C. Reynolds, Richard D. Wright, General Electric Corporation, Lynn, MA, USA 98-GT-470
IGTI 1998 A Parametric Starting Study of an Axial-Centrifugal Gas Turbine Engine Using a One-Dimensional Dynamic Engine Model and Comparisons to Experimental Results Part 2: Simulation Calibration and Trade-Off Study A. Karl Owen, Anne Daugherty, NASA Lewis Research Center, Cleveland, OH, USA; Doug Garrard, Sverdrup Technology, Inc., AEDC Group, Arnold AFB, TN, USA; Howard C. Reynolds, Richard D. Wright, General Electric Corporation, Lynn, MA, USA 98-GT-471
IGTI 1998 Update on the Progress of the Brazilian Wood BIG-GT Demonstration Project L. Waldheim,TPS Termiska Processer AB, Nyköping, Sweden; E. Carpentieri, Companhia Hidro Elétrica do São Francisco, Pernambuco, Brazil 98-GT-472
IGTI 1998 Effects of Inlet Flow Field Conditions on the Performance of Centrifugal Compressor Diffuser Part 1: Discrete-Passage Diffusers Victor G. Filipenco, Edward M. Greitzer, United Technologies Research Center, East Hartford, CT, USA; Sabri Deniz, Massachusetts Institute of Technology, Cambridge, MA, USA; J. Mark Johnston, General Electric Aircraft, Lynn, MA, USA; Nicholas A. Cumpsty, 98-GT-473
IGTI 1998 Effects of Inlet Flow Field Conditions on the Performance of Centrifugal Compressor Diffuser Part 2: Straight-Channel Diffusers Sabri Deniz, Massachusetts Institute of Technology, Cambridge, MA, USA; Edward M. Greitzer, United Technologies Research Center, East Hartford, CT, USA; Nicholas A. Cumpsty, Cambridge University, Cambridge, UK 98-GT-474
IGTI 1998 Stall Inception in the Compressor System of a Turbofan Engine B. Höss, D. Leinhos, L. Fottner, Universität der Bundeswehr München, Neubiberg, Germany 98-GT-475
IGTI 1998 A Computational Model for Short Wavelength Stall Inception and Development in Multi-Stage Compressors Y. Gong, C. S. Tan, K. A. Gordon, Massachusetts Institute of Technology, Cambridge, MA, USA; E. M. Greitzer, United Technologies Research Center, East Hartford, CT, USA 98-GT-476
IGTI 1998 Measurement and Computation of Energy Separation in the Vortical Wake Flow of a Turbine Nozzle Cascade W. E. Carscallen, T. C. Currie, National Research Council of Canada, Ottawa, Canada; S. I. Hogg, J. P. Gostelow, University of Leicester, Leicester, UK 98-GT-477
IGTI 1998 Coating Life Prediction for Combustion Turbine Blades Kwai S. Chan, N. Sastry Cheruvu, Gerald R. Leverant, Southwest Research Institute, San Antonio, TX, USA 98-GT-478
IGTI 1998 Elevated-Temperature, 'Ultra'-Fast Fracture Strength of Advanced Ceramics: An Approach to Elevated-Temperature Inert Strength Sung R. Choi, Cleveland State University, Cleveland, OH, USA; John P. Gyekenyesi, NASA Lewis Research Center, Cleveland, OH, USA 98-GT-479
IGTI 1998 High Temperature Oxidation and Corrosion of Silicon-Based Nonoxide Ceramics Hagen Klemm, Mathias Herrmann, Christian Schubert, Fraunhofer-Institute of Ceramic Technologies and Sintered Materials, Dresden, Germany 98-GT-480
IGTI 1998 Influence of Vane-Blade Spacing on Transonic Turbine Stage Aerodynamics, Part 1: Time-Averaged Data and Analysis Brian L. Venable, Robert A. Delaney, Allison Engine Company, Indianapolis, IN, USA; Judy A. Busby, Roger L. Davis, Daniel J. Dorney, United Technologies Research Center, East Hartford, CT, USA; Michael G. Dunn, Charles W. Haldeman, Reza S. Abhari, The Ohi 98-GT-481
IGTI 1998 Influence of Vane-Blade Spacing on Transonic Turbine Stage Aerodynamics - Part II: Time-Resolved Data and Analysis Judy A. Busby, Roger L. Davis, Daniel J. Dorney, United Technologies Research Center, East Hartford, CT, USA; Michael G. Dunn, Charles W. Haldeman, Reza S. Abhari, The Ohio State University, Columbus, OH, USA; Brian L. Venable, Robert A. Delaney, Allison 98-GT-482
IGTI 1998 The Design of an Improved Endwall Film-Cooling Configuration S. Friedrichs, BMW Rolls-Royce GmbH, Dahlewitz, Germany; H. P. Hodson, W. N. Dawes, University of Cambridge, Cambridge, UK 98-GT-483
IGTI 1998 Reduced Order Modeling and Vibration Analysis of Mistuned Bladed Disk Assemblies with Shrouds Ronnie Bladh, Matthew P. Castanier, Christophe Pierre, The University of Michigan, Ann Arbor, MI, USA 98-GT-484
IGTI 1998 Prediction of Resonant Response of Shrouded Blades with 3D Shroud Constraint B. D. Yang, J. J. Chen, C. H. Menq, The Ohio State University, Columbus, OH, USA 98-GT-485
IGTI 1998 New Non-Dimensional Parameters in Fluid Mechanics and their Application to Turbine Flowmeter Data Analysis Subir Mozumdar, Obaidul Islam, AlliedSignal Engines, Phoenix, AZ, USA 98-GT-486
IGTI 1998 Vortex Generators in Lean-Premix Combustion Adnan Eroglu, Klaus Döbbeling, ABB Corporate Research Ltd., Baden-Dättwil, Switzerland; Franz Joos, Philipp Brunner, ABB Power Generation Ltd., Baden, Switzerland 98-GT-487
IGTI 1998 A Metallographic Technique For High Temperature Creep Damage Assessment in Single Crystal Alloys Pamela Henderson, Vattenfall Energisystem AB, Stockholm, Sweden; Jacek Komenda, Swedish Institute for Metals Research, Stockholm, Sweden 98-GT-488
IGTI 1998 Multiaxial Creep Life Prediction of Ceramic Structures Using Continuum Damage Mechanics and the Finite Element Method Osama M. Jadaan, University of Wisconsin-Platteville, Platteville, WI, USA; Lynn M. Powers, Case Western Reserve University, Cleveland, OH, USA; John P. Gyekenyesi, NASA Lewis Research Center, Cleveland, OH, USA 98-GT-489
IGTI 1998 Viscous and Inviscid Linear/Nonlinear Calculations Versus Quasi 3D Experimental Cascade Data for a New Aeroelastic Turbine Standard Configuration T. H. Fransson, M. Jöcker, Royal Institute of Technology, Stockholm, Sweden; A. Bölcs, P. Ott, Swiss Federal Institute of Technology, Lausanne, Switzerland 98-GT-490
IGTI 1998 A Government / Industry Collaboration for Turbine Engine Instrumentation Development Robert C. Anderson, NASA Lewis Research Center, Cleveland, OH, USA; Tom Bonsett, Allison Engine Co., Indianapolis, IN, USA; William Atkinson, Pratt & Whitney, East Hartford, CT, USA; Joe Osani, General Electric Aircraft Engines, Cincinnati, OH, USA 98-GT-491
IGTI 1998 Effect of Fuel Nozzle Configuration on Premix Combustion Dynamics Douglas L. Straub, Geo. A. Richards, U. S. Department of Energy, Morgantown, WV, USA 98-GT-492
IGTI 1998 Modeling of Turbulent Swirling Flame Stabilization in LPP Combustors A. Smirnov, A. Lipatnikov, J. Chomiak, Chalmers University of Technology, Gothenburg, Sweden 98-GT-493
IGTI 1998 Characteristics of One Stage Radial Centrifugal Turbine Mihael Sekavcnik, Matija Tuma, Dusan Florjancic, University of Ljubljana, Ljubljana, Slovenia 98-GT-494
IGTI 1998 Inlet and Exit Flow Characteristics of Mixed Flow Turbines C. Arcoumanis, R. F. Martinez-Botas, J. M. Nouri, C. C. Su, Imperial College of Science, Technology and Medicine, London, UK 98-GT-495
IGTI 1998 3D RANS Calculations of Flow Through Turbine Volutes R. G. M. Hasan, J. J. McGuirk, Loughborough University, Loughborough, UK 98-GT-496
IGTI 1998 Aerodynamic Loss Increase Due to Individual Film Cooling Injections from Gas Turbine Nozzle Surface Ryo Kubo, Fumio Otomo, Yoshitaka Fukuyama, Yuhji Nakata, Toshiba Corporation, Kawasaki, Japan 98-GT-497
IGTI 1998 Development and Evaluation of Silicon Nitride Components for Ceramic Gas Turbine Yasushi Hara, Katsura Matsubara, Ken-ichi Mizuno, Toru Shimamori, NGK Spark Plug Co., Ltd., Komaki-shi, Aichi, Japan; Hiro Yoshida, Mechanical Engineering Laboratory, AIST, MITI, Tsukuba, Ibaragi, Japan 98-GT-498
IGTI 1998 PSP Measurement of Stator Vane Surface Pressures in a High Speed Fan Jan Lepicovsky, Nyma, Inc., Brook Park, OH, USA 98-GT-499
IGTI 1998 Effect of the Shear Driven Liquid Wall Film on the Performance of Prefilming Airblast Atomizers Heiko Rosskamp, Michael Willmann, Jürgen Meisl, Robert Meier, Georg Maier, Sigmar Wittig, University of Karlsruhe, Karlsruhe, Germany 98-GT-500
IGTI 1998 Current Status of Ceramic Gas Turbine (CGT302) Hirotake Kobayashi, Tetsuo Tatsumi, Takashi Nakashima, Isashi Takehara, Yoshihiro Ichikawa, Kawasaki Heavy Industries, Ltd., Akashi, Japan 98-GT-501
IGTI 1998 Coupled Acoustic-Structure Analysis of an Annular DLE Combustor Peter J. M. Cronemyr, Chris J. Hulme, Christian Troger, ABB STAL, Finspong, Sweden 98-GT-502
IGTI 1998 Through Flow Calculation in Axial Flow Turbines Using a Quasi-Orthogonal Solver F. Noera, A. Satta, Università di Genova, Genova, Italy 98-GT-503
IGTI 1998 Numerical Simulation and Aerothermal Physics of Leading Edge Film Cooling A. Chernobrovkin, B. Lakshminarayana, The Pennsylvania State University, University Park, PA, USA 98-GT-504
IGTI 1998 Twin Web Disk: A Step Beyond Convention Ronald R. Cairo, Pratt & Whitney, West Palm Beach, FL, USA; Kathleen A. Sargent, Air Force Research Laboratory, WBAFB, OH, USA 98-GT-505
IGTI 1998 Visualization and Measurements of Rub-Groove Leakage Effects on Straight-Through Labyrinth Seals David L. Rhode, Brian F. Allen, Texas A & M University, College Station, TX, USA 98-GT-506
IGTI 1998 On 3D Inverse Design of Centrifugal Compressor Impellers with Splitter Blades M. Zangeneh, University College London, London, UK 98-GT-507
IGTI 1998 Long Term Thermal Stability of INCONEL Alloy 783 Sarwan Mannan, John deBarbadillo, Inco Alloys International, Huntington, WV, USA 98-GT-508
IGTI 1998 A Non-Local Theory for the Assessment of Multiaxial High Cycle Fatigue Failure Björn Sjödin, ABB STAL AB, Finspong, Sweden 98-GT-509
IGTI 1998 Microstructure and Property Assessment of Conventionally Cast and Directionally Solidified Buckets Refurbished After Long-Term Service V. P. Swaminathan, N. S. Cheruvu, Southwest Research Institute, San Antonio, TX, USA; J. M. Klein, W. M. Robinson, ARCO Alaska, Anchorage, AK, USA 98-GT-510
IGTI 1998 Influence of Metal Temperature on Base Material and Coating Degradation of GTD-111 Buckets N. S. Cheruvu, G. R. Leverant, Southwest Research Institute, San Antonio, TX, USA 98-GT-511
IGTI 1998 The Technology of Multipurpose Optimization of Gas-Turbine Engines and Their Components I. N. Egorov, G. V. Kretinin, I. A. Leshchenko, S. S. Kostiuk, Air Force Engineering Academy, Moscow, Russia 98-GT-512
IGTI 1998 Accuracy of the Riccati Transfer Matrix Method in Rotor Dynamic Analysis M. Behzad, B. Mehri, Sharif University of Technology, Tehran, Iran 98-GT-513
IGTI 1998 Active Structural Control for Gas Turbine Engines Robert J. Morris, Barry K. Benedict, Bradford A. Cowles, Pratt & Whitney, West Palm Beach, FL, USA; William A. Stange, United States Air Force Research Laboratory, Wright-Patterson Air Force Base, OH, USA; William J. Scheuren, Defense Advanced Research Pr 98-GT-514
IGTI 1998 Surface Heat Transfer Measurements of a Scaled Rib-Roughened Serpentine Cooling Passage by Use of a Transient Liquid Crystal Technique Ken-ichi Funazaki, Kouhei Ishizawa, Iwate University, Morioka, Japan; Shigemichi Yamawaki, Ishikawajima-Harima Heavy Industries, Tokyo, Japan 98-GT-515
IGTI 1998 Comparison of Design Intent and Experimental Measurements in a Low Aspect Ratio Axial Flow Turbine with Three-Dimensional Blading A. M. Wallis, Siemens Power Generation U.K. Ltd., Newcastle Upon Tyne, UK; J. D. Denton, Whittle Laboratory, Cambridge, UK 98-GT-516
IGTI 1998 Spray Characteristics of an Airblast-Simplex Nozzle for Liquid-Fueled Gas Turbine Combustors Mounir Ibrahim, Mohammed Moawed, Cleveland State University, Cleveland, OH, USA; Terry Sanders, NASA Lewis Research Center, Cleveland, OH, USA; Erlendur Steinthorsson, Parker Hannifin Corp., Mentor, OH, USA; Debra Yarwood, Furon Corp., Aurora, OH, USA; Mi 98-GT-517
IGTI 1998 Characteristics of an Annular Turbine Cascade at Low Reynolds Numbers Takayuki Matsunuma, Hiroyuki Abe, Yasukata Tsutsui, Ministry of International Trade and Industry, Tsukuba, Japan; Koji Murata, The University of Tsukuba, Tsukuba, Japan 98-GT-518
IGTI 1998 ABB's Advanced EV Burner - A Dual Fuel Dry Low NOx Burner for Stationary Gas Turbines Christian Steinbach, Thomas Ruck, Jonathan Lloyd, Peter Jansohn, Klaus Döbbeling, Thomas Sattelmayer, ABB Corporate Research Ltd., Baden-Dättwil, Switzerland; Torsten Strand, ABB STAL AB, Finspang, Sweden 98-GT-519
IGTI 1998 Detection of Precursor Waves Announcing Stall in Two 3-Stage Axial Compressors F. Grauer, W. Volgmann, H. Stoff, University of Bochum, Bochum, Germany; T. Breuer, MTU-München, München, Germany 98-GT-520
IGTI 1998 Steady and Unsteady Three-Dimensional Flow Field Downstream of an Embedded Stator in a Multistage Axial Flow Compressor - Part 1: Unsteady Velocity Field J. Prato, B. Lakshminarayana, N. Suryavamshi, Allison Engine Company, Indianapolis, IN, USA 98-GT-521
IGTI 1998 Steady and Unsteady Three Dimensional Flow Field Downstream of an Embedded Stator in a Multistage Axial Flow Compressor - Part 2: Composite Flow Field N. Suryavamshi, Allison Engine Company, Indianapolis, IN, USA; B. Lakshminarayana, J. Prato, The Pennsylvania State University, University Park, PA, USA 98-GT-522
IGTI 1998 Steady and Unsteady Three Dimensional Flow Field Downstream of an Embedded Stator in a Multistage Axial Flow Compressor - Part 3: Deterministic Stress and Heat-Flux Distribution and Average-Passage Equation System N. Suryavamshi, B. Lakshminarayana, J. Prato, The Pennsylvania State University, University Park, PA, USA 98-GT-523
IGTI 1998 Predictions of Turbulent Flow in a Turbine Stator/Rotor Passage R. S. Amano, B. Song, S. Sitarama, B. Lin, University of Wisconsin-Milwaukee, Milwaukee, WI, USA 98-GT-524
IGTI 1998 Non-Axisymmetric Endwall Profiling in a Turbine Rotor Blade J. C. Hartland, D. G. Gregory-Smith, University of Durham, Durham, UK; M. G. Rose, Rolls-Royce plc, Derby, UK 98-GT-525
IGTI 1998 Microstructure/Composition Evolution and Ductility Variation in Thermally Aged Aluminized CoCrAlY Coatings J. Kameda, T. E. Bloomer, Iowa State University, Ames, IA, USA; Y. Sugita, A. Ito, Chubu Electric Power Co., Inc., Nagoya, Japan; S. Sakurai, Hitachi Ltd, Hitachi, Japan 98-GT-526
IGTI 1998 Strength Distribution Changes in a Silicon Nitride as a Function of Stressing Rate and Temperature Andrew W. Wereszczak, Kristin Breder, Mark J. Andrews, Timothy P. Kirkland, Mattison K. Ferber, Oak Ridge National Laboratory, Oak Ridge, TN, USA 98-GT-527
IGTI 1998 Ceramic Stationary Gas Turbine Development Program - Design and Test of a First Stage Ceramic Nozzle Leslie Faulder, John McClain, Bryan Edwards, Vijay Parthasarathy, Solar Turbines Incorporated, San Diego, CA, USA 98-GT-528
IGTI 1998 Ceramic Stationary Gas Turbine Development Program - Design and Test of a Ceramic Turbine Blade Oscar Jimenez, John McClain, Bryan Edwards, Vijay Parthasarathy, Hamid Bagheri, Gary Bolander, Solar Turbines Incorporated, San Diego, CA, USA 98-GT-529
IGTI 1998 Development of ASTM Standards in Support of Advanced Ceramics - Continuing Efforts Charles R. Brinkman, Oak Ridge National Laboratory, Oak Ridge, TN, USA 98-GT-530
IGTI 1998 Unsteady Flow in a Single Stage Turbine Mary A. Hilditch, Graham C. Smith, Udai K. Singh, DERA Pyestock, Farnborough, Hampshire, England 98-GT-531
IGTI 1998 Refrigeration Process with High Speed Technology Maunu Kuosa, Jari Backman, Timo Talonpoika, Petri Sallinen, Jaakko Larjola, Juha Honkatukia, Lappeenranta University of Technology, Lappeenranta, Finland 98-GT-532
IGTI 1998 Total and Static Quantity Measurements in Unsteady Flow - Effect of Unsteadiness Weiliang Lou, Christian Aalburg, Jean Hourmouziadis, Berlin University of Technology, Berlin, Germany 98-GT-533
IGTI 1998 Digital Measuring Borescope System Eugene T. McGarry, Olympus America Inc., Melville, NY, USA 98-GT-534
IGTI 1998 A New High Efficiency Gas Turbine for Mechanical Drives Jay M. Wilson, J. William Lindenfeld, Kenna D. Vendler, Cooper Energy Services, Mount Vernon, OH, USA; Mike T. Todman, Brian Whinray, John W. Muddiman, Rolls-Royce plc, Coventry, UK 98-GT-535
IGTI 1998 Quasi-3D Numerical Computations on a Film-Cooled Gas Turbine Nozzle F. Bassi, Università di Ancona, Ancona, Italy; S. Rebay, Università di Brescia, Brescia, Italy; M. Savini, Università di Bergamo, Dalmine, Italy 98-GT-536
IGTI 1998 Film Thickness, Droplet Size Measurements and Correlations for Large Pressure-Swirl Atomizers M. A. Benjamin, A. Mansour, Parker Hannifin Corporation, Cleveland, OH, USA; U. G. Samant, S. Jha, Y. Liao, T. Harris, S. M. Jeng, University of Cincinnati, Cincinnati, OH, USA 98-GT-537
IGTI 1998 Efficiency Measurements of an Annular Nozzle Guide Vane Cascade with Different Film Cooling Geometries Charles R. B. Day, Martin L. G. Oldfield, Oxford University, Oxford, UK; Gary D. Lock, University of Bath, Bath, UK; Stephen N. Dancer, Rolls-Royce plc, Derby, UK 98-GT-538
IGTI 1998 Experimental Investigation of GTX100 Combustor Liner Cooling System Ulf E. Nilsson, Ingemar A. G. Eriksson, Lars O. Lindqvist, Jonas N. Hylén, ABB STAL, Finspong, Sweden 98-GT-539
IGTI 1998 Investigation of a Turbulence Model for Wall Cooling of Combustion Chambers Andreas Abdon, Bengt Sundén, Lund Institute of Technology, Lund, Sweden 98-GT-540
IGTI 1998 Heat Pipe Combustor Cooling Calvin C. Silverstein, CCS Associates, Bethel Park, PA, USA 98-GT-541
IGTI 1998 The Effect of Turbulence on the Heat Transfer in Closed Gas-Filled Rotating Annuli for Different Rayleigh Numbers Dieter Bohn, Jochen Gier, Aachen University of Technology, Aachen, Germany 98-GT-542
IGTI 1998 Experimental Analysis of Fluid Flow and Surface Heat Transfer in a Three-Pass Trapezoidal Serpentine Smooth Passage C. Cravero, C. Giusto, A. F. Massardo, Universitá di Genova, Genova, Italy 98-GT-543
IGTI 1998 PIV Investigation of the Flow Characteristics in an Internal Coolant Passage with Two Ducts Connected by a Sharp 180° Bend J. Schabacker, A. Bölcs, Swiss Federal Institute of Technology, Lausanne, Switzerland; B. V. Johnson, ABB Corporate Research, Baden, Switzerland 98-GT-544
IGTI 1998 The Influence of Pressure Pulses to an Innovative Turbine Blade Film Cooling System Siegfried Moser, Herbert Jericha, Jakob Woisetschläger, Arno Gehrer, Werner Reinalter, Technical University Graz, Graz, Austria 98-GT-545
IGTI 1998 Experimental and Numerical Investigations of Film-Cooling Effects on the Aerodynamic Performance of Transonic Turbine Blades Martin F. Urban, Juergen Hermeler, Hans-Georg Hosenfeld, Siemens AG, KWU Group, Muelheim, Germany 98-GT-546
IGTI 1998 Gas Turbine Rotor Disc Repair-Case History Zdzislaw Mazur, Janusz Kubiak, Instituto de Investigaciones Eléctricas, Temixco, Morelos, México 98-GT-547
IGTI 1998 Prediction of the Resonant Response of Frictionally Constrained Blade Systems Using Constrained Mode Shapes J. J. Chen, C. H. Menq, The Ohio State University, Columbus, OH, USA 98-GT-548
IGTI 1998 Generation of Five-Axis Cutter Paths for a Ball-End Cutter with Global Interface Checking Der Min Tsay, Wei Feng Yan, National Sun Yat-Sen University, Kaohsiung, Taiwan 98-GT-549
IGTI 1998 Manual GTAW of Superalloy Blade Materials Using High Strength Fillers Wayne Greaves, Hans van Esch, Hickham Industries, La Porte, TX, USA 98-GT-550
IGTI 1998 Automatic Blade Repair System Based on Reverse Engineering Strategies Claus Bremer, BCT GmbH, Dortmund, Germany 98-GT-551
IGTI 1998 Further Development of the Siemens LPP Hybrid Burner Stefan Hoffman, Hans Judith, Siemens AG, Mülheim, Germany; Carl-Gunnar Holm, Sydkraft AB, Malmö, Sweden 98-GT-552
IGTI 1998 Fuel-Air Mixing and Combustion in an Optical, Lean, Premixed, Prevaporised Gas Turbine Combustor Stephen C. Harding, Rolls-Royce plc, Bristol, UK; Douglas A. Greenhalgh, Cranfield University, Bedford, UK 98-GT-553
IGTI 1998 Ceramic Gas Turbine Technology Development Michael L. Easley, Bjoern Schenk, Hongda Cai, AlliedSignal Aerospace Company, Phoenix, AZ, USA 98-GT-554
IGTI 1998 Aeropropulsion Environmental Test Facility John K. Lominac U.S. Air Force, Arnold Air Force Base, TN, USA; Joseph F. Boytos, Naval Air Warfare Center Aircraft Division, Trenton, NJ, USA 98-GT-555
IGTI 1998 Adaptation of the Stuttgart University Altitude Test Facility for BR700 Core Demonstrator Engine Tests Klaus-J. Schmidt, Ralph Merten, Martin Menrath, BMW Rolls-Royce GmbH, Dahlewitz, Germany; Wolfgang Braig, Universität Stuttgart, Stuttgart, Germany 98-GT-556
IGTI 1998 A New Test Facility for Testing of Cooled Gasturbine Components Ulf R. Rådeklint, Christer S. Hjalmarsson, ABB STAL, Finspong, Sweden 98-GT-557
IGTI 1998 Predicted Influence of Intake Acoustics upon Part-Speed Fan Flutter J. W. Chew, Rolls-Royce plc, Derby, UK; M. Vahdati, M. Imregun, Imperial College, MED, London, UK 98-GT-558
IGTI 1998 Economic Considerations in the Development of New Repairs for Gas Turbines Paul J. Picton, Greenwich Air Services - Texas, Fort Worth, TX, USA 98-GT-559
IGTI 1998 Simultaneous Single-Shot LIF-Imaging of OH and UHC in a Prevaporized, Partially Premixed, Swirl-Stabilized N-Heptane Flame Rudolf Lachner, Daniel Theisen, Rainer Fink, Dieter Rist, Technische Universität München, Garching, Germany; Achim Schmid, Gerd Bittlinger, BMW Rolls-Royce AeroEngines, Dahlewitz, Germany 98-GT-560
IGTI 1998 Control of Shock Structure and Secondary Flow Field inside Transonic Compressor Rotors through Aerodynamic Sweep C. Hah, NASA Lewis Research Center, Cleveland, OH, USA; S. L. Puterbaugh, Wright-Patterson AFB, Dayton, OH, USA; A. R. Wadia, GE Aircraft Engines, Cincinnati, OH, USA 98-GT-561
IGTI 1998 Turbine Blade Aerodynamic Wall Shear Stress Measurements and Predictions J. E. Fitzgerald, A. J. Niven, M. R. D. Davies, University of Limerick, Limerick, Ireland 98-GT-562
IGTI 1998 Numerical Investigation of Wake Interaction in a Low Pressure Turbine Frank Eulitz, Karl Engel, DLR - Institute for Propulsion Technology, Cologne, Germany 98-GT-563
IGTI 1998 Time Resolved HWA Measurements of the OTL Flow Field from a Shrouded Turbine HP Rotor Blade Mark D. Taylor, Tahiche De Pablos, Martin G. Rose, Rolls-Royce plc, Derby, UK 98-GT-564
IGTI 1998 PM 2000 Honeycomb Structures C. Brown, E. Verghese, Neomet Ltd, Stockport, England; D. Sporer, Plansee AG, Reutte, Austria; R. Sellors, Plansee Metals Ltd., Slough, UK 98-GT-565
IGTI 1998 HIPed Silicon Nitride Components for AGATA - Properties and Evaluation Robert Lundberg, Mona P. Moret, Volvo Aero Corporation, Trollhättan, Sweden; Luc Garguet-Duport, Renault, Rueil Malmaison, France 98-GT-566
IGTI 1998 ASTM Single Fiber Room Temperature Test Standard Development Janet B. Hurst, NASA Lewis Research Center, Cleveland, OH, USA; William S. Hong, Institute for Defense Analyses, Alexandria, VA, USA; Mary L. Gambone, U.S. Air Force, Research Laboratory, Wright-Patterson AFB, OH, USA; John R. Porter, Rockwell Science Cen 98-GT-567
IGTI 1998 Dynamic Flame Structure in a Low NOx Premixed Combustor Torger J. Anderson, William A. Sowa, United Technologies Research Center, East Hartford, CT, USA; Stephen A. Morford, Pratt & Whitney, West Palm Beach, FL, USA 98-GT-568
IGTI 1998 Life Prediction and Reliability Analysis of Ceramic Structures under Combined Static and Cyclic Fatigue Sharif Rahman, The University of Iowa, Iowa City, IA, USA; Noel N. Nemeth, John P. Gyekenyesi, NASA-Lewis Research Center, Cleveland, OH, USA 98-GT-569
IGTI 1998 On the Effect of Single Mode Bending/Torsion Coupling on the Flutter Behavior in a Transonic Fan Kousuke Isomura, IHI Co. Ltd. Aero-Engine & Space Operations, Tokyo, Japan 98-GT-570
IGTI 1998 Three Dimensional Unsteady Flow for an Oscillating Turbine Blade and the Influence of Tip Leakage D. L. Bell, L. He, University of Durham, Durham, UK 98-GT-571
IGTI 1998 The Influence of Tailboards on Unsteady Measurements in a Linear Cascade P. Ott, M. Norryd, A. Bölcs, Swiss Federal Institute of Technology, Lausanne, Switzerland 98-GT-572
IGTI 1998 Flutter Mechanisms in Low Pressure Turbine Blades M. Nowinski, Swiss Federal Institute of Technology, Lausanne, Switzerland; J. Panovsky, GE Aircraft Engines, Cincinnati, OH, USA 98-GT-573
IGTI 1998 Feedstock Blending Studies with Laboratory Indirectly Heated Gasifiers Alex E. S. Green, James P. Mullin, University of Florida, Gainesville, FL, USA 98-GT-574
IGTI 1998 A Design Method to Prevent Low Pressure Turbine Blade Flutter Josef Panovsky, Robert E. Kielb, GE Aircraft Engines, Cincinnati, OH, USA 98-GT-575
IGTI 1998 Active Control of Combustion for Optimal Performance Mathew D. Jackson, Ajay K. Agrawal, University of Oklahoma, Norman, OK, USA 98-GT-576
IGTI 1998 Internal Reforming Solid Oxide Fuel Cell-Gas Turbine Combined Cycles (IRSOFC-GT) Part A: Cell Model and Cycle Thermodynamic Analysis A. F. Massardo, F. Lubelli, Universita di Genova, Genova, Italy 98-GT-577
IGTI 1998 Sweep in a Transonic Fan Rotor: Part 1. 3D Geometry Package Hazem F. Abdelhamid, Raymond P. Shreeve, Naval Postgraduate School, Monterey, CA, USA 98-GT-578
IGTI 1998 Sweep in a Transonic Fan Rotor: Part 2. CFD and Stress Analyses Hazem F. Abdelhamid, Raymond P. Shreeve, Garth V. Hobson, Naval Postgraduate School, Monterey, CA, USA 98-GT-579
IGTI 1998 Applications of an Inviscid Q3D Linearized Flow Solver towards the High Operating Line Flutter Region of a Transonic Fan Tomas J. Börjesson, Torsten H. Fransson, Royal Institute of Technology, Stockholm, Sweden 98-GT-580
IGTI 1998 Combustion Oscillation Analysis of Premixed Flames at Elevated Pressures Masaya Ohtsuka, Shohei Yoshida, Shin'ichi Inage, Nariyoshi Kobayashi, Hitachi Ltd, Hitachinaka-shi, Japan 98-GT-581
IGTI 1998 Investigation of the Thermoacoustic Characteristics of a Lean Premixed Gas Turbine Burner Christian Oliver Paschereit, Wolfgang Polifke, ABB Corporate Research Ltd, Baden, Switzerland 98-GT-582
IGTI 1998 Identification of Mistuning Characteristics of Bladed Disks from Free Response Data Marc P. Mignolet, Alejandro Rivas-Guerra, Arizona State University, Tempe, AZ, USA 98-GT-583
IGTI 1998 Effects of Steam Reheat in Advanced Steam Injected Gas Turbine Cycles A. Hofstädter, H. Haselbacher, Technical University of Vienna, Vienna, Austria; H. U. Frutschi, Asea Brown Boveri, Baden, Switzerland 98-GT-584
IGTI 1998 Thermodynamic Analysis of Advanced Power Cycles Based Upon Solid Oxide Fuel Cells, Gas Turbines and Rankine Bottoming Cycles S. Campanari, E. Macchi, Politecnico di Milano, Milan, Italy 98-GT-585
IGTI 1998 Modification and Redesign of GT Components Rahul D. Basu, GTRE, Bangalore, India 98-GT-586
IGTI 1998 Oxidation Characteristics of Nickel Based Superalloys in Steam Vimal H. Desai, Dnyanesh C. Tamboli, University of Central Florida, Orlando, FL, USA; N. S. Cheruvu, Southwest Research Institute, San Antonio, TX, USA 98-GT-587
IGTI 1998 Role of Blade Passage Flow Structures in Axial Compressor Rotating Stall Inception Donald A. Hoying, Wright-Patterson Air Force Base, Dayton, OH, USA; Choon S. Tan, Huu Duc Vo, Massachusetts Institute of Technology, Cambridge, MA, USA; Edward M. Greitzer, United Technologies Research Center, East Hartford, CT, USA 98-GT-588
IGTI 1998 Diffusion Bonding of CMSX-4 to Udimet 720 Using PVD-Coated Interfaces and HIP Richard Larker, Lulea University of Technology, Lulea, Sweden; Johan Ockborn, Bengt Selling, Volvo Aero Corporation, Trollhattan, Sweden 98-GT-589
IGTI 1998 Evolution of the Solar Turbines Titan 130 Industrial Gas Turbine G. Rocha, C. J. Etheridge, Solar Turbines Incorporated, San Diego, CA, USA 98-GT-590
IGTI 1998 Leakage Effects in the Rotor Tip- Clearance Region of a Multistage Axial Compressor, Part 1: Innovative Experiments P. C. Ivey, Cranfield University, Bedfordshire UK; M. Swoboda, BMW Rolls-Royce AeroEngines, Dahlewitz, Germany 98-GT-591
IGTI 1998 Leakage Effects in the Rotor Tip- Clearance Region of a Multistage Axial Compressor, Part 2: Numerical Modelling E. S. Politis, K. C. Giannakoglou, K. D. Papailiou, National Technical University of Athens, Athens, Greece 98-GT-592
IGTI 1998 An Experimental Investigation of System Effects in Axial Flow Compressors Peter D. Silkowski, Pratt & Whitney Aircraft Engines, East Hartford, CT, USA; Hyoun-Woo Shin, GE Aircraft Engines, Cincinnati, OH, USA 98-GT-593
IGTI 1998 3D Flow Field Measurement around a Rotating Stall Cell C. Palomba, P. Puddu, F. Nurzia, University of Cagliari, Cagliari, Italy 98-GT-594
IGTI 1998 Reliability Evaluation of Structural Ceramics under Multiaxial Stress State Takashi Ono, Masaki Kaji, Michiaki Nishimura, Kyocera Corporation, Kokubu, Kagoshima, Japan 98-GT-595
IGTI 1998 Flashback Arrestor for Lean Premixed, Prevaporized, Low NOx Combustors Gil Kraemer, Precision Combustion, Inc., New Haven, CT, USA; Chi-Ming Lee, NASA Lewis Research Center, Cleveland, OH, USA 98-GT-596
IGTI 1998 Experimental Analysis and Numerical Simulation of the Flow Field in Turbine Scrolls Uwe W. Menter, Atlas Copco Energas GmbH, Köln, Germany; Thomas Klima, Heiner Pfost, Ruhr-University Bochum, Bochum, Germany 98-GT-597
IGTI 1999 Single vs. Two Stage High Pressure Turbine Design of Modern Aero Engines Fathi Ahmad, Technical University of Berlin, Berlin, Germany; Alexander V. Mirzamoghadam, BMW Rolls-Royce Aero-Engines, Dahlewitz, Germany 99-GT-001
IGTI 1999 Dynamic Modeling of a Closed Cycle Gas Turbine CHP Plant with a Nuclear Heat Source Jan Foeke Kikstra, Netherlands Energy Research Foundation, Petten, The Netherlands; Adrian H.M. Verkooijen, Delft University of Technology, Delft, The Netherlands 99-GT-002
IGTI 1999 A Mechanism of Combustion Instability in Lean Premixed Gas Turbine Combustors Tim Lieuwen, Hector Torres, Clifford Johnson, Ben T. Zinn, Georgia Institute of Technology, Atlanta, GA, USA 99-GT-003
IGTI 1999 Conceptual Engineering of a CRGT System for Exhaust Heat Recovery in an Existing Compressor Station K.K. Botros, M.J. de Boer, NOVA Research & Technology Corporation, Calgary, AB, Canada; H.G. Fletcher, TransCanada Pipelines Ltd., Calgary, AB, Canada 99-GT-004
IGTI 1999 Environomic Optimization for Combined Plants Including CO2 Influence M. Santarelli, R. Borchiellini, Politecnico di Torino, Torino, Italy; A.F. Massardo, Sistemi Energetici e Trasporti, Genova, Italy 99-GT-005
IGTI 1999 Optimum Load Allocation in Cogeneration Gas-Steam Combined Plants Giovanni Cerri, Stefano Monacchia, Babak Seyedan, Universita degli Studi "Roma Tre", Roma, Italy 99-GT-006
IGTI 1999 Technical and Economic Analysis of Repowering a Coal-Fired Power Plant Joseph Roy-Aikins, Reshleu J. Rampershad, University of Durban-Westville, Durban, South Africa 99-GT-007
IGTI 1999 An Experimental and Modeling Study of Humid Air Premixed Flames Anuj Bhargava, Med Colket, William Sowa, United Technologies Research Center, East Hartford, CT, USA; Kent Casleton, Dan Maloney, U.S. Department of Energy, Morgantown, WV, USA 99-GT-008
IGTI 1999 Industrial Trent Combustor - Combustion Noise Characteristics Thomas Scarinci, John L. Halpin, Rolls-Royce Canada, Dorval, PQ, Canada 99-GT-009
IGTI 1999 Exergy Analysis of Combined Cycles Using Latest Generation Gas Turbines Bruno Facchini, Daniele Fiaschi, Giampaolo Manfrida, Universita degli Studi di Firenze, Firenze, Italy 99-GT-010
IGTI 1999 Effective Decision Making in Simple and Combined Cycle Schemes at the Turn of the Millennium Stephane Gayraud, Riti Singh, Cranfield University, Bedfordshire, UK 99-GT-011
IGTI 1999 Equations of State for Gas Compressor Design and Testing Sumit K. Kumar, Solar Turbines Incorporated, San Diego, CA, USA and University of Virginia, Charlottesville, VA, USA; Rainer Kurz, Solar Turbines Incorporated, San Diego, CA, USA; John P. O'Connell, University of Virginia, Charlottesville, VA, USA 99-GT-012
IGTI 1999 A Simplified Equation to Obtain the Complex Heat Transfer Distribution in an Internal Duct of a Semi-Cooled Turbine Blade Jan A. Visser, University of Pretoria, Pretoria, South Africa 99-GT-013
IGTI 1999 Cooled Cooling Air Systems for Turbine Thermal Management Greg B. Bruening, Won S. Chang, Air Force Research Laboratory, Wright-Patterson AFB, OH, USA 99-GT-014
IGTI 1999 Experimental Evaluation of a Metal Mesh Bearing Damper Mark Zarzour, John Vance, Texas A&M University, College Station, TX, USA 99-GT-015
IGTI 1999 Hybrid Brush Pocket Damper Seals for Turbomachinery Hector E. Laos, John M. Vance, Steven E. Buchanan, Texas A&M University, College Station, TX, USA 99-GT-016
IGTI 1999 Experimental Measurements of Actively Controlled Bearing Damping with an Electrorheological Fluid John M. Vance, Texas A&M University, College Station, TX, USA; Daniel Ying, ABB Power Generation, Richmond, VA, USA 99-GT-017
IGTI 1999 Actively Controlled Bearing Dampers for Aircraft Engine Applications John M. Vance, Texas A&M University, College Station, TX, USA; Daniel Ying, ABB Power Generation, Richmond, VA, USA; Jorgen L. Nikolajsen, Staffordshire University, Stafford, UK 99-GT-018
IGTI 1999 Phase-Lagged Boundary Condition Methods for Aeroelastic Analysis of Turbomachines - A Comparative Study R. Srivastava, Milind A. Bakhle, Theo G. Keith, Jr., University of Toledo, Toledo, OH, USA; G.L. Stefko, NASA Lewis Research Center, Cleveland, OH, USA 99-GT-019
IGTI 1999 Dynamic Coefficients of Stepped Labyrinth Gas Seals K. Kwanka, Technische Universität München, Munich, Germany 99-GT-020
IGTI 1999 Steady and Dynamic Stall Analysis of the NLR 7301 Airfoil Stefan Weber, Max F. Platzer, Naval Postgraduate School, Monterey, CA, USA 99-GT-021
IGTI 1999 Unsteady Aerodynamic Analysis of an Oscillating Cascade at Large Incidence Jong-Shang Liu, Durbha V. Murthy, AlliedSignal Engines, Phoenix, AZ, USA 99-GT-022
IGTI 1999 Full-Annulus Simulations of Airfoil Clocking in a 1-1/2 Stage Axial Compressor D.J. Dorney, Virginia Commonwealth University, Richmond, VA, USA; D.L. Sondak, Boston University, Boston, MA, USA; P.G.A. Cizmas, Texas A&M University, College Station, TX, USA; V.E. Saren, N.M. Savin, Central Institute of Aviation Motors, Moscow, Russia 99-GT-023
IGTI 1999 Realizability in Turbulence Modelling for Turbomachinery CFD Joan G. Moore, John Moore, Virginia Polytechnic Institute & State University, Blacksburg, VA, USA 99-GT-024
IGTI 1999 Turbomachinery Wakes: Differential Work and Mixing Losses Martin G. Rose, Neil W. Harvey, Rolls-Royce plc, Derby, UK 99-GT-025
IGTI 1999 Deviation in Axial Turbines at Subsonic Conditions A.M.T. Islam, S.A. Sjolander, Carleton University, Ottawa, ON, Canada 99-GT-026
IGTI 1999 Numerical and Experimental Investigations on the Flow in a 4-Stage Turbine with Special Focus on the Development of a Radial Temperature Streak Dieter Bohn, Harald Funke, Jochen Gier, Aachen University of Technology, Aachen, Germany 99-GT-027
IGTI 1999 Vapor Phase Lubrication for Expendable Gas Turbine Engines Matthew J. Wagner, Nelson H. Forster, Air Force Research Laboratory, Wright-Patterswon AFB, OH, USA; Kenneth W. Van Treuren, Baylor University, Waco, TX, USA; David T. Gerardi, UES, Inc., Dayton, OH, USA 99-GT-028
IGTI 1999 Prediction of By-Pass Transition by Means of a Turbulence Weighting Factor - Part I: Theory and Validation J. Steelant, ESTEC/ESA, Noordwijk, The Netherlands; E. Dick, Universiteit Gent, Gent, Belgium 99-GT-029
IGTI 1999 Prediction of By-Pass Transition by Means of a Turbulence Weighting Factor - Part II: Application on Turbine Cascades J. Steelant, ESTEC/ESA, Noordwijk, The Netherlands; E. Dick, Universiteit Gent, Gent, Belgium 99-GT-030
IGTI 1999 Prediction of Turbulent Spot Growth Rates Mark W. Johnson, University of Liverpool, Liverpool, UK 99-GT-031
IGTI 1999 The Origin of Turbulent Spots Mark W. Johnson, Antonis Dris, The University of Liverpool, Liverpool, UK 99-GT-032
IGTI 1999 Film Cooling Over a Concave Surface Through a Row of Expanded Holes Ping-Hei Chen, Pei-Pei Ding, Min-Sheng Hung, Pou-Chou Shih, National Taiwan University, Taipei, Taiwan 99-GT-033
IGTI 1999 Film Cooling Effectiveness and Heat Transfer Coefficient Distributions Around Diffusion Shaped Holes Y. Yu, C-H. Yen, T.I-P. Shih, M.K. Chyu, Carnegie Mellon University, Pittsburgh, PA, USA; S. Gogineni, Innovative Scientific Solution, Inc., Dayton, OH, USA 99-GT-034
IGTI 1999 Influence of Coolant Feed Direction and Hole Length on Film Cooling Jet Velocity Profiles A.L. Brundage, M.W. Plesniak, S. Ramadhyani, Purdue University, West Lafayette, IN, USA 99-GT-035
IGTI 1999 Film Cooling Effectiveness for Short Film Cooling Holes Fed by a Narrow Plenum C.A. Hale, M.W. Plesniak, S. Ramadhyani, Purdue University, West Lafayette, IN, USA 99-GT-036
IGTI 1999 Measurement of Eddy Diffusivity of Momentum in Film Cooling Flows with Streamwise Injection Richard W. Kaszeta, Terrence W. Simon, University of Minnesota, Minneapolis, MN, USA 99-GT-037
IGTI 1999 Film Cooling Effectiveness and Heat/Mass Transfer Coefficient Measurement Around a Conical-Shaped Hole with a Compound Angle Injection H.H. Cho, D.H. Rhee, B.G. Kim, Yonsei University, Seoul, Korea 99-GT-038
IGTI 1999 An Experimental Study on the Aerodynamics and the Heat Transfer of a Suction Side Film Cooled Large Scale Turbine Cascade Wolfgang Ganzert, Leonhard Fottner, Universität der Bundeswehr München, Neubiberg, Germany 99-GT-039
IGTI 1999 Effect of Internal Coolant Crossflow Orientation on the Discharge Coefficient of Shaped Film Cooling Holes Michael Gritsch, Christian Saumweber, Achmed Schulz, Sigmar Wittig, Edwin Sharp, Universität Karlsruhe (T.H.), Karlsruhe, Germany 99-GT-040
IGTI 1999 An Experimental Investigation of the Flow in a 1 1/2 Stage Axial Turbine with Regard to a High Level of Cooling-Air Injection U. Reinmöller, H.E. Gallus, RWTH Aachen University of Technology, Aachen, Germany 99-GT-041
IGTI 1999 Performance of a Turbine Airfoil with Multiple Film Cooling Stations Part II: Aerodynamic Losses U. Drost, ABB Power Generation, Ltd., Baden, Switzerland; A. Bölcs, Swiss Federal Institute of Technology, Lausanne, Switzerland 99-GT-042
IGTI 1999 High Resolution Measurements of Local Heat Transfer Coefficients by Discrete Hole Film Cooling S. Baldauf, A. Schulz, S. Wittig, Universität Karlsruhe (T.H.), Karlsruhe, Germany 99-GT-043
IGTI 1999 Heat Transfer on a Film-Cooled Rotating Blade Vijay K. Garg, AYT Corporation/NASA Lewis Research Center, Cleveland, OH, USA 99-GT-044
IGTI 1999 Prediction of Transitional Heat Transfer Characteristics of Wake-Affected Boundary Layers Kyoungjin Kim, Michael E. Crawford, University of Texas at Austin, Austin, TX, USA 99-GT-045
IGTI 1999 High Resolution Measurements of Local Effectiveness by Discrete Hole Film Cooling S. Baldauf, A. Schulz, S. Wittig, Universität Karlsruhe (T.H.), Karlsruhe, Germany 99-GT-046
IGTI 1999 Effects of Flow Gap Atop Pin Elements on the Heat Transfer from Pin Fin Arrays M.K. Chyu, C.H. Yen, W. Ma, Carnegie Mellon University, Pittsburgh, PA, USA; T. I-P. Shih, Michigan State University, East Lansing, MI, USA 99-GT-047
IGTI 1999 Film Cooling Effectiveness in the Showerhead Region of a Gas Turbine Vane Part I: Stagnation Region and Near-Pressure Side Marc D. Polanka, Virginia C. Witteveld, David G. Bogard, University of Texas at Austin, Austin, TX, USA 99-GT-048
IGTI 1999 Film Cooling Effectiveness in the Showerhead Region of a Gas Turbine Vane Part II: Stagnation Region and Near-Suction Side Virginia C. Witteveld, Marc D. Polanka, David G. Bogard, University of Texas at Austin, Austin, TX, USA 99-GT-049
IGTI 1999 Aerodynamic Damping Characteristics of a Transonic Turbine Cascade Mizuho Aotsuka, Toshinori Watanabe, Yasuo Machida, University of Tokyo, Tokyo, Japan 99-GT-050
IGTI 1999 Evaluation and Application of Data Sources for Assessing Operating Costs for Mechanical Drive Gas Turbines in Pipeline Service Anthony J. Smalley, David A. Mauney, Southwest Research Institute, San Antonio, TX, USA; Daniel I. Ash, Conoco Inc., Ponca City, OK, USA; Sam L. Clowney, Tennessee Gas Pipeline Company, Houston, TX, USA; George P. Pappas, Union Gas Limited, Chatham, Ontar 99-GT-051
IGTI 1999 Passive Control of Combustion Instability in Lean Premixed Combustors Robert C. Steele, Luke H. Cowell, Solar Turbines Inc., San Diego, CA, USA; Steven M. Cannon, Clifford E. Smith, CFD Research Corporation, Huntsville, AL, USA 99-GT-052
IGTI 1999 The Role of Carbon Monoxide in NO2 Plume Formation Alan S. Feitelberg, Sanjay M. Correa, GE Corporate Research and Development, Niskayuna, NY, USA 99-GT-053
IGTI 1999 Application of a Thermal-Hydraulic Management Model to Gas Turbine Combustors and Fuel Systems M.A. Mawid, Engineering Research and Analysis Co., Wright-Patterson AFB, OH, USA; C.A. Arana, B. Sekar, Air Force Research Laboratory, Wright-Patterson AFB, OH, USA 99-GT-054
IGTI 1999 Extended Liquid-Phase Oxidation of Aviation Fuels Lori M. Balster, Walter J. Balster, E. Grant Jones, Innovative Scientific Solutions, Inc., Dayton, OH, USA 99-GT-055
IGTI 1999 Hydrogen Donors: Thermal Stabilizers for JP-8+100 at High Temperatures Edwin Corporan, Donald K. Minus, Air Force Research Laboratory, Wright-Patterson AFB, OH, USA 99-GT-056
IGTI 1999 Status of Catalytic Combustion R&D for the Department of Energy Advanced Turbine Systems Program D.B. Fants, South Carolina Institute for Energy Studies, Clemson, SC, USA; G.S. Jackson, University of Maryland, College Park, MD, USA; H. Karim, Precision Combustion Inc., New Haven, CT, USA; D.M. Newburry, Siemens Westinghouse, Orlando, FL, USA; P. Dutt 99-GT-057
IGTI 1999 Performance of a Reduced NOx Diffusion Flame Combustor for the MS5002 Gas Turbine Alan S. Feitelberg, GE Corporate Research and Development, Niskayuna, NY, USA; Michael D. Starkey, Richard B. Schiefer, Roointon E. Pavri, GE Power Systems, Schenectady, NY, USA; Matt Bender, John L. Booth, Gordon R. Schmidt, British Petroleum, Prudhoe Ba 99-GT-058
IGTI 1999 Comparison Between Measured and Predicted Wall Temperatures in a Gas Turbine Combustor R.A. Hicks, C.W. Wilson, Defence and Evaluation Research Agency, Farnborough, UK 99-GT-059
IGTI 1999 Validation of the Booster Bleed Valve Control Logic in the New BR715 Jet Engine Dieter Peitsch, Roland Fiola, Rene Brodmeuhler, Annette Nielsen, BMW Rolls-Royce GmbH, Dahlewitz, Germany 99-GT-060
IGTI 1999 Design and Evaluation of an Auto-Tuning Control System for an Altitude Test Facility R.H. Luppold, Luppold & Associates, Inc., West Newton, PA, USA; R. Meisner, Meisner Engineering, Glastonbury, CT, USA; J.M. Norton, Pratt & Whitney, East Hartford, CT, USA 99-GT-061
IGTI 1999 One Step Ahead Adaptive Control for Gas Turbine Power Plants S.M. Camporeale, University of Reggio Calabria, Reggio Calabria, Italy; L. Dambrosio, B. Fortunato, Polytechnic University of Bari, Bari, Italy 99-GT-062
IGTI 1999 Hydromechanical Control for a Variable Delivery, Positive Displacement Fuel Pump Timothy J. Gaudet, Hamilton Standard Division of United Technologies, Southampton, MA, USA 99-GT-063
IGTI 1999 A Perspective on Future Directions in Intelligent Health Control of Gasturbines and Auxiliaries K. Eftekhari Shahroudi, Woodward, Turbomachinery Controls Division, Hoofddorp, The Netherlands 99-GT-064
IGTI 1999 Full Load and Part-Load Performance Prediction for Integrated SOFC and Microturbine Systems Stefano Campanari, Politecnico di Milano, Milano, Italy 99-GT-065
IGTI 1999 Thermodynamic and Techno-Economic Analyses of a Combined Cycle Power Plant with a Simple Cycle Gas Turbine, the Bottoming Air Turbine Cycle and the Reverse Brayton Cycle Isaac Shnaid, Haifa, Israel 99-GT-066
IGTI 1999 Emergence of Recuperated Gas Turbines for Power Generation Colin F. McDonald, McDonald Thermal Engineering, La Jolla, CA, USA 99-GT-067
IGTI 1999 The Three-Dimensional Aerodynamic Design and Test of a Three-Stage Transonic Compressor Y.S. Li, R.G. Wells, ALSTOM Gas Turbines Ltd., Lincoln, England 99-GT-068
IGTI 1999 Effect of Blade Curving on the Flow Field Structure in an Annular Turbine Cascade Song Yanping, Wang Zhongqi, Lu Wencai, Xu Wenyuan, Harbin Institute of Technology, Harbin, P.R. China 99-GT-069
IGTI 1999 Flow Instability Within a Diffusing, Annular S-Shaped Duct G. Norris, Frazer-Nash Consultancy Ltd., Bristol, UK; R.G. Dominy, University of Durham, Durham, UK; A.D. Smith, Rolls-Royce plc, Derby, UK 99-GT-070
IGTI 1999 Maximizing Multistage Turbine Efficiency by Optimizing Hub and Shroud Shapes and Inlet and Exit Conditions of Each Blade Row Milan V. Petrovic, University of Belgrade, Belgrade, Yugoslavia; George S. Dulikravich, Thomas J. Martin, The Pennsylvania State University, University Park, PA, USA 99-GT-071
IGTI 1999 Suppression of Secondary Flows in a Turbine Nozzle with Controlled Stacking Shape and Exit Circulation by 3D Inverse Design Method H. Watanabe, H. Harada, EBARA Research Co., Ltd., Fujisawa-shi, Japan 99-GT-072
IGTI 1999 A Parametric Design Tool for Cascades of Airfoils Roque Corral, Guillermo Pastor, Industria de TurboPropulsores and School of Aeronautics, Madrid, Spain 99-GT-073
IGTI 1999 Evaluation of Higher-Order Terms in the Throughflow Approximation Using 3D Navier-Stokes Computations of a Transonic Compressor Rotor Stephane Baralon, Ulf Håll, Chalmers University of Technology, Gothenburg, Sweden; Lars-Erik Eriksson, Volvo Aero Corporation, Trollhättan, Sweden 99-GT-074
IGTI 1999 Modeling Shrouded Stator Cavity Flows in Axial-Flow Compressors Steven R. Wellborn, Ilya Tolchinsky, Rolls-Royce Allison, Indianapolis, IN, USA; Theodore H. Okiishi, Iowa State University, Ames, IA, USA 99-GT-075
IGTI 1999 Deterministic Stress Modeling of Hot Gas Segregation in a Turbine Judy Busby, Doug Sondak, Brent Staubach, Roger Davis, United Technologies Research Center and Pratt & Whitney, East Hartford, CT, USA 99-GT-076
IGTI 1999 An Average Passage Closure Model for General Meshes K.R. Kirtley, GE Corporate Research & Development Center, Schenectady, NY, USA; M.G. Turner, S. Saeidi, GE Aircraft Engines, Cincinnati, OH, USA 99-GT-077
IGTI 1999 A Transonic Compressor Design Methodology Including the Influence of 3D Passage Shock Waves X. Gui, S. Zhou, Beijing University of Aeronautics and Astronautics, Beijing, P.R. China 99-GT-078
IGTI 1999 Experimental and Numerical Investigation of the Flow in a Centrifugal Compressor Volute D. Hagelstein, M. Rautenberg, University of Hannover, Hannover, Germany; K. Hillewaert, R.A. Van den Braembussche, Von Karman Institute for Fluid Dynamics, Rhode Saint Genèse, Belgium; A. Engeda, Michigan State University, East Lansing, MI, USA; R. Keiper 99-GT-079
IGTI 1999 Aerodynamic Analysis of Multistage Turbomachinery Flows in Support of Aerodynamic Design John J. Adamczyk, NASA Glenn Research Center, Cleveland, OH, USA 99-GT-080
IGTI 1999 Feedstock Blending in Indirectly Heated Gasifiers/Liquifiers Alex E.S. Green, Greg P. Schaefer, University of Florida, Gainesville, FL, USA 99-GT-081
IGTI 1999 Operating Experience of the GT13E2 at Kawasaki Gas Turbine Research Center Tatsuo Fujii, Akashi Technical Institute, Hyogo, Japan; Takakazu Uenaka, Kawasaki Gas Turbine Research Center, Ltd., Chiba, Japan; Hitoshi Masuo, Kawasaki Heavy Industries, Ltd., Hyogo, Japan 99-GT-082
IGTI 1999 The Virtual Energy Laboratory (VEL) - A Didactic Graphical Simulator for Thermal System Design Horacio Perez-Blanco, Luis Hinojosa, The Pennsylvania State University, University Park, PA, USA 99-GT-083
IGTI 1999 The Combination of SOFC and Microturbine for Civil and Industrial Cogeneration Stefano Campanari, Ennio Macchi, Politecnico di Milano, Milan, Italy 99-GT-084
IGTI 1999 CFD Analysis and Optimization of Industrial Turbine Exhaust Systems Jiang Luo, Chris Twardochleb, Solar Turbines, Inc., San Diego, CA, USA 99-GT-085
IGTI 1999 Failure Analysis of the Steam Injected Aeroderivative Gas Generator During Acceptance Running Inam U. Haq, Jubail Technology Center, Jubail, Saudi Arabia 99-GT-086
IGTI 1999 The Nereus Installation - The Non-Nuclear Part (GT) G.A.K. Crommelin, Romawa BV, Voorschoten, The Netherlands 99-GT-087
IGTI 1999 The Nereus Installation - The Nuclear Part (HTR) G.A.K. Crommelin, Romawa BV, Voorschoten, The Netherlands 99-GT-088
IGTI 1999 Royal Navy Experience of Propulsion Gas Turbines and How and Why This Experience is Being Incorporated into Future Designs James Rand, Nigel Wright, Ships Support Agency, Somerset, UK 99-GT-089
IGTI 1999 Seawater Contamination of a Gas Turbine Lube Oil System in the U.S. Navy Dennis M. Russom, Naval Surface Warfare Center, Philadelphia, PA, USA 99-GT-090
IGTI 1999 The Dry Low Emissions Industrial Avon John Moran, Nicholas C. Corbett, Michael T. Todman, Rolls-Royce plc, Ansty, Coventry, UK 99-GT-091
IGTI 1999 Cyclic Finite Element Modeling of Shrouded Turbine Blades Including Frictional Contacts J. Szwedowicz, ABB Turbo Systems Ltd., Baden, Switzerland 99-GT-092
IGTI 1999 Effects of Periodic Wake Passing Upon Aerodynamic Loss of a Turbine Cascade Part I: Measurements of Wake-Affected Cascade Loss by Use of a Pnuemetic Probe Ken-ichi Funazaki, Nobuaki Tetsuka, Iwate University, Morioka, Japan; Tadashi Tanuma, Toshiba Co., Yokohama, Japan 99-GT-093
IGTI 1999 Effects of Periodic Wake Passing Upon Aerodynamic Loss of a Turbine Cascade Part II: Time-Resolved Flow Field and Wake Decay Process Through the Cascade Ken-ichi Funazaki, Nobuaki Tetsuka, Iwate University, Morioka, Japan; Tadashi Tanuma, Toshiba Co., Yokohama, Japan 99-GT-094
IGTI 1999 Development of Advanced Compressor Airfoils for Heavy-Duty Gas Turbines- Part I: Design and Optimization Ulf Köller, Reinhard Mönig, Siemens AG (KWU), Mülheim,a.d. Ruhr Germany; Bernhard Küsters, Heinz-Adolf Schriber, German Aerospace Center, Koln, Germany 99-GT-095
IGTI 1999 Development of Advanced Compressor Airfoils for Heavy-Duty Gas Turbines- Part II: Experimental and Theoretical Analysis Bernhard Küsters, Heinz-Adolf Schreiber, German Aerospace Center, Koln, Germany; Ulf Köller, Reinhard Mönig, Siemens AG (KWU), Mulheim a.d. Ruhr, Germany 99-GT-096
IGTI 1999 Propagation of Multiple Short Length-Scale Stall Cells in an Axial Compressor Rotor M. Inoue, M. Kuroumaru, T. Tanino, M. Furukawa, Kyushu University, Fukuoka, Japan 99-GT-097
IGTI 1999 Multistage Simulations of the GE90 Turbine Mark G. Turner, David A. Topp, Sohrab Saeidi, Scott D. Hunter, Lyle D. Dailey, GE Aircraft Engines, Cincinnati, OH, USA; Paul H. Vitt, ASE Technologies, Cincinnati, OH, USA; Timothy A. Beach, Dynacs Engineering Co., Cleveland, OH, USA 99-GT-098
IGTI 1999 Effects of Stator Pressure Field on Upstream Rotor Performance M.B. Graf, Mars & Company, Greenwich, CT, USA; E.M. Greitzer, Massachusetts Institute of Technology, Cambridge, MA, USA; F.E. Marble, California Institute of Technology, Pasadena, CA, USA; O.P. Sharma, United Technologies Research Center, East Hartford, C 99-GT-099
IGTI 1999 Characterization of Deterministic Correlations for a Turbine Stage. Part 1: Time-Averaged Flow Analysis Fabien Bardoux, Francis Leboeuf, Cédric Dano, Ecole Centrale de Lyon, Ecully, France; Clément Toussaint, ONERA, Chatillon, France 99-GT-100
IGTI 1999 Characterization of Deterministic Correlations for a Turbine Stage. Part 2: Unsteady Flow Analysis Fabien Bardoux, Francis Leboeuf, Cédric Dano, Ecole Centrale de Lyon, Ecully, France; Clément Toussaint, ONERA, Chatillon, France 99-GT-101
IGTI 1999 Time-Resolved Numerical Analysis of the 2-D Aerodynamics in the First Stage of an Industrial Gas Turbine for Different Vane-Blade Spacings Martin von Hoyningen-Huene, Jürgen Hermeler, Siemens Power Generation (KWU), Mülheim an der Ruhr, Germany 99-GT-102
IGTI 1999 Numerical Investigations on the Optimum Design of Return Channels of Multi-Stage Centrifugal Compressors L.J. Lenke, H. Simon, University of Duisburg, Duisburg, Germany 99-GT-103
IGTI 1999 Development of the Ceramic Gas Turbine Engine System (CGT301) Takeshi Sakida, Shinya Tanaka, Takao Mikami, Masahi Tatsuzawa, Tomoki Taoka, Ishikawajima-Harima Heavy Industries Co., Ltd., Tokyo, Japan 99-GT-104
IGTI 1999 Development Summary of the 300 kW Ceramic Gas Turbine CGT302 Tetsuo Tatsumi, Isashi Takehara, Yoshihiro Ichikawa, Kawasaki Heavy Industries Ltd., Hyogo, Japan 99-GT-105
IGTI 1999 A Supercharged Turbojet for High Altitude Atmosphereic Science Investigations John D. Cyrus, Micro Craft, Inc., Southampton, PA, USA; David J. Bents, NASA LeRC, Cleveland, OH, USA; David M. Overholt, Allied Signal, Tempe, AZ, USA 99-GT-106
IGTI 1999 High Temperature Thermal Stability of JP-8+100 and Other Fuels Kenneth E. Binns, Gordon L. Dieterle, University of Dayton, Dayton, OH, USA 99-GT-107
IGTI 1999 Experimental and Numerical Studies of Two-Stage Ethane-Air Flames M.M.Y. Waly, S.C. Li, F.A. Williams, University of California- San Diego, La Jolla, CA, USA 99-GT-108
IGTI 1999 Effect of Axial Swirl Vane Location on Combustion Dynamics Douglas L. Straub, Geo A. Richards, Federal Energy Technology Center, Morgantown, WV, USA 99-GT-109
IGTI 1999 Combustion Instabilities in Industrial Gas Turbines - Measurements on Operating Plant and Thermoacoustic Modelling David E. Hobson, John E. Fackrell, G. Hewitt, PowerGen plc, Nottingham, UK 99-GT-110
IGTI 1999 Prediction of Thermoacoustic Istabilities with Focus on the Dynamic Flame Behavior for the 3A-Series Gas Turbine of Siemens KWU Uwe Krüger, Jens Hüren, B&B-AGEMA, Aachen, Germany; Stefan Hoffmanm, Werner Krebs, Siemens AG, Mülheim, Germany; Dieter Bohn, Institute of Steam and Gas Turbines, Aachen, Germany 99-GT-111
IGTI 1999 Modelling Combustion Instabilities Using Computational Fluid Dynamics Steve J. Brookes, R. Stewart Cant, Ann P. Dowling, University of Cambridge, Cambridge, UK 99-GT-112
IGTI 1999 Detailed Analysis of the Acoustic Mode Shapes of an Annular Combustion Chamber Günther Walz, Werner Krebs, Stefan Hoffmann, Hans Judith, Siemens AG KWU, Mülheim, Germany 99-GT-113
IGTI 1999 Non-Intrusive Temperature and Oxygen Concentration Measurements in a Catalytic Combustor Using Rotational Coherent Anti-Strokes Raman Spectroscopy Joakim Bood, Per-Erik Bengstsson, Marcus Aldén, Lund Institute of Technology, Lund, Sweden 99-GT-114
IGTI 1999 Enhanced Gas Turbine Combustor Performance Using H2-Enriched Natural Gas Jeffrey N. Phillips, Ph.D., Fern Engineering, Inc., Pocasset, MA, USA; Richard J. Roby, P.E., Ph.D., Combustion Science & Engineering, Inc., Columbia, MD, USA 99-GT-115
IGTI 1999 Investigation of Ignition Probability in a Gas Turbine Combustor Using Laser Ignition R.A. Hicks, C.W. Wilson, Defence and Evaluation Research Agency, Farnborough, Hampshire, UK; C.G.W. Sheppard, R. Woolley, J. Wyatt, The University of Leeds, Leeds, UK 99-GT-116
IGTI 1999 PLIF and Temperature Measurements in an Actively Forced Swirl-Stabilized Spray Combustor V. Santhanam, F.C. Knopf, S. Acharya, E. Gutmark, Louisiana State Univeristy, Baton Rouge, LA, USA 99-GT-117
IGTI 1999 Control of Combustion Driven Oscillations by Equivalence Ratio Modulations Christian Oliver Paschereit, Wolfgang Weisenstein, ABB Corporate Research, Ltd., Baden, Switzerland; Ephraim Gutmark, Louisiana State University, Baton Rouge, LA, USA 99-GT-118
IGTI 1999 A Comparative Exergy Analysis of Advanced Power Cycles Using Biomass Fuel Alcides Codeceira Neto, Pericles Pilidis, Cranfield University, Cranfield, Beds, UK; 99-GT-119
IGTI 1999 PIV Investigation of the Flow Characteristics in an Internal Coolant Passage with 45deg Rib Arrangement J. Schbacker, A. Boelcs, Swiss Federal Institute of Technology, Lausanne, Switzerland; B.V. Johnson, ABB Corporate Research, Baden, Switzerland 99-GT-120
IGTI 1999 Local Heat/Mass Transfer Measurements in a Rectangular Duct with Discrete Ribs H.H. Cho, S.J. Wu, H.J. Kwon, Yonsei University, Seoul, Korea 99-GT-121
IGTI 1999 Heat Transfer Measurements on a Cooled Flat Plate Simulating Actual Size Turbine Hardware J. Lepicovsky, Dynacs Engineering, Inc., Brookpark, OH, USA; T.J. Bencic, NASA Lewis Research Center, Cleveland, OH, USA 99-GT-122
IGTI 1999 Experimental Study Showerhead Cooling Cylinder Comparing Several Configurations Using Cylindrical and Shaped Holes H. Reiss, A. Bölcs, Swiss Federal Institute of Technology, Lausanne, Switzerland 99-GT-123
IGTI 1999 Predictions of a Film Coolant Jet in Crossflow with Different Turbulence Models Asif Hoda, Sumanta Acharya, Louisiana State University, Baton Rouge, LA, USA 99-GT-124
IGTI 1999 Blade Heat Transfer Measurements and Predictions in a Transonic Turbine Cascade P.W. Giel, Dynacs Engineering Company, Inc., Brook Park, OH, USA; G.J. Van Fossen, R. J. Boyle, NASA Lewis Research Center, Cleveland, OH, USA; D.R. Thurman, K.C. Civinskas, Lewis Research Center, Cleveland, OH, USA 99-GT-125
IGTI 1999 An Investigation on the Onset of Wake-Induced Transition and Turbulent Spot Production Rate Using Thermochromatic Liquid Crystals C. Kittichaikarn, P.T. Ireland, University of Oxford, Oxfork, UK; S. Zhong, University of Manchester, Manchester, UK; H.P. Hodson, University of Cambridge, Cambridge, UK 99-GT-126
IGTI 1999 Numerical Investigation of the Dynamical Behavior of a Row of Square Jets in Crossflow Over a Surface Frank Muldoon, Sumanta Acharya, Louisiana State University, Baton Rouge, LA, USA 99-GT-127
IGTI 1999 Robust Optimal Design of a Gas Turbine Cogeneration Plant Based on Minimax Regret Criterion Ryohei Yokoyama, Koichi Ito, Osaka Prefecture University, Sakai, Osaka, Japan 99-GT-128
IGTI 1999 Up-Rated Reheat Gas Turbine for the Repowering of Steam Power Plants G. Negri di Montenegro, A. Peretto, DIEM - University of Bologna, Bologna, Italy; E. Mantino, ENEL - Italian Electric Power Company, Milan, Italy 99-GT-129
IGTI 1999 Energy Comparison Among Load Following, Hydro Storage and Two-Shift Operation Strategies for Intermediate Fossil Fuel Power Units M. Bianchi, E. Gadda, A. Peretto, DIEM - University of Bologna, Bologna, Italy 99-GT-130
IGTI 1999 Development of HIP Diffusion Bonding Processes for ODS Alloy Turbine Vanes Yoshihiro Matsuda, Toshihiro Takikita, Shin-ichiro Moumi, Naofumi Akikawa, Kawasaki Heavy Industries, Ltd., Akashi, Hyogo, Japan; Toyoaki Yoshida, Masanobu Taki, National Aerospace Laboratory, Chofu, Tokyo, Japan 99-GT-131
IGTI 1999 Modeling Transfer Matrices of Premixed Flames and Comparison with Experimental Results Bruno B.H. Schuermans, Wolfgang Polifke, Christian Oliver Paschereit, ABB Corporate Research, Ltd., Baden-Dattwil, Switzerland 99-GT-132
IGTI 1999 Measurement of Transfer Matrices and Source Terms of Premixed Flames Christian Oliver Paschereit, Bruno Schuermans, Wolfgang Polifke, Oscar Mattson, ABB Corporate Research, Ltd., Baden, Switzerland 99-GT-133
IGTI 1999 Detailed Analysis of the Thermal Wall Heat Load in Annular Combustors Werner Krebs, Günther Walz, Stefan Hoffmann, Hans Judith, Siemens AG KWU, Mülheim, Germany 99-GT-134
IGTI 1999 Optimization of the Mixing Quality of a Real Size Gas Turbine Burner with Instantaneous Planar Laser-Induced Fluorescence Imaging Hanno Krämer, Friedrich Dinkelacker, Alfred Leipertz, Universtiy of Erlangen, Erlangen, Germany; Gerwig Poeschl, Michael Huth, Martin Lenze, Siemens AG, Mülheim, Germany 99-GT-135
IGTI 1999 Formation of Cyclic Compounds in Cracking Reactions for Hydrocarbon-Fueled High Speed Vehicles R.C. Striebich, University of Dayton, Dayton, OH, USA; L.Q. Maurice, T. Edwards, Air Force Research Laboratory, Wright-Patterson AFB, OH, USA 99-GT-136
IGTI 1999 The Effect of Schmidt Number on Turbulent Scalar Mixing in Jet-in-Crossflow Guangbin He, Yanhu Guo, Andrew T. Hsu, University of Miami, Coral Gables, FL, USA; A. Brankovic, S. Syed, Pratt & Whitney, West Palm Beach, FL, USA; N.-S Liu, NASA Research Center, Cleveland, OH, USA 99-GT-137
IGTI 1999 Assessing the Errors in Practical Gas Turbine Modelling Ceri Evans, David Rees, University of Glamorgan, Wales, UK 99-GT-138
IGTI 1999 Engine Condition Assessment Technology Barry Taylor, GasTOPS, Ltd., Hoboken, NJ, USA; Ivano Pagotto, GasTOPS, Ltd., Ottawa, Canada; Jeff Stewart, Woodward Governor Company, Loveland, CO, USA 99-GT-139
IGTI 1999 A New Procedure and Equipment for Exciting and Measuring Gas Turbine Blade Vibrations Anatoly P. Voloshehenko, Victor A. Rovkov, National Academy of Sciences of Ukraine, Kyiv, Ukraine 99-GT-140
IGTI 1999 Effect of Film-Cooling Hole Location on Turbulator Heat Transfer Enhancement in Turbine Blade Internal Air-Cooling Circuits J.M. McDonough, V.E. Garzón, University of Kentucky, Lexington, KY, USA; D.E. Schulte, Whitman College, Walla Walla, WA, USA 99-GT-141
IGTI 1999 An Infrared Technique for Evaluating Turbine Airfoil Cooling Designs Patrick C. Sweeney, Rolls-Royce Allison, Indianapolis, IN, USA; Jeffrey F. Rhodes, Allison Advanced Development Company, Indianapolis, IN, USA 99-GT-142
IGTI 1999 Effects of Orientation Angles on Film Cooling over a Flat Plate: Boundary Layer Temperature Distributions and Adiabatic Film Cooling Effectiveness In Sung Jung, Joon Sik Lee, Turbo and Power Machinery Research Center, Seoul, Korea 99-GT-143
IGTI 1999 Mist/Steam Cooling in a Heated Horizontal Tube Part I: Experimental System T. Guo, T. Wang, J.L. Gaddis, Clemson University, Clemson, SC, USA 99-GT-144
IGTI 1999 Mist/Steam Cooling in a Heated Horizontal Tube Part II: Results and Modeling T. Guo, T. Wang, J.L. Gaddis, Clemson University, Clemson, SC, USA 99-GT-145
IGTI 1999 Minimization of Coolant Mass Flow Rate in Internally Cooled Gas Turbine Blades Thomas J. Martin, George S. Dulikravich, Zhen-Xue Han, Brian H. Dennis, The Pennsylvania State University, University Park, PA, USA 99-GT-146
IGTI 1999 Feasibility of Contact Elimination of a Mechanical Face Seal Through Clearance Adjustment Min Zou, Joshua Dayan, Itzhak Green, Georgia Institute of Technology, Atlanta, GA, USA 99-GT-147
IGTI 1999 Prediction of Acoustic, Vorticity and Entropy Waves Generated by Short-Duration Acoustic Pulses Incident on a Blade Row Miklos Sajben, University of Cincinnati, Cincinnati, OH, USA 99-GT-148
IGTI 1999 Modelling of a Microslip Friction Damper Subjected to Translation and Rotation Gabor Csaba, Volvo Aero Corporation, Trollhättan, Sweden 99-GT-149
IGTI 1999 Reliable Rotordynamic Design of High-Pressure Compressors Based on Test Rig Data Norbert G. Wagner, DEMAG DELAVAL Turbomachinery, Duisberg, Germany 99-GT-150
IGTI 1999 Influence of Turbulence Intensity on Annular Turbine Stator Aerodynamics at Low Reynolds Numbers Takayuki Matsunuma, Hiroyuki Abe, Yasukata Tsutsui, Agency of Industrial Science and Technology, Tsukuba, Japan 99-GT-151
IGTI 1999 On the Development and Application of the FRAP (Fast-Response Aerodynamic Probe) System for Turbomachines- Part 1: The Measurement System Peter Kupferschmied, Pascal Köppel, Christian Roduner, George Gyarmathy, ETH- Swiss Federal Institute of Technology, Zurich, Switzerland 99-GT-152
IGTI 1999 On the Development and Application of the FRAP (Fast-Response Aerodynamic Probe) System in Turbomachines Part 2: Flow, Surge & Stall in a Centrifugal Compressor Christian Roduner, Peter Kupferschmied, Pascal Köppel, George Gyarmathy, ETH- Swiss Federal Institute of Technology, Zurich, Switzerland 99-GT-153
IGTI 1999 On the Development and Application of the FRAP (Fast-Response Aerodynamic Probe) System in Turbomachines Part 3: Comparison of Averaging Methods Applied to Centrifugal Compressor Measurements Pascal Köppel, Christian Roduner, Peter Kupferschmied, George Gyarmathy, ETH- Swiss Federal Institute of Technology, Zurich, Switzerland 99-GT-154
IGTI 1999 Comparison of Different Acceleration Techniques and Methods for Periodic Boundary Treatment in Unsteady Turbine Stage Flow Simulations Martin von Hoynigen-Huene, Alexander R. Jung, Siemens Power Genration (KWU), Mülheim, Germany 99-GT-155
IGTI 1999 Simulations of the Unsteady Flow Through the Fastrac Supersonic Turbine Lisa W. Griffin, George C. Marshall Space Flight Center, Marshall Space Fight Center, AL, USA; Daniel J. Dorney J. Dorney, Virginia Commonwealth University, Richmond, VA, USA 99-GT-156
IGTI 1999 Effects of Variable Inlet Guide Vanes on Small Centrifugal Compressor Performance Minoru Ishino, Yuji Iwakiri, Akinobu Bessho, Hiroshi Uchida, Toyota Central R&D Labs, Inc., Aichi, Japan 99-GT-157
IGTI 1999 Effect of Two-Scale Roughness on Boundary Layer Transition Over a Heated Flat Plate: Part I - Surface Heat Transfer Mark W. Pinson, Ting Wang, Clemson University, Clemson, SC, USA 99-GT-158
IGTI 1999 Effect of Two-Scale Roughness on Boundary Layer Transition Over a Heated Flat Plate: Part 2 - Boundary Layer Structure Mark W. Pinson, Ting Wang, Clemson University, Clemson, SC, USA 99-GT-159
IGTI 1999 An Algebraic Model for High Intensity Large Scale Turbulence F.E. Ames, University of North Dakota, Grand Forks, ND, USA; O. Kwon, Rolls-Royce Allison, Indianapolis, IN, USA; R.J. Moffat, Stanford University, Standford, CA, USA 99-GT-160
IGTI 1999 Formation of Counter-Rotating Vortices in Film-Cooling Flows C.A. Lemmon, A. Kohli, K.A. Thole, University of Wisconsin, Madison, WI, USA 99-GT-161
IGTI 1999 Film Cooling Effectiveness Predictions for Short Holes Fed by a Narrow Plenum C.A. Hale, S. Ramadhyani, M.W. Plesniak, Purdue University, West Lafayette, IN, USA 99-GT-162
IGTI 1999 Channel Height Effect on Heat Transfer and Friction in a Dimpled Passage H.K. Moon, T. O'Connell, B. Glezer, Solar Turbines, Incorporated, San Diego, CA, USA 99-GT-163
IGTI 1999 Local Swirl Chamber Heat Transfer & Flow Structure at Different Reynolds Numbers C.R. Hedlund, P.M. Ligrani, University of Utah, Salt Lake City, UT, USA 99-GT-164
IGTI 1999 Effects of Hole Shape on Film Cooling with Large Angle Injection Atul Kohli, David G. Bogard, The University of Texas at Austin, Austin, TX, USA 99-GT-165
IGTI 1999 Numerical Prediction of Mainstream Pressure Gradient Effects in Film Cooling William D. York, James H. Leylek, Clemson University, Clemson, SC, USA 99-GT-166
IGTI 1999 Measurements of Heat Transfer Characteristics for Film Cooling Applications Dragos N. Licu, Matthew J. Findlay, Ian S. Garthshore, Martha Sascudean, University of British Columbia, Vancouver, BC, Canada 99-GT-167
IGTI 1999 The Superposition Approach to Local Heat Transfer Coefficients in High Density Ratio Film Cooling Flows Michael Gritsch, Stefan Baldauf, Moritz Martiny, Achmed Schulz, Sigmar Wittig, Universität Karlsruhe, Karlsruhe, Germany 99-GT-168
IGTI 1999 Heat Transfer and Flow on the First Stage Blade Tip of a Power Generation Gas Turbine Part 1: Experimental Results Ronald S. Bunker, Jeremy C. Bailey, General Electric Corp. R&D Center, Schenectady, NY, USA; Ali A. Ameri, AYT Corporation, Brook Park, OH, USA 99-GT-169
IGTI 1999 A Combined Experimental and Numerical Investigation of the Flow in a Heated Rotor/Stator Cavity, with a Radial Inflow E. Laroche, S. Desportes, ONERA, Chatillion, France; M. Djaoui, R. Debuchy, U.R.A. C.N.R.S., Cedex, France; L. Paté, Snecma Villaroche 99-GT-170
IGTI 1999 Performance of a Turbine Airfoil with Multiple Film Cooling Stations Part I: Heat Transfer and Film Cooling Effectiveness U. Drost, ABB Power Generation, Ltd., Baden, Switzerland; A. Bölcs, Swiss Federal Institute of Technology, Lausanne, Switzerland 99-GT-171
IGTI 1999 Unsteady Wake Effect on Film Temperature and Effectiveness Distributions for a Gas Turbine Blade Shuye Teng, Doug Kee Sohn, Je-Chin Han, Texas A&M University, College Station, TX, USA 99-GT-172
IGTI 1999 Thermodynamic, Environmental and Economic Assessment of Exhaust Gas Recirculation for NOx Reduction in Gas Turbine Based Compressor Station K.K. Botros, G.R. Price, NOVA Research & Technology Corporation, Calgary, AB, Canada; G. Kibrya, TransCanada Pipelines, Ltd., Calgary, AB, Canada 99-GT-173
IGTI 1999 Computation of Flow and Heat Transfer in Rotating Two-Pass Square Channels by a Reynolds Stress Model Hamn-Ching Chen, Yong-Jun Jang, Je-Chin Han, Texas A&M College, College Station, TX, USA 99-GT-174
IGTI 1999 Analysis of Actively Controlled Coulomb Damping for Rotating Machinery John M. Vance, Luis A. San Andres, Texas A&M University, College Station, TX, USA 99-GT-175
IGTI 1999 Experimental Investigation of Adaptive Control Applied to HSFD Supported Rotors A. El-Shafei, M. El-Hakim, Cairo University, Giza, Egypt 99-GT-176
IGTI 1999 Comparison of the Dynamic Characteristics of Smooth Annular Seals and Damping Seals J. Mark Darden, Eric M. Earhart, Marshall Space Flight Center, MSFC, AL, USA; George T. Flowers, Auburn University, Auburn University, AL, USA 99-GT-177
IGTI 1999 Self-Sensing in Fault Tolerant Magnetic Bearings Dominick Montie, Eric Maslen, University of Virginia, Charlottesville, VA, USA 99-GT-178
IGTI 1999 Negative Stiffness Coefficients for Magnetic Actuators Using Laplace's Equation Lyndon S. Stephens, University of Kentucky, Lexington, KY, USA; Mark A. Casemore, Louisiana State University, Baton Rouge, LA, USA 99-GT-179
IGTI 1999 A 35,000 rpm Test Rig for Development of Magnetic, Hybrid and Backup Bearings Erik E. Swanson, James F. Walton II, Hooshang Heshmat, Mohawk Innovative Technologies, Inc., Albany, NY, USA 99-GT-180
IGTI 1999 Designing Turbomachinery Blades Using Evolutionary Methods K.C. Giannakoglou, National Technical University of Athens, Athens, Greece 99-GT-181
IGTI 1999 Overshoot of the Rankine Vortex Formed in the Flow Field Behind the Inlet Guide Vane of Centrifugal Compressors Y.N. Chen, Sulzer Innotec, Ltd., Winterthur, Switzerland; D. Hagelstein, I. Kassens, H. Hasemann, U. Haupt, M. Rautenburg, University of Hannover, Hannover, Germany 99-GT-182
IGTI 1999 Some Modelling Issues on Trailing Edge Vortex Shedding Wei Ning, ALSTOM Gas Turbines, Ltd., Lincoln, UK; Li He, University of Durham, Durham, UK 99-GT-183
IGTI 1999 Part Load Operation of a Combined Plant Using a Closed Circuit Blade Cooled Gas Turbine Shin'ya Marushima, Shin'ichi Higuchi, Takashi Ikeguchi, Hitachi, Ltd., Ibaraki, Japan 99-GT-184
IGTI 1999 Diagnosis of Gas Turbine Operating Conditions by Means of the Inverse Cycle Calculation R. Bettocchi, University of Ferrara, Ferrara, Italy; P.R. Spina, University of Bologna, Bologna, Italy 99-GT-185
IGTI 1999 A Three-Dimensional Coupled Internal/External Simulation of a Film-Cooled Turbine Vane James D. Heidmann, NASA Lewis Research Center, Cleveland, OH, USA; David L. Rigby, Dynacs Engineering Co., Inc., Brookpark, OH, USA; Ali A. Ameri, NASA Lewis Research Group, Cleveland, OH, USA 99-GT-186
IGTI 1999 Air Entrainment vs. Lubricant Vaporization in Squeeze Film Dampers: An Experimental Assessment of Their Fundamental Differences Sergio E. Diaz, Luis A. San Andres, Texas A&M University, College Station, TX, USA 99-GT-187
IGTI 1999 Flowfield Measurements in the Endwall Region of a Stator Vane M.B. Kang, K.A. Thole, University of Wisconsin, Madison, Wisconsin, USA 99-GT-188
IGTI 1999 Continuous Fiber Ceramic Matrix Composites for Gas Turbine Applications A. Szweda, T.E. Easler, D.R. Petrak, V.A. Black, Dow Corning Corporation, Midland, MI, USA 99-GT-189
IGTI 1999 Advances in Oxide-Oxide CMC Robert A. Jurf, Steven C. Butner, Composite Optics, Inc., San Diego, CA, USA 99-GT-190
IGTI 1999 Co-Gasification of Coal/Biomass Blends in a Pressurized Fluidized-Bed Gasifier The Advantageous Synergies in the Process Guanxing Chen, Qizhaung Yu, Claes Brage, Christer Rosén, Krister Sjöström, Royal Institute of Technology (KTH), Stockholm, Sweden 99-GT-191
IGTI 1999 Conditioning and Detailed Analysis of Biomass Derived Fuel Gas: Ongoing and Planned Work by Battelle Don Anson, Mark A. Paisley, Battelle, Columbus, OH, USA; M.A. Ratcliff, National Renewable Energy Lab, Golden, CO, USA 99-GT-192
IGTI 1999 Experimental Investigation of Particle Rebound Characteristics on Turbomachinery Leading Edge Geometry S. Siravuri, W. Tabakoff, J.A. Gunaraj, University of Cincinnati, Cincinnati, OH, USA 99-GT-193
IGTI 1999 Unsteady Boundary Layer Transition on a High Pressure Turbine Rotor Blade Maik Tiedemann, Friedrich Kost, German Aerospace Center (DLR), Göttingen, Germany 99-GT-194
IGTI 1999 Heat Transfer Enhancement in Triangular Ducts with an Array of Side-Entry Wall/Impinged Jets J.-J. Hwang, C.-S. Cheng, Y.-P. Tsia, Chung-Hua University, Hsinchu, Taiwan 99-GT-195
IGTI 1999 Turbine Nozzle Film Cooling Study Using the Pressure Sensitive Paint (PSP) Technique Luzeng Zhang, Michael Baltz, Ram Pudupatty, Michael Fox, Solar Turbines Incorporated, San Diego, CA, USA 99-GT-196
IGTI 1999 Performance of Pre-Swirl Rotating-Disc Systems Hasan Karabay, Robert Pilbrow, Michael Wilson, J. Michael Owen, University of Bath, Bath, UK 99-GT-197
IGTI 1999 Aerothermal Investigations of Mixing Flow Phenomena in Case of Radially Inclined Ejection Holes at the Leading Edge Dieter E. Bohn, Karsten A. Kusterer, Aachen University of Technology, Aachen, Germany 99-GT-198
IGTI 1999 Experimental and Numerical Conjugate Flow and Heat Transfer Investigation of the Influence of Density Ratio and Blowing Ratio on the Film-Cooling Efficiency of a First Stage Turbine Guide Vane Dieter E. Bohn, Volker J. Becker, Agnes U. Rungen, Aachen University of Technology, Aachen, Germany 99-GT-199
IGTI 1999 Development of a Composite Inlet Housing for GTX100 Roger S. Andersson, Ingemar A.G. Eriksson, Olov C. Granström, ABB STAL, Finspong, Sweden 99-GT-200
IGTI 1999 Rotor Dynamic Response at Blade Loss B. Agne Karlsson, C. Pontus Bergström, J. Thomas F. Domeij, ABB STAL AB, Finspong, Sweden 99-GT-201
IGTI 1999 On Instability of Overhung Centrifugal Compressors François Berot, Hervé Dourlens, Dresser-Rand, Le Havre, France 99-GT-202
IGTI 1999 Imbalance Response and Damping Force Coefficients of a Rotor Supported on End Sealed Integral Squeeze Film Dampers Oscar C. De Santiago, Luis San Andrés, Texas A&M University, College Station, TX, USA 99-GT-203
IGTI 1999 Active Magnetic Bearing with Large Air Gap for Operation with a 3-Phase Power Converter Thomas Gempp, Reto Schöb, Sulzer Electronics AG, Winterthur, Switzerland; Christian Redemann, Swiss Federal Institute of Technology, Zurich, Switzerland 99-GT-204
IGTI 1999 Sliding Mode Control of Magnetic Bearings: A Hardware Perspective Eric Maslen, Dominick Montie, University of Virginia, Charlottesville, VA, USA 99-GT-205
IGTI 1999 Sliding Mode Control of Magnetic Bearings: Comparison of Sensed and Self Sensing Performance S. Ueno, Y. Okada, Ibaraki University, Hitachi, Japan; J.H. Lee, P.E. Allaire, University of Virginia, Charlottesville, VA, USA 99-GT-206
IGTI 1999 Aerodynamic Damping Predictions Using a Linearized Navier-Stokes Analysis Daniel Hoyniak, Rolls-Royce Allison, Indianapolis, IN, USA; William S. Clark, Duke University, Durham, NC, USA 99-GT-207
IGTI 1999 Complementary Use of CFD and Experimental Measurements to Assess the Impact of Shrouded and Cantilevered Stators in Axial Compressors M.S. Campobasso, A. Mattheiss, U. Wenger, BMW Rolls-Royce, Dahlewitz, Germany; A. Arnone, P. Boncinelli, University of Florence, Florence, Italy 99-GT-208
IGTI 1999 The Effects of Blade-Row Spacing on the Flow Capacity of a Transonic Rotor Randall M. Chriss, NASA Lewis Research Center, Cleveland, OH, USA; William W. Copenhaver, Steven E. Gorrell, Air Force Research Laboratory, Wright-Patterson Air Force Base, OH, USA 99-GT-209
IGTI 1999 Aerodynamic Design and Development of an Axial Flow Compressor with Pressure Ratio of 23.3:1 for the LM2500+ Gas Turbine A.R. Wadia, D.P. Wolf, F.G. Haaser, GE Aircraft Engines, Cincinnati, OH, USA 99-GT-210
IGTI 1999 The Secondary Flow Field of a Turbine Cascade with 3D Airfoil Design and Endwall Contouring at Off-Design Incidence Arno Duden, Siemens Power Generation (KWU), Mülheim/Ruhr, Germany; Leonhard Fottner, Universität der Bundeswehr München, Neubiberg, Germany 99-GT-211
IGTI 1999 Low Speed Annular Cascade Tests of an Ultra-Highly Loaded Turbine with Tip Clearance, Part 1 - Near Design Incidence A. Yamamoto, National Aerospace Laboratory, Tokyo, Japan; E. Outa, Waseda University, Tokyo, Japan 99-GT-212
IGTI 1999 Adaptive Unstructured Grids for Simulating Transsonic Flows in Turbomachinery C. Roehl, H. Simon, University of Duisburg, Duisburg, Germany 99-GT-213
IGTI 1999 Navier-Stokes Simulation of the MIT Flapping Foil Experiment Using an Unstructured Finite Volume Method Dong Jin Kang, Sang Soo Bae, Yeungnam University, Korea; Jae Won Kim, Sunmoon University, Korea 99-GT-214
IGTI 1999 Active Control of Combustion Instability in Liquid-Fueled Sector Combustor J.R. Hibshman, J.M. Cohen, A. Banaszuk, T.J. Anderson, H.A. Alholm, United Technologies Research Center, East Hartford, CT, USA 99-GT-215
IGTI 1999 On the Development of Oxygen Scavenger Additives for Future Jet Fuels B. Beaver, V. Sharief, Y. Teng, R. DeMunshi, J.P. Guo, K. Katondo, Duquesne University, Pittsburgh, PA, USA 99-GT-216
IGTI 1999 Deposit Formation and Mitigation in Aircraft Fuels Louis J. Spadaccini, David R. Sobel, He Huang, United Technologies Research Center, East Hartford, CT, USA 99-GT-217
IGTI 1999 Development of an Oil Injection Sysem Optimised to the ABB Double Cone Burner Manfred Aigner, E. Geoffrey Engelbrecht, Adnan Eroglu, Jaan Hellat, Khawar J. Syed, ABB Power Generation, Ltd., Baden Switzerland 99-GT-218
IGTI 1999 Flow Characteristics of Highly Rotating Turbine Cavity System with Discharge Holes D.J. Maeng, J.S. Lee, Seoul National University, Seoul, Korea; R. Jakoby, S. Kim, S. Wittig, Universität Karlsruhe, Karlsruhe, Germany 99-GT-219
IGTI 1999 3-D Internal Flow and Conjugate Calculations of a Convective Cooled Turbine Blade with Serpentine-Shaped and Ribbed Channels Dieter E. Bohn, Volker J. Becker, Karsten A. Kusterer, Aachen University of Technology, Aachen, Germany; Yoklu Otsuki, Takao Sugimoto, Ryozo Tanaka, Kawasaki Heavy Industries, Ltd., Akashi, Japan 99-GT-220
IGTI 1999 Scales of Turbulence During Boundary Layer Transition Under Steady and Unsteady Flow Conditions P. Chakka, M.T. Schobeiri, Texas A&M University, College Station, TX, USA 99-GT-221
IGTI 1999 In-Service Damage Assessment and Life Prediction of Stage 1 Buckets in a Frame 9E CCGT V. Kallinpur, J. Claeys, A. Beltran, GE Power Systems, Schenectady, NY, USA; Y. Yoshioka, H. Kashiwaya, K. Fugiyama, Toshiba Coporation, Yokoyama, Japan; H. Tezuka, T. Sakurai, M. Aoki, Tokyo Electric Power Company, Kawasaki-shi, Japan 99-GT-222
IGTI 1999 USN Land Based Testing of the WR 21 ICR Gas Turbine Robin W. Parry, Edward House, Matthew Stauffer, Michael Iacovelli, William J. Higgins, Naval Warfare Center, Philadelphia, PA, USA 99-GT-223
IGTI 1999 The Requirements for a Modern Marine Gas Turbine and the Development of the WR21 Brian Butler, Defence Evaluation and Research Agency, Hampshire, UK; Nigel Wright, Foxhill Bath, Avon, UK 99-GT-224
IGTI 1999 Application of Perturbation Methodology and Directional Filtering for Early Rotor Crack Detection Paul Goldman, Agnes Muszynska, Donald E. Bently, Kenwood P. Dayton, BRDRC, Minden, NV, USA; Mauro Garcin, Politecnico di Torino, Torino, Italy 99-GT-225
IGTI 1999 A Helical Surface Model for 3-D Shock Structure Analysis Peng Shan, Sheng Zhou, Beijing University of Aeronautics and Astronautics, Beijing, China 99-GT-226
IGTI 1999 The Methodology of Stochastic Optimization of Parameters and Control Laws for the Aircraft Gas-Turbine Engines Flow Passage Components Egorov, I.N., Kretinin, G.V., Kostiuk, S.S., Leschenko, I.A., Air-Force Engineering Academy, Moscow, Russia; Babi, U.I., Techno-Pulsar, Moscow, Russia 99-GT-227
IGTI 1999 Pioneering Turbojet Developments of Dr. Hans von Ohain- From the HeS 1 to the HeS 011 Cyrus B. Meher-Homji, Bechtel Corporation, Houston, TX, USA; Erik Prisell, defence Materiel Administration (FMV), Stockholm, Sweden 99-GT-228
IGTI 1999 The Study of the Filtration Process Through a Ceramic Candle Filter M. Al-Hajeri, A. Aroussi, S.J. Pickering, University of Nottingham, Nottingham, UK 99-GT-229
IGTI 1999 Combustor Liner Analysis by Thermo-mechanical Integrated Approach A. Baldi, E. Vitale, University of Pisa, Pisa, Italy; U. Piccitto, ENEL Ricerca, Pisa, Italy 99-GT-230
IGTI 1999 Optimization of Rotor Disk Shape Considering Equalization of Residual Stress Distribution Around Central Hole M. Sekihara, T. Machida, Hitachi, Ltd., Tsuchiura, Japan 99-GT-231
IGTI 1999 The Development of a New Experimental Facility for the Simulation of Civil Aircraft Engine Air Intakes at High Reynolds Number Jeremy D. Murgatroyd, Defence Evaluation and Research Agency, Bedford, UK 99-GT-232
IGTI 1999 Time-Dependent Reliability of Ceramic Components Subjected to High Temperature Loading in a Corrosive Environment A. Brückner-Foit, C. Ziegler, Karlsruhe University, Karlsruhe, Germany 99-GT-233
IGTI 1999 SiC Fiber Reinforced SiC-Si Matrix Composites Prepared by Melt Infiltration (MI) for Gas Turbine Engine Applications Gregory S. Corman, Milivoj K. Burn, Krishan L. Luthra, GE Corporate Reasearch and Development, Schenectady, NY, USA 99-GT-234
IGTI 1999 Design and Test of CFCC Shroud and Combustor Components Anthony J. Dean, Gregory S. Corman, Bharat Bagepalli, Krishan L. Luthra, GE Corporate Research and Development, Schenectady, NY, USA; Paul S. DiMascio, Robert M. Orenstein, GE Power Systems, Schenectady, NY, USA 99-GT-235
IGTI 1999 Development of a Three-Staged Low Emissions Combustor for Industrial Small-Size Gas Turbines Hiroshi Sato, Toshiji Amano, Yoshihiro Liyama, Masaaki Mori, Tsuneaki Nakumura, Tokyo Gas Co., Ltd., Tokyo, Japan 99-GT-236
IGTI 1999 Rolls-Royce RB211-DLE Combustor Diffuser Design Optimisation Tom Schweiger, Rolls-Royce Industrial & Marin, Antsy, Coventry, UK; Richard M. Underhill, Duncan W. Livingston, Frazer-Nash Consultancy, Ltd., Bristol, UK 99-GT-237
IGTI 1999 Compressor Exit Conditions and Their Impact on Flame Tube Injector Flows A.G. Barker, J.F. Corrotte, Loughborough University, Lougborough, Leics, UK 99-GT-238
IGTI 1999 Back Side-Cooled Combustor Liner for Lean-Premixed Combustion Kenneth Smith, Anthony Fahme, Solar Turbines, Incorporated, San Diego, CA, USA 99-GT-239
IGTI 1999 Gas Turbine Combustor Design Parameter Analysis for Soot Reduction Using CFD D. Scott Corcker, CFD Research Corporation, Huntsville, AL, USA; Rahul Puri, AlliedSignal Engines, Phoenix, AZ, USA 99-GT-240
IGTI 1999 Development History and Field Experiences of the First FT8 Gas Turbine with Dry Low NOx Combustion System Barry C. Schlein, David A. Anderson, Pratt & Whitney, East Hartford, CT, USA; Markus Beukenberg, Klaus D. Mohr, GHH BORSIG Turomaschinen GmbH, Oberhausen, Germany, Hans L. Leiner, Wolfgang Träptau, Ruhrgas AG, Essen, Germany 99-GT-241
IGTI 1999 Workshop Testing of GT140P Part 1: Test Program and Test Arrangement Knud Knudsen, Jonas Larsson, Ulf Nilsson, Per Thörnblad, ABB STAL AB, Finspong, Sweden 99-GT-242
IGTI 1999 Workshop Testing of GT140P Part 2: Tests and Experiences Knud Knudsen, Roland Nilsson, Ulf Nilsson, Per Thörnblad, ABB STAL AB, Finspong, Sweden 99-GT-243
IGTI 1999 Total Operating Activities of Gas Turbine Components - Total Equivalent Operating Hours (TEOH) Jung-Ho Lee, P.C. Engineering Company, Seoul, Korea 99-GT-244
IGTI 1999 The Siemens Westinghouse Advanced Turbine Systems Program Ihor S. Diakunchak, Mark P. Krush, Gerry McQuiggan, Leslie R. Southall, Siemens Westinghouse Power Corporation, Orlando, FL, USA 99-GT-245
IGTI 1999 A Study of the Flow Field in a Model Rotor-Stator Disk Cavity R.P. Roy, S. Devasenathipathy, G. Xu, Y. Zhao, Arizona State University, Tempe, AZ, USA 99-GT-246
IGTI 1999 Ingress Determination by Means of Laser Light Scattering Inside a Rotor-Stator System T. Geis, A. Wiebelt, S. Kim, S. Wittig, Universität Karlsruhe (T.H.), Karlsruhe, Germany 99-GT-247
IGTI 1999 Influence of Rim Seal Geometry on Hot Gas Ingestion Into the Upstream Cavity of an Axial Turbine Stage Dieter Bohn, Berhd Rudzinski, Norbert Sürken, Aachen University of Technology, Aachen, Germany; Wolfgang Gärtner, MTU München GmbH, München, Germany 99-GT-248
IGTI 1999 Internal Bearing Chamber Wall Heat Transfer as a Function of Operating Conditions and Chamber Geometry Stefan Busam, Sigmar Wittig, Universität Karlsruhe, Karlsruhe, Germany; Axel Glahn, United Technologies Research Center, East Hartford, CT, USA 99-GT-249
IGTI 1999 Efficiency of Air-Purged Rotor-Stator Seals in Combustion Turbine Engines A.W. Reichert, D. Lieser, Siemens AG (KWU), Mü;heim, Germany 99-GT-250
IGTI 1999 Calculation of Flow Losses in Rotating Passages of Gas Turbine Cooling Systems D. Brillert, H. Simon, University of Duisburg, Duisburg, Germany; A.W. Riechert, Siemens AG (KWU), Mülheim, Germany 99-GT-251
IGTI 1999 Impingement Cooling Experiments with Flat Plate and Pin Plate Target Surfaces Ranier Hoeker, Bruce V. Johnson, ABB Coporate Research, Ltd., Baden-Daettwil, Switzerland; Josef Hausladen, KRONES AG, Neutrabling, Germany; Matthias Rothburst, Bernhard Weigand, ABB Power Generation Ltd., Baden, Switzerland 99-GT-252
IGTI 1999 Flowfield Measurements for a Highly Turbulent Flow in a Stator Vane Passage R.W. Radomsky, K.A. Thole, University of Wisconsin, Madison, WI, USA 99-GT-253
IGTI 1999 The Measurement of Local Wall Heat Transfer in Stationary U-Ducts of Strong Curvature, with Smooth and Rib Roughened Walls Hector Iacovides, David C. Jackson, George Kelemenis, Brian E. Launder, UMIST, Machester, UK 99-GT-254
IGTI 1999 Heat Transfer and Fluid Flow in a Square Duct with 12 Different Shaped Vortex Generators Tong-Miin Liou, Chung-Chu Chen, Tzi-Wei Tsai, National Tsing Hua University, hsinchu, Taiwan 99-GT-255
IGTI 1999 3-D Numerical Simulation of Impinging Jet Cooling with Initial Crossflow Chang Haiping, Chen Wanbing, Najing University of Aeronautics and Astronautics, Najing, China; Huang Taiping, Xiamen University, Xiamen China 99-GT-256
IGTI 1999 A Computational Visualization of Three Dimensional Flow: Finding Optimum Heat Transfer and Pressure Drop Characteristics from Short Cross-Pin Arrays and Comparison with Two-Dimensional Calculations E.E. Donahoo, C. Camci, A.K. Kulkarni, A.D. Belegundu, The Pennsylvania State University, University Park, PA, USA 99-GT-257
IGTI 1999 Influence of Internal Flow on Film Cooling Effectiveness Günter Wilfert, ABB Corporate Research, Ltd., Baden-Dättwil, Switzerland; Stafan Wolff, Universität der Bendeswehr München, Neubiberg, Germany 99-GT-258
IGTI 1999 Steady and Unsteady Heat Transfer in A Transonic Film Cooled Turbine Cascade O. Popp, D.E. Smith, J.V. Bubb, H.C. Grabowski III, T.E. Diller, J.A. Schetz, Wing-Fai Ng, Virginia Polytechnic Insititute and State University, Blackburg, VA, USA 99-GT-259
IGTI 1999 Transonic Aerodynamic Losses Due to Turbine Airfoil, Suction Surface Film Cooling D.J. Jackson, K.L. Lee, P.M. Ligrani, University of Utah, Salt Lake City, UT, USA; P.D. Johnson, F.O. Soechting, Pratt & Whitney, West Palm Beach, FL, USA 99-GT-260
IGTI 1999 Highly Turbulent Mainstream Effects of Film Cooling of a Simulated Airfoil Leading Edge Christopher A. Johnston, David G. Bogard, Marcus A. McWaters, University of Texas at Austin, Austin, TX, USA 99-GT-261
IGTI 1999 An Implicit Scheme for Cascade Flow and Heat Transfer Analysis C. Xu, R.S. Amano, University of Wisconsin, Milwaukee, WI, USA 99-GT-262
IGTI 1999 Computations of Flow and Heat Transfer in a Channel with Rows of Hemisperical Concavities Y.-L. Lin, T. I-P. Shih, Michgan State University, East Lansing, MI, USA; M.K. Chyu, Carnegie Mellon University, Pittsburgh, PA, USA 99-GT-263
IGTI 1999 Comparison of Computational Velocity and Heat Transfer Predictions to Experimental Measurements in a Rotating Cooling Passage with Smooth Walls Jeffrey P. Bons, Air Force Institute of Technology, Wright-Patterson AFB, OH, USA 99-GT-264
IGTI 1999 Degradation of Silicon Nitrides in High Pressure, Moisture Rich Environments M.K. Ferber, H.T. Lin, Oak Ridge National Laboratory, Oak Ridge, TN, USA; V. Parthasarathy, W. Brentnall, Solar Turbines, San Diego, CA, USA 99-GT-265
IGTI 1999 A Viscoplastic Constitutive Theory for Monolithic Ceramics - II Lesley A. Janosik, NASA Lewis reseaarch Center, Cleveland, OH, USA; Stephen F. Duffy, PhD, PE, Cleveland State University, Cleveland, OH, USA 99-GT-266
IGTI 1999 Hot Gas Filters for Coal and Biomass Power Systems R.A. Newby, T.E. Lippert, M.A. Alvin, G.J. Bruck, Z.N. Sajana, E.E. Smeltzer, Siemens Westinghouse Power Corporation, Pittsburgh, PA, USA 99-GT-267
IGTI 1999 Iron-Aluminide Filters for Hot-Gas Cleanup Peter F. Tortorelli, Claudete G. McKamey, Edgar Lara-Curzio, and Roddie R. Judkins, Oak Ridge National Laboratory, Oak Ridge, TN, USA 99-GT-268
IGTI 1999 Variable Geometry Fuel Injector Low Emissions Gas Turbines K. Smith, R. Steele, J. Rogers, Solare Turbines Incorporated, San Diego, CA, USA 99-GT-269
IGTI 1999 NOx as a Function of Fuel Type: C1-to-C16 Hydrocarbons and Methanol John C.Y. Lee, Phillip C. Malte, David G. Nicol, University of Washington, Seattle, WA, USA 99-GT-270
IGTI 1999 In Situ Detailed Chemistry Calculations in Combustor Flow Analyses S. James, M.S. Anand, M.K. Razdan, Rolls-Royce Allison, Indianapolis, IN, USA; S.B. Pope, Cornell University, Ithaca, NY, USA 99-GT-271
IGTI 1999 Numerical Simulation of Turbulent Premixed Combustion Using a Joint-PDF Approach Based on a Systematically Reduced Multi-Step Reaction Mechanism Dieter E. Bohn, Joachim Lepers, Aachen University of Technology, Aachen, Germany 99-GT-272
IGTI 1999 Combustor Flow Analysis Using an Advanced Finite-Volume Design System M.S. Anand, J. Zhu, C. Connor, M.K. Razdan, Rolls-Royce Allison, Indianapolis, IN, USA 99-GT-273
IGTI 1999 Large-Eddy Simulation of Combustion Oscillation in the Premixed Combustor Tomoya Murota, Masaya Ohtsuka, Hitachi, Ltd., Ibaragi-ken, Japan 99-GT-274
IGTI 1999 The Calculation of Thermodynamic Non Equilibrium Combustion Product Compositions C.D. Hurley, M. Whiteman, C.W. Wilson, DERA Pyestock, Farnborough, UK 99-GT-275
IGTI 1999 A Theoretical Tool to Predict the Effects of Chemical Kinetics on Sound Propagation Within High Temperature Hydrocarbon Combustion Products Zakirul Haque, AP Automotive Systems, Inc., Toledo, OH, USA; John P. Barton, University of Nebraska-Lincoln, Nabraska, USA 99-GT-276
IGTI 1999 Fast Response Extraction Probe for Measurement of Air-Fuel Ratio Fluctuations in Lean Premixed Combustors Rajiv Mongia, John Torres, Robert Dibble, University of California at Berkeley, Berkeley, CA, USA; Darren Lee, Torger Anderson, William Sowa, United Technologies Research Center, East Hartford, CT, USA 99-GT-277
IGTI 1999 Velocity Measurements and Gas Mixing Characterization at the Exit of an Isothermal Model of a Gas Turbine Premixer Paolo Burattini, Allesandro Talmelli, University of Pisa, Pisa, Italy; Giordano Tanzini, ENEL, Polo Termico, Livorno, Italy; Gaudenzio Mariotti, ENEL, Polo Termico, Pisa, Italy; Fabio Turrini, FiatAvio, Torino, Italy 99-GT-278
IGTI 1999 Introduction and Performance Prediction of a Nutating-Disk Engine T. Korakianitis, Washington University, St. Louis, MO, USA; L. Meyer, M. Boruta, Kinetic R&D, Inc., Chicago, IL, USA; H.E. McCormick, C-K Engineering, Inc., Ballwin, MO, USA 99-GT-279
IGTI 1999 An Experimental Investigation on the Aerodynamic Performance and Folwfield Structure of a Film-Cooled Turbine Cascade Chen Fu, Yang Hong, Harbin Institute of Technology, Harbin, China 99-GT-280
IGTI 1999 Detailed Experimental Studies of Flow in Large Scale Brush Seal Model and a Comparison with CFD Predictions L.H. Chen, P.E. Wood, T.V. Jones, University of Oxford, Oxford, UK; J.W. Chew, Rolls-Royce plc., Derby, UK 99-GT-281
IGTI 1999 Computations of Film Cooling From Holes with Struts T.I-P. Shih, Y.-L. Lin, Michgan State University, East Lansing, MI, USA; M.K. Chyu, Carnegie Mellon University, Pittsburgh, PA, USA; S. Gogineni, Innovative Scientific Solutions, Inc., Dayton, OH, USA 99-GT-282
IGTI 1999 Heat Transfer and Flow on the First Stage Blade Tip of a Power Generation Gas Turbine Part 2: Simulation Results A.A. Ameri, AYT Coporation, Brook Park, OH, USA; R.S. Bunker, General Electric Corp. R&D Center, Schenectady, NY, USA 99-GT-283
IGTI 1999 Accelerated High Temperature Performance Evaluation of Superalloys for Process Optimization and Remaining Life Assessment David A. Woodford, Materials Performance Analysis, Inc., Santa Barbara, CA, USA 99-GT-284
IGTI 1999 Stress Relaxation Testing of Service Exposed IN738 for Creep Strength Evaluation David A. Woodford, Materials Performace Analysis, Inc., Santa Barbara, CA, USA 99-GT-285
IGTI 1999 Application of Integrated Electronic Control on Gas Turbine Marine Direct Drive Propulsion Gregory L. Murphy, Woodward Governor Company, Loveland, CO, USA 99-GT-286
IGTI 1999 Blade Life - A Comparison by Cumulative Damage Theories J.S. Rao, A. Pathak, A. Chawla, Indian Institute of Technology, New Delhi, India 99-GT-287
IGTI 1999 An Reduced Order Model of Mistuning Using a Subset of Nominal System Modes M.-T. Yang, J.H. Griffin, Carnegie Mellon University, Pittsburgh, PA, USA 99-GT-288
IGTI 1999 Prediction of Periodic Response of Blades Having 3D Non-Linear Shroud Constraints J.J. Chen, C.H. Menq, The Ohio State University, Columbus, OH, USA 99-GT-289
IGTI 1999 Three-Dimensional Performance Prediction of Multistage Axial Flow Compressors with a Repeating Stage Model Y.G. Li, A. Tourlidakis, R.L. Elder, Cranfield University, Bedfordshire, UK 99-GT-290
IGTI 1999 Stress Relaxation Testing as a Basis for Creep Analysis and Design of Silicon Nitride David A. Woodford, Materials Performance Analysis, Inc., Santa Barbara, CA, USA; Andrew A. Wereszczak, Oak Ridge National Laboratory, Oak Ridge, TN, USA; Wate T. Bakker, Electric Power Research Institute, Palo Alto, CA, USA 99-GT-291
IGTI 1999 Exposure of Ceramics and Ceramic Matrix Composites in Simulated and Actual Combustor Environments Karren L. More, Peter F. Tortorelli, Mattison K. Ferber, Larry R. Walker, James R. Keiser, Oak Ridge National Laboratory, Oak Ridge TN, USA; Narendernath Miriyala, William D. Brenthall, Jeffrey R. Price, Solar Turbines Incorportated, San Diego, CA, USA 99-GT-292
IGTI 1999 The Use of Bio-Fuels as Additives and Extenders for Aviation Turbine Fuels Melanie A. Kimble-Thom, Baere Aerospace Consulting, West Lafayette, IN, USA; David L. Staney, John T. Cholis, Denver W. Lopp, Purdue University, West Lafayette, IN, USA 99-GT-293
IGTI 1999 Nitrogen Oxide Reduction by Staged Combustion of Biomass Gas in Gas Turbines- A Modeling Study of the Effect of Mixing Edgardo G. Coda Zabetta, Pia T. Kilpinen, Mikko M. Hupa, Abo Akademi University, Turku, Finland; Jukka K. Leppälahti, VTT Energy, VTT, Finland; C. Krister O. Ståhl, Skykraft AB, Malmö, Sweden; Micheal F. Cannon, ALSTOM Gas Turbines, Ltd., Lincoln, UK; Jor 99-GT-294
IGTI 1999 Field Test of a 1.5 MW Industrial Gas Turbine with a Low Emissions Catalytic Combustion System Ralph A. Dalla Betta, Serento G. Nickolas, Chris K. Weakley, Kare Lundberg, Catalytica Combustion Systems, Inc., Mountain View, CA, USA; Tim J. Caron, John Chamberlain, Agilis Group, Inc., Palm Beach Gardens, FL, USA; Kevin Greeb, Woodward Govenor Compnay 99-GT-295
IGTI 1999 Test Validation of Flamelet Model Predictions Of NOx Yu. Buriko, V. Zakharov, A. Belokon, R&D Center ECOLEN, Moscow, Russia; G. Opdyke, PTA Associates, PA, USA 99-GT-296
IGTI 1999 Low NOx LPP Combustion Test Facility with Four Transparent Windows for Non-Intrusive Flow Diagnostics J.A. Alfaro, P.A. Rodríguez, A. Lecuona, Universitad Carlos III de Madrid, Madrid, Spain; R. Calle, Respol Butano, Madrid, Spain; B Lázaro, SENER, Tres Cantos, Madrid, Spain 99-GT-297
IGTI 1999 The Role of Sulfur in the Thermal Stability of Jet Fuel David W. Naegeli, Southwest Research Institute, San Antonio, TX, USA 99-GT-298
IGTI 1999 An Advanced Spray Model for Application to the Prediction of Gas Turbine Combustor Flow Fields Anil K. Tolpadi, General Electric Research & Development Center, Schenenctady, NY, USA; Suresh K. Aggarwal, University of Illinois at Chicago, Chicago, IL, USA; Hukam C. Mongia, General Electric Aircraft Engines, Cincinnati, OH, USA 99-GT-299
IGTI 1999 CFD Liquid Spray Combustion Analysis of a Single Annular Gas Turbine Combustor Vanco Smiljanovski, Norbert Brehm, BMW Rolls-Royce AeroEngines, Dahlewitz, Germany 99-GT-300
IGTI 1999 Fuel Droplet Evaporation in a Supercritical Environment G.S. Zhu, S.K. Aggarwal, University of Illinois at Chicago, Chicago, IL, USA 99-GT-301
IGTI 1999 Combustion Oscillations in Burners with Fuel Spray Atomisers M. Zhu, A.P. Dowling, K.N.C. Bray, University of Cambridge, Cambridge, UK 99-GT-302
IGTI 1999 A Method for the Diagnosis of Gas Turbine Sensor Faults in Presence of Measurement Noise R. Bettocchi, University of Farrara, Ferrara, Italy; R.P. Spina, University of Bologna, Bologna, Italy 99-GT-303
IGTI 1999 A New Method of Data Reduction for Single-Sensor Pressure Probes R. Dambach, HP Hodson, Cambridge University, Cambridge, England, UK 99-GT-304
IGTI 1999 Pyrometric Gas and Surface Temperature Measurements Gustave Fralick, Daniel Ng, NASA Lewis Research Cneter, Cleveland, OH, USA 99-GT-305
IGTI 1999 Surface Micromachined Silicon Carbide Accelerometers for Gas Turbine Applications Russell G. DeAnna, NASA Lewis Research Center, Cleveland, OH, USA 99-GT-306
IGTI 1999 Real-Time Monitoring of Bearing Condition Barry Taylor, GasTOPS, Ltd., Hoboken, NJ, USA 99-GT-307
IGTI 1999 Optical Fibre Aerodynamic Probes for Total Pressure and Total Temperature Measurement in Turbomachinery J.S. Barton, J.M. Kilpatrick, W.N. MacPherson, J.D.C. Jones, Heriot-Watt University, Edinburgh, UK; K.S. Chana, J.S. Anderson, DERA Pyestock, Hampshire, UK; D.R. Buttsworth, T.V. Jones, Oxford University, Oxford, UK 99-GT-308
IGTI 1999 Turbine Inlet Gas Temperature Sensor W. Michael Glasheen, Charles A. DeMilo, Ametek Power & Industrial Products, Wilmington, MA, USA; Yudaya R. Sivathanu, En'Urga, Inc., West Lafayette, IN, USA 99-GT-309
IGTI 1999 Simultaneous Optical Measurements of Axial and Tangential Steady-State Blade Deflections Anatole P. Kurkov, NASA Lewis Research Center, Cleveland, OH, USA; Harbans S. Dhadwal, Integrated Fiber Optic Systems, Inc., Stony Brook, NY, USA 99-GT-310
IGTI 1999 Temperature Measurement in a Heavy Duty Gas Turbine Using Radiation Thermometry Technique: Error Evaluation M. DeLucia, R. De Sabato, Universitá degil Studi di Firenze, Florence, Italy; P. Nava, S. Cioncolini, Nuovo Pignone General Electric, Florence, Italy 99-GT-311
IGTI 1999 Thermoeconomic Analysis of Gas Turbine Based Cycles A.F. Massardo, M. Scialó, Universita' di Genova, Genova, Italy 99-GT-312
IGTI 1999 A Study on Fusion Repair Process for a Precipitation Hardened IN738 Ni-Based Superalloy Dae-Young Kim, Jong-Hyun Hwang, kwang-Soo Kim, Joong-Geun Youn, Hyundai Heavy Industries Co., Ltd., Ulsan, Korea 99-GT-313
IGTI 1999 Development of the WR-21 Gas Turbine Recuperator Robert C. Sanders, MRP Associates, Alexandria, VA; George C. Louie, naval Warfare Cneter, Philadelphia, PA, USA 99-GT-314
IGTI 1999 Ceramic Gas Turbine Technology Development Bjoern Schenk, AlliedSignal, Inc., Phoenix, AZ, USA 99-GT-315
IGTI 1999 U.S. Navy Marine Gas Turbine Qualification Testing for the 21st Century Dan A. Groghan, John J. Hartranft, Naval Sea System Command, Arlington, VA, USA 99-GT-316
IGTI 1999 Numerical Analysis of Rotating Flexible Blade-Disk-Shaft Systems O. Repetski, I. Rygikov, State Technical Of Irkutsk, Russia; H. Springer, Technical University of Vienna, Austria 99-GT-317
IGTI 1999 Status of the CERAMIC/ERICA Probabilistic Life Prediction Codes Development for Structural Ceramic Applications Bjoern Schenk, Peggy J. Brehm, M.N. Menon, AlliedSignal Engines, Phoenix AZ, USA; Alonso D. Peralta, Engineering Science Analysis Corporation, Tempe, AZ, USA; William T. Tucker, General Electric, Schenectady, NY, USA 99-GT-318
IGTI 1999 A New Probabilistic Approach for Accurate Fatigue Data Analysis of Ceramic Materials Bjoern Schenk, Peggy J. Brehm, M.N. Menon, AlliedSignal Engines, Phoenix AZ, USA; William T. Tucker, General Electric, Schenectady, NY, USA; Alonso D. Peralta, Engineering Science Analysis Corporation, Tempe, AZ, USA 99-GT-319
IGTI 1999 Design and Initial Development of Monolithic Cross-Flow Ceramic Hot-Gas Filters Virginie Vaubert, David P. Stinton, Oak Ridge National Laboratory, Oak Ridge, TN, USA; Chris Barra, Santosh Limaye, LoTEC, Inc., Salt Lake City, UT, USA 99-GT-320
IGTI 1999 Gas Turbine Applications for Large Air Separation Units A.R. Smith, J.L. Dillon, IV, Air Products and Chemicals, Inc., Allentown, PA, USA 99-GT-321
IGTI 1999 Progress of an Externally Fired Evaporative Gas Turbine Cycle for Small-Scale Biomass Gasification Daniel Marroyen, Svend Bram, Jacques De Ruyck, Vjire Universiteit Brussel, Brussel, Belgium 99-GT-322
IGTI 1999 A Comparative View of Engineering Training in the US, Germany, and France with Special Focus on Turbomachinery-Relevant Skills Martin von Hoyningen-Huene, Walter Wedig, Universität Karlsruhe (TH), Karlsruhe, Germany; Julie Jeanpert, André Edel, école Nationale Supérieure d'Arts et Métiers Paris (ENSAM), Paris, France 99-GT-323
IGTI 1999 A Spread Sheet as a Tool in Turbomachinery Design Abraham Engeda, Michgan State University, East Lansing, MI, USA 99-GT-324
IGTI 1999 An Interactive Method for Teaching Turbine Design K.W. Ramsden, Cranfield University, Bedford, England, UK 99-GT-325
IGTI 1999 A Student-Executed Industrial Gas Turbine Design Project T.F. Miller, J.M. Evanko, C. Camci, The Pennsylvania State University, University Park, PA, USA; B. Glezer, M. Fox, Solar Turbines Incorporated, San Diego, CA, USA 99-GT-326
IGTI 1999 A Case Study of Mixed Gas-Steam Cycle GT: LM600 Class Aeroderivative Gas Turbine Kirk Hanawa, Ishikawajima-Hirima Heavy Industries Co., Ltd., Tokyo, Japan 99-GT-327
IGTI 1999 Compressed Air Storage with Humidification: An Economic Analysis Arthur Cohn, EPRI, Palo Alto, CA, USA; Shelton Ehrlich, Ehrlich Associates, Palo Alto, CA, USA; Joseph Darguzas, Edwin Giermac, Sargent and Lundy, Chicago, IL, USA 99-GT-328
IGTI 1999 Heat Transfer Over Non-Porous and Porous Smooth End Wall of a Linear Guide Vane in the Presence of Freestream Turbulence Artem A. Khalatov, Nick Syred, Cardiff University, Cardiff, UK; Sergey V. Shevtsov, Institute of Engineering Thermophysics, Kiev, Ukraine 99-GT-329
IGTI 1999 Computational Modeling and Thermal Paint Verification of Film-Cooling Designs for an Unshrouded High-Pressure Turbine Blade Steven G. Gregg, Nathan J. Heidegger, Ronald A, Mikkelson, Rolls-Royce Allison, Indianapolis, IN, USA 99-GT-330
IGTI 1999 Application of Cassette-Tube Airheaters as a Way to Improve the Mass-Size Characteristics of Regenerative Gas-Turbine Units Soudarev A.V., Soudarev B.V., Souderev V.B., Kondratiev A.A., NPP TARK, St. Petersburg, Russia; Avran P, ONERA, Palaiseau, France 99-GT-331
IGTI 1999 A Simplified Program to Predict the Temperature Distribution in Gas Turbine Components as a Function of the Mission Profile of the Aircraft Alwyn F. Naudé, Jan A. Visser, University of Pretoria, Pretoria, South Africa 99-GT-332
IGTI 1999 Linear Vibrations of Statically Indeterminate Rotors on Angular Misaligned Hydrodynamic Bearings Demetrio C. Zachariadis, Universidade de São Paulo, São Paulo, Brasil 99-GT-333
IGTI 1999 Rotordynamic Force Prediction of Whirling Centrifugal Impeller Shroud Passages Using Computational Fluid Dynamic Techniques J. Jeffrey Moore, Alan B. Palazzolo, Texas A&M University, College Station, TX, USA 99-GT-334
IGTI 1999 Underplatform Dampers for Turbine Blades: Theoretical Modelling, Analysis and Comparison with Experimental Data Kenan Y. Sanliturk, David J. Ewins, Anthony B. Stanbridge, Inperial College of Science, Technology, and Medicine, London, UK 99-GT-335
IGTI 1999 Friction Damper Optimisation: Simulation and Rainbow Tests Kenan Y. Sanliturk, David J. Ewins, Imperial College of Science, Technology and Medicine; Robert Elliott, Jeff S. Green, Rolls-Royce Plc., Derby, UK 99-GT-336
IGTI 1999 Non-Axisymmetric Turbine End Wall Design : Part I Three-Dimensional Linear Design System Neil W. Harvey, Martin G. Rose, Mark D. Taylor, Shahrokh Shahpar, Rolls-Royce plc, Derby, UK; Jonathan Hartland, David G. Gregory-Smith, Durham University, Durham, UK 99-GT-337
IGTI 1999 Non-Axisymmetric Turbine End Wall Design : Part II Experimental Validation J.C. Hartland, D.G. Gregory-Smith, University of Durham, Durham, UK; N.W. Harvey, M.G. Rose, Rolls-Royce plc, Derby, UK 99-GT-338
IGTI 1999 Secondary Flow Reduction in a Nozzle Guide Vane Cascade by Non-Axisymmetric End-Wall Profiling J. Yan, D.G. Gregory-Smith, University of Durham, Durham, UK; P.J. Walker, ALSTOM Energy, Ltd., England, UK 99-GT-339
IGTI 1999 The Flow Field in the Tip Clearance Region of an Axial Compressor Rotor Toshiyuki Arima, Masatoshi Shirotori, Yoshihiro Yamaguchi, Honda R&D Co., Ltd., Saitama, Japan 99-GT-340
IGTI 1999 Numerical and Experimental Study of Unsteady Flow Field and Vibration in Radial Inflow Turbines T. Kreuz-Ihli, D. Filsinger, A. Schulz, S. Wittig, Universität Karlsruhe, Karlsruhe, Germany 99-GT-341
IGTI 1999 Detailed Flow Measurements at the Exit of a Mixed Flow Turbine Under Steady Conditions N. Karamanis, R.F. Martinez-Botas, C.C. Su, Imperial College of Science, Technology, & Medicine, London, England, UK 99-GT-342
IGTI 1999 Power Systems Development Facility : High Temperature, High Pressure Filter System Operations in a Combustion Gas Patrick T. Scarborough, Howard L. Hendrix, Matt D. Davidson, Xiaofeng Guan, Southern Company Services, Wilsonville, AL, USA; Rabert S. Dahlin, E. Carl Landhand, Southern Research Institute, Wilsonville, AL, USA 99-GT-343
IGTI 1999 Intake Engine Interactions of a Modern Large Turbofan Engine Chris Freeman, Arthur L. Rowe, Rolls-Royce plc, Derby, UK 99-GT-344
IGTI 1999 A Proposal for Integration of Wind Tunnel and Engine Test Programs for the Evaluation of Airframe-Propulsion Compatability Using Numerical Simulations Milt Davis, William Baker, Greg Power, Dave Beale, Sverdrup Technology, Inc., Arnold Air Force Base, TN, USA 99-GT-345
IGTI 1999 Computational Simulation of Gas Turbines: Part I - Foundations of Component Based Models John A. Reed, Abdollah A. Afjeh, University of Toledo, Toledo, OH, USA 99-GT-346
IGTI 1999 Computational Simulation of Gas Turbines: Part II - Extensible Domain Framework John A. Reed, Abdollah A. Afjeh, University of Toledo, Toledo, OH, USA 99-GT-347
IGTI 1999 Deformation of Plasma Sprayed Thermal Barrier Coatings Ufuk Senturk, Rogerio S. Lima, Christopher C. Berndt, Center for Thermal Spray Research, Stony Brook, NY, USA; Carlos R.C. Lima, UNIMEP Methodist University of Piracicaba, Santa Barbara d'Oeste, Brazil 99-GT-348
IGTI 1999 Model Combustor to Assess the Oxidation Behavior of Ceramic Materials Under Real Engine Conditions D. Filsinger, A. Schulz, S. Wittig, Universität Karlsruhe, Karlsruhe, Germany; C. Taut, Siemens AG (KWU), Mülheim, Germany; H. Klemm, Technologien und Sinterwerdtoffe, Dresden, Germany; G. Wötting, CFI GmbH & Co. KG, Rödental, Germany 99-GT-349
IGTI 1999 Effects of Alloy Composition on the Performance of Yttria Stabilized Zirconia-Thermal Barrier Coatings Josh Kimmel, Zaher Mutasim, William Brentnall, Solar Turbines Incorporated, San Diego, CA, USA 99-GT-350
IGTI 1999 Ceramic Stationary Gas Turbine Development Program - Sixth Annual Summary- Jeffrey R. Price, Oscar Jimenez, Vijay Parthasarathy, Nirendernath Miriyala, Solar Turbines Incorporated, San Diego, CA, USA 99-GT-351
IGTI 1999 Reductions in Acquisition Costs and State of the Art Fabrication of CFCC Turbine Engine Combustor Liners Phillip A. Craig, P.E., AlliedSignal Composites, Inc., Newark, DE, USA; David Godfrey, Maufacturing Resources, Inc., Cleveland, OH, USA 99-GT-352
IGTI 1999 Pneumatic Fuel Feeding of a Directly Wood Particle Fired Gas Turbine Under Special Consideration of Low Conveying Air Ratio Andreas Joppich, Hermann Haselbacher, Vienna University of Technology, Vienna, Austria 99-GT-353
IGTI 1999 Study of the Filtration Process Through a Ceramic Candle Filter M. Al-Hajeri, A. Aroussi, S.J. Pickering, University of Nottingham, Nottingham, UK 99-GT-354
IGTI 1999 Acoustic Instabilities in Syngas Fired Combustion Chambers Sikke A. Klein, Jim B.W. Kok, University of Twente, Enschede, The Netherlands 99-GT-355
IGTI 1999 Solid Oxide Fuel Cell Power System Cycles Stephen E. Veyo, Wayne L. Lundberg, Siemens Westinghouse Power Corporation, Pittsburgh, PA, USA 99-GT-356
IGTI 1999 Predictions of NOx Formation Under Combined Droplet and Partially Premixed Reaction of Diffusion Flame Conditions Nader K. Rizk, Ju S. Chin, Andre W. Marshall, mohan K. Razdan, Rolls-Royce Allison, Indianapolis, IN, USA 99-GT-357
IGTI 1999 3D Modelling of NOx Emissions from an Aircraft Afterburner T.J. Foster, C.W. Wilson, DERA Pyestock, Farnborough, UK; M. Pourkashinian, A. Williams, University of Leeds, Leeds, UK 99-GT-358
IGTI 1999 Effect of Discrete Pilot Hydrogen Dopant Injection on the Lean Blowout Performance of a Model Gas Turbine Combustor Oanh Nguyen, Scott Samuelsen, University of California, Irvine, CA, USA 99-GT-359
IGTI 1999 Technical Development Issues and Dynamic Modeling of Gas Turbine and Fuel Cell Hybrid Systems Eric A. Liese, Randall S. Gemmen, Federal Energy Technology Center, Mogantown, WV, USA; Faryar Jabbari, Jacob Brouwer, University of California, Irvine, CA, USA 99-GT-360
IGTI 1999 The Hybrid Cycle: Integration of Turbomachinery with a Fuel Cell Sy A. Ali, Robert R. Moritz, Rolls-Royce Allsion Engine Company, Indianapolis, IN, USA 99-GT-361
IGTI 1999 Assessing the Effects of Deposits on Turbine Blading in a Twin Shaft Gas Turbine A. Stamatis, K. Mathioudakis, K. Papailiou, National Technical University of Athens, Athens, Greece 99-GT-362
IGTI 1999 Diagnosing the Sources of Overall Performance Deterioration in CCGT Plants K. Mathioudakis, A. Stamatis, National Technical University of Athens, Athens, Greece; E. Bonataki, Public Power Corporation, Athens, Greece 99-GT-364
IGTI 1999 Continuous Monitoring of Binary Gas Mixture Concentration with Application to Turbine Blade Cooling Experiments Tomas Strilka, Miklos Sajben, Peter Nagy, University of Cincinnati, Cincinnati, OH, USA 99-GT-365
IGTI 1999 The Influence of Technical Surface Roughness on the Flow Around a Highly Loaded Compressor Cascade Robert Leipold, Matthias Boese, Leonhard Fottner, Universität der Bundeswehr München, Neubiberg, Germany 99-GT-366
IGTI 1999 Gas Turbine Systems for 21st Century Abbie W. Layne, P.A. Hoffman, U.S. Department of Energy, Morgantown, WV, USA 99-GT-367
IGTI 1999 The Potential of Fuel Reforming and Water Evaporation in Gas Turbine Cycles Svend Bram, Olivier Minsart, Jacques De Ruyck, Vrije Universiteit Brussel, Brussel, Belgium 99-GT-368
IGTI 1999 A New Durable Gas Turbine Recuperator James I. Oswald, David A. Dawson, Lee. A. Clawley, Rolls-Royce plc, Ansty, Coventry, UK 99-GT-369
IGTI 1999 Natural Gas Fired Combined Cycles with Low CO2 Emissions Paolo Chiesa, Stefano Consonni, Politecnico di Milano, Milan, Italy 99-GT-370
IGTI 1999 300 KW Class, Semi-Closed Cycle Gas Turbine Engine Design Considerations C. Rodgers, ITC, San Diego, CA, USA 99-GT-371
IGTI 1999 Upgrading of a Small Size Gas Turbine to HAT Cycle Operation: Thermodynamic and Economic Analysis Umberto Desideri, Francesco Di Maria, Università di Perugia, Perugia, Italy 99-GT-372
IGTI 1999 The Influence of a Variable Capacity Turbine in the Performance of a Variable Cycle Engine Martin Dodds, Pericles Pilidis, Cranfield University, Bedfordshire, UK 99-GT-373
IGTI 1999 Handling of a Semiclosed Gas Turbine with a Carbon Dioxide- Argon Working Fluid Inaki Ulizar, Industria de Turbopropulsores- Ajalvir, Madrid, Spain; Pericles Pilidis, Cranfield University, Cranfield, Bedford, UK 99-GT-374
IGTI 1999 Steady-State and Transient Performance Simulation of a Turboshaft Engine with Free Power Turbine Changduk Kong, Jayoung Ki, Kwangwoong Koh, Chosun University, Kwangju, Republic of Korea 99-GT-375
IGTI 1999 Turbine Blade Unsteady Heat Transfer Change Due to Stator Indexing David A. Johnston, Sanford Fleeter, Purdue University, West Lafayette, IN, USA 99-GT-376
IGTI 1999 Measurement and Visualization of Leakage Effects of Rounded Teeth Tips and Rub-Grooves on Stepped Labyrinths David L. Rhode, Brian F. Allen, Texas A&M University, College Station, TX, USA 99-GT-377
IGTI 1999 Conceptual Recovery of Exhaust Heat from a Conventional Gas Turbine by an Inter-Cooled Inverted Brayton Cycle Y. Tsujikawa, K. Ohtani, K. Kaneko, T. Watanabe, S. Fujii, Osaka Prefecture University, Sakai, Japan 99-GT-378
IGTI 1999 CM 186 LC(r) Alloy Single Cystal Turbine Vanes Phil S. Burkholder, Malcolm C. Thomas, Randy Helmink, Donald J. Frasier, Rolss-Royce Allsion, Indianapolis, IN, USA; Ken Harris, Jaqueline B. Wahl, Cannon-Muskegon Corporation, Musskegon, MI, USA 99-GT-379
IGTI 1999 Protruded Four-Point Bending Testing Method and Characterization of Near Interface Cracking in Thermal Barrier Coatings Zhehua Zhang, T.E. Bloomer, J. Kameda, Iowa State University, Ames, IA, USA; S. Sakurai, Hitachi, Ltd., Hitachi, Japan 99-GT-380
IGTI 1999 Predicting Coating Degradation Under Variable Peak Temperatures Kwai S. Chan, Sastry Cheruvu, Gerald R. Leverant, Southwest Research Institute, San Antonio, TX, USA 99-GT-381
IGTI 1999 Indentification of Mistuning Characteristics of Bladed Disks from Free Response Data - Part II Marc P. Mignolet, Jason P. Delor, Alejandro Rivas-Guerra, Arizona State University, Tempe, AZ, USA 99-GT-382
IGTI 1999 A Time-Linearized Navier-Stokes Analysis of Stall Flutter William S. Clark, Kenneth C. Hall, Duke University, Duham, NC, USA 99-GT-383
IGTI 1999 Transonic Compressor Influences on Upstream Surface Pressures with Axial Spacing Peter J. Koch, Douglas P. Probasco, J. Mitch Wolff, Wright Sate University, Dayton, OH, USA; William W. Copenhaver, Wright-Patterson Air Force, Wright-Patterson Air Force Base, OH, USA; Randall M. Chriss, NASA Lewis Research Center, Cleveand, OH, USA 99-GT-384
IGTI 1999 Shunted Piezoelectric Control of Airfoil Vibrations Charles J. Cross, Air Force Research Laboratory, WPAFB, OH, USA; Sanford Fleeter, Purdue University, West Lafayette, IN, USA 99-GT-385
IGTI 1999 Nestem: A Computational Tool to Perform Probablilistic Structural Analysis of Components Subjected to Uncertain Mechanical and Thermal Loading Bhogilal M. Patel, William C. Strack, Vinod Nagpal, Modern Technologies Corporation, Cleveland, OH, USA; Shantaram S. Pai, P.L.N. Murthy, NASA Lewis Research Center, Cleveland, OH, USA 99-GT-386
IGTI 1999 Contact Stresses in Dovetail Attachments: Finite Element Modeling G.B. Sinclair, N.G. Comier, J.H. Griffin, Carnegie Mellon University, Pittsburgh, PA, USA; G. Meda, Corning Incorporated, Coring, NY, USA 99-GT-387
IGTI 1999 A Correlation for Tip Leakage Blockage in Compressor Blade Passages M. Hoeger, M. Lahmer, M. Dupslaff, G. Fritsch, Daimle Chrysler Aerospace, München, Germany 99-GT-388
IGTI 1999 Antisurge Control for Variable Geometry Compressors B.W. Batson, Ph.D., Compressor Controls Corporation, Des Moines, IA, USA 99-GT-389
IGTI 1999 Recommendations for Achieving Accurate Numerical Simulation of Tip Clearance Flows in Transonic Compressor Rotors Dale E. Van Zante, Anthony J. Stazisar, Jerry R. Wood, NASA Lewis Research Center, Cleveland, OH, USA; Michael D. Hathaway, US Army Vehicle Technology Center, Cleveland, OH, USA; Theodore H. Okiishi, Iowa State University, Ames, IA, USA 99-GT-390
IGTI 1999 Application of Foil Bearings to Turbomachinery Including Vertical Operation James F. Walton II, Hooshang Heshmat, Mohawk Innovative Technology, Inc., Albany, NY, USA 99-GT-391
IGTI 1999 Ceramic Component Development for AGATA Robert Lunberg, Volvo Aero Corporation, Trollhättan, Sweden; Marc Ferrato, Céramiques & Composites, Bazet, France 99-GT-392
IGTI 1999 Determining the Affordability of Advanced Propulsion Systems Paul P. Mehta, Jerry W. Evans, Arthur L. Ludwig, American Technology & Services, Inc., Cincinnati, OH, USA 99-GT-393
IGTI 1999 Boundary Conditions for Ceramic Turbine Components: Analytical Prediction and Test Validation Hamid Bagheri, Oscar Jimenez, Solar Turbines Incorporated, San Diego, CA, USA 99-GT-394
IGTI 1999 The Evaluation of CFCC Liners After Field-Engine Testing in a Gas Turbine Narendernath Miriyala, Jane F. Simpson, Vijay M. Parthasarathy, William D. Brenthall, Solar Turbines Incorporated, San Diego, CA, USA 99-GT-395
IGTI 1999 Performance Modeling as an Aid in the Preparation of a Test Code for IGCC Plants, PTC 47 Dennis A. Horazak, Siemens Westinghouse Power Corporation, Orlando, FL, USA; David H. Archer, Carnegie Mellon University, Pittsburgh, PA, USA 99-GT-396
IGTI 1999 The Role of Fuel Moisture in Gas Turbine Processes Markku O. Raiko, IVO Power Engineering, Ltd., Vantaa, Finland; Risto A. Railo, Tampere University of Technology, Tampere, Finland 99-GT-397
IGTI 1999 A Study on the Combustion Characteristics of Gasified Coal Fuel Takeharu Hasegawa, Mikio Sato, Cnetral Research Institute of Electric Power Industry, Yokosuka, Kanagawa, Japan; Toshihiko Nakata, Tohoku University, Sendia, Miyagi, Japan 99-GT-398
IGTI 1999 Quantifying Fuel/Air Unmixedness in Premixing Nozzles Using an Acetone Fluorescence Technique John H. Stufflebeam, Donald W. Kendrick, William A. Sowa, United Technologies Research Cneter, East Hartford, CT, USA; Timothy S. Snyder, Pratt & Whitney, East Hartford, CT, USA 99-GT-399
IGTI 1999 Developmental Status of Hybrids Abbie Layne, Mark Williams, U.S. Department of Energy, Morgantown, WV, USA; Scott Samuelson, University of California, Irvine, CA, USA; Patricia Hoffman, U.S. Department of Energy, Washington, D.C., USA 99-GT-400
IGTI 1999 Improved Operating Efficiency Through the Use of Stabilized Thermocouples Jeff Jablin, Thermo Electric Company, Inc., Saddle Brook, NJ, USA; Michael R. Storar, Phillip L. Gray, P.E., Watson Cogeneration Company, Carson, CA, USA 99-GT-401
IGTI 1999 A New Technique for Identifying Synchronous Resonances Using Tip-Timing Dr. S. Heath, Rolls-Royce plc, Derby, UK 99-GT-402
IGTI 1999 Active Control of Discrete Frequency Turbomachinery Noise Using a Rotary Valve Actuator Scott D. Sawyer, University of Akron, Akron, OH, USA; Sanford Fleeter, Purdue University, West Lafayette, IN, USA 99-GT-403
IGTI 1999 GT24/26 Advanced Cycle System Power Plant Progress for the New Millennium Albrecht Mayer, Septimus van der Linden, ABB Power Generation, Inc., Midlothian, VA, USA 99-GT-404
IGTI 1999 The Need for Standards to Promote Low Emission, High Efficiency Gas Turbine Facilities Manfred Klein, Environment Canada, Hull, Canada 99-GT-405
IGTI 1999 Simulation and Optimized Dispatch of a Complex Cogenerating Combined Cycle in a Competitive Market Patrick R. Griffin, Gangyi Jia, Thermoflow, Inc., Sadbury, MA, USA; Martijn H.C. Gielen, Nynke G. Dalstra, Akzo Nobel Chemials, Delfzijl, The Netherlands 99-GT-406
IGTI 1999 Experimental Investigation of the Aerodynamic Stability of an Annular Compressor Cascade Performing Tuned Pitching Oscillations in Transonic Flow H. Hennings, J. Belz, DLR- Institute of Aeroelasticity, Göttingen, Germany 99-GT-407
IGTI 1999 Comparision of Theoretical and Experimental Data for an Oscillating Transonic Compressor Cascade Volker Carstens, DLR- Institute of Aeroelasticity, Göttingen, Germany; Stefan Schmitt, DLR- Institute of Propulsion Technology, Köln, Germany 99-GT-408
IGTI 1999 Experimental Investigations of Stall Flutter in a Transonic Cascade Karsten Ellenberger, Heinz E. Gallus, RWTH - Aachen, Aachen, Germany 99-GT-409
IGTI 1999 Assessment of Turbine Engine Structural Integrity Using the Structural Dynamic Response Code (SDRAC) Kurt L. Nichol, Mark D. Sensmeier, Thomas F. Tibbals, Sverdrup Technology, Inc., Arnold AFB, TN, USA 99-GT-410
IGTI 1999 Dynamic Stability in a Cracked Turbo Blade-Disk J.H. Kuang, B.W. Huang, National Sun Yat-Sen University, Kaohsiung, Taiwan 99-GT-411
IGTI 1999 Forced Vibrations of Frictionally Damped Stator Segments T. Berruti, L. Goglio, S. Filippi, M.M. Gola, Politecnico di Torino, Corso Duca Abruzzi, Italy 99-GT-412
IGTI 1999 Computation of the Optimal Normal Load of a Friction Damper Under Different Types of Excitation D. Cha, A. Sinha, Pennsylvania State University, University Park, PA, USA 99-GT-413
IGTI 1999 Combined-Simultaneous Gust and Oscillating Compressor Blade Unsteady Aerodynamics Kuk Kim Frey, Rolls-Royce Allison, Indianapolis, IN, USA; Sanford Fleeter, Purdue University, West Lafayette, IN, USA 99-GT-414
IGTI 1999 Instability Pathology of a High Speed Centrifugal Compressor William C. Oakes, Patrick B. Lawless, Sanford Fleeter, Purdue University, West Lafayette, IN, USA 99-GT-415
IGTI 1999 Advantages of the LV100 as a Power Producer in a Hybrid Propulsion System for Future Fighting Vehicles Angelo V. Koschier, Hagen R. Mauch, General Electric Company, Lynn, MA, USA 99-GT-416
IGTI 1999 Deposition and Testing of Thermal Barrier Coatings on Gas Turbine Vanes M. Tului, C.S.M. S.p.A., Rome, Italy; G.C. Gualco, R. Scarpellini, Ansaldo Ricerche S.r.I, Genova, Italy 99-GT-417
IGTI 1999 Flow Field Measurements in an Annular Gas Turbine Exhaust Diffuser with Struts Umberto Desideri, Stefano Ubertini, Università di Perugia, Perugia, Italy 99-GT-418
IGTI 1999 Hybrid Gas Turbine and Fuel Cell Systems in Perspective Review David J. White, University of California at Irvine, Irvine, CA, USA 99-GT-419
IGTI 1999 The 701F Gas Turbine Design Process: Upgrade and Innovations B. Facchini, Università di Parma, Parma, Italy; C. Carcasci, G. Ferrara, L. Innocenti, Università di Firenze, Firenze, Italy; D. Coutandin, G. Monzi, S. Protto, FiatAvio S.p.A., Torino, Italy 99-GT-420
IGTI 1999 Impact of Film-Cooling Jets on Turbine Aerodynamics Losses Dibbon K. Walters, James H. Leylek, Clemson University, Clemson, SC, USA 99-GT-421
IGTI 1999 Second Vane Endwall Heat Transfer Reduction by Iceform Contouring Ronald S. LaFleur, Timothy S. Whitten, Clarkson University, Postsdam, NY, USA; Juan A. Araujo, Pratt & Whitney, North Haven, CT, USA 99-GT-422
IGTI 1999 Turbulence Intensity, Length Scale, and Heat Transfer Around Stagnation Line of Cylinder and Model Blade V.P. Maslov, B.I. Mineev, K.N. Pichkov, A.N. Secundov, A.N. Vorobiev, Central Institute of Aviation Motors, Moscow, Russia; M.Kh. Strelets, A.K. Travin, Scientific Center, Petersburg, Russia 99-GT-423
IGTI 1999 Detailed Mass Transfer Distribution in Rotating, Two-Pass Ribbed Coolant Channels with Vortex Generators V. Eliades, D.E. Nikitopoulos, S. Acharya, Louisiana State University, Baton Rouge, LA, USA 99-GT-424
IGTI 1999 Recovery of Microstructure and Mechanical Properties of Service Run GTD-111 DS Buckets N.S. Cheruvu, V.P. Swaminathan, Southwest Research Institute, San Antonio, TX, USA; C.D. Kinney, MEPTEC, Mobil, Dallas, TX, USA 99-GT-425
IGTI 1999 Coating Stripping Method for Refurbishing of Gas Turbine Blades & Vanes Sergio Corcoruto, Umberto Guerreschi, Ansaldo, Genoa, Italy; Ettore Gandini, Atla, Turin, Italy 99-GT-426
IGTI 1999 Fatigue Failures of Centrifugal Impeller Disks Willem Jansen, Paul K. Fetfatsidis, Northern Research and Engineering Corporation, Woburn, MA, USA 99-GT-427
IGTI 1999 Life Management System for Hot-Gas-Path Components of Gas Turbines Yasushi Hayasaka, Nobuhiro Isobe, Shigeo Sakurai, Kazuhiko Kumata, Hitachi, Ltd., Hitachi, Ibaraki, Japan; 99-GT-428
IGTI 1999 Experimental Investigation on the Operational Stability of Multistage Centrifugal Compression Systems Chaoqun Nie, Jingyi Chen, Chinese Academy of Sciences, Beijing, China; Haokang Jiang, Beijing University of Aeronautics and Astronautics, Beijing, China 99-GT-429
IGTI 1999 The Hybrid Cycle: Integration of a Fuel Cell with a Gas Turbine John D. Leeper, Edison Technolgoy Solutions, Irvine, CA, USA 99-GT-430
IGTI 1999 Non Equilibrium Effects in NO Formation Model with PDF Method Using Adaptive Look-up Tables V. Risalvato, F. Biagoili, Centre for Advanced Studies and Devleopment in Sardinia, Uta, Italy 99-GT-431
IGTI 1999 Unsteady Transition Characteristics of Rotating Stall in a Single-Stage Transonic Axial Compressor Chaoqun Nie, Jingyi Chen, Chinese Academy of Sciences, Beijing, China; Xingmin Gui, Quing Yu, Tongqing Wang, Beijing University of Aeronautics and Astromautics, Beijing, China 99-GT-432
IGTI 1999 One-Dimensional Performance Prediction of Subsonic Vaned Diffusers Beat Ribi, Peter Dalbert, Sulzer Turbo, Ltd., Zurich Switzerland 99-GT-433
IGTI 1999 Optimization of a Vaned Diffuser Geometry for Radial Compressors - Part 2 - Optimization of a Diffuser Vane Profile in Low Solidity Difusers Tomaz Kmecl, Rudi ter Harker, Peter Dalbert, Sulzer Turbo, Ltd., Zürich, Switzerland 99-GT-434
IGTI 1999 Improvement of Flow Field in Vaned Diffuser for Centrifugal Compressor Through Flow Field Calculation Hideaki Tamaki, Hidefumi Nakao, Ishikawajima-Harima Heavy Industries, Co., Ltd., Kotu-ku, Tokyo, Japan 99-GT-435
IGTI 1999 CFD Analysis of a Centrifugal Compressor Impeller and Volute Harri Pitkänen, Hannu Esa, Petri Sallinen, Jaakko Larjola, Lappeenranta University of Technology, Lappeenranta, Finland 99-GT-436
IGTI 1999 Optimization of a Vaned Diffuser Geometry for Radial Compressors - Part 1 - Investigation of the Influence of Geometry Parameters on Performance of a Diffuser Tomaz Kmecl, Peter Dalbert, Sulzer Turbo, Ltd., Zürich, Switzerland 99-GT-437
IGTI 1999 Active Stabilization of Surge in an Axi-Centrifugal Turboshaft Engine E.B. Nelson, J.D. Paduano, A.H. Epstein, Massachusetts Institute of Technology, Cambridge, MA, USA 99-GT-438
IGTI 1999 Influence of Compressor Deterioration on Engine Dynamic Behavior and Transient Stall-Margin Z.S. Spakovszky, J.D. Paduano, A.H. Epstein, E.M. Greitzer, Massachusetts Institute of Technology, Cambridge, MA, USA; J.B. Gertz, O.P. Sharma, Pratt & Whitney, East Hartford, CT, USA 99-GT-439
IGTI 1999 Stall Inception in a 5-Stage HP-Compressor with Increased Load Due to Inlet Distortion Werner Jahnen, Sultzer Innotec Ltd., Winterthur, Switzerland; Thomas Peters, Leonhard Fottner, Universität der Bundeswehr München, Neubiberg, Germany 99-GT-440
IGTI 1999 Constrained Shape Optimization Airfoil Cascades Using a Navier-Stokes Solver and a Genetic/SQP Algorithm Brian H. Dennis, George S. Dulikravich, Zhen-Xue Han, The Pennsylvania State University, University Park, PA, USA 99-GT-441
IGTI 1999 Catalytic Combustor Development Within the AGATA Program Rolf Gabrielsson, Volvo Aero Corporation, Trollhättan, Sweden; Gerard Payen, RENAULT, France; Patrick Avran, ONERA, France 99-GT-442
IGTI 1999 Key Durability Issues with Mullite-Based Environmental Barrier Coatings for Si-Based Ceramics Kang N. Lee, Cleveland State University, Cleveland, OH, USA 99-GT-443
IGTI 1999 Reconditioning of Gas Turbine Components by Heat Treatment Julie A. Brown, Robert Freer, UMIST/EA Technology, Manchester, UK; Andrew T. Rowley, EA Technology, Chester, UK 99-GT-444
IGTI 1999 Enabling Technologies for Advance Turbine Compnent Life Extension J. Liburdi, P. Lowden, Liburdi Engineering Limited, Dundas, Ontario, Canada 99-GT-445
IGTI 1999 Analysis of Transonic Flow Fields Inside a High Pressure Ratio Centrifugal Compressor at Design and Off-Design Conditions Chunill Hah, NASA Lewis Research Center, Cleveland, OH, USA; Hartmut Krain, DLR/Koeln, Koeln, Germany 99-GT-446
IGTI 1999 Probabilistic Analysis of HSCT Combustor Liner Components Shantaram S. Pai, P.L.N. Murthy, Lewis Research Center, Cleveland, OH, USA 99-GT-447
IGTI 1999 Investigations on the Deposition and the Efficiency of a Multilayer High Temperature Coating System for Gas Turbine Blades Erich Lugscheider, Ulrich Eritt, Gunter von Hayn, Dieter Neuschuetz, Juergen Mueller, RWTH - Aachen University of Technology, Aachen, Germany 99-GT-448
IGTI 1999 An Interactive Methodology for Axial Compressor Design Teaching K.W. Ramsden, Cranfield University, Bedford, England, UK 99-GT-449
IGTI 1999 Systematic Reduction of Stress Levels for a Thermally High Loaded Ceramic Nozzle Vane with Trailing Edge Ejection M. Dilzer, A. Schulz, S. Wittig, Universität Karlsruhe (T.H.), Karlsruhe, Germany 99-GT-450
IGTI 1999 Wake Vorticity Decay and Blade Response in an Axial Compressor with Varying Axial Gap A.M. Wo, S.J. Chang, S.F. Lee, National Taiwan University, Taipei, Taiwan; M.H. Chung, National Center of High-Performance Computing, Hsinchu, Taiwan 99-GT-451
IGTI 1999 Structure and Propagation of Rotating Stall in a Single Multi-Stage Axial Compressor H.M. Saxer-Felici, A.P. Saxer, F. Ginter, A. Inderbitzin, G. Gyarmathy, Swiss Ferderal Institute of Technology, Zurich, Switzerland 99-GT-452
IGTI 2000 A Probabilistic Approach to Aeropropulsion System Assessment Michael T. Tong, NASA Glenn Research Center, Cleveland, OH, USA 2000-GT-0001
IGTI 2000 GSP, A Generic Object-Oriented Gas Turbine Simulation Environment Wilfried P.J. Visser, Michael J. Broomhead, National Aerospace Laboratory, Amsterdam, The Netherlands 2000-GT-0002
IGTI 2000 The Use of Variable Fidelity Models in the Optimization Problems for Aircraft Engines Parameters and Control Laws I.N. Egorov, G.V. Kretinin, I.A. Leshchenko, Air Force Engineering Academy, Moscow, Russia; Y.I. Babiy, "Techno-Pulsar" Company, Moscow, Russia 2000-GT-0003
IGTI 2000 Re-Designing Annular Combustor of APU for Better Air Management and Spray Development Petr Cízek, Miroslav Jícha, Brno University of Technology, Brno, Czech Republic 2000-GT-0004
IGTI 2000 Implementation of a Compressor Face Boundary Condition Based on Small Disturbances John W. Slater, John H. Glenn Research Center at Lewis Field, Cleveland, OH, USA; Gerald C. Paynter, The Boeing Company, Seattle, WA, USA 2000-GT-0005
IGTI 2000 A New Compressor Map Scaling Procedure for Preliminary Conceptional Design of Gas Turbines Joachim Kurzke, Claus Riegler, MTU München GmbH, München, Germany 2000-GT-0006
IGTI 2000 The Gas Turbine Test Facility in the Information Age Grant T. Patterson, C. Edward Dorman, W. R. Sloan, Sverdrup Technology, Inc., Arnold Air Force Base, TN, USA 2000-GT-0007
IGTI 2000 A.R. Howell - Father of the British Axial Compressor John Dunham, PCA Engineers Ltd., Lincoln, England, UK 2000-GT-0008
IGTI 2000 The Last 1/3 David M. Carpenter, Jet Pioneer of America, Danvers, MA, USA 2000-GT-0009
IGTI 2000 Propulsion System Integration of Turboprop Aircraft for Basic Trainer Changduk Kong, Chosun University, Kwangju, Korea 2000-GT-0010
IGTI 2000 Steady Performance Measurements of a Turbofan Engine with Inlet Distortions Containing Co- and Counter-Rotating Swirl from an Intake Diffuser for Hypersonic Flight Norbert R. Schmid, Dirk C. Leinhos, Leonhard Fottner, Universität der Bundeswehr München, Neubiberg, Germany 2000-GT-0011
IGTI 2000 NASA's HSCT - Past and Future Prospects Robert A. Mercure, NASA Headquarters, Washington, DC, USA 2000-GT-0012
IGTI 2000 Demonstration of Fluidic Throat Skewing for Thrust Vectoring in Structurally Fixed Nozzles Patrick J. Yagle, Daniel N. Miller, K. Brant Ginn, Jeffrey W. Hamstra, Lockheed Martin Tactical Aircraft Systems, Fort Worth, TX, USA 2000-GT-0013
IGTI 2000 The Potential Impact of Utilizing Advanced Engine Technology for a Combat Capable Unmanned Air Vehicles (UAV) Greg B. Bruening, Air Force Research Laboratory, Wright-Patterson Air Force Base, OH, USA; James R. Snyder, Raymond E. Fredette, Universal Technologies Corporation, Dayton, OH, USA 2000-GT-0014
IGTI 2000 Study of an External Fired Gas Turbine Power Plant Fed by Solid Fuel G. Riccio, F. Martelli, S. Maltagliati, University of Florence, Florence, Italy 2000-GT-0015
IGTI 2000 Thermodynamic Performance Analysis and Economic Evaluation of Externally Fired Gas Turbine Cycles for Small Scale Biomass Cogeneration Marie Anheden, Andrew Martin, Royal Institute of Technology, Stockholm, Sweden 2000-GT-0016
IGTI 2000 Concepts for the Production of Biomass Derived Fuel Gases for Gas Turbine Applications W. Schmitz, D. Hein, Technische Universität München, Munich, Germany 2000-GT-0018
IGTI 2000 An Analysis of the Potential for Deposition, Erosion, or Corrosion in Gas Turbines Fueled by the Products of Biomass Gasification or Combustion I.G. Wright, C. Leyens, B.A. Pint, Oak Ridge National Laboratory, Oak Ridge, TN, USA 2000-GT-0019
IGTI 2000 Integration of Advanced Gas Turbines in Pulp and Paper Mills for Increased Power Generation Katarina Maunsbach, Anna Isaksson, Jinyue Yan, Gunnar Svedberg, Royal Institute of Technology, Stockholm, Sweden; Lars Eidensten, Vattenfall Utveckling AB, Stockholm, Sweden 2000-GT-0020
IGTI 2000 Simulation of Steam-Based Gasification Processes for Topping Combustion in the Biomass Air Turbine (BAT) Cycle Jens Wolf, Jinyue Yan, Royal Institute of Technology, Stockholm, Sweden 2000-GT-0021
IGTI 2000 Biomass-Based, Small-Scale, Distributed Generation of Electricity and Heat Using Integrated Gas Turbine-Fuel Cell Systems B.J.P. Buhre, J. Andries, Delft University of Technology, Delft, The Netherlands 2000-GT-0022
IGTI 2000 Performance of a Biomass Integrated Gasification Combined Cycle CHP Plant Supplying Heat to a District Heating Network Simon Harvey, Chalmers University of Technology, Göteborg, Sweden 2000-GT-0023
IGTI 2000 Combined Cycles for High Performance, Low Cost, Low Environmental Impact Waste-to-Energy Systems Stefano Consonni, Politecnico di Milano, Milan, Itlay 2000-GT-0024
IGTI 2000 Feedstock Blending in a Continuously Fed Gasifier Greg P. Schaefer, Alex E.S. Green, University of Florida, Gainesville, FL, USA 2000-GT-0025
IGTI 2000 Operation Experiences of Siemens IGCC Gas Turbines Using Gasification Products from Coal and Refinery Residues M. Huth, A. Heilos, G. Gaio, J. Karg, Siemens AG Power Generation Group (KWU), Mülheim, Germany 2000-GT-0026
IGTI 2000 Integration of High Performance Power Systems (HIPPS) into Vision 21 Fred L. Robson, kraftWork Systems, Inc., Amston, CT, USA; John D. Ruby, Bechtel National, Inc., San Francisco, CA, USA; Dr. Daniel J. Seery, United Technologies Research Center, East Hartford, CT, USA 2000-GT-0027
IGTI 2000 Development of Low NOx Combustion Technology in Medium-Btu Fueled 1300 °C - class Gas Turbine Combustor in IGCC Takeharu Hasegawa, Tohru Hisamatsu, Yasunari Katsuki, Mikio Sato, Central Research Institute of Electric Power Industry, Kanagawa, Japan 2000-GT-0028
IGTI 2000 An Evaluation of Engine Faults Diagnostics Using Artificial Neural Networks Pong-Jeu Lu, Tzu-Cheng Hsu, National Cheng Kung University, Tainan, Taiwan; Ming-Chuan Zhang, Jin Zhang, Beijing University of Aeronautics and Astronautics, Beijing, China 2000-GT-0029
IGTI 2000 Advanced Diagnostics and Prognostics for Gas Turbine Engine Risk Assessment Michael J. Roemer, Gregory J. Kacprzynski, Impact Technologies, LLC, Rochester, NY, USA 2000-GT-0030
IGTI 2000 Designing Diagnostic Expert Systems for Long-Term Supportability Graham Forsyth, DSTO, Victoria, Australia; John Delaney, Competitive Advantage Technology Pty Ltd. and eVision Pty Ltd, Victoria, Australia 2000-GT-0031
IGTI 2000 An Investigation of Artificial Neural Network (ANN) in Quantitative Fault Diagnosis for Turbofan Engine Sun Bin, Zhang Jin, Beijing University of Aeronautics and Astronautics, Beijing, China; Zhang Shaoji, Shenyang Aeroengine Research Institute, Shenyang, China 2000-GT-0032
IGTI 2000 Identifying Faults in the Variable Geometry System of a Gas Turbine Compressor A. Tsalavoutas, K. Mathioudakis, A. Stamatis, National Technical University of Athens, Athens, Greece; M. Smith, ABB Alstom Power UK Ltd, Lincoln, UK 2000-GT-0033
IGTI 2000 Combining Advanced Data Analysis Methods for the Constitution of an Integrated Gas Turbine Condition Monitoring and Diagnostic System A. Tsalavoutas, N. Aretakis, K. Mathioudakis, A. Stamatis, National Technical University of Athens, Athens, Greece 2000-GT-0034
IGTI 2000 Neural Networks Based Diagnostics for Mistuned Bladed Disk Pei-Yuan Peng, United Technologies Research Center, East Hartford, CT, USA; M. T. Yang, Pratt & Whitney, Middletown, CT, USA 2000-GT-0035
IGTI 2000 Neural Network Modeling of Turbofan Engine Parameters Mark J. Embrechts, Rensselaer Polytechnics Institute, Troy, NY, USA; Aaron L. Schweizerhof, Mark Bushman, Mike H. Sabatella, Pratt & Whitney, East Hartford, CT, USA 2000-GT-0036
IGTI 2000 Performance of Gas Turbine Power Plants Controlled by One Step Ahead Adaptive Technique L. Dambrosio, B. Fortunato, Polytechnic University of Bari, Italy; S.M. Camporeale, University of Reggio Calabria, Italy 2000-GT-0037
IGTI 2000 Performance Seeking Control of Regenerative Gas Turbine Engines Nanahisa Sugiyama, National Aerospace Laboratory, Tokyo, Japan 2000-GT-0038
IGTI 2000 Implementation of a Multivariable Control Louis J. Larkin, James Philpott, Pratt & Whitney Engineering, West Palm Beach, FL, USA 2000-GT-0039
IGTI 2000 Nonlinear Model Predictive Control Experiments on a Laboratory Gas Installation H.A. van Essen, H.C. de Lange, Eindhoven University of Technology, Eindhoven, The Netherlands 2000-GT-0040
IGTI 2000 Advanced Fuel Metering for Aero Engines Freidrich Schwamm, DaimlerChrysler, München, Germany 2000-GT-0041
IGTI 2000 An Object-Oriented Program for the Dynamic Simulation of Gas Turbines M. Agresti, B. Fortunato, Polytechnic University of Bari, Bari, Italy; S.M. Camporeale, University of Reggio Calabria, Reggio Calabria, Italy 2000-GT-0042
IGTI 2000 ZP/LTR Control for Turbofan Engines Zhengping Feng, Shanghai Jiaotong University, Shanghai, China; Jianguo Sun, Qiuhong Li, Nanjing University of Aeronautics and Astronautics, Nanjing, China 2000-GT-0043
IGTI 2000 Gas Turbine Mach Number Control with Simplified Fuel System Graham J. Dadd, Defence Research and Evaluation Agency, Hampshire, UK; Kin K. Chan, Frazer-Nash Consultancy Ltd., Surrey, UK 2000-GT-0044
IGTI 2000 Design and Test of a Semi-Passive Flow Control Device for Inlet Distortion Suppression Link C. Jaw, Dong N. Wu, David J. Bryg, Scientific Monitoring, Inc., Tempe, AZ, USA; William T. Cousins, Honeywell International, Phoenix, AZ, USA 2000-GT-0045
IGTI 2000 Fuzzy Fuel Flow Selection Logic for a Real Time Embeded Full Authority Digital Engine Control Angelo Martucci, Allan Volponi, Hamilton Sundstrand, Winsdor Locks, CT 2000-GT-0046
IGTI 2000 Closed Loop Minimisation of NOx Emissions in a Gas Turbine Ravi Rajamani, George Goodman, John Bolton, GE Corporate Research & Development, Schenectady, NY, USA; Narendra Joshi, Rick Hook, Eric Kress, Bill Barrow, GE Aircraft Engines, Evendale, OH, USA 2000-GT-0047
IGTI 2000 The Use of Hot-Wire Anemometry to Investigate Unsteady Wake-Induced Boundary-Layer Development on a High Lift LP Turbine Cascade Stefan Wolff, Stefan Brunner, Leonhard Fottner, Universität der Bundeswehr München, Neubiberg, Germany 2000-GT-0049
IGTI 2000 Structural Health Monitoring with Piezoelectric Active Sensors Howard A. Winston, Fanping Sun, Balkrishna S. Annigeri, United Technologies Research Center, East Hartford, CT, USA 2000-GT-0051
IGTI 2000 Evaluation of an Uncooled Focal Plane Array Infrared Camera for Effusion Cooling Research Scott K. McGhee, A.M. Birk, Queen's University, Kingston, ON, Canada 2000-GT-0052
IGTI 2000 A Fiber-Optic Tip-Shroud Deflection Measurement System Rudy A. Rooth, Wiebren Hiemstra, KEMA Nederland B.V., Arnhem, The Netherlands 2000-GT-0053
IGTI 2000 Syncronized LDV Measurement in Centrifugal Impeller: Seeding Insemination Set Up and CFD Comparison M. De Lucia, C.P. Mengoni, P. Boncinelli, University of Florence, Florence, Italy; U. Corradini, GE-Nuovo Pignone, Florence, Italy 2000-GT-0054
IGTI 2000 Experimental Investigation of the Blade-to-Blade Flow in a Compressor Rotor by Digital Particle Image Velocimetry N. Balzani, F. Scarano, M.L. Riethmuller, F.A.E. Breugelmans, Von Karman Institute for Fluid Dynamics, Rhode-St.-Genèse, Belgium 2000-GT-0055
IGTI 2000 Application of Incomplete Measurement Data to Thermal Diagnostics of Complex Power Systems Components Jerzy Gluch, Jerzy Krzyzanowski, Polish Academy of Sciences, Gdansk, Poland 2000-GT-0056
IGTI 2000 Application of On-Line Optimization Technology to Plant Operation Rodney R. Gay, GE Enter Software, Davis, CA, USA 2000-GT-0058
IGTI 2000 Understanding Machinery Management - Using Machine Condition and Process Information for Maximum Benefit Roger G. Harker, Bently Nevada Corporation, Minden, NV, USA 2000-GT-0059
IGTI 2000 X-Ray Refraction Characterization of the Interface Structure of Ceramics Manfred P. Hentschel, Karl-Wolfram Harbich, Joerg Schors, Axel Lange, Federal Institute for Materials Research & Testing, Berlin, Germany 2000-GT-0061
IGTI 2000 Slow Crack Growth Analysis of Advanced Structural Ceramics Under Combined Loading Conditions - Damage Assessment in Life Prediction Testing Sung R. Choi, Ohio Aerospace Institute, Cleveland, OH; John P. Gyekenyesi, NASA Glenn Research Center, Cleveland, OH 2000-GT-0062
IGTI 2000 Predicting the Deterministic Effects of Combustion Gas Environments on the Stress-Rupture Life of Silicon Nitride Turbine Components Thomas E. Strangman, Bjoern Schenk, Honeywell Engines & Systems, Phoenix, AZ, USA 2000-GT-0063
IGTI 2000 Finite Element Analysis of the Critical Flaw Size in Hybrid Silicon Nitride Bearing Ball Sunil G. Warrier, David C. Jarmon, United Technologies Research Center, East Hartford, CT, USA; Herbert A. Chin, Pratt & Whitney, West Palm Beach, FL, USA 2000-GT-0065
IGTI 2000 Modeling the Tensile Behaviour of a SiC/SiC Composite by Master Curves J. Shi, ABB ALSTOM Technology Centre, Leicester, UK 2000-GT-0066
IGTI 2000 Development of Continuous Fiber Reinforced Reaction Sintered Silcon Carbide Matrix Composite for Gas Turbine Hot Parts Application Tsuneji Kameda, Yoshiyasu Itoh, Tsuneo Hijikata, Takanari Okamura, Toshiba Corporation, Yokohama, Japan 2000-GT-0067
IGTI 2000 Characterization of Melt-Infiltrated SiC/SiC Composite Combustor Liners Using Meso- and Micro- NDE Techniques W.A. Ellingson, J.G. Sun, Argonne National Laboratory, Argonne, IL, USA; K.L. More, Oak Ridge National Laboratory, Oak Ridge, TN, USA; R. Hines, BF Goodrich, Inc., Santa Fe Springs, CA, USA 2000-GT-0068
IGTI 2000 Design, Fabrication, and Testing of Ceramic Joints for High Temperature SiC/SiC Composites M. Singh, Dynacs Engineering Co., Cleveland, OH, USA; Edgar Lara-Curzio, Oak Ridge National Laboratory, Oak Ridge, TN, USA 2000-GT-0069
IGTI 2000 Design, Analysis, Fabrication and Testing of a CMC Combustor Can Jun Shi, ABB Alstom Power Technology Centre, Leicester, UK 2000-GT-0071
IGTI 2000 SiC Fiber Reinforced Ceramic Matrix Composites for Turbine Engine Applications Kenneth Hatton, Dennis Landini, Stan Hemstad, Honeywell Advanced Composites Inc., Newark, DE, USA; R. Craig Robinson, Dynacs Aerospace Company, Inc., Brook Park, OH, USA 2000-GT-0072
IGTI 2000 Ceramic Vanes for a Model 501-K Industrial Turbine Demonstration Richard A. Wenglarz, Ken Kouns, Rolls-Royce Allison, Indianapolis, IN, USA 2000-GT-0073
IGTI 2000 Ceramic Gas-Turbine 2.5 MW Engine for Gas Industry Application in Russia A.V. Soudarev, A.A. Souryaninov, V.V. Grishaev, V. Ya. Podgorets, V. Yu. Tikhoplav, B.V. Soudarev, Research-Engineering Centre, St. Petersburg, Russia 2000-GT-0074
IGTI 2000 Ceramic Stationary Gas Turbine Development Program - Seventh Annual Summary - Jeffrey Price, Oscar Jimenez, Vijay Parthasarathy, Narendernath Miriyala, Don Leroux, Solar Turbines Incorporated, San Diego, CA, USA 2000-GT-0075
IGTI 2000 Recommended Direction of the Solar/DOE Ceramic Stationary Gas Turbine Program S. Gates, Jr., J. Price, V. Parthasarathy, N. Miriyala, O. Jimenez, Solar Turbines Incorporated, San Diego, CA, USA 2000-GT-0076
IGTI 2000 Chemical Vapour Deposition of TBC: An Alternative Process for Gas Turbine Components G. Wahl, W. Nemetz, IOPW, Braunschweig, Germany; M. Giannozzi, Nuovo Pignone, Florence, Italy; S. Rushworth, EPICHEM, Bromborough, Great Britain; D. Baxter, IAM JRC, Petten, Netherlands; N. Archer, ATL, Uycomb, Great Britain; F. Cernuschi, ENEL Ricerca, M 2000-GT-0077
IGTI 2000 Suppression of Dynamic Combustion Instabilities by Passive and Active Means Peter Berenbrink, Stefan Hoffmann, Siemens AG, KWU, Muelheim, Germany 2000-GT-0079
IGTI 2000 Investigation of Cycle-to-Cycle Variability in an Unstable Gas Turbine Combustor Tim C. Lieuwen, Ben T. Zinn, Georgia Institute of Technology, Atlanta, GA, USA 2000-GT-0081
IGTI 2000 Influence of the Combustor Aerodynamics on Combustion Instabilities from Equivalence Ratio Fluctuations Thomas Sattelmayer, Technische Universität München, Garching, Germany 2000-GT-0082
IGTI 2000 The Effect of Fuel/Air Mixing on Actuation Authority in an Active Combustion Instability Control System Jeffrey M. Cohen, John H. Stufflebeam, William Proscia, United Technologies Research Center, East Hartford, CT, USA 2000-GT-0083
IGTI 2000 Experimental Investigations of the Temporal Air-Fuel Mixing Fluctuations and Cold Flow Instabilities of a Premixing Gas Turbine Burner K.-U. Schildmacher, R. Koch, S. Wittig, University of Karlsruhe, Karlsruhe, Germany; W. Krebs, S. Hoffmann, Siemens AG, Mülheim, Germany 2000-GT-0084
IGTI 2000 Reduced NOx Diffusion Flame Combustors for Industrial Gas Turbines Alan S. Feitelberg, Venkat E. Tangirala, GE Corporate Research and Development, Niskayuna, NY, USA; Richard A. Elliott, Roointon E. Pavri, Richard B. Schiefer, GE Power Systems, Schenectady, NY, USA 2000-GT-0085
IGTI 2000 9 PPM NOx/CO Combustion System for "F" Class Industrial Gas Turbines Christian L. Vandervort, Ph.D., P.E., GE Power Systems, Schenectady, NY, USA 2000-GT-0086
IGTI 2000 A High-Temperature Catalytic Combustor with Starting Burner Yusaku Yoshida, Kenshun Oyakawa, Japan Automobile Research Institute, Inc., Ibaraki, Japan; Yukio Aizawa, Nippon Mitsubishi Oil Co., Yokohama, Kanagawa, Japan; Hiroshi Kaya, Tonen Co., Tokyo, Japan 2000-GT-0087
IGTI 2000 Field Demonstration of a 1.5 MW Industrial Gas Turbine with a Low Emissions Catalytic Combustion System David K. Yee, Kare Lundberg, Chris K. Weakley, Catalytica Combustion Systems, Inc., Mountain View, CA, USA 2000-GT-0088
IGTI 2000 Experience of Environmental Update of Gas-Pumping Units A. Soudarev, E. Vinogradov, Yu. Zakharov, EST, St.-Petersburg, Russia; K.-H. Scholz, E. Zizow, Ruhrgas AG, Essen, Germany; S. Vesely, S. Paryzek, EKOL, Brno, Czech Republic 2000-GT-0089
IGTI 2000 Determination of Thermoacoustic Response in a Demonstrator Gas Turbine Engine C.A. Arana, B. Sekar, Air Force Research Laboratory, Wright Patterson AFB, OH, USA; M.A. Mawid, Engineering Research & Analysis Co., Dayton, OH, USA 2000-GT-0091
IGTI 2000 Velocity Measurements in a Combustor Undergoing Limit-Cycle Pressure Oscillations J. Li, S. Acharya, Louisiana State University, Baton Rouge, LA, USA 2000-GT-0092
IGTI 2000 Experimental Replication of an Aeroengine Combustion Instability J.M. Cohen, J.R. Hibshman, W. Proscia, T.J. Rosfjord, B.E. Wake, United Technologies Research Center, East Hartford, CT, USA; J.B. McVey, jbScienceS, Glastonbury, CT, USA; J. Lovett, M. Ondas, Pratt & Whitney, West Palm Beach, FL, USA; J. DeLaat, K. Breis 2000-GT-0093
IGTI 2000 Acoustic Resonances of an Industrial Gas Turbine Combustion System S. Hubbard, A.P. Dowling, University of Cambridge, Cambridge, UK 2000-GT-0094
IGTI 2000 Prediction and Measurement of Thermoacoustic Improvements in Gas Turbines with Annular Combustion Systems Uwe Krüger, Jens Hüren, B&B-AGEMA, Aachen, Germany; Stefan Hoffmann, Werner Krebs, Patrick Flohr, Siemens AG, Mülheim, Germany; Dieter Bohn, Aachen University of Technology, Aachen, Germany 2000-GT-0095
IGTI 2000 Infrared Measurements of Thermoacoustic Instabilities in a Swirl-Stabilized Combustor D. Allgood, S. Murugappan, S. Acharya, E. Gutmark, Louisiana State University, Baton Rouge, LA, USA 2000-GT-0096
IGTI 2000 Pressure Effect on NOx and CO Emissions in Industrial Gas Turbines Anuj Bhargava, Donald W. Kendrick, Meredith B. Colket, William A. Sowa, United Technologies Research Center, East Hartford, CT, USA; Kent H. Casleton, Daniel J. Maloney, U.S. Department of Energy, Morgantown, WV, USA 2000-GT-0097
IGTI 2000 NOx Scaling Characteristics for Industrial Gas Turbine Fuel Injectors Donald W. Kendrick, Anuj Bhargava, Meredith B. Colket, William A. Sowa, United Technologies Research Center, East Hartford, CT, USA; Daniel J. Maloney, Kent H. Casleton, Department of Energy, Morgantown, WV, USA 2000-GT-0098
IGTI 2000 Flamelet Model of NOx in a Diffusion Flame Combustor Dmitry V. Volkov, Alexandr A. Belokon, Dmitry A. Lyubimov, Vladmir M. Zakharov, R&D Center ECOLEN, Moscow, Russia; George Opdyke, Jr., Power Tech Associates, Media, PA 2000-GT-0099
IGTI 2000 Low-Emissions Gas Turbine Combustor Development for Regional-Class Aircraft J. Zelina, Honeywell Engines and Systems, Phoenix, AZ, USA; P.F. Penko, NASA Glenn Research Center, Cleveland, OH, USA 2000-GT-0100
IGTI 2000 Rapid Non-Intrusive Gas Turbine Exhaust Temperature Measurement Michael A. Welch, Moira Hilton, University of Reading, Reading, UK; Chris W. Wilson, DERA Pyestock, Farnborough, UK 2000-GT-0101
IGTI 2000 Closed-Loop Combustion Control Using OH Radical Emissions Zhu (Julie) Meng, Robert J. Hoffa, Rolls-Royce Allison, Indianapolis, IN, USA; Charles A. DeMilo, Todd T. Thamer, AMETEK Power & Industrial Products, Wilmington, MA, USA 2000-GT-0102
IGTI 2000 Ignition Delay Time Modulation as a Contribution to Thermo-Acoustic Instability in a Sequential Combustion Alexander Ni, ABB Alstom Technology Ltd., Baden-Dättwil, Switzerland; Wolfgang Polifke, Technical University of Munich, Garching, Germany; Franz Joos, Fachhochschule Köln, Köln, Germany 2000-GT-0103
IGTI 2000 Computational Modelling of Self-Excited Combustion Instabilities Steve J. Brookes, R. Stewart Cant, Iain D.J. Dupere, Ann P. Dowling, University of Cambridge, Cambridge, UK 2000-GT-0104
IGTI 2000 Prediction of Acoustic Pressure Spectra in Combustion Systems Using Swirl Stabilized Gas Turbine Burners Bruno B.H. Schuermans, Christian Oliver Paschereit, Jan H. van der Linden, ABB Alstom Technology Center, Baden-Dättwil, Switzerland; Wolfgang Polifke, Technische Universität München, Munich, Germany 2000-GT-0105
IGTI 2000 The Propagation of a Fuel-Air Ratio Disturbance in a Simple Premixer and its Influence on Pressure Wave Amplification Thomas Scarinci, Rolls-Royce Canada Inc, Quebec, Canada; Christopher Freeman, Rolls-Royce plc, Derby, UK 2000-GT-0106
IGTI 2000 Active Control Analysis for Combustion-Driven Dynamic Instabilities in Gas-Turbine Combustors M.A. Mawid, T.W. Park, Engineering Research and Analysis Company, Dayton, OH, USA; B. Sekar, Air Force Research Laboratory, Wright-Patterson AFB, OH, USA 2000-GT-0107
IGTI 2000 Self-excited Oscillations in Combustors with Spray Atomisers M. Zhu, A.P. Dowling, K.N.C. Bray, University of Cambridge, Cambridge, UK 2000-GT-0108
IGTI 2000 Industrial RB211 DLE Gas Turbine Combustion Update Jeffrey D. Willis, A. John Moran, Rolls-Royce plc, Coventry, UK 2000-GT-0109
IGTI 2000 Experimental and Theoretical Studies of a Novel Venturi LPP Combustor Nils A. Røkke, Andrew J.W. Wilson, Ulstein Turbine AS, Bergen, Norway 2000-GT-0110
IGTI 2000 Dual Fuel Dry Low Emissions (DLE) Combustion System for the ABB Alstom Power 13,4 MW Cyclone Gas Turbine H. Alkabie, R. McMillan, R. Noden, C. Morris, ABB Alstom Power UK Ltd., Lincoln, UK 2000-GT-0111
IGTI 2000 Dual Fuel DLE Typhoon Commercial Operating Experience and Improvement Upgrades P. Taylor, The Boots Company PLC, Nottingham, UK; R. McMillan, D. Baker, ABB Alstom Power, Lincoln, UK 2000-GT-0112
IGTI 2000 Research on a Methane-Fueled Low NOx Combustor for a Mach 3 Supersonic Transporter Turbojet Engine Yasuhiro Kinoshita, Takeo Oda, Junichi Kitajima, Kawasaki Heavy Industries, Ltd., Akashi, Japan 2000-GT-0113
IGTI 2000 Improvement of Aerodynamic Performance of a Combustor Dump Diffuser Using Inclined Walls Shinji Honami, Takaaki Shizawa, The Science University of Tokyo, Tokyo, Japan; Eiichi Yamazaki, Fukushima Nuclear Power Plant, Fukushima, Japan 2000-GT-0114
IGTI 2000 Application of Macrolamination Technology to Lean, Premix Combustion Adel Mansour, Michael Benjamin, Parker Hannifin Corporation, Mentor, OH, USA; Douglas L. Straub, Geo. A. Richards, U.S. Department of Energy, Morgantown, WV, USA 2000-GT-0115
IGTI 2000 Rapid Liquid Fuel Mixing for Lean-Burning Combustors: Low-Power Performance May Y. Leong, Craig S. Smugeresky, Vincent G. McDonell, G. Scott Samuelsen, University of California, Irvine, CA, USA 2000-GT-0116
IGTI 2000 A New Hybrid Air Blast Nozzle for Advanced Gas Turbine Combustors Adel Mansour, Michael Benjamin, Erlendur Steinthorsson, Parker Hannifin Corporation, Mentor, OH, USA 2000-GT-0117
IGTI 2000 Flow and Spray Characteristics of a Lean Fuel Injection Module with Radial Swirlers Woo Seok Seol, Yeoung Min Han, Dae Sung Lee, Korea Aerospace Research Institute, Taejon, Korea 2000-GT-0118
IGTI 2000 Internal Flow Structure of a Pressure-Swirl Atomizer at Two Different Density Ratios Dexin Wang, Zhanhua Ma, San-Mou Jeng, University of Cincinnati, Cincinnati, OH, USA; Michael A. Benjamin, Parker Hannifin Corporation, Mentor, OH, USA 2000-GT-0119
IGTI 2000 Flow Structures of a Radial-Inlet Swirler Zhanhua Ma, Dexin Wang, San-Mou Jeng, University of Cincinnati, Cincinnati, OH, USA; Michael A. Benjamin, Parker Hannifin Corporation, Mentor, OH, USA 2000-GT-0120
IGTI 2000 An Examination of the Relationship Between Chemiluminescent Light Emissions and Heat Release Rate Under Non-Adiabatic Conditions Ludwig C. Haber, Uri Vandsburger, William R. Saunders, Vivek K. Khanna, Virgina Tech, Blacksburg, VA, USA 2000-GT-0121
IGTI 2000 Integrated Experimental and Numerical Approach for Fuel-Air Mixing Prediction in a Heavy-Duty Gas Turbine LP Burner Giulo Mori, Sandro Razore, Ansaldo Ricerche s.r.l., Genova, Italy; Marina Ubaldi, Pietro Zunino, Università di Genova, Genova, Italy 2000-GT-0122
IGTI 2000 Experimental and Numerical Investigation of a Planar Combustor Sector at Realistic Operating Conditions Thomas Behrendt, Martin Carl, Christian Fleing, Matthias Frodermann, Johannes Heinze, Christoph Hassa, German Aerospace Center, Cologne, Germany; Ulrich Meier, Dagmar Wolff-Gaßmann, German Aerospace Center, Stuttgart, Germany; Stefan Hohmann, Nikolaos Zar 2000-GT-0123
IGTI 2000 Feasibility Studies and Application of Laser/Optical Diagnostics for Characterisation of a Practical Low-Emission Gas Turbine Combustor C. Löfström, J. Engström, M. Richter, C.F. Kaminski, K. Nyholm, J. Hult, J. Nygren, M. Aldén, Lund Institute of Technology, Lund, Sweden; P. Johansson, Volvo Aero Corporation, Trollhättan, Sweden 2000-GT-0124
IGTI 2000 Coupled and Uncoupled CFD Prediction of the Characteristics of Jets from Combustor Air Admission Ports J.J. McGuirk, A. Spencer, Loughborough University, Loughborough, Leicestershire, UK 2000-GT-0125
IGTI 2000 Design of a Jet-Stirred Gas Generator for Studies of High Temperature Mixing and Combustion C.G. Fotache, D.J. Hautman, T.J. Rosfjord, United Technologies Research Center, East Hartford, CT, USA 2000-GT-0127
IGTI 2000 An Accurate and Affordable Spray Model for Gas Turbine Combustor Design Anil K. Tolpadi, General Electric Research & Development Center, Schenectady, NY, USA; Suresh K. Aggarwal, University of Illinois at Chicago, Chicago, IL, USA; Hukam C. Mongia, General Electric Aircraft Engines, Cincinnati, OH, USA 2000-GT-0128
IGTI 2000 Parametric Modeling Approach to Gas Turbine Combustor Design Venkat E. Tangirala, Anil K. Tolpadi, General Electric Research & Development Center, Schenectady, NY, USA; Al M. Danis, Hukam Mongia, General Electric Aircraft Engines, Cincinnati, OH, USA 2000-GT-0129
IGTI 2000 Modelling of the Combustion Process of a Premixed DLE Gas Turbine R.L.G.M. Eggels, Rolls Royce plc, Coventry, UK 2000-GT-0130
IGTI 2000 CFD Analysis of a Complete Industrial Lean Premixed Gas Turbine Combustor P. Birkby, R.S. Cant, W.N. Dawes, A.A.J. Demargne, P.C. Dhanasekaran, W.P. Kellar, N.C. Rycroft, A.M. Savill, University of Cambridge, Cambridge, UK; R.L.G.M. Eggels, I.K. Jennions, Rolls-Royce plc, Coventry, UK 2000-GT-0131
IGTI 2000 Evaluation of Advanced Two-Phase Flow and Combustion Models for Predicting Low Emission Combustors G. Klose, R. Schmehl, R. Meier, G. Meier, R. Koch, S. Wittig, M. Hettel, W. Leuckel, Universität Karlsruhe, Karlsruhe, Germany; N. Zarzalis, DaimlerChrysler Aerospace, München, Germany 2000-GT-0133
IGTI 2000 The Structure of Two-Stage Counterflow n-Heptane-Air Flames S.K. Aggarwal, H.S. Xue, University of Illinois at Chicago, Chicago, IL, USA 2000-GT-0134
IGTI 2000 Modeling of Inhomogeneously Premixed Combustion with an Extended TFC Model Wolfgang Polifke, Technical University of Munich, Garching, Germany; Peter Flohr, ABB Alstom Power Technology Ltd., Baden, Switzerland; Martin Brandt, Fachhochschule Karlsruhe, Karlsruhe, Germany 2000-GT-0135
IGTI 2000 Experimental and Numerical Investigation on the Evaporation of Shear-Driven Multi-Component Liquid Wall Films M. Gerendas, S. Wittig, Universität Karlsruhe, Karlsruhe, Germany 2000-GT-0136
IGTI 2000 Use of Chromium Containing Fuel Additive to Reduce High Temperature Corrosion of Hot Section Parts Jean-Pierre Stalder, Peter A. Huber, Turbotect Ltd., Baden, Switzerland 2000-GT-0138
IGTI 2000 Alternative Fuels in Gas Turbine Applications: A Simple Method for Assessing the Influence of Fuel on Performances Michel Molière, Frédéric Pommel, General Electric Energy Products - Europe, Belfort, France 2000-GT-0139
IGTI 2000 Response of a Model Gas Turbine Combustor to Variation in Gaseous Fuel Composition R.M. Flores, M.M. Miyasato, V.G. McDonnell, G.S. Samuelsen, University of California, Irvine, CA, USA 2000-GT-0141
IGTI 2000 Implementation and Validation of a New Soot Model and Application to Aeroengine Combustors M. Balthasar, F. Mauss, Lund Institute of Technology, Lund, Sweden; M. Pfitzner, A. Mack, BMW Rolls-Royce AeroEngines, Dahlewitz, Germany 2000-GT-0142
IGTI 2000 Numerical Simulation of Swirl-Stabilized Premixed Flames with a Turbulent Combustion Model Based on a Systematically Reduced 6-Step Reaction Mechanism Dieter E. Bohn, Joachim Lepers, Aachen University of Technology, Aachen, Germany 2000-GT-0143
IGTI 2000 Flamelet Studies of Reduced and Detailed Kinetic Mechanisms for Methane/Air Diffusion Flames Foluso Ladeinde, SUNY, Stony Brook, NY, USA; Xiaodan Cai, Aerospace Research Corp., L.I., Stony Brook, NY, USA; Balu Sekar, Air Force Research Laboratory, Wright-Patterson AFB, OH, USA 2000-GT-0144
IGTI 2000 Reaction Mechanisms for Methane Ignition S.C. Li, F.A. Williams, University of California, San Diego, La Jolla, CA, USA 2000-GT-0145
IGTI 2000 Computation of 3D Turbulent Not-premixed Reacting Flows Using an Implicit Unstructured Solver P. Adami, F. Martelli, University of Florence, Florence, Italy 2000-GT-0147
IGTI 2000 Control Optimization of the Transient Performance of the Selective Bleed Variable Cycle Engine During Mode Transition U.T.J. Grönstedt, Chalmers University of Technology, Gothenburg, Sweden; P. Pilidis, Cranfield University, Cranfield, Bedford, UK 2000-GT-0148
IGTI 2000 An Approximate Method for Jet Engines Flight Performances Prediction A. Ghenaiet, Thermal Power Laboratory, Bordj El Bahri, Algeria 2000-GT-0149
IGTI 2000 Introduction of Intercooling in a High Bypass Jet Engine Tilemachos Papadopoulos, Pericles Pilidis, Cranfield University, Cranfield, Bedfordshire, UK 2000-GT-0150
IGTI 2000 Assessment of Remote Lift Fan Jet Engines Luca Arnulfo, Pericles Pilidis, Cranfield University, Cranfield, Bedford, UK 2000-GT-0151
IGTI 2000 Gas Turbine Performance Using Carbon Dioxide as Working Fluid in Closed Cycle Operation Anthony J.B. Jackson, Alcides Codeceira Neto, Matthew W. Whellens, Cranfield University, Cranfield, UK; Harry Audus, IEA Greenhouse Gas R&D Programme, Cheltenham, UK 2000-GT-0153
IGTI 2000 Semi-Closed HAT (SC-HAT) Power Cycle Carlo Carcasci, Lorenzo Cosi, Daniele Fiaschi, Giampaolo Manfrida, Università degli Studi di Firenze, Firenze, Italia 2000-GT-0154
IGTI 2000 On-Design and Off-Design Performance Analysis of a Gas Turbine Combined Cycle Using the Exergy Method Alcides Codeceira Neto, Pericles Pilidis, Cranfield University, Cranfield, UK 2000-GT-0155
IGTI 2000 Thermodynamic Optimization of Reheat Gas Turbine Cycles Combined with Bottoming Cycles Isaac Shnaid, The Israel Electric Corporation Ltd., Haifa, Israel 2000-GT-0156
IGTI 2000 Repowering of an Existing Cogeneration Plant Including Environmental Cost Internalization M. Cali, M. Santarelli, Politecnico di Torino, Torino, Italy; A.F. Massardo, Università di Genova, Genova, Italy 2000-GT-0157
IGTI 2000 Design Study of Helium Turbine for the 300MW HTGR-GT Power Plant Yasushi Muto, Shintaro Ishiyama, Japan Atomic Energy Research Institute, Oarai Ibaraki, Japan; Yoshitako Fukuyama, Junji Okumoto, Toshiba Corporation, Yokohama, Japan; Tadaharu Kishibe, Hitachi, Ltd., Hitachinaka, Japan; Seiya Yamada, Mitsubishi Heavy Ind 2000-GT-0159
IGTI 2000 New Concept of CO2 Removal Technologies in Power Generation Combined with Fossil Fuel Recovery and Long Term CO2 Sequestration Ph. Mathieu, R. Dubuisson, S. Houyou, R. Nihart, University of Liège, Liège, Belgium 2000-GT-0160
IGTI 2000 Performance Assessment of Semi-Closed Chemically Recuperated Gas Turbine Systems Giorgio Cau, Daniele Cocco, University of Cagliari, Cagliari, Italy 2000-GT-0161
IGTI 2000 Gas Turbine Combined Cycle with CO2-Capture Using Auto-Thermal Reforming of Natural Gas Thormod Andersen, Hanne M. Kvamsdal, SINTEF Energy Research, Trondheim, Norway; Olav Bolland, The Norweigian University of Science and Technology, Trondheim, Norway 2000-GT-0162
IGTI 2000 Natural Gas Decarbonization to Reduce CO2 Emission from Combined Cycles. Part A: Partial Oxidation Giovanni Lozza, Paolo Chiesa, Politecnico di Milano, Milan, Italy 2000-GT-0163
IGTI 2000 Natural Gas Decarbonization to Reduce CO2 Emission from Combined Cycles. Part B: Steam-Methane Reforming Giovanni Lozza, Paolo Chiesa, Politecnico di Milano, Milan, Italy 2000-GT-0164
IGTI 2000 Assessment of LNG Regasification Systems with Cogeneration Umberto Desideri, Claudio Belli, Università di Perugia, Perugia, Italy 2000-GT-0165
IGTI 2000 An Ericsson Cycle GT Design by LNG Cryogenic Heat Utilization Kirk Hanawa, Ishikawajima Harima Heavy Industries, Co., Ltd., Tokyo, Japan 2000-GT-0166
IGTI 2000 Low Cost Recuperator Concept for Microturbine Applications Colin F. McDonald, McDonald Thermal Engineering, LaJolla, CA, USA 2000-GT-0167
IGTI 2000 First Experiments on an Evaporative Gas Turbine Pilot Power Plant - Water Circuit Chemistry and Humidification Evaluation Niklas D. Ågren, Mats O. Westermark, Michael A. Bartlett, Royal Institute of Technology, Stockholm, Sweden; Torbjörn Lindquist, Lund Institute of Technology, Lund, Sweden 2000-GT-0168
IGTI 2000 Comparison of Gas Turbine Cooling with Dry Air, Humidified Air and Steam Kristin Jordal, Tord Torisson, Lund Institute of Technology, Lund, Sweden 2000-GT-0169
IGTI 2000 Dynamic Modelling of the Gasification Island of a Coal-Based IGCC Raoul Nihart, University of Liège, Liège, Belgium 2000-GT-0170
IGTI 2000 Aero-Thermodynamic Simulation of a Double-Shaft Industrial Evaporative Gas Turbine S.M. Camporeale, University of Reggio Calabria, Reggio Calabria, Italy; B. Fortunato, Polytechnic University of Bari, Bari, Italy 2000-GT-0171
IGTI 2000 Conceptual Design for Medium Size Combined Cycle Plants Improved by Recent Research and Innovation H. Jericha, F. Neumayer, Technical University of Graz, Graz, Austria 2000-GT-0172
IGTI 2000 Estimation of the Operating Characteristics of the Adjustable Speed Gas Turbine Power Generation System During Partial Load Operation Naoyuki Nagafuchi, Nariyoshi Kobayashi, Hitachi Ltd., Hitachinaka-shi, Japan; Motoaki Utamura, Hitachi, Ltd., Hitachi-shi, Japan 2000-GT-0173
IGTI 2000 Assessment of Molten Carbonate Fuel Cell Models and Integration with Gas and Steam Cycles A.F. Massardo, B. Bosio, Università di Genova, Genova, Italy 2000-GT-0174
IGTI 2000 Microturbine/Fuel-Cell Coupling for High-Efficiency Electrical-Power Generation Aristide F. Massardo, Università di Genova, Genova, Italy; Colin F. McDonald, McDonald Thermal Engineering, La Jolla, CA, USA; Theodosios Korakianitis, Washington University, St. Louis, MO, USA 2000-GT-0175
IGTI 2000 Developing the Next Generation Gas Turbine Systems - A National Partnership A.W. Layne, U.S. Department of Energy, Morgantown, WV, USA 2000-GT-0176
IGTI 2000 Managing Fuel Oil Nozzle Coking to Improve Gas Turbine Availability Leo R. Burgett, ABB Alstom Power Inc., Midlothian, VA, USA; Tim Mercer, Savannah Electric & Power Company, Rincon, GA, USA 2000-GT-0177
IGTI 2000 Hot-Gas-Path Life Extension Options for the V94.2 Gas Turbine Gerhard Bohrenkämper, Herbert Bals, Ursel Wrede, Siemens AG, Power Generation KWU, Mülheim a.d. Ruhr, Germany; René Umlauft, Siemens AG, Power Generation KWU, Berlin, Germany 2000-GT-0178
IGTI 2000 Early Detection of Combustor Pulsations and Optimized Operation Through On-Line Monitoring Systems Helmer Andersen, ABB ALSTOM Power, Midlothian, VA, USA 2000-GT-0180
IGTI 2000 Power Plants Up-Rating Benefit from Technology Advancements Robert McCue, Midland Cogneration Venture, Midlan, MI, USA; Axel W. von Rappard, ABB Alstom Power, Surprise, AZ, USA 2000-GT-0181
IGTI 2000 Integration of a Gas Turbine (GT) with a Compressed Air Storage (CAES) Plant Provides the Best Alternative for Mid-Range and Daily Cyclic Generation Needs Michael Nakhamkin, Energy Storage and Power Consultants, Inc., Mountainside, NJ, USA; Septimus van der Linden, ABB ALSTOM Power, Midlothian, VA, USA 2000-GT-0182
IGTI 2000 Life Extension of GT HGP Components by Recycling Jung-Ho Lee, P.C. Engineering Company, Seoul, Korea 2000-GT-0184
IGTI 2000 A Neural Network Simulator of a Gas Turbine with a Waste Heat Recovery Section C. Boccaletti, G. Cerri, B. Seyedan, University ROMA TRE, Roma, Italy 2000-GT-0185
IGTI 2000 Manufacturers' Role in the Power Industry Dilip K. Mukherjee, ABB ALSTOM POWER, Baden, Swizterland 2000-GT-0186
IGTI 2000 Development of a Maintenance Program for Major Gas Turbine Hot Gas Path Parts Hideto Moritsuka, Tomoharu Fujii, Takeshi Takahashi, Central Research Institute of Electric Power Industry, Yokosuka-City, Kanagawa-Pref, Japan 2000-GT-0187
IGTI 2000 Risk-Based Inspection of Combustion Turbines Michael E.G. Schmidt, Industrial Risk Insurers, Hartford, CT, USA; David A. Mauney, Structural Integrity Associates, Inc., Rockville, MD, USA 2000-GT-0189
IGTI 2000 World's First LM5000 to LM6000 Cogeneration Plant Repowering Michael T. McCarrick, Robert K. Rosencrance, Energy Services, Inc., Farmington, CT, USA 2000-GT-0190
IGTI 2000 Combustion Turbine Inlet Conditioning - A State-of-the-Art Method of Increasing Generating Capacity Without the Addition of New Basic Generation Hardware Lloyd B. Tisdale, Tisdale Company, Incorporated, Conroe, TX, USA; Robert L. Hauck, HouRep, Incorporated, Houston, TX, USA 2000-GT-0192
IGTI 2000 Leakage Flow Over Shrouded Turbine Blades Yumin Xiao, R.S. Amano, University of Wisconsin-Milwaukee, Milwaukee, WI, USA 2000-GT-0193
IGTI 2000 Heat Transfer and Pressure Distributions on a Gas Turbine Blade Tip Gm S. Azad, Je-Chin Han, Shuye Teng, Texas A&M University, College Station, TX, USA; Robert J. Boyle, NASA Glenn Research Center, Cleveland, OH, USA 2000-GT-0194
IGTI 2000 Heat Transfer and Flow on Squealer Tip of a Gas Turbine Blade Gm S. Azad, Je-Chin Han, Texas A&M University, College Station, TX, USA; Robert J. Boyle, NASA Glenn Research Center, Cleveland, OH, USA 2000-GT-0195
IGTI 2000 Experimental Investigations on the Thermal Load and Leakage Flow of a Turbine Blade Tip Section with Different Tip Section Geometries Martin F. Urban, Nicolas Vortmeyer, Siemens AG, KWU Group, Muelheim, Germany 2000-GT-0196
IGTI 2000 Time-Averaged Heat Flux for a Recessed Tip, Lip, and Platform of a Transonic Turbine Blade M.G. Dunn, C.W. Haldeman, The Ohio State University Gas Turbine Laboratory, Columbus, OH, USA 2000-GT-0197
IGTI 2000 Flow and Heat Transfer at the Hub Endwall of Inlet Vane Passages: Experiments and Simulations R.P. Roy, K.D. Squires, M. Gerendas, S. Song, Arizona State University, Tempe, AZ, USA; W.J. Howe, A. Ansari, AlliedSignal Engines, Phoenix, AZ, USA 2000-GT-0198
IGTI 2000 Effects of Slot Bleed Injection Over a Contoured Endwall on Nozzle Guide Vane Cooling Performance: Part I -Flow Field Measurements Steven W. Burd, Pratt & Whitney, East Hartford, CT, USA; Terrence W. Simon, University of Minnesota, Minneapolis, MN, USA 2000-GT-0199
IGTI 2000 Effects of Slot Bleed Injection Over a Contoured End Wall on Nozzle Guide Vane Cooling Performance: Part II - Thermal Measurements Steven W. Burd, Pratt & Whitney, East Hartford, CT, USA; Cynthia J. Satterness, Terrence W. Simon, University of Minnesota, Minneapolis, MN, USA 2000-GT-0200
IGTI 2000 High Freestream Turbulence Effects on Endwall Heat Transfer for a Gas Turbine Stator Vane R.W. Radomsky, K.A. Thole, Virginia Polytechnic Institute and State University, Blacksburg, VA, USA 2000-GT-0201
IGTI 2000 Investigation of Heat Transfer in a Film Cooled Transonic Turbine Cascade, Part II: Unsteady Heat Transfer O. Popp, D.E. Smith, J.V. Bubb, H.C. Grabowski III, T.E. Diller, J.A. Schetz, W.F. Ng, Virginia, Polytechnic Institute and State University, Blacksburg, VA, USA 2000-GT-0202
IGTI 2000 Investigation of Heat Transfer in a Film Cooled Transonic Turbine Cascade, Part I: Steady Heat Transfer D.E. Smith, J.V. Bubb, O. Popp, H. Grabowski III, T.E. Diller, J.A. Schetz, W.F. Ng, Virginia Polytechnic Institute and State University, Blacksburg, VA, USA 2000-GT-0203
IGTI 2000 Influence Of Surface Roughness on Heat Transfer and Effectiveness for a Fully Film Cooled Nozzle Guide Vane Measured by Wide Band Liquid Crystals and Direct Heat Flux Gauges S.M. Guo, C.C. Lai, T.V. Jones, M.L.G. Oldfield, University of Oxford, England, UK; G.D. Lock, University of Bath, Bath, England, UK; A.J. Rawlinson, Rolls-Royce plc, Derby, England, UK 2000-GT-0204
IGTI 2000 The Influence of the Boundary Layer State and Reynolds Number on Film Cooling and Heat Transfer on a Cooled Nozzle Guide Vane Hans Reiss, Albin Bölcs, Swiss Federal Institute of Technology, Lausanne, Switzerland 2000-GT-0205
IGTI 2000 Influence of Vane/Blade Spacing on the Heat Flux for a Transonic Turbine M.G. Dunn, C.W. Haldeman, R.S. Abhari, M.L. McMillan, The Ohio State University, Columbus, OH, USA 2000-GT-0206
IGTI 2000 Cooling Effectiveness Measurements with Thermal Radiometry in a Turbine Cascade H.K. Moon, R. Jaiswal, Solar Turbines Incorporated, San Diego, CA, USA 2000-GT-0207
IGTI 2000 Rotor/Stator Heat Transfer Measurements and CFD Predictions for Short-Duration Turbine Rig Tests Robert F. Bergholz, Gary D. Steuber, GE Aircraft Engines, Cincinnati, OH, USA; Michael G. Dunn, Ohio State University, Columbus, OH, USA 2000-GT-0208
IGTI 2000 Heat Transfer Measurements and Predictions on a Power Generation Gas Turbine Blade Paul W. Giel, Dynacs Engineering Co., Inc., Brook Park, OH, USA; Ronald S. Bunker, General Electric Corporation, Schenectady, NY, USA; G. James Van Fossen, Robert J. Boyle, NASA Glenn Research Center, Cleveland, OH, USA 2000-GT-0209
IGTI 2000 Aerodynamics and Heat Transfer in a Turbine Blade at Design and Off-Design Angles of Incidence C. Xu, R.S. Amano, University of Wisconsin-Miwaukee, Milwaukee, WI, USA 2000-GT-0210
IGTI 2000 Analysis of Flow and Heat Transfer in the End-Wall Region of a Turbine Blade Passage Yumin Xiao, R.S. Amano, University of Wisconsin-Milwaukee, Milwaukee, WI, USA 2000-GT-0211
IGTI 2000 Secondary Flow Measurements in a Turbine Passage with Endwall Flow Modification Nicole V. Aunapu, Ralph J. Volino, Karen A. Flack, Ryan M. Stoddard, United States Naval Academy, Annapolis, MD, USA 2000-GT-0212
IGTI 2000 Flow Measurements in a Nozzle Guide Vane Passage with a Low Aspect Ratio and Endwall Contouring Steven W. Burd, Pratt and Whitney, East Hartford, CT, USA; Terrence W. Simon, University of Minnesota, Minneapolis, MN, USA 2000-GT-0213
IGTI 2000 Measurements in a Turbine Cascade Over a Contoured Endwall: Discrete Hole Injection of Bleed Flow Rohit A. Oke, Terrence W. Simon, University of Minnesota, Minneapolis, MN, USA; Steven W. Burd, Pratt and Whitney, East Hartford, CT, USA; Rickard Vahlberg, Royal Swedish Institute, Stockholm, Sweden 2000-GT-0214
IGTI 2000 Augmentation of Stagnation Region Heat Transfer Due to Turbulence from a DLN Can Combustor G. James Van Fossen, NASA Glenn Research Center, Cleveland, OH, USA; Ronald S. Bunker, General Electric, Schenectady, NY, USA 2000-GT-0215
IGTI 2000 Infared Low Temperature Turbine Vane Rough Surface Heat Transfer Measurements R.J. Boyle, B.L. Lucci, C.M. Spuckler, W.P. Camperchioli, NASA Glenn Research Center, Cleveland, OH, USA 2000-GT-0216
IGTI 2000 Comparison of Predicted and Measured Turbine Vane Rough Surface Heat Transfer R.J. Boyle, B.L. Lucci, C.M. Spuckler, NASA Glenn Research Center, Cleveland, OH, USA 2000-GT-0217
IGTI 2000 The Two-Flux Model Applied to Radiative Transfer and Forced Convection in the Laminar Boundary Layer on a Flat Plate Freddy Malpica, Nathaly Moreno, Andrés Tremante, Universidad Simón Bolívar, Caracas, Venezuela 2000-GT-0218
IGTI 2000 Heat Transfer and Flow Characteristics of an Engine Representative Impingement Cooling System Changmin Son, David Gillespie, Peter Ireland, University of Oxford, Oxford, UK; Geoffrey M. Dailey, Rolls-Royce plc, Derby, UK 2000-GT-0219
IGTI 2000 Experimental Investigation on Impingement Heat Transfer from Rib Roughened Surface Within Arrays of Circular Jets: Correlation Chang Hiaping, Zhang Jingyu, Nanjing University of Aeronautics and Astronautics, Nanjing, China; Huang Taiping, Xiamen University, Xiamen, China 2000-GT-0220
IGTI 2000 Mist/Steam Heat Transfer in Confined Slot Jet Impingement X. Li, J.L. Gaddis, Clemson University, Clemson, SC, USA; T. Wang, University of New Orleans, New Orleans, LA, USA 2000-GT-0221
IGTI 2000 An Experimental Evaluation of Advanced Leading Edge Impingement Cooling Concepts M.E. Taslim, L. Setayeshgar, Northeastern University, Boston, MA, USA; S.D. Spring, GE Aircraft Engines, Lynn, MA, USA 2000-GT-0222
IGTI 2000 Flow and Heat Transfer of Confined Impingement Jets Cooling Ting Wang, University of New Orleans, New Orleans, LA, USA; Mingjie Lin, Clemson University, Clemson, SC, USA; Ronald S. Bunker, General Electric Corporate R&D, Schenectady, NY, USA 2000-GT-0223
IGTI 2000 Heat Transfer in Rotating Narrow Rectangular Ducts with Heated Sides Oriented at 60° to the R-Z Plane Fred T. Willett, Authur E. Bergles, Rensselaer Polytechnic Institute, Troy, NY, USA 2000-GT-0224
IGTI 2000 Application of Non-Linear k-w Model to the Turbulent Flow inside a Sharp U-Bend B. Song, R.S. Amano, University of Wisconsin-Milwaukee, Milwaukee, MI, USA 2000-GT-0225
IGTI 2000 Heat Transfer Enhancements in Rotating Two-Pass Coolant Channels with Profiled Ribs: Part 2 - Detailed Measurements D.E. Nikitopoulos, V. Eliades, S. Acharya, Louisiana State University, Baton Rouge, LA, USA 2000-GT-0226
IGTI 2000 Heat Transfer Enhancements in Rotating Two-Pass Coolant Channels with Profiled Ribs: Part 1 - Average Results S. Acharya, V. Eliades, D.E. Nikitopoulos, Louisiana State University, Baton Rouge, LA, USA 2000-GT-0227
IGTI 2000 Rotating Effect on Fluid Flow in a Smooth Duct with 180-Deg Sharp Turn Chung-Chu Chen, Tong-Min Liou, National Tsing Hua University, Hsinchu, Taiwan 2000-GT-0228
IGTI 2000 Flow and Heat Transfer in a Rotating Square Channel with 45º Angled Ribs by Reynolds Stress Turbulence Model Yong-Jun Jang, Hamn-Ching Chen, Je-Chin Han, Texas A&M University, College Station, TX, USA 2000-GT-0229
IGTI 2000 Local Heat Transfer and Flow Structure on and Above a Dimpled Surface in a Channel G.I. Mahmood, M.L. Hill, D.L. Nelson, P.M. Ligrani, University of Utah, Salt Lake City, UT, USA; H-K. Moon, B. Glezer, Solar Turbines, Inc., San Diego, CA, USA 2000-GT-0230
IGTI 2000 A Transient Liquid Crystal Method Using Hue Angle and a 3-D Inverse Transient Conduction Scheme Mingjie Lin, Clemson University, Clemson, SC, USA; Ting Wang, University of New Orleans, LA, USA 2000-GT-0231
IGTI 2000 Lateral-Flow Effect on Endwall Heat Transfer and Pressure Drop in a Pin-Fin Trapezoidal Duct of Various Pin Shapes Jenn-Jiang Hwang, Chau-Ching Lu, Chung-Hua University, Hsinchu, Taiwan 2000-GT-0232
IGTI 2000 Experimental Heat Transfer and Bulk Air Temperature Measurements for Multipass Internal Cooling Model with Ribs and Bleed Douglas Thurman, Philip Poinsatte, Glenn Research Center, Cleveland, OH, USA 2000-GT-0233
IGTI 2000 Intercoolers in Gas Turbine Systems and Combi-Processes for Production of Electricity Arash Saidi, Bengt Sundén, Daniel Eriksson, Lund Institute of Technology, Lund, Sweden 2000-GT-0234
IGTI 2000 Influence of Cross-Flow Induced Swirl and Impingement on Heat Transfer in a Two-Pass Channel Connected by Two Rows of Holes Gautam Pamula, Srinath V. Ekkad, Sumanta Acharya, Louisiana State University, Baton Rouge, LA, USA 2000-GT-0235
IGTI 2000 Effect of Surface Curvature on Heat Transfer and Hydrodynamics Within a Single Hemispherical Dimple N. Syred, A. Khalatov, Cardiff University, Cardiff, UK; A. Kozlov, Russian Academy of Sciences, City of Kazan, Russia; A. Shchukin, R. Agachev, Kazan State Technical University, City of Kazan, Russia 2000-GT-0236
IGTI 2000 Innovative Cyclone Cooling Scheme for Gas Turbine Blade: Thermal-Hydraulic Performance Evaluation Artem Khalatov, Nick Syred, Philip Bowen, Rashed Al-Ajmi, Cardiff University, Cardiff, UK; Alexander Kozlov, Russian Academy of Sciences, City of Kazan, Russia; Andrey Schukin, Kazan State Technical University (KAI), City of Kazan, Russia 2000-GT-0237
IGTI 2000 Influence of Injection Type and Feed Arrangement on Flow and Heat Transfer in an Injection Slot Hyung Hee Cho, Yonsei University, Seoul, Korea; Jin Ki Ham, Hyundai Heavy Industries Co., Ltd., Ulsan, Korea 2000-GT-0238
IGTI 2000 Scaling of Performance for Varying Density Ratio Coolants on an Airfoil with Strong Curvature and Pressure Gradient Effects Marcia I. Ethridge, J. Michael Cutbirth, David G. Bogard, The University of Texas at Austin, Austin, TX, USA 2000-GT-0239
IGTI 2000 Effects of Showerhead Injection on Film Cooling Effectiveness for a Downstream Row of Holes Marc D. Polanka, Marcia I. Ethridge, J. Michael Cutbirth, David G. Bogard, The University of Texas at Austin, Austin, TX, USA 2000-GT-0240
IGTI 2000 Novel Blade Cooling Engineering Solution Siegfried Moser, Mario Ivanisin, Jakob Woisetschläger, Herbert Jericha, Technical University Graz, Graz, Austria 2000-GT-0242
IGTI 2000 Measurement of Local Heat Transfer Coefficient and Film Cooling Effectiveness Through Discrete Holes R.F. Martinez-Botas, C.H.N. Yuen, Imperial College of Science, Technology, and Medicine, London, UK 2000-GT-0243
IGTI 2000 Effect of Partial Coating Blockage on Film Cooling Effectiveness Ronald S. Bunker, General Electric Corp. R&D Center, Schenectady, NY, USA 2000-GT-0244
IGTI 2000 Transient Liquid Crystal Measurement of Leading Edge Film Cooling Effectiveness and Heat Transfer with High Free Stream Turbulence Shichuan Ou, Richard Rivir, Matthew Meininger, Air Force Research Laboratory, WPAFB, OH, USA; Fred Soechting, Martin Tabbita, Pratt & Whitney Aircraft Engines, West Palm Beach, FL, USA 2000-GT-0245
IGTI 2000 The Effects of Injection Angle and Hole Exit Shape on Turbine Nozzle Pressure Side Film Cooling Luzeng J. Zhang, Ram Pudupatty, Solar Turbines Incorporated, San Diego, CA, USA 2000-GT-0247
IGTI 2000 Film Cooling Downstream of a Row of Discrete Holes with Compound Angle R.J. Goldstein, P. Jin, University of Minnesota, Minneapolis, MN, USA 2000-GT-0248
IGTI 2000 Reynolds Stress Transport Model Predictions and Large Eddy Simulations for Film Coolant Jet in Crossflow Asif Hoda, Acharya Sumanta, Mayank Tyagi, Louisiana State University, Baton Rouge, LA, USA 2000-GT-0249
IGTI 2000 Numerical and Experimental Investigations of the Influence of Different Swirl Ratios on the Temperature Streak Development in a 4-Stage Turbine Dieter Bohn, Harald Funke, Tom Heuer, Aachen University of Technology, Aachen, Germany; Jürg Bütikofer, ABB Alstom Power, Baden, Switzerland 2000-GT-0250
IGTI 2000 Thermal Conjugate Analysis of a First Stage Blade in a Gas Turbine Toshihiko Takahashi, Kazunori Watanabe, Takeshi Takahashi, Central Research Institute of Electric Power Industry, Yokosuka, Kanagawa, Japan 2000-GT-0251
IGTI 2000 Local Heat/Mass Transfer Measurement on the Effusion Plate in Impingement/Effusion Cooling System Hyung Hee Cho, Dong Ho Rhee, Yonsei University, Seoul, Korea 2000-GT-0252
IGTI 2000 Simultaneous Prediction of External Flow-Field and Temperature in Internally Cooled 3-D Turbine Blade Material Zhen-Xue Han, George S. Dulikravich, University of Texas at Arlington, Arlington, TX, USA; Brian H. Dennis, The Pennsylvania State University, University Park, PA, USA 2000-GT-0253
IGTI 2000 Heat Transfer Analysis in a Modern DLN Combustor Giovanni Ferrara, Luca Innocenti, Giacomo Migliorini, Università degli Studi di Firenze, Firenze,Italy; Bruno Facchini, Università degli Studi di Parma, Parma, Italy; Anthony J. Dean, GE Corporate Research and Development, Niskayuna, NY, USA 2000-GT-0254
IGTI 2000 Turbulence Structures of Leading Edge Film Cooling Jets Sabine Ardey, Motoren- und Turbinen-Union München GmbH, München, Germany; Stefan Wolff, Leonhard Fottner, Universität der Bundeswehr München, Neubiberg, Germany 2000-GT-0255
IGTI 2000 Flow Characteristics Inside Circular Injection Holes Normally Oriented to a Crossflow: Part I - Flow Visualizations and Flow Data in the Symmetry Plane Sang Woo Lee, Sang Won Park, Kumoh National University of Technology, Kyungbook, Korea; Joon Sik Lee, Seoul National University, Seoul, Korea 2000-GT-0256
IGTI 2000 Flow Characteristics Inside Circular Injection Holes Normally Oriented to a Crossflow: Part II - Three Dimensional Flow Data and Aerodynamic Loss Sang Woo Lee, Seong Kuk Joo, Kumoh National University of Technology, Kyungbook, Korea; Joon Sik Lee, Seoul National University, Seoul, Korea 2000-GT-0257
IGTI 2000 Aerodynamic Loss Characteristics of a Turbine Blade with Trailing Edge Coolant Ejection Part 2: External Aerodynamics, Total Pressure Losses and Predictions Oguz Uzol, Cengiz Camci, The Pennsylvania State University, University Park, PA, USA 2000-GT-0258
IGTI 2000 Measurements in Separated and Transitional Boundary Layers Under Low-Pressure Turbine Airfoil Conditions Ralph J. Volino, United States Naval Academy, Annapolis, MD, USA; Lennart S. Hultgren, NASA Glenn Research Center at Lewis Field, Cleveland, OH, USA 2000-GT-0260
IGTI 2000 High Lift and Aft Loaded Profiles for Low Pressure Turbines R.J. Howell, O.N. Ramesh, H.P. Hodson, Whittle Laboratory, University of Cambridge, Cambridge, UK; N.W. Harvey, Rolls-Royce plc., Derby, UK; V. Schulte, BMW Rolls-Royce, GmbH, Dahlewitz, Germany 2000-GT-0261
IGTI 2000 Turbine Separation Control Using Pulsed Vortex Generator Jets Jeffrey P. Bons, Air Force Institute of Technology, Wright-Patterson AFB, OH, USA; Rolf Sondergaard, Richard B. Rivir, Air Force Research Laboratory, Wright-Patterson AFB, OH, USA 2000-GT-0262
IGTI 2000 Effects of Reynolds Number and Free Stream Turbulence on Boundary Layer Transition in a Compressor Cascade Heinz-Adolf Schreiber, Wolfgang Steinert, German Aerospace Center (DLR) Institute of Propulsion Technology, Köln, Germany; Bernhard Küsters, Siemens AG Power Generation (KWU), Mülheim a.d. Ruhr, Germany 2000-GT-0263
IGTI 2000 Natural Transition Phenomena on an Axial Compressor Blade J.D. Hughes, G.J. Walker, University of Tasmania, Hobart, Australia 2000-GT-0264
IGTI 2000 Turbine Blade Entropy Generation Rate Part I: The Boundary Layer Defined M.R.D. Davies, F.K. O'Donnell, A.J. Niven, University of Limerick, Limerick, Ireland 2000-GT-0265
IGTI 2000 Turbine Blade Entropy Generation Rate Part II: The Measured Loss F.K. O'Donnell, M.R.D. Davies, University of Limerick, Limerick, Ireland 2000-GT-0266
IGTI 2000 Control of Separation Bubble on a Blade Leading Edge by a Stationary Bar Wake K. Funazaki, Y. Harada, E. Takahashi, Iwate University, Morioka, Japan 2000-GT-0267
IGTI 2000 Comparison of Two Highly Loaded Low Pressure Turbine Cascades Under the Influence of Wake-Induced Transition Stefan Brunner, Leonhard Fottner, Universität der Bundeswehr München, Neubiberg, Germany; Heinz-Peter Schiffer, BMW Rolls-Royce GmbH, Dahlewitz, Germay 2000-GT-0268
IGTI 2000 Experimental and Numerical Investigation of Wake-Induced Transition on a Highly Loaded LP Turbine at Low Reynolds Numbers Peter Stadtmüller, Leonhard Fottner, Universität der Bundeswehr München, Neubiberg, Germany; Andreas Fiala, MTU Motoren-und Turbinen-Union München GmbH, München, Germany 2000-GT-0269
IGTI 2000 Separation Bubbles Under Steady and Periodic-Unsteady Main Flow Conditions Weiliang Lou, Jean Hourmouziadis, Berlin University of Technology, Berlin, Germany 2000-GT-0270
IGTI 2000 The Influence of Multimode Transition Initiated by Periodic Wakes on the Profile Loss of a Linear Compressor Cascade Reinhold Teusch, Stefan Brunner, Leonhard Fottner, Universität der Bundeswehr München, Neubiberg, Germany; Marius Swoboda, BMW Rolls-Royce AeroEngines, Dahlewitz, Germany 2000-GT-0271
IGTI 2000 Studies on Turbulence Structure of Boundary Layers Disturbed by Moving Wakes K. Funazaki, Y. Aoyama, Iwate University, Morioka, Japan 2000-GT-0272
IGTI 2000 Effects of Turbulence and Solidity on the Boundary Layer Development in a Low Pressure Turbine W.J. Solomon, General Electric Aircraft Engines, Cincinnati, OH, USA 2000-GT-0273
IGTI 2000 A Study on Models to Simulate Boundary Layer Transition in Turbomachinery Flows M. Müller, H.E. Gallus, R. Niehuis, Institut für Strahlantriebe und Turboarbeitsmaschinen, Aachen, Germany 2000-GT-0274
IGTI 2000 Numerical and Experimental Investigation of Low Reynolds Number Effects on Laminar Flow Separation and Transition in a Cascade of Compressor Blades Shunji Enomoto, National Aerospace Laboratory, Tokyo, Japan; C. Hah, NASA Glenn Research Center, Cleveland, OH, USA; G.V. Hobson, Naval Postgraduate School, Monterey, CA, USA 2000-GT-0276
IGTI 2000 Prediction of a Laminar Separation Bubble Over a Controlled-Diffusion Compressor Blade G.V. Hobson, S. Weber, Naval Postgraduate School, Monterey, CA, USA 2000-GT-0277
IGTI 2000 Bypass Transition Modelling: A New Method which Accounts for Free-Stream Turbulence Intensity and Length Scale Paul E. Roach, ABB Alstom Power, Lincoln, UK; David H. Brierley, Rolls-Royce plc, Derby, UK 2000-GT-0278
IGTI 2000 Droplet Generation by Disintegration of Oil Films at the Rim of a Rotating Disk A. Glahn, M.F. Blair, UTRC, East Hartford, CT, USA; S. Busam, S. Wittig, Universität Karlsruhe, Karlsruhe, Germany; K.L. Allard, Pratt & Whitney, East Hartford, CT, USA 2000-GT-0279
IGTI 2000 Flow Visualisation in a Rotating Cavity with Axial Throughflow Dieter E. Bohn, Gregor N. Deutsch, Aachen University of Technology, Aachen, Germany; Burkhard Simon, Claus Burkhardt, DaimlerChrysler Aerospace MTU München GmbH, Munich, Germany 2000-GT-0280
IGTI 2000 Flow and Heat Transfer in a Rotating Cavity with a Stationary Stepped Casing Abdul A. Jaafar, Michael Wilson, J. Michael Owen, University of Bath, Bath, UK; Fariborz Motallebi, Queen Mary & Westfield College, London, UK 2000-GT-0281
IGTI 2000 Conjugate Heat Transfer Analysis of an Engine Internal Cavity A. Montenay, L. Paté, JM. Duboué, Snecma, Moissy-Cramayel, France 2000-GT-0282
IGTI 2000 Total Pressure Losses in Rotor Systems with Radial Inflow D. Brillert, H. Simon, University of Duisburg, Duisburg, Germany; D. Lieser, A.W. Reichert, Siemens AG, Mülheim, Germany 2000-GT-0283
IGTI 2000 Experimental and Numerical Investigation of the Influence of Rotor Blades on Hot Gas Ingestion into the Upstream Cavity of an Axial Turbine Stage Dieter Bohn, Bernd Rudzinski, Norbert Sürken, Aachen University of Technology, Aachen, Germany; Wolfgang Gärtner, DaimlerChrysler Aerospace MTU München GmbH, München, Germany 2000-GT-0284
IGTI 2000 Flow and Heat Transfer in an Industrial Rotor-Stator Rim Sealing Cavity Alexander V. Mirzamoghadam, Zhenhua Xiao, Siemens Westinghouse Power Corporation, Orlando, FL, USA 2000-GT-0285
IGTI 2000 Experimental Analysis of the Effect of Swirl on the Pressure Field in Whirling 50% Eccentric Annular Seal Bernard Robic, ABB Alstom Power, Baden, Switzerland; Gerald Morrison, Texas A&M University, College Station, TX, USA 2000-GT-0286
IGTI 2000 Influence of a Honeycomb Facing on the Heat Transfer in a Stepped Labyrinth Seal K. Willenborg, V. Schramm, S. Kim, S. Wittig, Universität Karlsruhe, Karlsruhe, Germany 2000-GT-0290
IGTI 2000 Influence of a Honeycomb Facing on the Flow Through a Stepped Labyrinth Seal V. Schramm, K. Willenborg, S. Kim, S. Wittig, Universität Karlsruhe, Karlsruhe, Germany 2000-GT-0291
IGTI 2000 Computed Effect of Rub-Groove Size on Stepped Labyrinth Seal Performance David L. Rhode, Texas A&M University, College Station, TX, USA; Richard G. Adams, Texaco E&P, Inc., New Orleans, LA, USA 2000-GT-0292
IGTI 2000 Large Scale Testing to Validate the Influence of External Crossflow on the Discharge Coefficients of Film Cooling Holes D.A. Rowbury, Rolls-Royce plc, Bristol, UK; M.L.G. Oldfield, University of Oxford, Oxford, UK; G.D. Lock, University of Bath, Bath, UK 2000-GT-0293
IGTI 2000 A Method for Correlating the Influence of External Crossflow on the Discharge Coefficients of Film Cooling Holes D.A. Rowbury, Rolls-Royce plc, Bristol, UK; M.L.G. Oldfield, University of Oxford, Oxford, UK; G.D. Lock, University of Bath, Bath, UK 2000-GT-0294
IGTI 2000 Systematic Experimental and Numerical Investigations on the Aerothermodynamics of a Film Cooled Turbine Cascade with Variation of the Cooling Hole Shape Part I Experimental Approach Wolfgang Ganzert, Leonhard Fottner, Universität der Bundeswehr München, Neubiberg, Germany; Thomas Hildebrandt, NUMECA, Wendelstein, Germany 2000-GT-0295
IGTI 2000 A Presentation of Detailed Experimental Data of a Suction Side Film Cooled Turbine Cascade Holger Brandt, Wolfgang Ganzert, Leonhard Fottner, Universität der Bundeswehr München, Neubiberg, Germany 2000-GT-0296
IGTI 2000 Film Cooling Jet Aerodynamics for a Pipe and a Converging Nozzle Injection Hole Jun Sasahara, Takaaki Shizawa, Shinji Honami, Science University of Tokyo, Tokyo, Japan; Yukiko Suzuki, Transportation Bureau of Tokyo Metropolitan Government, Tokyo, Japan; Shigeru Tanaka, JGC Corporation, Kanagawa, Japan 2000-GT-0297
IGTI 2000 Systematic Experimental and Numerical Investigations on the Aerothermodynamics of a Film Cooled Turbine Cascade with Variation of the Cooling Hole Shape Part II Numerical Approach Thomas Hildebrandt, NUMECA Ing.-Büro, Wendelstein, Germany; Wolfgang Ganzert, Leonhard Fottner, Universität der Bundeswehr München, Neubiberg, Germany 2000-GT-0298
IGTI 2000 Strategy for a Cost Optimized Operation of a Flexible Cogenration Gas Turbine Plant D. Hein, K. Kwanka, M. Nixdorf, Technische Universität München, Garching, Germany 2000-GT-0299
IGTI 2000 Spinning Reserve Influence in a Power Generating System Integrated by Hydro Storage Plants M. Bianchi, E. Gadda, A. Peretto, DIEM - University of Bologna, Bologna, Italy 2000-GT-0300
IGTI 2000 Selection of Cycle Configurations for Combined Cycle Cogeneration Power Plants Rattan Tawney, John Ehman, Mona Brown, Becthel Power Corporation, Frederick, MD, USA 2000-GT-0301
IGTI 2000 PEACES: A Program for the Economic Analysis of Combined Energy Systems Joseph Roy-Aikins, University of Durban-Westville, Durban, South Africa 2000-GT-0302
IGTI 2000 Application of Evaporative Coolers for Gas Turbine Power Plants J. Douglas McNeilly, Enron Engineering & Construction Company, Houston, TX, USA 2000-GT-0303
IGTI 2000 Evaluation of Operational Performance of a Gas Turbine Cogeneration Plant with Intake Air Cooled by Ice Storage Ryohei Yokoyama, Koichi Ito, Osaka Prefecture University, Osaka, Japan 2000-GT-0304
IGTI 2000 Fog System Performance in Power Augmentation of Heavy Duty Power Generating Gas Turbines Model 7EA Steve Ingistov, ARCO/WCC, Carson, CA, USA 2000-GT-0305
IGTI 2000 Modular Uprating and Upgrading Solutions in ABB ALSTOM POWER Gas Turbines Wilfried De Backer, Carsten Bopp, ABB Alstom Power, Baden, Switzerland 2000-GT-0306
IGTI 2000 Inlet Fogging of Gas Turbine Engines - Part A: Theory, Psychrometrics, and Fog Generation Cyrus B. Meher-Homji, Bechtel Corporation, Houston, TX, USA; Thomas R. Mee III, Mee Industries Inc., Monrovia, CA, USA 2000-GT-0307
IGTI 2000 Inlet Fogging of Gas Turbine Engines - Part B: Practical Considerations, Control and O&M Aspects Cyrus B. Meher-Homji, Bechtel Corporation, Houston, TX, USA; Thomas R. Mee III, Mee Industries Inc., Monrovia, CA, USA 2000-GT-0308
IGTI 2000 Set-up of an Adaptive Method for the Diagnosis of Gas Turbine Operating State by Using Test-Bench Measurements R. Bettocchi, University of Ferrara, Ferrara, Italy; P.R. Spina, DIEM - University of Bologna, Bologna, Italy; E. Benvenuti, Nuovo Pignone S.p.A., Firenze, Italy 2000-GT-0309
IGTI 2000 Optimum Management System with Environmental Monitoring G. Cerri, B. Seyedan, Università Degli Studi Roma TRE, Rome, Italy; R. Evans, Unversity of Ulster, Coleraine, UK; C.A. Frangopolous, National Technical University of Athens, Athens, Greece; M. Parrella, Gap Gemini Italia S.p.A., Roma, Italy; R.U. Pitt, Fa 2000-GT-0310
IGTI 2000 Gas Turbine Field Performance Determination: Sources of Uncertainties M. Pinelli, University of Ferrara, Ferrara, Italy; P.R. Spina, DIEM - University of Bologna, Bologna, Italy 2000-GT-0311
IGTI 2000 Real-Time On-Line Performance Diagnostics of Heavy-Duty Industrial Gas Turbines S. Can Gülen, Patrick R. Griffin, Thermoflow Incorporated, Sudbury, MA, USA; Sal Paolucci, General Electric Company, Indian Orchard, MA, USA 2000-GT-0312
IGTI 2000 Influence of Ambient Conditions on an Aeroderivative Gas Turbine Based Cogeneration Plant - A Comparison of Numerical Simulation with Field Performance Data Carlo Carcasci, Bruno Facchini, Francesco Grillo, Universtià di Firenze, Firenze, Italy 2000-GT-0313
IGTI 2000 Remote Monitoring & Diagnostics System for GE Heavy Duty Gas Turbines Dincer Ozgur, Richard Rucigay, Arkalgud N. Lakshminarasimha, GE Power Systems, Atlanta, GA, USA; Mahesh Morjaria, S. Sanborn, GE Corporate Research & Development, Schenectady, NY, USA 2000-GT-0314
IGTI 2000 Inverted Brayton Cycle Employment for Low Temperature Cogenerative Applications M. Bianchi, G. Negril di Montenegro, A. Peretto, University of Bologna, Bologna, Italy 2000-GT-0315
IGTI 2000 Thermo-Economic Analysis of an Intercooled, Reheat and Recuperated Gas Turbine for Cogeneration Applications: Part I - Base Load Operation R. Bhargava, Universal Ensco, Inc., Houston, TX, USA; M. Bianchi, G. Negril di Montenegro, A. Peretto, University of Bologna, Bologna, Italy 2000-GT-0316
IGTI 2000 Utilization of Cryogenic Exergy of LNG by MGT (Mirror Gas Turbine) Y. Tsujikawa, K. Kaneko, S. Fujii, Osaka Prefecture University, Osaka, Japan 2000-GT-0317
IGTI 2000 Performance Prediction of Small Scale Tri-Generation Plants Based on Integrated SOFC and Microturbine Systems Stafano Campanari, Ennio Macchi, Politecnico di Milano, Milano, Italy 2000-GT-0318
IGTI 2000 Evaluation of Cyclic Operation of Heat Recovery Steam Generators- A Practical Approach Lewis Douglas, Joseph E. Schroeder, Vernon L. Eriksen, Nooter/Eriksen, Inc., St. Louis, MO, USA 2000-GT-0319
IGTI 2000 A Steady State Calculation Model for Gas Turbine Thermal Enclosures Umberto Desideri, Francesco Di Maria, Università di Perugia, Perugia, Italy 2000-GT-0320
IGTI 2000 Design Implementation of the Intercooler System of the WR-21 Phil A. Cabanos, Northrop Grumman Marine Systems, Sunnyvale, CA, USA 2000-GT-0321
IGTI 2000 Numerical and Experimental Study on the Suppression for the Infared Signatures of a Marine Gas Turbine Exhaust System Zhou Shaorong, Du Zhaohui, Chen Hanping, Zhong Fangyuan, Shanghai Jiao Tong University, Shanghai, China 2000-GT-0322
IGTI 2000 The Design and Implementation of a PLC Based Gas Turbine Controller for a Shipboard Application Vincent P. Tolotta, Naval Surface Warfare Center, Philadelphia, PA, USA 2000-GT-0323
IGTI 2000 Digital Controls and Modern Fuel Systems for Marine Prime Movers Philip R. Bellio, Woodward Industrial Controls, Fort Collins, CO, USA 2000-GT-0324
IGTI 2000 Influence of Disturbances on Transients of a Gas Turbine Ship Propulsion System - Preliminary Investigations Marek Dzida, Zygfryd Domachowski, Technical University of Gdansk, Gdansk, Poland 2000-GT-0325
IGTI 2000 U.S. Navy Shipboard Fleet Evaluation of the Redundant Independent Mechanical Start System and Full Authority Digital Control Matthew G. Hoffman, Helen J. Kozuhowski, Naval Surface Warfare Center, Philadelphia, PA, USA; Leonard L. Overton, Jr., Rolls-Royce Allison, Indianapolis, IN, USA 2000-GT-0326
IGTI 2000 Gas Turbine Control System Integration for Royal Caribbean Millennium Class Cruise Liner David J. Olsheski, William W. Schulke, Woodward Industrial Controls, Fort Collins, CO, USA 2000-GT-0327
IGTI 2000 Water Mist Fire-Fighting System in the Marine LM2500 Gas Turbine Module Glenn McAndrews, GE Marine Engines, Cleveland, OH, USA; Victor M. Gameiro, Securiplex Inc., Dorval, PQ, Canada; Tom Shirriff, Canadian Navy, Ottawa, ON, Canada 2000-GT-0328
IGTI 2000 Italian Navy Evaluation Concerning the Use of Electronic Fuel Control and Hydraulic Starters for Fiat - GE LM2500 Gas Turbine Massimo Maggini, Michele Giuliano, Italian Navy General Staff, Rome, Italy 2000-GT-0329
IGTI 2000 A Low Temperature CVD Process for Aluminum & Aluminide Coatings J. Liburdi, P. Lowden, V. Moravek, Liburdi Engineering Limited, Dundas, Ontario, Canada 2000-GT-0330
IGTI 2000 Cyclic Oxidation of a NiCoCrAly Coating Applied by HVOF & LPPS Henry L. Bernstein, Peggy L. Talley, Gas Turbine Materials Associates, San Antonio, TX, USA; Wayne L. Greaves, Hans van Esch, Hickham Industries, Inc., LaPorte, TX, USA 2000-GT-0332
IGTI 2000 Improved Processing Route for Aluminization of Gas Turbine Components Thomas A. Kircher, David Solovei, Sermatech Maine, Biddeford, ME, USA; Joseph H. Steck, Srinivasan "Shanks" Shankar, TFX Sermatech, Limerick, PA, USA 2000-GT-0333
IGTI 2000 Effect of Crystal Orientation on Fatigue Failure of Single Crystal Nickel Base Turbine Blade Superalloys Nagaraj K. Arakere, University of Florida, Gainesville, FL, USA; Gregory Swanson, NASA Marshall Space Flight Center, MSFC, AL, USA 2000-GT-0334
IGTI 2000 The Effect of Primary Axis and Low Angle Boundary Misorientation on CMSX-10K Mechanical Properties Yakin Patel, Paul F. Browning, Michael D. Fitzpatrick, Solar Turbines Incorporated, San Diego, CA, USA; Dean Schmiedechnekt, Allen Price, Tammy Simpson, Howmet Corporation, Whitehall, MI, USA; Gary Erickson, Ken Harris, Cannon-Muskegon Corp., Muskegon, MI 2000-GT-0335
IGTI 2000 Fracture Toughness Properties of a Modern Ni-Mo-Cr High Temperature Alloy R.R. Seeley, D.L. Klarstrom, Haynes International, Inc., Kokomo, IN, USA 2000-GT-0336
IGTI 2000 High Temperature Brazing for Cobalt-Based Gas Turbine Components Wayne Greaves, Hans van Esch, Hickham Industries, Inc., La Porte, TX, USA 2000-GT-0337
IGTI 2000 Fluoride Ion Cleaning (FIC) at Sub-Atmospheric Pressure Warren Miglietti, Sermatech International, Inc., Manchester, CT, USA; Tom Cullen, Ti-Coatings, Inc., Utica, MI, USA 2000-GT-0338
IGTI 2000 Liquid Phase Diffusion Bond Repair of Westinghouse 501F, Row 3 Vanes Warren M. Miglietti, Rich Curtis, Brandon Hall, Christina M. Lazarin, Sermatech International, Inc., Manchester, CT, USA 2000-GT-0339
IGTI 2000 Adaptive Strategies for Manufacturing and Repair of Blades and Blisks Claus Bremer, BCT GmbH, Dortmund, Germany 2000-GT-0340
IGTI 2000 New Cost Effective Milling Technologies for Manufacturing Blisks. Richard M. Bacon, Starrag Worldwide, Rorschacherberg, Switzerland 2000-GT-0341
IGTI 2000 A Study on Five-Axis Flank Machining of Centrifugal Compressor Impellers Der Min Tsay, Huo Chu Chen, Ming Jane Her, National Sun Yat Sen University, Kaohsiung, Taiwan 2000-GT-0342
IGTI 2000 Investigation Concerning the Aerothermodynamic Performance Perturbation of a 19MW Intercooled Air Compressor Inam U. Haq, SABIC Research & Technology, Jubail, Saudi Arabia; Ali H. Al-Jameel, Khalid N. Al-Khalidi, National Industrial Gases Company (GAS), Jubail, Saudi Arabia 2000-GT-0343
IGTI 2000 Development of High Tech and Increased Efficiency Retrofit Options for the GE MS3002 Gas Turbine A. Coppola, S. Francini, F. Noera, GEPS Nuovo Pignone, Florence, Italy 2000-GT-0344
IGTI 2000 Degradation in Gas Turbine Systems Rainer Kurz, Klaus Brun, Solar Turbines Incorporated, San Diego, CA, USA 2000-GT-0345
IGTI 2000 Advanced Oil Debris Monitoring for Pipeline Mechanical Drive Gas Turbines Duka Kitaljevich, GasTOPS Ltd., Gloucester, ON, Canada; Gerrit J. van Veldhuizen, Thomassen International bv, Rheden, Netherlands 2000-GT-0347
IGTI 2000 Energy Optimisation and Reduction of CO2-Emission on the North Sea Sleipner Gas Production Platform Harald Underbakke, Jon Jakobsen, Statoil, Stavanger, Norway 2000-GT-0348
IGTI 2000 Microphone Probe for In-Duct Measurement of Gas Turbine Exhaust Noise M.P. Sacks, R. Behboudi, Tacet Engineering Ltd., Toronto, ON, Canada; J.G. Kawall, Ryerson Polytechnic University, Toronto, ON, Canada; J. Buttell, Higgot-Kane Industrial Noise Controls Ltd., Pickering, ON, Canada 2000-GT-0349
IGTI 2000 CFD Predictions and Field Measurements of NOx Emissions from LM1600 Gas Turbine During Part Load Operation G.R. Price, K.K. Botros, NOVA Research & Technology Centre, Calgary, Canada; G.M. Goldin, Fluent Inc., Lebanon, NH, USA 2000-GT-0350
IGTI 2000 A Demonstration of Artificial Neural Networks Based Data Mining for Gas Turbine Driven Compressor Stations K.K. Botros, NOVA Research & Technology Corporation, Alberta, Canada; G. Kibrya, A. Glover, TransCanada Pipelines, Ltd., Alberta, Canda 2000-GT-0351
IGTI 2000 An Innovative Device for Passive Control of Surge in Industrial Compression Systems Gianmario L. Arnulfi, Pietro Giannattasio, Piero Pinamonti, University of Udine, Udine, Italy; Diego Micheli, University of Trieste, Trieste, Italy 2000-GT-0352
IGTI 2000 Model-Based Detection of Leaks and Blockages in Pipes Anju Narendra, John Down, Kirk Mathews, Ravi Rajamani, GE Corporate Research & Development, Schenectady, NY, USA; Sal Leone, Jonathan Thatcher, Bruce Norman, GE Power Systems, Schenectady, NY, USA 2000-GT-0353
IGTI 2000 Active Controlled Hydrostatic Bearings for a New Generation of Machines Donald E. Bently, John W. Grant, Phillip C. Hanifan, Bently Nevada Corporation, Minden, NV, USA 2000-GT-0354
IGTI 2000 A Scientific Approach to the Process Development of Bonded Attachments for High Speed Rotor Application Ronald R. Cairo, Pratt & Whitney, West Palm Beach, FL, USA; Kathleen A. Sargent, Air Force Research Laboratory, Wright-Patterson AFB, OH, USA 2000-GT-0355
IGTI 2000 Contact Stresses in Dovetail Attachments: Physical Modeling G.B. Sinclair, N.G. Cormier, Carnegie Mellon University, Pittsburgh, PA, USA 2000-GT-0356
IGTI 2000 Simulation of the Rotational Vibration Response of a Spur Gear Pair with One Cracked Tooth Sidi M. Berri, J.M Klosner, Polytechnic University, Farmingdale, NY, USA 2000-GT-0357
IGTI 2000 Experimental Investigation of Mode Localization and Forced Response Amplitude Magnification for a Mistuned Bladed Disk John Judge, Christophe Pierre, University of Michigan, Ann Arbor, MI, USA; Oral Mehmed, NASA Glenn Research Center, Cleveland, OH, USA 2000-GT-0358
IGTI 2000 A Novel Technique for the Measurement of Blade Damping Using Piezoelectric Actuators T.R. Jeffers, J.J. Kielb, Ohio State University, Columbus, OH, USA; R.S. Abhari, Swiss Federal Institute of Technology, Zurich, Switzerland 2000-GT-0359
IGTI 2000 Component-Mode-Based Reduced Order Modeling Techniques for Mistuned Bladed Disks, Part I: Theoretical Models Ronnie Bladh, Matthew P. Castanier, Christophe Pierre, University of Michigan, Ann Arbor, MI, USA 2000-GT-0360
IGTI 2000 Component-Mode-Based Reduced Order Modeling Techniques for Mistuned Bladed Disks, Part II: Application Ronnie Bladh, Matthew P. Castanier, Christophe Pierre, University of Michigan, Ann Arbor, MI, USA 2000-GT-0361
IGTI 2000 A Comparison of Two Finite Element Reduction Techniques for Mistuned Bladed-Disks François Moyroud, Torsten Fransson, Royal Institute of Technology, Stockholm, Sweden; Georges Jacquet-Richardet, Institut National des Sciences Appliquées de Lyon, Villeurbanne, France 2000-GT-0362
IGTI 2000 Friction Damper Mistuning of a Bladed Disk and Optimization with Respect to Wear Martin H. Jareland, Linköping University, Linköping, Sweden; Gabor Csaba, Volvo Aero Corporation, Trollhättan, Sweden 2000-GT-0363
IGTI 2000 Limit Cycle Due to Interlocked Shroud Friction: Instrumental to the High-Bypass Turbofan Nicholas Klompas, Waterford, NY, USA 2000-GT-0364
IGTI 2000 On the Application of Powder Shear Damping to a Structural Element Erik E. Swanson, Thomas E. Russell III, James Walton II, David S. Xu, Hooshang Heshmat, Mohawk Innovative Technology, Inc., Albany, NY, USA 2000-GT-0365
IGTI 2000 Development of a Passive Turbine Blade Damper Using Magnetomechanical Coating H.-Y. Yen, M.-H. Herman Shen, The Ohio State University, Columbus, OH, USA 2000-GT-0366
IGTI 2000 Experimental Determination of Powder Film Shear and Damping Characteristics Hooshang Heshmat, Mohawk Innovative Technology, Inc., Albany, NY, USA 2000-GT-0368
IGTI 2000 Mode Localization in a Grouped Bladed Disk J.H. Kuang, National Sun Yat-Sen University, Kaohsiung, Taiwan; B.W. Huang, Cheng Shiu Institute of Technology, Kaohsiung, Taiwan 2000-GT-0369
IGTI 2000 A Resonance Tracking Algorithm for the Prediction of Turbine Forced Response with Friction Dampers C. Bréard, M. Vahdati, M. Imregun, Imperial College of Science, Technology & Medicine, London, UK; J.S. Green, Rolls-Royce plc, Derby, UK 2000-GT-0372
IGTI 2000 An Integrated Time-Domain Aeroelasticity Model for the Prediction of Fan Forced Response Due to Inlet Distortion C. Bréard, M. Vahdati, A.I. Sayma, M. Imregun, Imperial College of Science, Technology & Medicine, London, UK 2000-GT-0373
IGTI 2000 Prediction of Low Engine Order Inlet Distortion Driven Resonance in a Low Aspect Ratio Fan J.G. Marshall, J.W. Chew, Rolls-Royce plc, Derby, UK; L. Xu, J. Denton, Whittle Laboratory, Cambridge University, Cambridge, UK 2000-GT-0374
IGTI 2000 Forcing Function Measurements and Predictions of a Transonic Vaneless Counter Rotating Turbine Matthew M. Weaver, Reza S. Abhari, Michael G. Dunn, Ohio State University, Columbus, OH, USA; Steven R. Manwaring, Michael J. Salay, GE Aircraft Engines, Cincinnati, OH, USA; Kuk K. Frey, Nathan Heidegger, Rolls Royce Allison, Indianapolis, IN, USA 2000-GT-0375
IGTI 2000 Interaction Effects in a Transonic Stage J.W. Barter, GE Aircraft Engines, Cincinnati, OH, USA; P.H. Vitt, ASE Technologies, Cincinnati, OH, USA; J.P. Chen, Mississippi State University, Mississippi State, MS, USA 2000-GT-0376
IGTI 2000 Application of Model Order Reduction to Compressor Aeroelastic Models Karen Willcox, Jaime Peraire, James D. Paduano, Massachusetts Institute of Technology, Cambridge, MA, USA 2000-GT-0377
IGTI 2000 Experimental Investigation of Shock-Induced Blade Oscillation at an Elastically Suspended Turbine Cascade in Transonic Flow Brigitte Urban, Heinz Stetter, University of Stuttgart, Stuttgart, Germany; Nicolas Vortmeyer, Siemens AG, KWU Group, Muelheim, Germany 2000-GT-0378
IGTI 2000 Sensitivity Analysis of Blade Mode Shape on Flutter of Two-Dimensional Turbine Blade Sections Olga V. Tchernycheva, Sébastien Regard, François Moyroud, Torsten H. Fransson, Royal Institute of Technology, Stockholm, Sweden 2000-GT-0379
IGTI 2000 A Coupled Fluid-Structure Analysis for 3D Flutter in Turbomachines Vitaly Gnesin, Luba Kolodyazhnaya, Ukrainian National Academy of Sciences, Kharkov, Ukraine; Romuald Rzadkowski, Polish Academy of Sciences, Gdansk, Poland 2000-GT-0380
IGTI 2000 Numerical Investigation of Nonlinear Fluid-Structure Interaction in Vibrating Compressor Blades Volker Carstens, Joachin Belz, Institute of Aeroelasticity DLR, Göttingen, Germany 2000-GT-0381
IGTI 2000 A Novel Post-processing Platform for 2D Steady and Unsteady Flows in Turbomachines François Moyroud, Torsten H. Fransson, Royal Institute of Technology, Stockholm, Sweden 2000-GT-0382
IGTI 2000 The Impact of Viscous Effects on the Aerodynamic Damping of Vibrating Transonic Compressor Blades - A Numerical Study Björn Grüber, Daimler Chrysler Aerospace, Munich, Germany; Volker Carstens, Institute of Aeroelasticity DLR, Göttingen, Germany 2000-GT-0383
IGTI 2000 Parametric Study of the Pressure Stability on an Oscillating Airfoil from Stable to Stalled Flow Conditions S. Svensdotter, T. Fransson, Royal Institute of Technology, Stockholm, Sweden; U. Johansson, Volvo Aero Corporation, Trollhättan, Sweden 2000-GT-0384
IGTI 2000 A Navier-Stokes Analysis of the Stall Flutter Characteristics of the Buffum Cascade Stefan Weber, Max F. Platzer, Naval Postgraduate School, Monterey, CA, USA 2000-GT-0385
IGTI 2000 Synchronous Instability Problems in High Performance Turbomachines During Steady State Full Load Operation Inam U. Haq, SABIC Research & Technology, Jubail, Saudi Arabia; Chittineni V. Kumar, Adel H. Basheer, Al-Jubail Fertilizers Company, Jubail, Saudi Arabia 2000-GT-0386
IGTI 2000 Capabilities of Large Foil Bearings Erik E. Swanson, Hooshang Heshmat, Mohawk Innovative Technology, Inc., Albany, NY, USA 2000-GT-0387
IGTI 2000 Dynamic Response of a Rotor-Integral Squeeze Film Damper to Couple Imbalances Oscar De Santiago, Luis San Andrés, Texas A&M University, College Station, TX, USA 2000-GT-0388
IGTI 2000 Rotor/Seal Experimental and Analytical Study on Full Annular Rub John J. Yu, Paul Goldman, Donald E. Bently, Bently Rotor Dynamics Research Corporation, Minden, NV, USA 2000-GT-0389
IGTI 2000 Dynamics and Stability of Rotor/Stator Systems with Rubs Jun Jiang, Heinz Ulbrich, University of Essen, Essen, Germany 2000-GT-0390
IGTI 2000 Rolling Element Bearing Non-Linearity Effects N.S. Feng, E.J. Hahn, The University of New South Wales, Sydney, Australia 2000-GT-0391
IGTI 2000 Multilevel Optimization of Rotor Bearing System with Dynamic Behavior Constraints T.N. Shiau, H.J. Lee, Y.J. Tsai, National Chung Cheng University, Chia-Yi, Taiwan 2000-GT-0392
IGTI 2000 Instability of an Over-Hung Rigid Centrifuge Rotor Partially Filled with Fluid Zhu Changsheng, Zhejiang University, Zhejiang, China; H. Ulbrich, University of Essen, Essen, Germany 2000-GT-0393
IGTI 2000 Orbit-Based Identification of Damping Coefficients from a Rotor Mounted on Off-Centered Squeeze Film Dampers and Including Support Flexibility Sergio Diaz, Luis San Andrés, Texas A&M University, College Station, TX, USA 2000-GT-0394
IGTI 2000 Reconciliation of Rotordynamic Models with Experimental Data Eric H. Maslen, José A. Vázquez, University of Virginia, Charlottesville, VA, USA; Christopher K. Sortore, Synchrony, Inc., Roanoke, VA, USA 2000-GT-0395
IGTI 2000 Synchronous Response Estimation in Rotating Machinery Eric H. Maslen, José A. Vázquez, Carl R. Knospe, University of Virginia, Charlottesville, VA, USA; Christopher K. Sortore, Synchrony, Inc., Roanoke, VA, USA 2000-GT-0397
IGTI 2000 Measurements of Rotordynamic Coefficients of Hybrid Bearings with: (a) A Plugged Orifice, and (b) A Worn Land Surface Franck Laurant, Warwick, RI, USA; Dara W. Childs, Texas A&M University, College Station, TX, USA 2000-GT-0398
IGTI 2000 Experimental and Theorectical Comparison of Two Swirl Brake Designs K.K. Nielsen, C.M. Myllerup, Ødegaard & Danneskiold- Samsøe A/S, Copenhagen, Denmark; D.W. Childs, Texas A&M University, College Station, TX, USA 2000-GT-0399
IGTI 2000 Identification of Bearing Coefficients of Flexible Rotor-Bearing Systems Tachung Yang, Wei-Ching Chaung, Yuan Ze University, Taoyuan, Taiwan 2000-GT-0400
IGTI 2000 The Effect of Viscous and Hysteretic Damping on Rotor Stability Anthony M. Cerminaro, The Charles Stark Draper Laboratory, Cambridge, MA, USA; Frederick C. Nelson, Tufts University, Medford, MA, USA 2000-GT-0401
IGTI 2000 A New CFD-Perturbation Model for the Rotordynamics of Incompressible Flow Seals Namhyo Kim, David H. Rhode, Texas A&M University, College Station, TX, USA 2000-GT-0402
IGTI 2000 Dynamic Coefficients of Labyrinth Gas Seals - A Comparison of Experimental Results and Numerical Calculations K. Kwanka, Technische Universität München, Germany; J. Sobotzik, R. Nordmann, Technische Universität Darmstadt, Germany 2000-GT-0403
IGTI 2000 Flexible Bearing Supports, Using Experimental Data José A. Vázquez, Ronald D. Flack, Lloyd E. Barrett, University of Virginia, Charlottesville, VA, USA 2000-GT-0404
IGTI 2000 Analysis and Testing of a Magnetic Bearing Energy Storage Flywheel with Gain-Scheduled, MIMO Control Lawrence A. Hawkins, CalNetix, Inc., Torrance, CA, USA; Brian T. Murphy, John Kajs, University of Texas, Austin, TX, USA 2000-GT-0405
IGTI 2000 Robust Performance Analysis of Uncertain Magnetic Bearings Toru Namerikawa, Masayuki Fujita, Kanazawa University, Kanazawa, Ishikawa, Japan 2000-GT-0406
IGTI 2000 Three Practical Examples of Magnetic Bearing Control Design Using a Modern Tool M. Spirig, J. Schmied, Delta JS AG, Zurich, Switzerland; P. Jenckel, U. Kanne, LUST Antriebstechnik, Lahnan, Germany 2000-GT-0407
IGTI 2000 The µ Approach to Control of Active Magnetic Bearings Roger L. Fittro, Aston University, Birmingham, UK; Carl R. Knospe, University of Virginia, Charlottesville, VA, USA 2000-GT-0408
IGTI 2000 A Magnetic Bearing System for More-Electric Engines R. Jett Field, Christopher K. Sortore, Victor Iannello, Synchrony, Inc., Roanoke, VA, USA 2000-GT-0409
IGTI 2000 Comparison of Soft Magnetic Alloys for High Temperature Magnetic Bearings Anthony S. Kondoleon, William P. Kelleher, Draper Laboratory, Cambridge, MA, USA 2000-GT-0410
IGTI 2000 Performance of a Foil-Magnetic Hybrid Bearing Erik E. Swanson, Hooshang Heshmat, James Walton II, Mohawk Innovative Technology, Inc., Albany, NY, USA 2000-GT-0411
IGTI 2000 A New Class of Permanent Magnetic Materials for High Temperature Applications Marlin S. Walmer, Christina H. Chen, Michael H. Walmer, Electron Energy Corporation, Landisville, PA, USA 2000-GT-0412
IGTI 2000 The Effect of Slot Length on Flux Distribution & Rotordynamic Coefficients in Magnetic Actuators Using a Boundary Perturbation Method Lyndon S. Stephens, University of Kentucky, Lexington, KY, USA; Mark A. Casemore, Louisiana State University, Baton Rouge, LA, USA 2000-GT-0413
IGTI 2000 Enhancements to AMB Force Measurement Procedures for Application to a Rocket Thrust Measurement System Joe Imlach, Imlach Consulting Engineering, Anchorage, AK, USA; Mary E.F. Kasarda, P.A. Blaji, Virginia Tech, Blacksburg, VA, USA 2000-GT-0414
IGTI 2000 Influence Wave Mode Computations of Multi- Passage Cascade Flows Ismail H. Tuncer, Middle East Technical University, Ankara, Turkey; Stefan Weber, Naval Postgraduate School, Monterey, CA, USA 2000-GT-0415
IGTI 2000 Non-Uniform Flow in a Compressor Due to Asymmetric Tip Clearance Seung Jin Song, Seung Ho Cho, Seoul National University, Seoul, Korea 2000-GT-0416
IGTI 2000 Aerodynamic Response of Turbomachinery Blade Rows to Convecting Density Wakes H.S. Wijesinghe, C.S. Tan, E.E. Covert, Massachusetts Institute of Technology, Cambridge, MA, USA 2000-GT-0417
IGTI 2000 Analysis of Aerodynamically Induced Whirling Forces in Axial Flow Compressors Z.S. Spakovszky, Massachusetts Institute of Technology, Cambridge, MA, USA 2000-GT-0418
IGTI 2000 Elasto-Plastic and Creep Analysis of a First Stage Blade in a Land Based Gas Turbine Under Steady State Operating Conditions Takayuki Sakai, Takashi Ogata, Akiyoshi Nomoto, Central Research Institute of Electric Power Industry, Komae Research Laboratory, Tokyo, Japan; Kazunori Watanabe, Central Research Institute of Electric Power Industry, Yokosuka Research Laboratory, Kanagaw 2000-GT-0419
IGTI 2000 A Probabilistically-Based Damage Tolerance Analysis Computer Program for Hard Alpha Anomalies in Titanium Rotors Harry R. Millwater, Simeon H.K. Fitch, Y.-T. (Justin) Wu, David S. Riha, Michael P. Enright, Gerry R. Leverant, R. Craig McClung, Chris J. Kuhlman, G. Graham Chell, Yi-Der Lee, Southwest Research Institute, San Antonio, TX, USA 2000-GT-0421
IGTI 2000 Life Assessment of Turbine Components Under Random Loading Andrzej M. Rusin, Gerard P. Kosman, Lukasz K. Daciuk, Silesian Technical University, Gliwice, Poland 2000-GT-0422
IGTI 2000 Nozzle Cracking in Gas Turbines Manuchehr Shirmohamadi, Shawn Bratt, Material Integrity Solutions, Inc., Berkeley, CA, USA; Difei Wang, Ahmad Ganji, Berkeley Applied Science and Engineering, Inc., San Francisco, CA, USA; Rob Neville, Pacific Gas and Electric Co. (PG&E), Walnut Creek, CA 2000-GT-0423
IGTI 2000 Thermoelastic Stress Analysis: A NDE Tool for Residual Stress Assessment of Metallic Alloys Andrew L. Gyekenyesi, George Y. Baaklini, NASA Glenn Research Center, Cleveland, OH, USA 2000-GT-0424
IGTI 2000 Comparative Studies on Short and Long Length-Scale Stall Cell Propagating in an Axial Compressor Rotor M. Inoue, M. Kuroumaru, T. Tanino, S. Yoshida, M. Furukawa, Kyushu University, Fukuoka, Japan 2000-GT-0425
IGTI 2000 A Numerical Investigation of the Unsteady Flow in Centrifugal Stages Martin Peeters, Pratt & Whitney Canada, Mississauga, Ontario, Canada; Mohamad Sleiman, Pratt & Whitney Canada, Longueuil, Quebec, Canada 2000-GT-0426
IGTI 2000 Effect of the Decaying Overshoot of the Rankine Vortex on the Axial Flow Field Behind the Inlet Guide Vane of Centrifugal Compressors Y.N. Chen, Sulzer Innotec Ltd., Winterthur, Switzerland; D. Hagelstein, I. Kassens, U. Haupt, M. Rautenberg, University of Hannover, Hannover, Germany 2000-GT-0427
IGTI 2000 Impeller-Diffuser Interaction in Centrifugal Compressor Y.K.P. Shum, C.S. Tan, Massachusetts Institute of Technology, Cambridge, MA, USA; N.A. Cumpsty, Whittle Laboratory, University of Cambridge, Cambridge, UK 2000-GT-0428
IGTI 2000 Control of Surge for Centrifugal Compression System by Using a Bouncing Ball Shimpei Mizuki, Hoshio Tsujita, Hosei University, Tokyo, Japan; Yumin Hishinuma, Toyota Automatic Looms Co. Ltd., Tokyo, Japan 2000-GT-0429
IGTI 2000 A Transport Model for the Deterministic Stresses Associated with Turbomachinery Blade Row Interactions Allan G. van de Wall, Jaikrishnan R. Kadambi, Case Western Reserve University, Cleveland, OH, USA; John J. Adamczyk, NASA Glenn Research Center, Cleveland, OH, USA 2000-GT-0430
IGTI 2000 Analysis of Unsteady Blade Row Interaction Using Nonlinear Harmonic Approach T. Chen, P. Vasanthakumar, L. He, University of Durham, Durham, UK 2000-GT-0431
IGTI 2000 Investigation of the Unsteady Rotor Flow Field in a Single HP Turbine Stage Friedrich Kost, Frank Hummel, Maik Tiedemann, German Aerospace Center, Göttingen, Germany 2000-GT-0432
IGTI 2000 Investigation of the Flowfield in the Transonic VKI BRITE EURAM Turbine Stage with 3D Steady and Unsteady N-S Computations Björn Laumert, Hans Mårtensson, Volvo Aero Corporation, Trollhättan, Sweden; Torsten H. Fransson, Royal Institute of Technology, Stockholm, Sweden 2000-GT-0433
IGTI 2000 Numerical and Experimental Investigation of the Trailing Edge Vortex Shedding Downstream of a Linear Turbine Cascade A. Gehrer, H. Lang, N. Mayrhofer, J. Woisetschläger, Technical University of Graz, Graz, Austria 2000-GT-0434
IGTI 2000 Investigation of the Unsteady Rotor Aerodynamics in a Transonic Turbine Stage R. Dénos, T. Arts, G. Paniagua, Von Karman Institute for Fluid Dynamics, Rhode Saint Genèse, Belgium; V. Michelassi, University of Rome Tre, Rome, Italy; F. Martelli, University of Florence, Florence, Italy 2000-GT-0435
IGTI 2000 Trailing Edge 3D Free Shear Layers N. Schröder, G. Hofmann, J. Hourmouziadis, Berlin University of Technology, Berlin, Germany 2000-GT-0436
IGTI 2000 Numerical and Experimental Investigation of Unsteady Flow Interaction in a Low Pressure Multistage Turbine Wolfgang Höhn, Klaus Heinig, Daimler Chrysler Aerospace, München, Germany 2000-GT-0437
IGTI 2000 Three-Dimensional Time-Resolved Flow Field in the First and Last Turbine Stage of a Heavy Duty Gas Turbine, Part I: Secondary Flow Field Martin von Hoyningen-Huene, Wolfram Frank, Alexander R. Jung, Siemens Power Generation (KWU), Mülheim an der Ruhr, Germany 2000-GT-0438
IGTI 2000 Three-Dimensional Time-Resolved Flow Field in the First and Last Turbine Stage of a Heavy Duty Gas Turbine, Part II: Interpretation of Blade Pressure Fluctuations Martin von Hoyningen-Huene, Wolfram Frank, Alexander R. Jung, Siemens Power Generation (KWU), Mülheim an der Ruhr, Germany 2000-GT-0439
IGTI 2000 Unsteady Transport Mechanisms in an Axial Turbine Claudia Casciaro, Martin Treiber, Michael Sell, Swiss Federal Institute of Technology, Zurich, Switzerland 2000-GT-0440
IGTI 2000 A Study of the Effects of Tip Clearance in a Supersonic Turbine Daniel J. Dorney, Virgina Commonwealth University, Richmond, VA, USA; Lisa W. Griffin, NASA Marshall Space Flight Center, Marshall Space Flight Center, AL, USA; Frank W. Huber, Riverbend Design Services, Palm Beach Gardens, FL, USA 2000-GT-0441
IGTI 2000 Unsteady Effects in Turbine Tip Clearance Flows Anil Prasad, United Technologies Research Center, East Hartford, CT, USA; Joel H. Wagner, Pratt & Whitney, East Hartford, CT, USA 2000-GT-0444
IGTI 2000 Experimental and Computational Investigation of the Time-Averaged and Time-Resolved Pressure Loading on a Vaneless Counter-Rotating Turbine C.W. Haldeman, M.G. Dunn, R.S. Abhari, The Ohio State University Gas Turbine Laboratory, Columbus, OH, USA; P.D. Johnson, X.A. Montesdeoca, Pratt & Whitney, West Palm Beach, FL, USA 2000-GT-0445
IGTI 2000 The Effect of Airfoil Scaling on the Predicted Unsteady Loading on the Blade of a 1 and 1/2 Stage Transonic Turbine and a Comparison with Experimental Results J.P. Clark, G.M. Stetson, S.S. Magge, R.H. Ni, United Technologies Pratt & Whitney, East Hartford, CT, USA; C.W. Haldeman, Jr., M.G. Dunn, Ohio State University, Columbus, OH, USA 2000-GT-0446
IGTI 2000 Effects of Tip Clearance on Hot Streak Migration in a High-Subsonic Single-Stage Turbine Daniel J. Dorney, Virginia Commonwealth University, Richmond, VA, USA; Douglas L. Sondak, Boston University, Boston, MA, USA 2000-GT-0447
IGTI 2000 A Numerical Study of Secondary Flow in Axial Turbines with Application to Radial Transport of Hot Streaks Dilip Prasad, Gavin J. Hendricks, United Technologies Research Center, East Hartford, CT, USA 2000-GT-0448
IGTI 2000 Effects of Hot Streak Shape on Rotor Heating in a High-Subsonic Single-Stage Turbine Daniel Dorney, Virginia Commonwealth University, Richmond, VA, USA; Karen Gundy-Burlet, NASA Ames Research Center, Moffet Field, CA, USA 2000-GT-0449
IGTI 2000 Comparative Study of Vaneless and Vaned Diffusers in a Transonic Centrifugal Compressor with Real Gas Michael M. Cui, The Trane Company, La Crosse, WI, USA 2000-GT-0450
IGTI 2000 Unsteady Flow Phenomena in a Centrifugal Compressor Channel Diffuser Jeong-Seek Kang, Sung-Kook Cho, Shin-Hyoung Kang, Seoul National University, Seoul, Korea 2000-GT-0451
IGTI 2000 Direct Numerical Simulation of Rotating Stall and Stall Induced in Centrifugal Vaneless Diffusers Yoshifumi Kinoshita, Takashi Matsumura, Naruto University of Education, Naruto-city, Tokushima, Japan 2000-GT-0452
IGTI 2000 Direct Method for Optimization of a Centrifugal Compressor Vaneless Diffuser Yu-Tai Lee, Naval Surface Warfare Center, West Bethesda, MD, USA; Lin Luo, The Pennsylvania State University, University Park, PA, USA; Thomas W. Bein, Naval Surface Warfare Center, Annapolis, MD, USA 2000-GT-0453
IGTI 2000 The Influence of Low Solidity Vaned Diffusers on the Static Pressure Non-Uniformity Caused by a Centrifugal Compressor Discharge Volute James M. Sorokes, Jay M. Koch, Dresser-Rand Olean Operations, Olean, NY, USA 2000-GT-0454
IGTI 2000 Effects of Blade Number on the Efficiency of Centrifugal Compressor Impellers Colin Rodgers, San Diego, CA, USA 2000-GT-0455
IGTI 2000 Radial Turbines - Blade Number and Reaction Effects C. Rodgers, San Diego, CA, USA 2000-GT-0456
IGTI 2000 Inverse Design of Centrifugal Impellers by Simultaneous Modification of Blade Shape and Meridional Contour H. Paßrucker, Graz University of Technology, Graz, Austria; R.A. Van den Braembussche, von Karman Institut for Fluid Dynamics, Sint-Genesius-Rode, Belgium 2000-GT-0457
IGTI 2000 Numerical Modeling of Some Parameters for Performance Prediction of Centrifugal Impellers JongSik Oh, KoonSup Oh, Korea Institute of Machinery & Materials, Taejon, Korea 2000-GT-0458
IGTI 2000 Numerical Simulations of Three Dimensional Turbulent Flows in a Shrouded Backswept Impeller at Design and Off-Design Flow Rates Using Unstructured Grid Method Chuhua Zhang, Yongmiao Miao, Xi'an Jiaotong University, Xi'an, China; Chuangang Gu, Shanghai Jiaotong University, Shanghai, China 2000-GT-0459
IGTI 2000 CFD Analysis of Unsteady Flow Interactions in a Centrifugal Compressor Stage A. Koumoutsos, A. Tourlidakis, R.L. Elder, Cranfield University, Bedford, UK 2000-GT-0460
IGTI 2000 Supression of Rotating Stall by Wall Roughness Control in Vaneless Diffusers of Centrifugal Blowers Masahiro Ishida, Daisaku Sakaguchi, Hironobu Ueki, Nagasaki University, Nagasaki, Japan 2000-GT-0461
IGTI 2000 A Numerical Study on Performances of Centrifugal Compressor Stages with Different Radial Gaps K. Sato, L. He, University of Durham, Durham, UK 2000-GT-0462
IGTI 2000 Analysis and Design Outlines of Centrifugal Compressor Inlet Volutes Simone Pazzi, University of Florence, Florence, Italy; Vittorio Michelassi, University of Roma Tre, Rome, Italy 2000-GT-0464
IGTI 2000 Improvement of the Flow Range of Transonic Centrifugal Compressors with a Low-Solidity Cascade Diffuser Hiroshi Hayami, Kyushu University, Kasuga, Fukuoka, Japan 2000-GT-0465
IGTI 2000 Incipient Rotating Stall Characteristics Measured by Semiconductor L2F and Pressure Transducer in Vaneless Diffusers of Centrifugal Blowers Masahiro Ishida, Diasaku Sakaguchi, Hironobu Ueki, Nagasaki University, Nagasaki, Japan 2000-GT-0467
IGTI 2000 Computational and Experimental Comparison of Different Volute Geometries in a Radial Compressor Arttu Reunanen, Harri Pitkänen, Hannu Esa, Petri Sallinen, Jaakko Larjola, Lappeenranta University of Technology, Finland; Timo Siikonen, Harri Heiska, Helsinki University of Technology, Finland 2000-GT-0469
IGTI 2000 Mixed Flow Turbines: Inlet and Exit Flow Under Steady and Pulsating Conditions N. Karamanis, R.F. Martinez-Botas, C.C. Su, Imperial College, England, UK 2000-GT-0470
IGTI 2000 Characteristics of a Radial Inflow Turbine with Internal Component Measurements - Part I: Data Review David Japikse, Concepts ETI, Inc., Wilder, VT, USA 2000-GT-0471
IGTI 2000 Influence of Endwall Contouring in Axial Gaps on the Flow Field in a Four-Stage Turbine Dieter E. Bohn, Karsten Kusterer, Norbert Sürken, Aachen University of Technology, Aachen, Germany; Franz Kreitmeier, ABB Kraftwerke AG, Baden, Switzerland 2000-GT-0472
IGTI 2000 Reduction of Secondary Flow Losses in Turbine Cascades by Leading Edge Modifications at the Endwall H. Sauer, R. Müller, K. Vogeler, Dresden University of Technology, Dresden, Germany 2000-GT-0473
IGTI 2000 Experimental Investigation of Three-Dimensional Secondary Flow on the Endwall of a Blade Channel in an Axial Turbine Cascade Arkadiy F. Slitenko, Yuriy M. Jukov, Kharkov State Polytechnic University, Kharkov, Ukraine 2000-GT-0474
IGTI 2000 The Control of Shroud Leakage Flows to Reduce Aerodynamic Losses in a Low Aspect Ratio, Shrouded Axial Flow Turbine A.M. Wallis, Siemens Power Generation U.K. Ltd., Mülheim an der Ruhr, Germany; J.D. Denton, A.A.J. Demargne, Whittle Laboratory, Cambridge University, Cambridge, UK 2000-GT-0475
IGTI 2000 Tip Clearance Effects in a Turbine Rotor - Part I: Pressure Field and Loss Xinwen Xiao, Andrew A. McCarter, Budugur Lakshminarayana, Pennsylvania State University, University Park, PA, USA 2000-GT-0476
IGTI 2000 Tip Clearance Effects in a Turbine Rotor - Part II: Velocity Field and Flow Physics Andrew A. McCarter, Xinwen Xiao, Budugur Lakshminarayana, Pennsylvania State University, University Park, PA, USA 2000-GT-0477
IGTI 2000 The Influence of the Clearance of Shrouded Rotor Blades on the Development of the Flowfield and Losses in the Subsequent Stator Patrick Peters, Volker Breisig, Andre Giboni, Christian Lerner, Heiner Pfost, Ruhr-Universität Bochum, Bochum, Germany 2000-GT-0478
IGTI 2000 Design and Construction of a Transonic Test-Turbine Facility J. Erhard, A. Gehrer, Technical Insititute of Graz, Graz, Austria 2000-GT-0480
IGTI 2000 Flow Interaction from the Exit Cavity of an Axial Turbine Blade Row Labyrinth Seal A. Pfau, M. Treiber, M. Sell, G. Gyarmathy, Swiss Federal Institute of Technology, Zurich, Switzerland 2000-GT-0481
IGTI 2000 Aerodynamic Performance of a Transonic Turbine Cascade at Off-Design Conditions D.B.M. Jouini, S.A. Sjolander, Carleton University, Ottawa, ON, Canada; S.H. Moustapha, Pratt & Whitney Canada Inc., Longueuil, PQ, Canada 2000-GT-0482
IGTI 2000 Design of Low-Speed Cascades for Investigating Viscous Effects in High-Speed Axial Turbines K. Zavitz, S.A. Sjolander, Carleton University, Ottawa, ON, Canada 2000-GT-0483
IGTI 2000 Aerodynamic and Performance Studies of a Three-Stage High Pressure Research Turbine with 3-D-Blades, Design Point and Off-Design Experimental Investigations M.T. Schobeiri, J.L. Gilarranz, E.S. Johansen, Texas A&M University, College Station, TX, USA 2000-GT-0484
IGTI 2000 Investigation of the Spanwise Transport of the Rotor-Stator Slot Flow in a Test Turbine Lars O. Lindqvist, ABB Alstom Power, Finspong, Sweden; Torsten H. Fransson, Royal Institute of Technology, Stockholm, Sweden; Joakim E. Wickholm, Tord Torisson, Lund Institute of Technology, Lund, Sweden 2000-GT-0485
IGTI 2000 Aerodynamic Performance Measurements of a Fully-Scaled Turbine in a Short Duration Facility R.C. Keogh, G.R. Guenette, Massachusetts Institute of Technology, Cambridge, MA, USA; T.P Sommer, ABB Alstom Power, Baden, Switzerland 2000-GT-0486
IGTI 2000 Some Aspects of Wake-Wake Interactions Regarding Turbine Stator Clocking Maik Tiedemann, Friedrich Kost, German Aerospace Center, Göttingen, Germany 2000-GT-0487
IGTI 2000 Design Optimization of Axial Flow Compressor Blades with Three-Dimensional Navier-Strokes Solver Sang-Yun Lee, Kwang-Yong Kim, Inha University, Inchon, Korea 2000-GT-0488
IGTI 2000 Shape Optimization of Transonic Compressor Blades Using Quasi-3D Flow Physics June Chung, Ki D. Lee, University of Illinois, Urbana, IL, USA 2000-GT-0489
IGTI 2000 Numerical Investigation of the Flow in an Aft-Swept Transonic Compressor Rotor Christoph Blaha, Stephen Kablitz, Dietmar K. Hennecke, Darmstadt University of Technology, Darmstadt, Germany; Uwe Schmidt-Eisenlohr, Klaus Pirker, Susanne Haselhoff, DaimlerChrysler Aerospace, Munich, Germany 2000-GT-0490
IGTI 2000 Using Sweep and Dihedral to Control Three-Dimensional Flow in Transonic Stators of Axial Compressors V. Gümmer, U. Wenger, Rolls-Royce GmbH, Dahlewitz, Germany; H.-P. Kau, Munich University of Technology, Munich, Germany 2000-GT-0491
IGTI 2000 Kinematic Analysis of 3-D Swept Shock Surfaces in Axial Flow Compressors Peng Shan, Beijing University of Aeronautics and Astronautics, Beijing, China 2000-GT-0492
IGTI 2000 Supersonic Through-Flow Fan Blade Cascade Studies Part I: Baseline Cascade Christopher J. Chesnakas, Wing F. Ng, Virginia Tech, Blacksburg, VA, USA 2000-GT-0493
IGTI 2000 Supersonic Through-Flow Fan Blade Cascade Studies Part II: Riblet Effects Todd Ninnemann, Wing F. Ng, Virginia Tech, Blacksburg, VA, USA 2000-GT-0494
IGTI 2000 The Control of Non-Axisymmetric Flow in Axial Turbomachinery Using Circumferentially Varying Stator Exit Angles. Jonathan Taylor, Tom Hynes, The Whittle Laboratory, Cambridge University, Cambridge, UK 2000-GT-0495
IGTI 2000 Analysis of the Inter-Row Flow Field Within a Transonic Axial Compressor: Part I - Experimental Investigation Xavier Ottavy, Isabelle Trébinjac, André Vouillarmet, Ecole Centrale de Lyon, Ecully, France 2000-GT-0496
IGTI 2000 Analysis of the Inter-Row Flow Field Within a Transonic Axial Compressor: Part 2 - Unsteady Flow Analysis Xavier Ottavy, Isabelle Trébinjac, André Vouillarmet, Ecole Centrale de Lyon, Ecully, France 2000-GT-0497
IGTI 2000 Numerical and Experimental Investigation of an Aerodynamically High Loaded Axial Broiler Fan A. Reischke, M. Jung, P. Breuhaus, ABB Turbo Systems, Ltd., Baden, Switzerland; J. Molin, ABB Fläkt Industri AB, Växjö, Sweden; S. Hess, Anderson Consulting, Zürich, Switzerland 2000-GT-0498
IGTI 2000 Three-Dimensional Turbulent Flow Field Downstream of a Single-Stage Axial Compressor Rotor Hongwei Ma, Haokang Jiang, Beijing University of Aeronautics and Astronautics, Beijing, China 2000-GT-0499
IGTI 2000 Tip Clearance Flow Induced Endwall Boundary Layer Separation in a Single-Stage Axial-Flow Low-Speed Compressor Horst Saathoff, Udo Stark, Technical University Braunschweig, Braunschweig, Germany 2000-GT-0501
IGTI 2000 Endwall Flow Development Across a Contra-Rotating Fan Unit S. Kumar, Bhaskar Roy, Indian Insitute of Technology, Bombay, Powai, Mumbai, India 2000-GT-0502
IGTI 2000 Three-Dimensional Turbulent Flow of the Tip Leakage Vortex in an Axial Compressor Rotor Passage Hongwei Ma, Haokang Jiang, Beijing University of Aeronautics and Astronautics, Beijing, China 2000-GT-0503
IGTI 2000 An Experimental Study of Stall in Four Axial Compressor Stages Vaclav Cyrus, AHT Energetics Ltd, Prague, Czech 2000-GT-0504
IGTI 2000 The Influence of Transient Inlet Distortions on the Instability Inception of a Low Pressure Compressor in a Turbofan Engine Dirk C. Leinhos, Norbert R. Schmid, Leonhard Fottner, Universität der Bundeswehr München, Neubiberg, Germany 2000-GT-0505
IGTI 2000 Rotating Instabilities in an Axial Compressor Originating from the Fluctuating Blade Tip Vortex R. Mailach, I. Lehmann, K. Vogeler, Dresden University of Technology, Dresden, Germany 2000-GT-0506
IGTI 2000 Radial Inflow into the Downstream Cavity of a Compressor Stator Well R.M. Scott, P.R.N. Childs, N.J. Hills, University of Sussex, Brighton, UK; J.A. Millward, Rolls-Royce plc, Derby, UK 2000-GT-0507
IGTI 2000 Linear Deterministic Source Terms for Hot Streak Simulations Paul D. Orkwis, University of Cincinnati, Cincinnati, OH, USA; Mark G. Turner, John W. Barter, General Electric Aircraft Engines, Evendale, OH, USA 2000-GT-0509
IGTI 2000 Endwall Cavity Flow Effects on Gaspath Aerodynamics in an Axial Flow Turbine: Part II - Source Term Model Development Scott D. Hunter, G.E. Aircraft Engines, Evendale, OH, USA; Paul O. Orkwis, University of Cincinnati, Cincinnati, OH, USA 2000-GT-0513
IGTI 2000 Numerical Simulation of Tip Leakage Flows in Axial Flow Turbines, with Emphasis on Flow Physics, Part I: Effect of Tip Clearance Height J. Tallman, B. Lakshminarayana, Pennsylvania State University, University Park, PA, USA 2000-GT-0514
IGTI 2000 Quantitative Influence of the Steady Non-Reflecting Boundary Conditions on Blade-to-Blade Computations Jesus Contreras, Roque Corral, Industria de TurboPropulsores, S.A., Madrid, Spain 2000-GT-0515
IGTI 2000 Numerical Simulation of Tip Leakage Flows in Axial Flow Turbines, with Emphasis on Flow Physics, Part II: Effect of Outer Casing Relative Motion J. Tallman, B. Lakshminarayana, Pennsylvania State University, University Park, PA, USA 2000-GT-0516
IGTI 2000 Reducing Bottlenecks in the CAD-to-Mesh-to Solution Cycle Time to Allow CFD to Participate in Design W.N. Dawes, P.C. Dhanasekaran, A.A.J. Demargne, W.P. Kellar, A.M. Savill, University of Cambridge, Cambridge, UK 2000-GT-0517
IGTI 2000 A CFD Model for Real Gas Flows Carlo Cravero, Antonio Satta, DIMSET - Università di Genova, Genova, Italy 2000-GT-0518
IGTI 2000 Effect of Turbulence Modeling on Particle Dispersion and Deposition on Compressor and Turbine Blade Surfaces Hesham El-Batsh, Hermann Haselbacher, Vienna University of Technology, Vienna, Austria 2000-GT-0519
IGTI 2000 Numerical Performance of Transition Models in Different Turbomachinery Flow Conditions: A Comparative Study Jiasen Hu, Torsten H. Fransson, Royal Institute of Technology, Stockholm, Sweden 2000-GT-0520
IGTI 2000 Optimization of Multistage Turbines Using a Through-Flow Code Milan V. Petrovic, University of Belgrade, Belgrade, Yugoslavia; George S. Dulikravich, The University of Texas at Arlington, Arlington, TX, USA; Thomas J. Martin, The Pennsylvania State University, University Park, PA, USA 2000-GT-0521
IGTI 2000 A Comparative Study of Optimisation Methods for Aerodynamic Design of Turbomachinery Blades Shahrokh Shahpar, Rolls-Royce plc., Derby, UK 2000-GT-0523
IGTI 2000 The Combined Use of Navier-Stokes Solvers and Optimization Methods for Decelerating Cascade Design Marcello Manna, Raffaele Tuccillo, Università di Napoli Federico II, Naples, Italy 2000-GT-0524
IGTI 2000 A Three-Dimensional Viscous Transonic Inverse Design Method W.T. Tiow, M. Zangeneh, University College London, London, UK 2000-GT-0525
IGTI 2000 3D Inverse Method for Turbomachine Blading with Splitter Blades X. Qiu, T. Dang, Syracuse University, Syracuse, NY, USA 2000-GT-0526
IGTI 2000 One-Sided Control of Surge in a Centrifugal Compressor System Frank Willems, Bram de Jager, Eindhoven University of Technology, Eindhoven, The Netherlands 2000-GT-0527
IGTI 2000 Tip-Clearance Actuation with Magnetic Bearings for High-Speed Compressor Stall Control Z.S. Spakovszky, J. D. Paduano, Massachusetts Institute of Technology, Cambridge, MA, USA; R. Larsonneur, A. Traxler, MECOS Traxler AG, Winterthur, Switzerland; M.M. Bright, NASA Glenn Research Center, Cleveland, OH, USA 2000-GT-0528
IGTI 2000 Control of Combustor Instabilities Using an Artificial Neural Network Michael A. Vaudrey, William R. Saunders, Virgina Tech, Blacksburg, VA, USA 2000-GT-0529
IGTI 2000 A Test-Based Methodology for Apriori Selection of Gain/Phase Relationships in Proportional, Phase-Shifting Control of Combustion Instabilites Michael A. Vaudrey, William R. Saunders, Bryan Eisenhower, Virginia Tech, Blacksburg, VA, USA 2000-GT-0530
IGTI 2000 Development and Evaluation of Ceramic Components for Small Gas Turbine Engine Koichi Tanaka, Makoto Yoshida, Toshifumi Kubo, Hirofumi Terazono, Sazo Tsuruzono, Kyocera Corporation, Kokubu Kagoshima, Japan 2000-GT-0531
IGTI 2000 Ceramic Turbine Engine Demonstration Project - A Summary Report - Bjoern Schenk, Honeywell Engines & Systems, Phoenix, AZ, USA 2000-GT-0532
IGTI 2000 Status of Silicon Nitride Material Properties, Component Fabrication, and Applications for Small Gas Turbines Danielle D. Newson, John P. Pollinger, Douglas J. Twait, AlliedSignal Ceramic Components, Torrance, CA, USA 2000-GT-0533
IGTI 2000 Ceramic/Metal-Shaft/Hub Connection for Applications in Small High Temperature Ceramic Gas Turbine Rotors Ulf Heinrich, Helmut Pucher, Technical University Berlin, Berlin, Germany; Bjoern Schenk, Honeywell Engines & Systems, Phoenix, AZ, USA; Walter Reimers, Thomas Schmackers, Hahn-Meitner-Institute Berlin, Berlin, Germany 2000-GT-0534
IGTI 2000 Demonstration of a Semi-Closed Cycle, Turboshaft Gas Turbine Engine Peter L. Meitner, Paul F. Senick, NASA Glenn Research Center, Cleveland, OH, USA; Anthony L. Laganelli, Scientific Applications International Corporation, King of Prussia, PA, USA; William E. Lear, University of Florida, Gainesville, FL, USA 2000-GT-0535
IGTI 2000 Development of a Very Small Aero-Engine Miklós Gerendás, Universität Karlsruhe, Karlsruhe, Germany; Ralph Pfister, Pfister Engineering, Adlikon, Switzerland 2000-GT-0536
IGTI 2000 Compressor and Turbine Volute Design System J.M. Maguire, G.J. Bruce, BorgWarner Turbo Systems, Indianapolis, IN, USA; A. Engeda, F. Gu, Michigan Stae University, East Lansing, MI, USA 2000-GT-0537
IGTI 2000 A Test Rig for Frictionally Damped Bladed Segments T. Berruti, L. Goglio, S. Fillippi, M.M. Gola, Politecnico di Torino, Turin, Italy 2000-GT-0538
IGTI 2000 The Calculation of the Forced Response of Shrouded Blades with Friction Contacts and its Experimental Verification Walter Sextro, University of Hannover, Hannover, Germany 2000-GT-0540
IGTI 2000 Optimization of Interblade Friction Damper Design Lars Panning, Walter Sextro, Karl Popp, University of Hannover, Hannover, Germany 2000-GT-0541
IGTI 2000 Statistics of Responses of a Mistuned and Frictionally Damped Bladed Disk Assembly Subjected to White Noise and Narrow Band Excitations D. Cha, A. Sinha, The Pennsylvania State University, University Park, PA, USA 2000-GT-0542
IGTI 2000 Status of the Multi-Annular Swirl Burner at the Power Systems Development Facility John Brushwood, John Foote, Siemens Westinghouse Power Corporation, Orlando, FL, USA; Frank Morton, Larry Wallace, Southern Company Services, Wilsonville, AL, USA 2000-GT-0545
IGTI 2000 Development of a Catalytic Combustor for a Biomass Fuelled Gas Turbine Etienne Lebas, Gérard Henri Martin, Institut Français du Pétrole (IFP), Vernaison, France 2000-GT-0546
IGTI 2000 The Use of Kalman Filter and Neural Network Methodologies in Gas Turbine Performance Diagnostics: A Comparative Study Allan J. Volponi, Hamilton Sundstrand, Windsor Locks, CT, USA; Hans DePold, Ranjan Ganguli, Pratt & Whitney, East Hartford, CT, USA; Chen Daguang, Beijing University of Aeronautics and Astronautics, Beijing, China 2000-GT-0547
IGTI 2000 Model Development and Simulation of Transient Behavior of Heavy Duty Gas Turbines J.H. Kim, T.W. Song, T.S. Kim, S.T. Ro, Seoul National University, Seoul, Korea 2000-GT-0548
IGTI 2000 Hybrid Heat Engines: The Power Generation Systems of the Future Abbie Layne, Mark Williams, U.S. Department of Energy, Morgantown, WV, USA; Scott Samuelsen, University of California, Irvine, CA, USA; Patricia Hoffman, U.S. Department of Energy, Washington, DC, USA 2000-GT-0549
IGTI 2000 Tubular Solid Oxide Fuel Cell/Gas Turbine Hybrid Cycle Power Systesm - Status Stephen E. Veyo, Larry A. Shockling, Jeffrey T. Dederer, James E. Gillett, Wayne L. Lundberg, Siemens Westinghouse Power Corporation, Pittsburgh, PA, USA 2000-GT-0550
IGTI 2000 A Prototype for the First Commercial Pressurized Fuel Cell System Sy A. Ali, Robert Moritz, RR-Allison Engine Company, Indianapolis, IN, USA 2000-GT-0551
IGTI 2000 Ultra High Efficiency Hybrid Direct Fuel Cell/Turbine Power Plant Anthony J. Leo, Hossein Ghezel-Ayagh, Robert Sanderson, FuelCell Energy, Inc., New Milford, CT, USA 2000-GT-0552
IGTI 2000 Analysis Strategies for Tubular SOFC Based Hybrid Systems A.D. Rao, G.S. Samuelsen, University of California, Irvine, CA, USA 2000-GT-0553
IGTI 2000 Development of Dynamic Modeling Tools for Solid Oxide and Molten Carbonate Hybrid Fuel Cell Gas Turbine Systems Randall S. Gemmen, Eric Liese, National Energy Technology Laboratory, Morgantown, WV, USA; Jose G. Rivera, Faryar Jabbari, Jacob Brouwer, University of California, Irvine, CA, USA 2000-GT-0554
IGTI 2000 Effects of Gap Leakage on Fluid Flow in a Contoured Turbine Nozzle Guide Vane Y.-L. Lin, T. I-P. Shih, Michigan State University, East Lansing, MI, USA; M.K. Chyu, Carnegie Mellon University, Pittsburgh, PA, USA; R.S. Bunker, General Electric Company, Schenectady, NY, USA 2000-GT-0555
IGTI 2000 Control of Secondary Flows in a Turbine Nozzle Guide Vane by Endwall Contouring T. I-P. Shih, Y.-L. Lin, Michigan State University, East Lansing, MI, USA; T.W. Simon, The University of Minnesota, Minneapolis, MN, USA 2000-GT-0556
IGTI 2000 Aerodynamic Loss Characteristics of a Turbine Blade with Trailing Edge Coolant Ejection: Part 1- Effect of Cut-Back Length, Spanwise Rib Spacing, Free Stream Reynolds Number and Chordwise Rib Length on Discharge Coefficients Oguz Uzol, Cengiz Camci, The Pennsylvannia State University, University Park, PA, USA; Boris Glezer, Solar Turbines, Inc., San Diego, CA, USA 2000-GT-0557
IGTI 2000 Brush Seals for the No. 3 Bearing of a Model 7EA Gas Turbine Steve Ingistov, ARCO/WCC Los Angeles Refinery, Carson, CA, USA; Gary Meredith, Erik Sulda, TurboCare Chicopee, Chicopee, MA, USA 2000-GT-0558
IGTI 2000 Extending the Service Life of Gas Turbine Hardware (I) - Laboratory Investigation Bruce M. Warnes, Howmet Thermatech Coatings, Whitehall, MI, USA; Leonard M. Hampson, San Antonio, TX, USA 2000-GT-0559
IGTI 2000 Extending the Serivce Life of Gas Turbine Hardware (II) - Engine Testing Leonard M. Hampson, San Antonio, TX, USA; Bruce M. Warnes, Howmet Thermatech Coatings, Whitehall, MI, USA 2000-GT-0560
IGTI 2000 The New PGT5B/2, A State-of-the-Art 6MW Two-Shaft Gas Turbine Dino Bianchi, Paolo Noccioni, Catherine J. Silvestri, GE Nuovo Pignone, Florence, Italy 2000-GT-0561
IGTI 2000 Experimental Study of 3D Unsteady Flow Around Oscillating Blade with Part-Span Separation O.J.R. Queune, L. He, University of Durham, Durham, UK 2000-GT-0562
IGTI 2000 Influence of the Artificial Dissipation Model on the Propagation of Acoustic and Entropy Waves Roque Corral, Manuel Antonio Bergos, Antonio García, Industria de TurboPropulsores, S.A, Madrid, Spain 2000-GT-0563
IGTI 2000 Active Control Algorithms for the Control of Rotor Vibrations Using HSFDs A. El-Shafei, Cairo University, Giza, Egypt 2000-GT-0564
IGTI 2000 Unsteady Flow and Whirl-Inducing Forces in Axial-Flow Compressors. Part I - Experiment A.F. Storace, D.C. Wisler, H.-W. Shin, B.F. Beacher, GE Aircraft Engines, Cincinnati, OH, USA; F.F. Ehrich, Z.S. Spakovszky, M. Martinez-Sanchez, Massachusetts Institute of Technology, Cambridge, MA, USA; S.J. Song, Seoul National University, Seoul, Korea 2000-GT-0565
IGTI 2000 Unsteady Flow and Whirl-Inducing Forces in Axial-Flow Compressors. Part II - Analysis F.F. Ehrich, Z.S. Spakovszky, M. Martinez-Sanchez, Massachusetts Institute of Technology, Cambridge, MA, USA; S.J. Song, Seoul National University, Seoul, Korea; D.C. Wisler, A.F. Storace, H.-W. Shin, B.F. Beacher, GE Aircraft Engines, Cincinnati, OH, USA 2000-GT-0566
IGTI 2000 Influence of High Pressure Water Injection on Sound Emission of Steam Valves Dieter E. Bohn, Ingo Balkowski, Aachen University of Technology, Aachen, Germany; Dierk von Nordheim, Jochen Saß, Welland & Tuxhorn GmbH & Co. KG, Bielefeld, Germany 2000-GT-0567
IGTI 2000 Elasto Plastic Stress Analysis of LP Steam Turbine Blades Under Centrifugal Loading J.S. Rao, C.V. Ramakrishnan, K. Gupta, Indian Institute of Technology, New Delhi, India; A.K. Singh, Bharat Heavy Electricals Limited, New Delhi, India 2000-GT-0569
IGTI 2000 The Aerodynamic Interaction of Stator Shroud Leakage and Mainstream Flows in Compressors A.A.J. Demargne, J.P. Longley, Whittle Laboratory, University of Cambridge, Cambridge, UK 2000-GT-0570
IGTI 2000 Experimental Investigation of Stall in a Two-Stage Compressor F. Nurzia, C. Palomba, P. Puddu, Department of Mechanical Engineering of Cagliari, Cagliari, Italy 2000-GT-0571
IGTI 2000 On Flowfield Periodicity in the NASA Transonic Flutter Cascade, Part I - Experimental Study J. Lepicovsky, Dynacs Engineering, Brook Park, OH, USA; E.R. McFarland, R.V. Chima, J.R. Wood, NASA Glenn Research Center, Cleveland, OH, USA 2000-GT-0572
IGTI 2000 On Flowfield Periodicity in the NASA Transonic Flutter Cascade, Part II: Numerical Study R.V. Chima, E.R. McFarland, J.R. Wood, NASA Glenn Research Center, Cleveland, OH, USA; J. Lepicovsky, Dynacs Engineering, Brook Park, OH, USA 2000-GT-0573
IGTI 2000 Some Aspects of Modelling Compressor Behavior in Gas Turbine Performance Calculations Claus Riegler, Michael Bauer, Joachim Kurzke, MTU München GmbH DaimlerChrysler Aerospace, München, Germany 2000-GT-0574
IGTI 2000 Modelling the Transient Behaviour of Jet Engines Dieter Peitsch, Rolls-Royce Deutschland GmbH, Dahlewitz, Germany 2000-GT-0575
IGTI 2000 A Real-Time Turbine Engine Facility Model and Simulation for Test Operations Modernization and Integration Peter A. Montgomery, Rick Burdette, Brian Krupp, Sverdrup Technology, Inc., Arnold Air Force Base, TN, USA 2000-GT-0576
IGTI 2000 Increased Customer Value and Reduced Cost of Aeropropulsion Testing Through Reengineering Virgil K. Smith, III, Sverdrup Technology, Inc., AEDC Group, Arnold Air Force Base, TN, USA 2000-GT-0577
IGTI 2000 F110-GE-129 EFE - Enhanced Power Through Low Risk Derivative Technology A.R. Wadia, F.D. James, GE Aircraft Engines, Cincinnati, OH, USA 2000-GT-0578
IGTI 2000 Influence of Processing on Microstructure and Performance of EB-PVD Thermal Barrier Coatings U. Schulz, K. Fritscher, C. Leyens, M. Peters, DLR - German Aerospace Center, Cologne, Germany 2000-GT-0579
IGTI 2000 Life Assessment of Thermal Barrier Coatings for Gas Turbine Applications R. Annigeri, P.S. DiMascio, R.M. Orenstein, J.R. Zuiker, GE Power Systems, Schenectady, NY, USA; A.M. Thompson, P.W. Lorraine, M. Dubois, GE Corporate Research and Development, Schenectady, NY, USA 2000-GT-0580
IGTI 2000 An International, Electronic and Interactive Teaching and Life-Long Learning Platform for Gas Turbine Technology in the 21st Century Torsten H. Fransson, François-Xavier Hillion, Eloi Klein, Royal Institute of Techcnology (KTH), Stockholm, Sweden 2000-GT-0581
IGTI 2000 The Engineering Doctorate. An 'Enhanced' Doctoral Programme for Engineers Incorporating Business Decision-Making Skills: A Gas-Turbine Engineering Perspective Paul C. Ivey, Michael L. Sanderson, Vivien Morris, Cranfield University, Bedfordshire, UK; Derek G. Ferguson, J.P. Morgan, London, UK 2000-GT-0582
IGTI 2000 Introduction of Project Based Learning for Designing a Heat and Power Plant into the Last Year Curriculum Susanne Svensdotter, Per Almqvist, Torsten H. Fransson, Royal Institute of Technology, Stockholm, Sweden 2000-GT-0583
IGTI 2000 Instructing the Principles of Gas Turbine Performance Monitoring and Diagnostics by Means of Interactive Computer Models K. Mathioudakis, A. Stamatis, A. Tsalavoutas, N. Aretakis, National Technical University of Athens, Athens, Greece 2000-GT-0584
IGTI 2000 A Multimedia Aeroengine Design Course with Industry Support Jean Hourmouziadis, Norbert Schroeder, Berlin University of Technology; Klaus Biegi, Klaus-Juergen Schmidt, BMW Rolls-Royce, Dahlewitz, Germany; Stephan Servaty, Wolfgang Gärtner, MTU München, Munich, Germany 2000-GT-0585
IGTI 2000 GEOPHILES: GEneration of Power with HIgh Levels of Environmental Friendliness - A Technology Transfer Project Between Europe and South America Joao Roberto Barbosa, Instituto Tecnologico de Aeronautica, Sao Paulo, Brazil; Pericles Pilidis, Cranfield University, Cranfield, UK 2000-GT-0586
IGTI 2000 Undergraduate Gas Turbine Engine Design Using Spreadsheets and Commercial Software Kenneth W. Van Treuren, Baylor University, Waco, TX, USA; Brenda A. Haven, USAF Academy, CO, USA 2000-GT-0587
IGTI 2000 An Update of the Virtual Energy Laboratory H. Perez-Blanco, Paul Albright, Penn State University, University Park, PA, USA 2000-GT-0588
IGTI 2000 What is the Electric Output of a Cogeneration Project Worth? Alexandra C. de Kok, Jane P. Hill, Southern Company, Atlanta, GA, USA 2000-GT-0589
IGTI 2000 Kalaeloa - Combined Cycle Power Station Burning LSFO in its Nineth Successful Year Ziad R. Khalaf, Benno Basler, ABB Alstom Power, Baden, Switzerland 2000-GT-0590
IGTI 2000 Experience with a Fast Track Power Generation Project Albrecht H. Mayer, ABB Alstom Power Inc., Midlothian, VA, USA; Noel W. Lively, Kentucky Utilities Company, Burgin, KY, USA 2000-GT-0591
IGTI 2000 Dynamic Behaviour of a Vertical Natural Circulation Two Pressure Stage HRSG Behind a Heavy Duty Gas Turbine Georg N. Stamatelopoulos, Hubert Neßler, Robert Strohmaier, AE Energietechnik GmbH, Vienna, Austria; Karl Ponweiser, Heimo Walter, Wladimir Linzer, Vienna University of Technology, Vienna, Austria 2000-GT-0592
IGTI 2000 A Recuperated Gas Turbine Incorporating External Heat Sources in the Combined Gas-Steam Cycle Ryszard Chodkiewicz, Jan Krysinski, Jerzy Porochnicki, Technical University of Lodz, Lodz, Poland 2000-GT-0593
IGTI 2000 The Single-Shaft Combined Cycle Myth Ram G. Narula, Bechtel Power Corporation, Frederick, MD, USA 2000-GT-0594
IGTI 2000 Alabama Electric Cooperative Compressed Air Energy Storage (CAES) Plant Improvements Paul Holden, David Moen, Mario DeCorso, Power Tech Associates, Inc., Media, PA, USA; John Howard, Alabama Electric Cooperative, Inc., McIntosh, AL, USA 2000-GT-0595
IGTI 2000 Injecting Humidified and Heated Air to Meet Peak Power Demands Michael Nakhamkin, Boris Potashnik, Energy Storage and Power Consultants, Inc., Mountainside, NJ, USA; Ronald Wolk, Wolk Integrated Technical Services, San Jose, CA, USA; Thomas Butler, Ronald Hall, Tennessee Valley Authority, Chattanooga, TN, USA 2000-GT-0596
IGTI 2000 Measurements in Film Cooling with Lateral Injection: Adiabatic Effectiveness Values and Temperature Fields Rohit A. Oke, Terrence W. Simon, University of Minnesota, Minneapolis, MN, USA 2000-GT-0597
IGTI 2000 The Procurement of a 1-2MW Gas Turbine Alternator for the Royal Navy James A. Fielder, Future Gas Turbines Ship Support Agency, Bath, UK 2000-GT-0599
IGTI 2000 Understanding and Minimizing the Vibratory Response of LM2500 Gas Turbine Bruce D. Thompson, Ben Wainscott, Jim Mulcahy, Fleet Technical Support Center, Pacific, San Diego, CA, USA 2000-GT-0600
IGTI 2000 LM2500 Reliability Improvements for United States Navy Applications Matthew Driscoll, Thomas Habib, William Arseneau, Naval Surface Warfare Center, Philadelphia, PA, USA 2000-GT-0601
IGTI 2000 U.S. Navy Rolls-Royce Allison 501-K34 Operating Experience Dennis M. Russom, Robert L. Jernoske Sr., NAVSEA Philadelphia, Philadelphia, PA, USA 2000-GT-0602
IGTI 2000 Integration of the ETF40B Engine and FADEC System into the Landing Craft Air Cushion Vehicle Howard Harris, Naval Surface Warfare Center, Philadelphia, PA, USA; Phil Schneider, Naval Sea Systems Command, Arlington, VA, USA; John Richards, Mike Dvornak, TM&LS, New Orleans, LA, USA 2000-GT-0603
IGTI 2000 WR21 Intercooled Recuperated (ICR) Gas Turbine Engine System Level Development Test Program Summary Jay T. Janton, Northrop Grumman Marine Systems, Sunnyvale, CA, USA; Chai Uawithya, Rolls-Royce plc., Coventry, UK 2000-GT-0604
IGTI 2000 United States Navy (USN) Integrated Power System (IPS) Testing Experience with a LM2500 Generator Set Utilizing a MicroNet Controller Joseph Kingsley, Matthew Stauffer, Naval Surface Warfare Center, Philadelphia, PA, USA 2000-GT-0606
IGTI 2000 LGTP: A Predictive and Diagnostic Gas Turbine Performance Program Robert J. Pistor, Liburdi Engineering Limited, Dundas, Ontario, Canada; Francoise M. Krampf, Dresser-Rand, Olean, NY, USA 2000-GT-0607
IGTI 2000 Turbomachinery Selection Processes for Pipeline Service Revised and Updated Through Incorporation of Lessons Learned A. Cleveland, CES Ltd., Calgary, AB, Canada; E. Humphries, Stone & Webster Inc., Boston, MA, USA 2000-GT-0608
IGTI 2000 Life Extending Advanced Component Repairs - Field Operating Experience Lloyd A. Cooke, Liburdi Engineering Limited, Dundas, Ontario, Canada 2000-GT-0609
IGTI 2000 Disc Design and Air System Comparison Between a Single and a Two Stage High Pressure Turbine Aero Engine Fathi Ahmad, Merkle & Partner, Heidenheim, Germany; Alexander V. Mirzamoghadam, Siemens Westinghouse Power Corp., Orlanda, FL, USA 2000-GT-0610
IGTI 2000 A Reduced Order Model for Evaluating the Effect of Rotational Speed on the Natural Frequencies and Mode Shapes of Blades P. Marugabandhu, J.H. Griffin, Carnegie Mellon University, Pittsburgh, PA, USA 2000-GT-0611
IGTI 2000 Improved Vibration Monitoring Through Optimization of Sensor Placements Mark D. Sensmeier, Kurt L. Nichol, Sverdrup Technology, Inc./AEDC Group, Arnold AFB, TN, USA 2000-GT-0612
IGTI 2000 Experimental Investiga